Jeff : 07 - The Challenge (MF/MF, M/MF)

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Jeff : 07 - The Challenge (MF/MF, M/MF)

Post by Canuck100 »

Jeff's stories
07 - The Challenge
Story index at the bottom

By Jeff

Tuesday August 17th 1999 07:42:11

Hi, it's Jeff yet again. This story took place about a week after my last post. As I said before, my parents were away on another two day business trip, so we had both Sheila's place and mine all to ourselves. The week before, we had been discussing different ideas for what we could do, and we came up with something interresting. Again, this was mostly Bob's idea, but it sounded fun, so we went with it. It was largely the same as the hunt, except two people started off already captured, and one of them had to escape and possibly rescue the other one, after going through various challenges and capturing the other two players. Again, the positions and clothing a person started off with were decided by a poker game, with basicly the same rules as the version we played last time, except the winner of the final round got to be the person who escaped, and the loser became the person who needed to be rescued.

During the week we had discussed the basic rules and setup, but we still spent a few minutes discussing the specifics when everyone arrived. The winner would start out near the shed by my house tied up with ropes that could be untied easily enough, and the loser would be taken someplace else. If the winner failed to untie themselves by a certain time, or got caught again after they got free, both the winner and the loser would be the property of the other players for the rest of the day. However, if Sheila or I was the one in this situation, and the other was free, the one of us who was tied up would become the property of the other for the full two days.

This made things a bit more interresting. Anuyways, if the winner managed to get free in time, he/she would then have to find their way through the trails to Sheila's house without getting caught by any of the traps that the other players set up. Since we didn't have enough time or equipment to set up traps that someone could actually get caught in, we used traps that would simply "mark" the player as caught. If the player was seen with a mark, the player would then be ambushed and tied up by the other players. If the player made it through, he/she would then meet the other players in the "arena". The objective there would be simply to knock the other players out of the arena with a pillow or something.

If the player won a certain number of rounds, he/she would then be given a key that would allow them to access some ropes with which to capture the other players. However, the ropes would be stored inside the shed they started out in, and to get there, the player would have to cross through the trails again, but this time, the other players would also have "weapons" with which to mark the player as caught. Scattered around the trails were various weapons the player could use to mark the other players. If they were marked, they would be gone until the next round, though they could still try to steal the key. All the traps would still be active, but some new ones may be added or some old ones moved around for a bit more of a surprize. Also, the other players could try to steal the key from the player, but would have to give it back if they were marked again. Bob really liked the idea of getting to live out a situation from a video game, especially with the prize involved.

If the player got to the shed again and retrieved the ropes, he/she would then enter the trails again and try to capture the other players, who would also have ropes with which they would try to capture the player. During the whole time, the loser would be on display somewhere in the trails, tied to a tree and surrounded by a bunch of traps. If the player actually managed to capture the other players, then he/she would have the option of rescuing the loser, possibly in exchange for something. Whoever was free would then get to do pretty much whatever they wanted with the other players for the rest of the day, or possibly longer in some cases.

Anyways, Sheila came early that day, and helped me set everything up. By the time Bob and Mindy came, which was again around 1:00, we had mixed up a large batch of mud which would be used as the marking substance, prepared a few portable traps, and even made another shower frame for afterwards. When they arrived, we discussed the rules a bit more, and then went inside and began the poker game. Again it was a close game, but this time by the final round, Sheila and I were completely naked, and Bob and Mindy were in their underwear. Mindy was topless. With yet another stroke of luck, I won the final round again. Of course, I chose Sheila as the loser, since she was already naked, and she was the one I wanted anyways. I still suspect that everyone wanted it to happen this way, so they purposely lost a few rounds.

Anyways, Bob and Mindy then left to make some final preparations, then came back and escorted us to where we would be tied up. Bob took Sheila, and Mindy took me. Even though we probably could have overpowered them, we chose not to. Sheila was taked somewhere within the trails, and I was taken outside the shed. I was tied to the shower frame with one arm mostly free, but my other limbs tightly secured. Bob soon came back and helped finish tying me up, then left with Mindy to finish setting up the traps. I was told I had fifteen minutes to escape before they came back. As soon as they were out of sight, I started working at the ropes. I was able to freely move my fingers, and managed to free my right hand, then my whole right arm, and then eventually the rest of my body with about five minutes to spare.

I then entered the trails, proceeding cautiously so as not to set off any of the traps. I was surprized how many traps there were. A few of them were as simple as a small hole filled with the mud, but some others involved a branch that would launch a ball of mud at me if it was triggered by a tiny string across the ground. A few others would drop a bunch of mud on me if I walked underneath. Anyways, about halfway through the trails, after passing by a bunch of these without getting caught by any of them, I saw Sheila tied to a tree. She was naked, of course, and begging for help, but since I knew she was surrounded with traps, I cautiously passed on by, ignoring the tempting situation.

After less than ten minutes, I emerged from the trails into Sheila's yard. Bob and Mindy were right at the entrance, ready to ambush me if I got caught by any traps, but I hadn't, so they simply walked towards the arena, which was nearby, and I followed them. We hadn't quite agreed on whether the arena should be a patch of ground that was marked off, or some raised boards that had to be balanced on. Mindy and Bob chose to just mark off an area of the lawn that we had to stay in and knock each other out of. Bob was a bit disappointed that they didn't do anything more than that, but he didn't argue much. Anyways, the arena was a hexagonal patch of grass marked off by six boards. In each corner of the arena, there was a pillow. They were the square kind that go on couches, not the big fluffy ones that go on beds.

Anyways, Bob and Mindy decided that I would have to beat them both individually in a best-of-five match, then the two of them together in a best-of-three match. I beat Bob three to two, and Mindy five nothing, then the two of them together two to one. I won't bother describing how I won. When I won, Bob gave me the key to the shed, then him and Mindy ran back into the trails. Luckily, the key was attatched to a string I could wear around my neck, so I didn't have to carry it in my hand the whole time. However, that made it easier for them to steal. After putting the key around my neck, I gave Bob and Mindy a ten second head start, then rushed into the trails after them.

I knew where most of the traps were already, but I still had to watch out for new ones. There wasn't just one trail, by the way. There were a whole bunch of trails, connected to each other at different points. As I passed the first three-way intersection, Bob and Mindy charged at me from the trail to my left, and started throwing mud balls, so I ran to the trail to my right. A few of the mud balls came close to hitting me, but I managed to dodge them all, since I wasn't quite in range yet. I got hit by one new trap as I picked up some mud balls I found on the ground. I threw a few, and hit both Bob and Mindy with one each, knocking Mindy into another trap. Before I could hit them again, they split up and ran the other way. I then picked up two more mud balls, and continued quickly but carefully along the way.

As I approached another three-way intersection, right next to where Sheila was, Bob and Mindy charged at me from opposite directions. I threw one mud ball at each of them, hitting Mindy but missing Bob. I got hit by one mud ball Bob threw. When Bob was out of ammunition, both he and Mindy stepped back and allowed me to pick up a toy sword, which had the blade covered in mud, while Bob picked up another. Sheila and Mindy then watched as Bob and I fought using the swords. Sheila was cheering for me, and Mindy was cheering for Bob, since their freedom depended on the outcome of the fight. There were many close calls, but I managed to hit Bob twice before he got me once. Disappointed, Bob and Mindy stood aside while I continued on my way to the shed to equip for the final round.

I then went to the shed, unlocked it, and took the four ropes I found inside, which had already been prepared with slipknots. I then went back into the trails, and proceeded to where Sheila was, expecting to find Bob and Mindy there. When I got there, I didn't see them at first, but then Sheila shouted "Jeff, look out!" as Bob and Mindy charged at me from their hiding place around the corner. I also charged at them, and knocked Bob to the ground before he could do anything. I then easily wrestled Mindy and attatched the rope to her hands, which I put behind her back. When Bob got up, I wrestled him as well, and managed to pin him on the ground and bind his hands behind his back the same way I did to Mindy. I was now the winner.

More to come.


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