Josée Ferland : 01 - Saturday morning (F/M)

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Josée Ferland : 01 - Saturday morning (F/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Josée Ferland's stories
01 - Saturday morning
Story index at the bottom

By Josée Ferland

Sunday, March 20th 2005 - 09:15:46 PM

Saturday morning

Hello all,

As we can see here, many guys are looking for women, so they can tie them up. But on the same token, many guys are looking for a woman who can tie them up, because guys like to be tied too. As for me, I like both. So there is quite a bit of demand for a woman who likes to tie up guys, which of course I am not complaining about. I think one of the advantages for a woman to work on guys is the fact that we can be as tough as we want, and they like it. At least most of them.

I responded to a few adds so far, and obviously we can not be compatible with everyone. Also, sometimes distance can be a factor. But I have found a few guys nearby, who really get a kick out of being bound and …tormented. So I have been seeing one of them for a while now, just for bondage, and he asked me again the other day if I could indulge him once more. This guy, Benoit, wants to be tied real good, and left alone for the longest time so he can wriggle and moan all he wants. I have to say, it is a treat for me too, because I like to put guys in some serious bondage. I like their body and the “power rush” I get tying them up, it is all very exciting.

So our plan the other day was to tie him up to a post and take pictures of him. I had to get used to the camera he handed me before using it on him, so I wouldn’t miss my shots. He gave me several insights on how to use it, what to take, from which angle, and we practiced a bit.

Also we had met before and I had a pretty good idea of what he was up to, but I knew he had ideas of his own on how to bind him. So I went to his place on Saturday morning and we had breakfast together. While eating, he showed me drawings he made of how he wanted to be tied. It was quite interesting to see that, the way he depicted himself in bondage. He also made me a list of the minimum of close-ups that I had to do. I could take more but he wanted to make sure I had at least some photographs of certain parts of his body. It was all very clear, very well prepared, I just had
to follow the list.

The bondage was no so tricky, I had done that before. The only thing this time was that he wanted, like, more ropes, and bounds that were very tight, so it would show on the pictures. Again, it was not so complicated and I felt up to the task.

One other thing that is quite interesting about this guy, is that he looks very good naked. He is shaped and fit, he has big bones, quite big muscles, specially on the legs. He has very muscular legs, which is by no mean unpleasant, and a pair of buns like you wouldn’t believe. So I was salivating just thinking about what I had to do, especially to the fact that he wanted to be bare naked for the shoots. Sometimes, I love my life.

Anyway, after eating and explaining all he wanted me to do, we got down to business. We went to his garage where he has all his toys, and the post, and sure enough everything was ready. He had tons of ropes all over the floor, ready to be used, and on the bench beside the wall he had prepared a bunch of gadgets for me to use on him, if I wanted to. The camera was there, along with other stuff.

So after a little tour, which I was used to, he stripped down to his simplest element. Right there, I was like on a cloud. I was seeing all those fine muscles, and I had to focus, to get a hold of myself, so I could do my part of the deal.

He stood just by the post and passed his hands behind his back, behind the post. He crossed his wrists and I started to tie them up. I knew I had to tie him up real tight, so I had brought a pair of leather gloves. That way I would not have the skin of my hand inflamed or irritated pulling on those ropes. I told you, I am not new at this business. But I didn’t use the gloves just yet. To tie the hands, I used a rather long rope, not more than one quart of an inch in diameter but quite long. I kept a firm grip on the rope rolling it on the wrists, but not too much so the rope wouldn’t cut the blood circulation. It was not so tight but using a longer rope will compensate for the lack of tightness.

As I was rolling the ropes on his wrists, I crossed the ropes many times to imprison the wrists very securely. This guy is much stronger than me and I was so amazed he would let me do this to him. He has big arms and must weight more than 200 pounds, but there I was, tying him up with ease and confidence. I get so excited doing this, and seeing those very strong hands being tied so easily made me all troubled.

At the end of my rope, and I made quite a few knots and I made sure they were out of reach from his fingers. But this is bondage 101, everyone knows that. As I finished this first step I went in front of him just to see if he was ok. He was visibly pleased indeed, and not showing it only by his smile.

My next task according to the list was to gag him. He wants me to do it to him in a rather rough way; he gets a real kick out of it. So I pushed a ball of cloth into his mouth, placing it carefully and making sure it would fill his mouth completely. Then I used tape to seal his mouth and keep the cloth inside. I used some surgical tape, very wide and very sticky, the perfect material for this task.

Since my man Benoit didn’t want to be recognized on the pictures, he had me to put some kind of a hood over his head. It was a hood made of stretching cloth. It looked like some kind of a bag, and made of some pale coloured fabric, and it stretched well over his head. It was a nice fit. To hold it in place I put him a collar, tighten to his neck. Then I had to put a leather gag on his mouth on top of everything. I used a mask that he had prepared for me, one that is held by many straps all around the head. I secured all the straps carefully, that looked very good. After that, since he could still see through the fabric, I had orders to put a blindfold on his eyes. Again, he had a leather mask all prepared for that, I had no trouble finding it.

It was very exciting so far since he was very collaborative. I had no trouble at all. Then I had to keep on tying him up.

When I tie up a guy, I like to tie his legs together before I tie them to something, in this case, the post. Also, always according to “bondage 101”, when you tie someone to a post it is always better to tie from the bottom up. That way the body place itself in a more fitting way against the post. Anyway, it’s my way of doing it. Having been tied myself, I know a bit about that kind of detail.

So that was what I did next. I tied his ankles together, and then his knees. I used some big ropes this time, about half an inch in diameter, and I made sure then that it was very tight. From that point on I wore my gloves so I can pull much harder on the ropes, and it was a chance I had my gloves on because I was really going at it.

Looking at the sketch, I noticed he wanted to have ropes around his thighs as well. So I did. You should have seen how aroused he was and as I was tying those magnificent thighs, I was kneeling beside him and I had his …erection right in the face. That was quite as sight. Anyway, I had to concentrate on what I was doing. I didn’t want to make any mistakes, but seeing what I saw sort of made me going even harder, and I would pull on those ropes like hell, pressing those two big hams together. It gave me such energy and I was determined to give him a run for his money (not that there was any money involved, just a figure of speech). Again, every time I would make a knot I would yank the rope as hard as I could, to make sure those knot will hold. It was a lot of fun.

Once those legs were pulled together, I tied them to the post using ropes at the same levels as I tied the legs, so at the ankles, at the knees and at the thighs. From then on he started to look like a tied man.

Looking at the sketch again, I ended up figuring my next step. You had to see those drawings, very detailed, very well done. He drew himself with rather good proportions and it was almost as exciting to see the drawings as himself in person. The placement of the ropes was very well indicated, and since we could see him from different angles I knew exactly how he wanted this.

So my next step was to tie his waist to the post. Always from the bottom up. On the drawing where we could see him from the back, I knew I had to tie this rope directly to the post, and not around his arms. That made sense since we were to imprison his arms some other way. So that’s what I did. I surrounded his waist with the rope, tightened it firmly, passed it around the post, and came back around the waist since my rope was long enough. I had to be careful passing in front of him every time, you know why. Ok, that was done. Now came a tricky part.

I had to tie his elbows together, and this is the part where I have the most trouble with men. They struggle a lot and sometimes this rope has a tendency to slip and fall down, making it rather useless. And also, for some who have been tied before, we all know that this rope can not be made too tight around the arms, because of the blood flow. You have to leave the inside of the arm almost free if you want to keep your man tied for a long time. Otherwise the blood circulation will be cut and it could lead to problems.

But anyway, I circled a rope a few times around both arms at elbow level, I made sure the elbows were as close as I could get them, and I rolled what was left of the rope in between the arms. I had another idea to make sure this rope wouldn’t slip, which was not indicated on the drawing, but I had it clearly in my head.

At this point Benoit has moaning a little and breathing more deeply, he was in “the zone” as we call it. He enjoyed his situation, and he couldn’t wait to be able to struggle …freely. He was letting me do my job, but he was clearly waiting anxiously to fight his bounds, as he always does. But we were getting there; it was just a matter of time.

Then came the time to pin his arms against his body. Again, this part is rather hard for me because it is not easy to tighten the ropes hard enough so he wouldn’t move. Guys have a tendency to keep their arms away from their body when they have their elbows tied, just because it is not a natural position for them. So in a way you have to force those arms against the body to make the binding homogeneous.

At first I had to pass a rope a few time under his pectorals and under his armpits, circling behind the post. After that, the rope had to go around his arms and push them against the body. One nice details was then to pass a rope under the armpits, circle the rope in front passing around his arms, and com back under the armpits, again circling the rope around the arms and make it tight. We had to do that on each side. That tightened the rope circling his arms quite a bit, with not too much effort.

Finally, I took another rope and tied it to the one going in between the elbows. To make sure the elbow rope wouldn’t slip, I passed it by the one circling the arms, just above, and came back. Then I went from in between the elbows, under the arms, and around his waist. This one, I tightened it as hard as I could, it was like what would make it …complete. I yanked the rope a few times, pulling a conniving moan from my prisoner every time, and I made several knots. Then, this part of the job has completed. I took a step back to see if everything was in order, and Benoit was already testing his bounds. He was writhing, wiggling, squirming and wriggling like a worm, but I could see I had done a very good job. He was secured like heel, he wouldn’t go anywhere.

I could see those powerful arms trying to get free, and as I circled around him I could see his fists twirling, but never getting away from each other. He was so bound! I felt such a rush of power at this very moment, it is hard to describe.

And I knew I still had to perform many tasks, but just for a moment I had to enjoy it. I checked him up real good, I looked at him for minutes on end, feasting my eyes on every muscle, I kept my eyes wide open the whole time. The feeling of having him so well mastered made me kind of euphoric.

But seeing this body wriggling just inches from me made me almost mad with desire. You had to be there to know what I mean because he is a good looking guy. And the fact that he was all naked, completely aroused, how could I resist. I had to touch him somehow. I had to feel those pectorals and this belly, which made him moan and wriggle even harder. But I was so proud of my bondage because he couldn’t move an inch.

I had to get my composure and make my other part of the deal. I took the camera and started to shoot. I think it will make great pictures to post on the web. I carefully followed my list and I took some by my own authority. I think he will appreciate the point of view of a female. I took every shot that was specified on the paper, up until I had no more memory. Then I retreated to his computer and downloaded the pics on his hard disk. I also managed to send myself some by e-mail. Sometimes it is good to have two different e-mail addresses.

So there it was. That was my weekend with this Benoit guy. Of course it didn’t end there. I had to leave him tied for a while, that was our plan. And since I had time on my hand, I played with him a bit. But I am not allowed to give you any details here, it is forbidden. As I said earlier, I couldn’t resist having this great body in front of me and do nothing. It is no secret, we had fun.

So I hope you liked this story, it was certainly interesting to be part of it and make it happen. Take care all of you.

See you soon.

Josée Ferland

Josée Ferland's stories
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Post by sensitivefeet »

Let's have a meeting!
Remind me: once hogtied, just before I placed the ballgag... you said:"Please, anything but the feet"?... Good...
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