Jeff : 08 - The Victory (MF/MF, M/F)

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Jeff : 08 - The Victory (MF/MF, M/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Jeff's stories
08 - The Victory
Story index at the bottom

By Jeff

Tuesday August 17th 1999 07:44:18

I was now the winner. Before I tied their feet together, I removed their underwear, so that all four of us were now completely naked. Since I didn't really want to be unsanitary, I didn't put on Bob's underwear. Anyways, I then tied them both to trees on opposite sides of Sheila. For a few minutes, I had some fun with all three of them, then opened the container of honey which was lying conveniently next to Sheila. I spread it over Bob and Mindy's neck and chest, but left Sheila alone for the moment. I continued to have some fun with all three of them, while Sheila asked me when I was going to let her go.

I thought for a while, then said that I would let her go in half an hour, if she agreed to my terms. My terms that she could be free until Bob and Mindy left, but after that, she would again be my prisoner until I said otherwise. Also, whenever I felt like it, I would be allowed to play with any part of her anatomy I chose. In exchange, she could be free until Bob and Mindy left, and she could also play with any part of my anatomy whenever she chose, if I allowed her. She could also join in whatever fun I would be having with Bob and Mindy. However, neither of us would get our clothes back until I said so.

Apparently, this sounded like a good deal to her, so she agreed. For half an hour more, I tickled, teased, and played with all three of them, though I left Bob and Mindy alone after the ants came. When the half hour was over, I untied Sheila. We then bade farewell to Bob and Mindy, who were now struggling against their bonds in vain to try to get away from the ants that were now swarming over them, and left them there while we went to clean everything up. About an hour later, we returned, carrying two deck chairs with us. For the next hour and a half, we sat there and watched Bob and Mindy, and discussed what we would do with them after the three hours was over. We would have another two hours until they had to go home, so we wanted to make as much use of it as possible. We also made use of the second part of our agreement a few times, whenever we were tempted to do so.

Anyways, a few minutes before the three hours would actually have been over, we had pity on Bob and Mindy, so we got up and brushed as many ants off them as we could, then carried them to my lawn where we brushed off the rest. We then took them to the garage, and then later to the bathroom, where the shower frame was already set up. The rafters in the garage were exposed, so we attatched some ropes to them and secured Bob and Mindy to the long ropes attatched to the rafters by their hands only. Their feet were free, and on the ground, so they were still able to walk and swing around for some exercise. Since the shower frame was still only for one person at a time, Sheila and I had to decide who went first. Neither Bob nor Mindy actually wanted to be first, since that meant they would receive that first blast of cold water, so Sheila and I flipped a coin to decide. Sheila and Bob ended up going first. By the way, my house has two showers. One is the regular shower/bath combination, and the other is pretty much the same as the one at Bob's place. We chose the smaller one, since that's what the frame was designed for.

I also made a few slight improvements to the frame's design, allowing the person to be tied in some different positions, and even moved around a bit once they were already secured. I also set things up so that the showerhead could easily be replaced with one of those heads for a garden hose that had a bunch of different settings. Anyways, we left Mindy in the garage, and Sheila secured Bob to the frame, then turned the water on full blast. Again, though the water was set for a comfortable temperature, it took a while to warm up, so Bob was hit with a blast of cold water. When it reached a comfortable temperature, Sheila stepped in, and started hand-cleaning Bob, having some extra fun at the same time. When he was mostly clean, she turned him around, and had some more fun, spanked him a few times, then turned him around again. During the whole time, I occasionally reached in the shower to change the temperature, and to feel Sheila's beautiful, and now shiny and slippery body. After she played with Bob for a while more, we turned off the water and attatched the hose, which was long enough to reach anywhere in the shower, and had settings such as jet, soaker, mist, shower, cone, and flat. Sheila had some fun with this, experimenting with the different settings and often directing a blast of mist, often very hot or cold, to various parts of Bob's body, though you can probably guess which part she concentrated on the most.

Anyways, when Sheila's half hour was over, she removed Bob from the frame, and took him to the garage, where Mindy was still awaiting her turn. We put Bob in her place, and secured Mindy to the frame in the shower. First, I reattatched the regular showerhead, and basicly repeated what Sheila did with Bob. Even though there was no need to, before I turned on the water, I turned the temperature down so Mindy got the same cold blast as Bob did. I then turned the temperature back up, got in, and proceeded to wipe Mindy's body clean with my soaped-up hands. Though Mindy's breasts were smaller than Sheila's, they still looked and felt wonderful, as did the rest of her body, especially with their film of water and soap, and the light reflecting off them. When her front was mostly clean, I turned her around and had a bit more fun, spanking her a few times, then turned her back around again.

After a bit more fun, I also turned off the water, and attatched the hose. I also experimented with the different settings, then rinsed off whatever soap and honey was left, and then had some fun with the mist setting. Again, at different temperatures, I blasted various parts of her body with the fine mist, and again you can guess what part I concentrated on most. I also stopped to caress and play with parts of Mindy's body with my hands. I occasionally stopped to spray her entire body with that fine mist to maintain the effect of the light reflecting off that film of water covering her body.

Anyways, eventually my half hour was also over, and we took Mindy back out to the garage where Bob was still waiting. We reattatched Mindy in the same position Bob was in, and put her standing right next to him. We then tied his right leg to her left leg, and her right leg to his left leg, so they were secured back to back, with plenty of flesh touching. We also secured his right arm to her left arm, and her right arm to his left arm so they were even more together. Other than that, they were still as free to move around as they were before, although they had to move together. We then spent a few minutes tickling them, teasing them, playing with them, and swinging them around, then we untied two of the ropes so that Bob and Mindy were now only attatched to each other by one arm and leg. We then used the feather, paddle, and whip for a while, then gave them a bit of a rest. After that, we put them in a variety of positions, having fun with their bodies and allowing them to have some fun with each other's, but I won't describe that in any more detail. By the way, Bob and Mindy were sort-of boyfriend/girlfriend, but hadn't really done much to confirm that, except in situations like this.

Anyways, eventually it was time for them to go home, and that meant that it was time for Sheila to resume her status as my prisoner. Our first stop was the shower, although she didn't need one, so it was just for my pleasure, and also hers. This was the part I had been longing for for a long time. Sheila and her beautiful body were once again all mine! I had considered putting her in the garage for a while, and using various tools and techniques on her, but instead I decided to do something we both would enjoy. I secured Sheila to the shower frame, and then did basicly whatever I wanted, but within reason. First, I set the water to a nice temperature and sprayed her entire body with that fine mist we both loved, once again creating the scene that drove me so wild. I then soaped up my hands, and covered Sheila's entire body with them, enjoying every moment. Sheila also seemed to be having fun. I then picked up the hose and washed off all the soap, again with the mist setting, and at a nice temperature.

Next, I put the hose on a ledge I had set up, and set it to continually spray the mist at Sheila's chest, while I continued to caress her entire body. I was again in that state of bliss, but this time it would last as long as I wanted. Sheila was very obviously enjoying this. Eventually, I did stop, however, and removed the hose from its ledge. I now got a bit more mischievious, and blasted various parts of her body with randomly either hot or cold blasts of mist, though most of the time I aimed you-know-where. This brought a mixed reaction, but generally she seemed to still be having fun. After a while, I turned her around and continued the process, occasionally spanking her a couple of times. Since she now couldn't see what was about to happen, the effect of all this was doubled. I eventually stopped, and turned her around again, but this time I just tickled, teased, and played with her using my fingers. By now, we had both long since been very aroused.

Eventually I stopped, and left her there while I cleaned up what was left to clean up, and then returned. I then sort-of repeated what she did with me on that other night when she had me for the whole two days, except we stayed in the shower for the whole time, which was until after midnight. Again, these next few sentence may have to be cut out, but for the whole time, I kept teasing her almost to the point of orgasm, but stopping right before she got there to tickle her for a while. I also used the hose occasionally, and also the feather. Some time after midnight, I finally brought her all the way. I then untied her and retied her to the floor next to my bed, where she spent the night. After a bit more fun, I let her go the next morning.

Since then, the four of us haven't had any more meetings, but occasionally two of us would get together and either discuss plans for the future or try a few simple ideas for a few minutes. Nothing worth another story, though. We did have some very big plans for the weekend either before or after Sheila's birthday, which would be near the end of September. However, it would only work if we could get her place, and preferable my place as well all to ourselves, and get a bunch more people to join our group. We didn't want to risk asking anyone in town, so we dedided to wait until we went back to college/university to ask our friends there. By the way, the city I refer to has two universities and one college. Sheila and I go to one university, Bob goes to the other, and Mindy goes to the college. We have a few friends there that we think would like to join in the fun.

Another thing I forgot to mention before, I do have a girlfriend, but she lives in the city, and was on vacation for most of the summer. Sheila also sort-of has a boyfriend, but he also lives in the city, and they only phoned each other a few times during the summer. The event we are planning for the weekend before or after Sheila's birthday sounds like it will be really fun. Basicly, it's similar to a big game of capture the flag, but instead of a flag there will be a person who is already tied up. I may write a bit about it later, but I'll probably wait and see if it actually happens. Until then, I don't have any more stories to tell. E-mail is still welcome, even if you just want to tell me to shut up. I'm still waiting to see the end of those two stories, which for some reason are taking longer to type than this one is. I still say that a meeting on a chatroom would be a good idea, but apparently noone wants to bother. I guess that's all I'll write here. Goodbye until next post.


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