Philip : 01 - A True Story (m/m)

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Philip : 01 - A True Story (m/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Philip's stories
01 - A True Story
Story index at the bottom

By Philip

Thursday, December 9th 2004 - 11:47:57 PM

A True Story

Well, I'm glad to see that a lot of people liked my story, but unfortunately my inspiration ran out right where all the other ride-along stories ended. Although I could certainly continue it, not only would doing so break the written rule that stories have to be true, it would also break the implied rule that works of fiction have to be plausibly true. Plus I just don't feel right posting fiction unless it's been posted four times already.
So hey, how about a real story. Well, several, because I'd hate to have to write them separately.

Back when I was 14 years old I had a friend named Jake who was, I dunno, let's say 11. One day we were both sitting in my room watching T.V. and I thought it'd be fun to tie him up, but I wasn't sure if he'd be into it. Well, really my plan was to get him to tie me up, but I figured the best way to do that would be to tie him up first. So I got a piece of rope and just sort of pretended to tie him up, by loosely wrapping rope around him, in a way obviously so loose he could easily get out of it. I figured in this way, if he didn't like it, at least he wouldn't be too mad at me.

When I was done he easily escaped. Then one of us suggested that he tie me up. And so he did, in the same easily escapable manner. And then when I escaped, it was his turn again.

This time I told him to lie down, and so he lay on his back. Then I tied his feet together in the best way I knew how at the time. To begin I tied one end of the rope to one of his legs, then wrapped it completely around both of his legs, then the next time around I went between his legs in a figure 8 pattern, the next time completely around, next time figure 8, and so on until I was out of rope. This took a long time since the entire rope had to be run between his legs many times, but it was the only way I knew how.

When I was done I told him to lay on his stomach, which he did. Then I sat on his legs and tied his arms behind his back in the same way I tied his legs. When I was done I tied his legs to his arms to form a hog-tie.

I then sat to his side and told him to try to escape. He spent about five seconds trying before realizing it was hopeless. He said "I can't move" followed no more than three seconds later by "untie me."

Since my goal was to get him to tie me up, I certainly didn't want to make him dislike tie-up games, so I untied him immediately. He then said that he'd have to tie me up like that some time, but that wouldn't be until another day.

Eventually that day came, and it seemed that Jake wasn't able to tie me up that well. He tried a few times but I could always escape. Then finally one time I couldn't. He tied me in a hogtie, and left me for five minutes to try to escape, and when he came back I hadn't escaped yet, because I couldn't. He then wanted to untie me, but I suggested that instead he tie my knees up to my shoulders, which was possible because the hogtie wasn't that tight. At this point I was tied in a ball, my knees tied to my chest, and my hands tied behind my back to my feet. It was a lot of fun, but he eventually untied me.

I showed him this shirt that I had that I could use as a straitjacket. The sleeves were fairly long and stretched out as well, and I tied them together into a knot and then put the shirt on, then made a loop with the ends of the sleeves and slid it over my head, and wiggled a little until the knot where the sleeves were tied together was in the small of my back. He just thought it was amazing I was able to do that, but it wasn't really that difficult. After then I never could get him to tie my hands behind my back, as it was just easier for him to tell me to put that shirt on, then he only had to tie my feet.

One time I was spending the night at his house and we had nothing better to do, so we found one of his sweaters to use as a straitjacket. It was a little small for me, and the sleeves wern't that long either, so it took us like 20 minutes before he was finally able to tie the sleeves together behind my back. It was much tighter than the shirt I had at home, so tight that I wasn't able to pull my arms over my head.

Then he went and got some plastic thing with holes in it, which to me looked like some sort of muzzle thing, and he tried to put it up to my mouth, but I moved away and I asked "what is that?" "My cup" he replied. I didn't want that in my face at all, so I jumped up and did my best (which was thankfully enough) to keep it away from my face. At one point he had me backed into his closet, and so to get away from that cup I said "Hey, if you close the closet door, I'll be locked in here since I won't be able to turn the knob." So he shut the door, locking me in there, and thankfully getting that cup away from me.

I sat down on the floor and a minute later I heard his mom come into the room, but I couldn't hear what they were talking about. I was afraid she'd find me in the closet, so I just sat still and quiet. She left after a minute or so.

Jake then left me in the closet for another 10 or so minutes, but I didn't mind as it was lots of fun. Then he opened the door so I could get out.

I wasn't able to stand up again without the help of my arms, so I just laid on the floor and wiggled out into his bedroom. When I got over to his bed he asked "Do you want untied now?" I said yes, and so he reached to my back and with no effort whatsoever removed the knot and I was free. I couldn't believe that something that was so inescapable for me was so easy for him to untie.

Another night he was spending the night at my house. To tie him up I had him sit in a plastic lawn chair which was in my room, and I tied his torso to the back of the chair. Then I had him place his arms on the arm rests. The size he was his shoulders were at the top of the chair, and so the plastic arm rest, which started there and went down to form the arms of the chair, was along his arms the entire way. So I took some rope and tied it in circles around his arms and the arm rest the full length of his arms from shoulder to wrist. Then I tied his feet together, and then tied them to the back of the chair suspended in the air.

He thought this was just awesome, and decided he had to tie me up the same way. So the next day he did, only slightly differently because I was taller and so only my elbows met up with the arm rests on the chair, but it was still quite inescapable. He then proceeded to tease me with my hot soldering iron, picking it up and putting it close to my arms. I tried to get free so that he wouldn't burn me, but there was nothing I could do. There wasn't anyone else at my house so I couldn't call for help, and I wasn't getting free until he untied me. He never burnt me with it, but when you're 14 tied up by an 11 year old, it's scary thinking what they could do to you, and ideas like "he wouldn't do that, he's my friend" don't seem to cross your mind.

I liked wanting to escape but being unable to, and so I next time he tied me up I suggested that he not let me go until he wanted to. He liked the idea, but ever since I had showed him that shirt that I could use as a straitjacket, he'd been too lazy to actually tie my hands, but if he didn't, I could get out of that shirt easily on my own. I suggested he just tie my hands, but he wasn't up to that, so then I thought for a second and told him that if after I put the shirt on, he used a small piece of rope to tie the knot in the sleeves to the belt loop on my pants, then I wouldn't be able to remove the shirt.

So I put the shirt on, then rolled onto my stomach and he tied the shirt sleeves to my pants. Sure enough, I wasn't able to get out of the shirt. So then he tied my legs together.

Then I suggested that he do something to make me want to be untied. So he found a bag of rubber bands and began flipping them at me. They hurt. I immediately wanted him to stop, but just as I had wanted him to, he ignored me and just kept on doing it. He said he would stop when he was out of rubber bands, but it was a one pound bag. He wouldn't be out of them until the next day.

After 20 or 30 rubber bands he decided to start flipping several at a time. Flipping several at a time, they hurt far less than one at a time, and the bag would be empty sooner, so to keep him on this track I just pretended like they hurt more. I must have been pretending well enough, because he went on flipping them five or six at a time.

When he got half way through the bag he decided he was tired and it was time to go to sleep. So I asked if he would untie me. He said no. So I asked if he would put my sleeping bag on me. He said no. So then I asked if he would at least tie my feet up in a hogtie position (if I was going to be tied up for the night, I wanted to be tied up right), but he wouldn't do that either. Instead he just layed down beside me on the floor, with a pillow and blanket and me with nothing, and went to sleep, and so I went to sleep as well.

Some time in the middle of the night I woke up because I was really uncomfortable. So I pulled on the shirt trying to get out of it, and to my amazement the knot holding the sleeves to the belt loop on my pants just fell out. So I took the shirt off, and went back to sleep.

When we woke up in the morning Jake asked how I escaped. I told him I didn't know. He wanted to tie me up again, and since I'd had a lot of fun the night before, I wanted to be tied up again as well. Wanting to actually be hogtied this time (well, sort of hogtied) I suggested that if he tied my feet to the shirt sleeves, then maybe I wouldn't be able to get out this time. And being really crazy, I told him about how the rubber bands hurt more when they were flipped one at a time. I was really asking for it.

So I put the shirt on again, and he tied my feet (which were still tied from the night before) to the sleeves of the shirt, putting me in a sort of straitjacket hogtie. Then he decided to finish off that bag of rubber bands.

He flipped them at me one at a time for perhaps 15 or 20 minutes, until my screaming for help got the attention of my sister. She came in my room, and I asked her to untie me. She just said "I don't know how." So I told her she just had to untie my feet from the shirt sleeves, and she did, and so I was free. And somewhat disappointed.

I found the whole thing rather odd. When I was tied up being tortured with rubber bands, I wanted to be free, yet when I was free, I wanted to be tied up and tortured with rubber bands. There just wasn't any way to make me happy.

Unfortunately that's the end of all the fun I had with Jake, as some time later my family moved and I never saw him again.


Philip's stories
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