Weekend Babysitter by unknown (F/m)

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Weekend Babysitter by unknown (F/m)

Post by Fordman »

Note: If anyone remembers who authored this story, please post so they can get credit.

Weekend Babysitter


I have to say that this posting is based on a true story. I honestly cannot remember exactly what happened in what order and who said what 20 years ago. If I just wrote down what I could remember it would be a small not very interesting story. I have therefore padded out the narrative to make it read well. I may have elaborated a little but then again it is difficult to remember what exactly happened as opposed to what I wanted to happen and over the years have made myself believe happened.

It was warm weather in late spring and I was 10 when this took place. I don’t remember the exact circumstances but Mum was away for the weekend with something to do with work, my sister Susan, at some sort of girls’ sports event and Dad was being awkward and wouldn’t have me for the weekend (Mum and Dad separated some years ago). Mum had managed to arrange a weekend baby sitter Debbie. Debbie was a 16 or 17 year-old neighbour’s daughter who I admit I had a bit of a crush on. Mum was going to call daily and Debbie’s mother would be close at hand if anything went wrong.

Just past 7 on Friday night after tea Debbie came round. She had a small bag for her stay and arrived in jeans, red sweater and leather flip-flops. Soon mum and Sue went off in the car, Debbie kicked off her shoes and we sat down to watch Friday night TV.

It was the days when British TV on Friday was either bad sitcoms or imported US adventure / cop shows. Watching the cop show the inevitable scene happened when the son of some character got tied up and gagged. There weren’t many scenes of him tied and he escaped to raise the alarm but it got my interest. Lots of my games were driven by TV programmes and, like most children, my sister and me had played tie-up games with our friends.

After that scene on TV I ran to my bedroom and came back in with some rope from my toy bag. I had tied it into a small loop and put my hands in it then tried twisting them behind my back.

“Look at me I can escape too.” I said untwisting my hands. I took another piece of rope and tied another loop, which I put my feet through, tying my ankles together. I was wearing shorts and t-shirt and bare feet. I pretended to escape again. “Done it.” Debbie smiled and gave a little laugh at me.

“Do you want me to tie you?” She asked. I could not believe my luck when she asked that.

“Sure.” I said. I ran to my room again and came back with more rope, some scarves and other lengths of cloth. As I said, I played tie up games before. I put the pile of “toys” next to Debbie on the sofa and stood in front of her holding my hands behind me. She began to tie rope around my hands then asked if I wanted my elbows tied too.

“Yes.” I said, never having had my elbows tied before I thought it would be fun. You know, it didn’t strike me at the time but years later I wonder just how much experience she had of this type of thing. She checked with me it wasn’t too tight then told me to sit on the sofa and put my feet up on her knees. She tied around my ankles and then I noticed she tied between my ankles too. I’d never done that before or had it done to me but I was soon to realise it made things much more difficult to escape. She tied me around the knees too in the same way.

“Is that tight enough?” she asked and began to tickle the soles of my feet. “Ooooh, are you ticklish?” I wriggled squirmed but she held onto my ankle ropes and I couldn’t escape.

She let go of me after a minute or so and I wobbled to my feet and hopped around the sitting room still laughing almost as much as when she was tickling me. She pretended to chase me and when she caught me began to tickle me again.

“No, no please stop.” I cried out. And she did.
“Sorry did I hurt you?”
“No you can tickle me all you like.” I said.
“Oh so you didn’t want me to stop.” She said mock menacingly.
“So you lied.”
“Er no.”
“Yes you did.”
“You make too much noise.”

You can all guess what was going to happen next. She went to the pile of cloths and scarves and came back with two. She tied a knot in the middle of one, put it in my mouth and knotted it behind my head. She tied the second one over my mouth again tying it behind my head again. It didn’t really silence me but did muffle me a lot. Debbie began to tickle my feet again to test it. Then she went to sit on the sofa again.

I carried on wriggling and making muffled moans and eventually got back to my feet. I hopped back to the sofa and continued my futile wriggling and struggling. Debbie tickled me intermittently for the next half hour or so before she untied me.

It was quite late for a 10 year old by now and despite my moans she did manage to get me to go to bed. I didn’t go to sleep straight away however as I was so excited.


Saturday morning was nothing special. I got up I got dressed (shorts and shirt like the day before, had breakfast and watched television. I had not forgotten the previous evening’s games with Debbie but it was not top of my mind. No one got tied up on Saturday morning kids’ TV that day. Late morning I went out and played with some friends. We were all called back for lunch and met afterwards to play football. When it started raining but, just like on TV, we wanted to carry on playing. My friends’ mothers and Debbie were not so happy with us running round in the rain so we were called in. After some time in a friend’s house I went back home.

I’d already taken my muddy football boots off and on coming home took my socks off too. Debbie was in a t-shirt, jeans, and barefoot again getting a drink ready for me. There was nothing on TV so she tried to entertain me offering to play board games but it was what I had been doing round my friend’s after football was rained off and I wasn’t interested.

“So what do you want to do?” she asked.
“Can we play kidnap again?”
“Are you sure you want to?” she asked nervously.
“Well OK then. Can you get the ropes?”

I ran upstairs and came back with the bag which had been tidied up last night. When I came down Debbie was in the kitchen getting a cup of tea and some biscuits. She told me to go and sit in the lounge again. I put the bag on the sofa and when she came in jumped up with my hands behind me.

“OK bound boy.” she said, and began to tie my wrists as she had the previous night. She did not tie my elbows this time but instead told me to kneel down, then lie face down. She tied my ankles together then bent my knees and tied my hands to my feet. My first hogtie, although I did not know that was what it was called back then. She sat down and tickled my feet again. I laughed, squealed and squirmed. Debbie giggled at my predicament.

“Do you want a biscuit?” she asked.
“Yes please.” I replied. She put a plate down on the floor and laughed at my struggles to crawl to the plate and then to pick the biscuit up and eat it without the use of my hands. It was made more comical in that I was also having to rock back and forth as my shoulders were pulled up a little. I rolled and wriggled a bit more whilst she drank her tea. She offered me another biscuit, this time held between her toes. She was most amused as I had to take it from her, licking her feet in the process. She had been barefooted all day indoors and her feet were not wholly clean. She further teased me by pulling the biscuit away just when I thought I had it.

I forget just how long I had been tied up like that when the doorbell rang. Debbie jumped up to answer it and I heard another female voice. I wasn’t gagged (yet) but decided it was best not to get caught so stayed quiet. I couldn’t hear what was being said but I heard the front door close and the second voice continue. The lounge door opened and there was a second teenage girl stood next to Debbie.

(To be continued)


“Here he is.” Said Debbie.
“Are you ok?” asked the second girl.
“Sure. This is fun.” I said.
“This is my friend Jenny.” Added Debbie. Jenny clearly had a Saturday job as she was dressed in her shop clothes, looking almost like school uniform: Dark blue skirt, pale blue blouse, tan tights and dark shoes. “Oh and by the way, Steven is very ticklish.”

“Really.” Said Jenny. And with that she bent down and tickled my bare feet. I was in hysterics kicking struggling and rolling to get away from now 4 hands tickling me everywhere.

After a few minutes they let me have a rest and left me gasping and still laughing and began to touch girly things. I began interrupting from the floor and after a couple of “Quiet’s” one of them, I can’t remember which, decided I needed gagging. Debbie picked up my discarded football socks and tied a knot in the middle of one. She pushed the knot into my mouth and tied the ends behind my head. Jenny then took the second sock and wrapped it around my head covering my mouth. The socks were thicker than last nights scarves ad the gag was much more effective. It was also a bit smelly but I was having fun tied up and gagged by two older girls and I enjoyed my plight.

By this time Jenny had taken her shoes off. Now if you haven’t worked by now, one thing I like in addition to being tied up is girls’ feet. As long as I can remember I have always liked looking at girls’ bare feet and when ever I had the opportunity I tried to play with my Mum or Susan’s feet. In case you are wondering, apart from my own feet I am not interested in boys’ feet. Well from my position I now had a great view of Debbie’s bare feet and of Jenny’s tan nyloned toes. I wriggled around to get a very good view when eventually one of them noticed where my eyes had been pointing.

“So tickle boy likes feet too.” Said Jenny.
“Mmmpphhggmm” I tried to reply.
“I think he does.” Said Debbie, and pinched my nose between two of her toes.

They untied my hands from my feet, which came as a bit of a relief, turned me onto my back, and began to play footsie on my face. First I had Debbie’s dirty bare soles over my nose then, when she moved down and toe tickled my tummy, I had Jenny’s smelly nylon soles on my face. This went on for about half an hour as they chatted and teased me. Jenny eventually put her shoes on and left but she said she’d be back to see Debbie, and me, later in the evening.

Debbie took my gag off and asked me if I wanted a break. I had been tied up for well over an hour, lots of it hogtied, so I was glad of the rest, and chance to go to the toilet. I also changed from my football kit. We then had tea and settled to watch more 1980’s Saturday night TV. Then Jenny returned.


Debbie and I were still barefoot, her still in her jeans and me in shorts and t-shirt. Jenny was in pale blue jeans, white hooded sweat shirt (hoodie was not in the language at that time) and white moccasins. As soon as she joined us in the lounge.

“Foot boy’s not tied up then?” she asked.

“Not yet.” Said Debbie.

“Does he want to be?”

“Yes please.” I was not being very subtle or hard to get in those days.

“I think we should give him some more tickle torture.”

“We just need some mediaeval stocks.”

“Hmmm.” Debbie went to the kitchen and came back with a chair, then she moved the foot stool from in front of one of the arm chairs. “Sit here Stevie.” She said. At that point Jenny reached into her bag and pulled out a roll of what looked like washing line and some scissors.

Under Debbie’s direction, with Jenny cutting rope to the required lengths the two girls soon had me secured to the chair. My hands were tied behind my back and behind the back of the chair. They were then tied to a cross beam at the back of the seat, my upper arms were tied to the upright bars at the side of the chair and loops of ropes went around my chest, upper arms and stomach tying me to the chair. My legs were tied and ankles, above and below knees, and round my thighs. My thighs were tied to the seat of the chair and then my legs were held out straight and put on the footstool. Me legs were just long enough that my feet reached the far edge. More lengths of rope went round my legs as they were tied immovably to the stool.

“Let’s see how good a job we’ve done.” Teased Debbie.

“Sure.” said Jenny “Are you ticklish foot boy?” and with that began to gently stroke the soles of my feet. I tried to not laugh but my resistance lasted all of 1½ seconds. Before I was giggling and squirming and getting totally excited by my utter, utter helplessness.

“I think he is.”

“Let’s get something else to tickle him.” Between them they rustled up a couple of small brushes, a biro and mum’s feather duster.

“Too much noise.” Said Jenny.

I knew what was coming and Debbie approached me with a couple of scarves. On rolled up and popped into my mouth, the other tied over it keeping it firmly in place. The tickling continued and it seemed to me I was making just as much noise but apparently I was much quieter.

They turned the chair and stool arrangement around so that my feet were pointing at a bit of an angle towards the sofa. Both girls flopped down onto the sofa, jenny nearer me, Debbie nearer my feet. Jenny took her moccasins off and revealed she was still wearing her tan tights underneath. She lifted her feet up and held them to my face.

“Go on have a sniff.” She teased. Her feet were quite smelly still and I tried to turn my head away. I was tied too tightly to avoid them though and with Debbie tickling my bare soles I was soon giggling and inhaling. They swapped a couple of times so I had both bare and nylon feet to smell. Eventually they both sat down and just kept me tied to the chair, tickling my feet from time to time as they watched the TV.

I had been kept tied up for well over one hour when they eventually untied me and I was told it was my bed time. I was so excited that at first I wouldn’t go. They persuaded me to go to the bathroom and change into pyjamas by promising to tie me again afterwards.

My last tie of the night was to have scarves tied around my wrists and ankles. Then these were tied with ropes to the 4 corners of my bed. I then had a scarf tied over my eyes. My feet were tickled for a little while before eventually feeling the sheet and other bed clothes put over me and hearing the girls going down stairs. I was left for the night tied to my bed blindfolded still very excited. I heard Debbie come in to check on me once before I eventually fell asleep.

When I woke the next morning I had my hands untied and the ropes on my feet undone. The scarf was still tied over my eyes but I quickly took that off. I ran to wake Debbie up who was still soundly asleep.

Sunday was a bit of a let down but Debbie said as my mum and sister were coming back she did not want to keep me tied up in case there were rope marks left. Still it was a very exciting weekend and, even at the age of 10, raised my tie up game interest a little: even before puberty and hormones kicked in.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Good find!
Deleted User 236

Post by Deleted User 236 »

I think that was "Barefootboy" I swapped messages a couple of times on the old site (child hood tie ups and tickles) but he said he could not devote the time he had used to when he posted stories. I guess he will not join us here.
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Post by MaxRoper »

I'm a big fan of "early influences" and this is a great one. Thanks for posting!
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Post by milagros317 »

Great story! :)
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

I absolutely love this story, bare feet, nylon feet, bondage tickling. The girl tying up Is also only 16 so I don't have the same creepy feeling of 30/40 year old women tying up young boys. And nothing sexual.

I would have loved to be the 10 year old Steven.

Post by Quintus09 »

This would be my dream weekend.
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