Jerry9B : 01 - Meeting the Ex at a Party (M/F)

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Jerry9B : 01 - Meeting the Ex at a Party (M/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Jerry9B's stories
01 - Meeting the Ex at a Party
Story index at the bottom

By Jerry9B

Tuesday August 24th 1999 12:33:43

I'm pretty sure this story will work within the description of this site. It didn't take place while I was in college (actually it took place a couple of weekends ago), but all of the people involved are within "college" age (read 20 something) and it took place at a very college like party (read loads of alcohol and general stupid debauchery). Plus, the places to post decent stories are rapidly dwindling…yadda, yadda….Cannuck, delete away if this narrative doesn't fit.

That said….. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of two years. It wasn't as traumatic as previous brake ups I've gone through but saddening none the less. We have the same group of friends and so any given weekend we always end up doing the exact same thing. It is kind of difficult being around her but for the most part, things remain civilized. Yes, this is going somewhere…bare with me.

Two weeks ago, a couple of mutual friends through a big party. And by party I mean the "batten down the hatches, wake the neighbors, break stuff" type party. Most of the guests were going straight from work/school to the gathering. This kicked off the festivities about 5:00pm. I had to work late and didn't arrive until 8:00pm. While this was still plenty early, the crowd (about 20 people) had a pretty good head of drunken steam by the time I arrived.

My former girlfriend, Kim (names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent) was already there and more plastered than I had seen her in quite some time. Keep in mind, Kim is pretty "by-the-numbers" type of gal. While no tea totaler, she usually maintained her sanity where alcohol was concerned. However, since we broke up, I had noticed that she had begun to cut loose a lot more. This annoyed me slightly as I was always trying to get her to relax and have a good time when we were dating. Oh course I speak from the bitter heart of someone recently quasi dumped. Kim is about 5'6, medium build, brown hair and green eyes. She's attractive in a natural, "doesn't have to try" way. Your All American, Girl Next Door type.

Kim had been amongst the crowd that came straight from work and was still in her work clothes. Black skirt, black tights and green button up "Friends" blouse. Kim was enraptured in conversation with a well built, handsome man (Hey, I can admit it). Although I couldn't hear them above the din of conversation and rap music, I could tell through body language they were engaged in a flirt fest. This annoyed me further but luckily I was accosted by several friends and given a drink. After a few glasses of social lubricant, I began to lighten up and enjoy myself.

Eventually, I drank myself into a "live and let live" mind set and ventured over to Kim, who was still speaking with the man I didn't know. She greeted me with a merry, drunken hug and unselfconsciously introduced me to Shay. It turned out that Shay was the cousin of one of the hosts and had popped in from out of town to visit. He was a nice enough guy, if not a little overeager to befriend me. I took it he had been informed that I was "The Ex". We all hung out and talked for a few minutes, the conversation polite if not particularly interesting.

Kim's roommate Trisha approached from out of the ruckus. She looked about as green as a $1 bill. I surmised that Trisha had been part of the 5:00 crowd as well but hadn't faired as well as the rest.

"Hey Kim," Trisha said, "I REALLY gotta go now. If you're riding with me then let's go, otherwise your staying here tonight".

"But he hasn't given me back my shoes yet!" Kim faux-whined.

I looked down and sure enough, Kim's feet were clad only in the beer soaked nylon of her tights. The floor was filthy from party fouls and cigarette ash, so she had managed to accumulate quite a level of gunk on her feet.

"That's sick, Kim." Trisha commented, laughing despite her queasy stomach.

"I'm gonna hang out for awhile," I volunteered "I can give you a ride if you need one."

"No. I should go", said Kim. She glanced at Shay who laughed and shrugged.

"I told you I wasn't giving your shoes back because then you'll leave."

This revelation both sparked my curiosity and depressed me at the same time.

"Well, then I guess I'll just leave without them. It's not like I'm going to ruin my tights." Kim remarked.

"Okay, Okay," Shay conceded, "But you have to go upstairs with me one last time before you go."

I knew what Shay meant by "go upstairs" (i.e. no sexual connotation) and wasn't alarmed by this statement. Trisha sighed and gave Kim a "COME ON!" glance.

"We'll just be a FEW minutes plus she can have her shoes back." Shay ruffled Trish's hair and both he and Kim stumbled drunkenly to the upper level of the apartment.

"What do you think about that?" Trish asked me.

I pretended to cry and Trish gave me a sock in the arm. We hung for awhile and chatted. I had started on a fresh drink when Trish looked at her watch and said "Jesus! How long is she gonna be up there?"

Almost on cue, Shay bounded back down the steps. Kim wasn't with him.

"You guys just missed a NASTY scene." He exclaimed.

"What happened?" I asked

"Kim took like two hits and on the second one she frigging puked all over the place. It was crazy. I just got done helping clean up but she's lying down on Gene's (one of the hosts) bed. I asked her if she wanted you to wait but she said to go on…she'll stay here tonight."

Trisha just rolled her eyes at me, not believing a word of the excuse, and stomped out with a quick bye to each of us. Shay recounted the story too me again in more detail. It did sound rather sudden but I had seen such party casualties before. I, like Trisha, however suspected that Kim just wanted to stay at the party but (probably for my benefit) didn't want it to seem like she was staying there to be with Shay.

Shay began milling around again but kept glancing towards the staircase. I decided too "go upstairs" myself and check to see that Kim was all right. The wounded part of me actually hoped to find her huddling over a bucket in Gene's bedroom. I got to the top and noticed Gene's bedroom door was closed and there was no light coming from underneath the crack. I ventured into Scott's (other hosts) room…the one where people went when they "go upstairs". The first thing I noticed was that there was no sign of explosive vomiting nor an extensive cleanup thereafter. It was just a few of my friends smoking herbal cigarettes. Upon casual questioning I was told that Kim DID say she was feeling sick and might need to go to the bathroom. Shay had escorted her there and then come back in sometime later to say that she was lying down in Gene's bedroom. However, the much lauded vomiting hadn't occurred in front of anyone.

After hanging out for a bit, I left Scott's room and paused in front of Gene's door. The lights were off but from inside I could hear the faint sound a television. I knew I should just let well enough alone and not play the "over concerned" ex-boyfriend card but the bitter side of me wanted to give the "Hah!" to what was, most likely, a not-so-elaborately planned ruse on Shay and Kim's part.

I opened the door and there was Kim. She looked annoyed, but not surprised, to see me. She was laying sitting up on Gene's bed watching what appeared to be a videotaped episode of "The Simpsons". Her mouth was taped shut with several strips of duct tape. Her still shoeless feet were also bound with duct tape. It had been wrapped several times around here ankles and toes. I guess she didn't need to worry about ruining her tights. Her hands were behind her on the bed, presumably bound, but I couldn't see by what. I just kind of said what was on my mind; "What the &*ck?"

Kim motioned with her head and issued a quick series of muffled grunts. After a few seconds, I was able to ascertain she wanted me to close the door. I did so and the room was bathed in the blue/green glow of the television.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Kim "mmmphed" an affirmative.

She did a few jerky movements, obviously frustrated that she couldn't talk and explain the situation. Finally, she did as much of a shrug as she could and between a series of quick head jerks and unintelligible words indicated to me to take the tape off her mouth. There must have been five or six strips of tape, but they were layered so that she only winced when I took off the last one.

"I'm supposed to be kidnapped." She said flatly.

"Your kidnapper didn't do a very good job of hiding your whereabouts."

Obviously, I was secretly elated…and disappointed. Over the course of our two year relationship, Kim had let me tie her up on several occasions…but only after an elaborate whining ritual on my part…and even after either she was tied up too tight, or she was bored…basically, she just never go into it. Now, here she was SECURLY bound by someone she had known less than five hours.

"What's up with this?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just goofing around. Shay said he was going to kidnap me so I couldn't leave and he did."

"You are a willing participant I assume" Kim shot me the evil eye.

"What do YOU think?"

I didn't know what to think. I was stuck in a very tantalizing situation but at the same time, one where I wasn't wanted. I just kind of sat there beside her on the bed, looking befuddled. After about a minute and thirty seconds of this, Kim said, "You should probably go."

"Yeah," I remarked sullenly, "Do you want me to untie you?"

"I don't think you could."

With a metallic cling, she motioned her hands around one side of her back. She was handcuffed with the metal links going around one of the rails on the headboard of the bed. I didn't imagine that Shay packed a pair around with him, so I assumed they were my friend Gene's. Of course, who knows?

"Um…okay," I stammered, "See you later."

"Wait!" she said in a loud whisper, right as I was about to open the door.


"Tape my mouth up again before you go. The tape if beside the bed", she motioned with her head.

This didn't take much convincing. Something told me the kidnappee would be freed moments after I left. I grabbed the role of tape and ripped off a strip. Right before I put it over her mouth, Kim said; "Make it look like the last one, okay."

Feeling like a chump, yet uncompelled to do otherwise, I re-bound Kim's mouth using six strips of tape. She "mmmmphhed" a "get the hell outta here" sounding goodbye and I left. I went down stairs, fully intending to take off….my beautiful ex bound and waiting for another man upstairs. Then it came to me….If Shay is waiting for me to leave to go get her, then I should hang out as long as possible. But then I decided I had horned in enough on a situation that was, really, none of my business. I had a hurried final drink and then left.

I found out the next day that about ten minutes after I took off, Kim made a miraculous recovery and was downstairs partying until the wee hours of the morning. It was a bitter sweet evening to be sure, but definitely a memorable one.


Jerry9B's stories
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