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Story I read before on dreambook (FFF/M)

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 1:25 pm
by Soraka
by jasonammzb4 » Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:28 pm

Written by somebody called Carol

This is my 1st story and I know it's very long. I apologize in advance and hope that everyone enjoys it.

Last summer, in September I think, Pete took a week off from work to do some work around the house. I had invited 2 of my friends over for drinks one day and we were watching him from the deck as he was out in the back yard. Both Lisa and Mary are very open-minded and have participated in a few of our games before. They both commented on how sexy Pete looked as he sweating and working in the yard. Suddenly we started talking about having him tied up out there and the three of us teasing and playing with him under the hot sun. We all were excited at the thought of him being helpless and covered with sweat as we toyed with him. We all had our ideas on how he could be tied up, but Mary came up with the most devious way. She suggested that we bury him up to his head. She said that she thought it would be absolutely miserable for him, yet he wouldn’t be in any pain. Lisa and me looked at each other and liked the idea. Since we lived in the southwest, there were plenty of sandy areas on our property and I knew of a place not far from the house that would be perfect. After a few minutes of talking and thinking about it, I told them that I would get Pete to dig a hole in that spot and that we could “bury his ass” tomorrow.

After Lisa and Mary left, I asked Peter if he would do something special for me and I took him to where I wanted him to dig. Of course, he asked why I wanted him to dig a hole, but I only said because it was a surprise. After some more coaxing, he finally gave in and started digging. It took him over an hour, but there was a hole about 3 feet wide and maybe 4 feet deep. Later that night, Pete was understandably tired and we went to bed almost immediately after dinner. The next morning, I told Peter that Lisa and Mary would be coming over for lunch and that we planned on lying out in the sun afterward. I told him that I thought it’d be a pleasure if he’d join us. He said that he would. About 1:00, Lisa arrived and we talked for a bit until Mary showed up. Peter fixed drinks for us and over drinks I suggested that the three of us pamper and feed him and he wouldn’t even have to lift a finger. It was obvious that Peter liked the thought of that by his smile. And then his smile turned to surprise when I said that we would tie his hands. He wasn’t expecting to be tied up, but I knew that he wouldn’t complain about it either. Peter was aware that I had something special in store for him since only Lisa had participated in a couple of our bondage games before.

I had him take his shirt off and had him put his hands behind his back. Since Mary came up with the idea, I let her tie his hands behind him as Lisa and me watched. She crossed his wrists behind him and wound the clothesline rope around his crossed wrists making sure that he couldn’t reach the rope with his fingers. She must have tied 4 or 5 knots in the rope as she was winding the rope around his wrists. There was no possible way for him to break free. We had him sit in a chair as I started making some sandwiches and preparing some other snacks. Meanwhile, Mary and Lisa changed into their bikinis. It didn’t take long for me to prepare our picnic lunch and then I went to go change too. While I was changing, Lisa and Mary sat with Peter and lightly teased him by running their fingers and hands over him getting him nice and hard. When I came back into the kitchen, we grabbed the picnic basket and a cooler and we walked Peter outside and to the sandy area where I had him dig the hole.

It now occurred to him what we were going to do. He protested a little, but I assured him that there was no possible way that we would hurt him. Peter was very aware of this, however, I knew he was a little scared. We sat him down next to the hole and we stripped down to our bikinis. Before we had him get into the hole, I tied his feet loosely together and ran my hand up and down his hardened cock. The three of us then helped him into the hole. It was deeper than I thought and Peter had to be on his knees to keep his head out of the hole. Mary, Lisa, and me then started pushing the sand into the hole around him. When we had him about halfway buried, I turned on a near-by hose and soaked the sand around him to make it heavy and impossible for him to move. Then we pushed more sand around him which I wet down some more. As I mentioned before, the hole was deeper than I thought and Peter had to stretch his neck and have his face looking up. The sand was packed down under his chin and his ears were barely above the ground. I could tell that he couldn’t even move his head from side to side. It was perrrrrrfect !!!!!! All he could do was stare up at Mary, Lisa, and me surrounding him. We taunted him some knowing that he was hard, but helpless to do anything about it. Knowing that he was unable to move an inch having his hands and feet tied and buried in the sand excited us.

Lisa and Mary soon stood up and set up the beach chairs and towels. I bent down and gave Peter a long kiss, which I’m sure that he enjoyed. I then stood up and stood inches from his exposed face and smiled at who was helpless at my feet. We had set up the chairs about 10 feet in front of him so we could watch his agony of only being able to stare at us. After about 30 minutes, Lisa got up and gave Peter and drink of water. It was getting a little warm and had Peter asked for it. She knelled down and let the water slowly drip from her bottle into his mouth. However, I wanted to make it fun, so Mary and me got up and stood next where his head was sticking out of the sand and raised our bottles to let little drops of water fall over his face and mouth. Lisa laughed at our little harmless torture and Peter tried desperately to catch each droplet in his mouth, but we purposely were aiming for anywhere but his mouth. After a few minutes of our “Chinese Water Torture”, Lisa took a towel and dried off his exposed face. We verbally teased him of his predicament as we were standing around his head for a few minutes, but went back to our comfortable chairs. We watched him endure the warm sun beating down upon him and not complaining at all. We all were getting fairly warm after being there for almost an hour, so we each took the hose and sprayed the cold water over ourselves. I knew that this added to the torment that Peter was experiencing, but letting him watch 3 women in bikinis get ourselves wet all over, I’m sure kept him hard.

We went back to our chairs and let the sun dry us. But it was now time for our picnic lunch. We laid a towel in front his head and as I let him take a bite of a sandwich. Mary would feed him cheese and chips and Lisa was providing with sips of soda. As promised, we had told him that we would feed him and he wouldn’t have to lift a finger, as if he could, but Lisa, Mary, and I loved this. We cleaned picked up our mess and wiped his cheeks and mouth clean and we again surrounded his exposed face. As we stood above Peter’s face gazing up at us, I told him that it was now time for dessert. I pulled down the bottom portion of my bikini and stepped out of it. Mary and Lisa, who were on either side of me smiled because they knew what I going to do. Peter couldn’t take his eyes off of my pussy and he also knew that he’d soon be pleasing me.

I sat in front of Peter on the towel that we had laid down before we fed him, and I stretched out my legs on either side of his head. I had to scrap away some sand from under his chin and in front of him because I wanted his mouth sucking directly on my pussy. As I squirmed closer to his tongue that was reaching out for me, I was becoming wet with anticipation. I felt his tongue split my lips. It felt so wonderful that I let out a moan that my friends could hear. I could hear both Lisa and Mary giggling behind me, but I was able to block their laughter out as I was getting lost in the moment. I closed my eyes and reached down to hold Peter’s head tightly between my spread thighs. He was sucking and licking all of my flowing juices as I smothered his face with my pussy.

I have no idea how long it took for me to explode in one of the most wonderful orgasms that I’ve ever had, but I wasn’t satisfied with just one. I made my helpless husband make me cum a second time and it was just as delicious as the first. I slid myself away slightly to catch my breath and I looked down at his head sticking out of the ground. He looked so helpless and vulnerable and exhausted. He looked up at me with a pleading look on his face that looked so adorable. I consoled him by running my fingers through his hair and stroking my hands over his exposed face and cheeks. Once I caught by breath, I stood and wrapped a towel around me. I smiled down at my captive husband, knowing that the only escape for him was from me. I turned to my friends and they were both smiling as much as I was. Mary and Lisa got up and joined me in front of Peter. I remember that I seemed to be a little “weak in the knees” and they helped me back to the beach chairs. Lisa returned to where Peter was buried and wiped his face dry with a towel. It was so erotic to see Lisa kneeling next to Peter’s head sticking out of the sand and wiping him clean. I suddenly told her it was now her turn and she turned to me with excitement.

She wasted no time in shedding her bikini and shoving her pussy over Peters face. Peter was helpless to argue, although I don’t think that he minded. Mary and me watched and it’s hard to explain how excited I was watching Lisa build up to an orgasm from Peter’s tongue and mouth. She rode his helpless face for at least 15 minutes before she screamed out in an obvious pleasing orgasm. Afterward she leaned over and then fell backwards onto her back, leaving Peter’s head squeezed between her spread legs. She layed there for a minute, enjoying the thrill that she had just experienced. Mary and me didn’t disturb her because I knew the pleasure that she just experienced. But she soon recuperated and leaned up to again wipe her juices from Peter’s face. She literally crawled back to her chair and joined Mary and myself and slipped back into her bikini. Mary was not to miss out. I had told her that she also would get her turn, but she wasn’t quite ready yet. She could see that Peter was exhausted from our torment. He had been tied up and buried in the sand for over 3 hours and completely unable to move any part of his body. Plus, we have kept him hard for almost the entire time. Mary walked over to him and knelled down to give him a drink and to comfort him by patting him on his pleasing head. But she returned and sat with Lisa and me to talk, laugh, enjoy the warm sun, and taunt my frustrated husband.

We would occasionally get up and cool ourselves down by squirting ourselves with water from the hose and I would squirt Peter to keep his face and head cool. However, when I wasn’t looking, Mary was preparing herself for her pleasure. She had wrapped a towel around herself and stripped down. The three of us surrounded the exposed head of my husband and all he could do was to stare up at us standing around him. Mary moved in front of him and smiled down at his face looking up at her. Lisa and me stepped back and went to our chairs to watch Mary cover Pete’s face with her pussy. She slowly squatted down and fell onto her butt. She opened up the towel that was covering her and slid herself to Peter’s face. She wrapped one leg around the back of his head to tightly press his face against her. We watched Mary slide her body up and down and squirm over his trapped face. It didn’t seem to take Mary much time to reach her orgasm but we knew that it must have been powerful for her. She screamed out letting us know how wonderful it felt for her. However, she didn’t move at all. She sat there with Peter’s mouth pressed against her pussy. She finally stretched her leg out, freeing his tapped head from her crotch. She stood up remarkable calmly and thanked Peter for making her feel so good and then came and sat with Lisa and me.

We sat and talked for while longer before we decided to call it a day. After all this time, Peter must have felt miserable being neglected and hard for so long. Mary and Lisa started cleaning and packing up as I walked over to Peter. All he could do was stare up at me smiling upon him. I stood above him and we talked for a few minutes until Mary and Lisa walked up. The three of us still took great pleasure in Peter’s situation but we knew that we now have to dig him out. It took much longer to dug him out than it did to bury him 4 hours earlier, but we finally removed enough sand to help him out of the hole. We untied his feet but I kept his hands tied behind him because I had something special for him after my friends left and got him cleaned up. Later, Peter was rewarded for the pleasure that he provided me and my friends earlier. But his hands remained tied behind him during his reward.