gerberval9 : 01 - My introduction into Tie Up Games (m/ff)

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gerberval9 : 01 - My introduction into Tie Up Games (m/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

gerberval9's stories
01 - My introduction into Tie Up Games
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By gerberval9

This story was found on gerberval9 Deviantart's page

It started when I was just a kid. Growing up, I had three cousins that I would spend the weekends with. At first it was just kids playing. We would often go on adventures, fighting monsters, searching magical forests, and rescuing the beautiful damsels (these were my two female cousins). I was the oldest of the lot, and because of that, I was usually the bad guy, the one that kidnapped the damsels. At first, we would just pretend that my cousins would be tied up. I was seven, the girls were six and four, and the boy was five. None of us knew the first thing about tying someone up.

I was ten when Rachel (the older girl) suggested I actually tie her up.

"It'll be fun!" she had said. I didn't disagree with her. We were at my cousin's house, so Jacob (her brother) ran to find some rope. He returned a few minutes later with a coil of white rope, nothing fancy. Since this was my first time tying up a girl, I did a crappy job. Making Rachel hold one end, I spun her around until she was cocooned in the cord. She could have easily slipped out of it, but we just pretended that it was solid and kept on playing our games. This happened several more times before the changing moment.

Now, at ten years old, I wasn't the brightest child. Not dumb, but just a little slow. However, if I put my mind to something that I wanted to learn, by golly I would learn it. And the tie up games had given me the desire to learn how to actually tie up a girl. I experimented on my little sister (something she still hasn't forgiven me for) and I felt that I was adequately prepared. One weekend, I was going to spend the entire day with my cousins. This wasn't unusual. Our families were extremely close, even for being related. The adults left us kids to do our thing, and the moment they were gone, I turned to Rachel.

"Hey," I said. "Wanna try something different?"

"Sure," she replied. "What is it?" I'd brought my school bag with me, and now, I opened it up to reveal the coils of rope I had brought with me.

"I want to really tie you up," I told her excitedly. "And see if you can actually escape!" Rachel was only too happy to oblige. I had her sit down on the grass, and the rest of my cousins gathered around to watch. I started with Rachel's legs, binding her both at the ankles and the knees. Each binding was a few loops, followed by a tight cinch. I made sure the ropes were sung, but not painfully tight. Next, I pulled Rachel's hands behind her back, crossing her wrists. I lashed them together, again not so tight that she was in pain, but firm enough that they didn't slip. The final cord I attached to her already bound hands and wrapped the other end around her middle. My sister had found that by curling into a ball, she could slip her bound hands over her feet, so this prevented such a possibility.

"Okay!" I said eagerly. "Get out of that!" Rachel gave it her all. She bucked and twisted, fighting furiously against her bonds. She had yet to learn any real escape methods, but she made up for it with enthusiasm. But to my satisfaction, after twenty minutes of trying to get free, Rachel finally slumped to the ground, exhausted.

"You win," she announced. "I can't get out." My other cousins cheered. Melody (my youngest cousin) leaped on Rachel and started tickling her sister. Rachel squirmed and squealed, but the little girl was persistent until I pulled her off. After untying Rachel, she suggested that we have a contest every time we hung out. To test whether she could escape her bonds or not. For obvious reasons, I supported the idea. Jacob didn't care to get as involved, though he had enjoyed watching his sister struggle. Melody liked the idea, though I think it was because she wanted to torture Rachel.

However, the moment Rachel was standing, she grabbed the little devil and pulled her towards me.

"Let's tie this one up," she suggested. "For a little payback." Melody gasped, looking both nervous and excited at the same time. I went easier on my youngest cousin. I tied her hands in front of her, her palms pressed together. And I only tied her ankles. But, this time, I sent Jacob to fetch a scarf. When he returned, I wrapped it several times around Melody's head, covering her mouth. She could still talk with relative ease, but it prevented her from using her teeth to untie herself.

That is, it was, until she realized that she could just use her hands to pull the gag away. Still, she was unable to get herself loose. After that, Melody didn't always want to join in the tie up games. It was mainly me and Rachel. But I'm confident it was those games that first got me interested in bondage. And that led to several more adventures.


gerberval9's stories