My Sister's Friend got "bored" (ff/m)

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My Sister's Friend got "bored" (ff/m)

Post by guardian741 »

Back in highschool, my sister (Macie) had a best friend named Kristina. They did everything together; hung out at each others houses, double-dated, even worked together for a brief period. They were both considered "popular", and looked the part:

My sister Macie is a blonde hair, blue-eyed girl standing at 5'8 and had a somewhat athletic build thanks to her participation in Cheerleading and Track.

Kristina is taller - at 5'11 - with black hair, brown eyes and a skinnier build. Both girls could be considered attractive.

Kristina and Macie would often hang out after school, however Macie's after-school Cheerleading practice kept her until 4:30, so it was not uncommon for Kristina to come to our house and just wait for Macie to get home. At the time of this story, Kristina and Macie were 16 and I was 17, so obviously... there was some rivalry. This particular instance was one of the more extreme cases.

Kristina was at my house waiting for Macie, I was just hanging out on whatever website was cool back then on my laptop.
"I'm bored" Kristina said.

"Bummer" I say without looking up from my laptop

"Entertain me"

"Entertain yourself. You know, you could hang out at your own house until Macie gets here..." I say passive-aggressively.

"ugggh, it's boring there too. I'll just take a tour, I guess" Kristina said as she got up from the table and started walked to various parts of the house (she didn't have any understanding of polite boundaries...)

10 Minutes later, I get up to grab a soda out of the garage and barely make it around the corner and BAM! I get tackled to the ground and before I realized what hit me, Kristina is sitting on my butt trying to press my hands together behind my back.

"Ow! What the hell, Kristina?!" I shouted, understandably startled.

"I found a way to entertain myself!" Kristina giggled from my back.

My heart sank when I heard duct tape ripping off of the roll. She and my sister have taped me up a couple of times, but they were pretty light: just hands taped behind my back, a strip or two of tape over my mouth - usually for a laugh, and never for very long. I was just in no mood to be at Kristina's mercy today.

"Oh come on, really! No, let me go!" I yell as I start squirming and trying to fight her. Unfortunately... I'm not that strong, and Kristina is fairly fit, not to mention about an inch taller than me. So after 5-10 minutes of pretty embarrassing struggling on my part, Kristina successfully wraps tape around my wrist several times and also secures my forearms and elbows. She got off of me and took a few seconds to watch me helplessly struggle against the tape.

"Kristina, let me go!"

"Maybe you'd be happier if you were more comfortable. Here, let's get you in your chair" Kristina said as she started lifting me up. I was planning on making it easy for her, but I did get my feet under me so that I'd at least be standing. My attempt to run away was shut down almost immediately as Kristina bear-hugged me from the back and forced me to shuffle backwards towards my black mesh, chair on casters (it looked like a low-end office chair) and eventually pushed me down into it, then sitting on me to keep me from getting up.

"See? Isn't this more comfortable?" Kristina asked "sweetly" as she started wrapping tape around my chest and the back of the chair.

"No! Get off of me, you psycho! Let me go!" I protested while trying to stand up out of the chair (and failing miserably).

Kristina ripped off the tape and stared me in the eyes.

"Ok, I do NOT need this kind of negativity right now" She said and bent down reaching towards the floor. After a couple seconds she popped back up holding her grey ankle socks, now balled up in her hand.


"Oh, I DO dare" Kristina said with a devilish smile.

I pinched my lips together and was defiant, but she was able to use her free hand to force my jaw open and once that happend, I was screwed. She shoved the sweaty ball in, using her fingers to press the extra material into open spaces in my mouth. Once she got both socks all the way in, she wrapped her arm around the back of my neck and clamped her hand over my mouth while her other hand got the duct tape started again. Once she had enough length pulled off, she brought the roll to my mouth and released my mouth from her hand and immediately pressed the tape over it and ripped it off the roll. She then applied another 3 strips at various angles.

"ommmp mmmp gmmph! mmmmm. mmmpm mm gmmpm!" I shouted in disgust. As a salty flavor quickly hit my taste buds. Honestly, it wasn't "so" unbearable, but it was mostly just the humilation of the whole thing. This was a girl that was annoying and got on my nerves regularly - I was definitely not pumped to have her dirty socks trapped in my mouth.

Kristina on the other hand, was laughing wildly as she watched my eyes bulge and face scrunch up. She laughed harder once she noticed my attempts to push the socks out through the tape.

"There ya go! I bet those taste SO yummy, right?" Kristina taunted

I shooked my head and groaned, earning more laughter from her.

Kristina then resumed taping me to my chair, and was VERY thorough. In addition to the tape around my chest, she taped my stomach, she taped my thighs together and then to the seat of the chair. She taped my knees together (above and below the joint), then separated my feet and taped each one to one of the legs of the chair (it was a 5-legged office chair), keeping them just off of the ground.

Kristina took a step back and tossed the roll of tape onto the table, then watched me with a smile as I furious fought against my bonds and protested into my gag. I sure the sight of the chair rolling slightly with my movements was comical (sad?) to watch.

"You told me to entertain myself, and so I did! Thanks for the idea! And wow! A whole half-hour has gone by!" Kristina taunted. "Mind if I use your laptop?"



Kristina sat in another chair and kicked her feet onto my lap and moved the laptop onto her lap and starting watching God-knows what.

"MMMPH! MMPPHMHMGMMP!" I protested for numerous reasons: I didn't want her using my computer, I didn't want her feet on me, I was pissed about being tied up and I was double-pissed about her socks in my mouth.

"shhhh.... you're being distracting"

The next 45 minutes continued similarly as Kristina entertained herself on my computer while I rotated between moods of "Trying to get free" and "accepting my fate". Kristina largely ignored me aside from a time or two where she'd taunt me by raising a foot to my face and poking either my mouth or my nose with her big toe. Both times earning a flurry of angry protests from me.

Then: My sister got home.

"IS MY BESTIE HERE?!" My sister shouted through the house

"SURE AM! AND I HAVE A SURPISE!" Kristina yelled back

My sister made her way to the main room we were in and her jaw dropped a little as soon as she saw the situation.

"Wow! I wasn't even planning on messin' with him today! You do this yourself?" Macie asked Kristina while studying my bonds.

"Sure did!" Kristina said proudly, placing the laptop on the table.

"MMRPMMP! LMPM MMM GMMMMPH!" I shouted at my sister, demanding her to put an end to this.

"Hi, big bro. Nice and comfy?" Macie asked sarcastically.


"This reminds me, Matt... remember a couple weeks ago how you said 'cheerleading isn't a real sport'? I think you're gonna pay for that now" Macie said threateningly.

My eyes widened and I shook my head a little as my shouts quickly turned into desparate "mm-uh"s.

"Oh snap! You're gonna get it now!" Kristina piped-up from her chair.

Macie walked over to the table and sat on it, then kicked her white cheer shoes off, revealing thick white ankle socks. She then spun 90 degrees to face me.

"Here, smell my feet" Macie said and leaned back on the table so that she was able to lift both socked feet into my face.

"MMMPHMP! OMM MP GMMMPH! MMMM MPMPH MPH MPM HPMMMMPH!" I shouted madly into my gag and struggled violently as my sister's disgusting socked feet rubbed back and forth in my face. They were moist, warm, and smelled truly horrible. I shook my head back and forth, but her feet followed.

"How do they smell? Cheerleading isn't a real sport, right? So I wouldn't work up a sweat if it wasn't a real sport, right? That must mean they smell like roses, so what are you complaining about?" Macie said, barraging me with taunts.

I was in agony as the putrid scent flooded my nostrils. I pulled violently at the tape, but was unable to free any part of me, and the struggle only exhausted me and forced me to take deeper breaths through me nose. My sister watched with a smug smile as her older brother took breath after breath of her stinky feet.

The next 15 minutes or so went largely the same way: Macie forcefully rubbing her sweaty socked feet against my face, while Kristina egged her on from the background. I was only relieved momentarily when her feet finally left my face because less than a minute later, she took them off, removed the tape from my mouth as well as Kristina's socks inside and stuffed her own socks in, then replaced the tape, this time wrapping it around my head multiple times.

"MMMPPMH!" I shouted in pure disgust as my sister gently slapped my face and told me to "enjoy those". Kristina's socks were disgusting in concept, Macie's socks were disgusting in reality. The moistness added to my displeasure as my tongue was overloaded with salty bitterness - initially making me gag on the taste.

The girls then ignored me for another 10 minutes as they turned to each other and talked about their day. I couldn't tell you the content of what they were saying as I was too busy trying to come to terms with my horrible new gag - my poor tongue finding a new pocket of flavor every few minutes.

"Movie time!" The girls said in unison.

"C'mon Matt, let's go watch a chick flick!" Kristina said as Macie went on ahead to put on a movie while she wheeled me out into the living room.

"MMP! MMPMH! MMMPHMPMGMPMPH!" I protested and fought as I was effortlessly wheeled into the living room, parked right in front of the TV in front of the couch. I was left to watch opening credits while the girls made popcorn, gathered sweets and got sodas.
The girls returned to the living room as the walked past me,

"we miss anything, Matt?"

I rolled my eyes and groaned. The smell of the popcorn reminding me how much better it would be to be eating popcorn instead of what I was currently chewing on.

10 minutes into the movie, one of the girls kicked their feet onto my shoulders so that their arch was at my ears and the top half of their foot was in my perhiprial vision. I groaned into my gag, but was ignored as the girls watched (I say watched, but they TALKED through the whole thing) the movie. It was a solid half-hour of this, being forced to watch this awful chick flick, listening to even more boring conversation behind me with my sister's sweaty gym socks taped in my mouth and someone's feet hovering near my face. The feet were also annoying (in addition to humiliating) because the odor from their feet would occasionally waft into my nose, earning a groan from me and laughter from them. Not to mention they would occasionally poke their toe into my ear, or rub it in my hair, or try to curl their foot around so that their big toe could flex-back and rub my taped lips. Any attempts to inch my chair away let to one of the girls hooking their food into the curved arm of the chair and pulling me back towards them.

After that half hour, I was bored, frustrated, angry, and disgusted all at once and developed a renewed energy for struggling to break free and violently shake my head and pull against the tape.


"Boy, he's getting restless" Kristina commented, sounding not-so-concerned

"He probably would just like a different gag, wouldn't you bro?" Macie taunted.

I was confused, however, when she rotated me 90 degrees (so that I was parallel with the couch) and laid my chair on its back, forcing me to look up at the ceiling.

"Let's take off that tape, hmm?" Macie said as she unwound the tape from my head, then pulling her socks out of my mouth and tossing them off to the side"

"You guys, this is crossing the line! Un tape me ri-mmGMPH!" I was quickly cut off by my sister shoving her heel deep into my mouth.

"MMMPH! OMMMP MMP GMPPMMMPH!" I complained as loudly as I could. I was beyond pissed that my sister shoved her BARE FOOT into my mouth. It was humiliating, not to mention gross! She had just got done working out during cheer practice! And - obviously - the taste was no treat either, definitely as bad as the socks, but just more psychologically horrifying.

"Oh my gosh, Macie! Really?! You're SO cruel!" Kristina said with a laugh as she half-covered her mouth in shock, mixed with laughter and disbelief.

My sister shrugged, "He didn't like his last gag, so I changed it. I TOLD him he was going to pay for saying cheerleading isn't a real sport. Bet you're gonna think twice before you say that again, aren't you, Matt?"

"OMM MM GMMP! OOMMM MMM GMMM!" The horrid salty-bitter taste flooded my mouth and I futilely pullled at my restraints. I did the only thing I could think of: I bit her heel... which failed miserably.

"Oooh, that actually feels kinda good, You can keep biting. It kinda feels like a massage." Macie said as she moved her foot side to side slightly to try to get me to bite the "right" spots. I stopped, not wanting her to enjoy herself anymore than she already was. Macie relaxed back into the couch, plopping her other foot half on my forehead, half over my eyes. With a foot in my mouth and another foot on my face, I was forced to endure her stinky feet... and they were RIPE! The repeated inhaling of her putrid feet started to turn my stomach, but it's not like I could vocalize the discomfort... even if she cared.

During Macie's bathroom break, I was finally able to relax my jaw, but clamped it tightly shut as soon as I saw Kristina scoot over on the couch and bring her foot to my face. She ALSO tried to shove her foot in my mouth, but I clamped tightly shut. Kristina resigned herself to just resting both feet on my face, one clamped tightly over my mouth - keeping me protest-silence and my nose pressed up against her arch. I wasn't sure if this was a win, as her feet also did not smell like flowers and with my nose being so close to her foot, I inhaled her awful corn-chipy smell. It wasn't nearly as strong as my sister's feet... but it was far from pleasant. It was a small win in principle: this chick caused me enough suffering today, I refused to have her foot in my mouth.

My sister returned and sat back on the couch and clamped a foot over my mouth - reminding me how much worse her feet stank than Kristina's.

"Stick out your tongue" Macie said

"mmm mm!" I shook my head. No way.

"C'mon! Give it a lick!"

I shook my head more.

"Ugh, then why'd I even let you have your mouth back!" My sister said, annoyed.

With lightning-fast speed, Macie balled up her discarded socks, took her foot off my mouth, then forced the wet socks back into my mouth and clamped her foot back over it while she asked Kristina to go grab the tape.

The socks were still gross, but I was better off with this outcome - there's no way I would ever willingly lick my sister feet.

Kristina returned with the tape and in quick order tape was wrapped around my head and my chair was brought back to upright position.

"Whatever, bro. If you're gonna complain about the movie, and complain about your gag, then complain about the NEXT thing that goes into your mouth, then you can just hang out in the closet until the movie's over." My sister ranted.

She started pushing my chair down the hall to her room.


We entered Macie's room, she opened her closet door and moved shoes and hanging clothes so that there was enough room for a person taped to a chair to fit in it. Then she pushed me inside. She looked into my pleading eyes and said:

"Oh, I've got a treat for you!"

Macie left her room, and returned less than a minute later... holding one of her cheerleading shoes. She had an evil grin on her face.
"You know, my closet can get kinda musty sometimes, and I would feel bad leaving you to smell that. And I figured since, you know, Cheerleading isn't a real sport, you would prefer to smell my Cheer shoes, since I must not work that hard in them, right? I'm such a good sister to you."

Then Macie aggressively pressed the opening of her shoe onto my face then pulling the laces behind my head and tying them off. For extra measure, she added two rounds of tape to *ensure* her shoe was secured over my nose.


I was completely overwhelmed as the horrid musty scent overwhelmed my nose. I started coughing during my first few breaths and tried in vein to shake the well-secured shoe off of my face.
My sister watched triumphantly as I suffered: tied up in her closet, gagging on her socks, smelling her putrid shoe.

"I'll give you a bit to think about how you're going to apologize" my sister said with her hands on her hips as she closed the closet door.
I tried - briefly - to escape, but I was no more successful than I was the other 100 times today. I begrudgingly took breath after breath of the horrid shoe, each inhale making my face twist up. How is it possible that I had it better with Macie's foot in my mouth?

I sat in helpless torment during the last 45 minutes of the movie, when finally I saw light again as the closet door opened. I was angered to see the very person who got me in this position in the first place.

"Rough day, huh?" Kristina asked with a smile as she took in the sight of me huffing my sister's shoe.

"You'll be happy to know that we're going to let you go now... but we're not doing all the work" Kristina said.

She then used scissors to cut away the bindings at my ankles, around my chest, thighs, knees. Basically I was able to get out of the chair - it felt great to stretch my legs after 3+ hours.

"MMMPH? MMMMPHMP!" I mumbled in confusion when she stopped cutting, leaving my hands taped behind me and the shoe taped to my face.

"This is the fun part!" Kristina said excitedly "You get to cut yourself loose now! Not with these scissors, these are mine" she taunted as she took a step back and 'hid' them behind her.

I rolled my eyes in irritation, but was beyond ready for this to be over - especially since my parents would be home in a half hour. As much as I wanted my sister to get in trouble... I also didn't want to be seen like this by anyone else.

For the next 10 minutes, I made my way to the kitchen and flumsily tried to handle steak knife from behind my back while I tried to cut away at the layers-upon-layers of tape binding my hands/arms. All the while Kristina & Macie were filming new blackmail footage; laughing as I groaned in irritation everytime I dropped the knife. The girls hurling taunts regularly:

"Looks like you should ask for help bro, why don't you just ask one of us to help you. Oh that's right! You're too busy eating my workout socks!"

"You had mine in your mouth, too! Maybe we should do a post ass-kicking interview and ask him who's socks he liked sucking on better" Kristina added

"How does that shoe smell? Great because Cheerleading isn't a real sport, right? Do you want me to get the other one to compare?" Macie taunted.

"I feel like you didn't have to smell my feet nearly as much as you smelled Macie's. Next time, you're definitely going to spend more time with MY feet under your nose!" Kristina said with a laugh.

I finally cut myself free and ignored the laughing girls as I beelined my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

The thought of a 'next time' horrified me.
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Post by brashieel »

Great scenario and good story from beginning to end!
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Post by Gil »

very nice story. i like it :)
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Post by milagros317 »

Fine story! I envy him! :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by guardian741 »

Thanks guys!
I like the idea of this becoming a new “normal fun activity” for them 😈
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Post by whatever351 »

LOVE this story! Something about being stuffed into a closet that just adds another level to the humiliation. Good thing you made it out before your mom came home who knows what would've happened
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Post by whatever351 »

LOVE this story! Something about being stuffed into a closet that just adds another level to the humiliation. Good thing you made it out before your mom came home who knows what would've happened
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