Jeff : 03 - The Initiation (MF/MF)

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Jeff : 03 - The Initiation (MF/MF)

Post by Canuck100 »

Jeff's stories
03 - The Initiation
Story index at the bottom

By Jeff

Sunday July 25th 1999 07:53:33

-- Chapter 3, The Initiation

Hi, it's Jeff yet again. This time, I didn't even need to wait until the weekend for an event to occur for another story. In fact, I currently have three stories to tell.

Anyways, the Monday after my last post, I told my friend Bob about this site, and he found it quite interresting, as I had expected. As he read my story, he phoned me and asked if that was me, and if it was true. I told him it was, and he invited me over to his place. There wasn't much left to tell him, but we discussed him joining the club. He was a bit nervous about being tied naked to a tree for three hours with ants crawling over him, and three other people watching him, but when he realized that he would get his revenge, and that he would then be a member of the club, the nature of which was not yet certain, he agreed. He also offered to construct the rules for this club. He instantly thought of a bunch of good ideas, and by the end of the day, he had a complex yet interresting set of rules, and ideas for what we would do when we met. By the way, Bob is a slightly underweight computer genius who loves to invent his own games with their own complicated set of rules.

This time he did really well. The basic ideas behind the club were mostly the same, but he had some excellent ideas for things we would do whenever the group got together. I'll save the description of his ideas for when I write about our group's first meeting. Anyways, I told Sheila about Bob's ideas for our little club, and she also liked them. She also informed us that she had found our club's fourth member, who would be Bob's partner. Her name was Mindy. She's a bit smaller than the rest of us, but is the same age and is also fairly attractive.

We chose the next day, which was Tuesday, for their initiation. We considered making their initiation exactly the same as ours, but since that way we wouldn't be there to see it, we wouldn't know if they actually went through with the whole thing. Instead, we chose to initiate them both at the same time, with both Sheila and I watching and controlling the whole thing. Anyways, at 12:00, we took them both to a spot deep inside the trails by Sheila's house, taking all the equipment we would use with us, which consisted of the ropes, the chairs, and the container of honey we bought just for this and other occasions. For the sake of being fair, we offered them the choice of five hours partially clothed, or three hours naked.

Just as every other time they chose the three hour option. Not bothering to put on much of a show, we stripped them both, and tied them to trees on opposite sides of the trail, facing each other. We made sure they could not untie themselves, and then applied the honey to their neck and chest. I took Mindy, and Sheila took Bob. Mindy had small, yet still visible and very beautiful breasts, which I enjoyed coating with honey with my bare hands. We then sat on the chairs for the whole three hours watching the ants crawl all over them while they struggled in vain to escape.

At the end, we decided to do something different. We removed the extra rope from their hands, so that they would be able to untie themselves in a few minutes, and told them that whoever got free first got to play with the other for ten more minutes. Sheila then took their clothes and the equipment, went into her house, and locked all the doors. I stayed to watch them and make sure that the loser got free after the ten minutes was over. Bob got free first, and stopped to brush off most of the ants that were crawling on him. He then secured Mindy's ropes a bit more, took some of the honey that was left and spread it on a few parts of Mindy that he particularly liked, even though she was still covered with the ants. After only five minutes, he decided to be a nice guy and brushed the ants off her, and licked off some of the honey, again from a few parts of Mindy that he particularly liked. He then continued to play with her and tickle her until she managed to untie the ropes by herself.

This was longer than ten minutes, but I decided to let it continue anyways. I then informed them that in order to get their clothes back, they would have to find a way into Sheila's house, where their clothes were being kept. I followed them around as they tried to find a way in. After washing themselves off, they tried all the doors and windows, but they were all locked. Sheila was also watching from inside her house through the windows. After they searched for half an hour, I informed them that the keys were in fact dangling from the sign at the end of Sheila's driveway, far out of reach.

Since there wasn't much traffic, they decided to go for it. Mindy watched for cars while Bob climbed up the fence and gate to get the keys. He almost made it when Mindy informed him that there was a car coming. Not wanting to risk being seen, he quickly got down, and they hid in the bush while the car passed. After another car passed, they tried again, but this time, Bob helped Mindy climb for the keys, and managed to lift her high enough for her to reach them. She then ripped them off the tape that was holding them up, and ran towards Sheila's house before the next car came. They unlocked the front door, and were greeted by Sheila, who simply handed them their clothes, and gave Bob the keys to his car, which was parked nearby. Now that they were successfully initiated, they both went back to their homes. That wasn't the only event that happened that week, but I'll post what happened during our group's first meeting another time, possibly today or tomorrow.


Jeff's stories
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