Jackroper : 02 - Teen Wolf (M/M/M)

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Jackroper : 02 - Teen Wolf (M/M/M)

Post by jackroper »

“Teen Wolf’s” first season was drawing to a close and long-haired actor Tyler Posey, age 20, who played Scott McCall, the teenage werewolf, was concerned about the last days shooting. He realized that Dylan O’Brien, his fellow actor (who played buzz cut Stiles, his best bud, one of the few people who knew he was a werewolf on the show) was going to have to tie him up when the full moon came out. Or that’s what the script called for.

Tyler had always had a fascination with bondage and tie-up games and this episode called for him to be severely bound—and gagged—by Stiles, in order to prevent him from injuring anyone, especially his on-screen girlfriend, Allison Argent (played by Crystal Reed).

The show had been great fun until now. He had many scenes making love to Crystal, but now one of his major secret fantasies might come out in the open. He knew he would have to be in makeup a lot of the time, being made into a werewolf while tied up, and feared his erection might give him away. He had deliberately worn a full jock-strap to “hide” his problem, or so he thought.

The folks at Macy’s had provided the wardrobes for every show, and they gave him his clothes for the day. Each show almost always had him wearing a long-sleeve T-shirt with a short-sleeve one over this. He liked the way the sleeves came down to his hands and were tight around his arms. He felt sexy wearing them and felt very confident dressing for the part. Today, they wanted him to wear a turtleneck, another fetish of his ever since he played in “Maid in Manhattan” with Jennifer Lopez (You may remember the scene. J Lo told him to put his turtleneck on. She was already wearing a nice ribbed turtleneck and the scene called for him to get his head stuck and have J Lo help him pull it down). Another turn on.

But that was when he was just a kid. This blood red turtleneck was “industrial strength”—the neck must have hung about ten inches down, which, when folded would make it almost five inches tall! He felt the soft cotton material as he gradually pulled it on, sleeves first and finally pulling the tight neck over his head. It got stuck—again—just like in “Maid”. He chuckled to himself and felt himself become increasingly aroused.

“Hey Tyler,” Dylan yelled, “need help getting that thing on? You look like a bobble-head!”

Tyler laughed and realized he must look like a jerk. He grabbed the material surrounding his head and pulled it down, which caused it to bunch up under his chin. ‘No, I’m OK,” he responded, as he quickly folded the neck in half, which tickled his chin and almost touched his ears. He also had to put on a t-shirt over this, a pale shirt reading “Beacon High School Lacrosse”, which he did quickly. It was only 8 am and the day would be a long one.

“Ready to be tied up?” Dylan jested. They had been practicing a little over the last few days. Even though Tyler was not expected to do all the roping—they had hired a guy off the internet who appeared to be an expert at that-- he still had to perform like he knew what he was doing.

Tyler was getting more nervous by the minute. He tried to hide his excitement. “No problem, Dylan, I’m ready when you are. Hey by the way, where’s the ‘expert’?” Dylan pointed to the breakfast bar, where the internet bondage guy was scarfing down a pastry.

Tyler had “located” this bondage pro on the Internet, where he frequently went trolling for bondage stories and pictures. He was from Los Angeles and appeared to be in his mid-forties. His name was Rex Hanson, and they had hit it off right away. Rex was a little stout but otherwise in pretty good shape for his age, but, as Tyler would find out, he was very good at tying a guy up quickly—and inescapably.

Another actor on the set, Tyler Hoechlin was the beta werewolf in the series. He was 24, and played Derek Hale, who had already done a scene where he was chained up shirtless in Allison’s parent’s secret lycanthropy lab. He would be in the scene with our star, Tyler, also bound and gagged.

The director asked if everybody was ready. The cameras were positioned, the lighting was tested, the makeup artists were standing by, and he called: ‘Action!”

Tyler looked up and could see Rex and Dylan waiting in the wings with what looked like a thousand feet of rope and lots of leg irons and handcuffs.

“Oh boy!” Tyler whispered to himself, “I feel like I’m gonna cream in my pants!”


Chapter Two

Tyler had met with Rex Hanson a few days before the taping of the show. In fact, it was Tyler who had researched the internet and found Hanson on Recon, and chatted with him about being hired as the show’s bondage expert—otherwise known as a creative consultant. Tyler convinced the director that Dylan, while ok doing tie ups, really wouldn’t be able to make it look real. Tyler insisted on this.

Tyler met Rex at his hotel room at the Ramada in West Hollywood three days earlier. All Hanson knew was that the show wanted his services—for exactly what he was not sure, even though he could guess. Rex had watched the show and found it to be of some interest, especially all of the hunky guys in their bare chests, doing werewolf stuff. The plots were OK too, but sometimes a little too much like a soap-opera, a flaw in many teen oriented shows these days, in his opinion. But, he did not have the nerve to tell Tyler this when he first met him at the hotel bar that evening.

“Mr. Hanson? Glad to meet you. I really appreciate your work.”

“Thanks. Please, call me Rex. You know, I wasn’t sure anyone was really paying attention,” Rex replied.

“Well, I was,” Tyler responded, ‘and I can see from your photos that you really know how to tie guys up!”

“Well thanks again. But tell me Tyler, what’s this all about? I realize the show wants me to ‘consult’ but what do they have in mind?”

Tyler smiled his crooked smile and replied, “Well, actually it was my idea to hire you. By the way, here’s your first payment,” handing Jack an envelope containing a small fortune.
“The show’s last script’s episode requires that I be tied up to prevent me from harming my friends, especially my girlfriend…so, I figured we should get someone who knows how to do it right.”

“Thanks again. I appreciate your confidence,” Jack replied. “What do you want me to do exactly?”

Tyler looked down at his basketball shoes, where one of the laces had come undone. He looked up, half-lidded, and said, ‘I want you to tie me up so we can get it right; starting tonight—for practice,” Tyler added quickly.

Rex was somewhat taken aback but could see the intensity in Tyler’s eyes.

“OK. Why don’t we go up to my room where we can have a little more privacy?”

Tyler literally jumped off his barstool, grabbed a backpack he had brought with him and readily agreed. The two men walked quickly to the elevator and proceeded to room 713. Tyler could feel a growing anxiety developing in his gut. This was the first time he had ever paid anyone to tie him up.

Rex tried to relax him once they got to the room and offered him a drink. Both men had a Bud Light and sat on the couch in the living room suite.

“So tell me Tyler, why is it so important that you be tied up—for real?”

Tyler stammered and finally answered, “Because if it isn’t real it won’t be any good.”

Rex could sense there was more to it but let it rest.

“Can you show me how you would tie up a real werewolf so he couldn’t escape?” Tyler asked.

“Sure. Do you want to do it with clothes on or off?” Tyler thought about this but before he could answer, Rex said, ‘Of course, you know if you do it without clothes on there may be rope burns.”

Tyler looked mildly disappointed but his eagerness got the best of him. He stood up and hugged Rex right there. “Surprise me,” he said as he squeezed Rex in a bear hug.

Tyler was wearing a long-sleeve green t-shirt, blue jeans and high tops. REX had on jeans and a black t-shirt reading: “Police” on it.

“Clothes it is,” said Rex “It pays to be modest, at least the first time.” Tyler realized this would probably be better, as it would hide his growing erection.

“How do you want to start?” Tyler asked.

“I see you brought a backpack. Since you want me to tie you up, do you have supplies in there?”

Tyler smiled. “I almost forgot,” as he leaned over and zipped the pack open, revealing numerous strands of cotton rope, some rolls of duct tape, bandanas, socks, handcuffs and leg irons. ‘Is this enough?” he smiled.

Rex pulled the items out one by one and was impressed. He was also growing suspicious of Tyler’s real motivation. He tried to play it cool, knowing he had his own bag of tricks in the closet, just in case.

“It looks like enough to start,” Rex replied. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back, Tyler.” Tyler eagerly complied crossing his wrists behind his back. He had no trouble getting them together, unlike some muscle-bound guys who could barely get their hands to touch. Rex started wrapping a thin cotton strand, maybe 20 feet long, around Tyler’s wrists, going over the t-shirt cuffs, pulling both down cuffs lower on his wrists as he did so. He circled Tyler’s wrists horizontally about ten times and then reversed the tie vertically about six times before simply going every which direction, pulling the final strands tighter, and tying them off on the top of his wrists.

Tyler had his eyes closed and he moaned in apparent appreciation. He felt his erection spring into action.

“Is that too tight?” Rex asked with some concern.

“Not at all,” Tyler responded honestly. “In fact, maybe a little loose.”

With that Rex realized that Tyler must really be into bondage, beyond any TV show, so he continued rapidly tying Tyler’s arms behind his back, pulling his elbows as close together as he could, about ten inches apart, wrapping a thick 40 foot strand around Tyler’s biceps above his elbows about fifteen times, then circling Tyler’s chest about another fifteen times before cinching his arms to his chest and wrapping the remainder of the rope vertically between his elbows, tightly fastening his arms and chest into one roped mound.

Tyler moaned again and said, “That feels really wonderful. “Are you going to tie my feet?”

“Patience boy, patience,” Rex laughed, as he sat Tyler down in a stout wooden chair. He pulled out several more coils of rope and rapidly bound Tyler’s feet together, and added more rope above and below his knees, cinching each of these bindings so that they would not easily come off.

Rex offered Tyler some more beer, as he knew he might get thirsty for what was about to come. Tyler appeared to almost swoon, so Rex quickly grabbed a bandana and held it up in front of Tyler’s widening eyes. “You know what this is for, right?”

Tyler smiled and started play acting. “No, no, please don’t gag me!”

Rex wadded the bandana into a circle, “Open wide kid!”

Tyler decided to resist, as he would on the show, so Rex grabbed his head from behind with one arm around his neck and pinching his nose shut. Tyler winced and said, “no, no!” as Rex shoved the wadded material between Tyler’s teeth, pushing it further back, stifling his cries, and grabbed a roll of the silver duct tape, quickly wrapping this around Tyler’s face, going front to back five times. This pushed Tyler’s cheeks out and caused his to protest—in vain. Rex placed several layers of duct tape under Tyler’s chin too, to secure it in place.

“Mmmmppphhh, uummmppphh, nnnmmmppphhh!” Tyler tired to talk.

Rex noticed the suspicious bulge in Tyler’s tight black jeans and smiled. “Looks like you like it!” he said.

Tyler looked embarrassed but when Rex asked him if he wanted out Tyler replied, “nnnnoommmppphhh.”

“I take that as a no,” Rex said. Tyler nodded his head in agreement.

Rex lifted Tyler off the chair and moved him over to the king size bed. He decided to take his high tops off and pulled his socks off too. He grabbed thin cord from his own bag and mischievously bound Tyler’s big toes together, cinching these as well. Jack decided to finish Tyler off with a nice tight hog-tie, drawing his heels up to almost touch his bound wrists.

Chapter Three

Tyler groaned, rolled onto his stomach and experienced an explosive orgasm as his hips ground into the sheets. He had never had such a powerful orgasm in his 20 years so far!

Rex realized what had happened and smiled. ‘Wow, Tyler, you’re gonna have to learn how to control that or you’ll never get through the filming!” He quickly removed the duct tape around Tyler’s mouth, and pulled out the bandana, which was covered in saliva. Tyler groaned in appreciation, and his face flushed red.

“That was amazing!” he replied. “I hardly ever cum without someone else, especially without touching my dick.”

Rex continued untying Tyler, as he knew the “Teen Wolf” taping started early. “You better get your beauty sleep, Tyler.” He finished untying the young would-be werewolf, to Tyler’s apparent regret.

“I really wish we could play some more,” Tyler answered honestly, “but I know what you mean,” as he stammered. He looked Rex in the eyes and meekly asked him, “do you mind if I stay the night?”

Rex looked puzzled, as he never expected this eventuality. “Sure, but I don’t think it would be a good idea for us to do any more tie ups tonight. You may never get any sleep.”

Tyler agreed. He called his house to let them know he would be out for the night and settled in after taking a shower. Rex was puzzling over what he should do next. He decided to ‘go with the flow,” as everything was working out well so far—much greater than he ever expected, in fact.

“So, Dylan needs to be ‘trained’ tomorrow, right?” said Rex.

“Yeah, you need to show him at least some of your excellent rope tricks. And don’t forget,” Tyler added, “the scene calls for me to be chained up too!”

Rex smiled. “No problem, I made plans for that too,” as he pulled out his luggage and opened the top. Inside Tyler eyed what appeared to be a set of strong wrist, neck and leg irons, all attached to each other with thick metal chains.

“Wow! I figured props would just get some cheesy stuff to use,” Tyler admitted, “but these look really impressive,” as he reached in and pulled out the clanking metal from the luggage. “Do you think we have a little time for me to try these on?” Tyler’s crooked smile and devious eyes erupted, melting Rex’s resolve.

“OK, but just for a half-hour, then you have to get to sleep,” Rex said sternly, acting like a real parent concerned about his child.

“Great,” Tyler said, “Where’s the keys?” as Rex slipped the thick metal handcuffs onto Tyler’s wrists.

“Front or back,” Rex questioned placidly, not answering his question.

“Well, the script calls for Dylan to really secure me, so hands behind my back then.”

Tyler turned around and Rex secured the heavy metal cuffs onto Tyler’s bare wrists. There was very little room for movement, but Tyler could rotate his wrists a little. “Wow, they are really heavy duty, aren’t they?”

Rex nodded in agreement as he brought the chains down from Tyler’s wrists to the leg cuffs, which easily clicked into place. “Now for the neck collar,” Rex smiled. He pulled the chains up, which brought Tyler’s wrists further up his back, and secured the heavy metal collar around his neck. “Click!”

Tyler could barely move except for the distance between the wrist and leg irons. “Are you going to tie me up too?” he asked. Rex smiled at the boy’s eagerness and noticed his shorts developing another tent.

“Do you think a werewolf could get out of these?” Rex asked. Tyler tried to break free but there was no way to escape.

“I don’t think I can, but Scott, the werewolf, certainly could make a go of it!”

“Then,” Rex answered, “we’ll have to make sure Dylan uses lots of rope too…and maybe some duct tape, also.”

Tyler smiled and was lying down on the bed by now, exploring his newfound lack of freedom and luxuriating in the feel and sounds of the thick metal cuffs and heavy chains. “I think I could almost spend the night in these,” he said.

Rex looked dubious but agreed to let him try. He made sure Tyler’s pillows supported him so he wouldn’t be lying on the metal cuffs. “OK, so see if you can go to sleep now. If not I’ll release you soon,” as he climbed into the bed and covered Tyler and himself.

Tyler’s erection wouldn’t quit, so Rex got up and fished out a vicious looking chastity belt, consisting of a bent plastic tube attached to a leather belt, with straps to tighten it. “I think you may need this tomorrow, so you may as well experience it tonight Tyler, that’s if you really want to get some sleep.”

Tyler reluctantly agreed as Rex pulled the belt onto his quivering member. It looked like he might not even be able to get his engorged cock into the devise, until Rex simply slapped his cock hard three or four times. “Owww!” Tyler responded, but he lost most of the rigidity very quickly—long enough for Rex to attach the chastity belt.

“There, maybe now you can get some sleep,” Rex smiled as he stroked Tyler’s long hair. He clicked the lights out and cuddled his new prisoner. Tyler gradually calmed down and the clanking of his chains died down. He definitely felt like a captured wild animal now—just the way he wanted it, and with a new animal trainer too!

The next morning, Rex offered to drive Tyler to the set, where they would be doing rehearsals and shooting of the final episode of “Teen Wolf.”

“Rex,” smiled Tyler, as they tooled down the freeway headed to North Hollywood, “Thanks for the ‘training’ last night. I really appreciate it. And,” he added, “thanks for releasing me from those chains and collar—I doubt I would have gotten much sleep wearing those!”

Rex smiled back as he swiftly changed lanes while Lady gaga sang “Born This Way.”

“I figured. Best to be ready for the final show,” as he pulled off the freeway and entered the studio lot. Tyler pulled out a name tag from his bag for Rex to use.

“This will get you all over the place, even breakfast. I don’t know about you, but I’m starved.” They quickly walked past the guards into the studio, which resembled a small town in Washington State, including the high school and Scott’s mother’s house.

“I’ve got to go to wardrobe and make-up, so help yourself Rex. Oh,” he added, “don’t forget to bring your goodie bag!” Rex smiled back and watched as the crew swiftly got into place. This should be fascinating. He had never seen a TV show being filmed.

An hour went by and Tyler, Colton, Crystal, Dylan and Tyler Hoechlin all came out ready to begin shooting. Tyler (Posey): aka: Scott, ambled over to Rex, now wearing his red turtleneck and blue Beacon High School t-shirt, and advised him there might be some scene changes, and that shooting could last all day. And, he especially wanted to tell Rex that the director was completely OK with Rex using his own equipment, as the full moon scene did not call for him to break free, like he did in the one episode where Dylan (Stiles) handcuffed him to his radiator.

“They were afraid that if they released me during takes the ropework might look different in each scene, so….” Tyler grinned, “It looks like I may be ‘captured’ most of today.” Tyler looked really pleased and Rex understood completely.

As anyone who has followed such filming knows, they do it completely out of sequence most of the time, so they began with some scenes Crystal, who now knew that Scott was a shape-shifter. The two of them had fantastic chemistry, especially in their close-ups.

This gave Rex some time to ‘teach’ Dylan-Stiles how to do some fast roping, which he would need to do, because his scene would require a rapid bondage tie-up, because Scott would be changing into into a werewolf. Dylan was a fast learner, and a lot more serious than his on screen persona’s goofy presence.

“You’re pretty good at this tie-up stuff, Rex,” Dylan commented, as Rex demonstrated on Dylan how to bind Tyler’s hands once the handcuffs and leg irons had been applied. Rex had put the irons on Dylan’s wrists in front, so he could show him how to rope over these, so Tyler would not be able to escape.

“Wow!” Dylan remarked. “That ‘looks’ really tight and inescapable, but feels real good!” Dylan was getting into being tied up. What was it with these boys, Rex wondered? Just then Tyler came over, wiping some of Crystal’s lipstick off his lips. He was blushing, not unlike his character on the show.

“My turn—get over here Tyler!” Dylan said. It took a while for Dylan to get the technique of roping Tyler’s wrists over the cuffs, but after about three times he seemed to get a grasp of it. The director would only need very brief shots of Dylan doing the roping, as Rex was hired to do the bulk of it.

“Action!” the director yelled.

The scene was in Scott’s bedroom, during another full moon. Scott was feeling strange and Stiles—again—brought over his bag, as Scott’s mother was leaving for work at the ER.

“Is your bag getting bigger?” she said jokingly.

“No, Mrs. McCall; it’s just some food for later. Is Scott upstairs?”

“Yes, he is. So don’t get into any trouble tonight. You know it’s a full moon.”

Stiles quickly ascended the stairs as Scott’s mom left.

“Hey brah,” Stiles said, “you look kinda weird.”

Scott skulked and didn’t reply. He still had on the tight red turtleneck.

‘Did you bring something to restrain me better this time?”

Stiles threw the bag down, and it landed with a loud crash. ‘Check it out.”

Scott opened the bag and pulled out a mass of irons, cuffs, chains, rope—and duct tape. His eyes widened. “What? There’s enough here to tie up the whole Lacrosse team!”

The moon was rising over the distant hills, so Stiles grabbed the chains and cuffs and replied, “We’d better get started—you know what happened last time.”

“I know. I’m sorry about that. But you pissed me off. I wasn’t the one who kissed your girlfriend—she kissed me.”

Stiles got angry and pulled out the wrist irons and told Scott to put his hands behind his back. Scott got up and put his wrists out, while Stiles clicked the cuffs into place.

“I hope you remembered to bring the keys,” Scott asked.

‘You’ll see buddy, you’ll see,” Stiles said. ‘Be quiet; I need to concentrate.” Stiles added the leg irons, and clicked these into place. Then he brought the heavy metal collar up to Scott’s neck.

“What are you gonna do with that thing?” Scott asked.

Stiles just forced the four inch mass of metal around Scott’s red turtleneck and clicked it shut. ‘This,” he said. “I gotta make sure you don’t go prowling tonight.” (Dylan’s cock was definitely getting aroused).

Scott tested his bonds. The chains rattled and clanked. “You think this will stop me?” he jested.

Stiles shot him the stink eye. “No—that’s what the rope is for!”

“Cut,” called the director. “”Where’s the roper guy?”

Rex emerged from the shadows and stepped into the glare of the spotlights. “Right here, sir.”

“OK, once Dylan gets started I want you to continue,” the director advised. Rex was told to wear the same Hoodie and leather jacket that Dylan had on, so they could at least use shots close-up of the rope being applied.

Rex got to work. He grabbed the heavy irons and pulled them close behind Tyler’s arms and started wrapping rope around the silver metal, drawing Tyler’s wrists together until them almost merged. The director called cut a few more times and Rex had to reapply the rope again and again, for different angles. Tyler was breathing hard, with his chin held high by the iron collar, protected somewhat by the red turtleneck. Rex didn’t know if this was just for the show, or how he really felt.

“He’s a good actor,” he thought to himself, as he wrapped the ropes completely over Tyler’s body. Every once in a while the director would have “Stiles” step in to pull the ropes one way or the other but Rex would always complete the job.

In a matter of several minutes, Scott was encased in a maze of ropes. The scene was going well, especially since Rex had advised Tyler to wear his cup that morning. Tyler’s ‘bulge’ hardly showed.

The next scene called for Scott to be complaining about all of this being too much. The director had told Dylan to ‘improvise,’ which Tyler had not been told. Dylan felt really good at that. He grabbed a roll of extra wide duct tape and began wrapping this all over the rope, until Tyler-Scott started to look like a virtual mummy.

“What the hell are you doing, Stiles?”

Dylan brought the tape up to Tyler’s mouth and added,” Too much talking. This should shut you up!” as he quickly began wrapping the duct tape around Scott’s mouth. He did this almost seven times.

“Mmmppphhh! Yyyoooouuuummm, uuukkkrrrr!” Scott yelled behind the mass of duct tape, which covered his mouth from his nose to the bottom of his chin. Tyler looked really frustrated—and excited.

“Scream all you want,” Stiles said, as the full moon rose and beamed into Scott’s bedroom window. Scott looked like he was in some type of ecstasy, rolling around on the floor, all chained up, wrapped in several hundred feet of rope and a couple of rolls of duct tape.

Stiles laughed and sat down in his chair. “We’ve got all night buddy!”

“Cut,” the director yelled. “That was excellent.” He called for makeup to begin their werewolf transformation. Tyler would have to endure being all bound up for at least another several hours. He was really getting off on this.

Rex smiled as he stepped back into the shadows. Dylan came up to him and asked, “How’d I do?”

“Very good Dylan. A few more lessons and you’ll be a pro.”

Dylan shot him a glance and wondered what he had in mind. He smiled. He was starting to like being the werewolf tamer, and thought he would let Tyler know once the series ended for the season. “Yeah,” he added, “maybe you can tie us all up before you leave town.”

Rex smiled and said,” That’s an excellent idea. When would you like to start?”

“Well,” replied Dylan, “there is a full moon tonight….”

Wrap Up Party

Tyler and Dylan told Rex that they would stop by his place after the cast party the next day. They were all feeling great about the first season, especially since they had gotten word the show had been renewed by MTV. The partying went on late and Rex left early.

Tyler called Dylan when he woke up at 11 AM. “Hey brah, you ready for some more ‘lessons’ today?”

Dylan sounded like he had just woken up himself. Both ‘boys’ had hangovers. “What lessons? Dylan asked, sounding somewhat annoyed.

“You know, with Rex today,” Tyler said, “Don’t you remember?”

“Oh yeah,” Tyler said. He had forgot but instantly perked up, realizing Rex had promised to “show him the ropes,” so to speak. “What time?”

“I’ll come and pick you up around noon. We can grab something to eat and go to West Hollywood, OK?”

“Sure bud, no problem,” Dylan said trying to sound nonchalant. He got up quickly and grabbed a fast hot shower. “This could be a real fun day,” he thought. He looked over at his clothes, and pulled out a bright orange t-shirt reading “Berlin” on it, a pair of tight black skinny jeans, black socks and slip-on Vans. He checked himself in front of the full-length mirror and pronounced himself, “Hot!”

He met Tyler in the driveway fronting his rented cottage in Pasadena. “Wow, that was fast!” he said.

“Get in,” Tyler said, swinging the Jeep’s passenger door open. Tyler had on a white turtleneck and green polo shirt, with loose cut blue jeans and white high tops. They pulled away fast and grabbed some fast food at Sonic. Both boys wore baseball caps and sunglasses, hoping not to be noticed. The crowd barely paid them any attention. Maybe because the episodes they had just wrapped would not be shown for several more months.

“It feels good having some free time doesn’t it Dylan?” Tyler said.

“Yeah, I could use a break. Shooting a series like ‘Teen Wolf’ takes a lot out of me, even though I’m still a baby!” he laughed. “Hey, Tyler, nice rollneck,” he said using the European word for turtleneck. “What is it—do you like them or something?”

Tyler squirmed in his seat, pulling on the high neck’s cotton material, like he needed air. ‘Well, it is cold out,” he said, trying to put Dylan off. He stared down at his eggs and pancakes.

“It’s cool,” Dylan said. “Whatever turns you on. For me, its leather,” he smiled.

Tyler almost choked. ‘What?”

“Yeah, I’m into leather jackets, leather pants, boots, belts—you know, all things leather,” Dylan admitted freely. Both he and Tyler had become buddies since the show started.

“Well, maybe Rex can help you out with your fantasy,” Tyler said.

‘I hope so,” Dylan added, “But just being tied up might be enough. You know what I mean?”

Tyler smiled but did not answer. He had called Rex earlier and agreed to meet him at 1:30 at his hotel. ‘Hey, let’s get a move on. You know how traffic can be in LA. It might take 45 minutes just to drive from North Hollywood to West Hollywood.” Both boys laughed, paid the bill and zoomed down Mulholland Drive. The road was a great place to be on a crystal clear day like today, and they could actually see the mountain range wets of LA, which was a rarity these days.

“Here’s where they filmed ‘A Cinderella Story’s’ ending,” Tyler said, slowing down to point out the scene. “Where Hillary Duff and Chad Michael Murray drive off into the sunset. Dylan smiled and almost wanted to kiss Tyler, but he just pulled back onto the road. They arrived at the Ramada 35 minutes later, pulled in and rang Rex on the hotel guest phone. He was there and told them to come on up.

“Here goes nothing,” Dylan said, as the two boys got on the elevator. Once the door closed Dylan looked over at Tyler and gave him a knowing glance. Tyler wondered exactly what Dylan was thinking, as Dylan stepped closer and was about to kiss him—or so Tyler thought—when the doors opened and an obvious lesbian couple stepped in. They played it cool.

“Hey,” the butcher lesbian said, “aren’t you guys on Jersey Shore?”

Both boys laughed, and demurred, getting off the elevator and knocked on Rex’s door.

“Just a minute,” he said, opening the door, smiling broadly. He was wearing a black t-shirt and loose fitting jeans, with some kind of boots too. ‘I wasn’t sure you guys were gonna take me up on my offer. Thanks for coming.”

Tyler gave Dylan a knowing glance at the piles of rope all over the room, as if to say, “See, the fun begins pretty soon.”

Tyler hugged Rex and Dylan shook his hand, feeling a little uncomfortable by the show of affection Tyler was displaying. Besides, he wanted Tyler to himself, or so he thought.

“Ready for some werewolf restraining lessons?” Rex asked.


Binding Stiles

“Do I call you Scott and Stiles—or Tyler and Dylan?” Rex asked, smiling.

“Guess it depends on if we are role playing Teen Wolf or not,” Dylan responded.

“Do you guys want a drink—or something?”

“Sure,” Dylan and Tyler both responded. Rex pointed to the refrigerator and the bar and offered them anything they wanted.

‘It’s all on Tyler’s tab, after all,” Rex said. “Anything you want,” he repeated.

Dylan jumped up and started to mix a B52, 1/3 Dram Buoy Bailey’s Irish Cream and Kahlua in a blender. “Hey Tyler, want some of this?”

“Sure, make it a double. I think we’re gonna have some fun today,” Tyler said. Rex sat on the couch and smiled at the two young stars in his ‘living room’ suite.

“I must say,” he said, “I almost can’t believe the two of you are here right now. It seems almost like a dream come true. Especially you Dylan, I would have never guessed you were into tie-up games too.”

Dylan had the blender going full force, with the ice cubes being crushed into near liquid. He grabbed some whipped cream and added it to the top of three glasses, filled to the top.

“Well, to tell you the truth, until yesterday I had almost forgotten how much I enjoyed playing with ropes.” His somewhat manic expression rose up as he sampled his drink. “Whoa, that’s good. Here Tyler, try this,” he said handing a glass to his co-star, and another to Rex.

The three men settled into an animated discussion of their roping desires and experiences. Dylan admitted he used to play lots of cowboy and Indian games as a kid, but was the one who did most of the tying. He secretly wished the other kids would tie him up to but it had never happened for some reason, and he stopped playing around age 10, believing it was somehow all too ‘gay.’

“Yeah, until you had me tying up my werewolf friend yesterday I was always doing the roping. I really never got very good at it, and,” he added, “I hope you can teach me more before you leave, Rex.”

Rex pulled out a silver dollar from his jean’s pocket and said, “Let’s see who goes first, shall we?” Tyler grabbed the coin and flipped it in the air, catching it and slamming it onto the bad of his hand. “Heads you get tied, Dylan, tails I get tied.”

Dylan looked on anxiously as Tyler checked the coin. “Heads it is. You’re up first, Dylan.”

“OK, that’s what I wanted anyway,” Dylan said. “Do we do this with clothes on or off?” he added, looking at Rex and Tyler.

“How would you like to be tied?” Jack asked.

Dylan looked at both guys and was pensive for a moment. He knew he was something of a bi-sexual, but had still not had that much guy on guy experience. He figured that today might be the day but his innocence and innate shyness drove him to say: “Clothes on—to start. Maybe later we can go commando.””

“Fine,” Rex said. “I aim to please. Hey Tyler, do you want to start the roping? Or just help me out?”

“How about I help you, and…after we’re done tying Dylan, would you tie me up too?” He had a puppy dog look in his eyes, and he pushed his long black hair away from his forehead as he gazed at Rex.

“Fine,” Rex said. “We’ll do a twofer then. Maybe I’ll ever tie the two of you up together.” Dylan was beaming and Tyler looked a little worried. Tyler knew he also has ambisexual feelings but he wasn’t sure he wanted to get too close to Dylan, especially if they were going to be working together again next season. But the B52 was doing its work, so he agreed.

“You’re the boss, Rex,” he answered.

Rex told Dylan to stand up and remove his motorcycle jacket. “This would make you way too warm,” he advised.

Dylan hesitated and said, “Couldn’t we just turn up the air conditioning more? After all, Tyler’s got on that tight turtleneck and polo shirt too!” Tyler reached up and clutched his throat and smiled.

Rex smiled too. He moved over to the thermostat and turned the temperature down to 60. The room automatically started to get quite cold. “How’s that?” he added, picking up a 20 foot length of cotton rope and grabbing Dylan’s left wrist by the leather sleeve.

He began to quickly encircle Dylan’s wrist with the ½” soft rope, pulling it tightly around his right wrist and making a figure eight pattern about ten times going down the sleeve towards his hands, never leaving the leather material. Dylan arched his back a little and groaned. “Ahhh, that feels good, Sir.”

Rex liked being called Sir. It was a sign of respect to him for his age and experience. “OK boi,” as he began to cinch the horizontal ropes tightly. Very tight. The leather squeaked and crackled as the ropes tightened. “Tyler, hand me that long piece,” he said, pointing to a particularly large bundle of ¾” inch cotton rope. He attached an end to Dylan’s left elbow and told Tyler to start tying his elbows together.

Tyler had a mean look in his eyes. “Now I gotcha buddy,” he whispered in Dylan’s ear. “Here’s to what you did to me on set yesterday, with all those irons, rope and duct tape!”

Dylan laughed. “Hey, you asked for it!”

“Yeah, I guess I did,” Tyler responded, “but you asked for this!” He wrapped the rope around Dylan’s upper arms about eight times and then drew it around his chest so that the word “Berlin” began to disappear under a mass of white rope. Tyler pulled the rope tight and Dylan moaned again. ‘You love it, don’t you?” he chided his friend.

Dylan’s eyes closed and he had on a tight smile, like he was going into another world—the world of roping, gagging, prisoners, cowboys and Indians that all came flashing back to him from his childhood.

Rex pushed Dylan onto a plush chair and grabbed his feet, removing the Van’s and his black socks. He pulled out another length of rope and began tying Dylan’s feet together, again looping the cotton rope around and around, and cinching it after, with multiple knots below the mass of rope. Dylan groaned again as he realized two guys were binding him so that he could not escape. He felt like going into a role of kidnap victim or something, as Rex continued tying his thighs and calves with lots more rope, cinching it every few loops so that the rope made Dylan immovable.

“Aaarrrggghh!” Dylan muttered. ‘What are you doing?” he smiled. Tyler brought the B52 to his lips and told him to drink some more.

“This may be your last drink for a while,” he chucked.

“Hey!” Dylan retorted. “I never said I wanted to be gagged!” knowing full well that his mouth was about to be completely secured from any more complaints. Tyler put the drink down and grabbed one of Dylan’s black socks and held it up in front of his eyes, which widened. “No! Not that…I haven’t washed those for days,” he complained, actually meaning it, apparently. He shifted away from Tyler’s sock wadded hand and tried to escape but Tyler just laughed and grabbed him by the ropes around his chest and pulled him back.

‘Open wide, Boi!” he said, with Dylan refusing to open his mouth. Rex came over and grabbed Dylan’s nose and clamped it shut, picking up a roll of three inch gray duct tape at the same time.

“I can’t breath,” Dylan shouted and that was all the opening Tyler needed, as he shoved the sock into Dylan’s mouth, forcing the material completely into his mouth, while Rex began to pull a long strip of duct tape off the roll. Tyler grabbed the tape and plastered an end onto Dylan’s left cheek, pulling it across his pouty lips over to his right cheek. He smoothed it down roughly.

Rex smiled. “That may not be enough. Why don’t you go all the way around, Tyler?”

Dylan was looking helplessly angry at this, while Tyler was getting off on dominating his bud. He grabbed the tape and started wrapping it from his left cheek behind his head, across the back of his neck, over his buzz cut and back to the right side. He hesitated when Dylan tried to resist but that was enough for his to want to continue wrapping more tape around, which he did for five complete wraps. Dylan’ complaints grew fainter. “Mmmpphhh!” Mmmpphhh.” Tyler added several more strips under Dylan’s chin and brought these up to his cheeks, effectively securing the tape from moving downward—as if it could anyway.

‘There ya go Dylan. Turnabout’s fair play. Now you know how I felt yesterday!”

Dylan looked really frustrated but as if he was also enjoying himself. The bulge in the crotch of his skinny jeans said otherwise. Tyler and Rex lifted him off the chair and carried him over to the bed, unceremoniously throwing him down. He bounced a little and moaned his displeasure, rolling from his stomach onto his side, then his back and then his other side.

Tyler and Rex sat down on the chairs nearby and finished their drinks, while pretending to ignore Dylan. “That was good work Tyler. Maybe you could be a ‘roper’ someday too!”

“I don’t know, Rex. Right now I think I need to experience being the guy being tied lot more, Tyler said, “if you know what I mean.”

Rex smiled. “Ready, Tyler?”


King Size Romp

Dylan kept rolling around on the large bed, trying with all his might to escape from Tyler and Rex’s roping. He stared at himself in the full-length wall mirror next to the bed, in apparent fascination, enjoying the sensual feel of the ropes and the restrictions on each and every movement he made. He frequently attempted to say something, as this was the first time in his life he had ever been gagged. “Mmmppphhh!” The duct tape held firmly.

Tyler and Rex watching in complete enjoyment, both men getting more and more excited by Dylan’s futile efforts at escape. Finally, Tyler couldn’t resist any longer.

“Rex, please, I need to be tied up too!” he said. Rex was only too ready to oblige the young star, even as he was still amazed at having these two guys under his bondage control.

“OK Tyler, stand up,” Rex said, as he pulled out additional ropes from his large duffle bag, and guided Tyler’s wrists behind his back. Soon, Tyler was bound hand and foot exactly as they had tied Dylan, who was watching Tyler’s roping, with his turtleneck and golf shirt wrapped in white rope. Rex moved Tyler over to the bed, and sat him down.

“Do you want to be gagged?” he asked, knowing full well what he was about to do anyway.

“Of course,” Tyler responded smiling. “Just like we did to Dylan, but maybe without his dirty sock!” Jack pulled out a big spongy rubber ball from his bag of tricks and held it up before Tyler’s wondering gaze.

“How’s this?” he asked, not really waiting for a response as he pushed the large ball into Tyler’s ready and willing mouth.

“It’s…mmmppphhh” was all Tyler could get out before Rex began to wrap the duct tape around Tyler’s face and under his chin. He made sure not to tape the boy’s longish hair in the back, by folding the tape in two behind his neck, which actually increased its strength and prevented Tyler from dislodging it.

Rex moved Tyler alongside Dylan on the bed, so the two friends could examine their predicament together. He sat down to watch as the boys moved closer and complained a great deal into their gags. Rex decided to rope them together front to front using small pieces of rope at their elbows, waists, knees and ankles. He even added a few loops around their necks, which led the two Teen Wolf stars to become kissing buddies through their duct taped mouths.

Tyler stared into Dylan’s eyes, and Dylan did likewise. They mumbled unintelligibly to each other like two star-crossed lovers, wrapped up in a mile of rope and duct tape.

“Mppphhh!” Mmmfffpphhh,” said Dylan. Tyler responded in kind, “Mmmppphhh! MMMPHHH!” Rex was thoroughly enjoying the show, and every few minutes he would roll them over so that they weren’t on the one side for too long. He even placed a pillow under their heads for added comfort, as the stars began to grind their pelvises together, stimulating obvious signs of affection—and two big erections under their pants.

Tyler and especially Dylan kept this up for several minutes, until finally Dylan could take it no longer and screamed into his gag, releasing an explosion of pent up energy from his groin. Tyler exploded moments later also. The boys looked spent and closed their eyes and went into a post-coital reverie, fully clothed, bound and gagged still, warm in their rope cocoon embrace.

Rex was enjoying this little “r-rated” version of Ten Wolf, his own private show in the Hollywood hotel. What could be better, he thought. Then, to his surprise, there was a persistent knock on the door. He grabbed a cover and threw it over Tyler and Dylan, who awoke and started struggling again.

“Sshhh,” he said. “Pretend you are asleep, OK?” as he went for the door.


“Little Death”

Tyler heard the knock on the door and appreciated Rex covering both he and Dylan up, as they struggled in their bound and gagged position. Even though the air conditioner was on full blast the fact of his being bound, taped and wearing lots of warm clothes, Tyler was starting to sweat—a lot. So was Dylan, in his black leather jacket. By now the boys were secretly wishing they could undress and get more comfortable, but that seemed unlikely now that they had someone visiting Rex’s room. They quieted down and tried to listen to who was there.

Rex and a woman, or was it two women, were talking in the hall. Dylan heard the door close and Rex came over to the bound boys.

“It was the maids, and I told them we didn’t want room service” he said. “Phew, I’m glad it wasn’t some repairman or something.” He removed the sheet off the boys and saw them perspiring profusely. “I think I better make you two more comfortable, OK?”

Lots of mmmppphhhing in agreement, as Rex untied Dylan and Tyler from all of their ropes. He started to take the duct tape off but both boys offered to finish the job, with some agony as the final tape got pulled off sensitive skin.

“Aaarrrggghhh!” Dylan groaned pulling the back sock out fast. “Shit, that hurts,” he laughed.

“Got that right,” Tyler said, rubbing his cheeks and wrists. “That was great though. Thanks Rex.”

“I think you two need to take a break. Drink some water, use the loo, whatevers,” Rex offered. Dylan whipped off his leather jacket and went into the bathroom to clean up the sticky mess in his shorts and take a shower. Tyler followed a few minutes later, also removing his two shirts and showering.

“How about we grab something to eat and we can continue when we’re back?” The boys agreed and they dressed quickly, using some of Rex’s t-shirts and hopped into Tyler’s Jeep. He drove down Santa Monica Blvd. headed west and saw a place called Four Quartets.

“That looks good,” Rex said, as Tyler pulled into the parking lot. Both he and Dylan were wearing caps and sun glasses, so luckily no one noticed who they were—yet. They plopped down in some wrought iron chairs and ordered off the menu.

“Don’t look now,” Dylan said, “but this place looks kinda gay.”

Tyler laughed. “All of LA is ‘kinda’ gay,” he offered.

The three men sat and discussed what they liked—and didn’t like about the bound werewolf’s captivity.

I shouldn’t have kept the leather jacket on, since it got very hot while I struggled in the ropes,” Dylan said.

Tyler agreed. “Yeah, and wearing a turtleneck and a golf shirt got pretty hot pretty fast,” he smiled broadly. “How about you tie us—or at least me-- up again, but with little or no clothes next time.” Dylan seemed also to like that idea.

“Yeah, I could get off on that,” Dylan said, eyeing Tyler mischievously. He received a punch in his arm for that remark. “Owww!” he grumbled.

“OK guys. Looks like I know what you want next, but I’ll make the call,” Rex said. The two movie stars agreed to let Rex decide.

“Surprise us,” Tyler said.

“Yeah, make it a surprise,” Dylan agreed, “and make sure my buddy here is tied up nice and tight!”

They enjoyed their late lunch and headed back west to the Ramada, deciding to walk the neighborhood for a while, as the air was cool and the sun was going down. The three guys were getting some stares of recognition by now so they hustled back to the hotel, where Rex started pulling out lots of ‘stuff’ for the evening’s entertainment.

“This might be a long session so make yourselves some drinks and get comfortable,” he said.

Dylan and Tyler were jerking off in the dining area of the suite as Rex laid out lots of ‘toys’ and some clothes he brought with him.

“Surprise!” he said.


Embarrassing walk

Jack held up two masks. It was Halloween after all and he located one of Scott as a werewolf and Stiles as his buddy. “Look what I found! I think we’re gonna go out tonight and play yourselves. Get dressed with those clothes over there that I got for you, but put those rubber cock rings on first.”

Taylor and Dylan carefully placed the rings around their tumescent dicks and checked out the stacks of clothes. They were almost identical sets, and since the boys were almost the same size it didn’t matter who wore what. Tyler pulled on a tight white t-shirt, a powder blue cotton turtleneck (at which he beamed back at Rex), a black waffle shirt, white socks, tight boot cut blue jeans, a black belt and cowboy boots—but no underwear. His hard-on had free reign in his extra tight jeans and showed off nicely.

Dylan did the same pulling his white turtleneck over his head and pulled it down slowly over his face. He never realized how sensuous this was, having made fun of Tyler’s “fetish” only the day before. He had trouble slipping the tight, tall cotton neck over his head, and folded the neck in half after getting it on. Taylor laughed at this. Dylan’s pants were leather so they fit tight and slipped nicely over the tops of his black boots and showed off a growing bulge.

“Now get over here,” Rex commanded, pulling mounds of white cotton rope off the bed and swiftly binding Tyler’s wrists palm to palm behind his back, cinching the 15 wraps tightly between his bound hands. He continued wrapping the rope around Tyler’s waist and then up around his elbows and chest, cinching his elbows tight.

With Dylan he changed the position of his hands, pulling them up horizontally to the rope he wrapped around his chest multiple times. He secured the ropes around the back of the chest ropes, so that his elbows were bent and his fingers were flailing helplessly in the air, unable to locate any knots.

He gave both boys a lot of water to drink before pulling out two white ankle socks and stuffing them in their mouths, followed by multiple wraps of duct tape. Dylan complained about the gag, but his tight leather pants also told another story.

Then Rex pulled out two sets of thick leg irons and placed these around Dylan and Taylor’s ankles, giving them about 18 inches of thick chain between each of their bound boots. He also bound Taylor’s right elbow to Dylan’s left elbow so they would have to walk carefully together.

“Now comes the fun part,” Rex said, taking the Stiles mask and putting this on Dylan and the Scott mask and pulling this over Dylan’s head. “See, you get to be each other tonight and there is nothing you can say to stop me,” as Rex finished up using two heavy leather collars and placing these around each boy’s tall turtlenecks. He attached two leashes onto these and pushed the shocked boys towards the door. “Come on my little Teen Wolves, let’s go out on Santa Monica Boulevard and see what reaction we get.”

The elevator door closed and Tyler checked himself in the mirror and “mmmppphhhed” under his Stiles mask. Dylan did the same and Rex just smiled as they walked, hobbling, into the cold Los Angeles night, with hundreds of strange looking revelers cruising by.


Halloween Night

The cold Los Angeles air blasted the three bondage aficionados as possibly more than 100,000 revelers spilled out into Santa Monica Blvd, which the city had closed down for the evening. Lady Gaga, Occupy Wall Street, the Jersey Shore cast, various ghosts, vampires, werewolves, Hollywood stars from Frank Sinatra to Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aston, along with thousands of tourists and gawkers went gliding by in a sea of fantasy, happiness, and ultimate mischief.

Rex decided to make sure their masks were not removed by any of these strange folks so he pulled out a roll of duct tape from his military fatigue jacket and quickly wrapped a long strip around each mask, securing these to Dylan and Tyler’s already gagged faces. They “mmpphhed” in protest to no avail, of course.

And Tyler and Dylan could do nothing but walk very carefully in their complete rope bondage and heavy leg irons. “Hot damn!” Tyler thought to himself as he glanced over at his lifelike image on Dylan’s face. ‘What a way to spend Halloween—who would have ever thunk it,” as he tried to keep pace with Dylan, taking extra short steps up to the limits of his chained boots.

They almost fell down several times but Rex quickly righted them by pulling on the leash attached to their heavy leather collars. Their pace was very slow and many passersby and watchers from the sidelines commented on the two bound boys.

“Hey, check it out,” one apparently drunk girl squealed, “It’s Stiles and his buddy Scott, the Teen Wolf!” as she and other teenyboppers and valley girls surrounded the trio and began touching them provocatively.

‘I love your show! Can we take you home, PLEEEAAAZZZZ!”

“Stiles” (actually Tyler) had his pants groped mercifully by two young girls. Several gay boys walked by and started making comments too. “Looks more like they’re into each other ladies!” a kid wearing a Batman costume declared, noting the rope attaching our bound heroes. “Look at those baskets…Hahaha!” His partner, dressed as Robin in drag, cooed over Scott (really Dylan).

Dylan was really getting off on the unusual attention—feeling strangely free all the while in complete restrictive servitude to Rex and the gathering mob. “Boy,” he thought, “if they keep this touching me I’m gonna cum in my leather pants!”

Rex was having a hard time keeping the bound boys away from the crowd, so rather than fight them he pulled both struggling Teen Wolf stars to a nearby lamppost and pushed their backs up against the pole and secured their opposite elbows. Stiles growled like a werewolf but Taylor seemed to be just laughing at all the attention, under his gagged lips. Rex finished this off by wrapping a leash around their collared necks, effectively binding them to the pole, as hundreds of costumed party goers passed by.

Rex and sat down on a bus-stop bench. The crowd of kids and gawkers loved it and began taking pictures with the bound stars, never realizing who they were actually dealing with. Tyler and Dylan both were groped mercilessly, and they almost came several times, especially wearing the rubber cock rings.

As the crowd died down Rex released the boys from their pole prison and continued walking down the road, stopping in front of 665 Leather store (“one door away from Hell” read their motto), where a guy was on display in their front window wearing a black leather straitjacket, struggling futilely, secured inside a stand-up iron cage.

Tyler and Dylan stared in disbelief at who they saw behind a leather gag: it was Tyler Hoechlin, who played Derek Hale, who was now the alpha wolf on their show. Our bound co-stars wondered if Rex had anything to do with this.

“Here’s an ideal spot for you too,” Rex said, as knocked on the door, which read ‘closed’, and was quickly let in with his two thoroughly bound charges.

“Howdy partner!” the young buzz cut clerk named Biff, who was dressed in a punk outfit, said. “Welcome to 665! Nice costumes, by the way. Would you care to join our little private party in the back?” with a twinkle in his eye. Tyler felt this guy seemed to know Rex somehow.

Rex said “Sure,” and moved the boys towards the back of the store and released their roped elbows and leashes, along their duct taped masks, standing in front of some full-length mirrors. Tyler and Dylan breathed more easily but were “mmmppphhhing” into their duct taped gags.

“What do you think?” Rex asked the clerk, “should I remove the gags?”

“Hell no! They look great,” as he stared in amazement at the two main stars of Teen Wolf before his eyes. “Looks like we almost have a full set,” he laughed, pointing to the struggling co-star, completely immobilized in his store window, with costumed passerby’s staring at him from outside.

“Hey, Rex, I have you stuff over here,” he said, pointing to a duffle bag near the back of the store, which smelled like leather. Rex opened the bag and pulled out ropes, leather restraints, gags, chains, locks and the Lube. Tyler and Dylan were beginning to look a little worried, but also very excited.

Rex decided to give the two stars a break and proceeded to remove their gags, to Biffs’ disappointment, apparently. Dylan let out a low scream as the last of the duct tape came off his face and Rex pulled out the sock. “Ughh! That was one wicked gag,” Dylan complained. Rex quickly removed Tyler’s gag too, and offered the boys some water, which Biff supplied.

‘Would you guys like something a little stronger perhaps?” he said, pulling a bottle of rum out and three glasses. “We gotta get this party going here,” he laughed.

Tyler and Dylan both had some rum on ice while Rex had a Coke, thanking Biff for his hospitality.

“You are,” Biff said, “one of our best customers, Rex, anything for you.”

“Thanks Biff, but if it weren’t for Tyler here I doubt I could have afforded it.” He turned to the two Teen Wolves and inquired to how they were feeling.

Tyler said his hands were beginning to go numb, so Rex loosened the hemp bindings a bit. ‘How’s that?” he asked the young star.

“Much better Rex. And thanks for that exciting walk out there. I’ve never been touched by so many ‘fans’ since—well, never!”

“How about you Dylan, any complaints?”

Dylan took a gulp of his rum with the help of Biff, and replied: “Nope, that was great. I can’t wait to walk back, but…” he trailed off.

“What?” Rex asked.

“Do you think, like, maybe, I don’t know,” he stammered, with a downward gaze and an almost imperceptible low tone in his words, “I could take Tyler’s place in your nice window display?” His face turned bright red.

Before Rex could answer, Tyler (Scott) said, “Yeah Rex, how on earth did you arrange to get our other co-star inside that straitjacket?”

“The evenings young, you’ll soon find out,” Rex answered cryptically.


Tyler watched in fascination as Dylan took Ty’s place inside the straitjacket, and was pushed into the cage, wearing a leather head harness, which was attached to the top of the cage with some rope. Ropes were attached to the jacket at various ringed points, so that when Dylan tried to escape he was kept in place in the middle of the cage, while seemingly hundreds of Halloween revelers passed by, many just laughing out loud as they watched the young TV star squirm around helplessly.

Suddenly, a loud ringing noise went off, jarring Tyler from all he was witnessing. He awoke with a start. “Where the Hell am I?” was his first thought. He then realized all of these bondage exploits were one long dream (or nightmare, if you will).

“Holy crap! What a dream that was!” He was perspiring from the realism of it all and noticed the sun was coming up through his bedroom windows. He remembered that he had to leave Los Angeles that morning to fly out to Georgia to prepare for shooting of the next season of Teen Wolf. He began to get out of his bed when a familiar voice caught his attention.

Dylan stepped out of the bathroom. “Hey buddy, you must have been having quite some dream there,” he said as he wrapped a towel around his dripping waist. “What was all that about?”

Tyler thought about it for a moment and wondered if he should tell Dylan what was going through his mind, but decided to wait until they got to Georgia. He was, however, going to check the Internet for any bondage experts, as the vividness of his dream felt more like a prophecy than anything else.

“Nothing, just a wild dream,” Tyler said. “Let’s get ready for Season Two, ok bud?”

The End

Jackroper's stories

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Post by Canuck100 »

I’m usually not a big fan of fanfiction, but this story is particularly well written and entertaining. Well done!

Thanks for reposting it!
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