A rock and a hard place (m/m)

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A rock and a hard place (m/m)

Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Spencer Fleming was reliving his nightmare once again: the first day of school. Son of a man who has a different job every time, he had to keep moving with his family. As if making friends weren't hard enough for him, the fifteen-year-old couldn’t even keep the ones he got. This time, he found himself in a trash container, where the local bullies had put him when he realized this one was gonna be at least as bad as his previous school.

He was rather thin, and even though he had a cute face, he resented the look of girls, mixed with pity. That's why he had never had a girlfriend. He didn't even try to talk to anyone, choosing the farthest and most hidden place to have lunch. Nevertheless, doing this also made him a perfect target for pranks and the like, since there was no one around to help or even say anything. Before two weeks, he was absolutely sick of his new school.

There was one thing that he loved doing that involved others, and it was observing. He was quick to know everyone's crushes, who was friends with who, and who were the outcasts - besides him, of course-. He noticed Dayton Green, a tall, muscled guy who barely said a word, and seemed to intimidate even the teachers. No one messed with him.

One day, he happened to pick his ever-changing lunch place next to Dayton. Apparently, the boy's shadow was large enough to hide him, because he wasn't bothered at all. Just when he thought he had found the perfect solution, after most of the other students had left for class, the big boy grabbed him by the shirt and shoved him against the wall.

"Do you hear anything?", asked Dayton.

Puzzled, and scared as hell, Spencer responded after a moment.


"Exactly. Not a fly dares to be around me, and that's how I like it, so you better get a different place to eat if you don't wanna end up hogtied, hanging from your underwear, on top of the flagpole"

His voice was calm, making it all the more threatening. If Spencer was to trust in what he'd heard about Dayton, he had every reason to believe him, for he wouldn't be the first one to get such a treatment. It took Ross Wolf a whole year to regain his reputation as a bully after that, and not even he stepped close to Dayton ever since.

The next day, Spencer was soaking wet, covered in all sorts of nasty things, when inspiration stroked him. Maybe, if he managed to hide close to Dayton, though still far enough not to bother him, he could have his so wanted peace.

He put his plan in motion as soon as possible. At first, it seemed to be working. Nobody was picking on him. However, when everyone was gone, he saw Dayton come after him so fast that he couldn't even try to run away before he was seized.

They were already isolated, meaning Dayton could fulfill his threat without interruptions. Not like anybody would dare to do so, anyway.

"I think I made myself clear".

"Wait!", Spencer cried when Dayton was already taking off his shirt. "Why are you doing this until now? You could have tied me up when you had a public".

"Is that what you wanted?". It was Dayton's turn to be surprised.

"No, but I believe you don't really hate my doing this".

"You'll see".

Dayton quickly removed Spencer's t-shirt, without even having to unbutton it.


This time, Dayton wasn't stopping. He put his captive's wrists behind his back and produced some string out of his pockets.

"Wait". Spencer may have been scared, but he recognized some excitement in the big boy's face as he did his thing. "You can tie me up, ok".

"I wasn't asking for your permission", Dayton interrupted.

"But, please, not here. We can do it anywhere you want after class".

"So you can call mommy to pick you up?".

"No, I swear. I'll do whatever you want".

The look on the smaller boy's face made Dayton reconsider it. He would never admit it, but he hated when the school bullies picked on another kid. He just had a reputation to keep.

"Nobody will interrupt you, and you won't get in trouble afterward", Spencer added when he noticed his speech was working. He didn't want to be this guy's prisoner, but it would be better than hanging from his boxers, all tied up, in front of the whole school. Besides, he trusted his ability to judge people. He had a hunch that he would be relatively safe in his hands.

The last classes seemed to last minutes to the nervous boy. How come time didn't always pass by this fast? When he exited the building, he took a deep breath as he saw Dayton waiting for him and headed to meet his fate.

"You showed up". Dayton seemed pleased as well as surprised.

The bigger boy just led the way, with Spencer walking a couple of steps behind him. Those who saw the silent, scary guy followed by that weasel, knew something was up and wanted to follow them as well until Dayton turned and send them away with just a look.

They got to Dayton's place, not far from school. It was a two-story place, with the boy's room in the basement.

"My folks won't be home before dinner time".

Great, thought the future prisoner. Spencer might not have been a fan of TUGs, but he could still appreciate how many possibilities the secluded place offered to bind someone. All sorts of furniture were scattered throughout the place. There was a metal pole in the middle, and what seemed to be hooks, up in the ceiling, which had many beams to support the house.

He was having second thoughts about this, but it was too late to back out. Even if he wanted to, Dayton would easily overpower him, probably punishing him harsher than he originally meant to. No, his best option was to endure whatever it was Dayton had in store for him.

"You have to be in your underwear"

Dayton's voice was halfway between embarrassment and excitement. He had never had so much power over someone. In his basement was a boy his age completely under his thumb, with no one else around.

Spencer, on the other hand, had never felt so helpless before. The guy could be a psycho. His self-confidence about judging others was washed away by the dungeon he found himself in, and by his current half-nakedness.

"Ever been tied up?"

"No… maybe once or twice"

Admitting to others that you have been bullied is never easy, even if it was obvious. Among the many tortures, Spencer had had to endure was, of course, bondage. The kids who had tied him up, though, had been either too shy or not imaginative enough.

The first time, he was eleven. A chubby, slightly older kid had tied his hands in front of him before dumping him on a ditch. The other time, a group of boys had trussed him up to a tree, with rope only circling his chest. They left him there to free himself, something he achieved in less than two minutes.

Spencer was forced to tell his previous experiences, making Dayton laugh when he finished.

"Then, it's a no".

That wasn't a good sign. He had looked for the meaning of hogtied when he heard it from Dayton, shivering at the thought of being trussed up like that. His hopes that the boy was exaggerating were falling apart as well.

The bigger boy grabbed his captive's hands and wrapped them up in rope in front of him, before cinching them in the middle. Spencer was feeling optimistic again since this wasn't a hogtie. That didn't last, for the remaining rope was used to hang him by the wrists from a beam. He was watching wide-eyed as his arms were raised little by little, something Dayton did deliberately slowly for dramatic purposes.

Once his arms were secured, he was almost on his tiptoes. His precarious position was worsened when Dayton tied his ankles together.

"How do you like it, so far?", asked the bigger boy, smiling broadly. He seemed genuinely happy about this situation.

"It's a little tight"

Dayton looked troubled by the answer. He was uncertain on how to proceed now. Spencer, noticing this, and by some strange reason, decided to take that back.

"It's ok"

Dayton felt right again and playfully tickled a vulnerable armpit. Spencer, giggled loudly, unattentively inviting his captor to continue.

"Please, stop"

"Stop what?", Dayton asked. He was having a great time with a defenseless kid in his hands.

"The tickleees!"


"Pleaaase, I can't, I can't… ". Spencer wasn't even able to finish a coherent sentence at that point. He had always been quite ticklish but had never found himself in such a helpless situation. His most sensitive spots were completely exposed, and he was in no position to put an end to the whole thing.

"If I give you a rest, I take a picture of you like this".

"For what?", Spencer managed to articulate, nervously considering his options with the little focusing he had just then.

Dayton simply shrugged his shoulders.

Spencer didn't want to be exposed in such a shameful position, but a few more minutes of torture were enough to convince him.

"Fiiine! Do it"

The captor took out his phone and clicked a couple of times toward the tied boy. The angles were not the best, neither the lighting, but those pics would be a great reminder of that moment, and that’s all he wanted.

Dayton considered it was enough and released Spencer, who quickly put on his clothes again.

Spencer didn't sleep well that night, thinking that those photos would be all over the Internet, by then. Surprisingly, the next morning, nothing had changed at school. He was mocked by the other kids, but no more than usual. He couldn't really relax, though, until a couple of days later.

He had the theory that the pics were meant to be a deterrent for him. Maybe if he sat close to Dayton again, he would show them to everybody. During those days, the small boy was once again the target of each bully available, making him reconsider sitting again where he felt sheltered.

Did you like it, you little perv? he questioned himself. Moreover, he feared not only to be bound half-naked again but also to be questioned by his captor about it. He wasn't sure if it was that bad to be tied up by that boy, yet he definitely hated being bullied at school. Maybe a private shame was better than a public one, so he decided to take the bull by the horns and go ask Dayton what he would do if he sat next to him again during recess.

"I'd tie you up again. This time in public".

As threatening as the last part sounded, there was something in the way Dayton said it that made Spencer believe he didn't really mean it, almost like he wanted to be convinced with a counteroffer.

"Would you mind doing it again in private?"

Dayton's face lighted up before a cloud crossed it.

"Did you like it?"

There it was. Spencer was as red as it gets. He was quick to deny it. He didn't even counterattack by asking if Dayton got a kick out of it. He wondered but preferred not to dig into it. For him, it was only a matter of survival. The least he thought about it, the better.

Dayton seemed satisfied with the quick explanation he was given. It was just the price to pay.

Spencer was allowed to sit close to the big boy, though not enough to raise suspicions. For everyone, the little guy was Dayton's pet. He either paid in cash or with homework, who knew? He was out of reach from now on, and that was the most important part.

That second time, when Spencer was in the basement, he was more concerned about Dayton's motivations. He didn't look gay or anything. Suddenly, knowing why became important. Somehow, the big boy anticipated the interrogatory.

"Put your lips together", Dayton ordered as soon as they got to the basement.

Being gagged made Spencer nervous again. Yes, he knew he was going to be bound in his underwear, in a secluded, empty place, but the idea of being gagged made it much more frightening. He was going to be truly helpless. Then again, he was quite aware that either he did it quietly, or he would be forced to do it. He chose to obey peacefully.

The duct tape went around his head many times, enough to seal his mouth, allowing the boy only to grunt and make unintelligible sounds.

The captive was ordered to strip, which he did promptly. Standing there, clad in just his boxers, in the cool room, with his mouth sealed shut, he was shown the picture of a hogtied man, and told that would be him in a couple of minutes. It looked rather uncomfortable, even painful. Spencer wasn't sure he could endure it for as long as Dayton wanted. Last time, he was bound for over an hour.

Whatever ideas and fears he had in mind, the captive did nothing to resist when his wrists were tied up behind him. His elbows followed. He was quite flexible, so Dayton was able to make them touch without hurting him.

The tied boy was left alone for a couple of minutes since Dayton had forgotten the rest of the ropes in the garage. In the meantime, he had the chance to meditate about his current situation. He was almost naked, he was starting to get cold. His arms had been rendered useless and he was gagged with duct tape. Even if he wanted to escape, it would have been difficult to go upstairs, open the door and get out of the house, but most importantly, would he want others to see him like that? Absolutely not. He stood there, waiting for Dayton to return.

When the big boy came back, he helped Spencer get on his belly to complete the hogtie, binding his legs above the knees and around the ankles, before bending them to join wrists and ankles.

With most of his skin exposed, and his limbs tightly tied, there was nothing Spencer could do to stop the intense tickling that followed. This time, his soles also received the treatment. The torture was relentless, and the strict bondage made it harder for the captive, who was reconsidering his options. A bit of memory work fixed the problem since he was sure he didn't want to be covered in trash in front of everybody ever again.

The few times Spencer was able to think of anything other than Dayton's fingers in his armpits and such, he could confirm how much his captor enjoyed his little hobby. The big boy was on a power trip, he could see it in his eyes. For Dayton, he was nothing but a toy, and he truly felt that way.

After what he guessed had been hours of grunting and muffled laughter, his ordeal was finally over. Spencer was exhausted. He took a time to rest before even getting dressed again. Dayton looked tired too, but he was also excited.

No one dared to address the issue, avoiding awkwardness. Finally, Dayton spoke.

"This is what you get if you sit around me at school". It sounded more like a proposal than like a threat.

"All right", Spencer replied after a brief pause.

Both kids stood there in silence, assimilating the deal they had just made. The smaller boy dressed up and got out of the house. Once outside, he took a good look at what would be his prison for at least the rest of the year. He sighed, thinking that it could be worse.

The End
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I really enjoyed how Spencer and his bully started as having an antagonistic relationship only to move towards something more mutual and wholesome. A really unique take on a familiar dynamic.

Great work!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Killua »

It´s a great story. I really like the agreement they have. Both of them get what they want. It´s surely way better to be the big guys prisoner than getting bullied at school.

It reminds me a little on an agreement (but a different one) I had with a friend on which most of our TuGs based.
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Post by Ossassin »

This is a delightful one shot.
Genuinely enjoyed it.
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Post by FelixSH »

Agreed, that was a fun read.

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Post by harveygasson »

Very cool
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Post by TightropesEU »

Great story, wonder how their relationship would proceed.
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Post by Pseudonym »

Really enjoyed this, would love more!
Look, one of us is getting tied up and played with before the end of the night. Is it me, or is it you?
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Post by alkaid_ »


my old bro usually sayed if you cant beat your enemy, turn his friend...

i think spencer got this in mind and can endure being tied every time what Dayton want if him turn a kind of his bodyguard
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention], [mention]Killua[/mention], [mention]Ossassin[/mention], [mention]FelixSH[/mention], [mention]harveygasson[/mention], [mention]TightropesEU[/mention], [mention]Pseudonym[/mention], [mention]alkaid_[/mention]
Thank you, guys, for the nice comments.
Even though this story is over, I've got this thing for recycling my characters, so who knows? They might appear again in the future. Stay tunned.
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Post by Killua »

Would be great if they appear again someday. They are a nice set of characters.
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Post by FelixSH »

EzraMarubayashi wrote: 2 years ago @DeeperThanRed, @Killua, @Ossassin, @FelixSH, @harveygasson, @TightropesEU, @Pseudonym, @alkaid_
Thank you, guys, for the nice comments.
Even though this story is over, I've got this thing for recycling my characters, so who knows? They might appear again in the future. Stay tunned.
For the record, I'm strongly in favour of not continuing a story, after it is over, just because people like it. Using the characters in a new story is a way better method of giving people more.

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Post by The slave »

Really great stories
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Post by BDBrit »

A very unique and interesting story. Thanks for sharing. :D
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