no_card : Mine till Morning (F/F)

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no_card : Mine till Morning (F/F)

Post by Soraka »

by no_card » Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:26 pm

Bonnie pushed herself away from the computer, her chair's wheels climbing out of the dents they had already put in the dorm room's carpeting. She rubbed the spots out of her vision and looked over at the alarm clock on her nightstand. 12:21. She blinked at the numbers for a second before turning back towards the open Word document on her desktop.

It was freshman year. Barely the second week of her new life in college. It was far too soon to be staying up into tomorrow working on homework.

She stood, pulling down the white tank top that had begun to ride up. Bonnie was what could be charitably called curvy--a somewhat more realistic definition, she told herself, than the ones you saw in magazines, but that meant that it was difficult to find comfortable sizes when she shopped. The tank top was a little on the snug side, and her sweatpants were a men's size with the legs rolled up a few inches. She pulled a lock of thick black hair out of her vision, interlaced her fingers, and stretched for the ceiling until both they and her back clicked. She turned towards the window, leaned on the sill--

On the sidewalk below, in the light of a streetlamp, a girl of Bonnie's age flinched backwards in surprise, her eyes still locked on Bonnie's.

She was dressed for running, in shorts that the companies insisted on making butt-length and a light green shirt that was now damp with sweat. Her blonde hair was cut to shoulder-length and tied back and her eyes were wide as Bonnie stared back at her and she took a few steps backwards--but didn't stop staring. Bonnie tilted her head, her brow furrowed as she raised a hand in a small wave.

The girl returned the wave awkwardly, finally breaking eye contact as she looked in either direction down the street. She looked ready to bolt.

The door banged open behind Bonnie, making her flinch. "Oh, hey!" her roommate said brightly. "You're still up!"

Bonnie turned around to face possibly the peppiest punk to ever walk the earth. Michelle was exactly five feet tall to Bonnie's five-seven, but she seemed to fill the entire room through force of personality alone. The black of her shoes, pants, and leather jacket clashed violently with the green shirt she wore beneath it and the bright red she had dyed half of her pixie cut. She grinned at Bonnie cheerfully as she strolled inside, followed by a much taller boy with a blond stubble and a baggy T-shirt.

"Oh my God," Bonnie muttered, then said aloud, "Michelle, what is wrong with you? I know you haven't done any homework since the year started. What's the point of all the debt if you're going to just let yourself flunk in the first semester?"

"Hey hey hey," Michelle replied, waving a finger in contradiction. "The year's still young. I'll have you know I've already filled a whole notebook with notes from Anthropology 101 alone. And I've redesigned the government! Twice!"

"Mmm-hmm. On your back or your knees?" She nodded at the guy behind her. "What is this, like, the fourth person you've had sex with so far this year?"

"Fourth and fifth," Michelle corrected without an ounce of shame. And indeed, there was a meek girl poking her head into the doorway behind everyone.

Bonnie rubbed her brow. "God's sake...whatever. I'll be in the commons." She started moving towards the door, then hesitated. "Waitasec." Turning back towards the window, she pushed it open, leaned out slightly, and put two fingers in her mouth.

It had been a good idea to learn the skill in Girl Scouts all those years ago, and it had been a good idea to maintain it in the time since. Half the campus was probably awakened by the shrill, piercing whistle, but the blonde runner (who had been starting to move away into the shadows) froze and looked up at her. Bonnie held up a finger in a gesture of "one second." Then she darted for the door, pushing past Michelle and her newest conquests, and almost ran down the stairs.

Rita nervously twisted her fingers as she watched the window close and the blinds come down. She was still seriously thinking about leaving. It was a big college. There were a hundred other routes she could take which wouldn't require her to come anywhere near this building ever again. She already knew she didn't share any classes with that girl; she would have noticed a classmate that pretty. If she bolted now, she'd never have to see her again. She was already slowly edging away from the front door...and yet, she hadn't quite taken off yet. She could feel how warm her cheeks had gotten, and it wasn't from her run.

The door flew open suddenly, and that girl--oh, shit, she was even more attractive up close, her long, thick black hair and round face and oh fuck her eyes are so blue I'm screwed--that girl leaned halfway out of the doorway and beckoned her over with one arm. Rita swallowed as she nervously skipped forward, halving the distance between the two girls.

"Why are you running this late at night?" The girl asked, when Rita had come close enough. "I mean, do you know what time it is?"

Rita stammered for a few seconds. "I know," she managed finally. "But I like running at night. It's chilly, and there's no one around."

"Except creepy people! What if someone happens to you?"

"I've got those," Rita said, waving a vague hand at the Emergency Blue Light phone maybe ten feet away, just at the edge of the streetlamp's circle of light. "And I've got my phone. You sound like my mom."

"Well, mother knows best." At this point, Bonnie seemed to become aware that she was holding this conversation while leaning halfway out of the door. "Do you want to come in?"

"Yes," Rita replied immediately, then caught herself. "Actually, no, I can't. I'm sweaty and gross, and I really should get back to my dorm--"

"That didn't stop you from taking the time to peep into my window." Bonnie grabbed Rita's arm and pulled gently. "Get in here."

Rita obeyed nervously, not quite sure why she didn't refuse. "A-about that. I'm really sorry, I was just...Your window was the only one with a light on--" a lie "--and I was just...curious, wondering what you were up to..."

"Oh, nothing interesting." She half-dragged Rita over to the couch opposite the commons' piano. "I'm writing a paper for Art History 110. My roommate just kicked me out so she could have a threesome, so sit. I need someone to talk to."

Rita sat. The ugly green couch sagged a little as she clasped her hands between her thighs and Bonnie sat, legs crossed, on the other cushion. Her round face and breathtaking eyes fixed on the blonde, and Rita was suddenly very much aware of the dark sweat stains under her breasts and her disheveled hair, once pinned into a bun that had since been bounced into a tumbleweed. She looked away, trying to hastily straighten it when another pair of hands gently took her wrists and pulled them down.

"Oh, knock it off," said Bonnie, keeping her grip on Rita's wrists. "You can deal with that later. It's not like you're not pretty anyway."

Rita really hoped the exertion of earlier still showed, because she felt her cheeks warm at that. "Stop it."

"Stop what? You are pretty. I don't just go around complimenting girls. If I looked that good after a workout, I'd probably do it more."

"Seriously, knock it off!" Rita snapped. "I hate it when this happens! My friends in high school were all like, 'gurl, you look damn fine today,' and I'm just like, I'm gay, dammit! Stop flirting with me if you're not attracted to me!"

Bonnie blinked. Her head tilted a little. "Who said I was straight?"

"...Oh. I mean, oh?"

Bonnie nodded. "Mhm. And I know how you feel. Whenever I fell in love with a girl, they just assumed it a gal-pal way." Bonnie looked down at her feet, kicking them out from the couch. "'Course, I wasn't out in high school. Oh, they knew my moms were lesbians, I guess it never hit them that I was too."

"Mmm. Yeah." Rita looked away awkwardly as Bonnie glanced up at her.

"...You were definitely checking me out, though."

Rita's head jerked up. "W-what?! Oh, shit. I am so sorry! I just...fuck. I had just finished my run, I looked up, and t-there you are!" She started edging away from Bonnie awkwardly. "I didn't mean to be creepy or anything. I just--you're--"

She stopped abruptly as she realized that her hands weren't coming with her. Looking down, her eyes widened as she found that A) Bonnie had scooted much closer to her over the last few minutes, and B) her fingers were still encircling Rita's wrists, keeping her hands together in front of her and preventing her from fidgeting with her hair. Another blush began to heat Rita's cheeks as a curious, weightless sensation settled in her stomach. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she glanced up at Bonnie. ""

"What?" Bonnie asked, her brow furrowing. She looked down, as Rita had, and her eyes settled on her hands a few seconds before she realized what they were doing. "Oh!" she gasped, releasing Rita, a smaller blush spreading across her face. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize--"

"It's fine, I'm fine, I didn't notice either--"

"--just didn't want you to mess with your hair, you don't need it--"

"--I would've been fidgeting and stuff if you hadn't--"

Through some miracle, both of them managed to shut themselves up. Bonnie took a deep breath, intentionally looking away from Rita awkwardly. Rita, for her part, had suddenly noticed that the ceiling was fascinating and scrutinized it intently. They glanced at each other a few times, their respective blushes refusing to fade.

"My name’s Rita," the runner said finally.

"...I'm Bonnie," replied the girl from the window. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, nice to meet you too." Rita nodded. "Really, really nice."

They very deliberately avoided each others eyes for another minute as the room’s temperature became almost unbearable. Bonnie huffed, pulling her knees up. What had gotten into her? She prided herself on being a calmer, collected person, able to go through life resolutely refusing to give a crap. Yet another few glances and awkward words with a random girl, and she found herself blushing like a schoolgirl, her tongue tied in knots and her heart in her throat.

"...I, uh..." Rita cleared her throat. "I was staring at you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. You just looked...mysterious and frustrated and, and beautiful. I just...couldn't help myself."

Bonnie shot her a look, raising an eyebrow, and Rita flinched and buried her luminescent face in her hands. She hated herself. She really, really did. It had never been hard to figure out she was attracted to girls; she had been crazy about them the second she had hit puberty. Her heart raced, her face flushed, she had never been able to shut up, awkwardly stammering her way through every conversation she had. She felt Bonnie's stare still on her, and tears began to form in her eyes.

Bonnie's hand grabbed her wrists again, pulling her hands away from her face. Rita looked up to see Bonnie leaning forward, her other hand pushing at her shoulder, and then she was reclining against the couch armrest and this black-haired angel was on top of her.

"Well, then I can't help myself either," said Bonnie, leaning down. She hesitated an inch above Rita's trembling lips, which barely breathed the word "Please..." and then their lips connected and a charge went through them both.

"Mmlp!" Rita moaned, squirming beneath Bonnie. Her hands had slipped out of her grip, and now she was searching for a place to put them. She finally settled on around Bonnie's torso, just beneath her breasts, and she pulled her body closer and herself upwards to return the kiss. Bonnie's much larger breasts pressed against her own, and she could feel her rock-hard nipples through two layers of fabric. It was heaven. She could feel her lungs aching for air, but couldn't find the will to pull away.

Bonnie, however, put her hands to Rita's shoulders and gently pried herself off of the blonde. Her breath came in hot gasps, her eyes shut as she felt Rita panting beneath her. Opening her eyes, she found herself staring into a pair of wide hazel ones and a face that practically glowed red.

"Was that your first kiss?" She breathed, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Rita nodded, shaky. "Uh-huh," she managed, and then, almost as a plea, "Second...?"

Bonnie laughed once and dove in again. This time, her lips parted, and her tongue forced its way into Rita's mouth as her hands pressed into the armrest on either side of the blonde's head. Rita practically shrieked into her mouth, one hand snaking up to grab at the back of Bonnie's head and pull her even closer as her head tilted and their tongues entwined. Bonnie could feel one leg vibrating under her as Rita squirmed and the other hand started to drift down her back.

Bonnie broke away again, a thin line of saliva connecting their lips for a second before it disappeared. Her chest tight, she whispered, "Watch the hands there--mmph!"

Rita had pulled her back down to meet her lips again, and this time it was Rita's tongue that began to explore the other girl's mouth. Bonnie moaned an approval as Rita's hand drifted further downwards. Her hands found the bottom of Rita's tank top and pulled it up to expose her midriff before slipping under the material and worming upward. Rita moaned as Bonnie's fingers brushed over her ribs and goosebumps shot up her sides and down her arms, and then Bonnie was squeezing her breast in one hand and Rita reflexively bucked, her legs rising up and wrapping around Bonnie's hips.

They broke apart again, just for a second as they both caught their breath. Then Rita pulled Bonnie back down towards her. Her fingers were entangled in Bonnie's hair, and Bonnie gasped in mild pleasure as her black locks were tugged on an instant before their lips reconnected. The kisses were growing sloppier, saliva dripping from their mouths and soaking their lips and chins. Rita's hands tightened on Bonnie's hair and ass, and Bonnie's grip on Rita's breast shifted as she teased her nipple. Both their hearts pounded like drums in a mighty symphony...

And on the other side of the room, the door to the stairs slammed open. "'Kay, roomie, I'm done. You can come--whoa. Well."

The kiss broke and the moment shattered; with more than a little reluctance, Bonnie peeled herself off the blonde girl beneath her and they both looked over at Michelle. Her eyebrows were raised, her head tilted at the sight of the two girls on the commons couch. Slowly she licked her upper lip.

Bonnie looked equal parts mortified and extremely disappointed. Slowly she looked back down at Rita, whose entire face and neck had turned red, and shifted herself off of her, pulling Rita back up into a sitting position. Bonnie's hair was disheveled. Rita's tank top was partially rolled up, and she awkwardly tugged it back down to her hips, avoiding everyone's eyes.

"I thought you were having a threesome!" Bonnie snapped, more venom in her voice than she had intended.

"I was. The guy couldn't put out." Michelle shrugged, annoyed at a memory. "Girl was pretty cute, though, but I didn't realize you were occupied down here." She leaned against the wall, her hands clasped just in front of her crotch and her fingers curled towards herself. "Please, don't let me interrupt. You can go back to what you were doing, if you want. You won't even know I'm here."

A couch pillow barely missed her face; she had ducked out of the way an instant before it connected. Bonnie stood up glumly, halfheartedly running fingers through her hair to straighten it. "The moment's gone." It was partially a sad realization, and partly a lame but angry retort towards Michelle, who was looking at the pillow as though confused. She turned back to the blonde on the couch, who was looking down with fretting hands and a steady blush. Bonnie's mouth tweaked into a smile as it hit her just how cute this girl was, and she held out a hand to help her up.

Rita took it, standing. She was ever so slightly taller than Bonnie, especially in running shoes, and didn't release her hand after standing up. Bonnie gave her a look of concern. "Hey, are you okay?"

Rita nodded hesitantly. "Yeah. Just...embarrassed. I've never had someone walk in on me during...well, intimate stuff."

"I have!" Bonnie replied, a little testily as she looked towards Michelle. "This is worse than when my moms walked in on me masturbating, though. At least they didn't try to stick around and watch!"

Michelle shrugged, holding the pillow. "Not my fault you two were macking it on the couch. You've got some spit on your chin, by the way." She tossed the pillow back onto the couch. "And just about everywhere else."

"I've gotta get back to my dorm," said Rita, loud enough for both of the others to hear. "My roommate's gonna worry."

"She should worry anyway," retorted Bonnie as Rita started towards the door. "If MY roommate went running at midnight, I'd worry. Instead she's screwing everyone who'll say yes, so I'm just annoyed. Hey, wait!"

Bonnie was still holding Rita's hand and pulled her back so they were face to face. She took her other hand as well, holding them closely together as if Rita was handcuffed, and said, "Come by tomorrow night, okay? I'll have my room free, and we can hang out there."

"I'm not running tomorrow," Rita replied, not taking her hands away. "I do it every other day. I'll be back the day after tomorrow, though." Her hands shifted a bit in Bonnie's grip, as though she was testing the limits of her hold. Awkwardly, Bonnie took her hands away and clasped them behind her.

"That's fine," Bonnie breathed, another blush working its way up her face. "...You know, you don't have to act so embarrassed. I like you too." As if demonstrating, she leaned forward and planted a chaste kiss on Rita's lips.

Chaste though it may have been, Rita still closed her eyes and leaned in to it. When Bonnie pulled away, she opened her eyes and stared for a second before pulling her back for another quick kiss. Then another. Then another and another, the kisses rapidly growing in intimacy until Bonnie put her hand to Rita's lips, gently laughing.

"Okay there, Helen of Troy, calm down," she said with a grin, easily pushing Rita a few feet away. "I'm having fun too, but if we keep this up, we're both gonna lose our virginity right now. I'll see you day after tomorrow, okay?"

Rita, who hadn’t done anything to remove Bonnie's hand from her mouth, nodded. "Okay," she mumbled around the hand, flashing Bonnie a smile when she removed it. Awkwardly stepping towards the door, she gave Bonnie a little wave and didn’t stop walking backwards to face her until she bumped into the door. Then her hand found the crash bar, and she gave Bonnie another wave and a grin before she stepped out.

Bonnie finally exhaled, staring at the door as it closed. She was aware she was grinning like an idiot, but couldn't find the will to care about that, or a way to stop. Until, that is, she turned around and saw her roommate on the couch, legs crossed on the coffee table and an eyebrow raised amusedly.

"You'll have the room to yourself night after tomorrow?"

"I'd better," Bonnie said irritably, giving Michelle a look. "Seriously, don't mess this up for me. I want this to turn out well."

"Then where the hell am I gonna sleep?" Michelle asked, leaning away from Bonnie's glare.

"I don't know. I have literally never seen you sleep. If you're a vampire, you're not even trying to hide it."

Michelle cackled at this remark. "That's right," she said, getting off the couch and standing on the coffee table, arms spreading her leather jacket like the worst cape ever. "I vant to suck your blood! And your little girlfriend's too!"

"She's not my girlfriend," Bonnie snapped.

"Not yet, maybe. But seriously, where am I gonna crash?"

Bonnie shrugged. "You said that girl you just slept with was pretty cute?" she suggested. "Why don't you hang out with her for the night?"

"With Margaret? Sure, that's an idea." Michelle grinned at the thought, still standing on the coffee table. "And I didn't fuck her. That guy kinda ruined everything. But, y’know, a whole night's a long time..."

"I'm going to bed," Bonnie said dully.

"Cool," said Michelle, without paying much attention. "I'm gonna hang upside down from the ceiling. G'night."

Rita had been wrong: Ashley was already asleep when she stepped into the dorm, only her mousey brown hair visible as he faced away. She was a nice enough girl, from what Rita had seen so far, but rather less than considerate towards her roommate. Her stuff was scattered around the room, taking up far more than her half. Rita sighed, kicking her shoes off and under the bed and pushing each sock off with the opposite foot. She pulled her phone out of her pocket (She should've gotten Bonnie's number, damn it) and connected it to the charger on her desk. Her bed's blankets were carelessly kicked to the foot of the bed for the warmer weather, so she sat on the starched sheets as she picked her socks up, fidgeting with them.

The problem with running at night was that she couldn't shower until morning unless she wanted to get yelled at. It was one of those things you always forget until it's too late, and this was the third time she had made this mistake since she had come here. But it meant that she had to sleep without showering, and by the time she woke up she'd be sticky and gross. She groaned at the thought, rubbing her eyes and scooping a half-full bottle of Gatorade off her dresser. Rita swallowed what was left in the bottle without really noticing and threw it in the general direction of the garbage can. Then she slid off her mint-green shirt and shorts and crawled under her sheet.

But the socks were still in her hand. They were warm and damp with sweat, and she played with them silently, considering. She rolled halfway over and squinted through the darkness to see if Ashley showed any signs of stirring. When she showed none, Rita rolled back onto her back, pushing one sock into the other, then pressed the resulting pad of fabric to her lower face and inhaled deeply.


The smell of her sweat and dirt and her own feet invaded her nose and sinuses, and Rita felt her cheeks warm as her heart rate climbed in ecstasy. She closed her eyes and sniffed again, only remembering at the last moment to keep her moan subdued. Yes, they were her own socks, and a smell that had lost its novelty over the years. She'd probably enjoy them a lot more if they were some other girl's.

Bonnie immediately came to mind. Rita gasped as her Girl From the Window filled her mind's eye and found herself taking another, almost desperate sniff, her legs squeezing together and one hand pushing between them. A lightning bolt of pleasure jolted up her spine and electrified her brain. Bonnie had been barefoot; her toenails had had chips of dark blue polish still on them. Rita's brow furrowed above tightly closed eyes as she tried to imagine what those feet would smell like--and once she had started fantasizing, she saw no reason to stop.

She opened her mouth, slowly pushing the socks inside until they filled her cheeks and she could just barely close her lips around them. The taste of sweat and dirt made her eyes very briefly roll back in her head, and when she tried to speak all that came out was a muffled "Mmph...mmmthmmmpth," barely audible to her and certainly not audible to anyone who might have been outside. Rita took several deep, steadying breaths as she rolled halfway over and felt around with a hand under her bed.

Her fingers brushed across cold steel, and she gasped at the feeling before snatching them up. She rolled back onto her back, pulling them with her; a streetlight filtering through the crack in the blinds glinted across their surface for an instant. She felt the handcuffs with both hands, checking everything before she did anything with them. The hinges moved easily, the key sat in the right cuff's lock, and when she tried it on both locks they did their job perfectly. Rita held the key tightly in her fist, took one more deep breath, and slowly closed the cuffs around her wrists.

Rita squirmed beneath her sheet, muffled moans escaping her stuffed mouth. She tried to bring her hands apart, relishing at her failure. It was as simple as self-bondage went: a quick stuff gag and her hands cuffed in front of her, the key literally in her hand. But she was scared to attempt anything more thorough; it was a miracle she had managed to slip the handcuffs past her parents, a feat she wasn't eager to try again, and anything more complex would pose some challenge getting out of at a moment's notice. She could more than make do, especially now. As one hand slid downwards, dragging the other with it, and pushed a few fingers into her soaked panties, she imagined cords encircling her ankles. Thin, white rope wrapping around her knees and thighs, cinched and knotted so well it'd be easier to use a knife than untie them. She bucked as her fingers brushed across her clit and she imagined a bandanna tied between her lips, pushing her socks even deeper into her mouth and keeping them there. She imagined her elbows being forced together by tight, tight bindings. She imagined her hands being cuffed, not in front, but behind her back.

And she imagined it was Bonnie holding the key.
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Post by Soraka »

"You're being ridiculous!"

"You said you were gonna leave four hours ago!" Bonnie snapped. She shoved the overnight bag into Michelle's hands again, in the process pushing her another step out the door. "Now it's midnight, and you're still here! Seriously, Rita could be here any second!"

"For someone who insists this isn't a date," Michelle noted, hefting the bag with some difficulty, "you're really stressing out about it. Chillax, Bons. The first time is nothing to be worried about. I had mine when I was fourteen, no problem."

Bonnie gaped at her silently for a second. "...I did not need to know that. And don't call me Bons!"

"Just sayin'. She's gonna be just as embarrassed as you are, and that's because she's gonna assume you know what you're doing. Just like you're assuming she will." Michelle reached out and grabbed Bonnie by the shoulder. "Bonnie. She'd never even been kissed before you played tonsil hockey with 'er the other night. It's gonna be fine, just relax and have fun with her. There's no point to sex if you're not having fun, especially between two chicks." She gave Bonnie a wink. "Besides, she was putty in your hands last time you had five minutes with her. A whole night? That ass is yours, girl."

Bonnie looked down at her roommate, who had looked down and was now adjusting the bag, which was almost as big as she was. "You know," Bonnie said, "that was really great advice up until that last part. Thanks, I guess."

"No problem! Hey, I got some beers in the minifridge if you wanna make things interesting." She pointed past Bonnie, towards the edge of the large white cube just barely crammed under her bed.

"How'd you get alcohol?" Bonnie asked, furrowing her brow at the minifridge. "We're eighteen. You look twelve. A fake ID would never work for you, no offense."

"None taken. I've got some really great friends." There was a slapping sound. Bonnie gasped, flinching, as she felt a sudden stinging pain across her left ass cheek. "Go get 'er, girl. Michelle out!" The door banged shut before Bonnie finished turning around. She gaped at the painted-white door, silently wrestling with herself over whether or not to go after her and give her hell, but then she glanced back at her clock and her anger deflated.

Bonnie sat on her bed, folding her legs under her in the low light. She had turned the room's ceiling light off, feeling it was too harsh and bright for the situation or her mood, and now she adjusted the lamp clipped to her bed's footboard so that it illuminated the room slightly better. She twiddled her thumbs awkwardly, staring at the wall. An electric kettle sat on the counter beneath the window, and she climbed off her bed to turn it on.

Bonnie glanced out the window as she turned the kettle on. No Rita yet. She hummed to herself as she got out two clean mugs and dropped a teabag in one of them--she didn't know if Rita would want anything to drink, so she left her mug empty for now. Her feet were cold beneath her. This felt ridiculous to Bonnie, seeing as it was a warm September night, but she walked back to her dresser anyway and opened the bottom drawer.

She grabbed the first pair of socks she saw, a pair of black no-shows, but when she pulled them out she paused at the dark green behind them. Moving another pair of socks aside, she stared at the three coils of green 550 parachute cord buried in her sock drawer. Bonnie was suddenly quite glad Rita hadn't showed up yet.

She had never used this paracord, except on herself on nights she was feeling particularly frustrated, and couldn't remember what had possessed her to buy this much in the first place. It was great stuff; flexible, strong, and formed very solid knots. There was a reason this stuff was used for parachutes.

She had no intention of using it tonight. Oh, sure, it would be nice, but she barely knew Rita, and (despite Michelle's overly confident predictions) had no real idea what they would be doing that night. It felt like a terrible idea to tell a girl, "oh, hey, I love the idea of you being tied up and helpless," on the first...sort-of-date. No. Bonnie would keep this to herself for now. Maybe she could find a way to ease it into a later conversation, but tonight they were just going to enjoy each other. No ropes. Bonnie pushed the coils of cord a little deeper into the drawer, closing it quickly.

She slipped the socks on, still a bit annoyed that she felt they were needed, and stood up as she heard the kettle start to boil. The problem with putting the kettle beneath the window was that the steam fogged up the glass whenever she used it, and now as she crossed back to it and began to fill her mug, she stared through the window at the fogged world outside, illuminated by streetlights.

She leaned forward so suddenly that 200-degree water spilled across the counter. Visible through the steamed-up glass, standing out among the colors of the harshly lit concrete, was a blur of mint green.

Bonnie set the kettle back on its heater, wiping the steam off the window with her hand. Rita stared back at her, looking more than a little bit awkward as she stood directly beneath the streetlight, nervously shifting from foot to foot. Still, she gave Bonnie a nervous smile and leaned forward to listen when Bonnie practically threw the window open.

"Hi!" Bonnie called down, smiling wider than she had in years.

Rita grinned back, although a little more anxiously. "Hi," she echoed, sounding almost breathless. "Um, what room are you in?"

"This is 218," Bonnie replied, "but the front door won't open unless you have the right ID, remember? Stay there, I'll come down to get you!"

"Or you could just--" Rita began, but Bonnie was already gone. Rita huffed a little, folding her arms as a cold breeze drifted by, but only had to wait a few seconds before the door flew open and Bonnie waved her in.

She turned around as Bonnie shut the door behind her. "I was saying, you could've thrown down your keycard." She clasped her hands in front of her, fidgeting with her fingers, as Bonnie stepped towards her. "I-I mean, this works too, but you didn't have to come all the way down here."

"I wanted to," Bonnie replied simply. She hesitantly took one of Rita's hands. The two girls stood awkwardly for a second, before both managed to look away, Bonnie in embarrassment and Rita in nervousness. "Look," said Bonnie, "I'm really glad you came back. I kept worrying you wouldn't."

Rita looked at her quizzically. "What? Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. It was just a thought." Bonnie shrugged halfheartedly, looking down at the hand she was holding. "...I--come on. Let's head up to my room." She began to pull Rita towards the stairwell. They climbed the stairs in silence, Bonnie still leading Rita by the hand, until the door closed behind them and Rita looked around Bonnie's dorm.

"...It's...cleaner than my room," she said finally. "I mean, my roommate's kind of a slob, so." She took an awkward step back as Bonnie dropped her hand, burying them as far as they'd go in her shallow pockets. "It-it's nice."

"Thanks. My roommate doesn't spend a lot of time in here." Bonnie turned back to the mugs beneath the window, removing the teabag from her own and dropping it in the trash can. "And when she is in here, it's usually to have sex with someone, so don't lift that blanket." She pointed over her shoulder at the bed on the right, which Rita immediately stepped away from. "Do you want something to drink? Tea?"

Rita, who was still staring at Michelle's bed, looked up. "What? Oh. Sure, I guess." She bumped into something, which turned out to be the opposite side's bed, and sort of half-leaned against it. "Um, w-wait. What kinds do you have?"

"Oh, so many choices!" There was a note of sarcasm in her voice. Bonnie grabbed the small box of teabags on a lower shelf, digging through it and briefly pulling out individual teabags. "Lessee, we have...English breakfast...English breakfast...more English breakfast...ooh, my personal favorite. English breakfast." She held up this last teabag, turning halfway towards Rita and grinning fakely. "...We're broke college students, Rita. I'm not spending money on a billion kinds of tea."

"Oh." Rita glanced awkwardly at Bonnie's bed, then sat on it and pulled her knees to her chest. "Well, that's fine. Actually, do you have apple cider?" She leaned over to glance at the shelf behind Bonnie. "Okay, never mind. English breakfast is fine." As Bonnie dropped the teabag into the mug of water, dipping it up and down a few times, Rita stared at her silently, a small blush working up her cheeks. "You look nice," she said eventually.

Bonnie turned slightly, surprised at the compliment, and gave Rita a wide smile. "Thank you!" she said genuinely, glancing down at her attire of dark jeans and a cream-colored blouse and giving Rita a quick pose. "I, yeah. I wanted to look good for you. I'm glad you like it!" She picked up a box of sugar cubes and dropped two into her own mug. "Do you want any?"

"W-what?" Rita asked, looking up from her prolonged gaze at Bonnie's hips. "Um, yeah. One, please. You know, uh, you really didn't have to dress up for me. I mean, look at me, I just went running." She gestured at her own short shorts and sweat-soaked tank top. "I'm a mess. Oh, thank you."

As Rita took the steaming mug with both hands, Bonnie sat on the bed next to her and took a sip of her own. "It's probably saying something," she joked, "that I have to put some effort into looking as good as you look right after a workout." She shifted her position, pulling her legs up onto the bed and crossing them beneath her. Rita's eyes watched her socked feet move through this action.

"D-don't be stupid," Rita said. "You were prettier than me last night, too. Even when I'm actually, like, working at doing myself up, I don't..." She managed to shut up, looking down into her mug in an attempt to hide her eyes and her blush. She took a long sip of her tea.

There was a pause, before Bonnie breathed, "You're selling yourself short. Please don't. I could look at you for hours, Rita."

When Rita looked up, for a second she thought Bonnie intended to do just that. Her half-lidded blue eyes were fixed on Rita's, and she seemed to have completely forgotten about the tea in her hands. She barely seemed to breathe. Neither did Rita, whose face was slowly reddening. Then one of Bonnie's hands found the back of Rita's neck and gently pulled her forward.

The kiss wasn’t a scrambling, desperate one like before, but it was every bit as passionate. Both girls closed their eyes, leaning closer together, and Rita moaned softly as both their lips parted. Their tongues didn’t "battle for dominance;" they danced, each tasting the tea on the other girl's breath and each taking as much time as they could. When the kiss broke, as it inevitably had to, they remained leaned towards each other, their foreheads touching and their eyes still closed.

Bonnie felt the steam of the tea between them warming both their faces, and then she felt Rita stiffen slightly. "I should not be this into you already," she heard Rita whisper, and when she cracked her eyes open she could see Rita's eyes squeezed shut amidst a dark, dark blush.

The reality seemed to murmur in Bonnie's ear. "You're right," she whispered back. "We don’t even know each other, not really." Still, she gave Rita one more closed-mouth kiss before pulling back. As Rita opened her eyes hesitantly, Bonnie squirmed back until her back rested against the bed's footboard. "Where're you from?" she asked.

Rita perked up a little, the question a familiar one. "Connecticut," she said, and took another sip of her tea. "Bridgeport. My family's in this little apartment near the Pequannock River--"

"Pequannock?" Bonnie blurted in a surprised laugh.

"The name's Native American. Shut up. Anyway, yeah. I wanted to enroll in a college closer to home, but I got a scholarship to here, so." Rita shrugged. "And you? Where're you from?"

Bonnie put a hand to her mouth, her eyes still mirthful. "Right. Um, sorry about laughing about the name. I wasn’t--expecting it. I'm from Seattle. It's a few days driving to get there, but you know. I'm not so ridiculously far from home." She stopped, taking a long drink of her tea, and stretched out her legs. Rita tried to watch them move without making it obvious she was staring, failing miserably at the latter goal. When Bonnie set her mug down, she continued, "I mean, it's not like I traveled a ton before coming here. Disneyland once, when I was like seven, and then once I got to go to Powell's Books, in Portland. And, obviously, Seattle and stuff sometimes, because it was close, but even all those times I had my moms with me. So this is...well, it's nice." She brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "...Do you travel much?" She asked. "Before this, I mean."

Rita's smile seemed to light up the room. "Yeah, a bit," she said, scootching a little closer. "Never to the other side of the country, like now, but I've been to D.C. And I've been to New York, like, six times--"

"Ah! Shh!" Bonnie suddenly and sharply leaned forward, her hand flying to Rita's mouth and cutting off the rest of her sentence. As Rita froze, her eyes locked on Bonnie's and a blush rapidly climbing her cheeks as the hand pressed against her lips, Bonnie glanced at the nearest wall.

"Thin walls," she explained sheepishly, her voice suddenly softer. "The guys next door are already asleep, I think. Keep your voice down, okay?"

"Mmmmph," Rita mumbled through the hand--although it was almost more of a moan, her eyes suddenly half-lidded and her breathing heavier. She conspicuously made no attempt to remove the hand-gag, and almost looked disappointed when Bonnie finally pulled her hand away.

"Sorry," she said. "I've always wanted to go to New York. What's it like?"

"I, uh," Rita stammered weakly. She moved closer to Bonnie, her tea rocking in its mug from the movement and a bit of it spilling out. "Ah--shit. Sorry." She looked down at the warm tea staining her hands and the bedsheet.

Bonnie blinked. Leaning forward a little, she tried and failed to meet the blonde's eye. "Rita, are you okay?"

"Fine! I'm fine!" Rita replied, far too quickly. She remained looking down, avoiding Bonnie's worried look as her face grew incandescently red. Her hands clutched the teacup tightly, and her posture hunched as she tried to vanish. "I'm sorry, it's just, ah--mmph!"

Bonnie's hand, once again pressed tightly over Rita's mouth, gently but firmly guided her head up until their eyes met. Rita looked terrified, her face dark red. Her eyes flickered down towards the hand.

Bonnie held her hand there, a small blush and a smaller smile spreading across her face. After a time she said, "You could just pull away, you know." She paused, waiting. "...No...?"

No. Rita sat stock-still, the hand still pressed to her mouth and her heart suddenly racing as Bonnie slid closer. She watched as Bonnie set her own teacup on the desk behind her, and then Rita felt her mug gently pulled from her hands.

"Let's get this out of the way," Bonnie said, setting it down behind her. She moved closer, keeping her hand clamped over Rita's mouth. "You like being unable to speak, Rita...?"

Rita mumbled something, her blush deepening still further as Bonnie's other hand found her shoulder and gently pushed her backwards as she came closer.

"It's a yes or no question," Bonnie laughed. She pushed Rita backwards until the blushing blonde was lying down and Bonnie on top of her, straddling her waist and holding her shoulder.

Rita hesitated. Then she gave the smallest perceptible nod. "Mm-hmm," she mumbled through Bonnie's hand.

Bonnie smiled down at her, shifting her position. "Do you like being held down like this?" Her other hand shifted from Rita's shoulder to her right forearm, pinning it to the bed.

Another hesitation. "Mmhmm," Rita mumbled.

"Being held captive?" Bonnie pushed, her blush almost matching the blonde's. Blue eyes stared into hazel ones. "Being helpless?"


Bonnie's mouth went suddenly dry. She took a few deep breaths and licked her lips, revealing how nervous she really was. But nervous or not, she mustered what confidence she had and leaned down to whisper. "...Do you think you'd like being tied up too, Rita?"

Rita gasped through her nose. She squirmed beneath Bonnie--not enough to escape, not even enough to seriously try--and mumbled something into her captor's hand. Bonnie lifted the gag briefly, pinning down Rita's other arm, and the blonde took a few deep breaths, her face luminescent.

"Bonnie," she breathed. "I--yeah. I r-really like this." She struggled again, and as Bonnie firmly held her down, the smallest of moans escaped Rita's lips. "O-oh my god. Please, Bonnie--" she stopped, squeezing her eyes closed and squirming again. "--Hah, hoooly crap. B-Bonnie, are you into--I mean, do you like...bonda--mmph. Mmmm..."

It wasn't Bonnie's hand that stopped her mouth this time; it was her lips, pressing against her own as though claiming them. Rita moaned again and tilted her head, returning the kiss with equal passion. Bonnie's dark, wavy hair draped around their heads like curtains as they kissed, and even when Bonnie finally pulled away their lips remained barely an inch apart as they both caught their breath.

"Obviously," Bonnie whispered, in answer to the question she had interrupted, and she grinned down at her prisoner. "...You know, I hate to say it, but Michelle was right about tonight." Rita started to open her mouth, but a hand clamped over it again and she gave a small grunt of surprise. Her eyes, hazel and wide as saucers, stared up at Bonnie over the hand and through a steady blush.

"You're mine tonight," Bonnie breathed in Rita's ear, and paused to nibble her earlobe. "Okay, Rita? Until morning comes, you're all mine."

Rita closed her eyes and moaned in nervous delight.
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Post by Soraka »

Rita felt like her heart was going to explode.

She struggled again, as hard as she could, against the weight holding her down. A hand around her right arm kept it pressed into the bed beneath her, and her left forearm was pinned in place by the elbow of her captor. She thrashed, trying to buck Bonnie off, and at her failure felt a note of ecstatic satisfaction. Her eyes closed as she struggled, and she attempted to yell through Bonnie's hand.

"Mmmlp!" The sound could barely escape the room. "Mmm mmmph!" The thoroughly muffled cries only made her heart race faster. She felt her legs kick lightly as she squirmed, feeling Bonnie's weight shift slightly on top of her hips.

"Riiiitaaaa~..." The brunette above her whispered, singsong.

Rita stilled, her eyes opening. She looked up at her captor, whose face was only a few inches above her own as she held Rita's left arm down with an elbow. Her gorgeous blue eyes were mirthful above a slight blush and a wide, slightly cheeky smile. Rita took a few deep breaths as she stared up at her.

"You're really cute when you squirm like that," Bonnie began. "Believe me, I'm enjoying this just as much as you are right now..." She leaned closer, planting a mocking kiss on her own hand where Rita's lips would be. "But I've got something else in mind. Roll over."

As Bonnie shifted onto her knees, taking most of her weight off of her prisoner, Rita began to roll onto her side. She felt the hand leave her mouth and gasped for a breath as though she had just surfaced in a pool, and Bonnie's other arm shifted to allow her to continue rolling over. Eventually, she lay on her stomach and breasts, feeling Bonnie's weight settling on her ass and for a moment grinding teasingly. She turned her head to look up at Bonnie out of the corner of her eye, only to see her grinning to herself as her fingers traced down Rita's back. Rita felt fingers wrap around each of her wrists, pulling them behind her back, and then Bonnie leaned forward so she was laying on top of her, pinning her wrists where they were, and stretched her hand forward until it just brushed her dresser's bottom drawer.

"I wasn't going to bring this up tonight," Bonnie whispered as Rita tried to see what she was grabbing. "But I don't think I mind. I don't think you will, either."

"Why?" Rita gasped. "What're you--" Her sentence trailed off abruptly as Bonnie lifted into view two coils of dark green rope, thin as a pencil and neatly knotted. She turned her head to look up at Bonnie again as she began to unwrap the first coil, aware her face was scarlet.

Perhaps Bonnie noticed her nervous trembling, because she leaned down to whisper. "Are you okay, Rita?" She felt Bonnie's weight lifted off of her as a hand gently ran down her shoulder. "Am I going too fast? I've never done this before, I don't know--"

"No. No." Rita paused, squeezing her eyes closed and relishing Bonnie's touch. "I'm fine, I'm just...nervous." She managed to get her breathing under control. "I've n-never done this before either. With someone else, I mean..."

She tried to roll over, but Bonnie's hand tightened on her upper arm, holding it still. "You're sure."

Rita nodded, her eyes still closed. "Uh-huh." She felt Bonnie's weight slowly settle back onto her, pinning her down again, and tentatively put her hands behind her back as though offering them.

Although anticipating it, she still gasped when she felt the first loop of rope wrap around her wrists. Bonnie took her time, winding the paracord snugly around her wrists six times before she took it between them and carefully cinched the bindings. She tied the knot at the top of the bindings, out of reach of questing fingers, and as she moved up to her elbows Rita stretched, straining against her bonds and finding herself trapped. A long, soft moan escaped her lips as she shut her eyes.

"I've barely even started, Rita," giggled Bonnie, pausing in her work. The coil of paracord was a long one, and she could use the same one for her wrists and her elbows. She began wrapping it around Rita's forearms, just above the elbows, drawing them as close together as they would easily come.

"Tighter," Rita gasped desperately. "Please?"

Bonnie laughed. "I don't think that's a good idea," she replied, continuing to work. "I'm not letting you go anytime soon. Any tighter and it'll start to hurt in a while."

"I don't care! Tie me tighter!" Rita's eyes opened and she tried to look up at her captor. "Please, Bonnie!"

Bonnie stared down at her, carefully considering. She gently tugged Rita's elbows maybe a millimeter closer, then finished wrapping rope around them and began to cinch it. She pulled the cinching tight and knotted it to the strand between her elbow and wrist bonds, then experimentally slipped a pinkie between Rita's bindings and her flesh. She smiled to herself and leaned down, kissing her prisoner's cheek.

Rita's eyes went wide at the contact. She blushed, if possible, even brighter than she had already, and an ecstatic smile flickered across her lips as Bonnie turned around, grabbing both her ankles and pulling them up. She felt rope wrap around her ankles quickly, six passes welding them together in under a minute before being cinched and knotted. She struggled, biting her lip, as Bonnie finished binding just above her knees.

She climbed off the bed for a second, and Rita snapped out of her ecstasy for a moment to look for her, watching as she quickly reached into her still-open sock drawer and pulled out a third coiled length of dark green cord. Bonnie tossed it onto the bed for a second, then grabbed Rita's elbow bonds and her shoulder and half-lifted, half-shoved her into a kneeling position. Rita squirmed a little more, giving Bonnie a quick show as the brunette unwrapped the coil and folded it in half. Bonnie stared, her gaze slowly falling to her breasts. Then she stepped closer, climbed back onto the bed so she kneeled in front of Rita, tilted her head back and kissed her.

Rita moaned into her dom's mouth, leaning forward as Bonnie tilted her head and kissed harder, wrapping her arms around Rita. She felt Bonnie's fingers messing with her elbow bonds, slipping this new cord through the cinching and pulling it though like threading a needle. Questioningly, she tried to pull back to speak, but Bonnie didn't allow them to part long enough to say anything and their lips locked again. Eventually, Bonnie pulled away and smiled at her. She began wrapping cord around Rita's torso, just beneath her breasts.

"Oh," Rita breathed, watching her work. Bonnie quickly wound rope above and below her breasts, merging this rope with the one binding her elbows. She cinched these bonds between Rita's arms and her torso, and Rita moaned as they tightened. Her breasts pushed against the fabric of her shirt, her nipples hard as diamonds. She grinned to herself, her eyes shut, and then she squeaked in surprise as Bonnie grabbed the simple breast harness and pulled Rita into a lying position beneath her.

"How's that, my little hostage?" she whispered. "Tight enough for you? You’re not going anywhere."

Rita tested that, struggling again for all she was worth. Her eyes squeezed shut, and she rocked back and forth, straining against her bonds and feeling for slack. The ropes stretched slightly and pinched her skin as she grunted with exertion.

Bonnie bit her lip as she watched Rita, holding back a smile as Rita rolled over in her efforts. Her triceps flexed as she tried to force her arms apart. She wormed her knees under her, as though to get her hands in front, but was stopped by her elbow bonds. Panting, she settled down and rolled onto her side. She squirmed again, enjoying the feeling of being restrained.

Her eyes landed on a pair of socked feet, and her gaze held on them for far too long. Then her eyes flickered up to Bonnie. "I, um--" she cleared her throat halfheartedly. "I can still call for help."

Bonnie's smile widened as her brow rose. Shifting closer to her captive's head, she clamped a hand over Rita's mouth again and tilted her head up as she reached for her own foot. "Are you sure about that?" she asked. A small black cloth object landed on the bed in the corner of Rita's vision. "And don't think I didn’t notice you checking out my feet, Rita. You're about as subtle as a brick." A second, identical object joined the first. She peered at them before Bonnie took her hand from her mouth, scooped the socks up, and pressed them to Rita's lips.

"You have a thing for feet?" Bonnie said rhetorically. "Well then, let's make you happy. Open up."

Rita didn't obey immediately; instead she inhaled deeply through her nose, taking in the smell of the socks beneath her nostrils. Her eyes closed as a low, obscene moan sounded through her closed lips. Bonnie hadn't been wearing the socks long, so the smell was slight, but the little bit of sweat and natural foot odor that had soaked into them graced her senses and sent her mind soaring. Joy colored her thoughts gold and her face red all the way down her neck, and she felt her slit--already soaked from the situation--dripping with anticipation. Opening her eyes again slowly, she looked up at Bonnie adoringly and obediently parted her lips.

Bonnie, who had laughed at Rita's actions, pushed each sock into her mouth with deliberate motions. "And here I was worried I was the kinky one here," she said, pushing them behind Rita's teeth to fill her mouth completely. Her cheeks bulged slightly; her jaw wouldn't close. "I think you and I are gonna be having some fun tonight, don't you?"

Rita nodded as Bonnie took her fingers away. "Ommmph," she managed, black cotton still visible between her open lips. She watched as Bonnie climbed off the bed for a second, and when she returned she held a roll of silver. Two of Bonnie's fingers pushed Rita's lips together, and then she peeled a long strip of tape off the roll and plastered it across Rita's face from ear to ear. Rita grunted experimentally as Bonnie placed two more strips slightly above and slightly below the first, and then, as the brunette set the tape aside, she tried to scream.

"Mmmmph!" she cried, straining against her bonds. "Mmm! Hmm gmmf!" The noise was soft, muffled. Nobody was going to hear that, and they certainly wouldn't have understood it. She gave up, relaxing in her restraints and taking a few deep breaths through her nose. The slightest taste of sweat on the cotton in her mouth burned her cheeks and she bit down on the socks as best as she could. Then her eyes turned back up to the girl who had done all this to her, and now stared at her as though hypnotized.

"Mmph," Rita mumbled, squirming cutely and giving Bonnie a Bambi-eyed stare. Her nipples stuck out rather obviously through her shirt, and Bonnie's hand tentatively reached out and rubbed a thumb across the left nub. "Mmmmm..." She arched her back, lifting her chest towards Bonnie invitingly.

Bonnie swallowed once. She took the bottom of Rita's shirt, lifting it up to her breast bondage and exposing her stomach. She snorted quietly. "I should’ve made you take this off first," she muttered, then leaned down and kissed Rita's nipples through the shirt and her bare stomach. "Oh well. We'll just have to make do, right?"

"Mmhmm." Rita watched, transfixed, as Bonnie kissed along her stomach. A hand slid down to her waist, edging her shorts down a few inches, and she moaned in approval. Then Bonnie's other hand groped her breast as she squirmed in delight. Bonnie moved away for a second, and Rita grunted a question, but then Bonnie returned holding a pair of scissors.

"May I?" She asked, holding them to Rita's shirt. "I'll buy you a new one."

Rita said nothing. Instead she stared at the scissors, visibly considering. But she didn't utter protest, either, as the scissors slowly closed on the bottom of her shirt, cutting through with a loud snip! After that, Bonnie made short work of the fabric, cutting a vertical line up the front of it and peeling it away on both sides. As what was left of the green shirt hung from Rita's bound arms, Bonnie slowly pushed her bra up to reveal her breasts.

"They’re beautiful," she whispered, leaning down and kissing one. Rita moaned through her gag. "And they're all mine."

It was true, Rita realized, gasping as she felt teeth gently pinch her nipple. She tried to struggle away, but the way she was bound meant that all Bonnie had to do was grip her arm firmly to stop her. Rita took a shuddering breath as she felt hands run across her ribs, raising goosebumps down each arm even as a pair of lips continued to peck at her breasts. She gave a high moan. "Mmmmph..."

This was what she had wanted for half her life. To be bound, gagged, and totally helpless at the mercy of a beautiful woman. To be a captive audience to her ministrations, unable to resist or speak a word of protest as her captor ravished her. Her arms tried to move again; the feel of the rope digging into her skin, restraining her, was better than she had ever fantasized.

But the girl who was now on top of her, experimentally tickling her stomach and letting out a disappointed grunt at the lack of response, was a foreigner to her fantasies. Bonnie wasn't a leather-clad dominatrix, putting her in a collar and cuffs and taking a riding crop to her ass. Nor was she the captain of the cheerleaders, blackmailing her into bondage and planting her hosed feet on her face, laughing cruelly at her gasps and moans. This was a girl her age, who shared a similar fetish and was clearly just as nervous and just as enraptured. Somehow, in all her high-school fantasizing, she had missed the one starring the cute girl who liked her back.

Bonnie, by now, had finished kissing her way down Rita's stomach, and was now toying with the waistband of her shorts. They were a little lower than normal, thanks to a wandering hand a few minutes ago, and revealed the top of her dark green panties. "You have a thing for green, don't you?" she said mock-casually. "That wasn't a complaint. It's a good color for you. And it makes those ropes look even better on you." She lightly tugged on the cord encircling Rita's thighs. "I think I'll keep them on you for quite a while, what do you think?"

"Mmmmmff," moaned Rita ardently. She tried to thrust her hips at Bonnie, who laughed and put a hand under Rita's ass. "Pmmm! Mmmp gmhmmf!"

Bonnie smiled up at her. Slowly she slipped Rita's short shorts down, revealing her hips, her upper thighs, the wet stain on the crotch of her panties. "Wow," she said. "You're loving this, holy shit." She hesitated, glancing up at her captive's blushing face. "...Can I?"

Rita moaned so loudly that Bonnie took a quick, worried glance at the wall. She nodded desperately, taking loud breaths through her nose. The light of the lamp gleamed off the tape covering her mouth and cheeks as her head moved. Then, as Bonnie playfully pushed a few fingers past her panties, she gasped and groaned, begging.

Bonnie grinned. She shifted onto her knees above Rita, for a moment slipping her fingers out of Rita's panties and fumbling with her own pants. In her haste, it took a second to get the button and zipper undone, but then she pushed one hand into her own panties and returned the other hand to Rita's. She fingered them both simultaneously, leaning over Rita and kissing and biting at her flat stomach, as the bound blonde jerked and moaned beneath her. Long, dark hair hid Bonnie's face, but the way her fingers kept tensing inside Rita made it clear how close she was. So it was all the more frustrating for the both of them when she forced herself to pull her hands away from both of them.

"Not yet," she gasped, half to herself, as she put her hands on either side of Rita and leaned over her. Rita practically screamed at her through her gag, thrashing. She looked close to tears. "Not...yet. Trust me, I do this to myself all the time." She paused as Rita gave her a pitiful whine. Bonnie lowered herself slightly and planted a kiss on Rita's tape gag, exactly where her lips were. "We've been doing this for ten minutes, Rita. I know, I know, but wait for it."

She pushed her hair back, out of her eyes, and then sucked the juice off the middle and index finger of that hand. Rita watched her, her eyes widening slightly as she realized that was the hand Bonnie had been fingering her with. She moaned softly, and Bonnie looked down at her, a smile tugging the corners of her mouth away from her fingers. She finally pulled her fingers away from her mouth and put her hands to Rita's cheek, her thumb rubbing against the duct tape there.

"Do you want to smell my feet, Rita?" she asked.

Rita froze for half a second, staring at Bonnie as if she had just offered, with absolute sincerity, to pay off every single cent of her student loans. Slowly at first, then almost frantically, she nodded, squeaking unintelligably through her gag as she did. Bonnie slid away from her, sitting down next to Rita's stomach, and pulled her feet up. Slowly, delicately, she lowered one of them To Rita's face.

Rita moaned in ecstasy as she found her nose pressed against Bonnie's arch. She closed her eyes and sniffed slowly, deeply, taking in the smell of Bonnie's feet and committing it to memory. Then she felt another foot press against her face, mirroring the first, and moaned again. She rubbed her face up and down against Bonnie's feet, taking in her foot odor and sweat. Involuntarily, her hips jerked upwards as she sniffed again, and again.

"You realize," Bonnie said, slowly rubbing her heels up and down Rita's cheeks and listening to Rita's almost desperate sniffs, "that after this, you're not getting kissed tonight." When Rita gave a grunt of confusion and dismay, turning her head in an attempt to look at her, Bonnie covered her eyes with a foot playfully. "Sorry, Rita. You are cute as hell sniffing my feet like this, and it's really hot, but your face is gonna taste like them after. I...I'm not really into that." As Rita whined into her gag, squirming blind against her bonds, Bonnie ran a few fingers down her bare stomach teasingly, towards her crotch. "...Do you wanna keep sniffing them anyway?"

"Mmmmmph," Rita nodded, the smell still in her nose and her brain still sparking in response. She shifted a little, trying to spread her legs for Bonnie's fingers, but the ropes above her knees and binding her ankles kept them firmly together. Still, Bonnie's fingers slipped between her thighs with only a little effort. "Mmmff," she moaned in response, then took another deep sniff of Bonnie's feet. "Mmmmmmmph~..."

Some part of her squawked at the emotions that wafted through her mind as the heavenly smell of Bonnie's feet filled her senses. No, they said. You have only met this girl once before, and you're in the middle of having sex with her. She's just indulging your fetishes, you are not in love. But still, she was pretty sure she knew now what that felt like. She gasped and moaned ardently as Bonnie's cold fingers wormed into her pussy and began fingering her. She took another deep breath as Bonnie's toes rubbed across her tape gag, right beneath her nostrils, and then her eyes opened as Bonnie took her feet away from her face. She gave a disappointed mumble.

"I know," snarked Bonnie, grabbing the top of her breast bondage. "Tragic." Without taking her fingers from Rita's crotch, she managed to pull her into a sitting position and slide her backwards until her back rested against the headboard. Bonnie shifted positions to straddle her hostage, leaning forward until her lips brushed against one of her nipples.

Rita groaned an approval. When she felt teeth gently pinch one of her rock-hard buds, her delighted "Mmmmff" rolled across the room and she tilted her head back, closing her eyes and attempting to stick out her chest a few more inches. The space between her legs was soaked, and Bonnie's fingers slid back and forth inside her with no effort at all as a pair of lips pressed gently against that same nipple and sucked.

Bonnie's hand--the hand that wasn't fingering the runner under her--was gently groping at her own breasts through her shirt. Her nipples, hard as diamonds and almost hypersensitive with need, ached as the fabric of her blouse rubbed against them. She had no intention of taking it off--she wasn’t anywhere near ready to show off her stretch marks--but the stimulation had her gasping, eyes closed, and biting at Rita's nipples and breasts a bit harder than she meant. The muffled but sharp hisses of pain prompted her to pull away slightly and mutter an apology, but then she dove back in and buried her face between those slightly small, but perfect, breasts.

Okay, she changed her mind. Groaning, she took her hand away from her own breasts and plunged them into her pants again, curling her fingers and rubbing her clitoris hard.

Rita shrieked through a sock and duct tape as Bonnie's fingers mirrored the action inside her. As Bonnie masturbated them both, rocking back and forth and moaning into her rack, Rita's hips bucked repeatedly, not quite matching her rhythm. Twice Bonnie's fingers accidentally slipped out of her slit, but she pushed them back in quickly enough that it didn't really matter. Rita squeezed her eyes shut as a third finger slipped inside her, and Bonnie found and began stroking her g-spot.

It was a good thing she was gagged: A high, breathless moan filled the room as she came, arching her back and almost screaming. Fluids gushed around Bonnie's fingers as they continued to push in and out, and her chest heaved and shoulders shook as her orgasm rose.

The noises that escaped her were enough to push Bonnie over the edge. She gasped, juices flooding her vagina as her fingers furiously stroked her own g-spot. She bit her lip almost hard enough to draw blood as she gasped for breath, all rational thought drowned out by pleasure. Her voice muffled in Rita's cleavage, she moaned in ecstasy as she came.

They stayed like that, Bonnie straddling Rita's legs, her face buried between her breasts, as their orgasms faded. Rita's head fell backwards as she took deep breaths through her nose, small whimpers of pleasure filtering through her gag. She felt the weight of Bonnie's head leave her chest, heard the girl's breathing--and then a pair of lips gently found her left breast and kissed it delicately.

She repeated the action on her right breast. Rita whined softly as lips continued to caress her skin, hypersensitive after her orgasm. First they kissed all around her breasts, then began to work their way up, kissing along her collarbones, peppering every inch of each of her shoulders. Almost involuntarily, Rita's head tilted as Bonnie's lips tenderly kissed along each side of her neck, and then she moaned as they touched across her jawline.

And then Bonnie was in front of her. Her bluer-than-blue eyes found Rita's half-lidded hazel, but they kept flickering down, towards the tape smoothed across her lips. The lamp was behind Bonnie, so her face was in shadow, but it seemed to be glowing of its own accord as her fingers pushed her hair, damp with sweat, away from her face.

"Thank you," she whispered, one hand slowly running down Rita's side. "Thank you so much for this."

Rita moaned, barely loud enough to hear, and almost lunged forward. Her lips, sealed behind three layers of duct tape and immobile, pressed against Bonnie's free mouth. Although the brunette gave a small, silent gasp of surprise, she accepted the attempt at a kiss and returned it in kind. The smell of what must have been her own feet drifted into her nose and she could taste it, but somehow she couldn't find the will to care.

Rita flinched reflexively as the alarm clock blared. Sunlight filtered through the window blinds as she moved to hit the snooze button, break the damn thing if she was lucky, but cracked her eyes open as her hands refused to move. She squirmed, finding her range of motion severely restricted, and memory returned not in a rush so much as a trickle.

They returned, though, and she relaxed as she recalled the events of the previous night. Meeting with Bonnie, finding herself pinned, being bound and gagged. The brunette allowing Rita to smell her feet, before giving her what was, far and away, the best orgasm of her life.

Her gag had been removed before she fell asleep, and discarded duct tape and sodden socks lay on the thin blanket she found herself under. She was still bound, though, and all she was wearing was a pair of shorts and panties pulled down to her bound knees. A single, warm arm was wrapped around her waist from behind, and as it pulled her closer its twin reached up and pawed at the snooze button.

"Morning," Bonnie mumbled, pressing her face into the pillow.

Rita squirmed, attempting to turn around to face Bonnie. "Hi," she said breathlessly, blushing scarlet. "I mean, g'morning! I--" she leaned back, snuggling closer to Bonnie. "I really enjoyed last night."

"I did too," Bonnie replied, although her voice was still somewhat flat from drowsiness. An instant's hesitation. "We could keep going, if you want...?"

Rita chewed her lip at the thought, seriously considering. "What time is it?" she asked.

"The alarm's set for seven."

She groaned, her head settling back into the pillow. "I can't," she said mournfully. "I have Calculus in an hour."

"Oh my God, calculus at eight?" said Bonnie, horrified. "Are you sure you want me to let you go?" Her hand rose up until it cupped Rita's mouth. "Prisoners don't have to do math, you know."

Rita giggled. "Mmmph," she said into Bonnie's hand, then struggled loose. "Very funny, you. Untie me, please?"

Bonnie's arm came back down and wrapped around her midsection again. Her other arm joined it, pulling the blonde closer as she groaned. "Five more minutes? I only hit snooze. Next time the alarm goes off, I promise."

They remained cuddled together under the blanket, one bound and snuggled close to the other, until the alarm blared again. Rita flinched again at the noise, Bonnie untangled herself to turn it off, and Rita rolled over without a word to offer her wrists.

"Oh, fuck, I need a shower," she muttered as Bonnie worked on untying the knot at her elbows.

"You can use my stuff," Bonnie replied, unwinding the rope that held Rita's elbows and simultaneously loosening the breast harness. "And you can borrow some of my clothes, since, you know, you don't have a shirt anymore."

"Oh, yeah, that reminds me," Rita said suddenly, looking over her shoulder and attempting a glare. "You owe me a shirt, you jerk! Why didn't you let me take it off before you tied me up?"

"Sorry," Bonnie said weakly. "I forgot. Remind me next time, alright?"

"Kay. Ohhh, thank god," Rita added, as the last of the rope left her elbows and they finally moved away from each other. "That was really starting to hurt."

Bonnie hummed, loosening the knot at Rita's wrists and hiding a smirk. "Sorry to hear that, Miss Tie-Me-Tighter. It wasn’t cutting off circulation, was it?" This last bit took on a worried tone.

"I don't think so," the blonde said. "Just pinched." As Bonnie unwound the last of the rope from her wrists, she stretched her arms gratefully. Putting her hands on either side of her, she rolled over and sat up. "Heh heh, check it out," she giggled, lifting her bound legs as a single limb. "I'm a mermaid." She moved them up and down like a tail.

"Cuter than Ariel, though," Bonnie replied, catching them. As she set to work untying her knees, the two girls settled into silence, both quietly smiling to themselves. After a few minutes, Rita's legs were free, and she wiggled feeling back into them before swinging them off the bed and standing up.

"These are soaked," she muttered as she peeled her shorts and panties off. Bonnie's eyes watched them come down, then swept up and down Rita's nude form slowly, memorizing every inch. Rita turned around just as Bonnie's eyes were lingering on her ass, and they stared at each other for a second, Rita blushing and Bonnie looking mortified, before the latter slid off the bed and darted towards the closet and the former hid a smile.

"Waitasec," she said suddenly as Bonnie grabbed her towel and toiletry bag. "'Next time?'" She covered her breasts with her arms as Bonnie turned back towards her sharply, looking uncertain. "There's gonna be a next time?"

Bonnie stared awkwardly. "I was hoping," she managed. Slowly handing over the towel and bag, she said, "Is there?"

Rita stared back, accepting the towel. She looked down at it, and found that a smile was working up her face against her will. "Yeah," she said. "I'd love to." As she wrapped the towel around herself and Bonnie grabbed her a hoodie and sweatpants, both girls found themselves practically skipping. What little conversation there was following was lost to both of them amid ecstatic half-squeaks; Rita barely heard Bonnie's directions to the bathroom. But as she stood under the shower and let hot water rush down her body, she suddenly remembered what had been nagging at her all night.

When Rita knocked on Bonnie's door eight minutes later, the brunette was already wearing different clothes, this time consisting of pajama pants and a Star Wars t-shirt. Rita glanced down at the Rebellion symbol on her chest as she handed over the towel and bag, then looked up and said, a little rushed, "Can I have your number?"

"Oh," Bonnie said, after a second's hesitation. "Sure!" She smiled to herself as Rita handed her her phone, already open to the add new contact screen, and quickly typed in both her number and email address.

Rita looked as though she was about to start floating. "And, and, do you wanna meet for lunch? Not in the mess hall. Like, a restaurant or something. I'll buy."

"No!" said Bonnie sharply, looking up. "I mean--yes. But I'm buying." She handed back the phone, adjusting her grip on the toiletry bag.

"But--" Rita paused, taking back the phone. "Um. How about we split the bill?"

"It's not really a date then, is it?" Bonnie asked, tilting her head.

"I don't know. I've never been on a date before."

"Neither have I," Bonnie admitted. There was a pause before she said, "I'm free at 12:30."

"Awesome!" said Rita. "And, um, how about we eat at, um, that one restraint--sorry, restaurant--on the corner of State Street and 3rd. What's that one called? "

"I didn't even know there was a restaurant there," Bonnie said. "Sure. See you there?"

"Yeah. Yeah." The two of them faded into silence for a minute. Rita glanced down at Bonnie's lips, then up to meet her eyes. She hesitantly leaned forward.

The towel and toiletry bag dropped from Bonnie's hands. Rita was pressed against the opposite wall, pinned there by Bonnie's arms and lips, before they hit the ground.

The kiss was scrambling, as the first had been. Bonnie's arms wrapped around Rita's waist as her head tilted and her tongue slipped into her mouth. Rita moaned, her own tongue wrapping around Bonnie's and one of her legs lifting and wrapping around Bonnie's hip. They both moaned, savoring each other, and then Bonnie managed to pull away at the need to breathe.

"State Street and 3rd," she repeated breathlessly. "12:30. I can't fucking wait." She took slow breaths, licking her lips. "But we need to do this again. Really soon."

"Yeah," Rita agreed as Bonnie stepped backwards, allowing her to leave. And then, because she was feeling daring, she added with a smile, "But next time, it's my turn to be on top." And with that, and with a smile that wouldn’t leave, she practically skipped down the hall. Bonnie watched her go with an eager grin.
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Centennial Club
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Post by Trickster »

Such an amazing and beautiful story. I am so glad that I checked it out. You write so well and so descriptively. I am going to enjoy reading whatever else you've written. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story!
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

I love it!
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