Eric : 02 - EZ Drop Caught! (ff/m)

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Eric : 02 - EZ Drop Caught! (ff/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Eric's stories
02 - EZ Drop Caught!
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By Eric

Tuesday, December 14th 2004 - 05:26:56 PM

EZ Drop Caught!

This happened last weekend while I was at Dave's house. For those of you who remember, I posted "Let the Women Win" and yes these are the same people and I might make some references to it so you might want to read it.

Dave and I had planned for a while to go camping with his Dad out at a nearby cabin. Unfortunately, Amy came along with Sarah (again! I mean these two are inseparable!). So we get up there and Dave's father (works as a Doctor so he's 24/7 on call) gets called in. He said we had the choice of staying with Amy and Sarah or going back with him. Dave and I both decided to stay.

The way the Cabin was laid out included a front room with a fold-out couch a master bedroom and a bedroom with two twin beds. Since I thought I had learned from my experience, I allowed the girls to win their choice of area. They got the two beds; we got the fold-out. We played games, hung out, and just basically did what guys do on campouts till Dave fell asleep during a movie and I started wandering around. I went into the kitchen but I wasn't hungry, tried to watch a movie but wasn't interested, and finally decided to see what was in the master bedroom since I had been everywhere else.

The hallway was completely dark except for a thin slice of light coming out from under the girl's room door. I heard muffled laughing and immediately felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I approached it very quietly and opened it up just a crack. Inside, Amy and Sarah were sitting in on their beds, talking and giggling. I turned and left, but curiosity got the better of me and soon I was sitting in my flannel sleeping pants with no shirt on, listening to the girls exchange rumors and crushes.

"And then Jason said to me, like no way, and I was like way, and like..."

I had gotten bored and started to feel drowsy when it happened. I leaned my head against the door and WHOOOSH the door flew open, causing me to fall into their room.

"OH MY GOSH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE!" yelled Sarah horrified. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? JUST BARGING IN HERE LIKE THIS!" she kept going on and on but I soon zeroed in on the real threat, Amy. She had been silently sitting there, giving me looks that made me want to melt.

"" Sarah puffed between gritted teeth.

By this point I wished I was dead. Stupidly, I answered truthfully, "Only an hour. I won't tell anybody!" (smart guy I am, huh?)

I tried to run from the room but it was too late, they descended on me like hawks, grabbing my arms and lifting me helpless into the room. I fought desperately to get to the door but I could only break free of one of them at time. They roughly shoved me into a closet and shut the door. I heard a click and remembered that these closets locked from the outside.

"We have to decide what to do with you! I guarantee, you will regret it!"

I waited inside my prison, know that what lay outside was even worse.

Please Email me or post feedback!



Tuesday, December 14th 2004 - 07:36:56 PM

EZ Drop caught! part 2

All I could hear was some muffled whisperings, a chuckle here, and sometimes out-right bout of laughter followed by more whispering. I began to realize how cramped my closet prison really was. It seemed that the blackness was pressing in on me from all sides except for the glowing red of a clock that read 11:38. I shuddered as the cold draft from the air vent above gently covered my bare chest. Then the door opened suddenly and two dark figures stood in the door.

"I guess you didn't understand what messing with us meant the first time, so you're getting a refresher course!"

I made myself as small as I could at the back of the closet trying to escape the evil I knew they had in store for me. I tried to crawl under the chest of drawers, but half way under, hands grabbed the ankles of my pants. When I realized it was their intent to pull me out using my pants, my hand shot immediately at the drawstring, which was untied.

"NO! I'll come out! My pants aren't tied! Please!"

I felt the grip loosen, and I reluctantly backed out of the closet (another moment of sheer genius!) and stood in front of my captors, head hanging, waiting for the pronouncement of sentence.

Amy got directly in front of me, inches from my face, while Sarah walked around behind me. Amy leaned in close to me and whispered "Follow me." She turned and grabbed a duffle bag I hadn't noticed before and headed out towards the door of the cabin. She walked out into the yard and headed and stopped by an empty volley-ball pole.

"Stand right here," she said showing me how to stand with my back against the pole, "and raise your hands above your head like this." Again mimicking what I was expected to do.

I turned around and stood, back against the pole and raised my arms. Amy tied my hands palms together and ran the rope above my head and ran it through the pulley that is used to raise the nets.

"Pull on the knot, Eric."

I was too afraid to do anything but obey so I did. I managed to lower my hands a good 3 to 4 inches when I felt them pulled back up by the pulley until I was almost on my tip-toes.

"Ok now try."

I did and my hands could barely be moved.

"That's better" Amy said satisfied. They wrapped a thick brown rope around my chest completing the immobilization of my upper body. The idea of fighting crossed my mind, but I didn't want to provoke them.

"Now for the legs!"

"Wait Amy, aren't we forgetting something?"

"OOOHHH, yeah, we are". Amy and Sarah came on either side of me. "So remind me real quick," Sarah began, "What type of underwear do you wear, boxers"

"Or briefs." asked Amy.

I looked at them in shock.

"I thought that since I came out you weren't going to do that!"

"We never said that!"

"That was an assumption, and you know what they say about assuming?"

"what?" I didn't want to know.

"It makes and *&^ out of U and ME!!" they both laughed, " you didn't answer our question so now we're going to find out on our own".

"NO. HELP-MMMMMMMHHHHHH" they had shoved a pair of panties in my mouth to act as a gag. Amy soon produced duct tape which they wrapped around my head at least 4 times.

"So what do you think, Amy?"

"Ohhhhhhh, I bet boxers, that's what most guys wear"

"No, no, no. I bet you he's a briefs man."

"Well what are we waiting for? Lets find out!" I felt the waist band of my pants loosen, revealing the waistline of my white, Hanes briefs.

More soon If I get comments or email!



Tuesday, December 14th 2004 - 09:07:17 PM

EZ Drop caught! part 3

"I told you he wore briefs!" Sarah shouted.

I stood there, ashamed. Tied up by GIRLS, OUTSIDE, PANTIES in my MOUTH as gag, with my BRIEFS hanging out.

"Well let's finish so we can go to bed" Amy stated.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse I looked down and saw Sarah laying with her head in between my feet. My eyes went round as the full moon that gave where we were its light. She grabbed one side of the bottom of my pants, than the other and grinned. I felt a sharp pull and the pants simply fell to the ground. Amy and Sarah were rolling on the ground laughing because my face was beat red.

"I think we should blindfold him now" Amy stated matter-of-factly.

"Ok, would you like a blindfold, Eric?"

Anything to cover my face! I nodded.

"Ok, just a sec." She got into the duffle and pulled out another pair of panties. "Ooops, no blindfold, I guess these will do."

I tried to struggle but it was no use. She walked up to me and tried to force the panties over my head. After a few misses (I was fighting really hard) she punched my stomach really hard. While I was trying to catch my breath again, she brutishly forced the panties over my head, forming a blindfold that I could kind of see through.

"Now for the finally!" Amy and Sarah said in unison. I could tell by the many flashes and clicks that they were taking pictures of my humiliation. Soon they got bored of that and tried something new. They got a pair of thong panties and replaced my blindfold with them, using the "thick part" (if there is such a thing on those) to cover my eyes, but not my face. I would be easily identified in the pictures.

"Now if you EVER, tell ANYONE, about what you heard, these go up around school and you get your very own website!"

I cringed when I heard their evil laughter. Soon I heard the cabin door open and shut. A voice called from the distance.

"Amy? Sarah?" It was Dave! "What are you doing? ERIC! What the F----" Dave had something blocking his voice. Soon he was gagged too. "Oh Dave's Turn!" Amy said - but that is another story...

Email or posts are good!


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