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Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:49 pm
by Soraka
As the two police cars rounded the corner and drew up before the house, Anne removed the badge from her belt and held it up in her right hand. The four officers stepped out of the vehicles and walked up to Anne, with the oldest one saying “Good morning. You must be Agent Duncombe, and the person on the floor must be one of the ‘Red Scorpions’. Chief Burgess has said that we must follow your orders until he arrives and that we must not ask any questions about what has happened here.”

“Thank you, officer. The other perpetrator is in the master bedroom of the house and he is unconscious with a head wound, so it would be best to leave him for the ambulance. The victims are in number twelve and they were left bound and gagged.” Anne reported.

“Actually, they should be free by now, I left Sandra with a pair of scissors and told her to free the two ladies.” John mentioned “However I only told her to remove the gags and cut the women free without removing the tape from the arms and legs. That way, any forensic evidence will have the minimum chance of being affected.”

“That’s good thinking James, should we need the evidence. Hopefully they will be able to link the biometrics to the earlier cases, as the officer who perverted the case will now be under arrest.”

There were more siren sounds in the distance, and Anne turned her head. “That will most likely be the chief and the ambulances.” A moment later she was proved to be correct as two ambulances and another police car stopped outside number twelve. The ambulance crew of the first vehicle were all male and they walked up to Anne. “We are here to take the unconscious criminal to hospital. Is he in house number fourteen?” Asked one of the crew.

“Yes, he is upstairs in the master bedroom, so you shouldn’t have much trouble finding him.” Anne answered, and then turned to the all female crew of the second vehicle as the first headed back to obtain a stretcher. “The women are in number twelve. Chloé, will you show them to the door and tell Sandra that everything is settled out here.”

Chloé walked to the front door of James’s house and rang the bell. “Sandra! It’s Chloé here. You can open the door, there are two women here to help your mother and her friend.” Sandra opened the door and Chloé said to the crew “You can enter now. I will return to Agent Duncombe as it would be best to keep to a minimum amount of people inside.” She walked back to Anne, who was explaining the details to Chief Burgess as the perpetrator was carried into a police vehicle and driven away.

The Chief looked at Sara in shock. “Do you mean that you deliberately went into the house to be r-.”

Sara cut in. “Essentially yes, I went in there to be raped, although given this unique situation that classification may not apply.” She looked over at the crew who were bringing out the other criminal on the stretcher and taking him to an ambulance.

Anne continued “Trying to bring charges concerning Sara’s instance would be problematic, but seeing as you have two present victims and you can now match them to previous cases, there should be no obstacle in securing a conviction.”

A van now pulled up. “It’s getting busy out here this morning.” James said.

The chief spoke again “That would be the forensics team, but thanks to you four this is just going to be mopping up. To be honest, I don’t think that we will need any statements from you, except from Anne, and that can wait until later.”

“I hope you can understand the confidential nature of the situation, Anne said “We don’t want this information to become widely available, so it should be considered classified.”

“I understand. I can understand about keeping a secret about someone with a unique ability like Sara’s, I will have to make sure the police doctor will speak to the victims about it. The biggest problem will be the daughter, though”

Chloé turned to the house as she heard the door open and saw the medics exit with the two women, who were wearing white jumpsuits with slippers, and the child. “I have an idea how to deal with that. Sara, could you please follow me.” Chloé walked over and intercepted the group, noticing that the two women were in a state of shock.

At the sight of Sara standing before them, their mood seemed to change. “They said that they were going to kill us. You saved our lives today and prevented Sandra from becoming an orphan. How can we ever repay you?”

Sara looked at the women and said “You have to keep what I did today a secret. If word of this gets out to the public, I could be in a lot of trouble.”

Then Sandra spoke “But you are a superhero! Mummy even mentioned your name, Sara Smite. That’s a superhero name, like Peter Parker.”

Sara groaned. “I hope that you understand why I generally don’t use my surname when I can help it.”

Chloé smiled. “Sandra, what happens to superheroes when their name becomes public knowledge?”

Sandra thought for a second and then said “The bad guys hunt them down and their friends. Does that mean I have to stay quiet because Sara did this in her secret identity?” She asked.

“Oui- yes, you know that Sara has powers so this must remain secret.” The girl thought for a moment “As you and James are her sidekicks, you two must be kept secret as well.”

Chloé nodded. “I am glad that you understand, but I have stopped you three for long enough.” Chloé and Sara stepped back and watched as the others entered the ambulance. As ot pulled away, they returned to the Chief, Anne and James.

“You really are a hero today Sara, saving the lives of two women.” The Chief said. “If it wasn’t for the fact that you have to remain classified, you would have been honoured for this.”

Sara blushed in response as the Chief’s comments “If I was a normal person, this would have been impossible. The true heroes of the day are James and Chloé, as I was probably not in any danger.”

It was Chloé and James’s turn to blush now, and the French lady’s brow became furrowed. “One thing is for sure Sara, you have certainly redeemed the family name of Smite. Saving two women from horrendous violation and death would certainly count.”

“I’d completely forgotten about that, Chloé. If it wasn’t for Sunday night, none of this would have happened.” Sara responded.

“What incident?” Anne asked.

“Some sort of darkness descended over me during a storm here on Sunday night.” Sara said as she then went on to explain this incident in full, and the story that she had told James. “So I have ended up with this ‘condition’ as a result.”

The Chief and Anne were looking slightly pale at this point. “Agent Duncombe, perhaps I should tell Sara about the orders that the intruder was given concerning entering GEN-DAWN.”

“I think that would be a good idea, Chief Burgess.” Anne replied.

“Sara, the intruder who bound and gagged you on Tuesday had specific instructions to eliminate any witnesses who could identify him. There’s no easy way to say this, so I will have to be blunt. If it wasn’t for your ‘condition’, you would now be dead, and the two ladies would probably be dead right now.”

Chloé quickly moved to support Sara, who was looking a little faint. “Do you mean that I might be alive today because of a ghost?” Sara asked.

Anne smiled “If anyone had told me about a ghost actually existing, I would have called it nonsense. However, I have seen a woman help defeat two dangerous criminals by using an incredible gift, and so I am not as sure about anything at the moment.”

“I think that the ghost story should be kept out of any of your official records, Agent Duncombe.” The Chief commented. “They may find the existence of our spider-lady here hard enough to swallow as it is. Anyway, there is a lot of work to do on this case, so if you’ll excuse me.”

“Certainly, Chief Burgess. I still have to work on the DNA case, but first I will have to explain the full situation to Sara and James. I will present you with my statement tomorrow morning if that is acceptable.”

“It is. Then I have to get back to dealing with this case. See you tomorrow, Agent Duncombe.” The Chief turned around and headed back to the house.

“I think that we all need something to drink.” Anne said, walking back to the house with the others following her.

James chuckled. “There must be three cups of cold coffee in the living room by now. That’s when this situation started, by me making something to drink. I suppose that making more coffee essentially bookends it.”

Sara’s arms itched and she unconsciously scratched. “After this talk, I need to have a good long soak to get this tape off my arms, and I would really like to get clean after being handled by those thugs.”

As they entered the house, Chloé said “It would be best to leave the bath until Anne leaves, as your counter agent will be washed off as well.”

Anne shuddered as they walked into the living room. “I have no intention of experiencing your ‘mating call’ Sara, as it robs you of any self-control.”

“I’ll make the coffee and then run a bath for Sara, Anne. I have already heard all of this, so I can make better use of the time.” Chloé picked up the tray and carried the cups back into the kitchen. She quickly washed them as she brewed a fresh pot, then poured out the coffee into four clean cups. She brought them into the living room, and then went upstairs into the bathroom to run the water for Sara.

While this was going on, Anne and the others were sitting down, with Anne in a chair and the other two were on the couch. The agent was explaining everything, including her visit to Sara’s apartment on the previous evening. “So that explains why you volunteered to be the guinea pig this morning.” Sara said “You already knew what it was like to experience the, shall we stick with the word ‘glamour’ from now on?”

“Yes, Sara, and though I was dreading it again, at least I knew what it would do to me. Anyone else would have thought that it was silly, even I did before I experienced it for the first time. It was good judgement of Chloé to ensure that I was securely bound.“

“Agent Duncombe-.” Sara started to say until she was interrupted.

“Anne, please call me Anne. Agent Duncombe seems a little cumbersome now.”

“Anne, it does seems strange but everything positive, getting Chloé and James back together, saving my life on Tuesday, the two ladies today, uncovering a potentially disastrous weapon, all comes down to the fact that I cut my hand on Sunday night. I also understand that my old life is over and a new one is beginning for me. I once heard a phrase ‘Life begins at forty’ but I never expected it to be true.”

“Your life is in complete turmoil at the moment Sara, so I do not want to say anything for the time being. Everything has to settle first, and then we can look at your future.”

By this time, Chloé had set out Sara’s sweater and tights, finished running the bath, walked downstairs and then entered the living room. “You bath is ready, Madame Sara, and I have placed some clothing in the master bedroom.”

“Thanks Chloé, I am looking forward to washing myself clean. I’m sorry Anne, but I really need to do this now, even though it does seem stupid.”

“Believe me, Sara understand you completely. There was a recent case-,” Anne glanced at Chloé “where I just stood under the shower for an hour in my clothes, just to try and feel clean.” The agent stood up. “I have to go as I still have work to do at the research centre, So I’ll say goodbye.”

“I’ll see you out Anne.” Chloé said “Is there anything else you need to do?”

“As I have all of your phone numbers, I will arrange for a special app to be sent to each of your phones. It will give the precise location of the other two. Your phone locations are constantly recorded at the moment, as we don’t want any of you disappearing for obvious reasons. I think that it’s best that you three know this, as the only alternative would be to have another agent with you.”

“That is understandable, given the present situation.” Chloé walked with Anne to the door and then opened it. “I hope to see you soon, give my regards to Angela.”

Sara had followed them as she was about to go upstairs. “Anne, give Angela my sincerest apologies. I didn’t know that she was part of the investigation.”

“Don’t worry, Sara.” Anne replied “You reacted as you were supposed to. It is good to know that her cover worked perfectly. Hopefully, we can trace the scientist who’s behind this and end this investigation quickly. Goodbye, then.” Anne walked out through the door, and Chloé said “Goodbye.” before closing the door.

“I must have this bath Chloé, my arms are starting to itch like crazy.” Sara said as she rushed up the stairs.

“Have a good soak, Madame Sara.” Chloé said before walking back into the living room. Sara went up the stairs, picked up a large towel and walked into the bathroom. She took off most of her clothes except for her stockings which still had the tape attached. These are ruined, but I’d better not throw them away just in case the authorities might need them. The woman carefully peeled them of and put them to one side before stepping into the bath and sliding her arms under the warm water. I’ll just rest like this for a while so that it will be easier to remove the tape. Sara closed her eyes and started to doze…

“I suppose you just want to relax after this morning’s incident, so maybe you should use the bedroom to rest.” James suggested to Chloé as she entered the living room.

She unbuttoned the straps on her green pinafore dress and lifted it off. “I do want to relax James, but I want to rest in your arms, bound and helpless.” Chloé neatly folded her dress, put it to the left side of the couch, walked in front of James and then placed her hands behind her back with her back turned to him. “Kidnap, kiss and cuddle me, my love.” She said with a smile.

James rose from the couch and placed Chloé’s arms behind her back in a box position, with her right forearm above her left. He picked up a bag full of rope and took several lengths of ropes out of it, using one of them to bind Chloé’s right wrist and her left forearm, just below the elbow. It went around four times, cinched thrice and then knotted firmly out of reach of the French girl’s fingers. A second piece of rope was used to secure her left wrist to her right forearm in the same manner.

The young man picked up a long length of rope which was looped around Chloé’s chest below her breast four times, and then another four above, before cinching the loops between her arms and her body. Another piece of rope was tied to the middle of the chest ropes behind her back, taken over her right shoulder, down between her breasts to the lower chest rope, looped around the rope and then over her left shoulder to the middle of her back where it started. It was looped around at the back, and the process was repeated once more with the end of the rope firmly tied at her back.

“I do like it when you use the ropes to bisect and emphasise my breasts, as it provides a wonderfully sensual feeling, my love.” Chloé sighed as the rope was tied off. “Would you like me to sit down?” She asked.

“Yes, my sweet. It will be easier to bind your legs.” James replied. Chloé carefully walked backwards and sat down on the edge of the couch with only her bottom on the furniture.

James took four lengths of rope out of the bag, and started to tie Chloé’s ankles together with one of them. He double-stranded and looped the rope around her ankles about four times before wrapping several cinch loops between her legs. A reef knot as then tied at the front to secure the ends of the rope. A second rope was lashed around her legs just below the knees, and it was cinched and tied in the same manner. A third length was used to bind her legs above her knees, and the last was wrapped around her mid-thigh.

As the final length was tied firmly Chloé emitted an audible sigh. This will be wonderful therapy after the trials of this morning. In your arms, I will forget everything except us. James sat down to her right, placed his arms around her waist, and then pulled her onto his lap. “Now I have you, my French wench.”

Chloé closed her eyes and parted her lips slightly before whispering “Kiss me, you fool.” Then his lips touched hers and she was oblivious to everything except the moment…

Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:49 pm
by Soraka
Sara slowly wakened from her sleep in the bath and tested the pieces of tape that adhered to her lower arms. One of the cut lengths was pulled off her skin without any pain or hair removal. I must have dozed for quite some time if this can detach so easily, so I’d better not waste any more time in here. She then carefully peeled the strips away, one by one, until her arms were completely uncovered and then spent some time soaping her body over, so as to feel cleaner.

Then the woman cleaned the soap off her body and stood up in the bath before wrapping a large towel around her. She stepped out and removed the plug from the tub, and the hole made the familiar gurgling sound as the water run through it. Sara filled the sink bowl and used the water to wash out any soap suds from the bath, leaving it clean. Then she gently smoothed the towel over her body until her skin was dry before making her way into the bedroom where she spotted the pink tights and sweater that she had worn to bed the previous evening.

That was very pleasant to wear, and I think that Chloé must want to see me in it again so I will dress in it. Sara went out to the bathroom and put the large towel on a rail so that it could dry off, and then returned to the bedroom. She took the thick tights and scrunched up the legs until there were short so that it would be easier to put her legs inside. Her right foot was placed into one dip of the tights, and her left toes went into the other, and a little smoothing brought the item of clothing up to her knees. She continued until it was raised further up until the top reached her waist and she ran her fingers over the material to take out any wrinkles that remained.

The pink sweater was picked up and manoeuvred around until it was in position to be worn, and she placed her arms through the sleeves gently so that it would be easier to place over her head. The last time I rushed at this, it felt as if I had put a straitjacket on and I was worried that I couldn’t remove it. She placed it over her head, pulled it down and her face appeared through the turtle neck. There was only a little twisting of the sleeves to remove any kinks and Sara’s outfit was finished.

The lady walked in front of the full length mirror to examine her clothed body. This really does complement me, so I hope that James likes it. I wonder what he and Chloé are up to right now? More like what is James doing, because Chloé most probably wrapped up tighter than a Christmas present. Anyway, I should go downstairs and join them. Sara walked out of the bedroom, made her way to the top of the stairs and then took step by slow step down...

It had been some time since Chloé and James started to kiss, and she had felt the touch of his hands all over her and they continued their passionate embrace. Then she gently broke off the kiss as she heard the water drain out of the bath. She looked at James and said “I think that it will not be long before Madame Sara joins us. Do you have anything in mind, my love?”

“Actually, I think that a little role reversal of the start of this morning may bookend what has happened, so to speak.” James smiled.

“Do you mean that you are going to place me on the carpet as a distraction for Sara? Then, as she is preoccupied with me, you tie her up, gag her, and then give her a good spanking? The only problem is that she will not fall for me being a damsel in distress as she played the trick on me.” Chloé explained.

By this time, James had positioned Chloé so that she was sitting on the couch and her back was to him. “In that case Chloé, we will have to make it a little more realistic.”

How can you make it more realistic James? There is hardly any peril that you can add to my present situation. She noticed that in her present position, so was unable to see what James was doing. “James, how can you-ulp!” Chloé words were stifled as a large red rubber ball was pushed between her lips, filling and distending her mouth. Even though she shook her head, she was unable to prevent James from bringing the straps around to the back of her neck, where one was threaded through the other to its maximum extent, the keeper was placed through the strap hole and the girl found herself very tightly gagged.

You must have something planned for me apart from just being gagged, and I hope that it is not painful. James took Chloé off the couch and laid her prone close to it, in a parallel position and with her head at the left side. She turned her head to the left and watched as he double-stranded a long piece of rope, and then the material was passed under her body at the waist before the looped end was knotted off at the small of her back. You must be planning on placing me in a hogtie, but with my arms bound in a box position surely it would be more effective to bind the end to my chest ropes. Chloé was rolled over onto her right, the rope was threaded between her legs and then looped over the waist rope at the front. So, I am to be the recipient off a crotch-rope then.

James put a series of knots in the rope, with about an inch between them before threading the rope back between Chloé’s legs. I should say knotted crotch rope, then. The captive girl was placed back in the prone position, then the rope was ltaken over the waist rope at the back and pulled tight which elicited a sigh from her as the knots pressed upon her most intimate region. I should be thankful that James has not removed the patch, otherwise this would be a major torment. Her legs were bent at the knees until her heels pressed against her bottom and the captor looped the rope around her ankle bindings before taking it up to her chest ropes and firmly securing the other end.

Even though I am already aroused, this is not going to make me act like a damsel in distress, so I do not understand why you have tied me like this, my love. Chloé was again turned over so that she lay on her right side, and she looked on as James walked over to a bag that was hidden to the right side of the couch. Her eyes opened as wide as possible as she recognised the object that James removed from the bag. NO! NO! NO! Please put that metal vibrator back James, you know that it will torment my very being! The captive girl struggled uncontrollably as she was scared of what James was going to do to her.

“Sorry Chloé, but this is important if I want to convince Sara that you are in distress.” Chloé shook her head wildly as the metal object was placed between her tights and the crotch-rope, and its location was adjusted by her captor. “All that remains is for me to push the button.” The girl begged through her gag and pleaded with her eyes at James, but she cried out as he started the infernal teasing device. She squirmed in her bonds as the knots in her crotch-rope danced upon her body, promising a pleasure that was not going to be delivered.

James picked up another bag and stood at a point where he would be hidden by the door when it was opened. Mon Dieu! It seems as if I am more sensitive to this than ever. I hope that you get downstairs quickly Sara, as I am soon going to be a damsel in distress. Chloé cried out as a little shockwave shot through her hearth of desire, caused by the vibrations running into her and soon the feeling was building up to a point where she was unable to remain still...

As Sara reached the bottom of the stairs and turned right, she heard a succession of three squeals from the living room, as if a person was experiencing something that they would rather avoid. She pushed the living room open and was treated to the site of the French lady in tight bondage, struggling wildly against her bonds and squirming from her torment. Then Sara noticed the metal cylindrical object at the same time that she heard the buzzing noise and realised what was causing her friend’s distress.

She rushed over to her friend in the hope of removing the vibrator that was source of so much agitation for the captive. “Chloé! That’s a horrible thing to do! I know just how that feels when you are tormented like this.” The woman reached for the vibrator but got no further as her hands were grabbed suddenly and pulled behind he back.

“Wow! You look extraordinary in that outfit Sara, it really complements you!” Sara noticed that her arms were held in a box formation behind her back, but nothing else was happening.

“James, are you just going to stare, or are you going to tie me up. It’s bad enough that you have poor Chloé tormented out of her wits, but the longer you take with me, the more she has to suffer.”

“Sorry Sara, I was just caught up in how beautiful you are.” James held Sara’s arms tighter and then there was the familiar sensation of rope as it was wound several times around her right wrist and left forearm. Next, there was the looping if the rope around the initial turns and between the limbs followed by a tightening and knotting off which secured her right hand. Then her left wrist and right forearm were subjected to the same treatment, so that soon Sara’s arms were firmly restrained with no chance of escape.

“Haylp! Oh haylp!” Sara said in a mock damsel in distress voice. Taking the hint, James took Sara’s pink ball-gag out of the bag and pushed the large ball into the woman’s mouth as she ‘shouted’ for help, which had the result of stifling her cries. The straps were taken around to behind the back of her neck, where they were threaded through, pulled tight and then buckled into place.

Even though any control over her mouth was limited at best, the gagged woman did manage to smile a little. She looked down at Chloé, who seemed to be writhing more than ever. It is very erotic, watching James bind and gag you Sara, but this is adding to the torment of my body. The helpless girl watched as James lifted Sara up until she was in her feet, and then he took a long length of rope and proceeded to bind her upper arms to her chest. First there were four loops placed around her chest below her breasts, which was followed by the same number above, and then the parts of the ropes between her body and her arms were cinched by two loops on each side. James then put the same ‘V’ with the rope on Sara’s chest in the same way that he had with his girlfriend, with the effect that her bosom was emphasised.

“Sit down on the right side of the couch with your bottom on the edge, Sara.” James commended. The woman did as she was ordered without hesitation, and placed her legs together. James must want to bind my legs, so I might as well make it easier for him. She looked on as James wrapped a double stranded piece of rope three times around ankles, and then two loops went between her legs to take up any slack as it was tightened. A knot was used to secure the ends and Sara’s ankles were bound together. This was followed by her legs below and above the knees, and at the mid thigh, leaving Sara writhing slightly as she enjoyed her tight bondage.

Jams then sat down on the couch on Sara’s immediate left. “You do know that you were a very foolish woman this morning, Sara.” Sara looked a little puzzled at James’s comments. Why are you saying this James? He continued “You placed yourself in jeopardy with your actions, and such a matter has to be dealt with.” There’s something you have planned, wha-. Sara yelped through her gag as Jams took hold of her and moments later she found herself lying across his knees with her bottom to his right. Please James, tell me you’re not going to do this! He put his left hand on Sara’s back to hold her down as he raised his right hand above her bottom. “I have no choice but to punish you for your behaviour.” OMG! You’re going to spank me!

“MMMMM!” Sara cried out as the first blow delivered a sharp, stinging sensation to her bottom. OW! These tights don’t provide much protection. OW! OW! His hand landed twice more upon her posterior, causing more mild pain in her cheeks and she squirmed under his left hand. She yelped three more times as she was struck on her bottom, and Chloé watched from the floor as the woman writhed on James’s lap.

It is even more arousing to see James spank you, but I am driven crazy by this and my little torturer! Chloé struggled and moaned on the floor as her body was taken to the peak of desire and torment, while Sara sighed as she was soothed on the locations that had just received a beating from James’s hand. That feels so wonderful after the treatment that I have just received from you James, and it is arousing me.

The soothing carried on for another minute or so, and then Sara shouted in her discomfort as she felt the effects of another six spanks which caused her bottom to squirm more than before. I’m sure that you hit me harder than the first time. Oh, that is soooo good. Your caresses on my cheeks feels even better as well. There were loud moans issuing from Sara’s mouth as the touches on her inflamed areas were having the desired effect of stimulating her.

The woman was shocked, however, as she felt James’s right hand gripped the top of her tights. Please, you’re not going to expose me and spank my bare bottom! Her futile struggles did nothing to stop the pulling down of her tights until her bottom was completely bare. Sara shook her head and made begging noises to her captor, but this didn’t stop her receiving six more blows landing on her, and the pain was followed by pleasure each time, which left Sara confused about what she was feeling. That was good as well as hurting. Wait, are you touching me there now? This time, James was only running his fingers over her posterior, but they were tracing a path over her flower which was causing her arousal to increase tenfold.

It looks as though you will soon reach your peak and be pleasured Sara, but I will remain on the floor in my suffering. Chloé found it impossible to take her eyes what was happening to the older woman, even if it meant adding to her own torment. As Sara’s bottom was smacked for another six times, she was unable to notice the difference between the pain and the pleasure, and it just seemed to be the same thing. The caresses went over her intimacy even more, and she cried out from pleasure knowing that pure ecstasy awaited her.

“Do you want me to spank you to your pleasure?” James asked. Sara nodded her head furiously, hoping that he was not doing this to tease her. “Say please then.” She tried her best put it just came out as “mph”. “If you don’t say please, then I will have to stop.” “MMMMMM” came out of Sara’s mouth as an act of frustration. A very hard smack landed on the woman’s bottom and she felt relieved that he was going to continue.

Chloé had noticed that something else was happening. James had extended his right foot near to her and the tight toes were right in front of the knots of her crotch-rope. When Sara was given the hard spank, James pressed his toes onto the knots, which sent an overdrive of feeling through Chloé’s mound, causing her to scream from pleasure. Mon Dieu! You are going to make me orgasm by your toes! Every time James spanked Sara, he would also press on the rope, taking both of the bound captives closer and closer to their release. The only thoughts that filled the lady’s minds at this point was More! MORE!

“MMMMMMGGGGGMMMM!” screamed Sara as her body was flooded by the bliss of orgasm and it seemed like another voice started to echo hers as Chloé’s felt the joy of her La petite mort, and it almost seemed as if the girls were amplified by each other’s experience...

The older captive was just vaguely aware in her reverie of James putting her on the floor and placing a crotch-rope onto her in the same fashion as Chloé’s. The other lady noticed that her vibrator had been removed and so her torment had been stopped for the time being. She was also moved so that she was on her front and facing the couch, along with Sara...

“Okay, you two, I take it that you must be peckish after your ordeals?” The captives roused from their reveries and nodded their heads, and Sara’s stomach rumbled a little. I could really do with something to eat right now. James rose from the couch. “I am going to make some sandwiches, so I have to go to the kitchen. Don’t go anywhere.” With that he left the room and the two captives stayed still on the floor, relaxing after their recent experience...

Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:50 pm
by Soraka
“Wakey, wakey.” Said James, waking Sara up from her sleep.

I must have fallen asleep in my bondage again, so I must have been more tired than I thought after that little incident this morning. The helpless woman made a questioning noise to James, hoping that he would tell her how long she had been resting.

“You two have been asleep for several hours and it is nearly four o’clock in the afternoon.” Said James as he knelt beside the woman and loosened her hogtie rope. “I came back into the living room and noticed that you and Chloé were fast asleep which was not surprising after today’s exertions, so I decided to let you rest.”

James knelt beside his girlfriend and worked on loosening the rope that kept her on the floor, causing her to stir. “I am adjusting the ropes that hogtie you so that you will be able to kneel when you eat the sandwiches.” He walked over to the sofa and picked up two cushions, lying them on the floor in front of the couch. “I think that you will need to kneel on these, as it will be far more comfortable than the hard floor.”

Chloé squealed as James picked her up and carried her to one of the cushions, placing her so that she faced the couch in a kneeling position. It was Sara’s turn next, and she found herself in the same position on Chloé’s right. The woman turned her head to look at her younger bound companion, who looked back and smiled around the edges of her ball-gag.

The man walked over to one of the bags and took out the special clock that had been given to Sara on Friday, which was displaying a green colour. It shows that your charming ability has a limited time, and that you are back to normal as you had not used the counter agent after your bath.

James walked over to the side and placed the clock in a position so that it could be clearly seen. “It seems that adult visitors will not be falling under your spell for the rest of the day Sara, so if Anne or the others return they will be safe. I’ll bring in the meal now.” James said as he headed towards the door, which left the two ladies kneeling in their captivity.

Sara’s stomach rumbled again as she waited for James to return, and the helpless French student giggled in response. I didn’t realise that I would become so hungry today, but I have been a busy lady.

Chloé listened to her friend’s stomach again and pondered on what it meant. It could be that your metabolism has worked overtime and you need to replenish your reserves, Sara.

James returned, carrying a large plate that was piled high with beef and lettuce sandwiches and placed it on the coffee table, along with a large carton of orange juice. He walked over to the side, picked up three glasses and put them down on the coffee table before sitting down between the two captives.

“Okay, any lady who wants a meal, please put a hand up in the air and say ‘Me please.’” James said to the helpless ladies.

The response was immediate, as both of the captives pulled and twisted against their bonds and cried out through their gags in an attempt to follow the man’s orders. This proved to be useless though, as the ropes gripped their wrists solidly, and any words that they said were unintelligible and muffled.

Sara and Chloé shook their heads at the situation that they had been placed in, and they continued in their hopeless struggles. You are teasing us James, as both Sara and I will be unable to follow your requests.

“So, I take it that you two ladies don’t want anything to eat and drink then.” James said as he poured some orange juice into a glass before taking a sip of his drink. “This is really good.” He said, picking up a sandwich, taking a bite out of it and chewing slowly.

Sara felt the response in her body immediately as her captor ate, as her stomach rumbled again from hunger. This wasn’t the worse thing about her situation, however, as there was a sudden build up of saliva in her mouth and the gag prevented her from swallowing properly. If you don’t stop this James, we’re going to start drooling.

The woman turned to look at Chloé, who had a look of consternation on her face which indicated that the French girl was going through the same process. James my love, you are being so unfair to both of us. Both of the captives pleaded through their gags at their predicament, but James just continued to sip from his glass and eat the sandwich.

The saliva was flowing freely in Sara’s mouth, and the feeling of dampness on the right of her mouth told her that she was starting to drool. As she looked at her friend, she saw that Chloé had saliva dribbling from the left side of her mouth and flowing towards the chin, with the poor girl blushing in embarrassment.

Please, you can’t leave us like this James, it’s being taken too far. The saliva had reached Sara’s chin and the fact that she couldn’t clean her face was irritating her, so she growled angrily through her gag.

At once, James put his food down, took a large tissue out of his pocket, and cleaned Chloé’s face before removing her gag. A moment later, the same tissue was applied to Sara’s chin and mouth, the buckles that secured her own gag was unstrapped and the ball was extracted from her mouth.

“Thanks, James.” she said “You have no idea how bad it is to have a mouth full of saliva and have no way of removing it except by having it dribble out of your mouth. Are you okay, Chloé?” She asked as she looked as her friend.

Chloé looked back and said “Oui Sara, but I am thankful that this torment is over as it is very irritable. I hope that you do not force us to go through this again over the weekend, please?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let that happen again. It was fun though, watching you two having to endure such a predicament.” He picked up a sandwich in each hand and offered them to the captives who were kneeling in front of him. “Would you like to eat now?” He asked.

The ladies took a bit out of their respective sandwiches and chewed thoroughly before swallowing. “Sara.” said Chloé before she took another bite.“I think I can remember the term for what happened to you today with the prisoner and Agent Duncombe.”

“What is it, Chloé?” Sara said as she prepared to take another bite.

“It is referred to as ‘hysterical strength’ and there have been reports of situations when people have lifted cars off trapped people. The interesting thing about your case is that it can last longer, you can switch it off and on as needed when you are active, and you gain an even greater coordination as well.” Chloé frowned at this.

“By your expression I can tell that this is not necessarily a good thing, Chloé.” Sara paused as James offered her a glass of orange juice.

“Oui Sara, there is the situation of your heart and metabolism running very fast to support your internal functions. Plus, there is always the chance that you can damage tendons or ligaments in the process.”

“I think that you mentioned about this before, but I seriously doubt that I will end up in the same situation again.” Sara said.

“I think that it is good that you cannot call on your charming ability on cue, Sara.”

“Actually.” said Sara “I may be able to. I have an unusual kind of synesthesia which allows me to connect smells with memories. It was discovered when I went to a farm once on a school trip, and smelling the cows made me sneeze. A week later we were drawing animals at school, and it was my task to draw a cow. The teacher didn’t know why I was continually sneezing and she thought I was ill until I explained that I could smell the strong memory of the cow.”

“So you can activate your production at any time, just by thinking about it?” asked Chloé, who looked even more worried “That could prove to b every dangerous.”

“It’s okay, Chloé. It’s not as if a casual thought can cause the connection, as I have to concentrate hard to get the smell. I won’t turn into ‘The Pink Widow’ by having a casual thought about this morning.” Sara was on her fourth sandwich by now, eating twice as fast as her friend.

“That is good Sara. At least you won’t be a risk to anyone just by thinking about today.” Chloé took a sip from the glass that was offered to her. “Should you need to do this again, it will prove to be useful if you can change by concentration.”

James thought for a moment. “What if the person is wearing full hazard gear, and you aren’t able to affect him? After all, he isn’t going to subject to your charm.” He said.

Chloé smiled “In that case, that person will probably be in great danger, as he or she will be dealing a Widow who will have no interest in mating.”

Sara looked at James “It hadn’t crossed my mind about other situations, but after the strength that I have shown today, it would take good restraints to hold me in place. If someone just wraps short piece of tape around my wrists, or a ziptie, or even the link style handcuffs, I may be able break out of my bonds. I don’t think that I will be able to get free from this type of situation, however, as I have been thoroughly bound.”

James held up another sandwich for Sara to eat. “That tape ran all of the way from your wrists to your elbows, so you wouldn’t have been able to tear it loose. We could always put it to the test in the morning, when you will be red and risky.”

“How about it, Sara?” Chloé asked “It may be useful to know such a thing in advance.”

Sara swallowed another bite. “Tomorrow morning then, we can see just how useful it can be to get free. Please note that I am completely helpless when someone is mating with me, and a strip of masking tape would hold probably hold my wrists together.”

James held up another sandwich to Chloé, but she shook her head at the offer. “What are we going to do after lunch, James?” She asked.

“I’ve seen something on the television schedule that you would like to watch. It’s several back to back episodes of an old cartoon series.” James answered, as he put the sandwich back and started to untie the hogtie ropes of the captive ladies. “Do you want anymore sandwiches, Sara?”

“No.” answered the woman “I’ve had enough now. I think that I’ve eaten twice as much as Chloé, so I’ve been quite the glutton this afternoon.”

“Do not worry, Sara, it must be a result of your body burning up calories from today’s activities.” Chloé said as her rope was removed “Is it okay if I hopped onto the couch James?” She asked.

“Certainly, Chloé.” James answered as he untied Sara’s hogtie rope. “I’ll just place Sara onto the couch.” He picked up the woman and placed her on the sofa, as Chloé struggled to rise from the floor. “It may be easier to help you to sit down as well as I don’t think that you are going to do this quickly.” Chloé found herself helped up into a sitting position on Sara’s right with a gap between them.

James walked over to a bag and pulled out two cloth strips, one red and one pink. “Please monsieur, please do not gag us with those horrible rags.” Chloé said, putting on a mock struggle against her bonds.

Sara picked up on the role play immediately and started to struggle as well. “We’re already helplessly bound. We promise to be good little girls and stay quiet. Just don’t stick those horrible things between our teeth.”

James walked back and sat down on the couch between the two bound women. “Open your mouths wide, unless you want to be punished severely.”

Chloé opened her mouth wide in anticipation of James’s next action. “Monsieur, this is unnecessary, we will keep our mouths shu-ulp!” Her talking was interrupted as the red cloth was pulled between her teeth, the ends were pulled around to the back of her neck where they were securely knotted together.

Sara opened her mouth and put on a phoney southern accent as she spoke. “Haylp! Someone please haylp me. I’m all tied up and-.” It was her turn to be silenced as the pink cloth was used to cleave gag her. These gags are more symbolic than anything else, but it is delicious to be gagged like this.

Sara blushed as she was kissed on the lips by her captor, but she still found it very pleasurable. It was Chloé’s turn to be kissed next, and she writhed a little as their lips met.

“I think that it’s time to start the cartoons.” James said as he picked up the remote control and started the DVR which automatically switched on the television. As he put an arm around the waist of each of the captives, the animation started and there was a familiar woman in pink with a southern accent who was being chased by a sinister cloaked figure.

Sara heard Chloé giggle as the animation continued. I remember watching this from when I was a child. Now I understand why this series was so popular. It’s almost like a bondage show for teens, and I’m surprised that this series was allowed to be shown on the air.

The two ladies writhed a little as they watched the heroine was captured and placed into bondage time and time again. Chloé looked over at Sara as the older captive’s eyes were glued to the screen. I wonder if that is where you got your love if pink from, Sara, and maybe you were intrigued by the act of being tied up. I will ask you later, as it will be a bit difficult to speak to you with this cloth in my mouth.

As the show continued, James cuddled the girls and occasionally kissed them on the cheek. “Do you consider this to be appropriate entertainment for this afternoon, my helpless heroines?”

Both girls nodded in response to their captor’s question and they snuggled up to him on the sofa. This is proving to be a very enjoyable weekend Chloé, and I must thank both of you for your hospitality.

Eventually, the animation episodes came to an end and James rose from the couch. “I’ll have to take these items out and wash them.” he said as he picked up the plate and glasses “I expect you two to remain in your places and stay still, as I don’t want to have to punish two naughty captives.” After making sure that he had a firm grip on the items, James walked out of the room, leaving the two helpless ladies on their own.

Sara smiled around her pink cleave gag. That’s almost like asking us to not stay still and do something naughty. She turned to face Chloé and she noticed that the French student was also smiling.

The red-haired girl squirmed in her bonds and moved slowly along the couch towards the lady on her left. I hope that you will make this easier by trying to move towards me, Madame Sara.

Sara started to work her way to her right and she was soon touching shoulders with her friend. We’re together Chloé, now what do you want us to do?

It seems that you are waiting for me to make the first move, Madame Sara, but that is hardly surprising as you are submissive to me. Chloé made kissing expression with her face in an effort to show Sara what she planned to do.

The thought of the two captives kissing each other sent a thrill through Sara’s body. You and me kissing while we’re both bound and gagged, Chloé? That’s an incredible idea, I would have never have thought of that. the lady leant back on the couch, closed her eyes, turned her head to the right and parted her lips slightly.

The moment when Chloé’s lips touched her was electrifying.

The two ladies kissed on the couch and they writhed in their pleasure. Thank you Chloé, this is a wonderful experience. In a way, I wish that I had known you earlier, but then you would have been too young for this type of contact. The only problem with this is that all we can do is kiss each other, as our bondage limits any other kind of contact.

Sara and Chloé had become lost in the moment when James walked in, and it took a minute for them to notice that he had entered the room. I wonder what you have in store for us as a punishment, my love. Chloé looked up at James without pausing and then concentrated her attention on Sara

“So, what punishment is appropriate for two captives in bondage who are misbehaving while kissing each other’s lips?” James asked.

Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:50 pm
by Soraka
The two captives stopped their kissing and looked up in mock fear at the man who held them prisoner, wondering what was going to happen to them.

“Seeing as you two want to be together, I suppose that I’ll oblige you.” James said as he picked up the cushions and laid them next to each other on the floor in the middle of the room. “If you two wish to be kissing captives, why should I stop you?”

Chloe looked up at James as he approached the couch, and she found herself being picked up in his arms as he carried her to the centre of the room, where she was placed in a kneeling position on one of the cushions. It was Sara’s turn to be carried from the sofa to the cushions, and a moment later she was kneeling on the other cushion and facing her friend.

It seem that we’re to be tied together, Chloe. I hope that you’re okay with James doing this to us. The young man took a long length of cord out of the bag and proceeded to bind the upper bodies of the two ladies together. Another long piece of rope was picked up and used to bind the helpless captives at the waist and further immobilised them.

As the two ropes were bound, Chloe looked at her boyfriend with a certain amount of trepidation. I hope that you know what you are doing, as this could be quite dangerous. If either of us shift our position, we could fall on the floor and we will have no way of preventing this from happening.

A third piece of rope was used to bind the ladies together at the top of their legs, while a fourth secured them just above the knees. Two strips of white cloth were taken out of a bag and Chloe was the first lady to be blindfolded, to be quickly followed by Sara. The French lady tried to look around the room, but the cloth was effective in not allowing any possible vision.

Sara was making a few noises through her gag as she was also concerned about her lack of balance. “Don’t worry my prisoners, you won’t fall down from here.” The women felt the touch of their captor and their bodies were gently lowered to the floor, with Chloe lying on her right and Sara on her left side.

Both of the helpless ladies looked relived as they lay there on the floor. “I just have to secure you a little more, and then you can start.” Sara notice that something was being tied to her ankles, and her legs were soon bent at the knees with her heels pressing against her bottom. There was more tying at her chest ropes at the back and the woman quickly discovered that her captor had hogtied her.

It was Chloe’s turn to be further restrained by the young man, and it wasn’t long before she was hogtied as well. I suppose that this is just to keep our legs from moving about, as we are unable to go anyway as Sara’s body is bound to mine.

“You may kiss each other now, ladies.” James said.

It only took a moment for the two helpless ladies to find each other’s lips, even with the blindfolds on, and they enjoyed the pleasure kissing each other once again. Both of them writhed softly in their bonds, which caused them to rub their bodies against each other and increase the eroticism of their situation.

This is even more enjoyable Chloe, as we are tied to each other as we kiss. We wouldn’t have been able to do this without James’s help, so I should thank him once we’re free.

The kissing went on for some time, and the ladies were enjoying every moment, when James Said “Would you like those gags taken out of your mouths?”

Both girls broke from their kisses and nodded at this. “Okay, pull your heads back and open your mouths wide, and I’ll remove your gags.”

Chloe and Sara did as they were instructed, and lay with their mouths wide open. It was the French lady’s turn to have her gag removed, and she felt the untying of the knot at the back of her neck before the cloth was taken from between her teeth. Before she had time to close her mouth, however, she was surprised when a large rubber ball was inserted between her teeth, which was followed a moment later by the buckling of the straps of the ball-gag.

That is so mean of you James! I will not be able to kiss Sara, and if you do the same thing to her, then we will be unable to kiss at all.

The cloth gag was removed from the older lady, but she was also muffled with a ball-gag before she had a chance to close her mouth. I bet that you’ve done the same thing to Chloe, and we can’t kiss. This is tormenting us again. She placed her gagged mouth against her friend’s face, and very soon realised that they were both gagged. This is impossible, as the only thing left to us is to nuzzle each other’s face.

The girls lay there in the floor in their frustration, attempting to gag-kiss each other, but the effect of the gags meant that they were unable to make their lips meet. They had to be contented with just rubbing their cheeks and noses together in their helplessness, hoping that James would eventually relent.

“I’m sorry ladies, but it is fun to see you like this. I’ll remove these gags so that you can kiss each other properly, but if there is any talking, the gags go back on. Do you understand?” James asked.

The two captives nodded to show that they comprehended their captor. Sara felt the unbuckling of her straps which was followed by the extrication of the ball from her mouth, and she moved her jaw so that she could work out the stiffness. It was Chloe’s turn next, and soon her gag was also removed, leaving her mouth free.

“You may kiss now, but you have to continue and there is to be no speaking until I say so.” James said.

The two captives gently kissed each other on the lips, but their contact became more passionate as the slight parting of their mouths permitted their tongues to touch slightly. The kisses became ever deeper and more erotic as time went on, and they forgot about anything else as their tongues intertwined.

Then the girls paused in their actions as Chloe’s phone buzzed. “You two carry on, it’s Agent Duncombe calling, so I’ll answer it.” The captives continued in their kissing as James answered the phone.

“Hello, it’s James here. Chloe is well-, wrapped up in something at the moment, and Sara is the same.”

Chloe smiled as she kissed Sara. At least you did not say that I am ‘tied up at the moment’, that is a very old cliché.

“Is it something important? Well, I think that the apps have downloaded and are installed, but I will double check that. I see, it is Chloe that you wish to speak to. Is she doing anything important? Well, you’ll see when you get here. I don’t think that it’s anything that can’t be interrupted for a little while. Okay, I’ll see you in ten minutes, Anne, bye for now.”

There was the sound of a call being ended. “Anne is coming around here, and she wants to chat to Chloe. She’s also bringing around someone who can fetch your car and bring it here Sara, just in case you should need it during the weekend. I’ll check the phone to see if the apps have downloaded and you two will continue to kiss until I say stop.”

As the two captives kissed there were various noises coming from the phones as James made sure that the programs were working properly. “That’s it ladies, we will all be able to track each other from now on. Given the way things are going, the only thing missing is a meddling dog.”

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and James said “That must be Anne. Sara, I’ll just pick up your handbag and give it to the person who will fetch your vehicle. Don’t forget, I haven’t told you two to stop.”

The woman listened as the young man left the room and opened the front door. “Hi Anne, I’ve got Sara’s handbag here, so your friend will be able to fetch her car.”

“Is it safe to come in?” Anne asked.

“Perfectly safe Anne, Sara’s ‘glamour’ has worn off and she is totally defenceless.” The young man’s footsteps were heard as her walked back into the room. “Okay, you two can stop kissing each other as we have visitors.”

The captives stopped what they were doing and listened as two other people entered the room. “You two look absolutely delightful like that, and I’m glad to meet you at a time when you are no threat at all, Sara.” Anne said. “Look, your roommate and your work colleague are helplessly tied up in the floor.”

“Hello Sara.” said a very familiar German voice “It’s nice to meet you out of work for once, and it’s very enjoyable to see you in helpless bondage with my friend.”

OMG, that’s Angela from work, and she’s caught me like this! Wait a moment, didn’t Anne say that Angela was implanted into the company to find out what was happening? The blonde captive’s blindfold was removed and she opened her eyes to see her work colleague kneeling there in black skirt, stockings, shoes and white blouse.

“Angela, I’m so sorry for the way that I behaved towards you.” said Sara as her cheeks slowly turned red. “I had no idea why you were really there.”

“That’s okay Sara, you acted precisely as you were supposed to and that made my job much easier. Any apology is unnecessary, but welcome anyway.” Angela replied as she removed Chloe’s blindfold “However, I am here because I need Chloe’s help and advice. James, is there any chance that you could untie Chloe for me, please?”

James began to untie the ropes that bound the two girls to each other. “Does Sara need to be untied as well, because I might as well do that if I’m freeing Chloe.”

“That is unnecessary James, Sara can rest there as we work down here.” Anne said as she placed a large laptop on the coffee table. “This is probably going to be extremely boring for you though, Sara.”

James had removed the hogtie ropes from the captives and he was in the process of untying Chloe, when the French lady said “I do not think that you will be needed for this either, James. It would be good if your two spent some time together upstairs, so that you will avoid getting bored.”

“It’s okay Chloe, I really wouldn’t mind lying here as you work.” Sara replied.

By this time, Chloe was free from her bonds and she picked up the pink ball-gag. “Did anybody say that you had any choice in this? You are going to do as you are told, Madame Sara.”

“But Chloe, you do not need to-ulp!” Sara’s speaking was cut off and the large pink ball was inserted into her mouth, and her friend pulled the straps tightly around to the back of her neck, where they were buckled together firmly.

You’re actually going to go through with this, Chloe, and hand me over to James!

“James, lift Sara up and place her over your shoulder.” Chloe ordered.

The woman squealed as she was picked up by James and then put over his shoulder as if she was a bag, and she blushed when Anne giggled. “After the three times when I was on the receiving end of you, it’s so nice to see you helpless to somebody else for once. I hope that you have a lot of fun.” The Agent said.

Chloe smiled. “James, you have been very kind to both of us this afternoon, and at your own expense as it must have been very arousing. Sara is a fine wench and she will provide you with much pleasure, so you are to have your wicked way with her until your desires are sated.” She said.

Sara shook her head and made protesting noises through her gag at this. You’ve turned me into James’s sex-slave, and I can do nothing to stop this.

“Go on James and have fun. We will see you later.” Chloe said as Sara struggled in her bonds.

James walked out of the room with his captive, leaving the other three women in the living room. “Okay, Angela and Anne, what is this about?” Chloe asked as she sat down in front of the laptop, which showed a screen full of folders and files.

“We think that we have found a file that may contain all of the information about the virus ‘parlour’, but it seems to be encrypted and we do not have the password to access it.” Angela said as she sat to Chloe’s right.

Anne sat to the left of the French lady. “Not only that, but the password protection does not allow us to copy the file from its original location.” The Agent said.

Chloe frowned “Is it possible to provide a trace, so that if the terrorist accesses it, we can found out where he is?” She asked.

“That has been done.” Angela answered “The moment there is an attempt to access or upload the file, we will find out the location that the file is being sent to. There is also a program that will implant certain programs on the receiving computer that will hopefully destroy all data on the hard drive.”

“There is a risk of the program being unsuccessful, so I have a contingent of special forces ready who are equipped with biological protection to drive to the location of the computer, so that we have a chance of apprehending the person responsible.” Anne said. “After this has been sorted out, I will be joining them.”

“Have you tried to delete the file or the folder that contains it?” Chloe asked.

“We haven’t attempted this for two reasons, Chloe.” answered the agent “One of which is that the information may contain a cure for Sara, and the other is that we may be able to manufacture a much better counter agent against the virus.”

“There is a third reason, Isn’t there, Anne. Shall I say what it is?” Asked Chloe.

Anne frowned. “You are as smart as Angela said, Chloe. It is too good a weapon to throw away, and we may find a more practical use for an altered version of the virus. Ironically, Sara’s actions over the week have shown how useful this actually is. If we delete the file though, it will only delay the person responsible and he or she will be able to duplicate the virus over time.”

Angel pressed a few keys on the laptop and brought up the file that they were talking about. “If you two look at the properties, the file cannot be deleted and it cannot be moved out of its folder, without having the appropriate password.”

Chloe looked at the attributes of the file and folder that were locked by passwords. “Angela, the rename and hide attributes have not been locked, which means that it would be possible to alter them.”

“Why would that help, Chloe?” Angela asked “He would just search through the system and find them again, as we cannot stop him from accessing the file, once it has been located.”

“If we rename the original file and folder and replace them with identical versions, then he will think that he has uploaded the proper data. When he finds out that it is incorrect, he will search the system, but it should delay him long enough for Anne to arrive and arrest him.”

Anne smiled. “Angela, would it be possible to make mass duplicates of the other file and folder, and hide them as well?” She asked.

“I understand, Anne. If the perpetrator has to look through thousands of files with identical attributes, it could take him hours to find the right one.” Angela replied. “I am setting the remaining attributes of the file and folder up for a password which only you or Anne will know, Chloe.” the German lady typed in some keys, and a password window appeared.

“If you would do the honours and type in the password, Chloe.” Anne said as Angela closed her eyes and turned her face away from the laptop.

The French girl thought for a moment and typed “SaraJayneSmite” into the entry locations and pressed enter. The laptop beeped to show that the password had been accepted.

Chloe then renamed and hid the folder and file, and then handed the laptop to Angela. “I will go home and create the thousands of false duplications which will be false trails for our criminal.” Angela said.

Anne rose from the couch as Angela shut down the laptop. “You have been a tremendous help, Chloe. Is there anything I can do for you?” She asked.

“Well, there is one thing you can do for me, Anne.” Chloe said, with a twinkle in her eye.

Meanwhile, Sara and James were having a very interesting time...

Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:50 pm
by Soraka
The helpless lady continued her feeble struggles as she was carried carefully up the stairs by her captor, knowing that if she put too much effort into it, she would just slip out of his grasp. You don’t have to do this for me Chloé, James is your boyfriend and I’m just happy to be with people that I can be safe with.

They were at the top of the stairs, and the captive knew that she would soon be in the master bedroom of the house and completely at the mercy of the young man. I shouldn’t act too willingly on this, as Chloé should be the one in this position. She is just too kind, sometimes. The woman lay in her unorthodox angle, getting an unusual view of the master bedroom as she was carried into it, but she lost site of the bed as James turned to the left so that he faced the bed.

As the young man started to bend over, Sara panicked as her body shifted its centre of gravity and she squealed through her gag as she fell back. The landing on the bed was uncomfortable as her arms were folded behind her back, but the bed was soft enough to stop it from being painful. That was a little scary, as I had no control of my body, and all I could do was fall.

“I need to bind your pretty ankles to the bottom of the bed as I prepare you for my pleasure, wench.” James said as he turned the lady around on top of the sheets so that she was aligned properly on the bed. The captive shook her head and made protesting sounds as he picked up a length of rope and firmly tied her ankle bonds to the bottom of the bed.

The lady was made to sit up by her captor as he knelt behind her and removed the ropes that bound her upper arms to her body. I have to be careful how I behave as you do this, as it would not be wise to put up a real struggle. Chloé would not be happy with me if I hurt you in any way. The ropes that tied her wrists to her elbows were untied and Sara enacted a deliberately weak struggle as James pulled her hands into the air.

“Noph! Pleph!” Cried the woman through her gag as her sweater was pulled up her arms and over her hands which left her topless.

“It’s useless, my captive wench. Soon you’ll be bound and naked, and fully available to be taken.” Said James as he took a length of rope and securely bound the lady’s wrists with her hands placed palm to palm before using more cord to tie her wrists to the top of her bed which immobilised her upper body.

Even real struggling won’t prevent you from taking advantage of me, as I’m tied to the bed. The woman was surprised when James lifted her head up and pulled her elbows together. You’re not going to tie my arms like this, surely. There was the familiar sensation of rope that was looped several times around her elbow which was then cinched and tied off, and the lady knew that struggling with her arms was impossible. I can’t even rest my head on the bed with this done to me.

The ropes around the captive’s thighs and knees were untied, which left her still bound at her ankles. What are you going to do now? She shook her head and protested through her gag as the young man gripped hold of the top of her thick cotton tights and slowly pulled them down to her ankles. You’ve stripped me naked, and I’m unable to cover my modesty as my hands are bound to the top of the bed.

The helpless captive was unable to do anything other than watch as James took two lengths of rope and tied the ends firmly to each of her ankles, just above her tights. The other ends of the ropes were tied to the appropriate side and bottom of the bed which ensured that even when the ropes binding the lady’s ankles together were removed, her legs would still be tied to the bed.

The young man untied the ropes that bound Sara’s ankles together and the one that held her legs to the middle of the bed before removing the captive’s tights which left her wearing just ropes and a gag. He walked over to the left of the bed, untied the rope from the corner of the bed and pulled on it, forcing Sara’s right foot to her right. The rope was tied off at the corner, and the young man went over to the right side, where he untied the rope at that corner. Sara’s left foot was pulled to the side of the bed, the rope was tied off, and the helpless lady felt more vulnerable as ever, as her intimacy was on view and there was nothing she could do to prevent its availability.

The captive struggled as best she could, but the ropes allowed her very little movement on the bed. “That’s it, fight all you want my pretty wench, but it won’t stop me from enjoying your flesh.” he leant over the bed and gently squeezed her left breast with his right hand “See, you are ripe and ready, my helpless harlot.”

Sara felt a thrill go through her body at his touch, and she knew that her intimacy lusted for his staff. I want you, but I mustn’t give it away just yet, as that would ruin it. The lady shook her head and made defiant sounds through her gag.

“Still feisty, I see. Well, you’ll be begging for my rod soon enough. I think that I should take your sight from you for the time being.” The young man took a cloth strip from the side, placed it over the lady’s eyes and tied the ends at the back of her head. “That will leave you not knowing where the next touch will land.”

Your caresses will be even more effective on me, now that I am unable to see what you are doing. The woman squirmed in her bonds, wondering where the next touch was going to come from. The young man knelt astride his captive’s waist, and the lady felt the smooth gliding touch of his fingers on her bound arms, which gently massaged her skin and made it tingle. That is so enjoyable, and I’m already about to surrender to you.

After several minutes, the young man turned around and it was the lady’s legs that received the touch of a pleasurable massage. Soon sweet kisses were planted up and down her legs and Sara was unable to suppress a small moan as the actions fuelled the flame of her desire. “I see that my skills are making you lust after me.” James said, as he continued to kiss and caress her legs.

“Eeph!” Protested the lady as she shook her head wildly, but the kisses on her upper thighs caused her cheeks to turn crimson. This is going to be an incredible evening.

The young man turned around and gently massaged Sara’s torso, except for the intimate areas, and this was followed by more soft kisses which caused the lady to writhe in her bonds. “You will succumb to my seduction soon, my pretty little wench.” James said, at which Sara shook her head again.

Even though she lady tried to resist, the caresses of the mounds of her breasts caused her to moan again as her resistance ebbed and her desire flowed. Oooo, that is so good. Keep going James, I don’t want you to stop. Kisses were planted on her breasts and the fingers slowly and teasingly moved down her abdomen which increased her feelings of lust.

Sweet little kisses were placed in rings around her nipples, and the tips of James’s finger traced fiery feelings on the captive’s Mound of Venus, causing her to arch her back in response. The kisses grew stronger and the fingers pressed deeper, with the captive aching for more and more with each passing second.

Sara’s nipples were gently kissed as James’s fingers moved down and gently glided over the petals of her flower, causing the lady to shiver in delight as her lust grew stronger still. More James, please more! I feel as if I’m going to explode with desire. The fingers went between her petals, probing deep into her, and her nipples were sucked into the young man’s mouth, eliciting loud moans of pleasure from behind the captive’s gag.

The stem of Sara’s flower was caressed and the lady screamed as the jolts of pleasure rocked her body, and she felt as if she was on the edge of ecstasy due to the sweet loving from the young man. Just a little more, please, just a little more.

Just before her body was about to slip into the bliss of release, James stopped the kisses and caresses, and pulled back. No! You can’t do this to me, I need you so badly! Take me, fill me, please me. The captive screamed at the denial of pleasure that the young man inflicted on her, and she struggled wildly in her bonds in a futile effort to free herself so that she could finish her suffering.

“I told you that you would succumb to my seduction, my fine wench. Do you want me to take advantage of your helpless and wonderful body for my pleasure?” James asked.

The woman had no choice but to nod her head and she arched her back, hoping that her desperate need for release would be fulfilled. Yes, yes, I need you. Take me and use me, please!

“I suppose that I could tease you further, but given what you can do, that might not be a good idea. I’ll now please my sexy wench and myself, too.” James said as he unzipped his trousers.

At last, take me. The captive squealed with delight as she was carefully entered by the symbol of his desire, and it seemed as if he had completely filled her flower. The woman moaned through her gag as the young man slid in and out of her and she squirmed from her experience, hoping that he wouldn’t deny her again.

The lady cried out louder as the thrusts increased in speed and intensity and she found that her body had begun to thrust back involuntarily in order to maximise the pleasure from his actions. As the thrusts increased in their power, Sara found that she was arching her back so that her body was offered to her captor.

Her head whipped back and forth as he thrust faster still, and her cries were almost continuous as she was on the edge of bliss. Don’t stop James, please don’t tease me again, as I’ll go mad! The young man slid in and out at his fastest, and the captive was taken over the edge and into ecstasy as the orgasm overwhelmed her senses…

As the helpless woman roused from her reverie, she noticed that the young man was gently cuddling her and whispering sweet nothings into her ear. “I see that you are back with me, Sara. I thought that your convulsions were never going to stop, and I thought about calling for Chloé. Anyway, we have been up here for a while, so maybe we should go back downstairs and see if everything has finished. Chloé wanted to see you in the pink teddy, so I’m going to put you in that.”

The captive blushed as James mentioned the lingerie which was identical to the white one that Chloé had worn. I’ll look terrible in that outfit, and I was only going to wear it for Chloé. If you dress me in it and take me downstairs, all of the others will see me looking silly in it.

The young man picked up the item of clothing and walked back over to Sara, placing it on the right side of the bed as the captive shook her head. “I’m sure that you will look great in it, and you should be more adventurous with your clothes. Are you going to behave while I retie you and put the teddy dress on?”

I don’t have much choice in the matter, as you have me bound and gagged, and I am supposed to follow your instructions anyway, while I’m here. The lady nodded her head to show that she would obey the command of her host.

“After I untie you from the bed, sit on the side and I’ll put the teddy on you.” James said, untying the ropes that bound the lady to the bed, first the cords that bound her ankles to either side and then the rope that bound her wrists to the top.

“Lift your feet up off the floor.”James said. The captive did so and the young man placed the bottom of the garment over her feet and up to her bottom. “You can stand up, now.” James ordered. The lady put her feet back on the floor and rose to a standing position, but she was a little unsteady as her hands were bound in front of her and she was still blindfolded. The top part of the teddy was taken up and around her neck, where it was hooked together and covering the captive’s chest.

“I have to tie your hands together behind your back.” James said, untying the rope that bound Sara’s wrists together and then taking her hands behind her back. Her hands were placed palm to palm and her wrists were bound and securely cinched with a length of rope. Another piece of rope was picked up, her elbows were pulled together and the cord was looped around her arms just below the elbows, cinched and knotted firmly.

Soon, the captive’s arms were securely bound as two long ropes were wrapped around her torso, pulling her arms against her back. The first was wound around her chest, above and below her breasts, and the second bound her wrists and waist together.

Sara yelped as James tied a rope to her wrist bonds, taking it between her legs, and looping it over the waist rope at the front before pulling it tight. “This is much more fun than other slave ropes.” The captor said as he tugged on the rope again, causing the bound lady to cry out again.

The captive blinked as her blindfold was removed and she looked at the mirror in surprise at the woman in bondage. “I told you that you would look good in it, and you should really trust Chloé’s judgement about what to wear. However, we should go downstairs and see what’s happening.”

Sara dutifully followed her captor out of the bedroom…

“Are you certain about this Chloé?” asked Anne as she pulled the French girls hands behind her back and between her shoulder blades. “You don’t know how good I am at this.”

“Oui Anne, I am sure, and I do want to find out how good you are.” Said Chloé, as rope was tightly wrapped and cinched around her wrists by the agent who secured the knot out of prying fingers.

“If it is too much for you, let me know as I don’t want to hurt you.” Anne said, wrapping another rope around Chloé’s elbows and forcing the girl’s arms into a strict reverse prayer. A long rope was looped around the young lady’s upper chest and wrists which ensured that her arms couldn’t move from their present position.

“It is okay, Anne. It is a little strict, but it does not hurt.” Chloé made an attempt to struggle, but any movement is impossible, so she sat crossed legged on the floor. “Is this the position you requested, Anne?”

“Yes it is Chloé, thank you.” Another rope was wrapped vertically and horizontally around the captive’s ankles, securing her legs and two more ropes were used to add a frogtie to each leg, binding the ankles to the thighs.

“It is very compressing Anne, I can see why you do not use this often.” Chloé said as she felt the pressure on her legs.

“This will make it even worse.” Anne said as she ran rope from the girl’s ankles to her neck and back several time before pulling the rope so tight that Chloé’s face were nearly touching her feet and tying the ends off.

“Mon Dieu! Anne, this is almost like a torture! It must be very hard to remain in for any period of time.” Chloé said.

“Open wide, Chloé.” Anne said as she picked up yet more rope. The girl followed her captor’s instructions and the rope was wrapped around her head and between her teeth about ten times before it was pulled very tight and knotted off, leaving two foot of rope.

“Now for the final part.” Anne took the remaining rope and looped it through the elbow bonds before pulling tight. Chloé’s head was pulled back so far that she grunted as her neck was strained. The end was tied securely, and the poor girl felt as if she couldn’t move an inch.

“I did warn you Chloé, I am very good at this.” Said Anne.

Chloé just sat there on the floor, groaning slightly as the rope compressed her body. Anne is a master at this. I must get her to teach her bondage skills to me in the near future.

“I will wait until James and Sara are downstairs before we go, as leaving you alone like this would be negligent.” Anne said. “Wait, talk of the devil.”

The living room door was pushed open and James walked in, followed by the captive Sara who was keeping her head down and blushing furiously.

Anne smiled. “Sara, there’s no need to be embarrassed as you look wonderful in that teddy dress, and pink does suit you. There’s one thing I should have asked earlier. Why actually use the non de plume ‘Pink Widow’? It inspires no fear whatsoever and it must be one of the most silly hero type names ever. No bad guy would ever take you seriously.”

Sara made noises indicating that she wanted her gag removed, which James promptly did and the girl exercised her jaw for a moment before speaking.

“There’s a very good reason Anne, and you already have part of the answer in the question.”

Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:51 pm
by Soraka
“May I sit down please, before I talk about it, Anne?” Sara asked “By the way, I love how you have bound Chloé, as it makes her look completely helpless.”

“Thank you Sara, I try to do my best.” Anne replied “Sit down, by all means. I would love to hear your explanation.” Anne sat down in an armchair, while Sara, James and Angela sat on the couch.

“If I am to do a hostage rescue like I did this morning, being intimidating is the last thing on my list, especially for appearance. Had I been dressed in black leather, that would have caused the scorpions to react in a different manner, which could have resulted in tragedy.”

“To be honest, appearing as a blonde airhead dressed in pink would pander to stereotyping, which would make me appear harmless. Stereotypes can be very useful sometimes, sorry Angela.” Sara said.

“That is okay, Sara. I understand about playing a part.” Angela replied.

“Being referred to as the Pink Window in such situations rather than Agent 99 would be more useful. If someone was caught by a bounty hunter called Wolf Slayer, the name would be spread around. Getting captured by someone called The Pink Widow would cause other people to crease up with laughter if he mentioned it.” Sara explained.

“Whereas I have to maintain an air of authority at all times.” Anne said “Which also means that I would be useless for such a task, as I could be seen coming from a mile away. By not having that trained into you, infiltration of a hostage or kidnap scenario will be more effective.”

Angela thought for a moment before speaking “But won’t you require training for this, Sara? How to speak when the situation happens, and how to behave once you are captured?” She asked.

“Sara needs to be at her most natural when she is doing this, which will actually include reactions like fear and trepidation. Any training will make her more confident and that will show up.” Anne explained “As to what happens afterward, there is no training that will help with that, and I don’t think that the Agency will appreciate the psychological effect on the instructors.”

Anne looked at Sara. “You are right, the last thing that you want is to be taken seriously, as that will only hamper your efforts. You will also be useful when you are needed to interrogate people in a hurry as a last resort. You are far more useful than other methods that are unreliable at best, and they are hardly going to mention what has happened to them.”

“Anne, if we are to use my Glamour for finding out information, it had better be important and you need to have the right person, as you will need to comprehend the effect on my psyche if the individual is innocent. I have already harmed three people who didn’t deserve what happened to them, and I don’t want any more on my conscience.” Sara said.

“I understand, you don’t want more innocents to be affected by you.” Anne said “I’m sure that you can be put to very good use, as there will be enough incidents that will require your special talents. I will have a word with my superiors on Monday, and we can take things from there.”

“I will be glad to be of help, Anne. When this started I thought that it was a terrible curse.” Sue said.

“If you are cursed, then you have been ‘cursed by awesome’ so to speak. I understand Chloé’s thoughts on the matter now, especially after this morning.” Anne stood up “So, if there’s nothing else?”

Sara blushed as she stood up as well. “Well-.”

“It’s okay Sara, just say it.” Anne said.

“Well, seeing as you have done such a wonderful job on Chloé, I was just wondering how you would immobilise me?” Sara asked as her cheeks turned crimson.

“Do you have any objection, James?” Anne asked.

“None at all, I am interested in seeing what happens next.” James answered.

“Well, the first thing we need to do is silence our captive super heroine.” Anne said, reaching for the ball gag as Sara opened her mouth wide. The ball filled the captive’s mouth, the straps were taken around her face and buckled tightly together at the back of her neck.

“My ropes can be very tight, Sara, so please let me know if you are unable to bear them. Now, if you would be so good as to sit on the edge of the couch, please?” Anne asked as she picked up four more ropes.

Sara did so and watched as Anne wrapped one of the ropes tightly around the captive’s ankles before cinching it and tying the ends off. The agent proceeded to bind the lady below and above the knees, and at the mid thigh. These ropes are really pressing into me, I should have realised that you would be very effective at this.

“Stand up and hop to the middle of the floor, prisoner.” Anne said.

You sound very dominating like that, Anne. I don’t think that I want to annoy you right now. The lady stood up and hopped over to the centre of the floor, just as she was ordered to, and then Anne threaded the crotch rope back between the captive’s legs and over her wrist ropes. I wonder if you are going to tie this to my feet.

Anne went behind the bound lady and took hold of her body. “I’m going to lower you down so that you will be sitting on the floor.” Sara offered no resistance as she was taken down to the carpet and made to sit down. The agent picked up a length of rope, pressed Sara’s legs against her chest, and wrapped the material around the captive’s neck and around her legs, just above the knees. After five loops, Anne cinched the rope between the lady’s neck and knees, making it tighter still before tying it off.

I don’t think I have much chance of moving around, and you’ll tie that crotch rope to my ankles now, wai-. The captive yelped as Anne pushed her onto her right side, and the agent tied one end of a piece of rope to the bound lady’s ankles. I was expecting it to be different. What have you got planned with the special rope?

Sara’s heels were pulled to her thighs, and the rope from her ankles was tied to her wrists which locked her legs in place. That’s it, I can’t move an inch now, and the only thing I can move is my head. Why are you taking hold of me?

Anne took hold of her captive and rolled the lady so that she was kneeling on the floor. “Time for the piece de resistance.” The woman took hold of the crotch rope in her right hand, Sara’s hair in her left, and the poor captive’s head was pulled back as far as it would go.

“MMMGGGMM!” Sara cried from the strain on her hair and neck, but Ann ignored her and bound the captive’s hair and the crotch rope together, leaving the lady with a stressful torment.

“Well Sara, you did want to be immobilised by me. Do you think that this is effective?”Anne asked.

“MPH!” Said Sara, who attempted to nod, but found that there was no give in the rope that bound her hair. I’m glad I didn’t ask you for something really strict. The captive tried to move, but apart from her hands and feet which wriggled, she was unable to move from her spot.

“Anne.” said James “Didn’t Sara cause you some problems, last night and this morning with her pheromones?”

“Yes, she had me saying bad things to Chloé last night, and then I was terrified. This morning, I had to be trussed up for the test and I was scared again as Sara questioned me. Why do you ask?” Anne asked.

“I think that it would be good for you if you had a chance for some therapeutic payback for this. Sara’s not going anywhere, and she is completely at your mercy.” James said.

I can’t believe that you are saying this, James. I’m defenceless like this!

“Are you sure about this?” Anne asked.

“Right now, it’s written all over your face. You want to do this, and I think that it will do you good.” James said.

Anne knelt down on Sara’s left side, and the bound captive trembled as images went through her mind of various tortures. What are you going to do to me? With my head restrained like this, I can’t even see what you’re up to.

“MMMM!” Cried the helpless woman as she felt a sharp pain on her bottom, and she squirmed as much as her bonds would allow. You’re spanking me! There were five more hard blows on her cheek, and the poor lady cried out every time.

“That’s for making me say bad things to Chloé.” Ann said.

Nothing happened for a moment, which made Sara think that it had stopped, when she screamed as her cheeks were struck by the agent. Five more smacks followed, and the bound woman was pleading and begging for it to stop.

“That’s for scaring me last night.”

This was followed by six more cries from the captive, and it felt as if her unprotected posterior was on fire from the spanking.

“And that was for the interrogation this morning.” Anne said as she rose from the floor.

“How do you feel, Anne?” Asked James.

“Much better.” answered Anne “I think that giving Sara a good spanking has actually done me some good. I have taken enough of your time, however, and two people are probably waiting for us outside the house, as they should have delivered the car by now.” The agent looked at the watch. “Time has been getting on. Have you decided on what to have for dinner tonight?”

“No, but I was thinking that we might order some Chinese food.” James answered.

“I’ll order you some and pay for it.” Ann answered “I’ll arrange for it to be delivered in an hour, but you might need to free your captives for the meal.”

The doorbell rang, and Anne headed towards the front door, followed by Angela and James. “Your car’s here, Sara.” James said, bringing in the captive’s handbag and putting it on the floor beside the sofa.

“Well, I’d better be going.” Anne said, and suddenly her cell phone rang. “Yes, this is Anne. Okay Miss Smith, what is the message? Okay, that is important, I shall tell Sara at once. Okay, as everything is completed for the day, the laboratories can be cleared so that everyone can get some rest before tomorrow. I’ll see you in the morning then, goodbye for now.”

Anne walked into the living room. “Sara, I have important news for you. Miss Smith checked the blood sample that you provided after this morning’s test, and it shows that there have been certain alterations in your DNA. She knows about your synaesthesia, and she warns against any deliberate activation.”

“Did Miss Smith say what could happen?” James asked.

“It could affect the effectiveness of the counter agent, or even the duration of production, either of which is bad news.” Anne answered “She just wants to let you know of the possible risk at the moment, Sara. In the morning she will start research into making sure that your DNA won’t change any more.”

“Anyway, I had better leave you three to your fun. Will you close the door after us, James?” Anne asked as she left the living room.

James followed the agent, and the two captives listened as the door was closed, but something unusual happened. Instead of James immediately returning to the living room, he first went upstairs for a minute. When he finally walked into the room, James noticed the questioning looks on the faces of his captives.

“It’s a present and a surprise from a friend of Anne’s, and I’m going to say no more about it. You’ll find out later on, anyway, but now it’s time to interrogate the prisoners.” James said as he sat down behind the helpless Chloé and the girl’s feeble struggles increased.

Please James, no! I am presently immobilised, and if you do anything, it will make my suffering worse. “MMMMMMM!” Chloé laughed and squealed as her boyfriend mercilessly tickled the soles of her feet, and her futile attempts to break free became a mass of frenzied movements which pulled the ropes hard against her body. James stopped tormenting his girlfriend after a minute, and knelt behind the older captive who made pleading noises as she knew precisely what was going to happen.

No, this is so unfair! It was Sara’s turn to laugh and cry out as the young man raked his fingernails down the exposed area of her feet, and the only movements that she was capable of were wriggling her hands and feet.

James stopped after two more minutes, but he slowly moved his hands up to the sides of the more mature captive, with the poor lady continuing to make begging sounds from her gagged mouth.

“EEPH!” Sara screamed almost constantly from the ferocious assaults on her sides by her captor’s fingers, and she even rocked a little in her bondage as she was tickled for two solid minutes.

It was Chloé’s turn to beg as the young man approached her, but all this was to no avail as every sensitive part of her was tickled time and time again. After two minutes of torment, the tickling stopped and the captive was tipped onto her side. What are your plans for me now, James? OW! The French lady cried out through her back as she experienced a sharp spank on her bottom, which was followed by five more. After ten seconds had gone by, she received six more hard spanks, which were punctuated by her own shouts.

After the captive had suffered four rounds of spankings, James rose up and knelt to the left of the blonde captive. I’ve already been spanked by Anne, and now you’re going to add to it!

“OWPH!” Sara shrieked five more times as each blow pressed hard against her cheeks. There was only a short respite when her bottom suffered from six more spanks, and this was repeated for two more times, with the helpless lady wondering if she was going to sit down again.

Chloé and Sara received another round of blows to their bottoms before their captor knelt behind Sara. “Any lady who doesn’t want their nipples pinched, please raised your hand in the air and say no.”

Sara screeched through her gag at her captor, as she couldn’t do as he said, and she trembled as he slowly took his fingers under the top of her teddy. “NOPH!” Cried the woman as her nipples were pinched and twisted by the young man, and she continued to moan and protest as he punished the most sensitive parts of her breasts.

Sara noticed that Chloé was smiling as the forty year old was suffering. Given the way you’re bound, it impossible for James to remove your sweater. The poor captive eventually went quiet when James stopped tormenting her and returned to his girlfriend, who was placed back into a sitting position.

You cannot reach under my sweater and torment me with your fingers so the best you can do is pinch me through my thick clothing. The expression on Chloé’s face suddenly turned to consternation as she heard the sound of Velcro being pulled apart. Mon Dieu! I forgot about the patches over my breasts, now you have full access to me! The captive began to squirm as James slid his hands underneath the French lady’s body, and she squealed as her own nipples were pulled and twisted.

After a few minutes, James looked at the clock and said “Our evening meal will be arriving soon, so I think that it would be best for you two to be untied.” James started on Chloé, who had been bound the longest, and soon the red head was freed from her bonds. After a few more minutes, Sara was also free and the two ladies rubbed each other’s arms and legs in order to encourage the flow of blood to their limbs.

“Chloé, you know that Sara gave you the white teddy dress?” James asked.

“Oui James, It is a wonderful gift.” Chloé answered.

“Could you go and change into it? I would really like to see both of you in the same outfit.”

“Oui James, I shall do that now.” Chloé said, rising from the couch and walking out of the living room.

“I think that you should be the one to bring in the meals when they arrive, James, as neither Chloé nor I will be properly dressed.” Sara said.

A minute later, Chloé walked into the living room wearing the white teddy dress and James’s eyes grew wide. “You are truly stunning in that outfit Chloé, and both of you look incredible. In fact it gives me an idea for after the evening meal.”

The doorbell rung, James walked out, and brought in the meal that was ordered by Anne. “Anne has been very generous and we seem to have an awful lot to eat.”

They set out the meal and ate slowly, chatting about various things. When the meal was ended, everyone took the refuse out into the kitchen, where James picked up a low backed armless wooden chair and carried it into the living room.

“Now, this is what you are going to do...” Said James.

Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:51 pm
by Soraka
“James, before we start anything, I think that you and Chloe should spend tonight together, and I’ll sleep in one of the other rooms.” Sara said “After all, I did sleep with her last night and she should be with you.”

“Okay Sara, I’ll do that.” James replied “Anyway, Sara is to play a heroine who gets jumped and captured by the red headed villainess called the White Wasp. The evil kidnapper binds the heroine to a chair, and seduces her in an attempt to find out her secrets. Is that clear?”

“Oui, it is perfectly clear, James.” Chloe said as she quietly walked behind the other lady. “When do we start?”

“Whenever you want, Chloe.” James answered.

“What are you doing?” Sara cried as Chloe took hold of her hands and pulled her arms behind her back. “Oh no! It’s the White Wasp! Let go of me, you fiend!” She said in her most hammy accent.

“Now that I have you in my grasp, you will be my prisoner.” Chloe said as she forced her friend to lie face down on the floor, and the French lady reached out for some rope. “First, I will make sure that you will be unable to escape, and then I will seduce you into giving up your secrets.” Within a few seconds, the woman’s hands were placed palm to palm and the rope was used to expertly wrap and cinch her wrists tightly, with the knot tied out of reach of her fingers.

“Please, stop it Wasp, you’re pulling my elbows together!” Sara shouted as her captor gripped her lower arms.

“I must ensure that you are helpless, my Pink Widow.” Chloe said as another length of rope was wrapped and cinched around the captive’s arms, just below the elbows which locked her arms into place. She took hold of Sara, rolled the woman onto her back, and then sat astride her waist. “I shall sting you with my kiss to make you more compliant.” She said as she leaned forward with her lips slightly parted.

“If you kiss me, I shall be powerless to stop you.” Sara said, but her actions belied her words as she closed her eyes, parted her own lips, and writhed in anticipation of the kiss.

The student caressed her captive’s hair, gently pressed her lips against the lady’s, and by the writhing underneath her, she could tell that it was very much appreciated. I hope that you are enjoying this, Sara. It is a unique situation to role play like this with a person who could technically be called a heroine. The helpless lady moaned into Chloe’s mouth as the girl gently pressed her tongue against the woman’s teeth, and Sara opened her mouth wide so that the girl had free access.

This is wonderful Chloe, and It is very erotic to be teased in front of James. Sara’s tongue was gently caressed by that of her captor’s, and soon they were locked together in an oral embrace.

Eventually, the kiss stopped and the young lady withdrew from her captive. “That should be sufficient to extinguish your powers, my helpless heroine. I shall bind you to my chair of tease and torment, and force you into telling me all of your secrets.” The student took hold of the lady and forced her to stand upright, before making her walk to the chair and sit down on it with her arms behind the back of the chair.

“Please, have mercy on me. I am just a helpless lady.” Sara said as she squirmed on the chair. “Don’t do this to me!”

“I can do what I like to you, my captive. Remember that as I am a villainess, I am without mercy.” Chloe said, taking two pieces of rope and strictly binding her ankles to the front two chair legs. “You find my methods of interrogation very effective.” Two more ropes were used to tie the captive’s legs to the tops of the chair legs, and the lady found that her movement was reduced by a large amount.

“Please, don’t tie my hands to the bar that runs between the back legs.” Sara said.

I see that you are giving me advice on how to tie you to the chair. The girl soon tied one end of a length of cord to Sara’s wrists, and then tightly pulled the other end around the horizontal bar which connected the two rear legs of the chair, before tying it off back at her wrists.

“That’s straining my arms! You are a mean captor.” Sara said as she struggled against her bonds and lifting her bottom from the chair seat.

Chloe took a long piece of rope and strictly bound the captive’s waist to the rear chair legs, so that the helpless woman would remain in place before sitting on the captive’s lap, facing her. “I am a bad person, so I will be mean.” She said as she took hold of Sara’s hair and playfully pulled her head back. “I will be as cruel as I wish to be.” The captor planted sweet little kisses on the exposed neck of the helpless woman, who sighed with delight at each touch on the lips on her body.

This is becoming more pleasurable with each passing moment, and to have been tied to a chair in front of James has been very arousing. As she squirmed under the grip of her captor, Sara arched her body as best as she could, so as to offer her chest to the lady that had bound her.

The captive’s hair was released, the kisses had moved to her cheeks, and her body was subjected to gentle caresses from the French girl as the teasing continued. “Soon I will have you under my complete control, and you will tell me everything.” Chloe said as she stroked the lady’s shoulders. “There will come a time when you will be begging for my touch.”

“Never, you fiend!” Sara said, and she parted her lips and closed her eyes in the expectation of another kiss. I hope that you get the message, Chloe. A moment later, the captive felt the press of lips against her own, and the caress by Chloe’s tongue made her forget about everything else. The two girls kissed passionately for several minutes, until the student pulled back and Sara luxuriated in the feeling as she kept her eyes closed.

“What are you goi-ulp!” Sara’s talking was cut off in mid flow as a rubber ball was pushed into her mouth, and the connecting straps were buckled together at the back of her neck. You’ve ball gagged me! Why have you done this?

“That is to stop your incessant moaning. Why do all heroines get whiney when they are taken captive?” The red head reached around behind the captive’s head and unhooked the clasp at the top of the teddy, so that the top collapsed and exposed the woman’s breasts, with her erect nipples showing the state of her arousal. “It is time to seduce you, my well tied Widow.” Kisses were placed along the mounds of the helpless lady’s breasts, with her moaning and writhing at each little touch of her captor’s lips.

The fire of lust grew in Sara’s intimacy as Chloe softly kissed her nipples and gently caressed the upper part of her thighs, which took the helpless lady closer and closer to the point of ecstasy. “It seems that I will soon have you begging for my touch.” Chloe said as she sucked on her captive’s nipples and gently rubbed her right hand over the lady’s most intimate area.

As Sara closed her eyes and writhed under the wonderful touch of her friend, she knew that it would only be another minute before she would start begging for fulfilment. Just a little more, and I will be able to reach bliss.

It was at this point that the kisses and caresses of the lady’s body stopped and the captive protested at the denial of her lust. “If you want to be pleasured, my prisoner you must tell me all of your secrets.” Chloe said.

Yes, you can have my secrets, I’ll do whatever you want! The helpless lady nodded vigorously, so that she would be able to obtain a release from her torment, and she felt Chloe’s hands reach for the buckle at the back of her neck.

Chloe’s actions were interrupted as James took hold of her hands and pulled them behind her back. “Mon Dieu! What are you up to James?” She asked.

“I think that her secrets are too important to allow you to have them.” James said as the young lady’s wrists were bound and cinched tightly with her hands palm to palm. Before long, her elbows were touching and they were securely tied as well.

“James! No-ulp!” Any attempt at protest was stifled as the red ball-gag was inserted into the student’s mouth and buckled firmly into place, pressing her tongue back and muffling her voice. The young man placed his captive’s legs against the rear legs of the chair, and firmly bound them at the ankles and the knees, forcing Chloe to remain on Sara’s lap. The clasp on the red head’s teddy was unhooked, and her boyfriend kissed her neck and shoulders as he caressed her breasts. Soon, the new captive writhed and moaned as much as her friend as her most erotic location was rubbed and caressed by her lover.

A minute later, both of the ladies were crying out for release as James caressed both of their flowers, which took them to the brink of ecstasy. “Do both of you want to be brought to orgasm?” He asked.

Both of the ladies nodded as their bodies ached for the moment of bliss. “Well, it’s not going to happen yet.” Said the young man as he sat down, leaving the two captives in a state of denial. They begged and pleaded as best they could, as they knew that they were unable to orgasm by themselves.

After ten minutes, James went over to the captives and brought them to the edge again without permitting them any kind of release, and subjecting them to further torment. “I will give you what you desire, as long as you follow my instructions. Is that clear?”

Both of the ladies nodded, as they know that their captor could torment them for hours, and they begged through their gags for him to help them. He clasped the tops of the clothing around the captive’s necks and untied the ropes that kept them bound to the chair.

“If you two want release from your denial, stand up and follow me to the bedroom.” James said to the two helpless ladies as he left the room, and they walked behind him all the way up to the master bedroom. “Chloe, you are to lie on your right on the right side of the bed. Sara, you lie on your left on the left side, so that you two face each other. I will move you two to the middle, and sort you out.”

How is that going to give us our release, my love? Chloe walked to the right side of the bed and managed to lie down on her right side, while Sara wriggled onto her left. James knelt on the bed and moved both of the captives to the centre of the bed so that their bodies pressed against each other.

“Now to ensure that you stay this way, my cute captives.” James said as he picked up a bag and took out five coils of up. Soon, the helpless ladies were bound together at the ankles, below the knees, at the mid-thighs, at the waist and at the chest. The captives struggled against the bonds that forced them together, but they ended up rubbing their bodies against each other which made their arousal increase even more. Two strips of cloth were used to cover the eyes of the helpless ladies and they wondered what was going to happen to them to bring about their fulfilment.

What’s James doing now? Oh No! Sara felt something being placed between her thighs and Chloe’s, and the end was moved up so it pressed against her Mound of Venus. Please, you can’t think of using that thing on us! There was the flicking of a switch, and both of the bound ladies moaned and writhed as the device worked its magic on their intimacies.

Both of the captives shook their head and protested as they squirmed in their bonds, but their pleas were ignored by the young man. “It’s called a Wand, and it was supplied by one of Anne’s colleagues. I think that her name was Sue.”

The feelings inside Sara’s flower were building up to a crescendo, and the student didn’t seem to be far behind, as both were screaming in their torment of pleasure. It wasn’t long before the bound ladies reached their peak of ecstasy and they orgasmed almost simultaneously, with their convulsing bodies forcing the vibrator against each other.

After a few minutes, the ladies roused from their reverie to discover that the vibrator was still active and increasing their arousal again. James, please stop this infernal tormentor, or we will be awake until the dawn! Chloe tried her best to break free, but this only served to rub herself against the vibrator and arouse her even more.

It wasn’t long before the bound women experienced a second forced orgasm, which made them feel as if they were going to faint from the pleasure that they would have to endure as the device continued to tease their bodies. They screamed and thrashed about in their bonds, and they pleaded for their captor to switch the machine off.

“You’ll have to stay like this for a while, as seeing you two in this situation is so enjoyable. Plus, I want you two to get a good night’s rest, and this is the best way to achieve it.” James said.

The two ladies screamed and struggled in their bonds as they experienced orgasm after orgasm, and eventually they felt as if their bodies couldn’t take any more, as they didn’t even have the energy to fight against their bonds. “I think that you two ladies are ready for bed, and I’ll untie you for tonight as I think that you will have had more than enough bondage for one day.” He switched off the vibrator that had tormented them for the past hour, and the slowly removed the bonds that forced the ladies against each other.

The young man picked up Sara, carried her to a spare bedroom, laid her down on the bed, removed the gag that muffled her voice and the blindfold that stopped her from seeing, and untied the elbow and wrist ropes that kept her bound.

Sara looked up at the man. “Thank you for a wonderful day, James. I hope that tomorrow will be just as exciting.” She said as she moved into a comfortable position on the bed. “That device was really tormenting though, and I hope you don’t use it tomorrow.”

“I think that once a day with that device is more than enough. Sleep well and sweet dreams, Sara.” James said as he left the room, with the lady already starting to fall asleep from her exertions.

Chloe listened as her boyfriend returned to the room, and her gag was removed first so that she could speak. “Mon Dieu, James, that most have been the most exquisite torture that you have ever done to me. I wish I could provide you with pleasure, but I am feeling very sleepy at the moment.”

“That’s okay Chloe.” James replied as he untied her blindfold and the ropes which bound her. “You don’t have to do anything, as watching you both struggling on the bed was pleasure enough.” The young man rested on the bed beside his girlfriend, and gently cuddled her. “Let’s just rest here until the morning, so that we can be refreshed for tomorrow’s fun.”

Oui, James. I feel very tired, and I do need to rest. The young lady closed her eyes and soon drifted off to sleep...

Chloe was roused by the beeping of her mobile phone, and she extracted herself from James’s arms so that she could answer the call. As she picked up her phone from the side board, she noticed that the time was two o’clock in the morning, and it was Angela who was ringing her. Why would you want to call me, it is early in the morning. She pressed the answer button and placed the phone to her left ear.

“Bonjour, Angela.” Chloe said quietly “Why have you called me at this time of night?”

“I’ve discovered something and I don’t know who to turn to, except for you.” Angela said, with more than a hint of fear in her voice.

“Why not Agent Duncombe? After all, she was the person who helped you to infiltrate, the company.” Chloe asked.

“My latest information makes me wonder if she can be trusted. I need your advice, and I cannot show you what I know over the phone. I need to speak with you personally, show you the data, and then you can decide whether or not to trust Agent Duncombe.” Angela said.

“Okay, if it is that important, I will meet you. Where are you?” Chloe asked.

“I am at GEN-DAWN. One of the security guards will show you where I am, so that you can get to me quicker.” Angela said “Do you have anything on you? Has Agent Duncombe placed a trace on your phone?”

“Oui, Angela. This is a tracking application on my cell phone, which monitors my location.” Chloe answered.

“Please leave it at the house, you can contact Agent Duncombe from the office if you decide that she is trustworthy.” Angela said “Telephone your taxi company and get here as soon as possible.”

“I will, Angela. I will hang up now, and call for a taxi so that I can arrive as soon as possible.” Chloe said.

“Please hurry, Chloe. I don’t know if anyone else knows about this. Goodbye for now.” Angela said before the call was ended.

Mon Dieu! This must be bad if Angela is scared and needs my advice. She almost seems to be frantic. Chloe contacted the taxi organisation for an immediate pickup from the house to take her to GEN-DAWN, and then took her clothes downstairs so that she could get dressed. She removed her teddy dress, put on her red tights and sweater, her green dress, and her Doc Martin boots. She left her cell phone on the coffee table in the living room and exited the house so that she could go as soon as the taxi arrived.

A few minutes later, a cab pulled up outside the house and Chloe was on her way to GEN-DAWN, with the girl silent and deep in thought. Time seemed to pass all too quickly, and the taxi pulled up outside the main entrance.

Meanwhile, Sara was having the worst nightmare of her life...

Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:51 pm
by Soraka
Chloé stepped out of the vehicle and thanked the driver before she walked over to the main door and into the building. There was only one security officer at the front desk, instead of the two that she saw on Friday morning. “Good morning, my name is Chloé and I am here to see Angela. By the way, why is there only one of you?”

The guard stood up and stepped out from behind his desk. He was about fifty years old, with a long nose, grey thinning hair, and a small paunch. “My colleague is visiting the men’s room at the moment. Angela didn’t mention anything about you coming here, which means that your appearance is very suspicious. Please stay where you are and don’t move.” He said as he approached the young lady.

“But, Angela telephoned me about twenty minutes ago and asked me to come here. What is going on?” Chloé asked.

“Sorry, but this is standard protocol. Until I can verify who you are with Angela, I have to ensure that you are no threat. Place your hands behind your back.” He said.

The young lady obeyed his instructions and placed her hands so that her palms touched. “I am not here under false pretences. I actually am here to meet Angela.” A shiver went down her spine as she felt plastic go around each of her wrists, and there was the familiar zipping sound that went with the tightening of her bonds. “Please, these zip handcuffs are unnecessary, Angela really does want to see me.”

“Hold still, lady.” The man instructed, and the helpless lady yelped as another plastic strap was wrapped around her kegs, just above her knees, and this zip tie was pulled very tight, forcing her upper legs together.

“This is not standard behaviour! You are up to-ulp!” Chloé’s voice was muffled as a rubber ball was roughly stuffed into her mouth.

“If you know what’s good for you, you will do exactly as I say.” The man whispered into her ear “That is unless you actually want to feel pain. Do you understand?”

The captive nodded her head as she trembled, knowing that wasn’t some game being played out, but she was a genuine captive. The guard opened a drawer in the desk, pulled out a roll of duct tape, tore off several strips and used them to seal up the lady’s mouth.

Bigre! Fichtre! Merde! Merde! Merde! I have fallen for the oldest trick in fiction. “Please visit me alone, and let no one know that you are coming here.” Calling me at two o’clock in the morning and using Angela to call me was very clever, as it caught me off my guard. Angela! This brute must have you held prisoner as well. No, this one’s not smart enough for the research, which means that he is just a standard henchman. No doubt I will be taken to the person in charge.

Two more large zip ties were wrapped tightly around the captive’s body, one around her upper arms and chest, just below her breasts, and the other around her wrists and waist. “I would love to have fun with you, but we are going so see the person in charge, and he wants you intact. It’s a pity, as I think that I would really enjoy you.”

Chloé trembled again at her captor’s comments I have no doubts about what you mean by enjoy me. I think that if I disobey you in any way, you will give me an example.

“Now walk down the corridor and turn right. I will give you instructions as we go.” He said as he pressed his hands against her back.

Chloé walked forward as her mind raced, hoping to work out some kind of escape plan…

“NO!” Sara screamed twice more as she awoke. That can’t happen! I won’t let it happen. The woman sprang out of bed and switched on the light.

“Where are you, Chloé?” Sara heard James voice in the master bedroom, and the question confirmed her worst fears.

The lady rushed into the master bedroom and looked for the case which contained her clothing. “Chloé is in great danger, and I have to rescue her.” The suitcase was opened, and the woman lifted out a set of dusky pink colour clothing which were the only items left. “James, call Chloé while I get dressed.” She took the underwear which consisted up hold up-stockings, panties and bra, and hurriedly put them on. The rest of the clothing was made of leather, and consisted if a jacket, miniskirt, gloves and over the knee boots. The skirt and jacket went on first, followed by the boots and the gloves were put on last.

James pressed the button on his cell phone and a beeping noise was heard downstairs. “Her phone is still here, Sara? Shall I call Anne?” He said.

“Yes James, and be quick about it. I’m going to my car and driving to GEN-DAWN. I’ll explain to you over Angela’s phone as soon as I start driving.” Sara rushed downstairs to pick up her bag and cell phone.

“Why GEN-DAWN, Sara?” James asked as he waited for a response on his cell phone.

“Because that’s where Chloé will be.” Sara answered and she went to the front door and opened it. “I’ll explain to you as soon as I start driving.” The lady opened the door of her vehicle, sat down in the driver’s seat, closed the door and started the vehicle. “I’ll use speaker phone, now get inside James as I need to go.”

Sara pulled away and started the drive towards the laboratory, and as soon as she was on her way, she selected Angela’s number on the phone. After a few seconds the call connected and James said “What is going on, Sara?”

“I need you to listen: One, Chloé’s phone is still at the house. Two, Chloé is missing and she told no one where she was going. That indicates that something bad has happened.” Sara said.

“I agree.” James said “How can you be so sure where she is, though?”

“I saw her in a nightmare, and before you say anything, every Sara for a hundred years has had similar nightmares, and the events come to pass. Sometimes certain things can be avoided, but the main event still happens in general.”

“I’m prepared to accept this, after all there was the part about your name being redeemed this morning, plus your ghost story concerning Sunday. What did you see?” James asked.

“I saw two women bound and gagged and surrounded by fire, and one of them was red haired. I also recognised the room as being in the complex where I work.”

“You mean Chloé is going to get burned to death! That’s horrible!” James shouted.

“Relax, James. I’m sure that if I can get there in time, I can save her. We have managed to save quite a few people’s lives over this century. The main problem is getting them to believe us.”

“Wait Sara, I think that I’m getting through to Anne.” James replied.

“I’ll hang up and wait for her signal then.” Sara said as she reached for the phone and ended the call. I have to be careful, as I don’t want to get stopped by the police. The woman drove on and waited for a call from the agent, hoping that it would be soon…

Chloé was forced into a room and recognised it as the one in which Miss Smith worked on Friday, and she had to suppress a desire to scream as she saw who was in there. There was a sixty year old man in a two piece black suit and tie, and her friend Angela. Angela, what has he done to you? The helpless secretary was dressed in the same clothes from earlier, and she was bound in the same way as Chloé, except for the zip tie around her ankles. The poor lady was bent over a desk, with the man pressing his right hand down against her back.

“Ah, you must be Chloé. You’re just the girl I want to speak to. Apparently you hold the key to my data, and you are going to give it to me.”

Chloé shook her head as the guard forced her to bend over the desk to the right of her friend. I cannot give you the information.

“You must think that you are so tough, behaving like that. You can go now, Robert. I can deal with these silly children.” The man said.

“Yes Doctor Johnson.” the guard said. “I hope you can get your files.” The officer walked out of the door and left the ladies alone with the doctor.

Your name was mentioned on Friday when I visited here, and I was told that you were on vacation.

“Will you let me know the code name that hides my files?” Doctor Johnson asked, and Chloé responded by shaking her head.

“So, you think that you can resist what I can do to you. In which case, I’ll do it to your friend instead.” The doctor said as he took hold of the little finger of Angela’s right hand, causing the captive to scream. Have you ever heard what the breaking of a finger sounds like?” He asked.

The poor captive begged and pleaded for mercy as her finger was pushed back to almost breaking point, and Chloé knew that capitulation was her only choice if she wanted to stop her friend from being tortured.

“Are you going to tell me what the code is, then?” He asked.

The French captive nodded her head in defeat, and the scientist removed her gag

“Good, tell me the code, and I can enter it into this computer.” He said, and the young lady provided him with the correct code. “This should only take a few minutes to download the correct file onto disc and memory stick.” He said as he entered the code into the computer.

“By the way, if you think that your agent friend will help you, think again.” James said “She has already been sent on a wild goose chase, following a remote attempt at access. When they try to open the door where the computer is, they will find a nice surprise waiting for them.”

“What have you done?” Chloé asked.

“As I have time before the files copy, I will tell you. The remote office has been booby trapped and it will explode when someone tries to open the door. That nice idea of trying to trace and capture me is going to backfire.”

“How do you know what was planned?”

“Everybody spoke about what was happening in front of Robert, and Robert told me. He let me know where Angela lived, and it was just a simple matter of lying in wait for her this evening after the place closed down. After Angela was bound, she was very talkative about everything, especially the fact that you had the code to access my files.”

The man looked at the data stream which showed how long it had until downloading as complete. “You have one more question before I put your gag back in.”

Think hard, what knowledge could be useful? The captive thought for a moment before saying “What you plan to do next?”

“Open wide, Chloé.” The man said, and Chloé did as instructed. The ball was forced back into her mouth, fresh strips of tape were taken off a roll, and the girl was helplessly gagged again…

The phone rang and Sara pressed the front of the device to activate the call. “Sara.” Anne said “What’s this about Chloé? Did you actually say to James that you saw her in a dream?”

“Yes. Anne, where are you?” Sara asked.

“We picked up an attempt to access the files at the laboratory remotely, so a team of us are heading to the location where the computer is.” Anne explained “In a few minutes, we will apprehend whoever is behind this.”

“Anne, I saw two people in the dream, vision, call it what you will. If one of them is Chloé, then the other could be Angela. If that is the case, everything that has been set up is compromised and can be used against us.” Sara said “In all likelihood, you will be walking straight into a trap, and the whole thing could blow up in your faces.”

“We’ll take great care then, and assume what you say is true.” Anne said.

“Anne, how long will it take you to get to the laboratory from your present destination?” Sara asked.

“It will take us about thirty minutes-, oh SHIT!” Anne said “Sara, if you’re right, we’ve been played for complete fools! We forgot to think that there may be more than one person involved, and the other person may also work at the laboratory. If this is the case, they will know that Angela has been working for us.”

“Anne, if I hadn’t had the nightmare-.” Sara hesitated in mid sentence.

“Then Chloé and Angela would have no chance of rescue, and our team could have ended up dead as well. I’m going to trust you on this, even though it goes against years of training. I’ll drop two team members off at our destination so that they can secure the area, and then I’m heading for the laboratory. I fear that I won’t be in time, anyway, which means that you are Chloé and Angela’s only hope of survival.”

Sara turned a corner and saw the main entrance of the building. “I’m here, Anne, and I’m going to leave my phone in the car. If I’m wrong, then I’ll call you in a few minutes. If you don’t hear from me, assume the worst. Goodbye Anne.”

“Goodbye and good luck, Sara, and I hope the Pink Widow gives them hell.” Anne ended the contact and Sara exited the vehicle.

As the woman carefully walked up to the entrance, she noticed that something was very wrong, as only one security guard was on duty. The only one there is Robert, yet Richard normally works the night shift on a Saturday as the money is useful for his family. You bastard Robert, if you’ve done anything to Richard! Sara stopped for a moment so that she could calm down. I mustn’t let my feelings take control right now, as I have to find out where Richard is.

After collecting her thoughts, the woman walked through the main entrance and up to a very surprised Robert. “Good evening, Robert. Angela phoned me about fifteen minutes ago about wanting to pick up Chloé from the laboratory.” Sara said, hoping that her lie would catch the guard out.

“Well.”The guard said nervously “I could take you to them, but are you sure that you are safe?”

“I activated this morning, so there’s no danger of me seducing you tonight. Anyway, I know the way to the laboratory, so there’s no need to take me there.” Sara turned to her left and started to walk down the corridor. They are alive and there’s no fire as far as I can see, so I have a chance.

“Stop! Don’t move a muscle.” Robert said.

The woman halted and placed her feet together, and she could feel metal pressing against the back of her head. “It’s a pity that I will have to take you to the men’s room and leave you there with Richard, but you would have been safe if you had stayed at home.” Robert said.

“What did you do to Richard?” Sara asked, as she allowed her anger to build up.

“I hit him on the back of the head with my pistol, dragged him into the toilet and handcuffed him to a pole, so that he will be in here when the building burns down. It’s a pity about Chloé and Angela, but it would have been much more of a waste if they were younger, as they would be much more fun.” The man said.

The last comment took Sara’s anger over the edge, but it seemed that her heart was beating at the same speed as she started to spin on her left heel. She seemed to be moving normally, but Robert seemed to move in slow motion as her left hand gripped and pushed back the top of the Glock. She hit Robert’s sternum hard with the palm of her right hand, and he released his grip of the firearm as both of his hands went to his chest.

The lady’s heart was beating at a high rate as the thug dropped to the floor, and he clawed at his chest for a few seconds before lying still. “Get a grip Sara, You have to save Richard.” She ran to the men’s room and found the cragged looking forty year old with his hands handcuffed behind his back to a pole. Sara noticed that he was still a little groggy, and she realised that she had forgotten to pick up Robert’s keys.

“Here goes nothing.” Sara said as she gripped the handcuffs and pulled suddenly, which broke the connecting link and freed the man. “Richard, go to my car around the corner, and use the phone to return an incoming call so that you can let them know what is happening. Wait a moment, I’ll need these.” The handcuffs that were on the guard’s belt were taken by the woman and she gripped them firmly.

“Hurry, I’ll explain later.” Sara said as she raced out of the men’s room and down the corridor to the room where the captives would be in...

Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:51 pm
by Soraka
There was a beep from the PC as the data had finished being written to the CD, it was ejected from the machine, and the man placed this and the memory drive into his pocket. Chloé yelped as Doctor Johnson took a zip tie, wrapped it around her ankles and pulled it very tight, and she protested as she was laid on her right side, facing the door to the laboratory which held one small window. Angela was placed facing her friend and the criminal set about binding them together with more zip ties.

“As to my plans, I will be leaving here with my data, and then I plan on selling it to the highest bidder. Oh, don’t look so shocked, what did you think I was going to do with it, give it away to some random terrorist? And don’t think that it will go to some terrorist organisation, as the highest bidder is bound to be the USA. After all, paying me for Parlour is going to be far cheaper than having to pay out to repair the damage it will cause. The USA will be safe, so long as they don’t try any tricks. If they do, they will discover that Parlour will be placed all over the internet and a message will let everyone know why.”

By this time, Johnson had secured the two ladies together at the ankles, knees, waist and chest with more ties, leaving them immobilised on the floor, and he walked around between the captives and the door, so that he could get a clear view of Chloé’s face.

“So, my future is safe as the USA will leave me alone, and I am not so foolish as to double cross them on the deal. If it comes to securing the safety of their country, or avenging a few agents and a pair of idiotic young women, you pair and those agents will be considered as acceptable losses.”

The criminal took a device out of his pocket and pressed the button. “In fifteen minutes, a large incendiary device will explode in the server room, destroying the hard drives there. I ensured that my files weren’t backed up, so they won’t have been stored offsite. I cannot erase the files from the server here, so I have no choice but to destroy them. Another device will explode ten minutes later at reception, ensuring that the destruction will be complete.”

At this, the girls started to struggle against their bonds as they whimpered in fear. “The fire protection system has been deactivated so there is no chance of the flames being extinguished. I’m sorry that you have to die, but you two shouldn’t have got in my way.”

Chloé screamed out through her gag. We are both dead, and I will be the one to blame! At this moment, there was a movement at the window behind the scientist and the captive halted her struggle in shock. Mon Dieu! Sara, how did you know where we were? The French lady started her struggles and cried out, not wanting the criminal to realise that something had changed...

As Sara moved down the corridor towards the laboratory she realised that she had to activate, even though she was warned against it. I have been warned of possible side effects, but if I don’t do this, Chloé and Angela will die. She halted and thought about the memory of the morning, when Miss Smith sprayed the chemical of male spider pheromones onto her. There seemed to be a change in her body, it felt as if there was a warm glow inside her, and as she raised her hand the watch was glowing a deep red. Maybe if I walk down the corridor with my scent, he might be stopped from escaping once we mate.

It only took a minute to walk to the laboratory, and as she peeked through the window, she saw the two ladies zip tied together on the floor, and the binding materials on a desk. Two large zip ties, a rubber ball and a nearly finished roll of black duct tape. That should guarantee that he will use the handcuffs on me.

“I’m sorry that you have to die, but you two shouldn’t have got in my way.” The man said.

She noticed that Chloé was staring at her for a second before the young lady continued her struggles. Good, Chloé. Hopefully you haven’t given the game away, but I need to send you a message. The handcuffs were lifted up to the window, and Sara mimed pulling it apart rapidly before nodding at Chloé.

The helpless lady watched as Sara performed her act, and she managed to work out what it meant. You can pull them apart, Sara? That is wonderful, as you will be able to break your bonds and rescue us. Mon Dieu, your dial is red! You are taking a major risk in doing this.

The lady lowered her hand and pondered about her next move. If I wait any longer, he’ll probably kill them, so I’d better make my entrance.

The man glared at the two captives on the floor. “Why do people like you think that they are so smart? This is real life, not some Saturday morning animation, and teens don’t save the day as they are the ones that get killed. Did you actually think that some meddlesome dog would help you?”

The woman opened the door to the laboratory and stepped into the room in a cloud of chemicals, holding the handcuffs in her right hand. “I’m sorry that we have no meddlesome dogs.” Sara said “But would a bitch in heat be an acceptable substitute? Oh, that’s wonderful, you’re playing a game of cops and robbers. Are these the helpless prisoners that have been taken captive by the bad guy?”

Dr Johnson turned to the woman next to him. “That’s right.” he said as he took the firearm out of his jacket and pointed it at her “And you’re joining in the game.”

“Oh please kind sir, you wouldn’t be so cruel as to order poor little ole me to remove my jacket and tell me to handcuff my wrists together behind my back?” Sara asked, hoping that it would put ideas into the captor’s head.

“Do it.” he said as he licked his lips “And remove your bra as well.”

The lady pulled down the zip on the front of her jacket and gently pulled the garment down her arms and over her hands, before unhooking the clasp on the front of her strapless bra and letting it fall to the floor. Chloé looked on in surprise as the woman enclosed one of the cuffs around her right wrist, before taking her hands behind her back and ratcheting the other cuff to her left hand.

“Please don’t remove my skirt and panties, it would be so horrible if you do.” The man put his firearm on a table, walked over to the woman, unzipped her mini skirt and then pulled her panties down to her ankles and off her feet. “I can’t stand being made to kneel on the floor as someone binds my ankles to my knees.” She said as she made an attempt to tremble. I hope that you take the hint and do this as it will make my situation easier.

The man took her by the arms and forced her into a kneeling position on the floor, before picking up the long zip ties and cruelly binding her ankles to her thighs which left the captive in a strict frogtie. “You talk too much.” he said as he picked up the tape and ball from the desk and forced the ball into the helpless woman’s mouth. Three strips of tape were used to seal Sara’s mouth and ensure that she was gagged, and she writhed as the fires of lust grew in her Mound.

The man roughly kissed her on the neck and shoulders and she moaned in response to his handling as his hands gently moulded the flesh of her breasts. “MMGGMM!” She cried as his right hand explored the dampness of her intimacy. Go on, go on!

“I will mate with you as that is what you want.” The man said as he pushed the helpless woman onto her back, and she screamed in delight as he forced himself into her. His thrusts became faster and more intense, and the captive writhed and screamed in pleasure as she approached the ecstasy of orgasm.

“MMMMMMMM!” Her fulfilment arrived quickly, and she felt another change in her as the man pulled out of her, zipped his trousers and stood up. She looked at him as the colour seemed to drain from his face, and his expression was as if he was seeing something that should never be seen.

“No! You can’t! Please don’t eat me!” He took step after step backward to the door as the captive stared at him with a smile showing under her gag, and he seemed to be trying to shield himself from some unknown terror. “I’m sorry! Just don’t devour me!” What little resistance that remained tovanished and the man screamed in terror as he ran through the door, and he turned to the right for a moment before reversing his direction and running deeper into the complex.

You are not going to get out that way and only the servers are down there. The helpless lady tried to pull her wrists apart, but the handcuff link maintained its integrity. What was different? That’s it, I was still furious with Robert when I rescued Richard. She summoned up the image of the nightmare in her mind where the two ladies were burning to death, and she tried to pull her hands apart again. This time the cuffs came apart easily, there was a satisfying tink as the link fell to the floor, and Sara wasted no time in breaking the zip ties and removing the tape from her face.

“You even forgot that.” she said as she noticed that the firearm was still on the table “I need that formula, so I’m after you.” The woman quickly got dressed and left the room in the same direction as Dr Johnson.

“Where’s my meal, my succulent mate?” She shouted as she slowly walked down the corridor, and she was answered by a scream from the room at the end. “Hiding as far away as possible in the server room, are we?”

She was some distance away from the room, when she saw a brilliant flash, and a wall of noise and energy knocked her off her feet. As she picked herself up of the floor, she could already see flames licking out of the server room door. “A bomb? You just got blown up by your own bomb? OMG! Chloé and Angela are still helpless, I have to get back to the lab.”

Sara turned around and ran back to the room where the young ladies were lying on the floor, and she was about to pick up a scalpel so that she could cut them free when she looked at their faces.

Instead of showing fear, their eyes were full of lust.

“Oh, Angela, Chloé. I’m so sorry. I dare not free you right now as you are both affected, so I must find a way to move you two as you presently are.” As the captives screamed in protest at not being freed, Sara looked around the room and noticed the large curtains by the windows. She pulled one down, laid it on the floor beside the bound ladies and rolled them onto it.

“I know that this is undignified, but it is safer for all of us.” She said as she took hold of one end and pulled the helpless young women out of the room. The woman used every ounce of strength that she had to pull them along the corridor, through reception and out of the building.

“Okay, that should be far enough away from the building so that there is no risk of getting hurt.” Sara said, and her comment was punctuated by the explosion of the second device in the reception area of the building. “I’m just going to remove your gags, ladies, but I am not going to free you.”

The tape was removed from Chloé’s mouth, the captive pushed the ball out with her tongue and said “You must untie me, Sara. I want to bind you so you are helpless and then mate with you.”

Angela’s gag was removed, and she said “Free me so I can pleasure you in the way that you need.”

Sara backed away slowly from the captives who lusted after her. “I’m sorry, but you two will have to stay like this until someone else can free you.”

“Sara, is that you?” James shouted. Sara turned around and she saw that James was standing about thirty feet away from her, with the counter agent can in his hand.

“Don’t come any closer, James. I am deliberately active and it seems that the age limit on my glamour has dropped so that I’m irresistible at eighteen.”

“I saw and heard it.” James said “That’s why I haven’t come any closer. I’ll roll the aerosol can towards you.” He squatted on the ground and rolled the container with the counter agent towards the free woman who picked it up.

“I’ll try it now.” Sara said as she pulled the zip down on her jacket and removed the item of clothing before spraying her chest and abdomen with the chemical. The can was placed back on the floor, and the woman looked at her watch, anticipating the change of colour from red to green.

There was no difference, and the watch shone as red as ever.

“James, I’m going to back away from Chloé and Angela, as the counter agent is now ineffective on me. It will be safe to free them when they no longer lust for me.” Sara said as she walked away from the two captives, only stopping when she was in the middle of the car park. “Contact Anne and tell her of the current situation, James. By the way, how did you get here, and did you see someone in my car?”

“I arrived by taxi, and Anne informed me that Richard is in the car, awaiting an ambulance.” James said “I’ll call her now.” The young man spoke into his phone for a few minutes as he walked closer to the captive ladies.

“Oh Sara, I am so sorry. It is all my fault, please forgive me.” Chloé shouted as she lay on the ground. “If I had not come here tonight and spoke to Anne instead, none of this would have happened.” Choking sobs interrupted the young lady’s talking.

“James, you can free the ladies now, and I think that they need a lot of comforting.” Sara watched as an ambulance pulled up to the gates and Richard walked slowly to the paramedics who helped him inside before they drove away.

“I don’t think Richard saw me. James, I’m going to my vehicle, while you free the girls. Do not speak to anyone about what has happened until Anne tells you to, as I’m going to speak to her about something important.” Sara ran over to where her car was parked, opened the door and entered the vehicle. In the car park, James took out a knife and cut the bonds off Chloé and her friend, and the girls rubbed their arms and legs to get the circulation going.

After the woman got into her car, she activated her systems in order to speak to the FBI agent. “Anne, it’s Sara. I need to talk to you about something.”

“Thank God! Are you okay? Apart from the obvious?” Anne said “I’m just glad that all of you are alive, I’ll be there in less than a minute.”

“Do you have some kind of suit that I can wear to protect those around me?”

“Yes, Sara. It is in the trunk of my vehicle and you can wear it once I park beside you. We have contacted Miss Smith and there is a spare laboratory that we can start running tests.”

Sara stepped out of the vehicle and waited for Anne to pull up in a large black car, before going to the trunk and opening it. Finding the decontamination suit was easy, and as every employee had received proper training with this equipment, it was a simple matter to make sure that she was effectively suited up. The only thing she had to do was remove her watch first, and then strap it on outside the suit, and after a minute it turned from red to green.

“I’m safe now, and I’m entering via the left rear door.” As she opened the door and sat down in the vehicle, she noticed that Anne was actually the passenger, and it was someone who looked similar to her who was driving.

“Sara, What is it you want to talk to me about. After all, the danger’s over now that Parlour and its creator are destroyed in the explosion.” Anne said.

“Parlour isn’t gone, Anne. I’m the last remaining part of it, and I’m guessing that there are people who will do anything to get hold of it. If they can’t get to me, they will use anyone I know in whatever way possible as a lever.”

“I never thought of that, Sara.” Anne said “We can put you somewhere safe.”

“There is nowhere safe, as long as I’m alive. I’m a danger to everyone I know. You, Chloé, James, Miss Smith, Angela, Janet, James’s parents, are all at great risk as long as I’m alive.”

“You can’t be thinking what I think you’re thinking.” Anne said with a shocked tone.

“The only way the threat is removed is if I died in the explosion at reception, and my body was burnt to ashes. With nothing left to look for, the threat is removed.”

“Throwing your life away like that is a useless act.” Said the driver.

“Do not think that I threw my life away in a useless gesture, as helping others is never useless.” Said Sara.

“That’s very deep.” Anne said “Who wrote that?”

“My mother, on the day that she died. It was the last thing that she wrote.” Sara replied. “I’m sorry, but that is a very painful memory for me.”

“I understand that this has been a difficult decision for you, Sara. I will contact James, Chloé and Angela, and let them know that you are now ‘officially dead’. Information about your demise will be released to the press and you friends will be briefed on how to help with the subterfuge.” Anne said.

So long as this keeps the people that I love safe...

Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:52 pm
by Soraka
It was nine o’clock on a Monday morning and Sara lay on her bed in her hotel room, waiting for a telephone call from Anne. The lady was dressed in grey jogging suit with pink trim, and her trainers bore the same colour scheme as her clothing. The phone beeped, Sara picked it up and answered the call from Anne.

“Good Morning Sara. The briefing room is ready, and I am on my way to pick you up. Would you be so kind as to suit up and run the extractor fans.”

“Thank you Ann, I will see you in a few minutes. Bye for now.” The call was ended and Sara quickly put on her biohazard suit, making sure that all of the seals were in place. The next act was to put her red watch onto her left wrist, switch on the fans in the room, and it took about a minute for the colour on her watch to change from red to green.

All I have to do it wait for Anne to turn up and take me out via the door. Technically, this is a test exercise for the CDC, so that should keep people from being nosy.

There was a knock on the door, and Anne’s voice called out “Are you ready, Sara?”

“I’m fine, and I’m opening the door.” She opened the door and looked at the FBI agent in her usual working clothes. “I take it that a coughing fit will be useful, once we reach the parking level?” Closing the door behind her, Sara handed the keys to Anne.

“Yes, Sara. Some people will most likely believe that this for real and the exercise is a cover up.” Anne said as she walked to the elevator with the suited lady beside her. The trip down to the basement was uneventful, and the lack of any other people made any pretence unnecessary as they made their way to the agent’s car. The trip to the building where the briefing was going to take place took about thirty minutes, and when they walked into the room, Chloé, Angela, James, and Miss Smith were already seated. There was a spare seat to the right of Chloé, and Sara sat down in it.

Anne stood in front of the others. “Good morning everyone, your cover story for today is that this is a counselling session for the loss that you have experienced. In truth, this is a briefing for how to deal with this situation, and I hope that you can understand Sara’s decision and the sacrifice that she is making. I know that faking Sara’s death will be hard for some people, but it’s better to do this than leave the others in any possible danger.”

“Chloé and Angela, you will both be returning to Maine, and arrangements have been made for you two to continue your courses there. Miss Smith, there is a position for you at the university of Maine, and you will be able to continue research into Sara’s condition as well.”

“James, as soon as your summer break starts, you will get an acceptance letter from the University of Maine. It is a good university, and your schooling will be paid for. This will make it easier for me to keep an eye on all of you as the ongoing situation is still my responsibility. There is another reason, and I’m sorry if I’m being sentimental, but it will be much easier for you and Chloé to meet.”

“Everyone please note that Sara’s pheromone production has not diminished in the last twenty four hours, and it is likely to remain that way until we discover a new treatment.”

“Sara, we have a special log cabin in the wilds of Maine for you to live in, and don’t worry about the name, because it is as furnished as a modern flat. We will set up pheromone detectors as soon as possible, and we will keep in touch with you regularly.”

“Now everyone, will you please open your folders so that we can go through the various protocols, especially for visiting Sara.”

It was a long day, as they went through every little detail, and it got quite hot at times in the biohazard suit, but Sara managed to maintain her concentration. Whenever anyone was unsure, Anne took them through it again.

“And don’t forget, if you ever talk about Sara being alive, the simplest thing is to apologise about your act of denial, and that you wanted to think of her as still alive. Believe me, it’s easier than it looks.” Anne rose from her chair. “I’m to take Sara on a chartered flight tonight to Maine and help her get settled into her new accommodation, so we both need to leave now. Hopefully, I’ll be back some time tomorrow to continue the work here.”

Sara quickly hugged all of the people in the room, and she held onto Chloé for several minutes. “It’s a pity that I have to hold you with this suit on, Chloé. Maybe Miss Smith will find an effective treatment for me in her laboratory.”

At this comment, Chloé started to cry, which set Sara off as well. “I am so sorry Sara.” The French lady sobbed “It is my fault that you have ended up in this situation, and I should be the one to suffer, not you.”

“I have no regrets about this. Even if I knew that I would end up like this, I wouldn’t have hesitated.” Sara replied.

Finally, the two women separated and Sara left with Anne to go to the airport...

“So you’re both helping to set up an adventure for the birthday girl on Saturday.” Sara said as sat in her jogging suit and looked at the two windows on her monitor which showed the faces of Anne and Chloé. “She’s certain to have a good time then. What will you be doing, Chloé?”

“I will be the Italian villainess, Eva Kant, and Anne will be helping as needed.” The French lady answered. “My studies are coming along fine, and being back at Maine means that I don’t have to pretend to anyone.”

“I hope that you both have a good time, and as this will be a busy weekend, there is no need to call me until Tuesday.” The lady said “Anne, I still feel guilty about taking your time up when your friends needed you so badly after the kidnapping.”

“If anyone is responsible, then I am the one to blame, mon amie.” Chloé said “If I had not rushed off to speak to Angela, all of this would not have happened.”

“Don’t blame yourself, Chloé.” Anne said “It was two o’clock in the morning, and you were at your most tired. That’s why you were contacted then. You made no mistake, it was just clever planning.”

“Let’s not argue, please.” The woman in the tracksuit said “You need to make your preparations for the weekend’s event. I’ll speak to both of you on Tuesday, love and hugs.”

The two ladies on the monitor said their goodbyes, the connection ended, and Sara looked at the warning red lights on the walls. Maybe Miss Smith will find a new counter agent, but it has been over a month and there has been no diminishing in my pheromone output. It is good to live vicariously with those in Maine, and the connection provides me with plenty of information. I won’t get any visitors as this area is marked as an ‘Anthrax test zone’ which will be enough to scare anyone away, plus there are warning systems to let me know of any unauthorised presence.

The front door was open to allow fresh air into the living room, and Sara went upstairs to her bedroom in order to undress for a shower. This didn’t take long, and the lady decided to spend the rest of the morning wrapped up in a towel, and watch some television, so she went downstairs, sat down on the couch and picked up the remote.

A moment later, she dropped the remote in shock as a man walked through the door! He was tall, broad shouldered, with black hair and a handsome face, and he was wearing blue shorts and t-shirt. There were a pair of hiking boots on his feet, and there was a large grey rucksack on his back which he put down onto the floor before opening the top.

“You must get out of here now! It’s too dangerous for you to remain here!” Sara screamed at the man, as she felt her strength leave her. It’s even more dangerous for me, as it will be Tuesday before Ann and Chloé call again! You will tie me up and mate with me, and I will remain helpless with my fate sealed as you run away in terror!

It was at that point that she trembled as she heard him speak in an Australian accent “I want to mate with you. You need to be secured that I can give you the pleasure that you wish for.”

“No! You don’t have to do this!” She screamed as she watched him remove a bag from the top of the rucksack and advance towards her. What the hell happened to the warning system? There were even supposed to be anti personnel devices that were supposed to deploy automatically, please don’t tell me that you somehow managed to avoid all of that!

The terrified lady felt as weak as a kitten as he lifted her up off the couch, and pulled her arms together behind her back with her hands pressed palm to palm. She cried out as rope was firmly wrapped around her wrists, cinched and then the ends were tied off out of effective reach of her fingers. It won’t be long before I am completely bound and immobile and then you will want to take me. Oh no, I can’t be feeling that, please NO! The captive squirmed as her elbows were pulled together and secured firmly, which forced her lower arms into a parallel position, and the heat of lust grew in her loins, despite the fact that her situation was going to leave her to a dreadful fate.

“Let me go! You don’t know what is going to-ulp!” Her pleading was stopped as a rolled up piece of white cloth was pushed into her mouth, and a wide white cloth strip was place over her lower face and knotted securely at the back of her neck. The captive rubbed her legs together as the feeling of desire built up in her mound of intimacy.

A squeal escaped her gagged mouth as the man pulled the towel away from her body which exposed her naked body to his gaze, and she soon found herself forced to the floor in a kneeling position. A length of rope was wrapped tightly around her right calf and thigh, cinched so that the rope gripped even more firmly and the knot was tied in the space between the upper and lower parts of her immobilised limb. Her left leg was bound in the same way which left the lady helplessly kneeling in a frogtie.

This is it, you’re going to take me and leave me to my fate. What are you doing now? The man took some more rope, and the lady found her upper arms bound firmly to her chest with loops that went around her body, above and below her breasts. A minute later, her wrists were secured to her body with another length of rope that went around her waist.

By this time, Sara’s intimacy was like a cauldron of desire, and her eventual fate was pushed out of her mind as the only thing that she desired was for him to mate with her. I’m nude, helpless and available. What are you waiting for!

To her surprise, the man gently picked her up in his arms, carried her upstairs to the bedroom and laid her on her back on the large brass bed. “You need to be made love to properly, not on the floor for your first time with me.” He took six long pieces of rope and tied one end to her bent knees, her arms at the shoulders, two to the waist rope on either side of her body, one to her wrists ande on to her hair.

This is incredibly ornate, but you don’t need to do it, take me now! A cry came from the captive, as her need built up to a level that caused her to writhe uncontrollably, and she begged to be taken by the Australian. The man ignored her as he tied the other ends of the ropes down to the bed. The waist ropes were knotted off to the sides of the bed, the knee and shoulder ropes to the corners which forced her legs apart, and her wrists were tied to the bottom of her bed while her hair rope was secured to the metal at the top.

I’m completely ted down to the bed, and it’s as if I’m stuck in a spider’s web. There is something very different going on here, but I don’t know what it is. All I know is that I want you!

A cloth strip was placed over her eyes and tied off at the back of her head, leaving her blindfolded, and she felt him lie on top of her as he pressed himself into her flower, which elicited a scream of joy from the bound captive. He slid in and out of her gently at first, but the thrusts increased in speed and intensity until she gave out one long scream as her body entered orgasm, and her world became one of bliss and convulsions...

As she lay on the bed in her long pos-orgiastic bliss, Sara was surprised to hear footsteps coming up the stairs. You’re coming back to me? This is impossible, anyone who mates with me in this condition runs away screaming in terror. She caught the scent of cooked meat in her nostrils and she felt a massive desire to eat.

“Are you hungry?” He asked and Sara nodded her head.

Please feed me, I need to eat!

“I am going to remove your gag, and you will eat what I put in your mouth. There is to be no talking.” The woman sighed with relief as the man removed the gag from her mouth.

Instead of running away in fear of being eaten, you are going to feed me! Are you immune to that effect on me? If so, then you can’t go after this, you need to stay with me. A small piece of meat was placed in her mouth, and Sara thought that is was the most delicious food ever as she savoured the taste. She just lay there on the bed, enjoying the meal that her captor had prepared for her.

“Open your mouth wide, as you need to be gagged again.” He said, so Sara obliged him and she was soon gagged.

Please make love to me again. Sara was kissed and caressed as she was taken to the edge many times by her captor, but not allowed her release until she was literally begging for her fulfilment.

“Will you be my willing captive from now on?” He asked.

The captive nodded her head vigorously. Yes, I’ll be your captive, bound and gagged and at your mercy! It almost seemed heavenly when he entered her again and took her to a level of ecstasy that she didn’t believe was possible...

Sara was resting on the bed, eating the steak that had been prepared for her, when her captor removed the blindfold and she was able to look around the room. The first thing that she noticed was that the pheromone indicators were glowing green, which meant that she was no longer any risk to anyone. You’ve cured me, I don’t know who you are, but you’ve cured me!

Tears started to drip from the captive’s eyes as she started to sob from the emotional release within her, and soon she was crying profusely. “I’m sorry.” the man said “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“That’s okay, you haven’t hurt me.” Sara said as she sniffled “I thought that finding a treatment for my condition is impossible, and you just happen to randomly turn up at the cabin and change my life for the better. By the way, my name is Sara Smite.”

“Hi Sara, my name is Brian Carter. It does seem to be a little late for name swapping after what we just went through, given what has happened.” Brian said “I do not think that meeting you was random, though. I shall tell you what happened.”

“I was at Sydney Airport in Australia, returning from a holiday in the USA, when I noticed a scent that affected me greatly, and I had to find out what it was. I followed it through the airport, and came across a forty year old craggy looking man whose name was Richard. It appeared that he was convalescing on holiday because of an incident that lead to the death of a woman at a research laboratory. I asked him where he came from, and I was on my way to the USA by the return flight. I flew to the city where he came from, and the scent at that airport was even stronger, which I traced to one particular aircraft.”

“The aircraft owner told me told me of an unusual journey of a lady in a biohazard suit up to Maine, and I flew to the destination that he mentioned, where the smell was even stronger. After that is was a simple matter of hiking here.” Brian paused for a moment. “I hope you’re not angry with me for this, as I somehow felt that I had to come here.”

Sara had finished crying by now and she had felt more peaceful than she had done for the last month. “After you mated-, made love to me, you weren’t terrified of me eating you?”

“Not at all, the only thought on my mind was that you had to be fed and that it was my duty to feed you.” Brian answered.

“Brian, please stay with me. Please don’t leave me.” Sara said.

“That may be a problem, as my visa expires on Monday.” Brian said “I won’t be able to remain in the states.”

“Don’t worry about your visa, Brian. On Tuesday, I will be speaking to someone who will be very happy for you to remain with me...”

Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:52 pm
by Soraka
Sara was wearing her jogging suit again and watching the monitor as the call connected on the Tuesday morning. “Hi Chloé, Anne, how are you two this morning?” She asked the others.

“It was a wonderful Saturday, Sara.” Chloé answered “Everybody had a lot of fun, getting tied up and freed.” The French student went on in great detail about the adventure on that day.

“The birthday party later was very good as well.” Anne frowned a little as she stared at her monitor. “You seem to be different somehow.”

“Yes, Sara, I am unable to see what it is, but there has been a change. Has something happened since our last call?”

Sara smiled at Chloé’s comment, as something had indeed happened. She had spent most of the past five days helplessly bound and gagged as Brian made love to her again and again. She even activated her abilities several times for the sake of testing, and Brian’s ritual of lovemaking and feeding switched off her production. The additional effect of them spending the time like this was that they were bound on the most basic emotional levels as well.

They haven’t noticed that the lights have changed. I wonder if Miss Smith will see what has happened when she logs on. A third window opened on Sara’s monitor which showed the face of the scientist.

“Come on, Sara. Tell us what has happened.” Anne said “You actually look cheerful.”

“You have not appeared to be this happy, ever since you had to move to the cabin.” Chloé commented.

“Do any of you actually use your eyes!” Miss Smith said “Haven’t you had a look at anything behind Sara.”

“Mon Dieu! How could we have missed it, Anne!”

“Sara, you are no longer producing pheromones. What has happened?” Anne said.

“Finally, they’ve noticed what has happened, Miss Smith.” Sara said. “Brian, could you come downstairs please?”

The three people on the monitor watched in shock as the Australian walked down the stairs. “I’d like to introduce you all to Brian Carter. Brian, the people on the monitor from left to right are: Anne Duncombe, Chloé Badelaine and Miss Smith. They are good friends of mine.”

Sara told the trio what happened on the Thursday morning after the last call and explained that they had spent the weekend getting to know each other. “I know that I shouldn’t ask this Anne, but Brian needs to have his visa extended, because his has remained illegally to help me.”

Anne smiled. “Consider it done, Sara. Just let me have his details and I’ll arrange it. Is your kettle full of hot water?” She asked.

“Yes, Anne. Why did you ask that?” Sara asked.

“Because you will have three visitors in a little while, and they will all want a cup of coffee with added hugs...”

Sara and Brian waited outside as the SUV pulled up to the front of the house, and the three ladies virtually jumped out of the vehicle and ran towards their friend who was surrounded.

“I thought that I would never be able to touch you again.” Said Chloé, holding onto Sara tightly.

Anne also gripped Sara, which prompted the lady to say “Isn’t this behaviour just a little unprofessional for an FBI agent.”

“I’m not bothered about that right now, I’m just happy that you’re better.” Anne replied.

Even Miss Smith joined in on the hugs, which was unusual. “I don’t usually get emotional, but given how genetics research was used to affect you.”

“It’s okay, Miss Smith. Johnson was hoisted by his own petard in the end.” Sara said.

Anne released her hold on the lady and walked up to Brian. “So, you are the Australian who has helped my friend, and got through all of the detection systems here.”

“That was just good luck, Agent Duncombe.” Brian replied.

“More than that, I tried to have a search done on you. All I got was that you are retired and everything else is covered by ‘Part VII of the Crimes Act 1914 (Commonwealth) Official Secrets and Unlawful Soundings’ under Australian law. I am not going to ask you about your past, but I want your promise that anything here is treated just as confidential. In return, you can stay here as long as you want.”

Miss Smith disentangled herself from Chloé and Sara, took a large case out of the car, and said “I wish to speak with you in private, Brian. Something happened to that that is clearly not standard, and this is what has altered Sara. May we speak alone upstairs?” She asked.

“Certainly, Miss Smith. Please remember that certain data will have to be kept confidential, but I will help you as much as possible. Now, if you’ll follow me.” The Australian walked into the house with the scientist as the other ladies hugged and talked.

“Where are my manners?” Sara said “I need to get you all a drink.” The lady led the other two into the cabin. “It is wonderful to speak to you personally without having to resort to wearing a biohazard suit.”

The lady went into the kitchen and prepared five cups of coffee, bringing them back into the living room and placing them on the coffee table. Anne, Chloé and Sara passed the time by chatting until Miss Smith and Brian came back down.

“I’ve had a talk with Brian, and I have a version of events that I can give to you.” The scientist remained standing as she spoke “In Nineteen Ninety, for reasons that are confidential, Brian suffered some damage on the genetic level. The doctors in Australia tried an experimental form of viral drug therapy to repair the damage, but it didn’t seem to be successful, so there was nothing to do but wait for him to die.”

“While Brian was in the hospital, he somehow got bitten by a male red-back spider. Ironically, this was lucky as the material that passed into his body hitched a ride on his viral therapy and the genetic code ended up repairing the damage.”

“Now from what I’ve checked up, Red-backs are closely related to black widows, but there is one major difference. The male does not flee from the female after mating, but, er- provides her with a meal. This would explain why Brian does not run in terror, as all he wants to do is feed you. It’s clear that an act of feeding so close after mating permits some kind of chemical marker to be passed from Brian to Sara which has a suppression effect on pheromone production, just like when a female Red-back loses interest in wanting a second mate.”

“Obviously, the chemical markers will decay over time, so the lovemaking and feeding will have to be done on a regular basis. Now for the good news. If I collect some samples, I think that I should be able to replicate a new spray that can work as a counter agent, unless a certain amount of time has passed, or if Sara deliberately activates again, in which case Brian has to help her.”

“Now, I’ve got a long day of sample testing and experiments.” Over the day, Miss Smith discovered that Chloé retained some semblance of control over herself so long as Brian was there, and that Anne’s reaction of feeling the pheromone was to get away from Sara and throw water over herself.

When the day was nearing its end, the ladies said goodbye to Sara and Brian and made their way back. Within a week, Miss Smith had created a new counter agent for Sara and work out that the normal decay rate was about fifteen days.

It was nearly a month before all of the tests were completed to Miss Smith’s satisfaction so that she could be sure that the new counter agent worked, and Brian was driving the car from the log cabin to Angela’s apartment on a Friday evening with Sara and Chloé as passengers. It wasn’t long before the car was parked outside, all of Sara’s items were taken into the spare room, and the two young ladies watched as Brain and Sara closed the door behind them.

“We must sit in the living room until Brian has finished.” The French lady said as she walked downstairs with her friend.

“Why are they making love now?” Angela asked as she sat down “Why not yesterday?”

“Brian wants to make sure that Sara has the optimum ‘charge’ so to speak, as Anne has arranged special training for him, and it happened to end up coinciding with our special week away with the other girls. Sara has a bagful of counter agent cans, so there will be no threat to you. Plus, we are leaving you a few detector alarms for you to place around the house, just in case.”

“Brian will come down and cook a steak for Sara. I will go into the kitchen once he starts.”Chloé said.

Eventually, Brian walked downstairs and into the kitchen, with Chloé following behind him as silently as she could, so that she could see how he cooked the meal and have her suspicions confirmed.

As he carefully cooked the rare steak, she saw the action that proved that her theory was accurate, but she jumped when Brian spoke. “You have many good qualities Chloé, but unfortunately stealth and caution aren’t among them. Did you see what you needed to see?”

You knew that I was here all the time, and you let me watch, which means that you trust me to remain silent. Chloé waited for a moment before speaking. “As you permitted me to see this, it must mean that keeping a secret must be among my good qualities. Oui, I managed to work it out, but I needed to be sure.”

“I knew a little about the Australian Red-back spider, but there was something that I needed to check. The male never runs away from the female, in fact he feeds her after mating by forcing himself onto her fangs so that she can take his life blood.” Chloé explained.

“So, you understand why I am doing this.” Brian said as he pricked his finger again and let a few more drops of blood fall on the steak.

“Oui Brian, it is the act of feeding Sara plus the chemical markers in the blood that suppress the pheromone production associated with the ‘mating’ process. I know that they are two different spider groups, but similar enough for the chemical signal to be effective.” Chloé said.

The Australian cut the steak into small pieces and put them onto a plate, along with some cutlery. “I understand that Anne has talked to you about making a request to Sara. It is something that you mentioned to her on the Saturday that all hell broke loose.”

“Oui, she thought that I would be the best one to broach the subject.” The student answered.

“As I know that Sara still likes you very much, I am going to leave her for you to make love to her, so that she will be distracted when I leave for the week’s training. After she has been loved, that would be the time to make the proposal. Remember, she has a week to make the decision, so she doesn’t need to rush into it.”

“I will stay with her for tonight Brian, and take a taxi to Mrs Blackwood in the morning, so that Anne can pick me up for the holiday. Sara will have company for the week, which will be much better than having to stay on her own, as she had to suffer that for long enough because of my impetuousness.”

The young lady waited in the kitchen as Brian went upstairs to perform the feeding ritual that would ensure that Sara’s glamour would be suppressed for the next fifteen days. After about fifteen minutes, he walked back down and into the kitchen, placing the items in the sink and turned to Chloé.

“I’ll drive off now, and you can ensure that Sara is kept company for tonight.” Brian said “I know that she will be in good hands with Angela, and don’t press her on your idea, just ask her to give it some thought.”

Chloé gave Brian a big hug “Please take care of yourself, as you are important to all of us, but especially to Sara.”

“I will Chloé, but I think that you had better get upstairs, and I’ll make my own way out.” Brian said as he briefly returned her hug.

The young lady released her hold and quickly made her way up the stairs to the bedroom where the helpless lady was, and she noticed the bright green glow from the new detector watch. It is good that they have improved it to show varying degrees of production, so it can also behave as a warning system.

The nude lady lay on her back with her arms and legs pointing to the corners as a result of the ropes that held her in a spread-eagle position, and the large pink ball gag in her mouth prevented her from speaking. The blindfold over her eyes prevented her from seeing who was in the room, so she wasn’t able to steel herself when Chloé mercilessly tickled her feet.

After a few minutes of torment, Chloé lay down on top of the captive, and caressed the mounds of her breasts while kissing her softly on the cheek. The woman moaned softly as her neck was kissed and fingertips gently traced paths around and over her nipples. The kisses moved down to between her breasts and the fingers wandered down and caressed her Mound of Venus, causing her to writhe under the touch of her captor.

Kisses landed over her breasts, and fingers ran over and between her petals, bringing her to the peak, when Chloé stopped and pulled back, leaving the lady to suffer the torment of denial. This happened several more times until Chloé allowed the helpless woman to orgasm.

As Sara relaxed in her post orgasmic reverie, she was gently kissed and cuddled by the student who removed her gag, and the woman exercised her jaws in order to remove any stiffness.

“Sara, do you remember that Saturday morning several months ago, when we discussed how you could put your abilities to good use?” Chloé asked

“Yes Chloé, in fact it’s been on my mind ever since Brian turned up and changed my situation completely. The ironic thing is that it has gone hand in hand with that dream concerning a large building in England, and I feel that it may turn out to be very important.” Sara said.

“Are they getting stronger?” Chloé asked.

“They are getting clearer over time, and I’m sure that the meaning will come to me eventually. It’s not like the normal premonitions, like I had about you and Angela or like my ancestors have had, as they occur less than a day before the event.”

“Chloé, I’ll give it my full attention over the week, I will talk to Anne when she gets back, and then I’ll make my decision.” Sara said. “Chloé, could you hold me please, as I miss Brian already.”

“That is unsurprising as you have just spent the month with him, and I’ve never seen anybody in love like you two. I know that your responses are influenced a little by your unique circumstance, but your own feelings toward each other have grown very strong in such a short time.”

Sara was freed from her bonds and the two ladies talked on into the night, until Sara fell asleep and Chloé rested beside her. In the early morning Chloé gathered her items and left for Coral Blackwood’s house…

It was a week later, when Anne returned with Chloé and Brian, and there were plenty of hugs to go around. “I must take Sara upstairs, if that’s okay.” Brian said.

“Brian, you know that I love you, but I must speak with Anne in the living room first as it is very important.” The woman in the grey jogging suit with pink trim said as she walked into the room and sat down.

When everyone else had sat down, Sara spoke. “I have given Chloé’s idea a great deal of thought, and I have come to a decision on the matter. I’m sorry Anne.”

Suddenly, Anne looked crestfallen. “I’m sorry Anne, but I have to place a condition on my help. If I get any dream or nightmare that I consider requires my action, I am to receive unconditional help on it. If this is acceptable, then I am ready to help in whatever way possible.”

The FBI agent looked stunned “Why yes, Sara, I’m sure that my superiors will agree to it, but I will have to make sure first.” Anne replied “I just wish you hadn’t phrased the beginning the way that you did, I thought that my heart was going to stop.”

“Anyway, Brian and I have some catching up to do, so if you’ll excuse us.” Sara said as she took Brian by the hand. “Oh, and Brian, remember to put plenty of your special sauce on the steak.”

“Sauce?” Brian asked as he stood up.

“Yes, the ‘Brian de Haemoglobin’ sauce. You forgot to throw away the tissue with your blood on it from last Friday, and then I did a little research on the Red-back spider.” Sara said as Brian blushed deeply. “Well, let’s go upstairs.” Sara walked out of the room, pulling her life partner behind her.

Anne waited until Sara was upstairs before taking out her cell phone and calling her superior. “Sir, Sara has made her decision.” She said and explained Sara’s condition. “Is her condition acceptable? Did you mean that was something you were counting on her wanting? Well, if that is the case, then I’ll give her the good news.”

The FBI agent put her phone away and turned to Chloé. “The Pink Widow project is now active.”


Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 2:15 pm
by jayarieldrillowup
This has been missing too long. Skybird137 needs to be notified to return here.

Re: Chloé: Dominated by DNA m/f

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:33 am
by TheBaconDude
That was an amazing story! Thank you, our almighty Soraka for rescuing this one :D