LordNelson : 01 - Loke and Her Joke (MF/F)

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LordNelson : 01 - Loke and Her Joke (MF/F)

Post by Soraka »

LordNelson's stories
01 - Loke and Her Joke
Story index at the bottom

By LordNelson

Little Sisters (FF/F) by LordNelson

Finally a weekend without assignments or studying. Two days to forget about university classes and lectures. Two days of relaxation and time with friends…or so she thought.

Shanya was looking forward to going out with her roommates and seeing a movie, eating out, maybe even getting a little drunk and picking up some guys…or girls…it really didn’t matter as long as they were cute.

Divya apologized but she hadn’t seen her family for a few weeks and was going home for the weekend. Loke was doing the same. A call to Elaine confirmed that she too was unavailable. It was beginning to look like Shanya would be spending the weekend in the residence alone.

Friday came and she was in foul mood knowing that as soon as classes were over she was going to be abandoned. There would be a few hundred other students in residence but she wanted to be with the ones she was closest to. What else could she do? It was a certainty that there would be a party or two. Even if she wasn’t invited all she had to do was show up in a dress that showed lots of legs and cleavage. No one would ever turn away such a pretty girl.

While walking back to the room she made her mind up that she was going to get very drunk and stay that way all weekend. When she entered the room Loke’s suitcase was by the door and Loke was on the telephone.

‘That was my dad’ she told Shanya ‘he’ll be here in twenty minutes. Are you going to be okay by yourself?’

‘Don’t worry about me’ Shanya replied a dramatic voice ‘there’s lots of Kleenex to dry my tears.’

‘Don’t be an ass’ scolded Loke ‘you’re a smart little girl. I’m sure you can find some other kids to play with.’

‘But I want to play with you’ Shanya pouted.

Loke looked at her with the “annoyed but forgiving” way someone looks at a puppy when they pee on the floor. She checked the time on her phone. ‘If you can pack a bag in ten minutes you can come with me. If not your sorry ass stays here.’

Shanya raced to her bedroom and pulled out a suitcase from under the bed. She stuffed it with clothes. A quick stop in the bathroom to grab her toothbrush and assorted hygiene and beauty products and she was done in nine minutes. She knows that because Loke, as is her nature, actually timed it.

‘Are you sure this is okay? I don’t want to show up uninvited and find out I’m not welcome. What’s your dad going to say when he sees me with you?’

‘My dad’s got the hots for you, don’t worry about him.’

Shanya wasn’t sure if Loke was joking or not. She didn’t have much of a sense of humor and if it were true she would not hesitate to say so. Shanya felt a little uncomfortable.

‘What about your mom? How is she with unexpected guests?’

‘She probably has the hots for you too, don’t be surprised if she suggests a threesome with dad.’

Shanya smiled, now she knew that Loke was joking…or was she?

Before Shanya could think of a tactful way to clear up her confusion Loke’s phone rang, Dad was waiting outside the residence. Dad smiled at Shanya and asked her if she wanted to sit up front with him. She decided that he looked far too happy to see her and sat in back with Loke.

The drive went quickly as the girls never stopped talking. Loke went on about her mom’s cooking and all the fun things they could do. Shanya had met Loke’s family before but staying in their home would be a new experience for her. Shanya had many questions. Her Malaysian culture was very similar to Loke’s Chinese culture but there were some differences and Shanya didn’t want to do anything that might be considered inappropriate.

At the house Shanya was greeted with open arms and all of her fears soon faded away. Loke’s mom welcomed her as “another daughter”. Supper was ready and they sat to dine and discuss plans for the weekend. After supper they brought in their luggage from the car.

‘Come with us’ said Mom ‘we have a bed ready for you.’ Dad stood beside Mom, smiling at Shanya. The image of a threesome came into her mind again. Dad picked up her suitcase while mom took her arm and escorted her. Loke had a silly grin on her face, she knew what Shanya was thinking, she had planted the seed and it had taken root.

When Shanya was shown where she was sleeping she had to pause for a moment to take it all in. the walls were pale pink. A fuzzy white rug was on the floor and frilly lace curtains hung on the windows. A matching white enameled dressing table and set of drawers stood against one wall. The main feature of the room was a gold colored four poster canopy bed. This was a room fit for a princess.

The princess in question was Loke’s youngest sister, ten year old Ling, who was a girly-girl in every way. She always wore dresses and shiny shoes. Her long hair had to be perfect. Except when eating she almost always wore white gloves. This was a sharp contrast to Loke’s other sister, eleven year old Hsing, who was a tomboy. Her room was a mess of sports gear and the floor was littered with sweaty uniforms of the various teams she played for.

The two girls were nicknamed after Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing, a pair of famous pandas. Ling-Ling was the female and famous for constantly grooming herself. Hsing-Hsing was her mate and Loke’s sister didn’t mind at all being named after a male. She wore her hair short and with her athletic build was often mistaken for a boy. When Mom and Dad noticed the similarities between the girls and the pandas the names stuck. Shanya didn’t even know their real names.

Ling was moved in to share Hsing’s bedroom for the weekend and was not happy about it. As far as she was concerned a garbage dump would be more sanitary and she said so. Loke still had her own room, which Shanya had hoped to share with her.

Saturday morning they were all together for breakfast. All went well except for one brief moment. Shanya joked that Ling’s bed was so comfortable that she was going to take it with her when she left. Ling gave her a look that let her know that bed was not going anywhere.

Afterwards Shanya was given a tour of the neighborhood by Loke. The walk was accompanied by Loke telling many stories of growing up here. Loke introduced her to everyone they met and each had their own story, some rather embarrassing, to tell about Loke.

After lunch Dad was leaving to play a round of golf with some friends and Mom scribbled a list of things she would need from the market for supper. After discussing who was going where and when each of them had a task. Shanya it was decided would remain at the house with the girls while Loke went with Mom to the market. The girls insisted on calling Shanya a babysitter even though she didn’t like the title and just wanted to be thought of as a “new big sister”.

It’s not easy to find common interests in two such different girls but Shanya was determined that they could find something that they could all do together. She thought back to her own childhood and remembered the fun she had jumping rope with her own sister.

‘Do you have a jump rope?’ she asked. ‘I have a nice pink one’ answered Ling. ‘I have a real one’ said Hsing. The girls ran to get them.

Ling’s rope was a braided cord of shiny pink nylon with clear plastic handles. Hsing’s “real rope” was a thick hemp rope with bamboo handles. They went out to the paved driveway to show their skills.

Ling went first. Wearing a pale red dress, white knee socks and white shoes she doubled up her long rope and skipped very elegantly. Her pace was slow and steady. She sped up for a few seconds to prove that she could do a Criss-Cross but slowed again and stopped before she got sweaty.

Hsing proudly demonstrated her superiority. She wore spandex cycling shorts and a spandex bikini top with sneakers. It was an outfit that showed she meant business. She started with a basic jump but quickly advanced to an Alternate Foot Jump and then a high speed Criss-Cross and then a Double Under. She finished with a short Triple Under which is quite difficult.

Now it was Shanya’s turn. She did the basic and the Criss-Cross adding a Side swing between them to impress the kids. Less impressive was her Double Under. She swung the rope too slow and after only three jumps she stepped on it. One handle pulled out of her hand and the rope wrapped around her ankles.

The girls giggled as she untangled the rope and freed her feet. Ling whispered into Hsing’s ear and then Hsing whispered back. Something was up. ‘Do you know how to do Double Dutch?’ they asked in unison. ‘We never get to do it anymore now that Loke is gone away to school.’

Shanya knew what they were asking. Double Dutch requires two ropes and three people. Ling went first as Shanya and Hsing spun the ropes in opposite directions. The idea is to continually speed up until the jumper can’t keep up. Ling stepped out before it got too fast. She didn’t like that her socks were falling down.

When Hsing went they couldn’t spin fast enough to trip her up.

Shanya knew she couldn’t beat Hsing but was determined to do her best. The girls sped up gradually and all was going fine. Shanya had found a rhythm and was surprised that she was doing so well. Unfortunately it couldn’t last. The ropes hit her legs and she stopped. Then things got crazy.

The girls nodded to each other and then ran in a circle around Shanya. The ropes wrapped around her ankles. They pulled at the ropes and Shanya fell onto her bum. They lifted the ropes pulling her feet straight up into the air and rolling her onto her back. Shanya reached out to try to untangle her feet.

As soon as her fingers touched the ropes binding her ankles the girls started to wrap the remainder of the rope around her wrists trapping them against her shins. She tried to pull her hands back but they were caught. The girls were laughing.

The ropes were sloppy and loose and Shanya had gotten out of much worse before. She figured she could wiggle free in a minute or two. Then the girls did something unexpected. Using the last little bit of the ends of the ropes they added cinches between her ankles and between her wrists and shins.

The once loose ropes were now very tight. Shanya’s hands were bound tightly to her ankles. She rocked on her back for a moment when they were done, her tied legs pointed towards the sky, then she tipped over onto her side.

‘Very funny girls’ she said ‘you can let me go now.’

‘Not yet’ said Ling. ‘Our friends are coming to see’ said Hsing.

Lying tied as she was Shanya couldn’t see it but kids from all over the neighborhood were converging on the driveway. The jumping competition had gotten their interest but once it turned into a capture they had to come closer to inspect.

‘Look what we did to the babysitter’ said Ling. ‘She looks funny’ said Hsing.

‘That’s what we did to you last week’ said one of the boys to Ling. ‘And to you the week before’ said another boy to Hsing.

‘What are you going to do with her now?’ asked a little girl.

‘They’re going to untie me now’ demanded Shanya ‘before they get into big trouble.

‘She’s really loud’ said the little girl as she covered her ears.

Ling sat down and pulled off her shoes. She rolled down one sock and handed it to Hsing. While Hsing stuffed it into Shanya’s mouth Ling pulled off the other sock. She then pulled it between Shanya’s lips and tied a tight cleave gag.

Shanya mmphed loudly in protest and twisted and turned trying to get free.

‘If our parents see this they’re going to come untie her’ said the first boy. ‘We should get her out of sight’ added the second boy. ‘Take her in the house’ said the little girl.

The kids got together and picked Shanya up. Hsing ran ahead and opened the door. ‘Take her to my room’ said Ling ‘we can put her on my bed.’ They carried her in and dropped her onto the big four-poster.

‘What are you going to do with her now?’ asked the little girl.

‘She said that she likes my bed. Let’s see how she likes to be tied to it.’ The kids laughed as Ling and Hsing went to work. They untied the ropes and straightened Shanya out from her bent over position. While Ling tied Shanya’s wrists to the posts of the head end Hsing tied her ankles to the posts at the foot of the bed.

Shanya laid there spread eagle bound to the bed and sock gagged. If not for the gag the kids would have seen that she was smiling. She could have easily escaped when the girls untied her but the idea of being tied to the bed sounded fun. She made no attempt to resist and was now glad that she hadn’t.

The kids had done a good job of binding her with the skipping ropes. She was happy to be tightly restrained.

‘Let’s go get some cookies’ said Ling. ‘Good idea, mom and Loke will be home soon’ said Hsing.

The kids rushed out to raid the cookie jar leaving Shanya alone. She pulled at each rope enjoying the feeling of being a captive. She hoped that they wouldn’t hurry back to let her go.

Then she had a disturbing thought. What if Loke’s parents were to find her like this?

LordNelson's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section
Last edited by Soraka 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Soraka »

by LordNelson » Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:50 pm

The sound of shouting, laughing, screaming children filled the air. Shanya couldn’t tell what game they were playing but she knew they weren’t jumping rope. That was because they had used the ropes to tie her to a bed and she was still there, bound, gagged and helpless.

The joyful noise stopped for a moment as a car pulled into the driveway. Loke and Mom were back from the market. It wouldn’t be long now. One of Loke’s sister’s would race to free her before it was discovered what they had done. She would beg Shanya not to tell on them. Shanya would give her a hard time but in the end she would agree.

It didn’t happen. When the voices resumed Shanya could hear Ling, she could hear Hsing and there was now a third familiar voice. It was Loke. If all three were playing in the driveway who was coming to free her?

Shanya tested the ropes once again but knew it was a waste of time. She had tried before. She only confirmed that she was securely bound. Even though she was enjoying the big mouth filling sock gag she tried to slip it off. She rubbed against the pillow but the tight cleave wouldn’t budge. Calling for help wasn’t going to be an option.

After considering all of the possibilities only one made sense. They were leaving her there to tease her a bit more and would be along soon to release her. There was one more possibility she didn’t think of.

Loke’s Mom and Dad came into the room. They stood at the bedside looking down on Shanya. A whispered conversation in rapid Chinese followed.

‘Loke sent us to tease you’ said Mom. ‘She told us about the threesome joke.’

‘We told her to take the kids for ice cream’ said Dad ‘and we gave them money for the arcade too.’

Shanya was puzzled. Why would they do that? Why weren’t they untying her? The joke was over wasn’t it?

Dad walked to the foot of the bed and Mom walked to the head. Dad untied her left ankle and Mom untied the left wrist. “At last they’re setting me free” thought Shanya. They walked around to the other side of the bed.

Instead of untying her right hand and foot they rolled her over onto her side. Using the free end of the ropes Mom tied Shanya’s hands together and Dad tied her feet. Then they untied the ropes from the bed posts. Shanya couldn’t believe what was happening. She was confused. The confusion was going to get worse.

They picked her up and carried her out of Ling’s room and down the hall to the master bedroom. They put her onto their bed. Mom tied her hands up over her head to the headboard while Dad tied her feet to the footboard.

Shanya didn’t panic, she knew that it was all part of the joke. When Dad removed her shoes and socks she still remained calm. When he started to pull down her shorts and panties it was time to get concerned. When they were around her ankles she began to “mmph”.

Mom climbed up onto the bed and straddled Shanya’s waist. She pushed Shanya’s spandex halter top up over her head and along her arms to her bound wrists. Then she unfastened Shanya’s bra and it soon joined her top.

Shanya, now stripped bare, could do nothing but wait to see what they were going to do to her next.

Mom got off of the bed and Shanya looked up to see Dad, smiling as always, standing by her feet. He took off her shoes and then took off her socks. Mom had left the room but now she returned carrying a large ceramic bowl. Over one arm she had a fluffy towel and over the other a thick wash cloth.

Dad took the wash cloth and dipped it into the bowl. He wrung out a stream of steaming water. He then began to gently wash Shanya’s feet. The warm cloth started at her ankles, went down the back of her heels, across her arches and between her toes.

The warmth sent goose bumps up Shanya’s legs. His fingers massaged as they cleaned and it felt fantastic.

He dropped the cloth into the bowl and took the towel. He softly swabbed her feet dry. He was very thorough and it tickled as he went in-between her toes. While he gave his full attention to her feet Mom left the room again.

When she returned he tossed the towel aside and held out his hands, with his palms cupped upwards, towards her. She held a small green glass vial. She pulled out the stopper and the smell of jasmine oil filled the room. She poured a few drops into his hands. He rubbed them together.

Starting again at her ankles he massaged the jasmine oil into Shanya’s skin. It was cool and soothing. As his hands moved along her skin tingled. The sensation was so enjoyable Shanya forgot about everything but the waves of pleasure washing over her from her feet.

Once again Mom had left the room unnoticed. When Dad stopped his massaging Shanya opened her eyes to see Mom standing beside the bed. She was wearing a beautiful silk robe. It was red with gold and green dragons twisted around each other embroidered on it. The robe was quite short and barely covered her bottom.

Mom handed the vial of oil to Dad and she once again climbed on top of Shanya. Shanya could see that she was not wearing any panties as the robe slid back to show her thighs. All Shanya could feel was skin on skin as Mom’s thighs straddled her. The wide sash that held the robe closed was loosely tied and her breasts were barely covered.

Dad reached out with the vial and Mom cupped her palms. He slowly tipped it and a few glistening drops fell to her hands. She rubbed it onto her fingers and placed her hands on Shanya’s firm tummy. She massaged gently and slowly. Each stroke of her hands left a faint trail of the cool salve. It warmed quickly on Shanya’s body and tingled.

Mom began to progress up Shanya’s body with a light touch. Her hands came together at Shanya’s breasts and her fingertips just barely touched as they passed between them. Once above her breasts mom flattened her hands and rubbed Shanya’s shoulders and neck. Shanya wanted to touch her in return, to put her arms around her and pull her close.

Shanya’s body tensed as the fingers stroked her neck and tugged at her earlobes. Mom leaned towards Shanya’s neck and when her lips were only a centimeter away she softly blew. The jasmine responded with a wave of warmth that washed over Shanya.

Mom sat back up again and looked into Shanya’s eyes. She said nothing but her expression, the hint of a smile, told Shanya that everything was going to be alright. She pulled on the knot that secured her robe. It opened and the robe fell back exposing her breasts. She gave a slight shrug of her shoulders and the silk slipped off.

She lay down beside Shanya and laid her head on Shanya’s breast. Mom’s breasts pressed against her and she put a leg over Shanya’s thigh. Shanya could feel Mom’s vagina pressing against her hip.

Dad stepped forward from the shadows where he had been watching. He poured a few drops of the oil into Shanya’s navel. Mom dipped the tip of her index finger. She traced a circle around Shanya’s belly button and then made a line… straight down towards her crotch.

Shanya tensed and pulled at the ropes as the finger slowly made its way towards her most erotic zone. It continued until it was on the edge of Shanya’s crevice. It paused for a moment and then slipped in. Not far…just a little…but it was enough.

The last traces of the jasmine felt like fireworks going off inside of her. Shanya twisted to one side and then the other. Mom hugged her tight as the exotic oil sent sensual shockwaves through Shanya’s body. The glow soon started to fade and Shanya’s body relaxed. Mom slipped out of bed.

Mom and Dad dressed her but she didn’t even notice. Shanya was exhausted. They untied the ropes from the headboard and the foot board. Shanya held out her wrists to have them untied too.

‘Sorry dear’ said Mom ‘the kids are looking forward to letting you go when they get back.’

Mom and Dad carried her back to Ling’s room and retied her to the bed, spread eagled as she had been before. By now Shanya didn’t mind being tied a little longer. The kids had some fun. Mom and Dad had some fun. Shanya certainly had some fun.

Shanya fell asleep but not for long. She woke up to a hand stroking her hair. She opened her eyes to see Loke sitting on the edge of the bed. She wanted some fun too.
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Post by Shanya »

Just saw this story. Wow. Thank you for reposting it! I thought I lost it haha. Thank you very much.
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Post by jafib »

[mention]Shanya[/mention] is your username related to the story? ;)

Anyways, nice story. Seems like a good candidate for continuation, too.
What would be the best place to post then? In Stories for Adults with a link here, or does it make sense to post directly in here?
Meet Jessica in the Garage, Alica the baby-sitter, Phillip tieing up teen girls
Adult Stories: Naughty Tamara, Josefine the Model (all M/F)

Feedback motivates me to write more and continue a story :)
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Post by Soraka »

jafib wrote: 2 years ago @Shanya is your username related to the story? ;)

Anyways, nice story. Seems like a good candidate for continuation, too.
What would be the best place to post then? In Stories for Adults with a link here, or does it make sense to post directly in here?
I guess it works best if you post it in stories for adults to make sure it gets the attention it deserves. Also link to the previous chapters from there and put a link over here.

Easiest solution would be to post everything in this topic, but I’m not sure if as many people are reading this section as the other sections.
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