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The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy)

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 2:46 pm
by banshee
Title of the Story: The Fallen Prince

Author: Banshee

Gender Roles: (F/M)

Content Rating: PG-18

Link: The Fallen Prince

Synopsis: This is the story about a young prince and his journey to become a king, the many misfortunes he goes by which more often than not end up with him tied up and the many women in his life who either help him to break free or restlessly work to keep him bound. It is a fantasy story which the elements one would expect, the world is ficticious and the main antagonists an evil sorceress which seems to desire nothing more than seeing the prince at her mercy.

Note that I feel is obligatory: this is my first venture into the Adult's section, so needless to say I'm quite a novice with writing what makes these stories adult (aka sex). I'll try my best of course, but even though sexual parts wont be sparse in the story I must clarify that they won't be on every chaper.