Alex : 01 - "We're gonna make your day" (ff/m)

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Alex : 01 - "We're gonna make your day" (ff/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Alex's stories
01 - "We're gonna make your day"
Story index at the bottom

By Alex

Wednesday, July 12th 2006 - 06:51:23 PM

This happened a few weeks ago.

So we'd all just graduated from High School. Those of us who didn't know what we were gonna do with our lives all tried to pretend we did, and those who did were secretly despised. By me, anyway.

I bring this up because I think that it's kinda an important point. It's a point in time where you're expected to start making a bunch of important decisions you'd never had to think about before. In this way I think a bit of bondage can be comforting, to not have to think about it.

But I continue.

I had been talking to this girl, Hannah, online. We knew each other from school, and during our discussions it had come out that I liked bondage. It's not something I tell a lot of people, but we were doing the, "You can ask me any question you want" thing back and forth, and it was asked. Well, not specifically, but the "Do you have any fetishes" was asked. I have two: bondage, and nudity. I don't even know if they're fetishes or not. I just like em. When I'm home alone, I'd rather be naked. When I'm swimming, I'd rather be naked. I'm sure I'm alone in this, and I got the impression from Hannah that she agreed.

So anyway, Hannah asked me if I was doing anything the next day, and I said, "No. Why?" She and a friend were hanging out at a local park, and they wondered if I would come. I said, "Sweet! I'm free, yeah!"

The next day I show up at the park. It's a fairly solitary park, set on a hill over a lake, with a lot of trails going through the woods. I waited in the parking lot for a while until they showed up. Hannah, and her red-headed friend Larissa. We all welcomed everyone else, and began walking. The trails were long, and eventually we were ready for a rest.

"Let's go that way," I suggested, "We can stop by the lake."

"Sounds like a good idea," Hannah replied.

Reaching the lake, we sat down on this tree that had fallen over. As we sat on it, I wished I had something to eat. Walking makes me hungry.

Hannah leaned over close to me and said, "Hey Alex," I looked at her, "Guess what," she said.


"No! You have to guess!"

"Uuuuummmm... you got your license."

"Nope! We're going skinny dipping!"

I looked at her thoughtfully (Whenever I get really excited, for some reason I automatically try to hide it by looking thoughtful or analytical. People say sometimes I look angry)

"You serious?"

She grinned.

"Sounds good!" I finally said, and gave a grin.

I leaned forward and looked at Hannah's friend Larissa, to see if she was in on it. She was grinning. That right there made my day, to know that at some point, while I was eating or sleeping or mowing the lawn, that these two had been planning this. It's was strangely motivational.

Now, I'm not going to pretend that the removal of the clothes was without awkwardness. It wasn't. There was plenty of, "Should I wait for her, or just go for it? Should I worry about not looking too eager? Were they kidding me? If I started, would they just laugh?" Fortunately Hannah solved most of those problems for me by quickly pulling her shirt over her head.

WOW! My mind was blown. Not cause of her great body (though it was awesome), but just cause I was surprised. Even though I was expecting it, I was surprised. There are things that people do and don't do in society (in my society, anyway), and this was one of them. Excluding once three or four years earlier, I hadn't seen a girl naked. Not wanting to look shy, I pulled off my shorts, and glanced over just in time to see her unclip and remove her bra.

WOW! Mind blown again. Just, I mean, that doesn't HAPPEN, does it? I honestly gasped out of surprise. Not that I wasn't expecting it, I knew she was going to take it off, but for some reason it took me totally off guard.

Well eventually we were all naked (Larissa lagging behind a bit, but that's cool) and standing there, kinda checkin' each other out, without trying to look like we were. And by we I mean me. So we walk the few feet over to the water and step in, which is when I make a startling revelation... this water was cold! Hannah and Larissa knew something which I have sinced learned; just jump in. It's ALWAYS cold when you inch your way in. They got out about 10 feet and looked back at me standing there, which leads me to a good point.

I think the most awkward thing about nudity is WHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOUR HANDS? Do you clasp them in front of you, trying to block people's view? Do you just let them hang (which always feels so unnatural) Do you put them on your hips (an action which always seems to imply, "Hey! Look at me! I'm naked and standing like peter pan!" I eventually just interlocked my fingers and rested them on my head, until coming to the conclusion that crossing them against my chest would 1.) look natural and 2.) not look like I'm trying to imply anything.

I'm WAY too overanalytical.

"Come in, you doofus!"

"Naw, I'll just watch you guys."

"It's warmer once you get in! Seriously! Come on!"

I took their word for it, and just kinda fell over into the deeper water. After a few gasps, it was decent.

Well, after a bit of splashing and swimming we were ALL cold, so we got out and huddled together on the log, Our towels wrapped around us. We found it hilarious. We were laughing it up when Larissa shushed us. We didn't even have to ask what. When your sitting naked on a log in a public park, a couple feet off the trail, if someone shooshes you, you know they mean, "HOLY CRAP! SHUT UP! I think someone's coming!" After a second of listening, and not hearing anything, we did what anyone would do; dart into the bushes.

Turns out we were lucky, a couple was walking down the path and stopped right by where we were (a good place for watching the lake). We sat in the bushes, making shadow puppets in a spot of sunlight. Though they weren't very good.

The couple eventually left (they only stayed for a minute or so) and we were about to leave the clearing when I noticed Hannah and Larissa looking at each other. The old, "communicating without talking thing".

"What?" I said.

"Alex," Hannah said, "we're gonna make your day."

At this moment I suspected something to do with bondage. We'd just talked about it the night before, and she'd acted interested. However, I hate acting presumptuous, so I said,

"Yeah? How?"

"You tell him," Hannah ordered Larissa. Larissa laughed and shook her head. So Hannah told me. "We're going to tie you up...naked!"

My heart skipped a beat. Sure, I suspected it, but having it said, in front of me, to my face, like it was in so many fantasies. I wasn't prepared for it.

But what were they going to tie me up with? Ah! Their backpacks. They obviously had supplies in their backpacks.

We scuttled back and shoved all our clothes into the backpacks, and ran back to the clearing. Then, deciding that it wasn't private enough, we moved back a bit more, to a small, leafless tree. It was one of those cool trees where it's more like 8 different trees splitting up once they leave the ground than a single trunk.

"Ooh! Perfect! Stand up against that!"

Twitch, twitch, throb throb... you know what I'm talkin' about. Can you blame me?

So they pressed my back up against the tree, and Hannah pulled a handful of long scarves out of her backpack. I have to admit, I was unsure, at first, about how well scarves would work. My tensions were soon relieved.

My right arm was pulled straight out to the side, and Hannah began tying it to a branch.

"Get to work on his feet," Hannah said.

Larissa did, squatting down and pulling my legs apart about 2 feet. I wondered if it was awkward for her, her head right at the level of my crotch. If so, she didn't say anything, though she did glance at it more than a few times.

Faster than I would have expected I was tied, in a pseudo-spread eagle position, to this mass of thin tree trunks. Now, when I say thin, I don't mean breakable. I mean about the width of a 4 by 4. Spread eagled has always been one of my favorite positions, possibly even beating hog tie, just cause the hog tie can be just so darn uncomfortable.

I tried an obligatory struggle, and was pleased. I could only move more than a few inches away from the tree. The girls stepped back and smiled at me, looking over their handiwork.

"I think we should gag him," Larissa said. I was thankful. Not because I really wanted to be gagged, but because otherwise I felt obligated to make conversation, which would have been awkward.

"So... here I am... tied naked to a tree."


"Good job on the wrists. Not too tight, but I can't get free."


A scarf wrapped around my head, wrapped tightly into my mouth, with duct tape (from the bag) over it solved that problem. The girls once again stepped back and admired their work. Hannah came up and leaned against me, "Wow! What an odd tree this is! It's all warm, and has this really weird branch sticking out of it."

There are few things better than full body contact when you're tied up naked. Makes you feel helpless, but not alone. And really turns you on. And by you I mean me.

Larissa reached in the backpack and pulled out a final scarf, and wrapped it around my head so that it served as a blindfold, and after a bit of whispering I felt their hands moving over my body. It tickled, a point which became more obvious once they started tickling my armpits and thighs (still haven't figured out the thighs, I guess they just wanted to tickle me there).

It was then that I realized my situation. bound nude to a tree with two other equally bare females moving over me. I mean, this just DOESN'T happen! I tried to appreciate it as much as I could.

Eventually they removed the blindfold, and I stared at their grinning faces. I tried to smile as much as I could with the gag, to let them know all their work was appreciated. But I couldn't. Not well, anyway.

They sat at my feet, leaning against my legs for a while, talking about college plans (Which turned me on almost as much as anything else had. The juxtaposition of boring routine and the current situation for some reason really affected me.

That's when we heard it. The dog tag jingling. Ever since I was attacked by a dog in 5th grade, I've been kinda scared of them. Not of dogs I know, but of dogs I don't know. Just kinda make me cautious. However, being bound to this tree meant I was totally helpless. I pulled as hard as I could against the scarves, but they held fast. The girls heard the sound as well, and bolted behind the tree. They realized what I hadn't yet. If there was a dog, there was also probably an owner.

Standing there, I was the woman slowly walk by. I was afraid to take a breath until she passed out of the clearing. Fortunately she never looked up. The girls came out from behind the tree laughing. I chuckled too. Nothing like a close call to make the world seem inexplicably funny.

Well, after a bit more teasing they undid the scarves (apparently the knots had really tightened... a fact that probably wasn't helped by my epic struggling) and we all put on our clothing.

Walking back up the path we all couldn't help randomly laughing. The whole experience was awesome. And a few similar events have happened since.


Alex's stories
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