First Tie-up with Lovers (M/FF) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

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First Tie-up with Lovers (M/FF) - Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

Post by Canuck100 »

Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes
First Tie-up with Lovers (M/FF)
Story index at the bottom

By Dragon Warrior

Intro by Mason

This story (and others to follow) initially appeared on Canuck's excellent Stories of Tie-up games site where they attracted some no small amount of controversy following his claim every event described within actually happened. Given how hard it is finding enthusiastic and willing bondage partners, how did this bloke manage it with not one but two gorgeous girls?

I've corresponded with him by e-mail and I'm inclined to believe what he says is true. After all, I've heard about people winning the lottery twice so its not unreasonable to suppose one bloke similarly lucked out as well. Odds are it must happen in the same way most of us fail to win the lottery while others do it twice. I also know guys who have this magnetic attraction that attracts girls like bees to a honeypot and it may well be the case here.

Anyway, regardless of the truth or otherwise of his stories, they are ripping good tales so enjoy them in that spirit.

First Tie-up with Lovers

I had played bondage games on and off growing up with my cousins. Three girls against one guy was not always fair, but nine times out of ten I usually ended out on top through my sheer tenacity. Oh, forgive me, I should have introduced myself. I am the Dragon Warrior, just your average American guy that stands at 6'1", with black hair (cut short) and brown eyes. I have to say though that I never had the fun and intimacy with tying girls up until I came to college, and still am experiencing in college to this day.

Within my first year I met these two absolutely beautiful girls, Amy and Deanna. Amy is Asian-American, stands about 5'3", has long black hair that hangs down almost to her waist in a ponytail, deep brown eyes, and is extremely beautiful with a great body from all the sports that she plays (mostly soccer and volleyball). Deanna is an Aussie, but has been living in America for a few years. She stands at about 5'2", has reddish brown hair that falls down to a little less than halfway down her back, hazel eyes, and is also extremely beautiful with a great body, mostly from running and Tae Bo.

We actually all met one day at a volleyball tournament where all the teams were picked at random in sets of five. We all ended up on the same team with two other guys and hit it off right away. We all became the best of friends. Well, Amy and Deanna had already been friends for a while. More than friends, actually, as they both were bisexual and loved each other. This I found one day by accidently walking in on them. They forgot to lock the front door, or so I thought. I must admit that I am an incredibly dense person. They told me two days later that they had left the door unlocked because they knew I was coming over. Imagine my shock. I have only had one girlfriend my entire life, so I had come up with the opinion that the opposite sex was totally uninterested in me, and here were two extremely beautiful girls saying they both wanted me. Needless to say, I did not repeat my mistake that very evening.

During our first summer together, my uncle had to go to England on business. So he said that I could use his country house up until August. I took the girls up with me, and man did we have fun. The house had a pool, a game room in the basement, and was miles away from the next house so we could anything we wanted without worrying about prying neighbors.

The day that Amy experienced her first tie up was on a Friday if I remember right. We had gone to the nearest mall to buy CD's and books (yes, we love to read) and the entire James Bond and Star Trek Collection on DVD. By the time we got home the girls we in a heated debate over just who the best James Bond was.

"Sean Connery was always the best," Amy said.

"No way, Pierce Brosnan is such a hottie!" shot back Deanna in her cute Aussie accent.

"Oh come on! Connery in his eighties still looks better than Brosnan did in his thirties!"

I dumped the DVD's in the living by the TV, when I heard scuffling behind me. Amy and Deanna had started one of their traditional argument wrestling matches, which means a combination of wrestling and tickling. After about fifteen minutes, both girls were panting and laughing, laying side by side on the floor.

"Well," I said. "I was always partial to Timothy Dalton." THAT was a big lie, but I knew it would get them going again. Indeed it did, because both soon threw themselves at me and tried to tickle me. However, since they were already tired from having at each other, it was relatively easy for me to start tickling them, and soon I had them rolling around helplessly on them floor in fits of laughter.

"Give?" I asked.

"Give!!!" they both shrieked back.

After I had let up and they recovered Amy glared at me. "Creep."

"That was almost as bad as being tied up as a kid," said Deanna.

"You were tied up as a kid?" asked Amy.

"Yeah, my brothers would tie me and gag me and stuff me in a corner whenever they thought I was bothering them too much," laughed Deanna.

"And you never got them back?"

"Nah, it was fun!"

"You'll never tie me up, so don't even think about it."

"Oh, reallllllllllllllly," I drawled, sharing a look with Deanna.

Amy's eyes widened. "You wouldn't."

"I saw a hell of a lot of rope in the garage, D. Go get it."

"Uh uh, no way... You're not... AHH!!!" she shrieked as I pounced on her and pinned her face down to the ground again.

Giggling, Deanna ran off to the garage and got the previously mentioned rope. I wasn't lying when I said a lot. My uncle kept all his surplus supplies for his three hardware stores in this garage.

After Deanna returned, Amy quit struggling. "Okay, okay, you guys can get me. Just let me change into something more comfortable if I'm going to be tied up for a while. I won't lock myself in my room, I promise." Amy never promised unless she meant it, so I let her go.

"Five minutes," I said.

Nodding, she went off, being dragged by Deanna, since they shared the same room. I looked in the kitchen and found some duct tape, and a started cutting up different length pieces of rope. I had just finished when both girls returned, both wearing tight black gym shorts, sports bra, and tank tops (Amy's was red, and Deanna's was dark blue).

"Okay, so now what?" asked Amy.

"Lie down on your stomach," I ordered gently. This Amy did without a word. Deanna put Amy's wrists touching, palms facing each other, behind her back, and I quickly lashed them together, winding the rope six times horizontally, then six time vertically, tying the rope tight and cinching it before knotting it off out of the reach of her fingers. Deanna then tied Amy's elbows together behind her back, managing to get them to touch. We sat Amy up and I tied rope to the wrist tie, looping it round her waist several times snuggly, pinning her wrists to her back. While I was doing that Deanna was wrapping rope round Amy's upper body both just above and just below her breasts, then created a harness by passing rope over Amy's shoulders and looping it down between he elbow tie several times, making sure none of the ropes would slip at all. Then between the both of us we finished off tying Amy's legs at her ankles, calves, legs, and thighs.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah," Amy said softly. "Actually, it feels... really nice." Deanna and I shared a quick smile.

"Okay, my turn," smiled Deanna, laying down face down on the floor and placing her wrists behind her back.

"You sure?" I asked, although inside I was rejoicing.

"Yep, now hurry up so Amy isn't all alone." I set about tying her exactly the same way as we had Amy, though it took longer since I was the lone tier this time. Within fifteen minutes, both girls were sitting on the floor, bound extremely well, looking incredibly beautiful in their outfits.

"You like?" Deanna teased Amy.

"Um... well, yeah I do," admitted Amy, smiling a little shyly. I sat back and watched the girls squirm a little in their bonds, testing and getting a feel for the ropes.

"Do you want to be gagged?" I asked, trying to be careful since this was Amy's first time. I was surprised when she nodded.

"Get our bandanas from the second drawer," suggested Deanna.

Once I had returned with six of them (three red and three blue), I again checked with Amy to make sure this was what she wanted.

"Yeah," she smiled. "I trust you. You know that."

Before I gagged them however, i got the roll of duct tape and wrapped their hands from their fingertip to just below the ropes binding their wrists in several layers of duct tape.

"And just when did you plan on us getting out of this?" asked Deanna, raising her eyebrow.

"When I feel like it," I grinned. Both girls groaned at this, but I knew they trusted me. Then I proceeded to gag them.

I wadded up one of the blue bandanas and gently stuffed the entire thing into Deanna's mouth, causing her cheeks to bulge out a little. I folded the second and very tightly cleave gagged her with it,and used the last one to blindfold her. The only sounds coming from Deanna now were soft little grunts and moans.

Amy had been watching this, smiling. She opened her mouth willingly to receive the bandana packing and gag, and gave me a little wink as I blindfolded her.

Now there lay two absolutely beautiful girls in skimpy gym clothes, helplessly bound, gagged, and blindfolded. Something was missing though. I smiled as it hit me.

Rolling each one onto their stomachs again, I hogtied them very tight, so that their heels were resting firmly on their butts. This being done, I gently laid them on their sides facing each other (they couldn't tell) and sat down and watched.

Both tried to roll around on the floor. Finding out they couldn't do that, they were pretty much reduced to squirming and moaning softly. It was incredible watching their toned body work against the ropes. After about fifteen minutes they both gave up completely.

I untied them both after half an hour had elapsed. I rubbed their arms and legs to get circulation back, and had them sip Cokes to get rid of the dryness. To further make it up to them, I gave them both back rubs. I happen to be quite skilled at the art of back rubs, or so I have been told upon many occasions.

"Mmmmm, if I get a backrub like this every time you tie me up, you can tie me as often as you want," murmured Amy.

"So I take it you had fun?"

"Yeah. It felt... weird, but I liked it a lot."

"Another go some other time?"

"Absolutely," they both agreed.

And for the rest of the day we had a Star Trek super marathon, and the rest of the night was devoted to pleasures of a much more intimate kind.

Readers' True Stories from RestrainedTastes

Stories retrieved from Restrained Tastes, on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine
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Post by Sabrina »

How old is this story?.
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Post by Canuck100 »

It was posted on RestrainedTastes in 2005
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