Jack's Story (F/M, etc) (updated 03/03/2022 Ch. 78)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Lorddunmore wrote: 6 years ago
Londit wrote: 6 years ago thanks for this new chapter,I wonder who is this woman !? :) can't wait to read the next part now
My guess is -- his Math Teacher - Mrs.Bates. But who knows.

Looking forward to the next part as well.
I didn't mean that to be a cliff hangar. It's April Dawson, it's her house after all.
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Post by Londit »

Oh right ! I almost forget about this :D
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 51 - April

"Hello Jack." April spoke with obvious delight in her voice. Though it was a Saturday she was dressed nicely if more comfortably than her usual work attire. She masked her curves with a large T-shirt style dress complemented by black leggings. "I must assume you have decided to take Polly up on her offer?" April's Outfit

I smiled and shrugged feeling nervous with the older woman. Despite the intimacy of our few encounters, I was still not sure of April's intentions. "Uh...I...uh..." I stammered.

"Polly is tied up in there?" April smiled obviously enjoying the unsteady ground I walked upon.

I moved backward toward the bedroom thinking I ought to release my girlfriend in the face of April. It was too risky, she was too much of an unknown quantity.

April strode forward more quickly than my retreat until she was able to grab my hand. "She told me you would do that. Let me see your work. Please."

"Uh, I don't know, she didn't..." I began to explain while rubbing my hand along the back of my neck in obvious uncertainty. I feared Polly's wrath knowing any embarrassment she suffered at April's hands would be visited back to me ten-fold.

"Please. Pretty please." April begged and placed her hands against my chest. She leaned in close to my ear. "I've always had a thing for bondage." She whispered.

I pulled back from her whispering lips. I had never considered the word 'bondage' in the same headspace as the games Polly and I played. The word invoked images of black leather outfits, whips, and chains, not the soft touch of silk scarves or even sticky tape. In those few seconds though I had to admit the difference was largely academic. "I don't..." I started to respond but April flexed her muscles and pushed me backward. I had to take a step backward to keep from toppling over. In that moment April rushed passed me into the large bedroom. I pursued but April had already tossed back the covers of the bed to reveal Polly's bound form.

I started to protest in earnest but April paid me no heed. "Oh wow," she said touching the scarves around Polly's elbows who had craned her neck around. "You have to show me how you did this, I would never have been able to do this."

"I don't..." I started.

April's fast-talking excitement interrupted any attempts to get her out of the room. "Oh look at her hands, she couldn't pick at the knots even if she could find them. This is amazing work Jack. Can you teach me?" April then felt the scarf connecting Polly's wrists and ankles. "She can barely move." April knelt down next to Polly's face, "Can you move?" Polly shook her head slightly but April had already found the next target of her amazement. "You are gagged! Can you talk at all? Is there something in your mouth?" She giggled. "Of course you can't answer." She turned toward me. "Did you stuff something in her mouth?"

The deluge of questions overloaded my intentions to temper her excitement and I automatically answered. "It's a scarf."

"Of course." April laughed. "What else would it be? Have you ever tried panties." April held her hand to her mouth, not quite stifling her laughter. "Oh sorry, don't answer that." April returned to the study of Polly's bound form. "Do you like the dress? Polly said you would."

"It's lovely." I managed to say still reeling from her mention of ‘panties’. I sat on the bed and slightly interposed myself between April's inspecting fingers and Polly's body. "I think..."

"So will you do it?" April interrupted again.

I was getting used to being surprised by April as she flitted from question to question but this time she paused and waited for my answer which again put me off balance so I unintentionally engaged her. "Do what?"

"Show me how to do that?" April answered pointing at Polly. Before I could answer April stood and ran through the archway leading to the bathroom returning moments later with an armload of scarves. "I'm glad I kept all these, I went through a scarf phase a couple of years ago." She tossed a bright blue scarf with a white flower pattern toward me and then held out her wrists together in front of her. "Show me how you do it?"

With the cool scarf lying across my arm I looked down at Polly who had managed to roll onto her side. I looked into her eyes asking for permission. She nodded slowly and shrugged. "Alright April, keep your wrists together, palm to palm.” I placed the soft scarf across her wrists. “Since scarves are so much shorter than ropes, you don't wrap it around as many times. But with any tie-ups, whether ropes or scarves, the key is not in how tight it is, in fact you don't want the material you use to be tight, it could cut off circulation."

"If it's not tight than how do you keep them from getting out?" April asked.

"If you look over at Polly you'll see that wherever the ropes cross a gap between her limbs you move the rope through the gap perpendicular to itself." I demonstrated by pulling the rope between April's wrists. "This is called a cinch." I pointed at Polly's wrists and elbows. "You see it there and there, and even here. You see how I wrapped the scarf around her body and her bound arms than cinched it between her arms and back?"

"Oh, I see. If you didn't do that it would be easier to get out of?" April asked while tugging at her wrists which I had not yet knotted off.

"Yes, I haven't even knotted the scarf yet and you see how secure it is?"

April nodded twisting her hands a bit. The ends of the scarf pulled free from my fingers and the slippery fabric soon loosened allowing her to free herself. "Ok, now let me try it."

I looked at Polly whose eyes were smiling as if she had known this was coming all along. "Uh, I don't know."

"Please, I really want to be able to do this?" April pleaded. "You are supposed to be kidnapped anyway."

"Look, I just don't trust you." I said and the shocked look on April's face forced me to water down the harsh statement. "I mean, I really don't know you that well."

April's shock gave way to a brow furrowed in thought. "Ok, I get that but if I wanted to do you or Polly harm, I would have done it already, besides Polly is fine with me practicing on you."

"Phht. No way. Polly wants to be released." I turned toward the hogtied beauty on the bed.

April also looked her way. "Tell him Polly. We already discussed this."

I looked at Polly and despite the gag I saw a familiar mischievous glint in her eyes. Then she nodded.

"There, you see Jack?" April turned toward me and moved to grab my wrist.

I stepped back. "You forget that she is my servant during this 'kidnapping'," I held up my fingers as air quotes when I said the word. "She doesn't get to tell me what to do." I looked back at Polly and stuck out my tongue.

Polly rolled her eyes and laid her head back on the pillow as if to say she was done with the conversation.

"You admit to being kidnapped then?" April said.

I felt sudden concern at the line of questioning but could not argue the point considering how I had been stuffed into a suitcase and currently had no idea where I was. I nodded toward April. "Yes, I was abducted. Not so sure about the 'kid' part in 'kidnapping', have you seen my schedule?"

April snorted at my joke. "And I was the one who abducted you?"

"Polly mostly."

"My house." April held up her hand to indicate the surrounding walls.

I shrugged. "Ok, you abducted me too."

"Then you have to do what I say, I'm your captor."

"But Polly said..." I began to protest.

"Polly submitted herself to you, but I didn't." April said and then pitched her voice lower in an attempt at authority. "Now let me tie you up."

I took a step back toward the bedroom door. "I can still flee, I'm sure I could get away."

April shrugged. "Perhaps, but would you abandon your helpless Polly? Maybe I would take out my frustrations on her."

The trap was clear. Even if I did not believe April would actually hurt Polly, any attempt to leave would make it seem like I did not care. I was stuck. I had one more chance. "I could overpower you and tie you up instead."

April placed her hands on her hips. "Go ahead, attack me. Use your manly muscles to force me into submission."

My mouth fell open and I glanced at Polly whose body was shaking in silent laughter. She knew I would never force a woman to do anything. My bluff had just been called. I stepped forward and held out my wrists toward April. "You win."

"Oh no, after all this drama, you have to put your wrists behind your back." April stated with a barely hidden smile.

I sighed hoping she was a novice at tie-ups and turned around placing my wrists behind my back. The cool touch of the silk wrapping around my wrists send a crackle of pleasure along my spine and my eyes slipped closed as a sense of warmth expanded in the core of my being. When I opened them I met Polly's eyes which held a knowing look.

April was slow and methodical with her application of the scarves. She took extra time to inspect the knots and wraps still binding Polly to ensure she was doing it correctly and sooner than expected my arms were tightly bound behind my back including above my elbows with the cinch anchored to other scarves by weaving beneath my arms and behind my neck.

"Ok Polly let's scoot over so Jack can join you." April said as she tossed the covers from the bed and easily pushed Polly over the silver material of her dress sliding easily across the soft bed sheets. "Lay down on your stomach Jack."

I positioned myself so my body was as close to Polly as possible and turned my head to gaze into her lovely green eyes. I imagined, unless I truly could read her mind, that this day progressed almost exactly as she expected.

April applied scarves at my knees and ankles before connecting my ankles and wrists closely enough that I could touch my ankles with my fingers. "Now how did you make those bags that Polly's hands are tucked inside. Is it a special type of scarf?"

I shook my head. "No, but you can untie me and I'll show you how."

April patted the back of my head. "No need, you left me such a fine example." She walked to the other side of the bed to get closer to Polly and then began to pick at the knots holding Polly's hands inside the pockets of silk. "Oh, I see, that's clever."

I rolled my eyes when April had moved behind me to my side of the bed. Polly snorted through the layers of silk covering her face. Several minutes later each of my hands was held in a loose fist by slippery silk and unless a miracle happened I would not be releasing any knots no matter how much of novice April proved to be.

"There we go, you're all set. I think I did a good job. Try and escape." April said. "I'm going to get some water for Polly I think her gag has probably been in long enough."

I wriggled my hands and tried to find some weakness in April's work but achieved nothing save messing the bed up a bit more. The scarves holding my elbows were a little tight and it would not be long before pain replaced the mild discomfort I now endured. "No luck." April said with unmistakable mirth as she walked back into the room holding a glass of ice water.

"You copied my work perfectly." I said putting just a hint of mocking in the words.

"Ho, ho." April said with feigned outrage. "That's a challenge if I ever heard one. Let me give Polly a drink and I'll pick up that gauntlet you just tossed at my feet."

April removed the layers of scarf I had wrapped around Polly's face. "Good grief, Jack. This is a bit overkill." April said as she pulled the last scarf from between Polly's lips. "Here have a drink."

She placed a straw at Polly's lips who drank greedily. "Thank you."

April held up a finger. "No speaking. You need a break from that gag but only if you keep quiet." Polly turned her face toward me which still red in places from the recently removed scarves. Her eyes held a bit of fire and it was obvious she did not like being ordered around. In a contest of wills I would put all my money on Polly despite the disadvantage of youth.

"Alright, now let's try something new." April spread out the scarves recently wrapped around Polly's head except for the one in her mouth which she gingerly tossed into the tiled bathroom. "You two roll onto your sides facing each other."

We did as she asked and our combined body weight pressed down on the mattress creating a shallow depression which forced our bodies even closer, not unpleasant despite the strict circumstances. "Excellent, now let's see what to do." April took a scarf and pulled it through each of the scarves binding our knees welding our thighs together. A second long scarf was wrapped around our waists pressing our stomachs even more tightly together. She even went so far as to make a cinch that ran perpendicular to this scarf ensuring we would never be able to pull our bodies away.

The coup de grâce, however, came next. Polly and I each had a scarf that wound behind our necks, over our shoulders, and through our armpits. This scarf anchored the scarves binding our elbows together. April pushed a scarf around this anchoring scarf right where it passed into our armpits. She connected these shoulder harnesses forcing Polly’s soft chest into my own.. April tugged on our bodies until Polly rolled on top of me which allowed April to repeat this work on the opposite shoulder. Our faces were now so close together it was easier for us to lie cheek to cheek. "There now, what do you think?" April said breathing heavy from her exertions.

I intended to answer, even offer a compliment but Polly's eyes had slipped closed and I could feel her pelvis rocking slowly against me. All words died in my throat as fire roared through my body. I keenly felt Polly's every breath and as her gyrations continued an audible groan escaped my lips. Polly's tongue darted for my lips and I responded by pressing my own into hers. My hips matched her rhythm as the world reduced down to a point containing only Polly and I. I heard April speaking but my hearing was blocked by all the other impulses flooding my brain. She could have been screaming no one but her would have noticed.

Some indeterminate amount of time later the world snapped back into focus as a pillow was roughly pressed between Polly and I blocking our view of each other. I felt an animalistic growl bubble from my throat and it matched the plaintive whine coming from the other side of the pillow.

"Since you two seem to like kissing so much." April was out of sight behind me but I could feel a hint of irritation in her voice, perhaps she was jealous. Not that I cared, it seems I was surrounded by jealous women these days. I did not expect, however, to see a black ring pass before my eyes and slide into my mouth just behind my teeth. The ring was covered with rubber and completely resisted my jaw muscle’s attempts to collapse it. My mouth was held wide open and any words I spoke were unintelligible.

April buckled the ring gag behind my neck and then pulled the pillow away. Polly eyes widened at the sight of my forced open mouth but before she could think of any words a duplicate of the gag was forced behind her teeth and the strap buckled behind her head.

We protested but only "oh's" and "ah's" escaped our mouths. April was not done. The gags had disrupted our lustful movements but her next trick put her previous creativity to shame. The strap that held the hard ring in my mouth pulled at the corners of my lips, April threaded a small zip-tie through this small space. With the same zip-tie she threaded it through exact same spot on Polly's gag and to our horror she slowly began to pull on the tail of the zip-tie. With each click our mouths were pulled inexorably toward each other. We managed to adjust our noses so they slipped past each other but then April got a second zip-tie and repeated the process at the other side of the ring gags. Our open mouths moved closer and closer, click by click of the plastic ties.

By the time April rolled off the bed Polly and I were sharing our breath and the heat of our movements was tempered by the locked immobility of our heads. I tried to pull back and would have succeeded in pulling the ring from my own or Polly’s mouth but April ended that possibility by wrapping a final scarf around our necks preventing any backward movement.

"There now, you have no choice but to kiss each other. See you in a while."
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Post by harveygasson »

The last two parts involving Jack's 'kidnapping' and continued 'plight' at the hands of April have been fantastic! Glad he got to enjoy some time tying Polly up and now gets some real personal time with her. I also love the idea of Jack doing a kind of TED talk on bondage :D

Your story has been so fantastic from beginning to end. You truly develop your characters and their emotions and I really am hooked. Can't wait for the next part
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Post by volatiledesire »

harveygasson wrote: 6 years ago The last two parts involving Jack's 'kidnapping' and continued 'plight' at the hands of April have been fantastic! Glad he got to enjoy some time tying Polly up and now gets some real personal time with her. I also love the idea of Jack doing a kind of TED talk on bondage :D

Your story has been so fantastic from beginning to end. You truly develop your characters and their emotions and I really am hooked. Can't wait for the next part
Thank you for the comment, having people comment is the only real motivator we writers get for boards like this, so I genuinely appreciate it.

All the best.
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Post by harveygasson »

volatiledesire wrote: 6 years ago
harveygasson wrote: 6 years ago The last two parts involving Jack's 'kidnapping' and continued 'plight' at the hands of April have been fantastic! Glad he got to enjoy some time tying Polly up and now gets some real personal time with her. I also love the idea of Jack doing a kind of TED talk on bondage :D

Your story has been so fantastic from beginning to end. You truly develop your characters and their emotions and I really am hooked. Can't wait for the next part
Thank you for the comment, having people comment is the only real motivator we writers get for boards like this, so I genuinely appreciate it.

All the best.
You are more than welcome
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Post by Canuck100 »

Glad to see the story continuing!
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Post by Drbooks »

Really loving the story please do continue!
Might hack finally get to experience purpose made/professional bondage equipment?
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 52 - April's Turn

How can I describe what it was like to be bound to Polly. I could not focus on her eyes we were bound too closely, nose to nose, lip to lip, breath to breath. She shifted constantly for reasons I could not discern. I had given up on my own struggles after just a few minutes. With my hands wrapped inside the silky scarf bags it was hopeless. Yet Polly continued, I could feel the smooth material of her silver dress shifting against my thighs as she arched her shoulders and shifted her legs.

As the minutes passed, Polly's efforts only increased. Her muscles rippled and flexed, she grunted and growled. And then, as if by some magic I felt fingers on my neck though I could not turn my head to see them. The buckle on the back of my gag loosened and fell away and I pulled back. "How?" I could now see her hands were free as she worked at the buckle on the back of her own neck until finally pulling the ring gag free.

Polly stretched her jaw with a serious of yawns and then smiled. "She freed my hands to see how you bagged them, she simply forgot to reapply the scarves. My hands were basically free. That combined with your less than aggressive knot skills made it possible for me to escape."

"I did not want to hurt you." I answered her criticism of my technique.

"Thank you for that." Polly attacked the scarves holding our necks together and once removed she began to free my hands. "Once I free your hands, quickly untie yourself." Polly whispered.

"Why the rush?" I whispered back.

"April needs a taste of her own medicine and if we don't escape soonI doubt she will make the same mistake twice."

I smiled and as soon as the scarves fell away from my arms I began to loosen the remainder of the bonds as soon as sufficient blood flow returned to my sore wrists and fingers. "She may have copied me, but the scarves were way too tight."

"Beginner's mistake, they always think the ropes have to be tight to be effective." Polly answered.

Polly was free long before myself and took to organizing the scarves while I worked on my legs. We were soon standing together. Polly grabbed a pillow and laid it lengthwise along the bed. "Lay on the bed next to this pillow, she'll think we somehow managed to cover ourselves with the blankets."

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I'll hide under the bed. Here take these scarves. Surprise her and pin her down when she approaches." Polly said.

"Ok, help me out as fast as you can, I don't want anyone to get hurt." I said.

"I'll jump up when I here her yell in surprise." Polly said.

"Sounds like a plan." I laid down next to the pillows while Polly tossed the blanket on top.

I was thankful for the coolness in the room since the blanket was getting hot. The door eventually opened and I heard a gasp of surprise. "Now how did you two manage to do that?" April's said.

I waited until light began to pour in beneath the edge of the blanket as April moved it and then leapt up and used the voluminous material as an impromptu net to capture her arms. "Ahh!" She screamed in surprise as I lunged forward managing to capture one arm and pull her face first toward the bed. Polly was there in an instant straddling her flailing legs.

"Just hold her legs. And I'll wrap her up a bit better."

Polly grunted having just received a blow from April's heel. "Hurry."

I pulled the blanket tighter around her upper body. "Ok, switch with me. You're quicker with the tying."

I rolled over her legs and Polly wrapped a scarf around one of April's wrists which was pinned to her side by the blanket. She quickly wrapped a scarf around it and used the free end of the scarf for extra leverage and pulled that hand up her back.

"Oh stop, that hurts." April yelled.

Polly immediately backed off but was able to use the distraction to wrap April's other wrist with the trailing end of the long scarf she held. Polly’s hands blurred in dextrous and precise movements and she was soon reaching for a second scarf and applying it just above April's elbows. The conclusion was obvious at this point as April's elbows were slowly drawn closer behind her back.

April had not been silent during the events of the last few minutes. "Stop this. Polly, Jack, I am the adult here and this is my house, you can't do this to me." Neither Polly or I had the presence of mind to respond as we were fully concentrating on suppressing April's movements. "Jack, get off my legs. I swear you'll be inside that suitcase for a week. I'll bury you in the backyard when I get out of this." April continued.

The worst of the threats did manage to break through into my thoughts, but I did not respond so April turned her invective toward Polly. "Polly, I will have you staked out on the deck wearing nothing but your skin. I'll cover you with honey and let the bugs have you."

"It's a little late in the year for bugs." Polly answered, having just finished the elbow bonds. "Jack, hand me a good size scarf, she talks too much."

"Don't you..." Was all April managed to say before her words were cut off by Polly stuffing a large wad of silk in her mouth.

"Ouch!" Polly said pulling her hand back. "She bit me!" Polly shook her hand while holding the packing in April's mouth with the other. "You'll pay for that one. Hand me another scarf, Jack. Make it a big one."

I held up a yellow and blue paisley scarf that could easily be used as a skirt, it was so large.

"Yeah perfect, tie a knot in the middle."

I folded it diagonally and tied it into a simple square knot that created a large twisted ball of fabric in the center. "Too big?" I asked.

"I doubt it." Polly smiled. "She seems to have a pretty big mouth."

April's legs bucked beneath me at the comment and a constant barrage of angry growls flowed from April's mouth. From my vantage point I could not see the gag but I could see Polly pull on opposite ends of the scarf hard enough to raise April's head from the bed and I heard a dramatic reduction in her complaints. "Just a bit more up here, Jack. Then we can work on her legs."

April's head whipped back and forth as she fiercely rubbed her face against the sheets in an effort to dislodge the gag. The kicks ceased as she concentrated on the gag, something for which I was thankful. A monster headache was growing in my head due to her constant thrashing. April was not a weak woman and I had some sense of what riding a bucking horse might be like.

Polly finished the body harness which would prevent the elbow bonds from easily slipping down her arms and moved toward me to quickly wrap her ankles in an efficient tie. She then connected April's wrists and feet which finally allowed me the reprieve I desperately needed. I slumped off the bed onto the floor. "We did it."

"Yes, was there ever any doubt?" Polly said standing above April with her hands on her hips. If the silver dress had been armor she would have been the spitting image of an avenging Valkyrie.

"Of course not." I smiled at her and stood up slipping my arm around her waist and joined in her triumphant stance.

April rolled over onto her side, her eyes narrowed into a baleful glare. Her mouth was forced wide by the large knot of blue and gold fabric that looked to barely fit between her stretched jaws. "She looks angry." I said with a grin.

"A bit yeah." Polly chuckled.

"Shall we let her cool off?" I asked.

"Let's not make the same mistake she did." Polly said.

"What's that?"

"Her hands, Jack. Her hands are still free."

"Oh right, I'll get them." I offered.

"Ok, while you do that, I'll look for something to hold that gag in. I think she might be able to slip that knot out of her mouth."

I found a medium sized scarf and caught April's grasping fingers within the folds of the silk and quickly tightened the scarf until each hand was forced into a fist. Polly returned from the closet at that point holding a pair of pink satin panties. "What are you going to do with those?"

"Watch." Polly said as she approached April who also tracked her steps with a nervous stare. My clever girlfriend then yanked the panties over April's head so the crotch was centered directly over April's mouth and nose, the leg holes positioned so her eyesight was only partially obstructed. She then made a knot in the back which removed the slack in the material ensuring the the panties would remain in place.

I held my hand to my face to stifle a laugh at the result. "That's creative."

"There, she won't be able to get the gag out now." Polly said. “I’ll have to remember that one for you. You would love having my panties over your face.”

I could feel myself turning red and covered it by turning toward the door. "Will you give me a tour of her house now?"

Polly laughed. "One last thing, we don't want her to fall from the bed." Polly used a long scarf to attach the elbow harness to the center of the headboard and then turned around with a nod. "Alright, let's go."

I looked over my shoulder at the defeated April and followed Polly from the room.
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Post by Lorddunmore »

Who wants to bet that Jack will be restrained by the time they get to another room? :)
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Post by brickbrick »

Wooooo! Great to see this is still going! I got concerned for a minute when we lost the old forum. This is a great update! I wish we could have seen what would have happened if Polly and Jack had been secured together for just a bit longer :D
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Post by qwerty »

Please tell me you're gonna continue this story...
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Post by volatiledesire »

qwerty wrote: 6 years ago Please tell me you're gonna continue this story...
And here it is.

Sorry it's been so long. I kind of got stuck. This whole kidnapping event has turned much longer than I anticipated. Anyway here is more.

Thank all for the kind comments and encouragement.

All the best...
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 53 - April's Barn

"Wow this house is huge." I said as we entered the sixth bedroom. We were now on the upper floor of the mansion.

"Six bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 4 car garage, swimming pool, professional kitchen, three acres of land." Polly said as she walked over to the large window overlooking the backyard. "And look at that backyard, it's like a park."

"How does she afford this?" I asked while looking not at the beautiful backyard but at the stunning girl in the silver dress admiring the backyard.

Polly noticed my look and sent me a knowing smile. "The house was part of a divorce settlement, and she has some inherited money."

"Why does she work I wonder." I asked still with my eyes on Polly.

"To keep busy, and to meet people. I think she likes her work as well."

"It must be nice to know you can walk away whenever you want." I answered.

"I bet it makes work more fun too, since you can turn down the unpleasant tasks without fear." Polly smiled.

"Yeah that would be nice." I answered finally making my way to the window where my eyes were greeted by manicured lawns that seemed to end almost naturally beneath the boughs of large trees that looked to have been plucked from an artist's canvas. "The trees look almost natural, but I've never seen a forest so ideal looking. Do I see a building back there? It's like something out of a fairy tale."

"I imagine there is a lot of work in giving it that look. We'd better go see how April's doing." Polly said.

"After seeing this house, I'm afraid she'll be angry and sue us or something." I said while exiting the room and quickly descending the stairs.

"I doubt it, she seems into the tie up games." Polly said.

"Yeah, but I don't think she wanted to be the victim." I said.

Polly shrugged obviously not convinced. We made our way downstairs and toward the master bedroom where we left April. As we approached, Polly raised her finger to her lips. We each stuck our heads into the room and saw April still exactly in the same place. She had made no progress on freeing herself from the bonds but it appeared to my eyes she had been working hard. Sweat covered her face and air whistled from her nostrils. She rocked from side to side and a constant growl came from beneath the panties that still covered her face.

"Oh man she's panicking." I whispered to Polly after pulling my head back from the door.

Polly continued to watch but instead of agreeing with my assessment she held her hand in front of her mouth obviously suppressing a giggle. "I don't think that's panic."


Polly shook her head. "Stay out here, I'm going to release her."

I walked to the reclining chair and put up the foot rest tossing my hands above my head in a long stretch. Some weariness still clung to my mind despite the long sleep and I knew if Polly stayed long in the room with April I would soon be unconscious. She was back in moments though with an amused smile on her lips. "Did you let her go?" I asked.

Polly nodded. "Enough for her to release herself in time."

"Good, I want your magic fingers rubbing my shoulders and neck."

"At once, sir." Polly responded though not without a short laugh. She pulled a stool over from the kitchen area and began to send soft strokes down the lengths of my raised arms. The gentle caress of her fingers lowered my eyelids and pulled moans of pleasure from my lips. Her hands moved down my raised arms and played along my sensitive armpits but with her light touch it was only delight not tickling. When she reached my neck she played a bit with the band of supple crystal that encircled my throat. "I wish I knew who gave me this."

"Me too. I wish I could take it off?" I said.

Polly's hands ceased causing my eyes to open and I noticed the hurt in her eyes. "You don't like it?"

"Uh, well honestly I rarely notice it unless I look in the mirror, but when I do, it fits so closely it's more like...."

"...a collar." Polly finished.

I nodded. "And with the green flickering..."

"... a girly collar." Polly finished again.

"I will wear it for you though." I responded quickly.

Polly snorted. "As if you could get it off, besides I think it looks good on you, a little feminine touch."

"We know how much you like feminine touches." I rolled my eyes.

"Just me? The problem with you boys, is that it's impossible for you to hide your excitement." Polly's hands slid over my shoulders and down beneath my shirt. She then began to whisper in my ear. "What would you do if I wrapped a pair of silky panties around those girlish hips of yours? What about a pair of sheer stockings to add to the ensemble. Do you think you could resist a tight skirt that forced you to take small feminine steps."

She said this while her soft fingers drew circles around my nipples, this led directly to the reaction in my pants. It had nothing to do whatsoever with the words she spoke in my ear, at least that is what I told myself. I had no desire to argue at the moment for fear Polly would pull away. "On another subject, do you trust April?"

Polly laughed at the quick topic change but recovered quickly. "Well, I don't know her all that well, but she's had opportunities to do me harm..."

"Not harm, but what about boundaries?" I asked still shaking the fog of arousal from my brain.

"You mean our safe word?" Polly asked.

"Not really but..." I struggled to find the words. "...I think she's like the other women, like Nora, and Ollie's Mom."

"Of course she is, normal women wouldn't hang out with teenagers. They are the moths and you are the flame, my sweet Jack."

"If I'm a flame, do they get burned?" I asked.

"Only when they find out they can't have you." Polly smiled.

"We should be more careful anyway. Earlier if we had failed to escape she could have done anything." I said carefully. "She also had those ring gags, remember, those came from somewhere. She's not unfamiliar..."

"I was going to let you go." A feminine voice answered from the open doorway to the master bedroom.

I was mortified by my obvious mistrust and held up my hands. "April, I didn't mean..."

April waved it away. "It's fine. Truly you don't know me and you are wise to be cautious, as you say right I'm not a complete novice. I have had relationships involving this kind of stuff before."

There was a silence that persisted for several seconds while we all waited for someone to speak. April was the first to break in. "Let me show you something. It's a relatively warm fall day, let's go for a walk in the back garden."

Polly nodded eagerly and I too was curious about the expansive grounds. I had no shoes though and as I was wearing a girl’s shirt and baggy gray shorts that also seemed a touch feminine I was not about to complain for fear of what might be offered. As it turns out the fall day was unusually warm and the browning grass was not uncomfortable on my bare feet. We headed for the forest dominated by stately oak trees that created an impenetrable canopy across the entirety of the property except for thirty feet or so around the house. A path paved with large stones, though they were separated by enough space for patches of grass to grow between, led between two oak trees that from a distance seemed to form an arching portal into the darker wood. The ground quickly lost its grassy carpet replaced with years worth of dried oak leaves. The fallen branches and smaller saplings littering a more natural wood were absent adding to the fairy tale appearance.

We all enjoyed the silence beneath the dense oak leaves and did not speak. The path wound down a slight slope cut by a nearby stream which revealed a wooden structure that resembled a barn. The lower elevation of the ground made it unlikely to see from the house despite its two story height. It was built of faded wood with a tarnished metal roof and regularly spaced windows. "What's that?" April's Barn

"It's an old building that was here on the property before the main house, probably for horses or other livestock." April answered.

"What's do you use it for?" I asked.

"I haven't been out here since the summer, and even then I was just making sure the roof wasn't leaking." April answered and approached a door on the opposite side of the building. It was not locked and she simply pushed it open and entered.

Inside dust motes hung in the air illuminated by the late afternoon sun coming through the dirty windows that lined each side of the structure. The center of the building was open to the rafters while along each side were several cubbies that might have once been stalls for horses but now were just empty openings. The area above these stalls was planked so that it formed a sort of loft along each side of the central open area. Old rusty pulleys hung from several of the rafters by fraying ropes probably once used to haul items onto the loft area above the stalls. The scent of dust and stale air pervaded the barn as it obviously stood closed for many months. "What did you use this place for?"

"Let me show you." April said. "Though it has been a few years."

She walked across the dirt floor to a stall on the left side. There were no doors just an opening with walls on each side. An old plastic chair was propped in one corner but April approached the wall separating this stall from the last. She slid a vertical board off the wall which allowed her to remove several wide horizontal boards which created a space nearly wide enough for a person to walk through into the adjacent stall. After removing two thirds of the boards she picked up another which was leaning against the back of the stall. This board had a semi-circular area cut from the longest side. She set this in place with the cut section facing upward. She then picked up a second mirror image of that board and put in place above the first so a circular hole was all that remained of the opening. "Jack, could you come here?"

I looked at the hole and looked back at Polly, it was obvious to me that the hole would accommodate someone’s neck like the pillories of ancient days except there were no accompanying holes for the hands. "Uh, no. I'm good over here."

April pouted. "Oh come on, my ex had quite a bit of fun with his head stuck in this hole."

I looked back toward Polly but instead of much needed support I saw green fire in her eyes as her imagination began to run wild. When she finally looked toward me I took a step backward from the sheer intensity of her gaze. "Polly please, not with April here."

She grabbed my arm and pulled me around the corner out of April's view. "Look, I want to try that. What do you want?"

"You're supposed to serve me, remember?" I begged.

"What do you want?" Polly whispered furiously, with a the heat of desire evident in her voice.

I stepped back and walked back into the stall determined not to be put in this vulnerable situation. I looked at April then back toward Polly. I let my eyes wander over her elegant form so beautifully wrapped in the silver dress. I gazed into her eyes and tried to refuse her. "Polly, I..." The words were suddenly lost, the corner of Polly's red lips turned up and my thoughts flew away, I just wanted to kiss her.

"I feel like I'm intruding." April said while casting glances between myself to Polly. "Maybe you two should get a room."

The words broke the tension. "I'll do it." I heard myself say. "But April can't be on this side of the wall, only you Polly."

Polly shrugged. "That's fine."

"Ahh, really?" April said.

Polly looked at April. "Sorry. You don't get to see his cute butt."

April sighed. "Ok, use this foam to pad the edges of the hole and then slide the board down over his neck. This longer board slides beneath the bracket to keep everything from falling out."

"Ok, seems simple enough." Polly nodded.

April touched two eye bolts on each side of the hole a few feet from each side of the opening. "I'm sure you can figure what these are for."

Polly smiled and nodded with a mischievous gleam in her eye. "Yeah seems obvious."

I looked at the eye bolts and rolled my eyes realizing they were well placed to keep my hands spread wide assuming there was any rope nearby. "Listen, you seem to be planning something long term here, I'm getting kind of hungry."

April nodded. "It is almost dinner time and we didn't have lunch, so we'll get something when we get back to the house."

"Don't worry Jack, give me a half hour, 45 minutes, tops." Polly answered.

"I'll hold you to that." I then walked toward the half-moon board and placed my neck across the lower half looking into the adjacent room. A bit of foam padding eliminated the chance for splinters but I was bent over at an angle that would eventually make for a sore back.

As the top half was slid into place, April entered the same stall with my head and pulled over a plastic chair close to my face. "You really can't refuse her anything, can you?" Her voice was pitched low enough to ensure Polly would not hear.

"As if you didn't know." I scowled at April. "You brought us out here after all."

April shrugged. "That's fair." I winced as Polly's fingers began to dance along my thighs. April noticed the expression. "Oh, what's she doing?"

My head twisted a bit in the hole as I batted at Polly's fingers with my hands and the muffled sound of her giggles entered the stall where April and I talked. "She's tickling me."

Polly’s hands moved to my waist and she began to massage my back. I enjoyed the touch but it was all a ruse as she suddenly pulled my shorts to the floor in a single fluid motion. "Ah." I yelled causing April to sit forward in her chair. I tried to reach for the shorts but when I lifted one leg to bring the garment closer to my searching fingers Polly pulled them off my leg completely. Foolishly I repeated the attempt with my other leg again hoping to grasp the garment with my hands and she easily yanked them from my blind grasp. I pushed onthe wall with my hands hoping to tug the boards out of place but my efforts only compressed the foam and caused the old weathered boards to creak in protest.

"What happened?" April said breathlessly.

I shook my head.

"Oh come on, this is so unfair. Tell me what she's doing." April sat forward just inches from my face. Her breath smelled of mint as she spoke. "I can do things on this side too." I felt her tongue slide across my ear. "Things that will make you uncomfortable."

I shook my head trying to back her off. "Ok, ok, she just took off my shorts."

April sat back and clapped her hands in girlish glee. "Oh Polly is awesome."

I gave April a withering glance. "What is wrong with you?"

"Wrong with me?" April pressed a hand into her chest. "You're the one who put his head in the hole."

Polly's fingers returned to my back but now slowly slid across my bare buttocks. I kept my gaze on the floor and could only see the fidgeting of April's toes wrapped in brown sandals. Polly's now gentle touches were sure to be plain on my reddening face. I let my eyes slip closed which proved to be a mistake.

"Oh, she's being nice to your now eh?" April's voice intruded into my enjoyment. I snapped my eyes open only to see April had knelt low on the ground and was looking up into my eyes. I needed to learn to keep my face clear of any expression, though it was a little hard to do with Polly doing whatever she liked on the other side of the wall. As if to emphasize the point, her fingers dipped between my legs causing me to jerk in surprise. April laughed, "I can guess what happened there."

I pushed Polly's hands away with my own and relaxed as she retreated from my body. It was a short lived respite as cords soon wrapped around one wrist. "Where did she get the rope? I didn't see any in there?"

"You didn't notice the bag I brought with me?" April answered.

"No, girls always carry bags for one reason or another?"

April shrugged. "There was rope in there."

"Argh." I tugged on my wrists but Polly easily finished her quick tying and with the added leverage provided by the near by eye bolt my arm was soon pulled wide.

"What else was in the bag?" I asked as I felt the rope encircle my other wrist. I tried to resist but I was blind to what was happening on the other side and she soon had both my hands stretched to either side of my body.

"A camera," April teased.

I groaned but was interrupted by Polly who poked her head around the corner. "I need to head back to the house for something."

"Don't leave me here alone." I said quickly.

"Now Jack, I'm sure April will stay on this side of the wall, won't you April?"

April grinned and nodded.

"And if she doesn't, we'll just have to leave." Polly said still looking pointedly at April.

"You know he could just lie to you even if I stay right here. He probably wants to leave after all."

April was wrong, very wrong and Polly knew it. First of all, I did not really want to leave, maybe the barn, but not the kidnapping adventure that Polly cooked up. And secondly, I could not ever lie to Polly, not convincingly.

"Nope." Polly answered while looking at me. "He can't lie to me."

April noticed my look and again shook her head. "I hope you know how lucky you are."

I was looking at the floor and was not sure if the comment was aimed at Polly or myself. I nodded though and when April laughed it was obvious she had been referring to Polly but they had both seen the nod. "Be right back."

At the sound of the barn door closing behind Polly, April turned on me and she put her hands on her hips. "God I am so jealous of her."


"Yes, it's not fair. She's still a teenager and found you, I've been searching for years and never..."

"Found what?" I interrupted with a spark of anger. It was difficult being irritated while being pilloried by a wall but I tried my best. "What exactly are you looking for, or better yet, what do you think Polly has that you don't?"

"You, of course." April sat down and again leaned forward but this time her hand slid across my cheek. "You're almost irresistible."

"What is it about me? I'm surrounded by women who seem drawn toward me but I have done nothing to attract them. I'm really scrawny, I'm short, my ass is too big, and my shoulders too narrow." My voice rose as I read off the list of physical frustrations.

I was not looking at April so when she did not immediately answer I lifted my head to see her eyes fixed on me. "You're serious aren't you?"

“Yes I’m serious. I know some women are attracted to me but I really don't get it. I trust that Polly loves me but it is starting to get weird."

"I don't know how to describe it but I want to wrap you up in silk and and do things that make you blush." April said while hugging herself with her hands and twisting her hips which caused her olive green dress to twirl about her black leggings.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know, nor do I care. Right now I'm using every ounce of my will power to stay on this side of the wall. What I wouldn't give to slide my hands over your trapped body."

"Please April..." I whispered and tugged at the ropes holding my arms stretched wide. The vulnerability of my situation dawned on me and I felt the blood rise further into my face, I heard the pounding of my own heart in my ears.

"Right there, it's like you just blasted me in the face with sex pheromone or something." I said nothing and accepted the fact that there are some things I would never understand. April tried over the next few minutes to stay seated but her fidgeting led her closer and closer until her body was within inches of my trapped head. "This is my building, my property. Your head is trapped in my wall. I should be able to do whatever I want to things that are mine, don't you think?" Her voice had dropped to a whisper and I could feel her hot breath on my ear. "I mean Polly will get angry but I think it might be worth it. A few moments just to see you, and touch you, and..."

"I'm back." Polly said seconds after the creak of the door. She must have sprinted the whole way.

I let out a sigh of relief as April sat back in her chair. She was beautiful but her experience was a bit intimidating, I imagined all kinds of mischief if she had unfettered access to my helpless body. These thoughts were dashed from my mind as Polly's fingers once again slid across my buttocks. April noticed my flinch and smiled resting back in her chair obviously preparing to enjoy the show.
Last edited by volatiledesire 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by qwerty »

Best story on this site.
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Post by Londit »

So glad you manage to post the next part ! this is such a good story :)
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Post by volatiledesire »

Londit wrote: 6 years ago So glad you manage to post the next part ! this is such a good story :)
qwerty wrote: 6 years ago Best story on this site.
Thank you both for the kinds words, and with that on with the show, so to speak.

Here's the next part.
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Chapter 54 - April's Desire

I could hear Polly speaking but the seal around my neck was so complete that the sound seemed to come from around the corner. "Raise your foot." I felt her finger on my left ankle. I immediately knew what Polly planned. She had gone back to the house to fetch clothing, and I knew in my heart that it would be something embarrassing and undoubtedly feminine.

As I hung my head at the realization April perked up. "What is it? What's she doing?"

I felt a familiar stretchy tightness encircle my toes and rise up my foot and ankle. "She's dressing me in something, pulling it up my leg." I figured there was no point in denying April the information.

"Tights, panties what?" April asked with excitement.

"Something tight, for sure."

"Does it cover your feet?"

I nodded feeling the tightness around my toes.

"Oh, I bet it's some kind of hosiery maybe stockings." April said.

I shook my head as by now Polly had slipped a sock over my left foot to protect the garment from the dirty ground of the barn. It was definitely footed tights or pantyhose asI felt the waistband snap into place around my stomach compressing every inch of my legs. "Feels like pantyhose." She slid a sock over right foot as well and I felt nothing for several moments.

"What's next?" April asked

I started to shrug at April's question but within the second it took my shoulders to move I felt Polly touching my chest with something cool. She continued to rub it in paying particular attention to my nipples. I began to shake my head back and forth, "No, no, no." I had felt this before, I knew what she was doing.

April slid forward into her chair as I gritted my teeth. "What? What's happening? Is she giving you boobs?" My eyes flew open in shock at the question because she had guessed so quickly, the cold feeling on my chest was likely glue though how she intended to keep them in place with my chest facing the floor I did not know. "I'm right aren't I?" April continued.

"I don't know." I lied.

"Nice try, that's it. I know it." April said sitting back with a smile. "She showed them to me earlier. She told me you had them forced on you before but never with her around. How is that possible? She didn't tell me the story."

"Another time," I whispered in a low voice. I felt Polly again near my legs and the unmistakable (at least to me) feeling of a swimsuit or leotard being pulled up my body. Once the garment was in place around my waist I felt her use the tight garment to hold two heavier weights firmly against my chest covering each nipple. The garment was then clasped around my neck which likely meant it was a leotard because I rarely had I seen a swimsuit cut so closely around throat, not quite a turtleneck but close. "Clever Polly." I muttered.

"I take it she has them in place?"

I nodded feeling defeated by the turn of events. The leotard was tight and I felt it holding the two orbs firmly against my chest.

"Oh don't look so glum, your going to be a damsel in distress. It's part of the whole kidnapping motif after all." April smiled.

I grimaced in discomfort at the idea of being a damsel.

"What's wrong?" April asked noticing my expression.

"Back hurts, been here too long." I lied, partially. My back was starting to ache.

"Shall I go tell Polly?"

"Not yet, seems like she's about done. I mean I'm all dressed up." At that point I felt Polly tugging on the leotard garment near my waist which caused a strip of material to pull tightly between my butt cheeks despite the resistance of the pantyhose. I groaned again.

"What is it?" April asked, the curiosity was obviously getting to her.


"Look if you don't tell me I'm going over there. This is my place after all." April demanded beginning to stand.

"The leotard thing she put on me has a thong back." I answered to forestall her from going around and making the whole thing worse.

April held her hands over her mouth. "Oh god, I can't wait to see what Polly has done to you."

"That makes one of us. What ever happened to long walks in the evening, watching sunsets, and making out in the back of the family station wagon?"

"Sounds boring." April said.

"You would think that." I answered but my thoughts were interrupted by the ropes on my arms being released. Polly held one wrist while repeating the process with my other hand and I did not struggle hoping she was finally letting me go. Once both arms were released she held them behind my back and with a quick motion slid both arms into some kind of fabric or leather tube. I immediately recognized it as an armbinder, having been bound in one before by Nora during my stay at her spa. "Oh no."

"Now what?" April said sitting on the edge of the plastic chair. "God this is infuriating, I'm just going over there. There is no reason for me to be on this side."

"Stay there April, I'll have a job for you in a second." Polly's voice echoed from the other side of the wooden wall.

I felt my arms pull backward as she pulled the slack from the laces and I grimaced as my elbows became closer and closer. "Argh!" I said and the noise must have been heard by Polly because the increasing tension ceased but did reduce.

"What's she doing?" April asked again.

"Trying to get my elbows to touch behind my back." I said with an uncomfortable squint.

"Are they?" She said with obvious respect.

"I doubt it but they sure feel close." I answered.

Polly's head popped around the divider and handed a black strap toward April, a shiny red ball was suspended between the straps. "Would you like to do the honors?"

April rocketed to her feet and took the offered ball gag. "Absolutely."

Polly smiled at my shocked face and gave me a little wave of her hand before disappearing back behind the wall. I looked up at April. "You don't have to..." Her hand shot out and rammed the ball with a surprising quickness between my lips as I spoke. It was a larger ball than I had experienced before and any hopes of intelligible speech were cut off. With effort I could likely have made myself understood but I knew a gagged person would never be taken seriously and if I tried to speak too much it would only prompt Polly to find something better suited to eliminating speech and likely much more uncomfortable.

As the first dribble of moisture began to slide around the plastic ball I felt the board holding my neck loosen and rise. Polly helped me take a step back and slowly straighten my back for the first time in what seemed like hours. I looked down and stared in surprise at what I was wearing. An oily black leotard covered my chest filled out by a new pair of breasts. The leotard was so tight (or perhaps the breasts so large) that the nipples were clearly visible. I was forced to lean forward to see beyond the large protrusions. My legs were coated in shiny white nylon that reflected the dim light in hundreds of brilliant sparkles. The leotard and tights, undoubtedly beautiful if worn by someone else, were marred by two black leather bands crossing above my chest before diving beneath my armpits to secure the armbinder in position. Leotard

I closed my eyes after a cursory inspection hoping against hope that this was some kind of dream. Polly's dancing green orbs waited for me when I opened them. "I doubt you like it, but I sure do."

My eyes slid passed Polly as April rounded the corner. She stopped suddenly and her hands flew to her mouth with a loud gasp.

I waited for the laughter to start turning my eyes toward Polly to give her my fiercest stare of anger, however the laughter never came. I turned back to April to see her frozen in the same pose as before her hands covering her mouth and her eyes slowly roaming my body as if I were an insect pinned beneath an entomologist's glass. Polly interrupted the deafening silence. "I forgot the skirt, it would have hidden his masculine..." Polly hesitated looking for the right word. "...parts."

The words shook April from her spell and she sent a confused glance toward Polly. "Why would you cover up the best feature. He's not a girl after all."

I squinted in confusion firmly believing the point of the exercise was to make myself as feminine as possible and looked toward to Polly who was also looking curiously at April. April noticed our looks and held up her hands. "Oh I'm sorry, do you prefer women? I just assumed..."

It was Polly's turn to interrupt. "Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. No I don't prefer women. I prefer Jack."

"Then why cover it up?" She sent a quick glance toward my crotch to indicate what she was referring to.

Polly sat down in the dusty plastic chair. "You mentioned earlier you wanted to see him with the fake boobs."

April leaned against the wall and I suddenly felt like a piece of art in a museum being argued over by two critics. "Yes, not because I wanted him to be a girl." April answered.

"Than why?" Polly asked.

"Same reason you like it."

There was a pause while neither young nor older woman spoke and then as if some there were some unseen communication between the pair they both said in unison. "His reaction."

"Two pairs of eyes swiveled towards me at that point and I seriously contemplated flight from the barn. How I would open the door with my hands held uselessly behind me did not rise in my thoughts ahead of the simple need for escape. Instead I just turned and looked away. Sudden movement forced my attention back to the women. Polly was now standing between me and April with her arms spread wide. "Tut, tut. No touching."

April growled. "He's like the purest form of sexual heroine, how do you expect me to not touch?"

Polly seemed moved by the response as she looked over her shoulder to stare into my eyes. I shook my head vigorously. "She is right you know." Polly turned and wrapped her arms around my body placing her hands against my buttocks and squeezing gently. "You are irresistible." Polly turned back to April. "I'll think about it but for now I'm holding you to your promise, Jack is quite fragile and has been known to break on occasion."

April wrinkled her nose. "Huh?"

"Do you know Selena?"

"I met her, she got herself in trouble during your birthday party the day I met Jack." April said.

Polly nodded. "It's quite a story. I'll tell it to you while we walk back to the house." Polly moved toward the door and almost as an afterthought turned back toward me. "Come along Jack."

Despite the gag I did not like being discussed like I was some kind of object and decided to exercise some of my own free will. I simply did not move. I had a vague idea wrought of desperation that if I did not comply they would be forced to free me. The two women were at the exit to the barn when Polly yelled. "Come on Jack."

I stayed put.

A few minutes later Polly rounded the corner of the stall and placed her hands on her hips. My desire to be firm and unyielding were betrayed by my libido as my eyes wandered Polly's silver wrapped body. She of course noticed this and the corner of her lips ticked up in a smile. "Feeling stubborn are we?"

I remained motionless.

"Look at your feet Jack." Polly said as April came around the corner though she remained back a few feet to watch the interaction.

I stared down the newly acquired valley created by the faux breasts at my feet where the sparkly white tights disappeared into a pair of ankle-high white socks obviously with the purpose of protecting the tights from the dirty floor. "You don't have to wear those socks you know. I'm sure we have some lovely high heels that would do an adequate job of protecting the tights."

I glanced up at April who was nodding so much her hair danced about her head.

"I chose not to bring them because of the difficult terrain between here and the house. Now I'm thinking I should have brought them."

I shook my head and tried to plead with my eyes.

"Are you coming then?" Polly asked.

I stepped closer and nodded in defeat.

Polly patted my cheek and turned toward the door.

April fell in step beside her. "I take it he's worn heels before?"

"Oh yes, he's an old pro." Polly answered.

April looked over her shoulder and gave me a smile that stole the last remaining vestiges of resistance. I followed them out of the barn. The pleasant sound of the breeze through the browning leaves did little to distract me from the weight on my chest or the tension in my shoulders. Polly talked nearly as fast as April's normal tempo as she relayed the stories of my interactions with Selena. I could feel April's eyes on me during the more embarrassing parts but for the most part I kept my eyes down and tried to ignore the fact I was looking at a skin tight, oil-black leotard that would make any my own mouth water if worn by someone else.
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Post by Londit »

Thanks a lot for posting another part so fast ! Loving it !
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Post by qwerty »

amazing as always!
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 55 - Another Change of Plans

Cooking spaghetti is easy. Cooking spaghetti with your hands bound three inches apart in front of you while your elbows are fastened behind your back is considerably more difficult. I was handling the bonds, but the gag bothered most. I still wore the same black ball from the barn only now a towel was wrapped around my mouth to keep any drool from contaminating the food. To add insult to injury my legs were bound with a short tether so that walking around the kitchen was an exercise in patience.

"Oh, that is a good one." April said while pointing at the screen of a laptop. Both ladies were seated at the table currently looking at pictures.

"It's a great shot of the armbinder," Polly answered. "But it reveals too much about what he's wearing. I don't want it to be so obvious. We should keep them guessing."

"Just crop it down a bit, so you don't see the leotard so much." April responded. "Besides you said everyone who has access to this board has seen him in similar situations."

At those words both women turned towards me and our eyes met. I turned away quickly though but turning my back only heightened my awareness of the thinner strip of material diving between my buttocks. "How's the food coming?" April said with an obvious smile in her voice.

The gag prevented any reasonable response so I just nodded and continued stirring the noodles. An action that I had to move my hips to do because of how closely my hands were bound to my waist.

"Can we get him some heels please. It would do so much to complete the look." April asked suddenly.

Polly shook her head. "He's been through enough, today."

April pouted briefly and turned back to the screen. "Do you think anyone will figure out where he is and show up looking for him?"

"Maybe, but I doubt they'll interrupt us." Polly responded. "These messages should let everyone know he's safe and I'm with him. That will set their hearts at ease, though my Mom may still be pissed. She wants him at work for sure."

By the time the noodles were cooked and the jar of tomato sauce had warmed in the microwave the girls were done composing and posting to the message board. I was hoping to provide some input but they did not seem to care what I thought, so I concentrated on other things. The largest point of concern was the promise Polly had made at the start of the adventure to be my captive. A promise I doubt she had forgotten but had flown from her thoughts the moment she saw the ad hoc pillory in April's barn. NowI was bound hand and foot and making my way two inches at a time toward the table carrying the steaming noodles, a far cry from Polly being my servant.

April glanced up as I approached. "He's probably hungry, are we going to feed him?"

Polly shrugged. "Yeah that won't be a problem, I'm more concerned about what he's going to say."

"Say?" April asked.

Polly wrinkled her forehead while glancing back at April. "You've already forgotten?"

"Forgotten what?"

"The promise I made." Polly answered revealing a slightly exasperated tone with the older woman.

"Ohh..." April said. "You promised to be his slave or something."

Polly nodded. "When I saw your setup in the barn, I had to try it out on Jack."

April smiled. "Yeah, I understand that. So now he's going to turn back into Houdini and escape? Is that what you're worried about?"

Polly nodded.

I took a seat at the table and waited for them to decide what to do. Bound as I was, I could not run off and I was quite hungry. I stared at the food to indicate that fact. April closed the laptop and set it aside and pulled three bowls from a nearby cupboard. "Well the way it looks to me, you are pretty much in the catbird seat at this moment."

"We can't keep him tied up forever." Polly answered. "He's a boy, he'll stink after a while and need a shower."

I rolled my eyes at her and looked down at my chest as if in protest of her comment about my boyhood. Polly laughed, "Well they don't stop you from smelling like one, if that's what you think."

April served the spaghetti even placing a bowl in front of me despite the fact I was incapable of eating it. Polly pulled her chair closer and removed the towel then using the now damp cloth to protect her hands as she plucked the large ball from my mouth. As I stretched my stiff jaw she raised the glass of ice water near my mouth where I could easily suck from the straw. Polly waited while I recovered before setting the glass in front of me and resting back in the chair. "Well?" Polly prompted.

I looked at her and took a few minutes to lose myself in the swirl of her gold flecked green eyes. The excitement of the day had loosened strands of curly red hair from her braid and they now framed her face in a way that seemed to freeze the moment in time. The moment swallowed any words I was going to say, a small voice in the back of my head thought it odd that Polly had this affect on me especially the ability to sublimate my rebellious desires as she had done in the barn earlier today.

April saved me with a sudden cough. "Excuse me, should I give you two a moment."

I shook my head and glanced at April letting the power of Polly slide away. "I..." I hesitated trying to recall the words. "You..." I looked again at Polly who was beaming with delight at my hesitation. "You owe me one." I blurted in a rush for fear I would never find the words.

Polly looked confused. "Owe you one?"

The words broke the spell and I followed the thread of my congealing thoughts. "Yes, because you broke your promise. You said you would be my captive, yet here I sit, unable to even eat my own food." I glanced down at the bowl.

"What does it mean to owe you own?" Polly asked.

"I get a favor from you. Anything I want."

Polly's eyebrows rose and she cocked her head to the side. "Sounds interesting, maybe even fun. I break my promise to be your captive, force you into that lovely leotard and I have to owe you one?"

I looked down at the mounds attached to my chest and could not miss the sparkle from my thighs covered in the white hosiery. "You owe me another for the leotard, and one, no two, more for the uh..." I paused seeking the right word. "...attachments."

Polly laughed. "Let's see, that makes four I owe you." She leaned forward grabbed a forkful of spaghetti and brought it to my lips. I accepted the food and chewed eagerly as I had not eaten all day.

I nodded.

Polly tapped a finger against her lips while she continued to feed me. "Not allowing you to feed yourself, is that number five?" Polly smiled.

I nodded again while chewing taking a quick glance at April who seemed engrossed in watching me being fed by Polly. I could see Polly's mind turning but she remained silent while raising forkful of spaghetti to my lips. "I wonder how many favors I can accumulate?" She said to April after filling my mouth.

April shrugged. "I bet a pair of heels are worth a couple, don't you suppose?"

I opened my mouth to interrupt the alarming direction the conversation was moving but was greeted rather forcefully by another fork of spaghetti, I either had to accept the food or be stabbed in my closed lips, either way speech was not an option.

April stood up. "Shall a fetch them?"

"I don't know, it's getting late, I need to answer the deluge of comments on the message board post we made today. Jack needs a shower and a bed."

"I'll give him a bath." April said suddenly.

Polly's eyes jerked in her direction and narrowed dangerously. April raised her hands immediately. "A joke, it was a joke."

I managed to swallow before Polly could react and said. "You can't pay back a favor that big."

"Oh really, are you sure about that?" Polly had the ability to go from a near violent rage at April's comment to a sudden simmering lust. Her eyes reflected the truly inexhaustible supply of imaginative things Polly could do to pay back my favors.

My mouth fell open intending to answer her but the small smile on her lips stole my words.

"Do you have anything comfortable for him to wear that might keep him from wandering off?" Polly asked April.

April tapped a finger against her lips. "I don't know about comfortable, but I've slept in it."

"What is it?" Polly raised the fork again filling my mouth with the spaghetti.

"I'll show you, be right back." April stood up and moved toward the master bedroom.

Polly turned toward me. "Let's get you into a shower." She stood up and walked toward the stairs, I also stood but with my ankles bound the stairs would be impossible so I sat back down at the table. "Sorry Polly, I can't manage those stairs like this."

Polly turned and noticed my legs. "Oops," she giggled. "Let me get that."

She unwound the rope tethering my legs to a stride of only a few inches and then walked again toward the stairs leading to the second floor. "I'm not sleeping in there?" I motioned toward the bedroom where I woke up."

"No that was just last night since we didn't want to haul the suitcase up the stairs. That's April's bedroom."

I nodded and carefully followed, with my elbows pinioned behind my back I would not be able to break any falls. Finding myself ungagged for the first time in many hours provided me the opportunity to inject my own opinion into the direction of events. "So ..." I began.

Polly looked over her shoulder and smiled. "I know, I know, I should not have broken my promise, are you mad?"

Truthfully anger could not have been further from my thoughts. "I'm kind of disappointed to be getting my picture taken wearing these clothes."

Polly stopped at the top of the stairs. "You look good."

"If you like a male head on a woman's body." I countered.

"Would you like me to fix that?" Polly smiled and I knew from her look her intention would not be to fix my body but to change my head to match.

"The pictures?" I quickly moved the subject back to the most pressing matter.

"I am being careful, there aren't any pictures being posted that show your face and body at the same time, thought I doubt those who know us will have any trouble understanding what's going on?"

"Do I have to wear these?" I said looking down at my chest.

"The clothes don't fit right without them."

"My clothes do." I countered.

"We don't have any of your clothes." Polly smiled.

"Will I be tied up the whole time?" I asked.

"Would that be so bad?"

"It's supposed to be restful, isn't that your intention? To give me a break?" I asked.

"I promise I will be handling all your decisions for you. Where you walk, if you talk, when you can see, if you can move..."

We had reached the main bathroom on the second floor and though smaller than the bathroom in April's master bedroom it was still larger than any in my own house. "I don't want to be dressed and tied like your life-sized Barbie doll but I also don't want to escape and end up stuck with work and homework."

Polly had obviously grown weary of the discussion as she turned on me with fire in her eyes. "Look Jack, not only have I been worried about you for the last few months, but I also missed you terribly. You have ignored me."

"But..." I tried to interrupt.

"You would do well to view this as a punishment. I know you are trying to graduate and hold down a job, but I am just as important."

"But..." I tried a second time.

"I'm going to spend this week with you, and you have no choice."


"And..." Polly placed her fingers over my mouth. "If I want you hogtied wearing nothing but the the skimpiest lingerie, than that is exactly what you'll be wearing. Got it."

I nodded, though I was a bit off balance. How quickly things had changed from her owing me favors to telling me exactly things were going to be.

Polly shut the door to the bathroom behind us and then shoved me against the wall smothering me with a passionate kiss that obliterated all the embarrassment and humiliation suffered at her hands over the last hours. "I'm having fun." She pressed her body into my spandex clad form. I felt her stomach pressing against my own rising need. "I can also tell you are enjoying it too. April has a lot of fun toys I would like to try out."

I clamped my teeth down to keep any objections from spilling out of my stupid mouth and thought about my life before Polly, reminding myself of how many body parts I would have paid for a beautiful woman as amazing as Polly. She removed the bonds from my elbows and wrists and then helped peel the tight leotard from my body. Surprisingly she also peeled off the breasts. "I put these on in a rush. They looked great under the leotard but not now. Go take a shower."

The toilet was in a small separate room next to the shower and I made my way there first. I shut the door and peeled off the shiny white hosiery and took a few moments to revel in my freedom and lack of feminine clothing. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the bathroom door and Polly's subsequent answer. I could not make out the words other than Polly's obvious excitement. I quickly finished my business and stuck my head out of the door to make sure April was not standing in the room. Polly sat on a small stool with a huge grin on her face. "Hurry up, I can barely wait for you to finish your shower."

"What is it?"

"It's your pajamas." A giggle bubbled from her lips. I cocked my head and reached out toward her plunging my fingers into her curly red hair. It felt like spun silk between my fingers. My other hand slid along her collar bone slipping the spaghetti strap of her silver dress down her shoulder as I went. "What are you doing?"

"Enjoying my freedom. I have wanted to touch you for many hours. That dress is driving me wild."

Polly grabbed my hand and turned me toward the shower. "Make it snappy, or I'm wearing a burlap sack tomorrow."

"You would look amazing." I smiled at her over one shoulder.

Polly shook her head and left the room as the water fell from the tap. The shower was wonderful and the heat relaxed my body enough for me to realize that one night's rest was not enough to fully recover from the insane schedule I had been keeping for the last few months. Polly was back inside the bathroom at the same moment I turned the water off, she handed me a towel and placed a toothbrush near the sink. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Time for bed." Polly answered.

"Sounds good I feel suddenly tired."

"Put these on." Polly handed me a shiny wad of red silk.

"Those aren't mine." I answered.

"Sure they are, I think Ollie's Mom gave them to you."

I thought back to my recent encounter with Maria Evans and shook my head. "I never wore them, they were packed into my mouth."

"Don't bore me with details, put them on." Polly ordered.

"You do it." I was feeling bold, not enough to completely refuse but a little.

Polly sighed and shook her head the tight red curls bouncing freely around her face. She stepped behind me and yanked the towel from around my waist. I could feel her hair tickling my legs as she knelt down. "Lift a leg."

I complied and soon felt a fool in the shiny panties despite my refusal to actually put them on. Polly opened the door and pulled me across the hall into the nearest bedroom. A queen-size bed with a dark blue coverlet dominated the space which seemed more vibrant due to the continued use of white walls and white carpet. A large wooden armoire sat opposite the bed while a matching blue and white love seat was situated along the adjacent wall which also held a window overlooking the picturesque backyard. I jerked my hands down to cover my worse-than-naked state when I saw April standing next to the loveseat looking through the now darkened window.

April laughed when she noticed my embarrassment. "I've seen you in worse than that, no need to be embarrassed."

I shook my head and continued my attempt to hide behind Polly.

April then addressed Polly. "Boobs?"

"Nah, they were uneven so I took them off. I'll do better next time."

April picked up a black mass of material off the arm of the loveseat and held it up. "Can I help?"

Polly nodded. "Let's get him dressed."

I looked over Polly's shoulder at the mass of black fabric that was as tall as April. "Those are the pajamas you talked about?"

April laughed. "Pajamas, that's hilarious." She spread the garment across the bed and lowered a long zipper sewn into the back. "Just have him step into it, zipper in the back."

"Wow, it's heavier than I thought." Polly said as she took it from April.

"Escape proof, several layers of fabric, though it has some stretch for comfort." April answered

Polly lowered the opened garment that appeared to be a long dress. I would never walk in the thing since the opening for my legs was barely wide enough for one of my feet let alone both. I sat on the bed and raised both legs Polly forcing them through the small opening. April helped me to my feet as Polly tugged the garment upward which compressed my legs into a single sheath binding them together more completely than any cinched rope. However, the real surprise came when Polly slipped my arms into the long sleeves which had no openings for my hands. The material simply tapered down to points ending in a thick strap that dangled to the floor. My hands would be less than useless. As Polly raised the zipper the compression around my legs slowly rose up my body.

"Now just pull the straps through the loop on the front of the dress and then tie it off behind." April said.

Polly picked the straps that were dangling on the floor and put each through the loop that was sewn into the garment just below my chest. As she did so my arms were also pulled through that same loop until I was hugging myself. The pressure continued to increase as April and Polly worked together to secure the straps behind my back. "Ugh, that's tight enough." Straight Jacket Dress

Polly walked in front of me her hands sliding over the thick black spandex material that now covered my body. "What do you think?"

"I've worn more comfortable pajamas." I said.

"Time for bed then."

"Picture?" April asked. "For the message board?"

"Good idea." Polly answered.

I groaned as April ran from the room returning moments later with a camera. Several pictures were taken before Polly pushed April toward the bedroom exit. "Ah, I want to stay."

"You have your room back." Polly said before closing the door in April's sad face.

"Are you afraid I'll run off?" I asked and hopped over to the love seat and sat down.

"Not anymore." Polly smiled and joined me on the short couch pulling my feet into her lap.

I groaned in pleasure as she began to rub my toes. "You know I would love to give you a foot rub too."

"I bet you would, but I am getting enough pleasure seeing you tucked inside that dress." Polly answered.

"Are you sleeping in here tonight?" I asked.

"Yes." Polly answered quickly.

"Ah, that explains it." I said.

"Explains what?"

"Why you have me trapped in this dress, straight jacket, thing." I answered.


"You're afraid I'll ravage you if you don't keep me under control."

Polly pushed my feet from her lap and stood up. "You know what, maybe you're right."

I was actually joking about the whole 'ravaging' thing so I was a little surprised when Polly disappeared into the closet. I was still trying to figure out how I angered her when the door opened again and she stepped out clothed in the most beautiful green nightgown and robe set I had ever seen. My mouth fell open in stunned surprise and I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around her. The stupid bondage dress prevented any such movement and I growled in protest as I tried to wrench my arms free. Polly's Nightgown

"What's wrong Jack?" Polly asked with an innocent and knowing smile as she let the robe fall from her shoulders to expose the narrow straps of the nightgown beneath.

I continued to jerk my arms back and forth, but soon a defeated whine escaped my lips and I slipped from the love seat onto the floor, the slick material of the dress aiding my descent. Polly knelt down letting the silky sleeves of the robe slide across my trapped body. I rolled over and placed my cheek against her silk covered thigh. Polly slid to the floor and pulled my head fully into her lap. "Ah, poor thing, you must be exhausted."

I continued to slide my cheek along her soft body and said nothing knowing I would be stuck in the damnable dress contraption until morning likely with Polly snuggled next to me. After a few minutes, Polly stood up and helped me to my feet. She tossed back the covers on the bed and pushed my legs beneath the sheets before sliding in next to me. With a contented sigh she curled up beside me and snuggled her face onto my shoulder.

I stared at the ceiling and forced my mind to recite the now familiar mantra. "Would you rather have this or what you had before you met her?"

Polly opened her eyes. "Did you say something?"

I had not realized I'd spoken aloud. "No, nothing."

Polly laid back down and resumed using me as a giant teddy bear leaving me to handle her scent of roses and vanilla, an overwhelming aphrodisiac, as her every breath and heartbeat seemed to throb with my own desire. I did not expect to sleep.
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Post by qwerty »

Amazing new chapter!
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Stunning work.

Glad you’re back Volatiledesire
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 56 - Who's That?

I woke and knew immediately I was alone. I could always tell if Polly were nearby even if blind. Sitting up with my arms still firmly held against my torso proved to be too difficult and I flopped back onto the bed like a landed fish. The fullness of my bladder proved as obviously as the sunshine streaming through the windows that I had slept far longer than expected, my thoughts were still fully immersed in the smell and sight of Polly in that nightgown. The tight spandex pressed every inch of my skin, including my bladder, and made my need for release even more urgent.

Luckily my wait was short. Polly entered moments later. Gone was the beautiful nightgown replaced with a pair of dark leggings and a blue, long sleeve shirt that did nothing to diminish her beauty. "Rise and shine." Polly's Clothing

"I would if I could. In fact I kind of need to use the bathroom."

"You won't be running off if I let you go?" Polly smiled.

"Away from you? Why would I do that?" I answered.

"Charmer," Polly said as she released the buckle keeping my arms folded across my stomach and lowered the zipper. Even with the added freedom I still required her assistance to get my arms out of the sleeves since my hands were still trapped inside. In moments I was dashing across the hall to the bathroom leaving a laughing Polly behind. "I would pay real money to see that again."

Once finished with my needs and a quick brush of my teeth I found a towel on the wall rack. Hanging on a hook beside the rack was the green nightgown and robe set Polly had worn the night before. Unable to resist, I let the material slide through my fingers and knelt down to inhale the heady scent still clinging to the fabric. As I wrapped the white towel around my waist I considered for the briefest of moments how it would feel to wear the gown and have it slide across my skin. Shaking my head against such foolishness I secured the towel around my waist and left the bathroom.

Polly had busied herself and made the bed folding the straight jacket dress neatly over the arm of the love seat. She stood staring out the window when I entered. She laughed at my choice of clothing. "I could give you a skirt."

I lowered my eyebrows in faux consternation. "Polly, I need some clothes."

"I was hoping you'd wear that nightgown I left in the bathroom." Polly responded.

I could feel the blush rising along my neck and could not meet her eyes. "Well, we know that wasn't going to happen."

"Oh really? Did you touch it? Did you let it slide through your fingers?" She walked toward me and let her hand rest against my neck. "Did you feel the material against your cheek?" Polly whispered bringing her lips so close I could taste her warm breath.

I buried my answer in a deep kiss which Polly accepted though I could feel her lips bent upward in a small smile. "I'm hungry." I said after breaking the kiss hoping to change the subject.

"It's almost noon let's get you some food." Polly said and waited to follow me out of the room.

I watched her over one shoulder expecting her to take the towel which was tucked in around my waist but she only smiled nibbling on one finger with a large smile on her lips. I lacked the skill of mind-reading that she possessed but she was obviously intrigued. The fading spray of adorable freckles across the bridge of her nose proved my intuition correct which were rarely visible during the rare blush.

Downstairs April was in the kitchen wearing the gray shorts and shirt I had worn the day before. I cocked my head at the clothing and she gave me a wink. "They are my favorite shorts, lord knows how you managed to pick them out."

I looked back at Polly who shrugged. "What's on tap for today?"

April's hand shot into the air. "Can I pick, please?"

Polly's head was shaking. "Jack needs a break. Let's watch some movies and relax on the couch."

"I'm working tomorrow, can't you watch movies then?" April whined.

"Why work? It's not like you need the money." I asked.

April shrugged. "It would be kind of obvious if I don't show up to work the same week you disappear. Surely everyone remembers we know each other."

I shrugged and plopped down on the couch. Polly opened a cabinet that hid a large television. "Can we discuss my clothing?" I asked.

Polly shrugged. "Sure, what would you like to discuss?"

"I don't really want to wear a towel all day." I answered.

"Take it off." Polly said with a smile and the sounds of movement in the kitchen came to an abrupt halt as April turned toward us with a look of excitement.

I shook my head and looked down over my body, the embarrassing tan lines of the previous summer had finally faded away. A wicked thought entered my mind. "You want me to give April a show?"

"Yes, please." April said from the kitchen.

Polly's eyes narrowed at my words. "Careful, or I'll stuff you back into your pajamas."

April interrupted the deteriorating mood with two plates of pizza. My animal desires overruled any irritation I had with Polly’s threat and I began to eat. Polly too was hungry and we sat back and watched television enjoying the simple meal.

Later while April was cleaning up the plates a beep sounded from a panel attached to the wall. "What's that?" Polly asked.

"Alarm system monitors the front gate for motion, I probably have a package or something." April answered. "Hit the yellow button on the TV remote, that will bring up the cameras."

"Wow, fancy security." I answered.

"Not really, camera's are cheap these days." April answered. A grid of individual pictures appeared on the television screen consisting of various shots of the front yard and the long driveway that led to a gated entryway out by the street. I had yet to see the front yard but was not surprised to see the vast area was nearly the equal of the back yard. "The top row is the front gate." A car had pulled up to the gate but was now reversing. "Oh it's nothing just someone turning around." April commented.

The car's driver looked familiar and I immediately sat forward on the couch. "Can you make that bigger, I said pointing to the largest view of the turning car? Can we see it again?"

"Uh, sure it saves the video for a few days." April walked over and moved her fingers over the remote and made the picture fill the entire screen. She then rewound the recording until we could see the car pulling in.

I looked over only to catch Polly looking at me. "He found me."

Polly shook her head. "Again. I can't believe it."

"What?" April said as her head swiveled between the two of us. "Who's that?"

I looked at April. "You don't remember my friend Ollie from Polly's birthday party?"

April's eyes widened and she turned back to the screen. "It was nighttime and I never got a good look at him. That's Ollie, your best friend?"

"How does he do that?" Polly asked. "Has he shoved a tracker under your skin or something?"

I leaned back in the chair. "He'll be back tonight, are the camera's visible?" I looked toward April.

"They are small, but you can see them if you know where to look." April answered.

"Definitely tonight then, when it's dark. He'll try and confirm that Polly or I are here."

"The camera's have infrared, won't matter if it's dark.” April said. “Then what? What will he do?"

"He'll tell everybody." Polly answered. "It will ruin everything."

"Your Mom wouldn't force Jack to come home, would she?" April asked.

"She probably doesn't want too, but right now she can tell her boss she has no idea where he is. If Ollie finds us, she may feel obligated to do something. She won't lie to her superiors." Polly said.

I nodded in agreement with every word.

"So let's catch him tonight." April suggested.

I shook my head. "He only needs to see Polly or I and then he'll run off, you'll never catch him."

"I'll call the police, he will be trespassing."

I looked April. "He's my best friend," I then looked at Polly. "Best male friend, at least."

Polly smiled at me and turned back to the television which was now paused with Ollie's face obvious through the window of the car. "Damn it. He has to ruin everything."

We sat in silence for several minutes. I had the desire to defend Ollie’s behavior. If he had seen the pictures on the message board, he was likely planning a rescue mission not trying to ruin anyone’s fun. Pointing this fact out would do nothing but further annoy Polly so I kept my thoughts to myself.

"We can just hide you guys inside with the windows closed." April suggested.

"That might work." Polly said.

"For tonight, but you'll have to stay away from windows all week, you're bound to make a mistake." I answered.

"You think he's going to stake the place out?" Polly said with obvious doubt.

"No, not all the time, but Ollie is pretty clever." I tapped my fingers against my lips in thought. "Show me the message board, there may be something there that would be proof enough."

April looked at Polly and then sighed. "Shit, the barn."

"You took a picture of the barn?" I asked.

"April snagged a shot of you when you stumbled on the way back from the barn when you were wearing the armbinder and leotard. It did not show your face so it was a perfect picture to keep everyone guessing but it show the barn in the background."

I shook my head. "That's it then, once he sneaks out back and finds the barn, he'll have all the proof he needs. He doesn't even need to get near the house."

"The camera's are motion activated, we'll know if he tries to get on the property." April argued.

"I don't want him arrested." I said. "It's not worth that. He's likely 90% sure we are here or he would not have made the trip."

"So what, we give up." April said.

I shrugged. "If you confront him, he'll just run off and you won't catch him."

"I should get a dog." April slumped into an adjacent chair.

Polly took up my argument. "We don't want him hurt anymore than we want him arrested. Kristi would kill me."

The mention of Ollie's girlfriend caused an idea to bloom in my head and I worked through the scenario immediately understanding it would be almost foolproof. I followed the train of thought and also realized it would put Ollie in the same situation I was in now, totally under the control of women who seemed to delight in our embarrassment. I remembered back to the time when Polly and Kristi had dressed us in leotards and left us bound face to face in Kristi's basement. At the time I was not sure if Ollie was going to recover especially when his mother found us and left him hogtied on the floor. I closed my eyes and tried to wipe all expression from my face for fear that Polly would know I had just solved the problem.

When I opened them again my vision was filled with Polly's beautiful green orbs. "You just figured it out."

"What? No, I don't see..." I answered but was already caught off guard. How did she do that? Maybe she actually could read my mind.

Polly reached out and slid her fingers beneath my crystal necklace and pulled my face closer. "Tell me Jack. I am not letting Ollie mess this up for me. I have plans, big plans."

The necklace was tight enough that the addition of Polly's fingers caused the cool crystal to crease the skin of my neck. "I don't know..."

Again Polly did not let me finish and pushed me onto the couch straddling me with her legs pinning my arm. "Last chance, tell me the idea that just popped into your head."

I chanced a look over at April desperate for support but she was staring with wide-eyed amazement while rubbing her arms as if it were cold in the room. It was not a gesture of fear but of fascination as she crossed and uncrossed her legs.

"Too long." Polly said. "April get that roll of plastic wrap you used on the left overs."

"No Pol..." Polly's hand covered my mouth cutting off my retort.

"April hurry. He's strong." Polly said over one shoulder.

"He won't hurt you." April said while dashing toward the kitchen.

"I'd rather not test out that theory." Polly said as she leaned over and gently kissed my eyelids robbing me of any desire to escape. "Oh Jack, just tell me. You will eventually, you know this."

I again remembered the panic in Ollie's eyes and shook my head. Perhaps I have an overabundance of empathy but the memory of his terror overrode my fear of the possible predicaments Polly was about to attempt. I shook my head. How bad could it be?

April yanked the roll of plastic wrap from the box her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Here you go."

"Make a ball of the plastic we can stuff in his mouth." Polly ordered.

I growled and tried to dislodge Polly's hands by shaking my head. Polly just leaned over covering my face with her red hair and again bringing her eyes close. "Sit still, love. You asked for this." Her words were spoken with such a heady mixture of anger and lust that I was unsure whether to feel fear or desire and the result was simple obedience. I stared again into her green eyes which seemed to glow from the red tinted light created by the covering dome of her red hair.

Inches away April was busy spooling out plastic from the roll and wadding it into a large ball. "Polly, here."

Polly leaned back and took the plastic wad and pressed it down over my lips. "Open up, Jack."

The distinct smell of the plastic shook me from whatever spell Polly had place upon my mind and I clamped my teeth shut and for good measure closed my eyes. I heard Polly sigh and then shift her body, suddenly I felt a jolt of electric pleasure shoot through my body as a moist warmth surrounded my left nipple. I gasped in surprise and Polly's fingers pushed the plastic inside. My eyes opened to Polly's smirking face and the sound of April's laughter ringing in my ears. "Jack why do you even bother?" April said between giggles.

Polly took more of the plastic wrap and and wrapped it around my head with twist of the roll to keep the plastic away off my nose and force the wad of plastic deep into my mouth . "Grab his arm, April."

April complied pulling my arm out horizontally from my body which was soon wrapped with plastic. Polly pulled me to a sitting position on the couch and proceeded to trap that arm against my body with the rapidly dwindling roll while April held the opposite arm. Soon both arms were wrapped individually with plastic and pressed against my chest and covered with more plastic. Polly pulled me to my feet and continued wrapping downward discarding the towel as she went so the red panties were clearly visible beneath the translucent wrap. I was trapped, a plastic mummy. It clung firmly to itself and with each arm wrapped separately I could not manage even the slightest movements. The most I could do was hop about but with April and Polly holding me, there was little point.

Polly stepped back and smiled. "Alright hop over here I want to show you something."

Polly walked past the stairs leading to the upper floors and stood in front of a closed door that provided access to the storage space beneath the rising staircase. Polly opened the door and I was greeted with the amazing sight of a Tetris-like wall of boxes and suitcases pressed into the closet from the floor to ceiling. I looked at April who shrugged. "I need to clean it out, but the stuff I use most is in the front so..."

Polly leaned down and tugged on a leather strap at the bottom of the wall of boxes and pulled out a familiar suitcase that left a hole in the wall of boxes. Things were so tightly packed that not a single item shifted when the suitcase rolled free. "So Jack, either you share your insights or I'm going to put this suitcase back in the closet but with you inside it."

My eyes got wide and I strained at the unyielding plastic. The absence of anything but the slightest creaking sounds proved how little impact my efforts were having. I shook my head back and forth, I hated the half hour I had already spent interred in the suitcase and had no desire to reprise my stay. I tried to hop backwards but April's hand pressed into my back blocking any retreat. I slumped my head and searched Polly’s face for any sign that perhaps she would not follow through with her threat. I found nothing but the usual determination and apologized to Ollie in my thoughts.

"You will tell me?" Polly asked.

I nodded. Polly pulled the plastic away from my face and allowed me to spit the wad of plastic onto the floor. Ashamed, I did not look up. "Call Kristi."

Polly cocked her head in momentary confusion and I watched a grin slowly takeover her face as she began to work through the implications. Polly turned and reached for her cell phone and began to run her fingers over the screen.

"Will you let me go now?" I asked.

"I have to go meet with Kristi and explain what's going on." Polly then turned to April. "I guess it's your lucky day."

April actually jumped in the air. "Really? I can do anything I want?"

"No of course not, that sexy underwear must never stop hugging his cute little butt." Polly said with a pat on my derriere.

April shook her head. "Of course not, I'm not some kind of pervert, he's way too young."

I looked at her in obvious doubt at these words considering her actions over the last few days.

April noticed my look and placed her hands on her hips in obvious irritation. "Look a woman can have fantasies, but I know the difference."

"What are you going to do then?" Polly asked.

April's face broke into a wide grin. "I need you to show me how those fake boobs attach."
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Post by qwerty »

very nice
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