Simon and his old Friend m/m [Final and Epilogue for Simon and Wilhelm]

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Post by kankuro10 »

New chapter. Awesome!

Wow. This part was very exciting and with so many details. I really love Simon and Wilhelm moments.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Interesting developments … Opens the door to many new scenarios. Curious to find out what will happen next
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Post by mig137 »

why is wilhelm suddenly crying? is he in love with simon, or is he a wimp? Great chapter please write more about our two friends. The story is going to be interesting. Thank you :o 8-) :P
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Post by frankburns »

Thank you so much for your comments. Please allow me to add another little twist to the tale.

Part 6 to follow:
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Post by frankburns »

Part 6

It was eight o'clock in the morning when Wilhelm came in. Simon, dressed in a track suit, was sat playing paitience with the cards, having got up early and showered. He looked up at Wilhelm who had a tray of bacon, eggs and a pot of tea. He looked really upset as he placed it on a table at sat down. No words were spoken.

Simon got up and joined Wilhelm. He noticed that there was also a pile of money and the 'sunglasses' on the table as well. "What's this?" Simon asked looking up at Wilhelm.. 'Surely they are not tears still in his eyes.'

"£20 and the glasses. I'm taking you home after breakfast."

'Had something strange happened to Wilhelm' Simon thought as he flipped through the banknotes. "Breakfast looks nice." He said. That's all it took to tip Wilhelm over the edge. He burst into tears and ran out not even remembering to shut the door.

Simon sat there for a few minutes. He genuinely started to feel curious about Wilhelm. He got up, collected the glasses and cash and followed Wilhelm, even the top door was open. He went through. Wilhelm sat in an armchair. Simon looked at the cottage door... It would be so easy to just walk out the cottage and leave. But then he looked back at Wilhelm. "Wilhelm..." He started.

"Run if you want, go get the cops if you want. I don't care any more. I only wanted to a have a week of fun. There's something I like about dressing you up, getting you all in knots and watching you try to escape. Your a perfect kidnap victim."

"Wilhelm.." Simon went over to him, "I don't want these glasses, and I can earn more than this." He said, putting the stuff on a small table next to a pile of clothes. "What's this, my costume for today." He looked through the pile. It was a cub scout uniform. Simon recognised it.. He had worn it a year or two ago. ( ... 69d#p26484 )

"Since you were such a useless Boy Scout I was going to relegate you back to cubs." Wilhelm replied.

"I'd better go get change then Akala." Simon said and picked up the clothes. He was very suspicious.

"What!" Wilhelm said surprised.

Simon looked back at Wilhelm. "This is all just a trick, I go to the door and Mr needle gets me." Simon said and turned towards the basement door.

"No it's not!! You can really go."

"Got you.. Got You.. I win.. I tricked you. That's a £10 win for me. Come on let's play."

Wilhelm looked over at a grin on Simon's face. "I sorta like these games as well. Just don't ever tickle me again." Simon called. "Oh and I will escape your evil clutches if I get the chance."

After a few minutes Wilhelm followed Simon down, who was sitting at the table eating some breakfast. He joined him. "Simon.. I'm really sorry about.. well you know. Do you really forgive me."

"You didn't know I have a weak bladder."

"It won't be the same now.. You know, me being the kidnapper and you being the victim. Half the fun is me preventing you from escape when you think you have a chance... You know being a little bit rough at times, tricking you."

"It can be. If I escape you'll have to send me my earnings and £50 for escaping. That should be incentive enough for you, and like I said, I will still get away if I get a chance. You can be as rough as you like." But Simon was having conflicting thoughts. Should he trust Wilhelm and carry on 'playing'?; Should he take this chance to escape? After all he had only lured Wilhelm down so he had a decent head start. He made a decision...

Simon stood up and moved nearer to Wilhelm. "By the way.. you left the door open you dummy, now you can expect the cops and the rest of your life in a prison!" With that he gave Wilhelm a shove, who fell backwards crashing to the floor, tangled up in the chair. Simon dashed for the door. He was through it raced up the second flight. 'Please be open...' 'Please be open..." It was! Simon was going through the upstairs door before Wilhelm managed to get up.

Wilhelm scrambled to his feet and ran upstairs just in time to see Simon pulling at the cottage door. "It's locked you idiot. I ain't that stupid." Simon turned to see Wilhelm put a blowpipe to his mouth. Two seconds later he felt a sharp prick in his arm.. "Wilhelm.. no, no.." he managed to stammer as the drug took effect and he fell to the the floor.

Simon slowly woke up and tried to move, he moaned slightly. Then he realised he was back on that table all stretched out.

"So my fine little escape artist. You didn't fall for my trick tears. Then you try to trick me. Well that didn't work out for you did it?"

"Wilhelm you can't keep doing this. You have to let me go please. Stop it now."

"No way. Your going to continue being my prisoner. We have a deal and your going to stick to it."

Simon wriggled slightly looking down his body, he was still wearing his track suit. "Wilhelm. I've has enough of this. I am not going keep getting dressed up and tied up."

"I wonder how far this table goes apart. I've never actually tried. Let's find out. He picked up the crank handle.

Two full turns and Simon's arms and legs were stretched about two foot apart. "You gonna agree to the deal or do I need to stretch the point some more?" Wilhelm said.

"No! Damn you! I ain't wearing stupid clothes for you. Like I'm still a little kid."

"You are to me." Wilhelm said. Click. click. click. click. Another full turn Simon now stretched three foot apart. "Well..."

"Your ripping me apart. Stop it."

"You gonna get changed?"


Click. click. three and a half feet. "Agghh Owww. No more. Quit this."

"You agree?"

"No just let me go.. This is hurting." now stretched four foot apart.

"OK ok ok... Please stop..."

"You agree?.. I think it goes at least two more turns."

"Yes.. yes.. I'll do it.." Simon agreed.

Wilhelm leaned towards Simon's face. "Get this straight. If you try to back out again I'll jab you and you'll be on this table again. I'll stretch you one turn and tickle the hell out you, then another turn and tickle you, then another and so on. Once your out five times, I'll wind it in step by step tickling you at each point. If you piss you'll just lay here in it. You'll be in, out, in, out for 24 hours. You got it!"

"Yes.. Wilhelm.. I've got it. Now please wind it in."

"No. I'm going to have a cup of tea. I'll let you think about it for a while."

"Wilhelm... No .. Please.. it really hurts." It didn't, it was uncomfortable, but Simon was flexible.

"Rubbish." With that Wilhelm gathered up the breakfast things and left the room, shutting the door.

Simon had no choice but to lay there waiting. His mind running overtime.
'Was this Wilhelm just playing rough';
'Was this all part of the game'; 'if so why had he left him stretched this much, he could have loosened it';'
Wait.. the door WAS locked, it WAS just another of those times Wilhelm gave me a chance only to snatch it away?';
'Was that crying of his just a ploy, an act?' 'Yes I bet it was. He was never going to let me go. He was just teasing me like he always did.';
'I'll have to go back to my original plan, get him to take me out and make a break for it, but if I just run he'll soon catch me.
'When he comes back I'll make like I figured this is just him playing rough and play along with his stupid games.'

It was half an hour before Wilhelm came back carrying a large bag. "You agree to the deal, or do you need longer to think about it."

"Please. I'll agree to anything if you'll wind me in. I wont try to back out again."

"There's a rope half an inch from your right hand. Pull it. I thought you'd have figured that out."

Simon wriggled his hand and eventually felt the rope and pulled it by spinning his wrist round his rope. Immediately all the pressure relieved, and the rings fell out. He climbed off the table and untied the rings from his wrists and ankles.

Wilhelm picked up the cub uniform. "Yesterday you were a complete failure as a boy scout so your now relegated back to being a cub scout. Here's your uniform, go get changed."

Simon took a quick shower, dried himself off and dressed in the uniform and came back to face Wilhelm. "You really look the part, somewhat like a little boy. The jumper is bit tight, the shorts are really short, but the socks are still just long enough." Wilhelm clearly delighted with Simon's appearance.

Simon decided he would play the part, maybe he could trick Wilhelm into not tying him so tight. "Please Mr Kidnapper," he said, "I'm just a little boy, you don't have to tie me up. I won't try to escape."

Wilhelm laughed.

"Look at me Sir," Simon continued. "I only have a jumper on without even a shirt. Ropes will hurt my arms. My shorts are very short, ropes on my skin will burn me. My socks are really thin, not thick wool like a Boy scout. I'm sure just a little rope round my wrists and ankles will be plenty to hold me prisoner."

Wilhelm could hardly stop laughing at Simon's put on squeaky voice. Then he rubbed his chin as if in thought. "OK, my little cub scout. I was going to use 200 yards of rope on you, but as you asked so nicely I'll just use..." He paused ... "190 yards."

"I've already figured some stuff out to train my little cub scout." Wilhelm continued. "There are three basic positioned for cubs to learn. Attention, At Ease and sitting arms folded and legs crossed. Now as a good cub scout trainer I'll let you decide the order for you to learn in."

Now Simon had a dilemma, which position would be the easiest to escape from. Easiest first would save energy for others.

Standing up straight, arms by his sides, feet together... Attention.
Hands behind his back, legs straight and slightly apart ... At Ease.
Or sitting cross legged on the floor.

He figured that the At Ease would probably be the best to escape from. He'd have most movement like that. Attention should also be possible if he was not tied to anything. The last one sitting arms folded, cross legged, would definitely be the hardest to escape..

He made his choice.

"Please Akala, I think I should learn at ease, then attention, then sitting. But isn't there four tests for me?"

"Simon you really are daft, there is, you've a stretch already, which you lost by the way and you only had to pull a rope, so three more." Wilhelm said as he collected the bag. He emptied out a few cricket stumps. Simon looked confused.

"Er are we playing cricket?"

"Don't be stupid, and this might just get you stumped and don't forget you are leaning posture, so you mustn't move for five minutes once I have you in position. Now turn around, hand behinds you and your feet about a foot apart."

Simon turned and stood as instructed.

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Post by dl68 »

This is a brilliant continuation of the Simon story - well done. I do hope the Scout neckerchief features in gagging Simon next, he deserves it
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Post by Bondwriter »

Hopefully Wilhelm learns his lesson and trusses up Simon as announced; a gag is sorely needed too.

Great continuation!
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Post by frankburns »

Part 7

[Test 6]

Simon had interlocked his fingers behind him. Five horizontal loops carefully placed and gently pulled tight and tied of. Using the same rope four vertical loops were added, these pulled tight and tied off. Moving back in front of Simon he teased him with a little tweak on his nose. "There my little cubby wubby, that's how to make sure your hands stay behind you. Now we need to make sure your feet stay apart. So don't move."

Wilhelm placed one of the cricket stumps on top of Simon's feet. Simon guessed where this was going... But then Wilhelm went back behind Simon and placed another stump behind him. This next part somewhat surprised Simon as Wilhelm tied the end of the stumps together just outside his left ankle, then the same on the other end outside Simon's right ankle. 'OK' Simon thought 'now I get it my ankles are trapped between the stumps' Wilhelm then fastened the stumps together just inside Simon's ankles.

Simon realised that it would be fairly easy to spread his feet and let the stump fall away. Of course Wilhelm knew that as well and he took up a longer length and cinched between the back of Simon's left ankle and the stump, then a wrap round Simon's leg just above his ankle, fed across to Simons right leg and a wrap round that leg, another cinch between his ankle and the stump. 'OK' Simon thought, 'Now I can't spread my feet apart.'

Wilhelm came back in front of Simon. "Well, what do you think? Will that help my new cub scout stand properly?"

"Yeah, I guess... Those stumps are quite tightly fixed." Simon said. Hoping Wilhelm had finished... He hadn't..

"Well just to be sure I think we need to secure the front of your legs like the back." Wilhelm said as he bent down and repeated the cinch, warp, wrap, cinch to the stumps in front of Simon's ankles. Simon grunted slightly as he felt the ropes tighten and the stumps crush in.

Wilhelm stood up. "Now that's better. But I need to make sure you can't bend your knees. After all Cubs need to stand up straight." He said. Wilhelm went back behind Simon. "And cub scouts need to wear their neckers properly, not all twisted. And cub scouts need to remember not to answer back. So I think we'll need to take care of that wont we."

Wilhelm pulled out a sock from his pocket..But not any sock, the loaded sock.. the one filled with plasticine. With his other hand he reached forward over Simon's shoulder and pulled off his necker.

Simon suddenly knew what was coming. "No Wilhelm.. No NO.."

"Oh Yes. YES and YES again."

"Wilhel... Ughh...." was all Simon managed. The attack from the rear was completely unexpected. Simon caught completely off guard as Wilhelm crammed in the 'loaded' sock, once again forcing it under Simon's tongue, then the necker was forced in behind his teeth wrapped round the back and securely tied off.

"That's better... for now.. " Wilhelm said. "So now I can continue helping your posture without a rude cub scout interupting."

Simon felt Wilhelm push a stump down inside Simon's long sock behind his left leg, then pulled it back up until the top went up into his shorts leg. Rope was then then tied quite tightly around stump and leg just above Simon's knee. Then that was repeated just below his knee. 'OK' Simon thought 'That will stop me bending my leg, at least he didn't cinch it.' Almost before the thought had run though his mind he felt a rope pass between the stump and leg above his knee. The same rope then pushed between the stump and his leg, this time below his knee. 'Damnation! He is cinching it!'

"One down.. One to go." Wilhelm said. Simon stood patiently while Wilhelm repeated the whole procedure at the back of Simon's right leg.

Wilhelm came back in front of Simon. "Do you think that'll help you keep your legs nice and straight and apart." He asked.

Simon wriggled his legs slightly, very little movement. "ughh ugh mmmmphh."

"Nice try Simon, but I'm not done yet, your legs might be nice and straight but your arms aren't."

Now Simon was a little worried.. He had clenched his fists, interlocked his fingers as twisted his arms slightly as Wilhelm had tied them, so he knew there would be some play once he relaxed. He hadn't figured on stumps on his legs and now he assumed there would be stumps on his arms as well. He was right. Ten minutes later the same idea was used as Wilhelm fastened a stump to each of Simons arms, with ropes both above and below his elbows.

Wilhelm spent another few minutes checking the ropes and knots.. All seemed nice and secure. He went to his chair and sat down. "Timers on.." Simon started to wriggle, then suddenly stopped.

"What's up then .. get on with it."

"Hmmpphh Ugghhh." From Simon.

For what seemed to drag for ages, Simon watched the clock on the wall tick by. Finally the five minutes were up. Now all he had to do was get free, and he knew this would be easier than Wilhelm had thought. Simon had realised that Wilhelm he made a huge mistake. When he had tied his wrists he had tied them with the rope over his jumper sleeves therefore the stumps had not been pushed up inside his jumper.

Within ten minutes Simon had wriggled his hand to grip the bottom of the stumps and slide them down. Wilhelm quite alarmed as he heard them fall to the floor. Five minutes later, utilising the fact they he had managed to keep the total pressure of his wrists, they were also free. Fifteen minutes to free his legs should be easy. Simon went to bend over but suddenly realised he became very unstable and might fall on his head.

'Nothing for it' he thought. He flopped backwards and fell quite hard on his bottom. But at least sitting like this and with near 15 minutes still on the clock he figured he could have a minute or two to rest. He knew it would only take about five minutes a leg. Then a horrible thought came into his mind. He had 30 minutes to get free but did that INCLUDE standing still. It took him 15 minutes to free his arms and drop down, if so he now only had ten minutes. He scrambled like mad to unfasten the ropes near his knees and get the stumps out. A glance at the clock. 6 minutes left..Five minutes later and the stumps trapping his feet were gone. Not a single rope left on him. He took a bow just as the alarm went off.

"You little swine Simon. You beat me that time, that's one each." Wilhelm said dejected. "You can take off the gag while I get something for us to drink.. Tidy the stumps and ropes will you." And with that Wilhelm went upstairs, the door clanging shut and the whirr of the locks.

[Test 7]

'I only need one more escape to avoid the forfeit and if I do both I get a bonus.' Simon thought as he took off the gag, put his necker back on, taking care not to twist it. He collected up the stumps and ropes, still tangled up. He had only to have undone half the knots to actually be free of them all. He spent a little time clearing up and untangling them, his mind running wild with secret plans. 'Simon seems happier maybe I can get him to do an outside trial, but how..' He thought hard for a while, then it came to him. He assumed that Wilhelm would have that silly loin cloth with him, so maybe he could suggest cowboys and Indians in the woods tomorrow. 'I'll keep him happy til the end of the day then I'll challenge him to it. He might fall for it. Then I'm GONE! Surely he won't think I'll make a break in nothing but a loin cloth.'

Wilhelm returned some 20 minutes later with a tray of orange juice and ham sandwiches. "Time for a quick snack, Simon." He said as he placed the tray on the table and sat on a chair. Simon joined him.

"If people saw us now, they'd think it was just some cub scout having food with his leader." Simon said. Then a worrying thought came to him.. 'was Wilhelm secretly filming all this. That could be very embarrasing. He didn't like to be filmed at work.' He figured he'd ask. "Wilhelm, are you filming this.. you know for your records or something?"

"No, Simon. Certainly not. It might have been an idea and I did actually think about it. But then I also figured that would be evidence against me if it ever got found by someone. That's a chance I can't take. Like at the shed, I have to be careful not to leave evidence. As things are it's your word against mine if you ever try to rat me out.. That's called reasonable doubt in a court."

"Don't you need pictures of your kidnap victims? To prove you actually have them."

"Yes, naturally, but when I take the pictures I make sure they always smile. If that ever goes to the cops, and it never has so far, it would just be like some silly game kids play."

'silly kids game?? Just like you are doing to me.' Simon thought. "Makes sense. I guess." He said.

"You know what else makes sense?"


"The clock.. It's time for your next test."

"I guess you're going to tie me up to a pole again. Like last time." Simon said.

"No.. You need to learn posture, did you forget. You'll have to stand up straight all on your own. Jump up and wait in the middle. I'll get the gear."

Wilhelm collected the rope and the stumps again. Simon stood watching.. 'Damn.. Looks like he's going to use those stumps again.' Simon thought.. He was correct.

Wilhelm collected up a stump. "I'm not making the same mistake. This goes up your sleeve this time." The first one went up Simon's right sleeve, then another stump one up his left sleeve.

"Now to make sure they don't fall out." He took a length of rope and tied it around Simon's right wrist over the jumper sleeve, leaving a long length hanging down, then another length round his wrists. The rope was not overly tight, but did trap the stump in place. "And to keep your arms nice and straight.." Two length was wrapped quite tightly round his right arm, one just above and one just below his elbow. Simon wriggled slightly and found it was quite effective. Wilhelm applied two more in the same way on Simons left arm.

"Move your feet apart a little and lay you hand flat on your thighs, fingers out straight, no fists." Wilhelm instructed.

'That'll stop me tensing up.' Simon thought. 'It'll be a little harder one he wraps my arms. He's bound to do that.'

Simon moved his feet apart a little, wondering why, after all 'attention' was feet together. "That's good. Simon." Wilhelm said as he took up the long end hanging from Simons wrist and started to wrap it round his wrist and thigh. He put a little strength into it getting it tight, then even added a cinch between wrist and thigh. Then he did the same on the other side. trapping Simons arms down.

'OK,' Simon thought.. 'This will be tricky but I should be able to free it with my fingers' That method of escape dissolved as he saw Wilhelm collect up the end of the rope on his right wrist (and thigh). He fed it all the way back up his arm and tied it off at the rope just above Simons elbow. 'Hell. This just might be impossible.' Simon thought. 'Not much wriggle room, and no ends to undo!'

As Simon had assumed five bands of rope were passed round Simons body at chest height. Again quite tight. Then to finish off those bands were cinched in place between his arms and body, and then taken diagonally across his body and over the opposite shoulder and back behind him to the elbow ropes. "There Simon. You can't slip those over your shoulders or down over your feet."

Simon had to agree. This did seem an impossible escape. "Wilhelm.. You should at least give me some chance of escape."

"Simon please stop complaining.. I need to win. If you can't be quite like a good cub scout I might just have to make you be quiet. Would you like that?"

Simon shock his head indicating no.

"OK.. You've been warned. One more word and I make sure you won't say any more." He looked at Simon, who tightly pushed his lips together. "OK, time for your legs."

Fist thing that happened was the stumps were pushed down his long socks, then fed up into his shorts leg just like last time. Again Ropes holding them in place above and below Simons knees. Wilhelm put a little more effort into it this time pulling them tight. Hoping Simon would complain. Simon remained quiet.

"Feet together now please Simon." Wilhelm said. Simon obliged.

Six loops tight round Simons ankles, four bands just below his knees and four bands just above them. "Nearly done." Wilhelm said as he added a set of four loops round the middle of Simons lower legs, again pulled tight. These actually went just below where the stumps ended so even if Simon tried to force his legs bent the stumps would stay in place. "Just one more."

"Oh come on Wilhelm.. Give me a chance." Simon said as Wilhelm used the last one tied six bands wide round his wrists and thighs pulling the whole assembly together.

"Just one more thing Simon.. I warned you not to speak.. You defied me and complained again, so you know whats coming dont you?" Simon closed his eyes in defeat.. Yes he forgot.. He had spoked and yes he knew what was coming. Wilhelm dragged over a small table and placed it just beside Simon.

"Now where is that loaded sock.." Wilhelmm hunted around for a few minutes, then found in under the table where Simon had thrown it. He picked it up and layed it on the table. "Now where did I put those other socks? Oh yes I remember." He went over to a drawer and collected the two socks. Brought them over and put them with the 'loaded' sock.

Simon looked a little dismayed. This was going to be a bad gag. He just knew it but dare not speak for fear of even worse. "Well," Wilhelm said. "You put you necker on properly, seems a shame to use it." Simon breathed a sigh of relief. "But I will anyway." Wilhelm took of Simons neckerchief and placed that on the table as well. He seemed to be enjoying this little torment of Simon, just dragging it out. "Oopps I nearly forgot, I left your ball in the other drawer. I'll just get it." Wilhelm fetched it placing it slowly on the table with the other 'equipment'.

Wilhelm looked into Simon's face."Why is your cap crocked? Don't fret though I have a cure for that as well." He straightened the cap so the peak was perfect. Went back over to the drawer and took out a long bandage. "There now all the ingreedience is ready. Are you going to open wide, or do I get the pleaseure of brute force." He said.

Simon knew he was defeated and opened his mouth. Wilhelm picked up a sock and went to push it into Simon's mouth. Simon snapped his mouth shut tight. "Oh Simon how could you?" Wilhelm grinned. Using his other hand he squeezed Simon's jaw open by pressing into the sides of his cheeks. Simon's mouth opened with a sklight gurgle as Wilhelm forced in first one sock into Simon's left cheek and another into his right cheek. Simon fought as best he could by trying to twist his head but it was of little help and the loaded sock was soon pushed into, and under Simon's tounge. Two minutes later the ball gag was fixed tightly in place. Now there was nothing Simon could do but wait and let Wilhelm add whatever he wanted.

Wilhelm picked up the necker and spun it into a rope like length and forced that on top of the ball gag, wrapped it round behind Simon and knotted it tightly. Then he went for the bandage. "Ugghhh OHHH mmmppph" Simon begged. "No No Simon we have to make sure your cap atys on properly and if you glare at me like that I might just cover your eyes as well." Wilhelm started on top of Simons head and went round and round form bottom of Simon's jaw to the top of his head six times before feeding the end through the bandage at his cheek. As there was still some bandage left over he figured it would be best to use it up by going rond his head the other way forcing the ball gag even tighter in before fastening it at the back of Simon's neck.

"There, that should do." Wilhelm took his place in a chair and started the timer.

Simon knew that escape was totally impossible, especially in just 25 minutes. He just concentrated on trying to stay still for the five minutes posture time. Eventually the five minutes elapsed. Simon was panting a little. His arms and legs were starting to get numb. He tried to move position a little and suddenly fell forward face down towards the floor.

Wilhelm had never moved quicker in his life. He jumped out the chair and caught Simon as he fell. "Wow Simon.. That would have been nasty. You might have broke your face."

"Hmmm ugghhhh oooOO " Simon said.

"Do you give up?" Wilhelm sasked

"Simon could only nod his head."

Wilhelm giggled.. "and that means I won, that's two fails and only one win for you. And now I'll be really nice and untie you. I know it's all very tight."

It took Wilhelm almost an hour to get Simon out of the ropes and gag.

"Please Wilhelm give me a little time before you tie me again. Everything still hurts. And maybe not a gag, even my mouth hurts."

"Sure ok. Why not go rub that cream on. It'll help. I know that was real rough for you. You want to give up the next test even before we start?"

"If I do that I get a forfeit. Knowing you you'll probably make it a double forfeit 'cus I quit. But honestly Wilhelm this isn't fair if you always tie me in impossible ways. Can't you at least give me some hope?"

"Actually I was just thinking the same. Yes it's real fun me getting you all roped up. But I also enjoy watching you trying to escape. That's twice you haven't even tried so I'm missing out on that. You need decent brake. There is still some sandwiches and juice."

Simon went into the bedroom, took off the jumper and rolled his socks down. A sly grin came over his face as he rubbed the soothing cream on his arms and legs. He knew his plan was working. After all his past experiences he knew Wilhelm liked to see him struggle. So now not struggling twice seemed to have convinced Wilhelm to go a bit easier. If he does that outside. Simon knew he would have a real chance of escaping.

[Test 8]

Simon rested in his bedroom for a few minutes. Laying on the bed.

"Come on Simon.. Times getting on." Wilhelm called.

"OK". Simon put the jumper back on, pulled up his socks neatly and went back. Wilhelm sat on a chair drinking some orange juice. Simon joined him.

"I though you'd come and get me when you were ready?"

"Simon, you might have had nothing on. Yuch! that's a bad thought. Do you want a drink before we get started?"

"Better not. I don't want to fill my bladder."

"OK then sit on the floor. Your arms across your chest, crossed at the forearms, right hand under left elbow, left under the right one."

"Yes I know." Simon said somewhat sarcastically.

The first rope was quite predictable. Wilhelm tied it to Simons right wrist, round his back to tie it off at his left elbow. The next one similar but from left wrist to right elbow. 'Easy, this is like the straight jacket escape I've done dozens of times.' Simon thought. That was just before Wilhelm added another rope round his forearms. "That'll keep your arms steady while I sort out your legs." Wilhelm said. 'was that it for my arms?' Simon thought. 'He IS going easy on me.'

Wilhelm arranged Simon's legs so his ankles were crossed and his feet pushed close to his thighs. Now Wilhelm started to get technical. Simons ankles were tied quite tightly in that position using a cross lashing, sometimes going vertical, some going horizontal. At least four passes each way before tying it off.

"Step one" Wilhelm said "but we need to make sure your legs stay in place don't we?"

"No. It's ok. I can keep them there." Simon said.

"Er... YES we do. It'll help you keep them there."

Wilhelm gathered up another length which was used to loop Simon's right ankle to his right thigh. The another looping his left ankle to his left thigh. Simons legs were now fixed in place. Wilhelm reached for yet another length. 'OK he's going for quantity hoping I'll run out of time.' Simon figured. Wilhelm used that length to loop Simon's left leg to his left thigh but in the middle of his leg, four loops pulled tight and tied off. Just as Simon guessed yet another repeated on his right leg. Wilhelm went and got even more rope.

"Come on Wilhelm, five ropes already that's enough. I can hardly move." Simon lied.

"Oh lot's more yet."

The sixth rope was use to loop Simon's left leg near his bent knee, and a seventh the same on his his right leg. The eighth length became a worry for Simon as Wilhelm used it to add a long cinch from the knee loop to his thigh loop on Simon's left leg. This was done with three passes before being tied off at Simon's thigh. Finally the last one was used to do the same on his right leg.

'Lots of rope, lots of awkward knots' Simon thought, 'this will take time, at least my arms are ok.'

"Now my neat cub, sit up straight please." Wilhelm said. Simon complied. "Don't fret I only have two lengths left." Wilhelm said as he gathered up another long length. Five loops around Simons arms and body secured his arms tight to his side. "One more." Wilhelm said as he moved back in front of Simon. A simple loop round the back of Simons neck and to his ankles would ensure he wouldn't be able to get up.

"I should call you Pack 15... " Wilhelm grinned. "You're packed in 15 ropes. I don't think you'll manage a rope every 2 minutes. You can start whenever your ready."

"Don't try tricking me like that. I remember I can't start for 5 minutes."

"Damn.. Why can't you forget little things like that."

Simon used the five minutes to figure out all the mistakes Wilhelm had made, and there was a few he could soon exploit. He carefully watched the clock until the five minutes were gone.

First step was dead easy. He leaned forward bending his back and neck then shaking his head. The loop on the back of his neck fell off. Mistake number 1. Wilhelm hadn't tied it to the chest or arm loops! That done he fell backwards and rubbed himself down the carpet pushing up the loops around his body til they loosened over his head. Mistake 2 he hadn't cinched below his armpits! Then it was a simple and practised move, even with his forearms tied, to wriggle one arm over his head effectively freeing one arm, the same move with the other one. From there it was simple to slide out of the forearms rope, untie his wrists and elbows. Mistake 3. there was no rope going down between his legs, or even tied to his legs to prevent it! He glance at the clock. He still had nearly 15 minutes.

"Oh Simon." Wilhelm said.. "How the hell did you do that so easy? I might as well give up."

"Ha ha.. No forfeit today! My legs will be free in a few minutes." They were, in just a few minutes all the ropes had either been forced away or untied. Simon took a bow with 3 minutes still on the clock.

"Was there a trick of yours I missed.. Or did I win?" Simon asked.

"You won. I made it too easy for you. I might not do that again. I guess you want some dinner now?"

"Yes and I need a pee."

Simon headed for the bedroom as Wilhelm went upstairs.

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Post by dl68 »

Brilliant - the story gets better. Don't know how Simon keeps escaping! As I know only too well the necker makes a great gag particularly when combined with socks or a ball; good to read Simon suffering in this way ... more please continuing the Scout/Cub theme but Simon may get his wish of a loin cloth and necker!! But will he get away ... I doubt it
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Post by frankburns »

Part 8

By the time Wilhelm came back with traditional fish and chips, and the pot of tea, Simon had showered and changed out of the cub uniform. He sat in a chair watching the TV, wearing a pair of slacks and a long sleeved shirt.

"Oh 'Charlie Chaplin'"

"Yeah, it's old, 'the Circus'. How appropriate. A clasic. So funny." He got up to go over to the table.

"Stay there. We'll watch it together." Wilhelm brought the tray over.

"OK. I hope you don't mind me getting changed, those shorts are really tight on me now."

"No problem. Maybe I'll get some more for next time."

"What do you mean NEXT TIME!" Simon said.

Wilhelm laughed.

They sat on the floor together, occaisonally commenting on the film, eating the fish and chips and drinking tea.

"Wilhelm..." Simon asked as the film titles started to apear indicating the end of the film. "Would you really have done what you said before?"

"What?" Wilhelm quizzed.

"Stretch me in and out on that table and tickle me til I peed myself."

Wilhelm laughed. "No Simon. I was just messing with you. I could have not made it a test if I'd wanted. Then got an extra tie up out of you. So in a way I missed out on two as you even escaped enough to stop me getting a forfiet. In fact I can promise you I wont put you on the tickle table again, and by the way it WAS at full stretch anyway last time. I told you I don't want to hurt you and it's not much fun watching you urinate all over the place, but I'm not letting you go either."

'Time to set some seeds' Simon thought. "Wilhelm..." Simon started.

"Yeah." Wilhelm replied.

"It's getting a bit ... well claustrophobic and stuffy down here. Do you still have that loin cloth thing?"

"Yeah, I think so, why?" He knew he had.

"I thought we might play cowboys and indians tomorrow. You know.. Let me get some air. I assume you'd want me to be the indian."

"Actually I was thinking of a sports day tomorrow, see how good you are at soccer. But I'm still trying to figure out all the tests."

"So I can get some fresh air then?"

"No. I've got a goal thing I made up of wood and an old fishing net. I'm not sure I can risk you having a whole day outside. Someone might wander by."

Simon saw his chances slipping. "Oh I have an idea.. How about this. You can tie me in the goal area and I have to save three goals before I can try to escape.. Then you can tie me in some way and I have to score three goals."

"Yeah I figured those two, but can't think of two more." Wilhelm interupted.

"Well for the third you could just do some standard tie up, Hog tie maybe? Then the forth you could let me be the indian outside. I could really do with some fresh air. You could tie me up to a tree real tight. It's very hard to escape your pole tie, we both know that, so maybe give me a whole hour to get free. Even if I did get free and tried to escape, I'd not get very far wearing just a loin cloth. I bet the woods are full of brambles and nettles, I'd get ripped to pieces. I don't even know which way to run, and with you and Mr Needle it would be pointless... Well excepting Mr Needle's point. You get your sports day and I get some fresh air."

"There's still the very slight risk some dog walker might come by."

"Oh come on Wilhelm. You said we're miles from anywhere and if they did I'd just say we were playing a game. If you don't gag me that would also indicate we were just playing a game. Anyway, I thought we were just playing a game. Do you think I'd run off without my pay." Simon laughed.

"You're really pushing it aren't you."

"Wilhelm.." Simon looked down. "I just want to get some fresh air. Feel the wind. Hear the birds. We're nearly half way though, so it's a good time."

"I'll think about it."

'Time to play an ace card, a double bluff.' Simon thought. "Oh ok. Forget it then, if you don't trust me and you think I'm going to scream and shout."

"You tried to escape before. Then refused to keep the deal."

"Yeah, 'cus you made me pee myself. I got mad and embarrassed. Anyway YOU wanted me to try to escape, else the door wouldn't have been locked. Then you stretched me so far it hurt, but you said you wont do it again and I trust you now. Why wont you trust me not to shout for help?"

Wilhelm thought for a few minutes. "OK but I get to tie you twice outside as I sort of missed out today. First I'll stake you out on the floor, I'll see if I can find an ant hill." Wilhelm giggled. Simon knew, well hoped, it was a joke. "Even if you get free I still get to tie you to a tree. Your fresh air will cost you a forfeit. Oh and I think that your hog tie idea don't fit with soccer, but a ball tie will, I'll see if you can stop being a soccer ball."

"You promise not to tickle me when I'm staked out?" Simon asked.

"Yes. Do you promise not to shout and scream for help."

"Yup. I don't mind two tie ups outside, means I get fresh air for longer. Can I have an hour to escape the tree? I know you'll do it as complicated as you can."

"OK. Shake on it. But you'll never get free from the tree anyway. You have never escaped a pole tie of mine yet." Wilhelm held out his hand.

Simon knew that was true. Not once had he managed it. But this time he had a secret or two... Simon took the offered hand.

"I could do with some sleep now if that's ok with you?" Simon asked.

"Sure. I let you be. There's a soccer uniform in the bottom drawer of the chest in your bedroom. Make sure you put it on in the morning."

Wilhelm collected up the tray and plates etc and went upstairs.

Simon smiled to himself. 'First part of the plan executed. Tomorrow I'll be free and miles from here.'


Simon slept quite well, that night, probably better than any other. By morning he was up and dressed in the soccer strip as instructed.

"Sorry Simon, change of plans." Wilhelm said as he came in.

Simon was a little concerned, had Wilhelm cancelled his planned outdoor tests? Was his chance of escaping fading away?

"Weatherman says it's going to rain this afternoon. " Wilhelm continued. Hopes fading even more for Simon. "So as I promised you can be my indian captive, what we'll do is swap them around. Indian this morning and Soccer star this afternoon. So you'll need this." He handed Simon the loin cloth.

'Yes... yes.. and MEGA yes' Simon thought. "Oh ok. I'll get changed." Simon said calmly and he took the loin cloth and returned to his bedroom to get changed.

"I'll get breakfast." Wilhelm called. From inside his bedroom Simon heard the steel door open, then close.

Smiling to himself Simon opened the drawer in his room cabinate and took out the little object he had secreted away from the scavenger hunt earlier. He quickly got changed into the loin cloth and pushed it down the back, below the rope that acted as a belt to the loin cloth. Then went back into the main room.

Wilhelm soon returned with a light breakfast, just some cerial and tea which was soon finished. Wilhelm almost as excited as Simon, but for totally different reasons.

"OK indian boy on you feet and hands behind you, I'm not taking the chace on you running off as soon as we get out, so it's hands tied and a leash for you." Wilhelm said.

Simon stood up and put his hands behind his back, side by side, hoping that Wilhelm wouldn't cross them. He didn't. Wilhem made three revolutions of Simons wrists, then took the rope up above his elbows and made three tight revolutions there. Still not done Wilhelm kept on winding the rope all the way down Simon's arms back to his wrists and tied it off there. Simon grunted a couple of times, 'this was a good job he thought'

Wilhelm came back in front of Simon and smilled. "That should hold you arms. You wont be tempted to thump me will you? But now to make sure you don't even think about running off." Wilhelm knelt down and tied a rope securely round Simon's right ankle then went across to Simons left ankle tying it off there, but leaving about a foot of rope between them. Wilhelm wanted to be sure that Simon would have no chance of making a break so he repeated the proceedure both above and below Simon's knees. Finally a long length around Simon's arms four times and tied. The long end remaining to serve as the leash. "OK. Indian prisoner lets go." Wilhelm said.

"Can I have some sandles please?" Simon asked.

Wilhelm thought for a few moments, but had to agree that walking barefoot into the woods might actually cut Simon's feet. "I guess." Wilhelm said. "Might be safer." He went into Simon's bedroom to get the footwear, returned soon after and put them on Simon's feet for him and did up the buckles.

Wilhelm open the steel door and the two of them slowly made their way up, out the cottage door and into the woods. Deeper and deeper they went until finally they reached a small clearing.

Wilhelm unwond the rope round Simon's arms. "We'll do the tree tie first as your half tied up already. Up against the tree indian. Your going to get well acquaintanced with it for a while." Wilhelm instructed smilling. This was going to be a serious pole-tie, he was going to make absolutely sure Simon had zero chance of escape.

Once Simon was standing with his back to the tree, his wrists and arms still firmly bound, Wilhelm use the long length to first tie to Simons right elbow, then across the back of the tree to Simon's left elbow where he looped it around then doubled backed to Simon's right elbow then back around. This time round the tree and Simon's body. It was long enough to go all the way round four times before Wilhelm tied a big knot on Simon's chest.

Simon was now part of the tree. Wilhelm moved and looked as Simon. "What do you think? Will that keep my little indian a prisoner?" He said.

Simon wriggled as best he could, there was almost no play at all. "Wilhelm." He said "This is a bit over the top. I can't even move."

"Funny you'd say over the top, 'cus you right that's the top, but I still have to do the bottom." Wilhelm laughed at his joke and he knelt down and untied the hobble ropes from Simon's ankles and knees.

"Oh no.." Simon said as he realised that Wilhelm was going to tie his legs as well.

Wilhelm used one length to tie a loop round Simon's ankles, then round and round four times then even added a cinch locking Sinon's feet together. Then more, just the same and just as tight below Simon's knees. Now his legs frozen as one. That just left one length, a real long one. Wilhelm used that to wrap totally around Simon's legs and the tree, round and round all the way from ankle to knee. Finally seemingly happy with Simon's helplessness he sat down to watch if Simon could get free.

Simon wriggled and struggled for a few minutes. Then the time came when he had to get rid of Wilhelm fo a few minutes. His plan was to tell him that he needed desperatly to pee and beg Wilhelm to get a bottle. Simon was about to tell him when Wilhelm surprised him and spoke up.

"Damn." Wilhelm said. "I found a brilliant ant nest to stake you over next, but I forgot to pick up the stakes."

"Ha ha ha" Simon said. "I guess I got out of that, and I win by forfeit, you'll have to untie me 'cus there is no way I can get out of this."

Wilhelm stood up and went to inspect his ropework. True nothing had budged, not a single rope had loosened. "No way will you get a freebie. Your well stuck, you aint got any chance, you've never got out of a pole tie and this one is my best by far. You wait here while I get them." Wilhelm took off heading back towards the cottage.

Simon figured he had ten, maybe fifteen minutes.. Would that be long enough... The pen knife he had stolen and now had pushed down his loin cloth was almost razor sharp, he had spent many hours rubbing it on an exposed brick. He fiddled with his fingers for a few seconds and managed to pull it out, then open.

Starting with his wrists he started to very carefully slice through the ropes one loop at a time, as the lower loop was cut the one above fell looser. It was a little tricky getting up to his elbows but soon managed. From there it was simple to just slice through all the others. He was free in less than five minutes. Now to part two. He needed clothes and they were in the boot of Wilhelms car, he had seen the overalls earlier.

Simon started dodging his way back towards the cottage. He almost reached the car when he heard a cry from the woods.. "NOOOOO." It was Wilhelm's voice. He'd found the sliced up ropes. Simon was now aware that Wilhelm was some distance off and ran to the car opened the boot and took out the overalls. He shut the boot and headed off in the opposite direction to where Wilhelm was.

It took Simon almost an hour before he reached a road, then followed that, but keeping in the bushes alongside. Eventually he reached what he needed, a sign post. He looked up. Bentonville 5 miles. 'Two hours, I'll be home' he thought. Finally his long ordeal was over.

Simon never told Stilo what had happened, he thought it best that Stilo didn't know, he could keep thinking that Simon had been attending to his uncles death and funeral. For his part Stilo never asked either as he didn't want to intrude into Simon's private loss.

Wilhelm.... well Wilhelm wasn't very happy, but then not too sad. Maybe he'd get another chance. But international events were brewing.

To Be concluded in the epilogue below
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Post by frankburns »


[September 03 1939 - Wilhelms cottage]

Wilhelm sat quietly. He didn't like what Mr Neville Chamberlain was saying.

'I am speaking to you from the Cabinet Room of 10 Downing Street. This morning the British Ambassador in Berlin handed the German government a final note, stating that unless we heard from them - by 11 o'clock - that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland, a state of war would exist between us. I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received and that, consequently, this country is at war with Germany.'

Wilhelm felt sadder than he ever had. Real, genuine tears fell down his face. He knew what he had to do. He was German. He knew that Britain would have no choice but to inter him, he was 'category A' having been detained once already, then he would probably be linked to a kidnapping or two. He had to leave, he had to go to Germany. He didn't know what would become of him, but he still had one last job to do before going to the old airstrip were a small private plane awaited him.

In total silence he stood up and picked up the two cases he had prepared a few days earlier.

He slowly wandered out of the cottage that held so many secrets, yet so much pleasure. Happy in the knowledge that even though he was on the wrong side of the law, he had never hurt anyone. But what next for him? WAR!! What the hell.

Once outside he turned, locked the door for the final time and slipped the key into his pocket.

He moved over to his car, dropped the cases in the boot, closed it... One last final look at his beloved cottage, and drove off.


[September 03 1939 - The circus camp]

"This is really bad Stilo." Simon said.

"Yes it is. It means the end of the circus. They'll soon call you up. Then I don't know what will happen."

"Perhaps they wont find me, do they even know I exist?"

"Oh yes Simon they know you exist, we are duel nationals now. They will call here for you in the next few days."

"Why don't we go back to America?" Simon asked.

"Maybe I can arrange it for you, but I can't go and leave my lady.. She's british." Stilo said.

"And I have nothing back there without you, and I'll have to go to war, you know that don't you. Serve this country and all that tosh." Simon said. "Will I ever see you again? What will you do?"

"Simon don't worry about me, and you'll get a reserved job somewhere, just working phones or desks. One day this will all be over. Then exactly 24 hours after it's over I'll meet you at the railway station. No-one will destroy what we have."

Simon, tears in his eyes climbed out the caravan.. He wanted to be brave for Stilo, but he wasn't, he couldn't.

Simon looked up towards the road.. He wanted to run away.. He didn't ask for all this. It just wasn't fair!

That's when he noticed a car by the phone box. A car he recognised. And the figure beside it looking at him.. He recognised him.

Such strange emotions enveloped him, he just couldn't stop his legs.. His feet moved as though even without his thought. Less than 3 minutes later the two of them stood in that quiet spot looking at each other. For long moments nothing was said. It was Wilhelm that broke the silence.

Through tears he spoke. "Simon, this is for you." He placed a case on the floor.

"What is it?" His eyes remained fixed on Wilhelm.

"Something I owe you, something I know you'll look after."

Simon looked puzzled, still full of strange mixed emotions.

Wilhelm smiled. "It's £5,000, the deeds to the cottage and a few memories. I don't want to go but I can't stay. You know that. I have a plane waiting." He held out a hand. "FFL?"

"Wilhelm.." Simon wiped the tears from his eyes. "What's ffl?"

Now it was Wilhelms turn to wipe tears. "Friends for Life."

Simon brushed aside Wilhelms hand and took him in a close warm embrace. "For years" he wispered. "I thought I hated you, but it was all false. Only now do I realise... I think I love you."

"That's illegal." Wilhelm whispered back. "But I've loved you since the day we met."

They slowly pulled away.

"Simon take the case, the cars are all in your name, so is the cottage. Take that old bugger Stilo and his woman with you. I bet he has nothing now and they love you like a son. The money should last a while. I really have to go, the plane can't wait for long. You can pick this car up at the old airstrip. It's also in your name."

A long pause..."Wilhelm.. Will I ever see you again?"

Wilhelm smilled. "Do you really think that a moron like Hitler can keep us apart forever?" Emotions were building again as Wilhelm got back in the car.

"And don't you forget... I know where you live, and I still own a little shed in the middle of nowhere." With that, and just like that, the car slowly drove off into the distance.

Simon picked up the case." He smilled through the tears. "Wilhelm you just had to tie up the case didn't you."

One final look down the now empty road. He turned, rubbed his eyes, and wandered off to let Stilo know what had happened. Well most of what happened. Perhaps some words would be best not repeated.


FOR NOW.....???
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Post by MaxRoper »

Absolutely top shelf from start to finish. Don't know how this one got by me but I'm very glad to have found it. You brought those characters back to life. The tie-ups were excellent, and as a big fan of shorts and long socks, the scout outfits felt like you were writing just for me.

Lotta work involved in something this long and detailed. Thanks for sharing it!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great conclusion that leaves the door open for futur tug fun…

Loved this series, well done!
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