Rock n' roll Roadie (Part Two of a series) (M/F) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

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Rock n' roll Roadie (Part Two of a series) (M/F) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

Post by Canuck100 »

Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
Rock n' roll Roadie (part two of a series)
Story index at the bottom

By Andy

After enthusiastically taking part in my very first real life bondage experience, Gina took off to Los Angeles for ten days just hours later. Needless to say, this left me in a state of extreme agitation to say the least.

I don't think I slept all that night, and I had been jerking off so frantically I was beginning to wonder when I would start to come blood. Still, it's not like I had much choice, did I?

Well, did I? At this point, Gina had not yet formally agreed that she and I should see one another exclusively, although I honestly found it hard to imagine she wouldn't after what we had just shared. Then again, I didn't know for sure, and since I had been the one to suggest that we only go out with each other. (previous to the events of the last story) the ball was in her court. I could hardly be blamed for running around on Gina when she had already passed when the question was put to her. Plus, I was pretty sure she would never have to find out. Of course, I was fairly certain how she felt at this point, and these were rationalizations, but was I going to keep a lid on it FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK AND A HALF? I felt like I had just started to live after twenty-one years of suspended animation, and I'm not Superman, for cryin out loud.

So, having excused myself in advance for any stupid mistakes I was planning to commit if I had half the chance, I resolved I was going to tie up, gag and drool all over any gal who might be into it over the next ten days.

I'm a musician, and so were just about all my friends at that point. None of us were exactly the Rolling Stones, but opportunity does seem to knock more often and less subtly in that line of endeavor. I had already lined up some work over the next several days roadieing for a friend's band who were playing a string of fairly big dates in the area over the long weekend, so the day after my big epiphany, I met the three band guys, loaded up the vehicles and took off for the first gig that night.

Since I wouldn't be performing myself, I was pretty much free to pitch desperate woo at various bewildered female music lovers as soon as all the equipment had been set up. Well, I think you may agree that the planning was fairly solid, but the execution left a lot to be desired and I ended up spending the night sleeping on a foldout couch next to a smelly guitarist. This somehow failed to measure up to my original plan of spending the night slurping up the juices of a restrained bondagette, and you will probably understand that I would have been rather nonplussed if it hadn't been for generous quantities of cheap beer. In fact, after the initial rush of excitement and subsequent frustration and partial intoxication, I was beginning to feel that it might be better to just forget the whole crazy idea. Naturally, with this sort of attitude, everything worked out even more spectacularly than I had imagined.

The second gig was underway the next night, with my friends and employers playing second on a bill at a large university field house (athletic facility) under the popular post punk band Fugazi. I had just come into the backstage area after replacing a broken guitar string, and I literally bumped into the drummer's girlfriend who had been watching the show from the wings.

Like I said, these guys were friends of mine, but the drummer was the sort of friend who you didn't mind fucking his girlfriend once in a while if the opportunity presented itself. Let it be said that she had made it fairly plain to me in the past that she would be available for the asking if I felt like some no-strings-attached side action, I was in a frenzy of thwarted sexual arousal since the fun with Gina two days ago, and I was half drunk. Anyway, who was getting to open for Fugazi, him or me? Him, right? Fuckin A.

Well, when she kissed me hello, I tested the waters by discretely shoving my toungue down her throat. When she responded in kind and was smiling when we came up for air, I smoothly queried, "Do you want to go to the back of the van and fuck?"

God damn if she didn't perk right up and say, "OK!" I wouldn't have believed it if it didn't happen to me, but that's exactly what happened, and we walked right out the back door, into the parking lot and into the van. She had her shirt off before I even stepped in, and her pants followed as I was getting the door shut.

"How do you want me?", she asked as I dropped my trousers. I assume she was asking if I had a preference of sexual positions, because she ran through a couple of them as I rummaged through a duffel bag for a roll of cloth tape.

"You can pick. But I'm going to gag you."

"Uh...OK!" The way things had been going, it wondered how I had managed to avoid losing my virginity until the year before. I stuffed her panties (black cotton briefs) into her mouth, ripped off a short length of three inch white adhesive tape and sealed her mouth, just like in the bondage magazines, and we went at it.

Due to the circumstances, the sex did not go well to say the least. Although this was an honest to god arrested adolescent fantasy coming true, crap sex is crap sex. Foreplay had consisted of the walk through the parking lot, so she wasn't exactly lubricated properly. I, however, had been lubricating myself all night with liberal doses of Ballantine Ale, and was speeding slightly as well, so the whole deal was far from the mind blowing guiltless phantasmagoria that you dream about.

In addition, I began to wonder about the gag. It looked wonderful, but did it actually work? Since my lovemaking technique wasn't exactly sending her over the moon, she wasn't moaning with pleasure, shrieking my name in ecstasy or, in fact making any sound at all.

"Would you mind talking to me a bit?"

"Amhmnnt hmmnt?"

About what? Shit if I know. "The North American Free Trade Agreement. Baseball. The friggin wheather, I don't care!" She dutifully began a stream of gagged chatter which she kept up until I came. Since it was all fairly unintelligible, I was pleased with the gag's effectiveness, but I have to admit feeling even more like an idiot with the way this had developed.

Even so. We still got it done somehow, although I still have little idea how we managed it even that well.

She mentioned afterwards that she had been tied up before, but never gagged and enjoyed the experience enough to try it again sometime if I would like. Just goes to show you, some people will put up with anything.

The next day I developed two long scabs on my old fella from having rubbed myself raw on her, and in general felt like I hadn't exactly done myself proud, although, since I had hit the sex, drugs and rock n' roll trifecta within 24 hours (hitting for the cycle, we call it in the trade), I supposed it wasn't a total loss. The whole experience made me decide that Gina's request to tie her up next time was worth waiting for.

There you have it, my second ever all true bondage adventure. I can't say I'm proud of this one, but I was young, and as we all know bondage is a powerful force to be reckoned with. Oh, about six years after these events took place, I bumped into the drummer after not having seen him for a few years, and told him the story. He didn't talk to me again for another year after that, but we ended up friends until I moved away.


Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
Stories retrieved from Restrained Tastes, on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine