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Tish : 01 - Mummified at a Party (M+/FF)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 4:41 pm
by Canuck100
Tish's stories
01 - Mummified at a Party
Story index at the bottom

By Tish

Thursday December 30th 1999 09:34:47

One night while I was in college a couple girlfriends and myself went to a large party at a friends of ours. The age group was relatively our age, which was early to mid twenties. Alcohol was abundant and everyone indulged. Sarah and I were the only two that laid off the booze, but not at first. We were hitting mixed drinks pretty hard at first, but later sobered up. We both decided to avoid the dreaded hangover. But the alcohol did loosen us up anyways.

After the party died off around one or two, we got rides back to our dorm. Since it was a weekend and the resident directors were out, we snuck a bunch of people onto our floor, guys included. Sarah was a floor counsilor, and had her own room, which was plenty big.

We wound up watching an Indiana Jones film there. At one part in the movie Indy encounters mummified bodies, at which I remarked that it would be kinda cool to mummify someone. One of the guys suggested that they should wrap Sarah up. She protested because she didn't want tape all over her body. I told her that she could wear one of my old catsuits. She still wasn't convinced. I suggested that they only do what the bodysuit covered and the guys agreed, easing Sarah's tension just a little. So I took her down to my room, as a couple girls who had keys to the athletic supply went to get tape. I was the only occupant because the girl who was slated to be my roommate dropped out. I pulled out a black hose bodysuit and told her to try it on.

If there was no alcohol in our systems, I don't think either of us would have attempted this. She said that she wasn't going to try it on unless I put one on. That didn't bother me, since I wasn't going to get mummified. We stripped, me in the room and Sarah in my bathroom. Just so you know, Sarah is a redhead, my height, which is 5'7" and I guess around 140. She's not athletic, but attractive. She has lots of freckles on her pale skin and brown eyes. Me, I have blue eyes and black hair, volleyball keeping me nice and slim.

I picked up another bodysuit, this one a fuzzy purple one that is a bit more expensive and warmer, but had seen better days. It wasn't see through like the hose, and had a zip up front, from waist to collar. So all I had on under it was my panties. The hose bodysuit I gave Sarah was sheer and crotchless, which I heard her yell to my attention. I told her to put her underwear over it. She said that her underwear was white and would look awful. I told her I never heard a mummy complain about clothing. She then threatened to change back if I didn't get her some underwear. I threw on a robe and went down to her room and got a robe for her and dug out appropriate undies, at least in my opinion. The group asked about what I was wearing under my robe and I told them that she wouldn't change unless I did. They laughed about it as I left.

When I got back I handed her the stuff, which was a black thong and black lacy bra. She complained and I said if she didn't like them she could go down and get different items. She grumbled and put them on. She stepped out and put on her robe. She did look rather fetching in her outfit, and I figured the guys would probably get hard over it. We went back to her room and sat with our robes on until the other girls returned.

About 20 minutes later they came in holding a good sized box. One of the guys turned off the tube. They guys coaxed Sarah out of her robe, and gawked when I finally pulled it off her shoulders and arms. They ate her alive and grabbed her by the arms and drug her into the middle of the room. I excused myself from the entertainment to go to the restroom. I could hear whoops and such from the crown, there was about a dozen of us in the room.

When I was done I came out to see two guy wrapping Sarah's upper body in some kind of wierd tape. I noticed that she also had a piece of white athletic tape across her mouth. I asked what was that weird tape and Tammy told me that it's a gause like tape they wrap around joints before covering them in the thick tape.

I walked over to Sarah to check her out, and that was when they jumped me. I felt a hand over my mouth, and two or three on each of my arms. I tried to struggle, but they held my tight as they took off my robe. My hands were forced behind me and taped at the wrists. One of the girls produced a wadded up ball of hose and stuffed it in my mouth before I could utter a complaint. They placed a piece of tape over my mouth and proceeded to bind my ankles. Tammy told me that Sarah suggested it. The guys then started to wrap me in the gause tape, from ankles to shoulders, and proceeded to go over it with the athletic tape. Sarah was done and standing upright with help.

Once they finished with me, the guys backed off and said they had stopped like they promised. I sighed relief, but it was short lived when they blindfolded me and told the girls that it was their turn. I tried to beg them to stop, but the tape held, and I could hear Sarah doing the same. The girls pulled my hair back into a ponytail and then wrapped that gause around my neck and then my face and over my head, leaving a hole for my nose. They also taped my feet together. And then came the inevitable. They pulled out the athletic tape and covered the gause. It took forever for them to complete the entire process. The only exposed part of me was my nostrils and my ponytail.

They held us up and took pictures of us standing next to out captors (no I will not share these, because I don't possess them). They laid Sarah on her bed and then laid me on the floor, on my back. I have never been so helpless in my life.

The only saving grace was that the tape was stiff enough that they couldn't effectively tickle us. And believe me they tried. I could hardly move my head or any part of my body.

I was left on the floor all night long listening to the rest continue drinking and watching TV until the wee Hours in the morning. I still struggled every now and then to let them know I was there, but all they did was cheer me on and plot about burying me in a sexy sarcofigus.

Things died down after a while and I fell into a fitfull sleep until people started to wake up. None of them released me or Sarah before they left.

Tammy was the last to go, her room was down the hall and she said that she would be back later. I started to get worried, and moan my disapproval, along with Sarah, but all we heard was the door shut. I tried to roll around, which was very difficult, and stopped after bumping into the furniture. I could hear Sarah wiggling and Mpffing on the bed.

We were trapped.

I finally rolled over so I was face down with my head turned to the side and tried to go to sleep. It was a while but I eventually nodded off. I heard the door unlock and someone come in and cut Sarah loose, which took quite a while. Then they left, leaving just Sarah and me. Sarah read me the riot act, shaking me as she did. I just Mpffed my agreement that it was a stupid idea, hoping she would end the tirade, and cut me loose. But she didn't. Instead, she showered, got dressed, and went to the cafiteria for lunch, leaving me to suffer on the floor.

When she came back, I had to go to the restroom badly, and was mpfffing for help. She cut the tape away from my feet and then sat on my legs. I was begging into the hose and tape for her to let me go. She then said that revenge was hers and proceeded to tickle my helpless feet. Oh I went wild. I could hardly move and had to go to the restroom, and she was tickling me in my most sensative spot. I was screaming into my gag for her to stop, but the gag was effective to stifle most of my protests. She was relentless. I felt like I had crushed my breasts from bouncing on them while struggling. She kept it up and drove me wild.

Yes I was turned on by the situaltion, but the build up in my bladder had a more serious priority than getting off. There was no way to convay to her of my situation, so she paid me no heed and tickled away. Finally I lost all control and wet myself on her floor. She didn't notice until she smelled it and then she reacted. My cheeks and area around my eyes were soaked from the tears. The fuzzy suit was sticking to me from all the persperation and now I was forced to wet myself from tickling. It wasn't all that humiliating as you would think, but it did make me feel awful for a while. And Sarah was apolagising the entire time as she cut me loose.

Once she got me free and the gag off, she guided me to her bathroom to clean myself up. I decided to shower, and take my time doing it. I was sore all over and weak from lack of food. Sarah took my keys and got me fresh clothes and cleaned up my mess while I showered.

When I came out of the bathroom she handed me my clothes and was spraying some type of lemony disinfectant all over the room to get rid of the urine smell.

We tried to keep the incident a secret from everyone, but they got it out of us later on after they noticed how hush-hush we were acting about it.

But that is another story to tell later on.


Tish's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section