Cobra : 03 - Red (M/F)

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Cobra : 03 - Red (M/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Cobra's stories
03 - Red
Story index at the bottom

By Cobra

Tuesday July 20th 1999 12:37:03

One evening a few months after my little redheaded friend and I had broken up, we happened to attend the same semi-formal party one Friday night with both of us having brought along dates. Mine was purely a friendship thing - no sex or bondage - and hers was a possible candidate to take her to a higher standard of living.

I saw her almost immediately as my date and I entered the main party area, wearing a skin tight black dress with no bra, but she did not notice me until a little while later. We were next to each other at the drinks table and making the usual comments about each other's dates... she cut down mine because she always thought I liked smaller women and I cut her date down because I thought you needed a brain to be able to walk and breathe at the same time.

She got in a huff and asked me how I liked my date tied up... Did she excite me as much as she did? Did she moan through her gag like she did? Did she fight as well as she did?

I replied that we were not sexually intimate, but I thought she would look quite nice.... and as an after thought, I told her "it all depends on how a person is tied, whether or not they moan or fight their "assailant". The environment is the key and one must use it to their utmost advantage if one wishes to succeed".

She abruptly walked off - her little breasts bouncing under her dress - and stood next to her man as if to say "look at what I've got.......where's yours?" This is the EXACT reason I love redheads.....attitude! To me, it was obvious that she needed a lesson in humility and that her partner was not giving it to her. My date was off in her own world somewhere and had several guys trying to look either up her dress or down her top, she had worn a sleek two piece outfit also with no bra....... let 'em guess! They all know who she came with and they would look at me as if to say "you lucky bastard". I did not volunteer my lack of knowledge about how she looked naked, for I had never seen her that way. I just made eye contact with them and grinned - "mano e mano" - so to speak.

Well, I thought I'd look this house over while checking out the ladies. I went upstairs and was walking the halls looking for a bathroom. I opened a door to a bedroom and decided I'd use the bathroom there. I no sooner finished and was exiting when little miss aggravated red head showed up and wanted to know what I was doing. She was still a little angry and, by the smell of her, a little tipsy. I tried to walk by her, but she blocked my path.

"Oh no", I thought, a fucking scene right here in this house amongst all these people I don't even know. Shit!

I could hear voices all along the hallway from other couples either doing drugs, talking discreetly or just hanging out away from the hustle and bustle of the main party below. Red stood directly in front of me and would not let me pass, so I reacted! I reached out and grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her and grabbed her waist with my other and began moving her toward the bathroom. She was protesting slightly and began calling me names......... I ignored her and once inside the bathroom, released her and ordered her to sit on the toilet. I knelt down and raised her dress to reveal a pair of thigh highs which I grabbed and yanked down to her ankles. She tried to stand up, but my shoulders kept her pinned to the seat for the most part. I ripped off her shoes, pulled off the stockings and then yanked her off the toilet and pushed her face first toward the wall. I brought both arms behind her and used one stocking to bind her wrists tightly together. Then I sat her down on the toilet again and tied her ankles together.... crossed.... and very tight!

She was very angry, but her nipples were erect and I could sense her arousal at her situation. She was telling me how her boyfriend was gonna kick the shit outta me and how she was gonna tell everyone what a pervert I was. I had had enough of her mouth! I laid her down on the floor and exited the bathroom and headed for the closet in the adjoining bedroom. A woman's closet! Great! I grabbed a couple of scarves from the hanging rack and went to the dresser for a pair of the ever-reliable panties. I returned to the bathroom only to be met with a stream of cuss words and a very squirmy woman!

I sat her up, leaned her against the wall, wadded up the panties in front of her and waited for the appropriate moment to insert them.... I didn't wait long. She was surprized and caught off guard as I stuffed them all the way inside her open mouth. Holding them there with one hand, I got a scarf and positioned it next to her mouth, then I quickly grabbed it and pulled it through her protesting, shaking mouth and tightly tied it off behind her head. Quickly, I tied the second one immediately over the first one and made sure she was silenced.

Ahhhhhhh, peace and quiet at last.

She was looking at me with piercing eyes... her small breasts rising and falling with each quick breath she took, her exposed legs protruding outwards in front of her, her shame and humiliation and being so helpless at the hands of a man in a strange place........ I took a moment to collect my thoughts.

"What am I gonna do now?" I thought. Red was struggling mightly and I needed to think.

I reached out and grabbed a breast and she stopped and looked at me... pleadingly with her eyes... she loved her situation and was very comfortable with whom she had controlling her fear. I leaned forward and gently kissed her forhead as she moaned for me to kiss her deeply....... to continue to massage her breasts..... to use her as a plaything, an object of pleasure, an object of deep, deep desire! I was very excited and I told her how very beautiful she looked this way. Her eyes never left mine as she began to slowly raise and lower her hips in front of me.... inviting me to "take" my prisoner!

I was really thinking about it when the outer bedroom door opened and her boyfriend entered the bedroom. He walked over to the bathroom door (thank God I had closed it) and knocked as he called out her name. I reached over and hand gagged the redhead while he was there and waited for him to leave, but he kept knocking! I thought for sure he knew we were in here and that my goose is cooked but good! I replied to him "I'll be out in a minute!" and picked up red and lifted her into the small shower stall on her back. I pinched a nipple momentarily before I stood up, closed the shower stall door and prepared myself for either a fist to the face or a major victory for we who admire bound women and take every opportunity to see them this way.

I flushed the toilet and as I opened the door, saw not only him, but my date there as well. Man! He was asking if I had seen his date and she was wondering where I had disappeared to?

"I felt a little queasy" I said and I stepped in here to keep from embarrassing myself in front of strangers.

My date asked if I was alright and he glanced over my shoulder into the bathroom to see if red was in there. Satisfied she was not, he abruptly turned and left to find his lovely girlfriend. My date said we could leave if I was ill, but I said I was feeling better but that I wanted to stay near this bathroom for a little whle if it was ok. She smiled and told me to come join the rest of the party as soon as I felt better and then left - closing the bedroom door behind her as she did so.

I waited a moment or two before entering the bathroom again. I closed and locked the door, then headed directly for the shower stall. There she lay...... in total submission and bound beauty! Her eyes looked frightendly at me at first, but when she saw it was me who returned and not loverboy, she immediately relaxed and stared at me as if to say "Well? Are we gonna finish?"

I grinned at her as I lifted her out of the shower and sat her down on the toilet. I used my hands to give her the release she desperately craved, for there was no time for any other kind of penetration. She moaned softly through her gag and when orgasm came, she bucked like a wild Bronco until all the tides of her release had finally left her spent and weary.

I kissed her forehead again and untied her. After she was ungagged, she told me she thought I would never tie her up again! She had planned this whole assaultive behavior - knowing I would react eventually. She told me she had almost orgasmed when the bathroom door opened and she knew her boyfriend was there..... I'm glad she didn't!

She left to join the party first and then I discreetly followed a few moments later. As it turned out, our dates actually had a thing that night while they were looking for us, so our absence was not as noticably felt as I had worried it would be. The party was still in full swing, red sauntered over to her date and with the simplicity of an innocent woman, calmly explained she had been with some friends upstairs and didn't hear him looking for her. She gave him the little kiss that says "You know I'm yours!" and didn't even look at me for nearly the rest of the evening. I saw my date standing a little too close to admirer number one of the ten or so hanging around her, and made my way over to the drinks table and poured myself a scotch. She glanced at me and smiled....I waved and smiled, and then I took my drink out on to the patio and began remembering all the times I had tied up red and how she still affects me in ways men don't care to admit.

It was a good party....... red never left my mind, and once or twice I would glance at her and she would be staring at me - only to glance away right before our eyes met. There was only one more time I had the pleasure of tying her up and all my fantasies came true then.........!!!


Cobra's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section