AJ : 01 - What happens when she mentions her fantasies (M/F)

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AJ : 01 - What happens when she mentions her fantasies (M/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

AJ's stories
01 - What happens when she mentions her fantasies
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Friday November 24th 2000 03:25:53

I've never posted anything like this before; in fact, I've never been to a site like this before tonight as I happened to surf by this here. After reading some of your amusing stories (some are quite good and well-written), I'd like to entertain you all with one of my own. I'm a 28-year-old male, and I'd like to tell you a short story about one of my favorite ex-girlfriends.

"Mandy" lived in Detroit and I in Northeast Ohio, but we met on coincidence through a mutual friend and hit it off so well that we started dating. We had spent the whole fall of that year making love like rabbits when one or the other had enough gas money to drive 200 miles for a visit, and I'd have to say that some of those nights still stand out as some of the best sex I've ever had.

It was three months into our one-year relationship, she was in town to stay with me for the week, and it was New Year's Eve, 1993. Mandy had worn a tight and short blue sequined skirt, pantyhose, and matching pumps that night, and the outfit showed off her beautiful body perfectly (I kid you not- I still don't know how I got a girl like that in the first place). That evening, we kept whispering things we wanted to do to each other back and forth all night as we mingled with friends at a party. As the night progressed we made a little game out of making each other hotter and hotter with little suggestive winks, smiles, and whispered comments, knowing full well how we'd end up capping off the evening. Back in my room at the fraternity house, as we feverishly stripped each other, Mandy mentioned a story she'd heard that night from another couple we knew involving pantyhose as a means of romantic restraint. She then sat down on my bed, beautifully nude, dangling a pair of pantyhose from her fingers with a devilish little smile on her face.

I lashed her arms at the wrist to the crossbar of my military- style cheap-ass college student's bed, and as we made love she kept looking up at her hands and cooing in ecstacy. I teased her for almost half an hour, getting her almost there and then stopping at the last possible second. I offered her a pillow to bite and muffle her now uncontrollable moaning, but she refused it and whispered that she wanted something that I "wouldn't have to hold." I grabbed a clean pair of white socks from my laundry basket and pushed them into her mouth with my thumb as I wrapped a military web belt around her head to hold them in. The look in her eyes as we both climaxed... well, let's just say that much to my current fiancee's dismay, she still calls me to this day from her new home in Florida. ;-)


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