BoundJiraxys15 : 01 - Ian and Christina's knotty Winter Break (f/m)

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BoundJiraxys15 : 01 - Ian and Christina's knotty Winter Break (f/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

BoundJiraxys15's stories
01 - Ian and Christina's knotty Winter Break
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By BoundJiraxys15

Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:09 pm

Hello guys, this is BoundJiraxys15 here with my first story attempt. So, I would like a lot of responses to this topic telling me what I should improve on, cuz I wanna get better at this lol.
Ian and Christina's knotty Winter Break (f/m)

Ian was a 15 year old boy, very into video games, basket ball, and socializing with his friends. Being blonde haired, green eyed, having an athletic build, at 5'6, and smart, he was somewhat attractive. He had been looking forward to winter break for the longest time, since mid terms were a pain in the ass for him since his parents pushed him really hard academically. He was looking forward to seeing his friends and playing countless hours of video games. However, not everything went Ian's way this Winter break, his parents were going on a cruise for a whole week after Christmas, and instead of being left with one of his guy friends, he was thrust upon the single mother of one of his female friends, Christina. Christina, like him, was also 15, but she had a secret crush on Ian since grade school.

Ian knew he was straight; he has had been in several relationships before, but he has never really fantasizes about anything, or look for any quirks he had. Nor had he considered Christina a potential girl friend, despite how attractive her 5'6, long legged , green eyed, straight brown hair looked on her athletically built body. Ian was about to discover feelings for Christina, and learn to love bondage, the 'knotty way'.

Chapter 1

It was a cold, 40 degree December day in Miami, FL. Ian's alarm rang at 9 o'clock, with the annoying tune of Justin Bieber's 'Baby' on Y-100. Ian grunted out of annoyance. He did not want to wake up yet, but his parents were departing for a 1 week cruise, commemorating their 20 Years of marriage. He would have to stay with a friend, but it wasn't with any of his best friends, it was with Christina a pretty girl that was a friend, but he hadn't really developed any relationship with her.

Ian turned off his alarm and got up. His bare feet turned cold at the touch of his soles onto the floor. He started packing before he had breakfast: a camera just in case he went anywhere, his Wii just in case him and her got bored, his laptop, and clothes, including several sweaters, jackets, pajamas, socks, t-shirts, jeans, and bandannas for when he went out and played basketball, even though he doubted that Christina would play it with him. He had breakfast, took a shower, and quickly got changed. He was wearing jeans, Nike shoes, a long-sleeved shirt, and his favorite navy blue zip up hoodie.

Ian's mom, Clara, called out to him as it was time to depart for Christina's house. Ian let out a sigh as he grabbed his stiff and walked out the door. His mom and dad were already in the car as he loaded his bag of stuff, put his hands in the pockets of his jacket, and got into the car.

"This is going to be a long week" he thought.

The ride to Christina's house was only 5 minutes. Ian was constantly reminded that his mom and Christina's were childhood friends, and that it would be nice for him and her to get along. He waived good bye to his parents, as he, holding his stuff with one hand, and his other hand in the pocket of his hoodie, walked up to ring the door bell of the home Christina and her mother lived in.

Christina's mom, Nicole answered the door.
"Well hello there, Ian! It's been such a long time since I have seen you!" she greeted. Christina and Ian haven't been doing things for 5 months.
"It is nice to see you to, ma'am." he kindly replied, remembering his manners.
"Same to you! We are going to enjoy having your company over for a week, and Christina will, too! Please, come inside. It is too cold, Christina is waiting for you in her room."

So Ian walked inside the small house, and ventured into Christina's room. Her room was painted blue, and had a Japanese-style bed, but the rest of the room, seemed fairly modern. He glanced over his shoulder to see Christina, by her drawer, looking like she was looking through her belongings in some sort of rush. She was wearing skinny jeans, a tank top, a half way zipped up black hoodie, and was barefoot. Her green eyes and pretty face turned over to look at Ian with a startled glance. She immediately stopped what she was doing, and looked at him.

"Uhh, Uhh, Ian. Wasn-wasn't expecting you so soon." she stammered, while blushing.
"Hello Christina" Ian said while smiling at his brunette friend. Â "Mind if I lay my stuff by your closet?" he asked.

This snapped Christina out of her startled state of mind.

"Oh, uh, yes. Sorry!" she replied. Ian gave a nod and out his stuff by Christina's closet.
"You are going to be staying a whole week!" she shrieked.
"Haha yeah." chuckled Ian. "I hope we have a lot of fun!"
Christina's face lit up. "Oh yes we will! I will make sure that we have lots of fun!" she added.

Little did Ian know what fun Christina, his long time female friend, had in store for him.

Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:01 pm

Ian and Christina's knotty Winter Break (F/m)
Chapter 2
The day had gone by fairly quickly. Despite it being cold outside, Christina and Ian had decided to hop into the pool earlier. Christina bad blushed and made a comment about how nice Ian's feet looked. Although a little bit worded out by it, he laughed it off. Christina had tried to persuade him to stay barefoot in the house, but for all his life, Ian was rarely a person who would walk around barefoot, so he walked around in his champion ankle socks for most of the time.

It was 2 AM in the morning. Ian had hooked up his Wii, and was playing Golden Eye with Christina. She was in a small, pink tank top, and pink shorts, and barefoot, for her pajamas, Ian wore a blue t-shirt, gray shorts, and kept his ankle socks on. Christina was tired of Ian blowing her out of the water so many games with a pistol while she had the Mastadon, an automatic shot gun. After their game had ended, Christina playfully wrestled Ian onto her bed (they were to sleep on the same bed, for Christina had a king size bed. But, for no sexual reasons, only as good friends.) She playfully pinned Ian's hands behind his back and tried taking off his socks. But, Ian was too strong for her. As he wriggles around, he was laughing hard at Christina's vein attempt to make him go barefoot.

"Hahaha, stop it Christina." Ian laughed loudly. But Christina hadn't stopped. She just simply smiled, and managed to sit ontop of Ian's back, trying to peel his socks off. Christina needed to think of something quick to distract him so she could de sock him. She remembered how ticklish Ian was, so, she quickly spun around on top of his back, and dug her lovely, pink finger nails into his arm pits. Ian immediately burst out in laughter. Christina had forgotten how loud Ian was when he was being tickled.

"Shh, Ian, you are too loud!" she stated.
"Sorry Christina, I can't help it. If you are so annoyed by my laughter, maybe you should just stop tickling me, the ." he pleaded.

Christina chuckled at his plea, and came for a second onslaught of tickling right into Ian's armpits. His laughter quickly exploded from his voice box, so Christina acted quickly, and clamped both of her soft, feminine hands over Ian's mouth to muffle his laughter as to not wake up her sleeping mother. Ian playfully mmphed into her palms .

"Guess every time you laugh, I will have to cover your mouth with my hand or something." Christina stated as she went and kissed Ian on the cheek. Then, Ian let out a small mmph of gratitude from out of her palms, but noticed a special feeling he hadn't felt before. He was developing feelings for Christina. Ian blushed as Christina removed her handgag.

1 hour later at 3 in the morning, Christina was still up on FaceBook, talking to friends. Ian wanted her to wrestle him onto the bed again, but this time so he could win and get payback for her tickling him. So, he purposefully began to poke Christina in the ribs, and would cover her eyes with his hands when she would turn around.

"You know, Ian, this is getting annoying!" Christina said.
"I know." Ian said as he continued to cover her eyes. Finally, Ian took his hands off her eyes, and waited a few seconds for her to continue typing messages in chat with her friends. Finally, a few seconds layer, he sprang up from behind her, and ferociously dug his nails into her rib cage. However, Ian had forgotten that Christina was a blackbelt that would kick his ass in 3rd Grade when they would fight as anime characters. So, she instantly jabbed Ian with her elbow to keep him away, and pushed off from the chair she was sitting on to give he momentum to knock Ian into the bed. She playfully threatened to beat him up, so Ian gave in.

"I am so sorry, Christina!!!" Ian apologized.
"Hahahaha, you don't go and interrupt a girl during her own girl time with her friends and expect it to go un punished". She responded.

For some reason, that sentence made Ian stop in his tracks and stay frozen on the bed. What did she mean by punish? Would she tickle him? Beat him up? That is precisely what he asked.

"Oh, Ian. I must say, I will punish you severely" she said. "You must agree to be my Slave for the week that you are here, and go through any punishment I want you to, and do whatever you say, or else consequences will be much severe!" she said.

"Alright." Said Ian. "You may give me what I deserve."

"Good, glad you understand!" said Christina, ecstatic as she raced over to the drawer Ian saw her rummaging through earlier. She pulled out:
- her make up bag
- a feather
- 100 ft of rope
- several rolls of duct tale
- a ball gag with harness
- several bandanna's
- a box of zipties
- several pairs of hand cuffs
- several rolls of ace bandages

Then, she went over to her clothing drawer, and pulled out several pairs of panties and bra's. Ian had no idea what all that was for.

"Ian" she asked. "Give me your socks."

Ian had no chance but to obey his friend, he handed over his socks to her. Then, she came up behind him, and rolled the roll of ace bandage around his blue eyes. Ian was now seeing nothing but black. She then ordered him to put his hands behind his back. He did as he was commanded to, and they were cuffed. Then, she grabbed Ian's legs, and bent them back to his thighs, and secured them with rope. Ian was now frogtied and blindfolded by his friend Christina, and at her mercy. She pushed him onto the bed, and proceeded to tickle his feet. Once again, laughter got the better of Ian as he burst out in a symphony of humor. This was what Christina wanted.

She put a hand over Ian's mouth, and said that it was time for him to shut up. She grabbed Ian's two ankle socks , and ordered him to open his mouth. He did as was commanded. The socks were stuffed deep into his mouth, making each of his cheeks bulge. Then, she grabbed two bandanna's, one with a knot in the middle, and tied it in between Ian's stuffed mouth to secure the packing. Then, she took another bandanna, and tied it over his cleave gag like a detective gag. Just as Ian thought she was done, he heard the ripping of tape. Christina began to wind it around his head and jaw about 3 times.

Ian was now her slave for the week, and had to deal with anything and everything for annoying her. He as bound and gagged.

"Now, the real fun begins!" said a smirking Christina, kissing Ian's forehead.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:47 pm

Ian and Christina's knotty Winter Break (F/m)
Chapter 3

Oh, how helpless Ian saw was, he was frogtied by his friend, Christina at 3 in the morning with handcuffs and rope because he was annoying her a lot while she was on FaceBook, trying to wrestle her down and tickle her. How quickly the tables have turned. He was handgagged first as she teased him by tickling him, so his laughs would be muffled by her soft palms. He had ace bandage wrapped around his eyes as a blindfold. He was barefoot, at her tickling mercy. His socks were stuffed in his mouth, making his cheeks bulge. They were secured in place by a knotted Cleve gag, then an OTM detective style gag over the knotted Cleve gag with a bandanna, then duct tape wrapped around the head and mouth, covering the bandanna and jaw, restricting his jaw movement. All Ian could do was mmph into his gag as he waited for punishment from Christina, who said that he was to be her slave for a week.

"Alright, Ian." started Christina. "Before I start having fun with you, I just had to let you know that it is pretty apparent that you are having fun 'down under' hahahah!" chuckled Christina. Ian's cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment and he mmphed angrily into his gag as he knew perfectly well what this remark meant. However, what seemed peculiar to him was why Christina was paying attention to that area in the first place.

However, Ian had little time to contemplate as Christina jumped on top of him with a feather. She began teasing his feet with it.

"mmph" Ian went into his gag. He knew he wasn't prepared for the feathery onslaught of tickling that was about to come upon him. Ian, however, secretly knew that he was enjoying the erotic situation. He just hoped Christina hadn't 'noticed it.'

However, foot teasing with her feather was all Christina did before getting off of Ian. She removed the ace bandage off his eyes, and unlocked his handcuffs. She then cut the rope that she used to tie his legs into a frogtie. Next, she painfully unwound the tape 5 times off of Ian's head.

"mmph!" Ian shouted into his sock stuffed mouth as the hair stuck to his hair while his duct tape gag was being peeled off. If it weren't for the detective gag and knotted cleave gag securing the socks in his mouth, he surely would have screamed out of pain. Finally, Christina took both bandanna's of Ian's mouth, allowing him to spit both of his ankle socks out of his mouth. They were drenched in saliva. It was 5 AM, and Ian had been bound and gagged since 3, him and Christina were finally going to get some sleep.

"Christina" Ian said. "Even though I am your slave for a week, I must say, this was a fun experience."
"Haha yeah, I can tell, it is pretty apparent!" Christina stated. Ian, again, turned red out of embarrassment.

Christina pleased him with a kiss on the cheek. However, just as Ian was about to step into bed, Christina said:

"Oh no, not yet your not!"

Ian got up and sighed, but Christina ignored his lethargy.

"Ian, you will sleep like a mummy tonight." she said.
"What does that mean?" asked Ian. He was a bit worried. Was he to be wrapped up in tape or what?
"Go retrieve a Pull over hoodie from your back pack." she replied. Ian went over to his bag of belongings, and pulled out his gray pullover hoodie.
"Put it on, now!" Christina demanded. Ian complied. She the. Ordered him to put his hands in his jacket pockets. He did so.
"Make sure you are holding your hands together in your kangaroo-like pouch!" affirmed Christina, when she saw that Ian did so, she took the ace bandage, and began to wrap all around Ian's waist and arm, securing his hands In the kangaroo pouch of his jacket.
"Now. Time to go to sleep!" Christina commanded as she went and grabbed a sleeping mask from her desk and put it over Ian's eyes.
"Now, I gotta make sure your snoring is not unbearable for me!" she said as she took the two bandanna's from earlier. She made a knot in the middle of one and stuck it in Ian's mouth as a cleavegag. The next one she tied over his cleave gagged mouth as an OTM detective gag. So, his cleave gag was being covered by another bandanna gag. Not really effective, but good enough. Before she had forgotten, Christina had decided to tie Ian's bare feet together with the ace bandage as well.

"Now, my mom has to get up for a meeting tomorrow at 8 AM. I will set my alarm for 7 AM so I can untie you, have breakfast, wait for her to leave, and then we can continue our little fun." Christina stated.
"ommph kaymph" replied Ian, not tightly gagged. Christina pulled Ian's hood up, and pulled the drawstrings really tightly. This made Ian practically look like and sound like Kenny from South Park: tightly hooded and muffled face. Christina tied his drawstrings together so that the tightness of the hood was retained.

Ian drifted asleep, wondering what tomorrow would bring him. As he drifted closer into his bound and gagged sleep, little did he know, Christina had decided to cuddle up next to him. Her alarm was set to 7 to untie Ian, wait for mom to go to work, and begin her day as Ian's master-of-the-week-of-sorts.


Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:26 am

Ian and Christina's knotty Winter Break (F/m)
Chapter 4


"mmph?" grunted a sleepy bound, gagged, and blindfolded Ian. His hair and body was all sweaty from Christina forcing him to wear his gray pullover hoodie, with the hood up and drawstringed tightly while bound and gagged for the night.

The clock read 7 AM, the time Christina's mom was getting up to go to work. Christina jumped out of bed, her bare feet hitting the cold floor. She walked over to her desk and pulled out a pair of scissors. She quickly cut off the Ace bandages that bound Ian's feet and arms. Then, she undid his tight hood, took off the sleeping mask, and untied the two bandanna's she used to keep him gagged. This first one was drenched in saliva, for having a knot in it that was wedged behind his teeth, as he had been forced to bite down on it. Immediately, Ian jumped out of bed, rubbing his eyes. He had not seen light in a while. He flexed his-once-bound limbs. He was wearing Panama shorts, T-shirt, his gray Hollister Pullover hoodie, and was barefoot from the previous night's events. It was cold inside the house, so Christina had decided to put her pink pullover UM hoodie over her pajama top. They both went out for breakfast.

Fortunately for them, Christina's mom had already made them pancakes with bacon, sausage, and coffee. They both sat down, as Christina's mom turned around to greet then both good morning.

"Well good morning, you two! Looks like the early bird chill has gotten to you already!" she chuckled, seeing both of them in their jackets. "Ian, did you enjoy your first night here? You and Christina stayed up pretty late playing video games and such!"

Ian replied "Yes, I had fun, and and a good night sleep! It was a 'binding' experience!" he commented.
"Glad to hear that." she replied back.
"Hahaha yes. It was quite indeed. Christina knows that I was,'quite literally, bound and ga---" before Ian was able to finish, Christina had clamped her right hand over Ian's mouth to muffle his speech. At first, Ian tried licking her hand, but when she started to retaliate by smearing it around his face while handgagging him, he decided to play along and talked into her hand.

"mmphdmdpmpxjhodmpph" was the sound of Ian's playful mmph's. Christina's mom turned around and laughed.
"Alright, I gotta go!" she said as she picked up her purse and walked out the door.
"Bye!" shouted Christina while still handgagging Ian. As soon as the door slammed, she took her other hand and pinched his nose while she was handgagging him.
"You shall not tell my mom about your punishment, ok?" she said" pinching and letting go of Ian's nose, playing with his breath. Finally, she let go and un handgagged him. Ian took in a quick breath of air, and replied Ok.
"as punishment, you shall be bound and gagged the whole day...but there is a catch."' she said.
"and what would that be?" Ian replied.
"you have to strip and change into my panties and bra while I tie you up and put make up on you and take pictures at will!"'she replied.
Ian had no choice but to comply. They walked back to Christina's room after finishing breakfast, where she pulled out rope, her make up kit, a ball gag, her small panties and small bra that were both pink and had hearts on them, and an extra pair of clean panties. She handed Ian the pink-with-hearts bra and panties to change in. As he had begun walking, Christina ran up to him by the bathroom door.
"Hey...uh...Ian"' she said, blushing and twiddling her thumbs. "There is something I have been meaning to say to you for a long time..."
"Hehe, spit it out I guess." he said awkwardly. Then, Christina moved her slender body up to Ian's as she pinned him to the bathroom door.
"I...I love you!" she said as she began to kiss him passionately on the lips. Ian looked back at her as she pulled back. He stared into her dazzling hazle eyes for a minute before nodding and beginning to kiss her back...

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Post by Canuck100 »

Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:04 pm

Ian and Christina's knotty Winter Break (F/m)
Chapter 5


After their passionate kiss, Ian waltzed into the bathroom by Christina's room. As he was changing into only bra and panties, he let out a sigh of anxiety, as he had little knowledge of what his good friend had in store for him.

"Eww!" said Ian, disgustedly after looking at himself in the mirror, clad in only bra and panties. Ian had never thought that he would see the day that he would see a man in women's undergarments, let alone that man being himself. His checks flushed red with embarrassment as he walked ashamedly out of the bathroom, to receive today's torture. He kept on reminding himself that he had five more days of this.

Christina was waiting outside. When she turned around, she had to clamp a hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing, even though there was no one in the house.

"Hahaha! Ian, this is priceless, I seriously should start taking pictures now and posting them on FaceBook!" she cried. "You look so good in those!" she said sarcastically. Christina could not hide her chuckles from Ian, who was still red as a tomato with embarrassment. He had no comment on the matter.

"Alright." Christina said. " Follow me into my room. There, I will feminize you in any way I want!" she said. Ian followed her into her room. He looked onto her bed, and saw lengths of rope, a white blindfold, a spongey nerf ball,white duct tape, a make up bag, several sharpie pens, and shoe stuffing.

"Alright, come here." said Christina. Ian walked up to her. His bra was stuffed with the shoe stuffing, giving him fake boobs. Then, several coils of rope were Eli d around the upper and lower parts of his chest and tied off tightly, making his fake breasts stick out. Then he crossed his wrists behind his back, at the request of Christina, and they were tied. Then, she ran a rope from the lower part of his fake breast rope, under his crotch, all the way up his back to the top part of his fake breast rope to simulate a fake crotch rope.

"Ok now. Lay flat on your stomach!" Commanded Christina. Ian layer down on the bed, face first into her plush blankets as he noticed he was beginning to get hard.

"Oh shit!" he thought. He could bot believe that his de-masculinization and feminization was turning him on. At least being on his back would hide his boner. Christina tied his feet together, his big toes together, and lifted his ankles up at what looked like a 45 degree angle. She then proceeded to wrap rope around via ankles, tying it off tightly. The , she wound more rope around his feet, and pulled that rope around his arms, where she continued to wrap it around his arms before tying it off. Ian was hogtied with a fake crotch rope, fake breasts, and fake breast rope.

He was getting hard. However, he had little time to focus on that as Christina asked him to open his mouth. Ian reluctantly complied, and he spongy nerf ball was stiffed in his mouth. Then, Christina sealed it in with the white duct tape, wrapping it around Ian's head at least 10 times, covering any part of the ball that stuck out of his mouth and restricting his jaw movement. He was unable to make a sound except for some low grunts and mmph's. Ian was barefoot, in a bra with fake boobs, panties, tightly bound and gagged with a hogtie, crotch rope and breast rope. Also, being gagged just made him harder.

He looked to his right, and saw Christina approaching him with the sharpies and make up.

"time to give you a gorgeous make over!" decreed Christina loudly.

Ian let out an mmph of terror.

Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:31 pm

Ian and Christina's knotty Winter Break (F/m)

Chapter 6


And there Ian was. Tightly hogtied, getting harder by the second with his surprisingly effective crotch rope. Wearing panties, and a bra with fake breasts. His pleads were muffled by the spongy nerf ball that was lodged in his mouth, secured by white duct tape wrapped around his head ten times. All he could do was produce a muffled scream as Christina came towards him with her makeover equipment.

"Now now, Ian. Let's proceed with giving you lips." she said, pulling our a red sharpie out of her hand bag. She proceeded to draw lips on the white duct tape that secured the nerd ball in Ian's mouth. Ian felt the bulge in his pants get harder with every pen stroke. He could not believe that he was actually enjoying this. Finally, the lips were made. She proceeded to take out some blush it on Ian's cheek. He erotically shook around, enjoying it too much. He groaned as he was thrashing about.

"Shhh!" whispered Christina. "If you shut up and let me turn you into a pretty girl, then I will give you something nice in return!" she assured.

Ian liked the sound of that.

So, he continued to let his masculinity fade away with every stroke of the blush brush. As soon as his cheeks were nice and pink, eye shadow was added to his eyes.

Ian had the face of a girl. Surely Christina would reward him, but he could not speak through his thick gag.

"Hahahahaha!" she laughed. "We are not done exactly yet..." she said pulling out a camera. Ian shot her a worried look as she shot him a wicked grin.

"These pictures are definitely going on FaceBook!" she said turning the power button "ON"'on her camera. All Ian could do was whimper as the artificial light of the camera captured tie embarrassing moment in time when he lost his masculinity. However, he still knew, that what was going on with his emotions, was most certainly different.

He felt excited, happy, worried, scared, humiliated, and ecstatic all at the same time...

I believe this is the part of the story where I would like to consider moving it to the "Fictional Intimate TUGs" section to spice it up a bit :)

Sorry for such a short part.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:33 pm

Ian and Christina's knotty Winter Break (F/m)
Chapter 7

*WARNING* this Chapter may get intimate...squeamish readers beware!!!
His face had just endured a makeover. His cheeks were still bulging from his stuffing, held in by white duct tape wrapped around his head. Make shift lips were drawn on the tape. He had fake breasts, made with a bra and stuffing, and was in panties. He had a fake crotch rope to go along with his strict hogtie in panties. He was feminized by Christina.

She looked back and admired her work. She then sat on top of Ian, putting the soles of her bare feet on his nose as she undid his fake crotch rope. Ian was already super hard, he couldn't get any harder with Christina sitting on his back, stroking his body as she took off the fake crotch rope. It was then he began to wonder if they were officially boyfriend and girl friend.

"Ian..." she began. "You look so damn cute!" she said, giggling. The pretty, brunette Christina released Ian from his hogtie, and took his gag out. The nerf ball was drenched in saliva. Ian worked his jaw around. It was sore from the nerf ball that had been stuck in his mouth, secures by duct tape.

"Christina...I really don't know how to say this, but I really so enjoy being your slave. Now, I must admit...I have a love for bondage ever since I was in the third grade. Also, that is when our friendship really took off, and my feelings for you, as well. I love you!" said Ian, approaching Christina.

Him and her had the whole house to themselves for the day. Christina's mom had left for work. This confession of Ian's love for Christina could not have come at a better time.

"You already know about my crush on you..."'she said. "A new era begins, we are now in a loving relationship. I love you too, Ian. I have thought naughty things about you, but now, I no longer have a gray cloud of guilt over my head about it." she replied

They began to kiss passionately. One may have called it "tongue wrestling" that pushed both people onto Christina's bed.

Their lips and tongues were meeting in a battle of violent passion. They were twisting and turning. Finally, Christina repelled herself from Ian's body.

"I am still your mistress!" she said, getting up. She moved behind Ian, and she laid her head on one of her memory foam pillows as she pulled him into her, his head by her boobs. She whispered into his ear "I promised you I would reward you for being such a good sport. I will keep my promise as mistress and lover to you!" she affirmed. "I will do it in more ways than one."

She reached to her night table, and got a box of Kleenex. Ian began to wonder what was going to trespass.

"The panties...lose them..." she commanded.
"But..I will be nude!" he said.
"I it!" she commanded.

Ian worked the heart-patterned panties off his crotch, and as soon as he did, his manhood was revealed. It was alive and well from the kinkiness of the events that had transpired earlier.

"Don't worry, you will get to clean the make up off your face later!" stated Christina. She took a pair of handcuffs, and cuffed Ian's hands behind his back. She blindfolded him with cloth.

"I do not want you to see what I am about to do, I want you to feel it!" she said. Christina balled up the panties, and said "I want you to be quiet, so these panties will find their way into your gorgeous mouth. My hand will keep them there." she said.

Ian nodded, and opened his mouth. The wad of female lingerie was forces into his mouth. He felt Christina's soft, feminine right hand come over and secure it in. With her other hand, she reached over and grabbed Ian's penis.

"Mmph!" he grunted, alarmed.
"Shhh!" Christina spat back, tightening her grip on his mouth, pushing the panties further behind his teeth and applying more pressure with her palm.
"When it is all over, you will be begging me for more!" she mischievously said as she began to rub Ian's junk off.

It started off slowly, and got faster as she rubbed up and down his shaft in a rhythmic motion.

Ian moaned. Expecting to climax later on. He had never masturbated before, so he never knew when he was going to climax.

He just could not believe he was getting his first hand job...and he was loving everything about it, already embracing his next 'rewards' that he would possibly earn on this 'knotty' Winter Break adventure.


Fri May 06, 2011 5:04 am

"Mmph, Mmph, Mmph!" Ian's grunts became louder and louder as he was reaching closer to climaxing. He was unable to thoroughly moan from the handjob due to Christina handgagging him with panties stuffed in his mouth. She continued rubbing up his shaft up and down really fast.

"MMPH!" finally, he came. Christina removed her hand from his penis, grabbed the kleenex she had, and wiped off the tip of his penis. She removed her hand from his mouth and pulled out the saliva soaked panties. Ian was panting, he had never orgasmed before in his live, unusual for a fifteen year old boy.

"So. How did you like that?" asked Christina.
"!!! All the tension I felt is gone, it felt sooo good!" replied Ian. "I can totally get used to being your captive!"
"Trust me, things will get even more romantic later!" she commented. "Can I tell you a secret?"
"Yeah, sure." Ian replied.
"My mom knows that I want to tie you up. She was married when she was young, out of wedlock. Therefore, she believes in young love. She accepts me for being kinky. It is weird to say...but she is fine with us having a sexual/intimate relationship and Tie Up Games! Therefore, I can keep you tied up and naked all I want! My mom has toy's that she buys for me that we can use!" replied Christina. "Go wash your face, so I can leave you all nice and tight for when my mom gets home, she will laugh!"
"Alright." replied Ian as he made his way to a bathroom to wash up. He was to stay nude. Christina went to her mom's room to get some "toys".

Ian had finished washing up in the bathroom, and he walked out, thinking about all the naughty things Christina would do to him. Christina came back with a duffel bag. She dumped it out onto the floor to reveal:
- 3 vibrators
- a pair of vibrating nipple clamps
- a red ball gag without a harness
- two dildo's
- a white cloth
- a bottle holding a clear substance

Christina took the cloth and dabbed some of the colorless substance on it. "Ian, what I am going to do, I don't want you to see, so you are going to go to sleep." before Ian could react, she placed the cloth tightly over his mouth and nose. It smelled sweet. Ian began to get dizzy, and finally, passed out.

Christina grabbed the regular red ball gag, two pairs of handcuffs, the pair of vibrating nipple clamps, a regular vibrator, some duct tape, and proceeded to get to work as she picked Ian up and dragged him to a chair.


Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:33 am

Two hours later...

Ian woke up, unsure of himself, he was dizzy and his vision was cloudy, but was getting better by the second. What hat happened again, oh yeah, Christina happened. She chloroformed him. He looked down and saw himself. He was stripped to his underwear. His feet were cuffed to a chair, and his hands were cuffed behind it.

"What is the meaning of this?" he said. But no one was around. He started tugging on the cuffs, but to no success was he able to help his situation.

"Hahahaha!" chuckled Christina as she emerged from the bathroom. She was holding what appeared to be a roll of duct tape. In the other hand, she was holding a ball gag, and a pair of wet panties.

"Ian, Ian, Ian. I hope you've realized it. We are boyfriend and girlfriend now. We can get kinky. In fact, my mom got home a while ago, and believe it or not, she is ok with these 'games' of ours. Like I said before, you are to be my bondage slave for the duration of our time together!"

She approached Ian and started rubbing his crotch, he began to moan in ecstasy.

"What I am about to do to you will drive you over the edge!" Christina declared. Ian wondered what she'd do, then, he saw that out of her pocket, she pulled out a vibrator.

"I got this from my mom's room...hope you have fun with it." she said, followed by a wink.

"These panties I am holding...I have not washed them in a week, and 'have my pleasures' all over them, all for you to smell!" she said. Ian began to struggle, but Christina approached him with her goodies. First, she went up to Ian, and clamped her hand over his mouth as she proceeded to duct tape the vibrator to his briefs. Then, she inserted the ball gag into his mouth, and then taped her 'pleasure panties' to his nose for him to smell.

"Alright, I will be back in half an our or so, preparing to get more goodies and preparing our naughty days ahead. If you haven't been finished off yet, then I will finish you off. Have fun!" she winked.

Then, Christina turned the Vibrator to medium on the remote control she was holding. Ian's cock immediately came to life, with the sensations from the vibrator, and the smell of Christina's juice on the panties taped to his nose.

"Mmmmph!" Ian moaned. As each minute passes, his groans of pleasure and ecstasy would get louder and louder. He was starting to drool from his ball gag, and his penis was throbbing with excitement. He just wanted to finish himself off already, but the handcuffs prevented his dirty hands from doing so.

This was is, his penis is in paradise and he is not able to 'fulfill his pleasures'. It was getting harder and harder by the minute, when would Christina get back for his happy ending?

Half and hour later, Ian thought he was about to explode, luckly, Christina came in. The site of her tight ass and well sized breasts only turned him on more.

"Well well." she said. "We are going to have to deal with your little friend here, aren't we?"

After saying that, Ian got all gitty in his chair. His ball gag still producing drool that dripped on to his vibrator-taped underwear.

Christina hit a button on a remote, and the machine ceased. She walked up to her restrained captive, and pulled his pants down. Then, like a witch, she began to work her magic...

Note from Canuck: this was the last part I could find
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