Lil_Buck : 01 - Be careful what you ask for (M/F)

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Lil_Buck : 01 - Be careful what you ask for (M/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Lil_Buck's stories
01 - Be careful what you ask for
Story index at the bottom

By Lil_Buck

Wednesday, October 9th 2002 - 09:33:50 PM

I came across this web some time back and tried to add my own little event but made an error of some kind for I can't seem to find it any place. Maybe it will work this time.

It was my senior year in high school. I never was what one would call a jock in school but I did play in some of the sports. To be honest, after practice and after the games when the rest of the guys went out to party, I got in my jeep and went my own way. I got along great with the rest of the guys on the team but never was one for the party crowds.

There was this one girl on the cheer leading squad that always got my eye. She was around 5',6" with long, straight, jet black hair. And a perfect figure. She had a voice like a true southern bell to. At the time I didn't know if she knew that I had a major crush on her or not. But when she knew I was looking her way she would find some way to tease. Okay maybe she did know. Dam she was a sight in that blue and white skirt and top.

After a home coming game one night rather then staying for the party at the lake near our school, I changed into my jeans, boots, and black t-shirt. My old bandana I wear under my helmet was stuffed in my back pocket. I drove to the other side of the lake and reached in my cooler that I stashed some beer I got from my older brother's fridge at his shop. I sat on the hood of my jeep and opened a can. It was warm that night and I was enjoying the night air.

About a half hour into my six-pack some head lights pulled up behind me. I thought that Old man Smith saw me on his side of the lake and called the law. As the car came closer I saw it to be a Toyota. To my surprise and excitement, it was Dawn getting out and killing the motor. She was still in her uniform. She asked if I care for some company and of course I said she was more than welcomed. She sat on the hood of the jeep with me and opened a beer for herself. I didn't know what to say. I mean this beautiful goddess next to me and I was stumped for words. She removed her shoes and socks, dropping them on the ground next to the jeep and continued with her drink.

"What is it going to take to get you to ask me out?" she said out of of the blue.

My heart almost jumped out of my throat.

"I've been strutting on that ball field every week trying to get your attention" she continued.

"Oh you had it from the get go" I replied.

"I even bent over showing my but under my skirt just for you to make a move." she said after another sip from her beer. "So I figured I would have to come right out and say it to you."

"How may of those beers have you had tonight?" I asked.

She said that this one was the first.

"Just what kind of response were you looking for? Me to tie you up and take off the field over my shoulders?" I said with out even thinking it.

"Now that you mention it, that's not a bad idea" she said with a laugh.

"Girl I've been putting up with your teasing all the way back to 11th grade." I said. To hell with it I thought. Now is a good a time as ever to speak my peace.

"What are you going to do? Spank me? At least it would be some kind of response."

My erection jumped at the words.

"Careful, all that flirting's going to catch up with you" I replied. "And if you keep at it, it will be sooner that later" I finished.

"After this long. I don't think so. I mean I don't think you got it in ya. Here I'll even help you out" she got on her hands and knees while on the hood and crawled across my lap. "Here it is, right here in front of ya".

My erection was about to rip through my pants and I could here my pulse pounding in my head like a hammer. Dawn looked at my crotch with a naughty smile.

"Well at least you can get it up a little bit."

Okay that's it. I thought. If she was asking for it she was sure as hell going to get it. I downed the last gulp of my beer and chunked the can in the woods. She looked to where the can fell and I brought my hand down on the back of her exposed thigh. The crack loud and sharp braking the silence.

"Ouch!!!" she yelp in surprise.

"Like I said. Be careful what you ask for."

As she rubbed the spot I struck. I reached behind me and removed my bandana from my pocket. Forcing her other hand behind her, I bound her wrists together with the bandana. With out her arms to hold her up, her wait fell across me with her firm stomach in my lap. Holding her bound wrist clear with my left, I raise her skirt up with my right exposing her beautiful, firm, bottom. I groped her tight ass through her panties. she let out a slight sigh. With out warning I brought my hand down with a loud crack. Then another and another. She yelped and squealed in my lap. It was about a mile across the large lake so I knew we were safe from being seen from the large fire at the home coming party. I just kept bringing the swats down one after another, switching from one cheek to the other. She bucked and kicked as her bottom was being spanked through her panties. She yelp and squealed as she bucked in my lap.

After I don't know how many swats to her blistered bottom I helped her to her knees and she placed a knee on each side of me with use face to face. I got lost looking into those deep blue eyes. We kissed like there was no tomorrow. Our tongues doing their own dance in each other's mouth.

That was a night in that is printed in my mind for always.

Please forgive the bad spelling and typing. Keyboards never are my best tools.


Lil_Buck's stories
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