Julie : 01 - My trip to Germany (M/F)

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Julie : 01 - My trip to Germany (M/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Julie's stories
01 - My trip to Germany
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By Julie

Sunday, February 19th 2006 - 04:34:03 PM

My trip to Germany

I am not much of a talker when it comes to bondage. I don't spend much time in front of my computer just talking about it, I rather look for occasions to actually do it. I take the time to know a potential candidate, but when I am confident and comfortable enough with the person, I get into the action.

My work allows me to go to many places and I take advantage of that fact when someone interesting happens to be in the area. The other day I was in Germany and I had been in contact with a guy who was very much into those games. He'd ask me many time to get by his place so we could do some experiment. So that was the occasion we were looking for.

The first day I was in town we went to dinner, which was nice. It gave us the time to talk and see if there was indeed compatibility between the two of us. And I must say there was. One thing that I noticed was that he knew what he wanted and was not afraid to say it. So right from the start it was clear what he was looking for, and he was not to go around and pretend otherwise.

To me, bondage is a game, I like when it gets physical and in fact I am physical in many aspects of my life. And the way this guy envisioned an encounter between the two of us was pretty much on that note. Also he seemed to have quite a bit of experience, something I secretly wanted. I am done fooling around with guys who have no skills and don't know what to do. So anyway, our meeting was quite enlightening. We couldn't meet again the next day, our respective schedules didn't allow it. But the day after I was still in town, so we decided to get together and see what we would like to do.

So the day came, he gave me the direction to his place and I got there early in the evening. He welcomed me and showed me around his house. It was a normal suburb house in a very normal neighbourhood, it was clean and neat, every bit like a perfect bachelor. So we did some small talk walking around the house, we talked about my job and the people I meet with, our respective hobbies and all that. And then it came to the subject of bondage. He asked me straight if I wanted to try some right away. I could see he was very eager to get down to business. So I asked him how he wanted to proceed, and he returned the question right back at me, since "I" was the one involved.

Ok, I knew what this guy was about way before I got to Germany. But he seemed honest and straightforward, so I sort of knew what to expect. Also I like a little adventure. Normally I wouldn't let anyone tie me up on the first occasion, but since he showed some honesty, telling me clearly what he liked to do, it gave him the credibility that I needed to actually do some stuff. So when he asked how I wanted to proceed, I said: "Well, maybe we can try some basic stuff and see how it goes". Of course he was all up for it. He went back to one of him bedrooms and came back with a big luggage. We were in the living room, sipping some wine, so he dropped the bag beside the couch and opened it. It was, of course, full of ropes and all kind of restraining gear. He asked me : "Any preference?"

- No, not really, I replied.
- Would you like to get "comfortable" before we start?

Well, I expected that. He told me he like to have the girls naked when he ties them up, and for the record, it is a preference of mine too. But for that particular occasion we settled for some workout gear, which was actually close to get naked. Just a top and some tiny shorts. When I came out of the bathroom after I changed, I could see he was pleased.

While I was changing he got down to business and prepared some ropes. He congratulated me for my choice of attire, and pulled me by my arm in the middle of the living room. Then he told me he would start with my hands. So I crossed my wrists behind my back, and right away he started to tie them together. He had a very firm grip to hold my hands and he didn't loose any time tying them. Very fast, the ropes were rolled and criss-crossed in between my wrists and soon he was making the first knots. Then right after he got a new rope and tied my elbows together. In fact, he was doing a very classical tie, one which every part of my body would be restrained very carefully. He got some ropes around my arms and torso, around my thighs, knees and ankles. For every step he clearly announced what he was about to do and did it very efficiently. Also when he completed every step he was enquiring ever so politely if I was good. Nowhere along the process had he pinched my skin, and yet the bondage was tight and very firm. That's one of the many advantage to have someone who actually had some experience. To tie my ankles and knees he had me sit on the couch to avoid me to fall. I could see all along that he was having fun.

And to a girl like me, being bound like that is a real treat. It was solid, no flaws, no pinching anywhere, just a plain good bondage. Once he had finished tying my legs he asked me again if I was ok, and then told me he would gag me. So he asked me if I had any preferences, but he knew already what I was used to. He took a piece of cloth, he rinsed it many times, folded it in a ball and pushed it in my mouth. Then he used a leather mask to keep it in. This was one of those masks with many straps going all around the head, holding the main piece firmly in place.

I have to say, it was a very good bondage, everything that I hoped for. Once he had fixed the straps, he told me to "have fun" and that he was getting his video camera. Sure enough, he ran into a room and came back right away with his camcorder, pointing it directly at me. I had not started to move then. I was just sitting on the couch, a bit laughing of the situation, because I was nervous, and I just watched him going around filming. At first I didn't quite know what to do, I was just sitting there realising what just happened. It was fast, and maybe I was still on the surprise effect. Anyway, after a minute or two I started to try to move. I tried to pull on those ropes and check them out. I was really well tied up, and it felt pretty good I might add. I was excited and a bit aroused, as it always do. I tried to struggle and find some flaws in this bondage, it was too well done.

He kept on filming and watching me, and I kept on struggling, harder and harder as seconds passed. I really couldn't find any loose ends to those ropes and, in the presence of this man, I started to feel a bit like a prisoner. It was actually quite fun, and exciting.

Then I got on my feet and started to hop around the living room, as if I tried to escape. But of course I couldn't go very far, and every second I had to fight to keep my balance. Sometime I would against a wall and struggle some more, just to try those ropes, but to no avail. All along he would pursue me and record my every move. Then I got to a bedroom, and I took some acceleration and jump right on the bed. There I continued to struggle and moan, louder as minutes passed. It was like I became less shy as time went by. Then I realised he was not there watching me any more. But he soon came back and he had my shoes with him. They were high heels and I had removed then when I got changed. But he came to me and pushed them back on my feet. I let him do it without fighting, but then I realised that with them on I would have a lot more trouble hopping around. But maybe he wanted to see me with them badly, so I let him do it. He secured the little strap that kept them on, and then resumed filming.

It was cool to be on the bed struggling for a while. It was comfortable and it got me aroused quite a bit. I always get very aroused when I and all tied up on a bed, and this time was not exception. So I kept on struggling and moaning as long as I wanted. Then I took time to catch my breath for a while, he was there, recording everything. Then I relaxed. I stopped moving all together and I let some time pass. I thought he would do something, but he didn't. He just kept filming.

I felt some shyness being observed and scrutinised like that. I plunged my face into the pillow for a while, like he had seen me enough. Then I turn back at him and continued to relax.

I just stayed there for the longest time. Every once in a while I would check if he was still there, he didn't move. Probably that he enjoyed my ass a lot. I would look over my shoulder from time to time and he was always there. He wouldn't talk much, but he told me that if I wanted to have a break, just to tell him. Well, I felt pretty good so far, so I kept on enjoying it. I didn't see any reason why I wouldn't take advantage of the situation.

So I stayed on the bed for a while, relaxing so much in fact that I could eventually get asleep. But these ropes were putting way too much pressure on my body, it kept my arousal quite high all along. So then, after a long while, I decided to move again. First, I started to struggle again. I started slowly, increasing in intensity gradually. I took my time and managed my energy rationally. I kept on increasing my fighting until it was complete madness. I was growling and moaning loudly as I fought furiously, and the good thing about this bondage was that it allowed such fighting, without hurting me anywhere. This is how you recognise a guy with skills. So I was really going at it, as if I really wanted to escape and break these ropes, but obviously nothing broke.

So after a few minutes I was completely breathless. The guy was mocking me in saying: "What? That's all you got?" I didn't reply to that. I relaxed for a couple of minutes and caught back my breath, I felt good. And I felt quite as a prisoner, in a room that I didn't know, with a guy who, in a sense, was still a stranger, and I felt like a real kidnapped lady. That gave me some excitement just thinking about it.

Anyway after a while I sat down on the side of the bed. I prepared to change room again, as if I was looking for a way to get out of these bounds. The guy was still there, his eyes riveted on his camcorder and the camcorder riveted on me. I tried not to look at the camera because when I see myself, or any bondage movie for that matter, it seems weird when the model looks at the camera. I just didn't want to feel so weird, if ever I was to see that video.

SO I prepared carefully before getting on my feet. This was more tricky since I had my shoes on now. But then I got up, and it was actually not too bad. SO I could hop my way out of the room, immediately followed by this "director", and he followed me in the hallway. I didn't quite know where to go, so I rested against the wall from time to time, just to take a break and give a chance to my ankles. It is seriously not so obvious to keep your balance when you have no arms, that your ankles are all tied together and you are wearing high heels. Seriously not obvious.

Anyway, I went back to the living room, and then I got an idea. I kept on hopping to the kitchen, and then I started to search for a big knife. I was to try to cut those ropes. I saw a stand on the counter with a few big knives hanging from it, but it was way out of reach with my hands tied and my arms pinned against my body. So I had to re-evaluate.

As I was leaning against the counter, my butt was just against a drawer, and I suspected that, like in every kitchen, that very drawer would contain some knives. So I seized the handle and pulled it open, and sure enough there were plenty of knives in there. But they were these sorts of knives that are not very sharp, actually not sharp at all. Trying to cut those ropes with that would take forever, if ever I could cut anything. Still I kept on looking for a sharper one, and on the side of the drawer, in a place where you put some special utensils, there was one that looked ok. But it was quite small and I suspected I would not do much damage with it. Nevertheless, it was the only decent one I could reach for now, so I decided to try it.

I knew fully well that I would not be able to cut the ropes on my elbows with that small knife. But still I thought that, maybe, once my hands would be free, maybe I would be able to maneuver and reach those big knives on the stand. SO I got down to it and started to work. I took the small knife in the drawer and, holding it in one hand, I tried to start to cut the ropes on my wrists. Of course, my little friend was just there, not raising a finger to help me. What was even more insulting was that, as I started to work on the cutting, he asked me to turn around so he could see what and how I was doing.

But I was getting tired and I stayed resting my butt on the counter as I worked the ropes behind me. Well, my little friend came over, he seized me by my arm and turned me around. I moved so he would let go my arm but he was holding me firmly and I had no choice but to turn around. Well anyway, it didn't make the job any harder, so I stayed leaning a little forward on the counter and kept on trying to cut those ropes.

I had to be careful not to cut my skin, but this knife didn't seem very sharp after all and I had the impression that I was not progressing. But what else could I do? So I kept on working on it, hoping something would break at one point.

I had to change hand, because the hand I was using became stiff and I couldn't put any pressure any more on the knife. Ok, you guys try it and you'll know what I mean! It's like the blood doesn't flow very well when you have your elbows tied, especially as tied as I was. And it seems your hands are not getting this precious blood, at least not as much as you would need it, and if you make an effort with your hand it gets very difficult very fast. So I tried to change hand, but then I couldn't keep on cutting the exact same spot as I started, so it was like I had to start all over again. Damn!

I thought for a moment about stopping. Maybe I should ask him to untie me, but he didn't seem like ready to let me go. I guess he had too much fun watching me trying to escape. So I complained a bit, and as expected he just laughed. And he said : "Come on! Try something!"

He definitely wanted me to continue. I relaxed for a few seconds, and I moved my hands trying to activate the bloodstream. It didn't do much good. Then I got back to work. For a while, and with much effort, it didn't seem to do anything. But suddenly I felt as if a rope got loose. My hands were still very tightly tied together but there was definitely a rope touching my hand that was not there before. That was encouraging. So I kept on working. But then I heard my friend saying: "Ok, that's enough!"

I was wondering what he meant by that. For a moment I thought that he would just untie me, but then I saw him go to the living room, he got to his bag and took a new rope. I said - or tried to: "What??!" And I saw him coming back unfolding his rope. So I started to moan loudly and complain, and I tried to turn so he could not reach my hands, but he grabbed my arm, pulled me firmly towards him so I couldn't keep my balance, and he laid me on the floor. I moaned and swirled as much as I could, but he put me flat face down on the floor and sat, literally, on me. Then he grabbed my hands and retied them firmly with plenty of rope.

I moaned and struggled as much as I could, but he was holding me and I felt my hands being tied more and more. Ok, I told him many times on my mails that I liked to be "kept" prisoner for long periods of time, but that was getting a bit out of hands. Well, it had not been that long but for a first time I felt it could be quite enough. Anyway, it seems not to think so, and I got retied very firmly. Moreover, once he had finished tying my hands, he had some rope left. So he grabbed my ankles, folded my legs and tied my wrists to my ankles in a hogtie that was quite demanding. I tried not to fold my legs but he pulled the rope so hard that I didn't have a choice. It was quite strict since the rope on my knees got then much tighter as my legs folded, as for the rope around my thighs.

Wow. Now, as he knotted the rope many times, I realised I couldn't go anywhere anymore. And this floor was somewhat cold, I felt it pretty well since I didn't have much clothes on. Ok, now what?

As I lay on the floor, he got back his camera and started to film again. I tried to relax, there was not much else to do anyway. That gave me time to catch my breath since I had struggle a lot and was quite tired. He kept on filming for a while. I was not paying any attention to him. I preferred leaving my eyes closed, my head down, it didn't seem worthwhile to waste any more energy. I was to wait until he is done filming and releases me. Although those ropes were somewhat very tight, I just tried to ignore the biting on my flesh.

Sometimes I would open my eyes and check him out. He would go around me, ever so slowly, not missing any second of my predicament. Sometimes I would try to move because the biting of the ropes was a bit too much to bare, but it didn't change anything.

Then, suddenly he disappeared. I put my head up to see what he was doing, and I saw him coming back with some stuff. First he had a tripod, which he place at a safe distance from me, and put the camera on it, directly pointing at me. I could see it was still filming. Then he got some sort of a scarf and came directly to me. Without warning he placed it on my eyes and knotted it behind my head. Now I couldn't see what was going on. What was that all about?

Then I heard him going from here and there, but I didn't know what he was doing. Then suddenly he grabbed me, lifting me completely, with no apparent effort and held me in his arms. Wow, that guy is strong. But anyway, he took me from the kitchen to - I didn't know where. Then I felt that he struggled with something, always holding me in his arms. And then, wow! I felt some very cold air coming against my body, and it seemed like we were going outside. But it was in the middle of winter?!

Indeed, he were outside, and he kept on making a few steps. I was about to moan and start to struggle, but then - horror! Believe it or not, but he literally threw me in the snow! Damn!

I was in a strict hogtie and I couldn't move, and I was completely covered with snow! Also I was wearing next to nothing, so I felt very well all that snow. I was stunned! How could he do that?

I just couldn't stay motionless because that snow was so damn cold. I yelled and moan as if my life depended on it, and I struggled like hell. But all that didn't do much to enhance my situation. I was still on the snow and couldn't move an inch. I tried to ask : "What's going on?" But he wouldn't reply.

I whined and moaned my discomfort, wondering what the hell he was doing, and I was getting damn cold. The snow in contact with my body will partly melt, making moisture on my skin, which made it even more freezing to be in the snow. I kept on struggling and moaning furiously, and then I heard him: "Come on girl! Let's see what you can do now!!!" I was out of my mind. I couldn't believe that he would leave me here like that, not mentioning that the neighbours could see us. Soon I was shivering and trembling, and believe me it is such a rush to really try to escape and not being able to do anything.

He didn't leave me there too long, finally. Well, it was long quite enough, but he finally came to grab me again and he took me inside. Then he transported me right to the bathroom and placed me face down in the tub. He immediately opened the hot water to fill the tub. While the tub was filling, he undid my hogtie, which was great. That released some severe tension on my wrists. As soon as I got free from the hogtie I turned over so I would not have the water on my nose. All along I kept my legs up and I tried to tell him to remove my shoes. I didn't want my pricy shoes to get into the water.

He didn't catch right away what I wanted to say. Obviously it would have been too easy just to UNGAG me! But it seemed that he wanted to keep me still. I kept my legs up and moved my feet, to grab his attention to them, and he finally got it. So he removed my shoes, and I could rest my legs.

As the tub filled, I felt the hot water warming gradually my body. Still tied, I tried to find a comfortable position on that tub, and I tried to stop shivering. The hot water did a good job. Even he helped. He took a sponge, plunged it in the water and warmed up my upper body with it. That felt good.

Now I was still tied. I didn't know for how long he would keep me like that. Anyway, he filled the tub right to the top and I could immerse almost completely in it. Also I could keep a comfortable position without much effort, so it felt very good.

He let me there, and I didn't see what he was doing. But as I heard him going out and back in the bathroom I was sure he was filming again. Now I couldn't care less because I was warm and comfortable. So I just relaxed. I stayed there for several minutes. But then, you have to know what that kind of situation does to you. Being tied up in warm water produce a weird effect. It's like the warm water softens the skin and makes it more sensitive. In fact, I had been tied up for quite a while now, and I started to feel the ropes biting my flesh. With the warm water effect it made it even more obvious. SO even if I wanted to relax it's like I couldn't and I kept on moving from time to time. Also I felt that my jaw was stiff and my shoulders ached, because my arms were pulled way back behind me. So at one point I had enough.

I moved myself in the tub and tried to get to a position where I could get out of it. The guy was right there, I could hear him, but he wouldn't help me at all. Anyway, after a few effort I could get over the side of the tub and sit on it. Then I moved and moaned in a way that I was saying that I had enough, and I was presenting my hands so he would start to untie them.

He had to keep me waiting for a little longer, but finally he got to it. He started to untie my arms, and it was about time.

For those who experienced it before, they know what happens then. As he removes the ropes, one by one, you feel it very strongly on your skin. The skin became softer and quite more sensitive in the water, so it is quite bad. But I has happy, nevertheless, because it was a good experience. It was a bit off the wall, but you can't expect living any adventure if you don't take any risk. To me, this was a calculated risk.

So he untied me and he was careful doing it. He clearly saw what was going on and he proceeded slowly. He removed the ropes from around my upper body first, then my elbows, then he removed my blindfold. After that he took my legs, which were still dipping in the tub, and he turned me around so he could untie the legs. He removed the rope from my thighs, then from my knees, and then my ankles. All along I was still gagged, and he wanted it that way. He was looking at me as he was removing the ropes, one after the other, and if I felt some pain, as expected in that kind of situation, I could only moan because of the gag. And everytime I moan he would look at me and have this little grin on his face.

Anyway there were only my hands left to untie. So once he finished untying my legs, still sitting on the side of the tub I just move slightly sideways so he could reach my hands, and I presented them to him. He made me wait again. He took the time to fold all his ropes that were all over the floor. I was so tired I just couldn't get up, so I waited. Once he had all the rope neatly folded and tucked, then and only then he deigned to untie my hands. Finally, I was free.

I had a hard time just to pull my arms around in front of me, because my shoulders were so stiff and aching. So I proceeded slowly. Even then my hands became all numb and I didn't recover my feelings right away. I rubbed my wrists and elbows for a while, while he was suspending his ropes to the curtain support to dry them. And I was still gagged.

Well, he didn't even ungag me, I had to ungag myself, as he was STILL FILMING!! I had a hard time at first pulling on the straps because I didn't have enough strength back in my hands yet. But I finally got it. I removed all the straps and spit down the cloth, and threw it in the sink. I was so exhausted.

I kept on rubbing all the places where the ropes were for a while, and the marks were very clear on my body. And then I had reassembled enough strength to just get on my feet. But then I saw my face on the mirror, and I got shocked.

I had the leather mask and the straps all printed on my face, and it was as clear as the rope marks on my body. Needless to say that it was pretty weird. Hopefully nobody was to see me like that. I would get right back to the hotel and hide until tomorrow. And all the rope marks on my skin would be covered with my clothes, that wouldn't be a problem.

So my host took down his camera, and I grabbed a towel to dry myself up. Then I went to the room where I previously changed and got into some dry clothes. My host took advantage of this moment to prepare some food, which we shared after that.

That was pretty cool as an experience, considering. As I said I am a bit adventurous and I like to be surprised. So that was a real surprise. I was expecting some stuff like that from this guy because he never hid what he was up for. And from what I know from him, a lot more stuff can happen. But then, we'll have to wait until my next visit.


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