Kali : Seeking Attention (M/F)

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Kali : Seeking Attention (M/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Kali's stories
Seeking Attention (M/F)
Story index at the bottom

By Kali

Tuesday May 26th 1998 04:57:00

Christine had a friend on my floor and seemed to always be around, even when her friend wasn't. I suspected that she had a thing for me, even though she was never overt with it.

One day I was studying in the lounge and she walks in wearing a tight denim mini skirt. She decided to be conversational, and when I didn't give her the attention she wanted because I was trying to study, she started tickling me. There was about ten minutes of "stop it, I'm studying" and "Ok Ok, I'll stop" before I got fed up.

I threatened her : "If you don't stop I'll tie your hands behind your back".

Either she thought I was kidding, or liked the idea because she started up again.

I gave her one final warning, then I grabbed her. I pushed her down on her stomach on the couch, sat on her and proceeded to remove my shoelaces. Others in the lounge simply looked on, jaws hanging open. Over her squeals, I tied her wrists behind her and sat her up on the couch.

She kicked me in the shins. I backed away, she followed me, kicking again and again, demanding I remove the shoelaces. I ran down the hall she followed. I got to the elevator just as the door opened and and ran in. She followed. I hit 'G' and darted out as the doors closed. The profanity that came from her mouth as the doors closed on her was priceless.

I ran down the stairwell to meet her in the lobby. She arrived, intact and I got on the elevator along with two incredulous strangers who didn't know what to make of the whole thing. Back on my floor, still refusing to remove the laces from her wrists, she started kicking me ... again. I ran back to the lounge and through the open door to my room. To my astonishment, she followed. I slammed the door shut behind her. I told her now you've done it.

Still kicking, I threw her down on the bed and tied her ankles with the laces from my other shoe. To stop her squealing and her threats (of the "you're sooo dead" variety) I decided to kiss her. She accepted and we spent the next twenty minutes in heavy petting. Not once did she ask me to untie her. We stopped short of intercourse, but I stuffed a handkerchief in her mouth and sealed it with some duct tape and replaced the shoelaces with bandannas (more comfortable), then secured her elbows and knees. I told her to get comfortable. It was late friday afternoon and my roomates were already gone for the weekend. Except for a few supervised bathroom breaks, I kept her there for the next 36 hours. While I finished studying for my exams.


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