Bobby : 01 - First "Real" Bondage Experience (F/M)

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Bobby : 01 - First "Real" Bondage Experience (F/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Bobby's stories
01 - First "Real" Bondage Experience
Story index at the bottom

By Bobby

Monday, December 19th 2005 - 07:30:22 AM

First "Real" Bondage Experience

I had realized that I enjoyed being tied up much more than other guys when I was about 6-7 years old. When we played games involving cowboys & Indians, or cops & robbers, etc., I always wanted to be the one who was caught and tied up by the other side. I came to understand that I was truly different than most people of either gender when I was left, tied and gagged for 8 hours while on a field trip with my classmates. When one of the supervising adults found and untied me, I acted like I hated being tied up all that time, because I thought I was supposed to hate it. I thoroughly enjoyed a situation that anyone I knew, boy or girl, would have hated and been frightened to death to have experienced.

My first real bondage experience or one that involved sex came when I was 17 years old. I was at my girlfriend's house on a Saturday and we were lying on the floor watching TV. Her parents and brother were out, somewhere. I rolled onto my stomach and propped my chin in my hands to continue watching the movie on TV. Suddenly, she jumped on my back and started to wrestle with me. This was nothing out of the ordinary. We did this sort of thing frequently, so I thought nothing of it. I started to respond and she grabbed my arms and held them behind my back, saying, "Now I've got you helpless, on your stomach with your hands behind your back" or something to that effect. I said something like "I could get away any time I wanted." "Not if I tied you like this," she said. I could not believe what I was hearing. Did this girl I had known for several years just say what I think she said? "Do you really think you could tie me up so that I couldn't get away?" I asked. "If you promise to wait right here and not move, I'll show you," she replied. This was just really too good to be true.

She flounced off into another part of the house and I lay there thinking that I shouldn't get my hopes up; that she'd probably do a lousy, sloppy job and I'd have to act like I was really tied up and couldn't get loose. Soon, she was back with lots of rope and some cloth strips. "What're you going to do with that cloth?" I asked. "Silly," she exclaimed, "I'm going to gag you, of course." Damn, I thought, this keeps on getting better. She straddled my back and again pulled my arms behind me, placed my hands palm to palm and began to wind the rope around my wrists. I began to realize that she knew what she was doing when, after each turn around my wrists, she stopped, cinched and tied the rope. When most inexperienced people endeavor to bind someone they wind great loops about the body or arms and only tie it when the rope is used up. This type of bondage is ridiculously easy to escape.

When she finished the loops about my wrists she ran the rope between my arms several times and cinched the coils tight before knotting them. I remember thinking that she has obviously done this before. I was going to have a hard time escaping from this. By this time, I was also thinking that it was a thing I was on my stomach. My erection would have been an embarrassment and a dead giveaway that I was enjoying this a little more than I should have. She turned her attention to my ankles, binding in the same manner as my wrists. When she finished, she pulled me into a tight hogtie, my heels against my hands and finished off the job with a couple of knots. "Still think you can get away, now?" she asked, sweetly. "Time for your gag," she said, "open wide." I opened my mouth and she stuffed most of a large piece of cloth between my teeth and tied another strip of cloth over it to keep it in place.

I had never felt so completely helpless and excited in my whole life. I was in the very situation I had always dreamed of, being tied and gagged by a pretty girl. I rolled around and struggled as hard as I could. It was no use. I was not going anywhere. She lay beside me on the floor, put her arm over my shoulder and started to watch the movie. We lay like that for another hour, I suppose. I occasionally shifted to try to find a comfortable position and grunted into the gag. Soon after, she got up and went into the kitchen. I could hear her getting some items from the refrigerator and bustling about. Soon, she returned with a sandwich and a glass of water. "I thought might be hungry, so I made us a little something to eat. If you promise to be quiet, I'll take your gag out and give you some of this food. Do you promise?" I slowly nodded my head and she undid the strip holding my gag in place and took it from my mouth.

I panicked when she turned me onto my back for I was still as hard as a rock. She seemed not to notice and sat, holding my head in her lap. She fed me about half of the sandwich and held the glass to my lips so I could drink. "Sorry, Bobby," she said when we had finished the food and drink, "But I'm going to have to gag you again for what comes next." What comes next, I thought. What the hell could that possibly be? She disappeared into the kitchen again with the dish and glass.

(Author's note: This is getting longer than I had intended. Continued later if you wish.)


Wednesday, December 21st 2005 - 10:54:03 AM

Sorry for the delay...Christmas doings, you know. I suddenly realized that I had never mentioned my high school girlfriend's name. I just referred to her as she or her...sort of dehumanizing, eh? Her name was Carol. I was a very naive boy at that time in my life and learned a great deal from a lady much wiser than her years. I could've done a hell of a lot worse...gotten someone who would have really hurt me, physically or emotionally. I have only seen her a couple of times since our senior year. Who knows, given her interest in the subject at hand she may be reading this. If so, a big shout out to Carol...wherever you are.

Anyhow, here goes...

I heard Carol putting the dish and glass in the dishwasher and bustling about in the kitchen. I caught a glimpse of her as she hurried down a the hall toward her bedroom. I began to worry about her parents coming home and finding me hogtied on the den floor. I wondered how I would go about explaining that to them. Soon, she appeared with what looked like a white sock in her hand a bottle of hand lotion. She knelt on the floor beside me and said, "Open up, sweetie. I told you I was going to have to gag you again for what comes next. I dutifully opened my mouth and allowed her to stuff the wad of saliva-soaked cloth into my mouth and tie the strip between my teeth. I was so monumentally dumb that I had no idea what was about to happen. I remind you that this took place a long time ago. I hate to admit it but I was 17 year-old virgin. I had concentrated all of my efforts on becoming a good football player and was woefully stupid about just about anything else. I was the stereotypical "dumb jock."

After reapplying my gag Carol turned me onto my side facing her and began to undo the fly of my Levis. I couldn't believe what was happening. These were the old type of Levis, with the buttons down the front instead of a zipper. With some difficulty, she got my fly open and started to reach into my underwear. This was the first time a female of any age had touched my genitals since I was a baby. (I told you I was dumb and naive). nature being what it is, my heart was beating like a jackhammer and my cock was at full attention. Carol leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and said, sweetly, "Just lie back and enjoy this, Bobby. You deserve it."

Squirting a large dollop of the hand cream into her palm she started to stroke my cock. when she had lubricated it sufficiently she placed the sock over it and continued her rhythmic stroking. With all of my sexual experience, this probably lasted all of 4-5 minutes before I exploded into the sock. I was so overwhelmed with emotion and sexual madness I did the only thing a strapping defensive tackle could do; I burst into tears. It felt so absolutely wonderful and at the same time deliciously sinful and decadent that I could not contain myself. Carol held me close for a long time while my sobs subsided then untied me, quickly.

When her parents arrived, we were sitting on the couch with me in sort of a daze. They thought I was a dope anyway, so noticed nothing out of the ordinary.

I don't cry after sex anymore and have been tied up by many different women over the years, but this first time always stands out in my memory. When I think about it, I smile.

Hope you enjoyed my tale.


Bobby's stories
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Post by Ouroboros »

Ah, Carol
What a woman
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