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Karen : Initiation of the Sorority Sisters (F+/F+, F+/M)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 4:20 am
by Canuck100
Karen's stories
01 - Initiation of the Sorority Sisters
Story index at the bottom

By Karen

Tuesday October 26th 1999 10:34:20

Hello, I'm Karen and I've never posted here before. I like the stories here, though some of them seem to be slightly off the theme implied by the title - but I guess it all adds variety.

I'm in my second year at a southern college and live in a sorority house, Phi-Delta-Sigma (changed to protect the (not so) innocent(?)). I'm reminded of this story because, despite all the assurances that it doesn't happen, we just had our "Initiation Night". This year, I was an initiator, last year a young and (maybe) innocent initiatee! I'll tell my own story from last year and then add a few details from my experiences this year. So this is from last year ...

There were three new girls in the house, Pat, Chris (names changed etc.) and myself (Karen is my real name). We'd all heard stories of initiations and all listened to the college Principal say that they were no longer allowed - we didn't know what to believe. Nearly a month went by at the start of the new term and we were starting to relax and believe the Principal when we discovered she was wrong.

It was a warm, dry Friday evening. I was lying on my bed listening to a new CD my roomie had lent me - she was out somewhere but said I could. There was a tap at the door and I just shouted "Come in" without a further thought. The door burst open and three or four girls jumped on me holding me face down on the bed with my face in the pillow to muffle my cries for help. My hands were quickly pulled behind me and tied with my wrists crossed behind my back. My ankles were tied together and cinched. My head was then lifted from the pillow, a pair of panties stuffed in my mouth and my mouth was taped to keep them in. I was blindfolded and then my captors carried me bodily downstairs, right to the basement, I think, and tied me to a chair. I couldn't loosen the ropes, and attempts to shout produced only muffled grunts, so I relaxed and resigned myself to my fate.

I grunted through my gag and got a grunt in reponse - I was not alone. A few minutes passed and there was the sound of more struggling - obviously the third new girl had been captured and brought in. She eventually calmed down and one of the senior girls began to explain what was happening.

"Pat, Chris and Karen, welcome to Phi-Delta-Sigma! You know that the Principal has banned sorority initiations. So if you don't want to go through with this, you may opt out. But you can never be a full sorority sister unless you have been initiated into our society. Nothing will be done to you to cause lasting harm, though you may be a little embarassed for a while. You will not be hurt. Now are you prepared to join our sisterhood? Pat?"

Pat must have agreed because the initiator said, "Good. How about you, Chris?"

I assume the same response and I was next asked. I thought about it but being the only odd one out in the house didn't seem like a good option, so I nodded in agreement.

"Good," said the initiator, "you all made the right decision. We will begin in 15 minutes." With that we were left bound, gagged and blindfolded to wonder what was to come. The 15 minutes seemed like an hour but then the sound of girls returning signalled the start of the proceedings.

"Who wants to go first? Oh, you can't speak, we'll start with Pat," said the initiator. I could hear some activity as Pat was untied from her chair, some struggling, protests through her gag, followed by a silence as she had been calmed down, or restrained! Next came a buzzing sound - I couldn't work out what it was. It was soon followed by more gagged protests, then silence again. Next was a kind of gentle slapping sound, accompanied by muffled shouts. Silence again. A quiet period of 5 minutes or so, I guess, followed then more sounds of struggling. I guessed Pat was being returned to her chair. "One down, two to go," announced the initiator, "You're next Chris."

The same process was repeated and the sounds I could hear were much the same - I still couldn't imagine what the buzzing might be. Oh well, I would soon find out, it was my turn next.

"And last but not least, Karen." I was untied from the chair and my ankles were untied. I was lead over to a table of some sort. I was stripped from the waist down and pulled on to one end of the table. Each of my ankles was tied to a table leg spreading my legs. I felt very vulnerable and began to struggle and tried to cry out - all to no avail. My wrists were untied, one of the initiator girls holding each arm. They completed stripping me and tied my wrists to the other end of the table. A further rope held my waist down to the table.

So there I lay, naked and spread-eagled to the table, tied down, and still gagged and blindfolded. What next? Once more I heard the buzzing and tried to work out what it might be. I soon found out - it was an electric razor and I was being shaved - first with the trimmers to remove the long hair and then the foil to smooth off the stubble. I struggled and tried to shout but it was no use.

I then discovered what the gentle splapping sound I heard was - aftershave being patted over the newly shaved area - wow, did it sting! But that subsided and it began to feel more comfortable. They weren't finished with me yet! I felt a scratching on my newly shaved mound and felt a slight dampness. What could that be?

I was then released from the table and my wrists were retied behind my back and was lead back to my chair and tied to it.

The chief initiator then spoke to us again. "Well done girls, the worst is now over. When you can see again, you will find that we have painted the Phi-Delta-Sigma insignia on you. We have used Indian Ink, which is fairly indelible but does eventually fade and wash off. By which time, your hair will probably have grown back, if you choose to let it. We are going to leave you for a while now. We'll be back in time for your final initiation phase." With that we heard them all leave and having tested our bonds and found them impossible to escape, sat back to wonder what the final phase might be.

Actually, we were never left alone - one of the initiators didn't leave but just sat quietly watching us in case our gags started to choke us or if muscle cramps were to set in. But of course, we didn't know that.

We sat there naked and bound for what seemed like forever. From my experience as an initiator, I know that it was probably about an hour and a half. The silence was broken by the sound of the initiators returning. I was untied from my chair and my ankles were hobbled with a rope of about 12 inches between then, making walking progress very slow. With one girl holding each arm, to prevent me falling, I was walked up the steps and out into the warm night air. I'd almost forgotten that I was still naked!

After a while, probably 15 minutes or so, we stopped and my wrists were once more untied. The girls holding my arms pulled them gently back until I felt the trunk of a tree on my back. My hands were tied behind the tree, then my ankles were tied together and to the tree. This was repeated above my knees and ropes around my waist and chest and shoulders completed my bondage. The tape was gently pulled from my mouth and the panties were removed. Relief was, however, short-lived. A fresh pair was pushed into my mouth but instead of tape, a cloth cleave-gag was used to hold them in.

We were then left to either escape or be discovered in the morning. Up to this point, I had thought that ours was the only sorority house involved but I later discovered that all the houses co-ordinated their various initiations for the same night. Most seemed to involve being tied to a tree or a lamp post, or in one case, a set of stocks, in various stages of undress! Once again, unbeknown to the initiatees, guards were posted for the whole time we were "abandoned".

Despite assurances to the contary, the college was obviously aware of what was going on because the security patrol made an early round the following morning before anyone else was around to release the various bound bodies along the avenue of trees beside the drive and on the lamp posts. Once released, I hurried back to my room, getting back at about 5.00 am. A very long leisurely soak in the bath got rid of most of the rope marks and eased the muscle aches.

The three new "Sorority Sisters" were guests of honor at a celebration dinner on the Saturday evening - all laid on by the senior sisters. Would I do it again volunarily? No way! Did it do me any harm? No, except for the itch as my hair grew back!

So, that was my experience - I think it is within site rules. Let me just add a few comments from my experience as an initiator. First, despite what the Initiatees thought, they were never, ever left alone while restrained. To do so would be insanely dangerous. Second, no permanent harm was done and had any of the initiatees decided to opt out, then those wishes would have been honored without question. Extra care was taken to ensure that the ropes were firm but not over tight - rope burns, cramps and restricted circulation are irresponsible, extremely dangerous and completely unnecessary.

Now, just one bonus for you. In my year as an initiator, we had an additional victim. There were two new girls in the house, both of whom elected to be initiated. But the previous evening, we caught one of the male students peeking in on the dorms. After a short chase, we were able to capture him. We kept him prisoner for 24 hours, then added him to the initiatees. He was stripped, all his body hair shaved, and the Indian Ink was used to paint "Peeping Tom - caught peeking into girls dorms" on his chest. He was then taken out and tied to one of the trees for the amusement of the initiators from all the houses. The only difference was that after he was tied to the tree, his blindfold was removed so he could see who was looking at him. He's not taken his Tee-shirt off yet, apparently. On my experience, the ink will fade in another 6 weeks or so!

Hope you enjoyed my story. I'll hold my email address for now, so comments through the site. Karen.


Karen's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section

Re: Karen : Initiation of the Sorority Sisters (F+/F+)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:27 am
by Canuck100
Monday November 22nd 1999 03:49:16

Hi, I just read Karen's post. I'll use the name Tom, as in Peeping, that she gave me!

I can confirm the second part of her story as I was the "victim". But I wanted to explain my side of it. I'm not actually a peeping Tom, it was all part of a Frat House initiation! There were four of us seeking entry to the particular Frat house. As part of the "entrance examination" we all had to draw a "dare" out of a hat. Mine was to get at least two photographs through a Sorority House window, with a low lite camera (no flash) borrowed for the purpose. But I was spotted before I could make my escape. I'll leave you to guess whether I got the pictures - the clue is in Karen's post.

I'm not convinced that my presence wasn't leaked to the girls - I'm sure I was quiet enough. The other guys got audiances for their dares too, depite their best efforts to avoid them. Perhaps Karen can tell us?

On reflection, though a bit long, my "punishment" did fit the crime and no lasting harm was done. I think I may even have enjoyed it! And yes, the ink has finally worn/washed off and the hair has grown back, except on my legs - my girlfriend likes the smooth look and we have fun keeping them that way!

In case case you were wondering, briefly, here is what the other three dares were :

Initiate #1

Walk, don't run, diagonally across campus naked in daylight. To ensure no false modesty, the initiates hands were tied behind his back with plastic wire wraps.

The guy elected to do this at 6 am, just after it got light but he still got an audience of around 20-25 girls. Walking across campus at 6 am, by chance? I don't think so!

Initiate #2

Walk home from across town (about 3 miles). Not difficult? Well, just to add interest, the guy had to wear just a bra, panties, stockings, garters and high (3") heels. Again, his hands were tied with wire wraps (there was a "guard" patrol, unbeknown to him following at a discreet distance).
An audience of about 15-20 girls showed up shouting their "encouragement".

Initiate #3

Spend the entire weekend (Friday after class thru Sunday night) cross-dressed. Not just throw a skirt on and carry on as normal but the full TV performance. He made a real effort and passed off undetected at the Mall, a bar, the Saturday dance and even church on Sunday! He was also the only one not to spend any significant time tied up.

And of course, Frat House initiations aren't allowed and don't happen. The college Principal told us, so it must be true! I can't wait for them (not) to happen next year!

Tom (P.)