Steve : 01 - Rag Week Adventure (F+/M+)

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Steve : 01 - Rag Week Adventure (F+/M+)

Post by Canuck100 »

Steve's stories
01 - Rag Week Adventure (F+/M+)
Story index at the bottom

By Steve

Friday June 12th 1998 01:55:00

Hi, I live in the UK. I discovered your site by accident - great idea!

At UK universities and colleges, we (mostly) don't have an equivalent of your sorority initiations. However, I do have a story from my own days at university that kind of fits the general themes here.

I need to explain what a "Rag Week" is. Almost all the UK universities have one, a week during the year when students raise money for local charities. The university and city authorities cast a blind eye to what goes on - since it's all in a good cause. Although an exception was drawn when the Medics performed an "Operation" in the shopping centre with offal they had obtained from a local butcher! This I should add takes place in the students' spare time. Anyway, the week ends with a parade and a "Rag Ball" on the final Saturday and tickets to the ball are very hard to come by, based on raising a given target of money.

The incident took place in my second year. I'd arranged to meet my girlfriend, Pat, early on Saturday morning of the parade and ball. The earliest men were allowed into the girls' halls or residence (university run lodging house) was 8 am, so you can guess how long ago this was!

I had a small van and left my hall at about 8 to drive round to Pat's. As I drove out, I noticed a bunch of girls going into my hall, acting strangely but took no further notice of it.

When I arrived at Pat's hall, there was a group of girls in the entrance and as I walked along the corridor to Pat's room, I had the feeling a few of them were following me.

I knocked on Pat's door and when she answered it, the group of about six girls pushed me in and burst in behind me. Before we knew what was happening, we were both overpowered, our hands tied behind our backs with cable ties (my first encounter with these cheap alternatives to handcuffs) and gagged. Two of the girls took Pat off to her bathroom while the others cable tied my ankles.

The two girls spent 15 minutes or so talking to Pat, explaining the plot as it turned out. When they returned, Pat was free and smiling. She came over and whispered in my ear that the raiding party were going to take me away but that I would be returned unharmed later in the day when they were through with me. As a reward, we would both get Rag Ball tickets.

Protest was clearly useless, not to say impossible. They blindfolded me, cut the ankle ties and frog-marched me along several corridors to what I guessed to be the sports hall. There were the sounds of other people, but whether they were raiders or captives, I didn't know. I was told to sit on the floor and my legs were retied, still blindfolded and gagged.

One of the ringleaders of the plot announced that there were 24 captives in the room, and that we would be held for a "special purpose".

A few minutes struggling showed this to be futile, so I settled down to await my fate.

After about half an hour, our legs were freed and our blindfolds were removed under threat of replacement if we made a fuss. We were split into two groups of 12. My group was taken aside and presented with our "uniforms" for the day, Roman type sandals that laced up to the knee, a white tee shirt, black sports knickers and black field hockey skirts, which came to about mid thigh. Our hands were released and we were each put into a screen cubicle and told to change into the "uniforms".

With no good grace, we dressed as instructed and when we emerged, our wrists were cuffed in front in genuine steel handcuffs. A couple of guys did try to escape at this stage but a whack to the back of their now bare legs with a cloth belt persuaded them not to!

The ringleader then explained that the hall of residence was having a "Boadicea Chariot" in the Rag parade and we 12 were the lucky slaves who would pull it! Now Boadicea was a pretty ferocious ancient Briton war-lady and her chariot traditionally had knives in the hubs and was two wheeled. The lady herself would have made Attilla the Hun look attractive! This is where poetic licence took over. Our Boadicea was one of the most attractive girls in Hall and wore a full-length evening dress for the event. The "chariot" was actually a lightweight (thankfully) four-wheeled buggy. But I suppose for charity, anything goes! The shafts for the horse had been replaced with a long ladder-type structure and our cuffs (in front) were locked on to the "rungs" of the ladder. Although some effort was required to pull the chariot, though surprisingly little once it was moving, I think we were better off than the other group, who were to represent prisoners from an opposing tribe. They were dressed in jute corn sacks, with hoods of the same material over their heads with just eye slits. Their hands were roped behind their backs and to their waists. They were joined in 3 strings or "cobbles" by ropes linking their waist ropes, with the lead prisoner having his waist rope tied by a longer rope to the back of the "chariot" and were to walk or run behind it.

At 11 am we joined the parade and a three hours later, we reached our destination, where the floats were to be judged. Our came an honourable third. The coach was being collected from the muster yard, so we didn't have to drag it back.

Our cuffs were unlocked from the draw ladder and our hands once more tied behind our backs with cable ties and we were re-gagged and returned to our girlfriends. Pat took a lot of persuading to remove my gag but wouldn't release my hands until an hour or so into the Rag Ball in the evening, where traditionally, all the fancy dressers wore the costume they'd had on all day.

Pat didn't retie me after the ball but it was a little strange making our way home on the bus with me in a shorter skirt than hers!

So after an alarming start, I have to say it was fun; certainly the girls were right, if they'd asked for volunteers, there would have been no takers, so kidnapping was their only recourse. Needless to say, notes were made and the following year … well, let's just say revenge is sweet! A bit long, but I hope you enjoyed it. Comments, criticisms always welcome! Best regards, Steve.


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Last edited by Canuck100 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Friday June 12th 1998 04:49:00

Here is a quickie which though not University, is related in that that's where most of us met.

My friend Duncan was getting married and asked me to be best man. Since he is very Scottish (inherited the family estate in the Highlands) he opted for the full Scottish dress (Kilts and Prince Charlie jackets, etc.) for the major participants. The wedding was a great success.

One of the bonuses of being Best Man was that I got to look after the bridesmaids at the reception dance. There were four of them, two I knew from University and two who were new to me. At one stage, I was talking to one of them and didn't notice the other three coming up behind. Two of them grabbed my arms and Jean, a police cadet, slipped a pair of handcuffs on me.

"Come and help with our enquiries", she said, and the four of them escorted me to the library (the reception was in Duncan's estate house).

"You might as well come clean and confess", Jean said, "Just what does a Scotsman wear under his kilt?".

"Sorry", I said, "I'm not allowed to tell you and anyway, I'm only part Scot".

This was a futile gesture, in view of my predicament. They said that wasn't very co-operative and they would have to continue their investigations and 'look into the case". Which they promptly did! (No, I'm not going to tell you!).

They declared that I was clearly innocent and released me. I saw Jean for a while after that, though we went our separate ways eventually. It turned out that since early childhood, she had been interested in capture and restraint - maybe that's why she became a policewoman. We explored some of these ideas - but those stories are for a different forum.

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