Tim : 01 - Shallow Shelley (F+/M)

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Tim : 01 - Shallow Shelley (F+/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Tim's stories
01 - Shallow Shelley
Story index at the bottom

By Tim

Thursday, August 7th 2003 - 07:15:37 PM

Shallow Shelley

Greeting from Ocoee, Fl. This is an interestig website and I enjoy all of the stories here.

My story was not my first experinece but the most unusual.

I worked in a customer service company which had a mixture of guys and gals.

Some really sexy, young gals, some older ones.

This story is about a gal named Shelley.

Shelley was my immediate supervisor and helped train me for the job. She was a great lady, real sweet, kind and caring.

She had a pretty face and beautiful blue eyes. She had long blonde hair. She had a super personality and everyone liked Shelley.

She had one problem though--she was overweight and very self conscious about it.

One day we were taking break together and this was one of the few times we were actually alone. She said she had something to ask me and wanted my opinion. Of course I agreed to help if I could.

She started to tell me about a fantasy she had. (Fantasy--she had my attention) She went to say that she felt more comfortable talking to me about this than the other guys or any of the girls.

She said that she knew that I was already committed to a relationship (someone told me that she didn't know that I was seeing anybody until I put a picture of me and my gal on my work desk and her (Shelley's) heart sank.

I knew that Shelley liked me because she always went out of her way to help me with my job and invited me to do things with the gang.

Anyway, this sort of sets the stage.

Getting back to her secret fantasy---she had this kidnap scenario in mind. She wanted to be a DID and the asked if I thought that was weird.

Of course I told her no. We all have fantasies of one sort or another.

Then she asked me how I felt about bondage.
Being incredibly naive I told her that I thought that it's great for people to bond together.

No, nooo, nooo, no. I mean real bondage with ropes and gags.

Oooooh bondage. I said to her. Now I get it.

She went on to tell me that she had this recurring dream that she was kidnapped and hauled off in a van, bound and gagged. Then she asked if if I thought that was weird that a woman wanted to be bound and gagged.

Of course I replied "No" and told her that everyone is entitled to a fantasy. I told her that many people enjoy bondage.

Then she sighed and said that it would always be a fantasy and that is about all.
"Everyone here is taken, including you and nobody wants to fool with me because of my weight."

I grabbed her hand and told her that she is a very beautiful girl. I told her she had the most beautiful eyes and a cute little nose (tapping her on the nose with my finger) Besides, beauty is from within, not on the outside I told her.

She sighed, put her head down and I could see that I wasn't getting through.

"Who says that I am taken. I didn't sign any contracts. And even if I was, who is to say that can't have some friendly fun with a beautiful person like you?" I told Shelley.

"You just feel sorry for me."

"Sorry my butt! Have you ever looked in the mirror? You are an attractive lady and way too had on yourself."

I went on to tell her that I had a friend with a van who I was certain had ropes or I could get them. I had other items that could be used in a friendly game to restrain her.

I called my friend and things got even better. Turns out that he and his wife would be out for the weekend and would let me have the keys to his house. I couldn't use his van because he would be taking that on a trip down south, but he had a truck that I could use that had a big open space behind the seats that could be ideal for this scenario.

I didn't tell Shelley that my friend and his wife were heavy into bondage and that had racks, tables, harnesses, you name it. Let her be surprised!

I told Shelley and she was excited. My friends would be leaving Friday after work so I told SHELLEY we could start the role play that Friday after work. I would do a mock kidnapping, grab her, put her in the truck, tie her up and take her to my friends house.

Friday afternoon came. I told my girlfriend that the company was having a special training (yeah, some training huh) and I would be gone for most of the night. I then set a place and time where I could pick up Shelley.

I also asked Shelly to dress appropriately and established some lines because she would not see me coming and probably wouldn't recognize me because I was going to pick up some things at the costume store.

When the clock hit quitting time I went over to Shelley's desk, turned in my report for the day and told her that her fantasy was about to come true and to be ready to have a great time.

She smiled and timidly said she couldn't wait.



Thursday, August 7th 2003 - 07:29:50 PM

Shallow Shelley 2

Shelley smiled, said great and asked me if I got the van and what color is it. I said my friend would be taking his van down to the South Fl area but agreed to let me use his truck.

Shelley said no way would she allowed herself to be stuffed in truck. Shallow Shelley was beginning to come out of her shell. She went to say that she had a van and we could use that.

As long as I knew Shelley she always came to work in a Silver Camry. The van was news to me.

We agreed to meet at a designated spot. The key phrase would be "Shallow Shelly loves bondage", er, in the event a real kidnapper would happen by.

I pull into the parking lot were Shelley and I agreed to meet and I spotted the van.

As I approached the front of the van, I looked in the outside mirror--No Shelley. Where could she be?

I slowly approached the door and looked inside. No Sheeley but I saw a note with my name on the outside. Well right van anyway.

So I opened the door to the van and opened the note. It said; "I'm in the back of the van. Join me."

I don't like surprises and last minute changes but thought, oh well.

So I walked up to the backdoor of the van and ever so slowly started to open it.

I looked inside and again no Shelley! No I was getting worried. Then all of a sudden I felt a big push from behind forcing me into the van. Caught off guard, I lost my balance and went crashing into the side of the van and hit my head, which drove me dizzy. Before I COULD recover, with my head aching and my eyes a little blurry I noticed several figures coming into the van. Two of them tackled me knocking me down.

"You tie his hands while I gag him." were obvious female voices of 2 more people who came into the van.

So I had 2 people holding my hands, 1 lying hard o my legs while another proceeded to gag me.

As a guy, I found me overpowered by what appeared to be women pretty intimidating.

Then they rolled me over on my stomach and pulled by arms tight behind me. Duct tape started going around my wrists.
Once my hands were immobilized they proceeded to tie my feet with the same duct tape. Then I heard one of them say,
"There, that should hold him."

Despite my predicament, I kept thinking. "Where is SHELLEY?"



Tim's stories
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