Tienteaser : 02 - First Tie-up: Sandy and me (F/F, Fm/F)

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Tienteaser : 02 - First Tie-up: Sandy and me (F/F, Fm/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Tienteaser's stories
02 - First Tie-up: Sandy and me
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By Tienteaser

Monday, March 7th 2005 - 04:00:23 AM

First Tie-up: Sandy and me, age 7

Where to start? Well, perhaps at the beginning. My earliest memories of an interest in bondage were when I was about 7. I was living in Boulder, Colorado at that time. Boulder is a college town, and my parents made extra money renting rooms in our house to college girls. When I was 7 we had three of them living with us: Barbara, Susan, and Sandy. I don't think I ever knew just how old they were. They were undergrads though, so I'd guess they were between 19 and 21.

I learned that I liked seeing women tied up while I was watching "The Avengers." Even at age 7, I loved seeing Diana Rigg in bondage. I also knew I liked being tickled, since the girls seemed to love tickling me. It seemed as though one of them would start and then another would happen by and join in, until sometimes all three of them were assaulting me - usually one holding me helpless while the other two tickled me silly. I loved it though, and always came back for more.

I was always particularly close to Sandy, just because by coincidence her name was the same as a nickname that I had long had in the family. That's what led us to become friends, but she seemed to like me in any case and went out of her way to spend time with me. Sandy was the most likely to start a tickle-session with me, and seemed to enjoy talking with me as well.

I was a restless child and it wasn't uncommon for me to wake in the wee small hours of the morning. When I did I would sometimes watch the "late late show," or listen to my small transistor radio. But if my parents caught me doing either one they would scold me. So instead I was more likely to see if Sandy was also awake (she often was, being a college student). If she was then I would slip into her room and we'd talk quietly while she studied or read in bed, until I fell asleep again and Sandy gently bundled me back to my own bed.

The girls slept in three different rooms. Sandy had her room downstairs next to mine, and Barbara and Susan had a pair of rooms in what must have been a converted attic. It was at the top of a long flight of stairs going up from the second story. The stairs came out onto a small triangulular landing that had a little daybed, a table, and a lamp, and Susan and Barbara's rooms opened off on either side - long, narrow rooms with sloping ceilings, which is one reason why looking back I think the whole suite was a converted attic. Each girl had a regular double bed, a desk, some shelves, a dresser, and so on.

My first real-life bondage experience came one night when I woke up and decided to talk with Sandy. I slipped out of my room and went next door to hers, but she wasn't there. That was odd, so I started looking around. It was late, though, so I crept through the house quietly, without calling for her. When I passed the door to the attic stairs I saw a little light coming under it. So I opened the door and went up the stairs. The top landing was unoccupied, but the light was on, and as I stood there I heard odd, soft sounds coming from Susan's room. Curious, I opened the door.

Well, if I'd seen now what I saw then, I would think I was dreaming. But 7 year olds have a surprisingly good grasp of what's real, so I took it at face value. Susan was lying on her bed, and from where I stood I could see that her wrists and ankles were lashed to the bedposts with cloth strips of some kind. Her mouth was stuffed with cloth too, and another strip was tied tightly between her teeth to hold the gag in. I couldn't see much more though, because Sandy was kneeling next to the bed in a T-shirt and panties, and I she seemed to be doing something to Susan with her hands, though my view of exactly what was blocked by Sandy's body.

Susan was the source of the sounds I had heard. She saw me though as soon as I opened the door, and her eyes went wide over the gag and she made some urgent mmmphs to get Sandy's attention. Sandy turned and saw me, and I could see then that Susan was wearing something white and gauzy that came down about to her thighs. Susan was trembling and began pulling at her bonds and trying to get Sandy's attention. But as soon as she saw it was me Sandy relaxed and laughed a little. Then to Susan's horror she smiled and said, "C'mon in. Susan and I are just playing a game."

I walked over and looked closely at Susan, who was bright red and seemed about to cry. "What sort of game is it?" I asked. Sandy replied, "Well, you know how we girls sometimes hold you down and tickle you?" When I nodded she continued, "Well, this is sort of like that. Except I don't have anyone to hold her for me, so when I tickle Susan I tie her up like this."

I was fascinated. This was the first time I'd ever seen a real girl really tied, and I couldn't take my eyes off her. I finally tore my eyes away and looked up at Sandy. "Could I tickle her some?" I asked.

Sandy laughed, and Susan's eyes got even bigger. Ignoring her protests, Sandy said, "Sure. You can get her back for all the times she tickled you." She leaned down and whispered conspiratorily, "Her feet are reaaaallly ticklish."

Susan redoubled her muffled protests, but Sandy put a hand over Susan's mouth to muffle them even further and pointed at Susan's bare feet. When I began running my fingers over Susan's soles I found that Sandy hadn't exagerrated: Susan arched and squirmed and began laughing as best as her gag would let her. While Sandy kept one hand over Susan's mouth she gave me helpful suggestions about using my fingernails and such. Then she began helping, using her free hand to attack Susan's underarms, ribs, and thighs.

Poor Susan went nuts. A 7yo boy has very little mercy, and Sandy didn't have much more it seemed. I'd guess that I helped her work Susan over for maybe 10 minutes, enjoying it immensely. Susan's escape efforts weakened as we kept harassing her, and finally Sandy told me to stop. Susan just lay in her bonds - chest heaving, eyes wild, and every so often a tremor would run through her body. She looked at Sandy with an expression I couldn't puzzle out, and Sandy said to me, in a low voice, "That's all for tonight, honey. You get back to bed now. And don't let your folks see you up late again."

I was stoked from the tickling and from seeing Susan tied up. But I knew that my parents wouldn't be at all happy about me being up so late, so I resolved to tell them nothing about that night. Reluctantly, I went on back down to bed. But I noticed the strange noises I had first heard seemed to follow me down the stairs, louder than ever.


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