The Cool Girls' Club (mostly F*/F*) - Farewell

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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 208: Memories LXXI - The Fight
Thursday, October 8, 2015

"Nichole!" Joy came out of her room and looked with horror at the blood on Nichole's arm.
"I... have no defense!"
"No! Nichole, why?!" Joy started crying as she put paper towels on Nichole's latest wound.
"I don't know!"
"Yes, I know... back to sleeping in handcuffs... at least they keep me out of trouble."
"Let me get you some bandages."

Soon, Nichole was tenderly bandaged and, as always, a black bandana wristband followed. The longer the cut, the wider the wristband... this one couldn't be entirely hidden. But it matched her black kerchief bandana, pink t-shirt, and black trainers.

They had just finished when there was a knock on the door. Joy went to the door and was greeted by Jenny, aka Bridget's roommate aka Nichole's best friend.

"Hi, Jenn!"
"Hey, Joy, oh, my God! Nichole! Not again!"
"You cut yourself again?!"
"Jenny, Joy's got this!"
"My best friend!" Jenny hugged Nichole tightly, "Why do you do this?"
"Don't you think I wish I knew? Or at least my psychiatrist knew?!"
"Nichole, please stop it! Joy, why aren't you tying her up at night?"
"I'm just trying to make you feel better?!"
"By treating me like a prisoner?! Jenny Danielle Kristensen, what about our friendship?"
"You didn't give it a chance!"
"I did give it a chance! It just makes me feel like $#!+ when you do it to me!"
"Nichole, Nichole, I know we were supposed to go eat together. Why don't you hang back for a bit on this one?"
"Gladly! Jenny, I'm so mad at you right now! How could you treat me this way after all these years?"
"I'm just trying to help."
"I sometimes think I should use the knife on my neck instead!"
"Sure, hate me for trying to show you I love you when you know I love you like a sister! I need you, Nichole!"
"I need you more!"
"Stop hurting yourself!"
"I can't when you won't stop hurting me!"
"I'm hurting you, Miss Chop Chop? What's wrong with you?"
"Just let me be! Get away from me! Jenny, I love you; go away before I say something I regret!"

With that, Jenny stormed out the door and walked into the hall way, with Joy following behind. After a few seconds, Nichole regretfully dashed after them. She followed them as Jenny and Joy talked. They knew she was there.

"Joy, I don't get it. Every time she cuts herself, she cuts me too."
"Same. I can't tell how many times I've had to bandage her up. If she ever needs stitches, God help her!"
"I know how to sew by hand!"
"That sounds messy."
"So isn't her arm. I love her and will clean her up no matter how many times it takes, but I can't understand it."
"I really don't."
"You're too sweet and innocent to even really appreciate her stress. Jenn, her life's been ripped away from her. We're all she has really."
"Yeah... she needs support."
"And supporting her means not tying her up at night if she feels worse because of it."

Nichole listened to this sadly and realized that there was something worth fighting to keep alive. As Jenny and Joy mindlessly entered a crosswalk with a mandatory stop sign, Nichole saw a horrid event about to happen to her two friends as the driver of an approaching car wasn't looking at the road, was speeding, and wasn't slowing down.

"LOOK OUT!" Nichole shoved both Joy and Jenny with all her might, flying them headlong into the concrete.
"What the heck?!" Joy yelped as she went down.
"God, Jenny needs me," was the first prayer in Nichole's life as she was struck by the car, given a little flight, and slammed against the hood and windshield.
"WHAT THE F***!" came from one of the watching students as the car crashed into several parked cars.
"Stay back. Dispatch. We have a student just got hit by a car here. In front of the dining hall. Emergency. Suspected compound fracture" a nearby security officer said and then went after the driver.
"NICHOLE!" Jenny screamed as she scrambled over to her injured friend and ignored her own wounds.
"Nichole, wake up!" Joy shook her.
"Joy! She's not dead, is she!?" Jenny was choking back tears.
"She's breathing, but she hit her head a bit."
"Ohhh... See... how much I love you two?" Nichole asked as she opened her eyes and fought the pain.
"Nooo, Nichole. I'd rather it had been me hit by the car. You're in enough pain!"
"I can take the physical pain better than you."
"Don't die on me, Nichole. I need you!" Jenny was crying while what seemed like hours passed by.
"We're here for you," Joy held Nichole's hand.
"I won't be driving for a while. At least nothing else seems busted up though I feel the lacerations and bruises."
"Excuse us!" a paramedic said.
"I'm her best friend. May I come?"
"Jenny, you're hysterical. I'll go."
"You're right, Joy. She needs a..."
"A level head!"
"Yeah. Take care of her."
"I will."
"I'll make it, Jenny! It hurts like hell, but I got it!"
"She sacrificed herself for me," Jenny sat down on the nearby bench and cried and began calling her mother.
"JENNY!" Janie came over, "One of my fellow frosh just told me! What happened?!"
"A car came flying through the walk as we were passing through. Nichole shoved us out and took the hit herself."
"Is she OK?!"
"Her leg was awful! It was disgusting! Look at all the blood! My sister! Janie, I can't live without her!"
"Get yourself in one piece and call your mom."


"Say, Joy, take a photo. I can't bare to look, but I know Janie and Bridget will want to see this."
"I already did. Nichole, thank you. And I'm sorry if I've made you feel bad lately."
"Now do you see how much I love you two girls?"
"Think I don't love you too?"
"I wish I didn't prove it like this, but better me than you or Jenny. It hurts so much!"
"I'm actually pretty smashed up. My wrist hurts like hell and is as purple as your arm. Hadn't noticed."
"Unit 5 here," said one paramedic, "We actually have two injured females. One with a compound fracture of the leg; the second with a suspected broken wrist as well as significant lacerations on both hands and wrists."
"I was so worried my last words to Jenny were going to be a fight over something so minor."
"It's going to be OK... after some pain."


"Mommmmm!" Jenny wailed into the phone, "Mom, we were crossing the street to get dinner."
"Jenny, slow down. I'm here."
"A car came flying through the crosswalk... she shoved us out of the way and let herself get hit instead."
"Who shoved you?"
"NICHOLE! Mom, I've never seen so much blood in my life!"
"What happened to Nichole?!"
"She got hit by the car and her leg was smashed up so bad. Joy and I are hurt too because we got thrown into the ground when Nichole pushed us out of the way."
"That girl loves you so much... I'm praying for her. Jenny, keep us updated."
"I will Mom."
"I love you, sweetheart. Give Nichole our love too."
"I will. I love you too."
"Let's get dinner, Jenn. Then we'll go to the hospital. I'll get Bridge and Joyce and sis here too, OK?"
"Thanks, Janie."


"Dang," Joy gritted her teeth.

Even her situation was a bit gross as a piece of gravel was pulled out of one laceration. Her left wrist was already cleaned and stitched and awaiting dressing. But, over time, both wrists/hands were cleaned, stitched where need, and bandaged, and her left wrist was put in a cast.


"Nichole, I'm so sorry for how I was to you earlier!" Jenny hugged her best friend when she was finally able.
"I'm sorry for how I acted too. Forgive me?"
"Of course, and I forgive you too. It's too foolish to hope we never fight again."
"I'm glad to see you smiling," Lauren said as the two bumped fists.
"So I have a concussion, a compound fractured leg, and tons of bruises and cuts, but the doctor said my leg was easy to fix unlike some! Joy, what about you?"
"I broke my wrist... You probably saved our lives, Nichole. Thank you for having no bounds to your love."
"I just had a few dirty scrapes. Easy to clean and bandage."
"Thankfully this happened on a Thursday. I'll only lose 1 day of class!"


"Home sweet home!" Nichole "walked" into the apartment for the first time in days via a wheelchair.
"You're spoiled!" roommate Joyce said as she pushed the chair in.
"Nah. So, I get to use crutches or wheelchair depending on where I am or how I feel."
"Good to have you back!" Joy greeted her as well.
"So good to be home!"
"Wait wait don't get up yet. Jenny has a surprise for you."
"Close your eyes."
"I'll just pull my headband down already."
"Suit yourself."
"Surprise!" Jenny cuffed Nichole's wrists behind her.
"I like this surprise."
"My beloved, beloved prisoner," Jenny slid up the blindfold back into Nichole's hair, "I love you so much!"
"Besties forever!"
"Cripples together!" Joy added with snark.
"Joyce, take this sweet girl and turn her into a stuffie. I want to sit on something soft again!"

"Ooh, yay!" Jenny, who wore pink trainers, a brown tank top, and a camouflage bandana headband, said.
"Hostage!" Joyce eagerly bound Jenny's wrists behind her back.

Jenny was eventually bound at her elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs and seated with Nichole. An orange rubber ball threaded with a red bandana gagged her. Jenny sat next to Nichole, and the two cuddled together and soon feel asleep. This made for a perfect picture for them to remember forever.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 209: The Gift of Life
Monday, February 5, 2018

*sniff sniff*
"Hmmm?" Bridget arose, saw the clock said 5:57, and asked, "Joyce?"
"Mmm hmm?"
"Are you crying?"
"Mmm hmm."
"What's wrong?" Bridget asked Joyce as she sat up, and Bridget sat next to her.
"All that talking last night... I miss my mommy and daddy so much."
"Come here, girl," Bridget hugged her.
"Poor baby," Sera sat on the other side of her as both hugged her at once.
"You two are so sweet."

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

"Hey, Janie, can you catch for me today? Natalia's sick," Caleigh made a request on a cool Tuesday morning.
"Sure thing! Hey, is Sunday really your birthday?"
"Yeah... how did you know?"
"Ken, because your barebones Facebook with like 19 friends doesn't help."
"I only use Facebook for the Cool Girls' Club. Insta's my total real social media use."
"Why don't you like birthdays?"
"I... well... You're asking me that?"
"I know... Hypocritical of me to ask that after I tried to reject the gift of life last weekend."
"No! Janie... I just don't like attention is all."
"I'll never forget what you did for me. When I saw your face and how heartbroken you were, it gave me hope."
"Janie... you've been through a lot. I had to be there for you."
"And I'll always be grateful."
"As you say, the gift of life... is special... and you made me see that. My life isn't so special."
"Janie, I suffer from endometriosis. I don't talk much about it, but it's probably the number one reason I don't date."
"That sucks, but why don't you date?"
"Once word gets round a school, no one will touch me."
"Ohhhh... but..."
"Life's still a gift. I had to be there for you, Janie."
"Had to? Caleigh, I know what it's like to be hated... by strangers and by those who are supposed to unconditionally love me."
"I have never felt so weak in my life as these past two weeks. First, I get assaulted, then the pills."
"I'm still distraught over your tale."
"Look at me, so big and strong... and by a mickey I'm left only able to hazily watch helplessly as some thugs take turns on me. Then, by a prescription drug, I have my emotional control and my memory stolen from me."
"When Lauren said you were in West River, my only thought was being there with you. I didn't think of Ken or softball or even Lauren. All I cared about was helping you. It wasn't until I was crying my eyes out that I realized... How much I value you and your friendship."
"Aw, Caleigh."
"Your heartbreak... broke mine too. I hate those boys; heck, I hate Dr. Briscoe more than them. He sat there, heard you list a bunch of strange events that are all classic side effects of that pill, and basically signed your death warrant."
"I appreciate your perspective on these events."
"Janie, you're a good person. And baby Janie needs you even more than the rest of us do."
"Thanks, Cay. So, you're going to be 21?"
"I'll make sure it's an unforgettable one. I promise."
"I already have my mind made up on the one thing I want and told your sister."
"You? A cheap bottle of champagne?"
"You deserve more hooplah, even if not necessarily costing money, than that."
"You're gonna kidnap me and take me home to be with my family?"
"Now that's an idea. You'll see. It's a surprise."
"Let's kidnap your roommates. Together. As two softball girls."
"I like that idea. Caleigh... you're as good of a person as Jenny is."


"I feel... I feel... mortal," Nichole said to Chris sadly.
"We're all mortal."
"I've lived with Janie before... so this episode has been harrowing. I know how she feels."
"I remember all that with you. But you overcame and look where we are. We're so blessed to have each other."
"We sure are."
"Smile for me?"
"I love you," Nichole looked at Chris, "You're so positive."
"Nichole," he kissed her, "I'll see you later."
"See you!"

With that Nichole, wearing navy blue sweatpants, a pale blue long-sleeve t-shirt, and her blue floral bandana as a kerchief, left his side as she walked to class.


"How are you today, kid?" Lauren asked her sister.
"So much better. Last night, I got to meet baby Janie! She was finally awake when I called!"
"Oh, yay! She's so cute!"
"I need to be here a long time... so I can see her get big!"
"She has a stumpy maternal line."
"Don't call Amanda stumpy!"


"Hannah, did you have a nightmare last night?" Jenny asked her friend as they sat together to eat lunch.
"Was I freaking out?"
"Not really... I just heard you say 'I hate you' once."
"That was the first time I had any nightmares related to that since I learned he's dead."
"How does that knowledge change anything for you?"
"I lived life in fear that he'd get parole. And would come back for me. After you've discovered your boyfriend is cheating on you, it's hard not to hate him."
"I don't hate Philip."
"You don't?" Caleigh asked.
"Nope! I pray for his soul. He still deserves that much love."
"Men are weird."
"I now understand that he couldn't keep his junk in his pants until we were married, which means he'd have gotten bored and cheated during marriage too. Maybe he'll change though. Without me either way."
"So, is it too much for me to come over last night, Hannah? Homework... TUGs?"
"Nah, come on over!"

Caleigh looked at her two lunch companions. Jenny, the Gangsta Princess, was in brown sweatpants, a pink t-shirt, and a camouflage bandana headband. Hannah was a simple outfit of yellow sweatpants, a blue long-sleeve t-shirt, and a yellow bandana headband. Caleigh was mentally preparing for their kidnappings.


"Hey, sweetheart," Chris greeted Nichole, "You seem tired."
"The chemicals I need for my project didn't arrive today. We're time dependent, so it's a setback."
"Fine. You relax. I'll cook tonight."
"Thank you."

Nichole, on average, thanked Chris around 10-15 times per day. He reciprocated. Marriage was like this. It was more than children, sex, and love. It was showing love by sympathizing when one's sad. It's making dinner when the other's stressed. It's all these little displays of affection rolled into one.

"After dinner, could you tie me up for funsies?"
"After I am sure you're in a good place on your school work."
"Awwww," Nichole hined.


"Hi, Jenny!" greeted Janie, who was wearing the same outfit she had that morning: navy blue sweatpants, a red t-shirt, and an American flag kerchief bandana with matching bandana wristbands.
"You said 'Hi' already. You said 'Hi' when you sat down for dinner. Again?"
"Let's have some fun, Jenny!" Janie picked her up.
"Where are we going?!"
"The armoire!" Janie opened the door.
"There?! Again?!" Jenny was shoved in and couldn't scramble out before the door was shut and locked.
"Again! Just a holding chamber!"
"Janie Patterson, you let me out of here!"
"Why did you do that to her?" asked Joy.
"You're so sweet, Joy! You want to join her!" ["Janie, open up!"]
"I didn't say that!" Joy gulped as she was grabbed.

Joy Fredericks, wearing a purple skirt, a black shirt, and a purple kerchief bandana, suddenly found herself jammed into the armoire she shared with Janie.

"Janie! Let me out!"
"You're under arrest, both of you, for being gangstas!"
"This isn't funny!"
"Hold tight! Caleigh just got here!"
"Hey, Janie!"
"Hey, Caleigh!"
"American Gangsta Jock!" Hannah quipped as she passed through the room toward the bathroom.
"You excited to head to Phoenix soon?"
"Am I ever! Except for 1 week out of school, it'll be perfect! I already have Joy and Jenny put aside."
"JANIE! Hannah, let me out, please?"
"Oh, I like this sound!"
"Who would you like?"
"I'll tie up Jenny!"

Both girls were tied the same: boxtied arms held by harness and waist/crotch rope followed by ankles, knees, and thighs. Both were gagged with a sock, a knotted handkerchief cleave gag, and 8 wrappings of gray duct tape, and both got a pink bandana blindfold.

"What is happening, girls?" Hannah asked.
"Kidnapping! Want to join!"

Hannah was foolishly eager to be tied up and gagged like the other two. She, however, got a blue bandana blindfold. All three were seated on the sofa so that Janie and Caleigh could take selfies, videos, and photos. Then Caleigh had an idea.

"You sit with them. I'll draw you four for my journal!"
"Say, that looks like... the other day! It's so detailed."
"Yeah... I had to. You're a very important person in my life."
"Caleigh, it looks just like me. You're so talented!"


Around that, Sera and Bridget went to talk to a crewmate together and returned to find the dorm empty. Where was Joyce?

"Joyce?" Sera asked.
"I'm in here."
"Oh," Bridget said as she knelt by the armoire, "Are you OK?"
"I'm just sad lately. So many of us have suffered such awful things. Daddy would hold my hand when he knew I was scared; Mom would whisper something comforting in my ear. Recalling losing my mom has just been too much for me... all that stuff went down around this time last year. I remember little about the cemetery... except Janie's efforts to comfort me."
"And look how much has changed in a year... you're engaged now!" Bridget said as Joyce opened the door.
"The Verdi story... ended... now it's time to start my own," she forced a smiled in spite of bloodshot eyes
"Exactly. Come on; let's go show Janie how much you love her for being there for you through it all. By being happy."
"You mean let's go tie her up!"


"I think it's awesome, Cay!"
"I'm gonna go home before it's darker to finish it."
"Wait! Don't go! We never get to do friend stuff together!"
"Play non-TUG games!"
"All right, Janie! Did you take a happy pill?"
"Shouldn't I be happy when I have friends like you and these three sweethearts?"
"Janie, it's good to have you back! May I... come here Janie!" Caleigh uncharacteristically gave a big hug.
"Caleigh, you proved to me without any doubt that I have the right people in my life."
"Want a secret?"
"Ken's happy you're in his life too. But I didn't tell you that."


"Now, we can do it."
"Nothing naughty tonight, OK?"
"I know."

Nichole grinned as Chris tied her crossed wrists, elbows, breasts, crossed ankles, and thighs. He laid her on the floor and hogtied her from ankles to wrists before gagging her with a knotted handkerchief and a strip of microfoam tape.

Now came the best part, in his opinion, of marriage: doing things that make Nichole happy and seeing her reaction. Nichole's reaction to being tied up by him is different than when she's tied by Jenny, but she gets a different smile when it's one of them.


"Are we crashing anything?" Sera asked as she let herself and her two accomplices in.
"Nothing!" Janie said as she paused the game, "What's up?"
"Janie, thank you so much for taking me as your sister when I lost my parents!" Joyce blurted as she hugged Janie.
"Aw, you're welcome!"
"I mean, but... still. GET HER!"

Janie was grabbed by Sera, who roped her wrists and elbows while Bridget quickly gagged her with Joyce's ball gag. From there, it was easy to bind her breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. Her blindfold was a navy blue bandana.

"There!" Bridget pushed Janie onto the couch with the others.
"They have stuffed gags!" Caleigh warned.
"Oh, don't worry! I'll stay here a while!" Joyce smiled as she squeezed herself under the pile.
"How do you do that with glasses?"
"Not easy!"
"I'll see you later, girls!" Sera said.
"Leaving so soon?"
"I have rowing coach crap. See you later!"

It was a fitting end to a perfect day. Janie Patterson was back and happier than ever before!
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 210: Who Am I?
Saturday, February 10, 2018

Jenny stretched and looked at the clock. Her alarm hadn't been set... but then she remembered that because of severe cold that practice was moved to afternoon and indoors.

"Hannah, you awake?"
"Hannah?" Jenny crawled out and looked at the bunk above her only to see a made bed, "Huh?"

Jenny walked out to see a light under the bedroom door. She looked in the other bedroom to see Janie almost done dressing and Joy still in bed. Hannah was an odd one for sure. When Hannah stepped out, the look on her face told Janie that something was up.

"Good morning!"
"Good morning!"
"You're thinking!"
"I am thinking!"
"About what?"
"Two things."
"Well, tell me silly!"
"I woke up this morning to see that my mother just decided to text me, 'I love you, Hannah' at 1AM."
"Why was she texting at... nevermind."
"And I slept through the entire night for a change. Yes, it's a good start to the day."


Questions plagued Nichole's mind. They were philosophical questions, but then one became somewhat serious in a silly way: Who am I? As she changed into the day's outfit-- white sweatpants, a navy blue t-shirt, and a white bandana headband, she posed her question to her husband, Chris.

"Love, who am I?"
"You mean besides Nichole?"
"Yes. I ask it more in a... what people you see in me."
"I see the love of my life. A sister and best friend known as the 'Gangsta Queen' to her closest friends. You're a student, even a scientist. You're so many other things, but it's a pretty good start!"
"Which one should I be today?"
"I think today you're Jenny's sister."
"You think I should pay her a little visit? You gave me an idea! Oh, great idea!"
"Let's just eat first."


"My day just got so much better!" Jenny jumped a little.
"Oh? Gianni?" Joy asked.
"Ha ha! Oh, calm down, Jenny!" Hannah laughed at her
"Don't you see from the other night how much she and I get along?"
"Ha ha... yes!"
"Someone's gonna get kidnapped!" Joy teased.

Jenny sat down and put her feet on the table in front of Joy. The former, the Gangsta Princess, was wearing brown sweatpants, a red tank-top, and a pink camouflage bandana headband with her hair free in a rarity. The latter, the Gangsta Girl, was in a grey skirt, a purple t-shirt, and a grey kerchief bandana.

"I'm eating," Joy said between crunches of cereal.
"Put your feet down and away from my face, or Nichole will find you in the armoire!"
"Ooooooohhh!" Janie grinned.
"Not again! That just happened!"
"Someone's going into time out," Janie picked up Jenny, "Hannah?"
"I can help!"
"Is this necessary? Nichole's coming over in 15 minutes! Girls!"
"Enjoy! You're in prison awaiting your visitor!" Janie shoved the girl into the armoire.
"Sealed and delivered!" Hannah said as she shut and locked it.
"Girls! No! Let me out!"
"I'll probably not see you until I get back from my day with dearrrr Serafina!" Janie departed from the bedroom.


"Hey, Cay... you know, it's been too long since I got tied up. Would you oblige to do the honors?"
"I'd be glad to help," Caleigh responded as Lauren sat in a chair.

Lauren was starting to need different clothes after 3.5 months of baby in her belly, but for today she just decided to take it easy with purple trainers and a matching sports bra. Her hair was in its familiar bun and held by a purple scrunchie.

Caleigh, with the care that she alone possessed, zipped Lauren's ankles and knees to the chair legs, and then she zipped her wrists and upper arms to the sides of the chair. A careful roping pinned her waist and upper chest to the chair back. Finally, Lauren was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a purple bandana for a perfect match.

"Janie will be glad to see her sister is having fun still!" Caleigh said with a grin.


"Sera! Good to see you! Show me what the life is like!"
"Ha ha good to see you, Janie. Nichole's getting out of her car." ["Janie Patterson, you're a bad girl!"]
"I see her. Hey, Nichole!"
"Hi!" Nichole waved.
"Come here!" ["Nichole?!! Best friend, save me!"]
"You two headed out?"
"Have fun!"
"We will... I'm sure of it!" ["Nichole, get me out of here!"]
"Get me out of this place! They locked me in here again!"
"Poor Jenny! Gimme a second."
"Want these?" Joy asked and handed Nichole the Irish-8's.
"Yeah! Jenny! I'm gonna hand you two things. Put them both on properly, OK?"
"I'm getting kidnapped?!"
"Or stay locked in there!"
"Where's Gianni when I need him?"
"New Jersey!"
"All right!"
"Here they come!"

Nichole passed a blue rubber ball threaded with a camouflage bandana and the handcuffs to Jenny, and she soon emerged cuffed and gagged and with a look of adoration on her face. She was greeted by her best friend, who was now wearing her white lab coat and her safety glasses.


"Serafina, thank you so much for this. You didn't have to do this."
"I want to do it. How are you feeling?"
"So, so much better. Sera, you were right... it was the pills. You told me that, and I ignored you. I'm sorry."
"You're forgiven, Janie. We learn sometimes that personal experience is more than any doctor can identify."
"I'll never forget that feeling. The despair I felt that night... and the hope I felt when I saw Caleigh's face."
"You realized your friends really cared."
"Yes. Never underestimate the power of a Godly love."


"ERRGG!" Lauren groaned happily against her bonds. She liked TUGs too much to give them up so easily.
"You OK?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"You're going to make such a good mom."


"MMMMMMM!" Jenny groaned.

Her ankles were now roped to the legs of the table, but at a height so her stomach was flat on the table. That flexibility again. Her arms were now wrapped around the table and rope ran from her wrists to the opposite table leg. In addition, 8 layers of duct tape was now wrapped around her face too, and she was blindfolded with a second camouflage bandana.

"BAHAHAHAHAHA!" Nichole cackled wickedly as she put an ice cube in Jenny's shirt.
"Excellent! Such a perfect subject!"

Hannah watched, and Joy helplessly watched because she was now hogcuffed and gagged. Yes, the Irish-8s were on her wrists, her ankles were cuffed, and more cuffs ran from ankles to wrists. Her own ball gag silenced her.

Jenny was getting it as far punishments she would allow Nichole to dish: tickling, ice, nose squeezing, breast massages, hair pulling. She let Nichole have permission to do things like the nose squeezing and hair pulling that she trusted no one else to do. They were just playing a game: one with much more detailed role-playing, real punishments, but real affection. Just two girls taking advantage of each other's femininity.


"Caleigh, Zack and I have been thinking. With baby coming, space will be difficult, but we've decided that... since we both can, we're going to take the extra year to finish our master's degrees before hitting the work force."
"Oh! I'm glad you have that straightened out."
"Would you like to keep your bedroom? We're willing to work within the space constraints if you are."
"Lauren, really?! You mean that?!"
"We were really torn, but after the display you've shown this week... the kindness you've shown my sister."
"I'd be glad to stick it out another year with you!"
"Atta girl!"


"Jenny has practice at 1:30," Hannah said.
"Have I really been at it for... almost 4 hours!"
"Look at how red she is."
"How's my princess?"
"Hmmm," Jenny gave a tired smile and a happy sound.
"I love you!" Nichole kissed her forehead, "The subject has passed the test."

Nichole removed the gag first before untying Jenny with Hannah's help.

"That was awesome...," Jenny said with a tired voice as she remained on the table, "but you're more awesome.'
"Awww, Jenny!"
"I mean that. God knew what he was doing when he brought us together.


Janie and Sera went all over the mall with hardly buying anything. They each, however, decided to make one leap, and bought themselves new clothes for church. Sera's was a black skirt with pink roses all over it, and Janie's was a simple pink skirt, much like the one Jenny wears as it had a bit of ruffling, and a purple long-sleeve shirt to go with it. Janie liked things to be simple.

They did other things though: they got a mall pretzel for a snack. They got lunch together. They walked. They talked. Most of all, they discovered that they actually have a lot in common as far as how they look at the world and how they struggle with certain mindsets that are negative.

"Who am I?" Janie asked Sera at one point toward the end of their day.
"A very special young lady whom I am blessed to call my friend."
"It's almost 3 o'clock. You ready to go home? Friend?"
"Let's go!"
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 211: That Crazy Black Bandana Gang
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sera had plans to get herself and some friends in the type of trouble that involved a lot of black duct tape. Something about being duct taped just made her happy. A quick text to her friends set everything in motion the afternoon before. It was time for the Black Bandana Gang to get kidnapped. Sera had even recently bought a dozen rolls of black tape and a dozen black bandanas.


Caleigh Rondell woke up on her 21st birthday and felt sick to her stomach. She ran to the bathroom and vomited and only then noticed that the clock read 5AM. She had food poisoning on her birthday.

With that, her and Janie's birthday plans went out the window.


After morning mass, Sera changed into black jeans, socks, sneakers, long-sleeve t-shirt, solid kerchief bandana, and even a bandana right wristband. She was saving her new skirt for her Valentine's date with Peter. How little she knew that her "twin" had done very similar.

Nichole had decided to go for black jeans, a black t-shirt, a black kerchief bandana, and a bandana left wristband. She hadn't the socks and sneakers though! She wasn't getting around so well though.

The third member made her way over from the south side of Minneapolis. Casey Clark was dressed very similarly to Sera except that her bandana was a regular bandana headband, and she had no wristband. Her transport was very different today.

In typical fashion, most of the girls found themselves in the apartment shared by Janie, Jenny, Joy, and Hannah. Sera, Bridget, and Joyce were all together in the dorm. Then they added Nichole to their group.

"Nichole?!" Hannah was confounded.
"Never knew I had days I need crutches?"
"It's -10 out here! That's why!"
"But why?!"
"Hit by a car once; beaten to a pulp another time; plus some infections along the way. When it's this cold, this leg hurts like friggin' hell!"
"Get in here."
"Well, this sucks," thought Sera to herself.
"Come here, you big baby!" Janie scooped her up and brought her over to the couch, "Where's hubby?"
"He said he's avoiding the hen fest."
"Oh, brother!" Jenny laughed.
"Why is it when one arrives, another comes immediately after?" Jenny asked with a laugh as another knock came.
"I'll get it!" Joy said, "Hey! Oh, my Lord!"
"Hi!" Casey wheeled in.
"What's your excuse?!" Bridget asked in horror.
"Not uncommon for stroke victims to be completely crippled when it's super cold like this. I can drive after the heats been on for a while, but walking on these legs becomes impossible."
"How did you get here then?"
"Sat in my car for 30 minutes and then instead had a friend whose brother attends here bring me."

Just then is when Sera looked at Janie and saw her disappearing into the bedroom. The tall girl who had been wearing blue jeans, a yellow-and-black plaid long-sleeve flannel button-up shirt, and a yellow bandana headband quietly emerged from wearing a black kerchief bandana and with her hair down and free. She had seen through Sera's plans and felt pity on Nichole.

"Serafina," called Bridget.
"Can we talk in private?"
"Sure," Sera followed Bridget into Janie's bedroom and shut the door behind herself.
"Your plans went up in smoke?"
"You see it?"
["It's always like this."]
"English, please."
"My plans always go awry.
"Janie's helping. I'll help too."
"You will!"
"I'm already wearing my black skirt. I can add a pirate bandana with it," Bridget said as she donned a kerchief.
"You don't have to," Sera studied Bridget in her black skirt and bright blue long-sleeve shirt.
"Sera... I want to... just to say I love you enough to play along. Get some rope and let's go."

Bridget and Sera just quietly walked out and grabbed Jenny and Hannah, respectively. Janie then went after Joy. Then Bridget and Janie paused a moment and stared for a second. The three victims-to-be were also seemed to pause a second. Everyone paused.


"How are you feeling, kid?" Lauren asked Caleigh.
"I finally feel better. After so much sickness... Janie was going to kidnap and take me home for lunch."
"Don't feel bad."
"It was going to be fun spending a day with my family. I get horribly homesick sometimes."
"Why don't you fancy yourself and go visit Janie then?"
"All right!"


Now it was apparent that Joy was wearing her beige denim skirt, purple leggings, a purple long-sleeve shirt, and a beige kerchief bandana. Hannah Bandana was wearing a blue skirt and a pink t-shirt with her hair in a blue scrunchie; her blue bandana headband had fallen to her neck during her struggle. Jenny was still in her church red skirt, brown shirt, and solid red kerchief bandana with her braid held by a brown scrunchie. It was Joy who spoke.

"What is happening?"
"What?" Janie asked her captive-to-be.
"What happened? Nichole and Casey got here... everyone was all surprised... and now all of a sudden you and Bridget are helping Sera to grab us."
"Joy," Casey spoke with the same confidence that had made her the founder of the Cool Girls' Club, "The plan was for the three us, as Black Gangstas, to grab some of you and eventually end up tied up ourselves by the remaining girls. Well, bad health kind of put that to rest quickly."
"I felt bad. As soon as I saw Casey, I knew what had been planned," Bridget said.
"Since you two... can't do it yourselves... Bridge and I thought we'd do it for you."
"You are just," Casey pulled herself up and hobbled toward Bridget, "You two are just amazing... ladies. It takes a lady to be that way, not just a woman or a girl. You are two remarkable people."
"We like doing this... but at the moment, we want to do it for your sakes."
"Have at it!"
"I was really confused when I saw Janie... but Bridget," Nichole shook her head, "That one threw me!"
"Let's just finish these girls off!" Janie said in one of her regular flashes of immaturity.
"Please do!" Nichole said before each victim got a roping appropriate for her.

Joy had her arms boxtied and then got a harness, waist/crotch rope, and bindings on her ankles, knees, and thighs. She was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a purple bandana and blindfolded with a second of the same. This victim was given to Nichole to enjoy and for sapping body heat.

Hannah was fastened comfortably with rope in a a different fashion. Her wrists roped in front, and her legs were crossed to be tied in lotus position. Her elbows were roped down to her waist. For a gag, she got Joy's ball gag, and her blindfold was an orange bandana.

Jenny was, as usual, the one who was rough up the worse. Her arms were tied in reverse prayer with her hands on her shoulders with a breast harness and crotch rope. Ropes then bound her ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. Her gag was a blue rubber ball threaded by a red bandana and 8 layers of red duct tape, and her blindfold was a brown bandana. Rope ran from her braid to her crotch rope, but only tightly enough that she couldn't bend her head forward beyond upright.

"Perfect!" Casey said as she cuddled with the helpless Gangsta Princess.
"So what was your plan?" Bridget asked as she put Hannah on the other side of Nichole.
"Yeah, what was the plan?" Joyce pressed for information.
"Well, I actually had a request for how I'd be tied up," Sera said sheepishly.
"Yeah, I like getting duct taped, but it doesn't happen too often. I brought a change of socks too."
"After yesterday, may I oblige? To show my gratitude?" Janie asked her.
"Only if Joyce gets to kidnap you after."
"Let's do it just like Gianni does!"

This meant Janie started by taping Sera's wrists until waist height whereupon she wrapped around Sera's waist. She then taped her elbows down to below her breasts, taped taped there, came back, and did the same above her breasts. Then Janie taped Sera's ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs.

"It's that time!" Bridget grinned.
"Wait, wait!" Janie interrupted, "Joyce, do the same to me! All of it!"

Joyce wrapped Janie in more tape just the same way that Sera was wrapped. They were then seated on the floor side-by-side and had their sneakers removed. Janie's socks were white crew socks while Sera's were black ankle socks. The socks were removed to reveal their feet; Janie's were about 4 sizes larger.

"Ready?" Sera asked her fellow tape victim.
"Oh, yeah. I've had this before!"
"Here goes!"

Both girls got their mouths secured with black bandanas and 9 layers of black duct tape. Janie got a yellow bandana blindfold, and Sera got a black one. Joyce and Bridget took selfies and a film. Joyce added some narration.

"Look at poor Janie and Sera. They're all wrapped up, those crazy girls. As we look... oops! Their feet are bare. Guess where their socks went!"
"Oops!" Bridget said and then laughed as Joyce ended the film.
"OK, Joy, Janie, Jenny, Sera, and Hannah are tied up. Nichole, Casey, you're just crippled by the weather, but aren't broken. It's kind of why you came here."
"She's right, Casey. We can still be tied up."
"I've never been tied up in this chair before!"
"Bridgie and I will do it if you want!"
"That'd be awesome! Go ahead!" Casey encouraged them.
"Nichole?" Bridget asked.
"Sera and I look so much alike... we need to be tied up and gagged the same just as Janie was!"
"You even both have wristbands! Crazy Gangsters!"
"We're so cute with our fashion!"

Nichole was duct taped the same way Sera was and blindfolded with a black bandana, and then her socks and sneakers were removed. Joyce filmed while Bridget gagged.

"Wanted to be certain what happened to Sera and Janie. Watch poor Nichole eat her own socks."
"She and Janie don't even like it, but out of love for Sera took it."
"EWWW!" Nichole said as she was cleave gagged with a black bandana.
"She chose it though. Friends for sure."
"MMMMM!" Nichole got 9 layers of black tape as well.

"No socks for me please! My feet get cold too easily."
"OK!" Joyce said cheerfully.
"My ropes actually black!" Casey passed her bag over.

Casey's wrists were tied to the arms of the chair with black bandanas, and the elbows were fastened tightly at the junction of the arms and the back using handkerchiefs. White handkerchiefs fastened her shoulder to the junction where the handles met the chair back. Rope made a breast harness and waist rope. More rope fastened her ankles, knees, and thighs, and then even more rope fastened her ankles to the right side of the chair. Joyce locked the chair's wheels and gagged Casey with an orange rubber ball threaded with a black bandana, and another black bandana blindfolded her. Joyce and Bridget were happy to take selfies.

"Being a gangster is fun when it's in the context of a game. It's like dressing up for the game."
"If I kidnap you, Bridgie, I'm not gagging you. You know I don't like having no one to talk to."
"It's OK."
"I feel Jenny's pirate vibes!"
"Then be kidnapped, pirate girl!"

Bridget was seated in a chair and had her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist bound with rope, and rope ran from her ankles to her wrists. She was, of course, blindfolded with a black bandana.

"The black bandana gang again goes down!" Bridget laughed.
"MMMM!" groaned the trio of taped girls on the floor.
"Hey, girls!" Caleigh entered the room, "I saw your photos and videos!"
"Birthday girl!" Bridget greeted.
"Now I can gag you!"
"MMMM!" Bridget received Joyce's green ball gag.
"I'm sorry you missed your entire birthday."
"Nothing we can do! I still got to talk to my parents and get texts from my siblings and cousins!"
"We'll let each other be. I can't risk an attack of the runs."
"OK, OK!"
"Man, these two poor girls. Even long after, they still suffer from what's happened to them."
"But they still find ways to have fun."
"Mmm hmmmmmm!" Casey flashed a thumbs up.

That was just what Caleigh needed to end her birthday on a high note. It was just another happy-go-lucky day among the girls of the Cool Girls' Club.


Before Casey left, Jenny paused to talk with her.

"Casey, I've been thinking a lot about this, and I think now's the right time."
"For what?"
"I want you to take over the honorary title of Club President. It's been me all these years, but you deserve it."
"Jenny, you don't have to do that."
"All it does is give you a special title in the group, but it's meaningful to me. You've earned it after so many years."
"I," Casey pulled herself up, "accept your offer," and then gave Jenny a hug.

Another unforgettable chapter in the lives of this circle of friends.
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 212: A Very Special Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Joy sat and looked at the classmates who doubled as her friends, namely Serafina, Jenny, and Joyce. Joyce winked at her as one of just five people aware of what was about to happen in approximately 25 minutes. It was an incredible plan to kidnap some of her friends on Valentine's Day. Part of it, though, was that some secret was involved.

The secret was that Ken Rondell and Giovanni Randaccio were both in town for this occasion. Only Roberto, Joyce, and Joy were aware as they were to be responsible for making sure that the victims were taken. This specifically meant that Sera, Nichole (if possible), Jenny, Bridget, and Janie would be the planned kidnapping victims.

"Isn't it a nice day, girls?" Joy asked as she, Jenny, and Sera were walking back from a class.
"It sure is!" Sera responded.

Sera strolled along in her new black skirt with pink roses, a pink shirt, and a solid black bandana headband. She was so ready for a date with Peter that evening after postponing their normal Sunday date for a weeknight special. In addition, it was Ash Wednesday, so most of the Catholics in this circle had been to mass for that.

Jenny was feeling lonely as her boyfriend was so far away. That's what she thought at least. She thus only had brown sweatpants, a lime green t-shirt, and a red kerchief bandana with her hair in a braid held by a brown scrunchie. She looked at the sky as they walked by one SUV.

"I love this kind weamph!"

Both girls had balls jammed in their mouths and pillow cases pulled over their heads as they were dragged into the SUV by two strong men; Joy quickly closed the trunk. Ropes bound the girl's wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. Jenny's rubber ball had a handkerchief that was tightly knotted behind her head and hidden under a strip of microfoam tape while Sera received her own ball gag, and they were hogtied from ankles to elbows. Once secured in this way, it was easy to pull off the pillowcases and quickly blindfold them with black bandanas ("borrowed" from Sera courtesy Joyce).

"Oops! See you girls!" Joy chuckled to herself.

All Sera and Jenny knew for certain was that whoever grabbed them was a friend because they had left Joy alone and gagged them in this way. Who was it though?


"Sera and Jenny are down and secure. That truck has good tinting and a pull cover too!" Joy texted Joyce.
"Did they fight?"
"No chance to fight."
"Sounds perfect. I'm working on Bridgie and Janie at the moment."
"Wait til Janie and Jenny see who came to visit them."


"Bridget, you look so pretty!" Joyce complimented her roommate as she paused to enjoy the air.
"Thank you!"
"I wish I were as pretty!" Janie added.

Bridget was wearing her matching bright blue skirt and headband with a purple-and-black long-sleeve flannel button-up shirt. Janie was just being herself: blue jeans, bright blue-and-black long-sleeve flannel button-up shirt, and a matching bright blue kerchief bandana with her hair down, as she frequently did these days.

"Janie, your hair is so pretty. It's possibly the most beautiful hair I have ever seen!" Bridget said.
"Oh, you're just saying that."
"I am not! With your hair back like that, especially with your rosary in your hand... you're gorgeous and pious."
"Aw, Bridge," Janie blushed.
"And you have a such a child-like simplicity. Janie, you're a sweet."

Meanwhile, waiting inside a nearby SUV were Ken, Roberto, and Giovanni. The former watched intently and tried to listen as Janie and Bridget conversed. The men began their attack.

"I guess that's why I have Ken. He just sees the sweet side and wants to see that part of me flourish."
"You're a cutie! Your smile betrays your innocence."
"The innocence that isn't apparent when looking at a Gangsta Jock?"
"Right, now lesMPHH!"

These two also got balls, but Bridget's was a blue rubber ball with a black bandanas in it and Janie's was a bright green head harness ball gag with black straps and a strip of microfoam tape. Both also had a black bandana blindfold. Janie was bound in reverse prayer, and Bridget was put in a boxtie. Both got a harness and a waist/crotch rope as well as ropes binding their ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. They were then hogtied from ankles to harness.

"Hi, Gianni!" Joyce mouthed as she walked away.


"Well?" Joy asked Joyce as they walked with the remaining girls.

Joy, Joyce, Caleigh, Hannah, and Nichole were walking back toward the apartment. Nichole was with them because she had agreed to meet Chris there. The rest were in a group under the continuation of Janie's buddy system; this was one fear that was real and that they lovingly obliged.

Joy, dateless but always dressed cutely, was in her purple skirt, a brown t-shirt, and her rarely-seen purple camouflage kerchief bandana. Joyce, ready for date night, had her brown skirt and a beige t-shirt. Caleigh was in her typically blue leggings and a pink t-shirt. Hannah, always the bright frump, was in white sweatpants, a blue t-shirt, and a white bandana headband. Nichole, also ready for a date, wore her pale blue skirt, a navy blue long-sleeve shirt, and a pale blue kerchief bandana.

"We did well," Joyce responded cryptically.
"Yeah, it's not too often I get a 100 on a pop quiz!"
"Girls, look!" Caleigh suddenly said.
"Hold up, Caleigh, I think I know what you're going to say," Joy said as they approached the SUV.
"Oh, I was just going to..."
"This girl will make a good spiritual counselor," Joyce continued the interruption.
"What is up with yoummph!" Nichole barely spoke.
"Nicholmph!" Joyce was taken too.
"See? That's what I was trying to point out. That's Ken's SUV. I recognized the plate WDWK95."

Nichole was taken because she has a husband, and Joyce because she knows Gianni. Opportunity arose, so Ken and Giovanni figured every girl with a boyfriend should get the works. Nichole had a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief gagging her, and Joyce had her own ball gag. As a result, Nichole was tied like Sera and Jenny (albeit not as flexible) with rope at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. Joyce was boxtied like Bridget and was roped at her breasts, crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. Both received a black bandana blindfold and a hogtie.

"I had to stop you though. You see, the point was to get these girls kidnapped."
"Ah, I didn't know."
"Don't look now, but Ken's coming."
"KEN!" Caleigh turned and slugged him in the chest.
"Don't call me that!"
"I'm sorry your birthday got screwed."
"It's fine. So what's up here?"
"Me, two Italian guys, and some Swede have been having fun."
"You, Roberto, Giovanni, and... Chris?"
"That's them."
"You feel good, big man?" Giovanni asked Ken.
"I've never tied up another man's wife before."
"No, no, no... your sister's friend," Roberto corrected him.
"Riiighhhttttt," Ken said as Chris waved from the vehicle.
"Besides, we had to make sure each girl was grabbed by someone they weren't familiar with being kidnapped by."
"This is so elaborate," Hannah laughed.
"What are you saying? You need a boyfriend?"
"Last thing I need! I want to survive this semester first. I'm taking 21 hours to be able to finish in time."
"You're a crazy girl!"
"I am! I really need to go."
"You two want to check out the carnage?"
"Sure!" Joy said, "Be quiet, and I'll take photos and videos for our FB group."


Hannah entered the apartment by herself and looked around sadly. It was hard not to be jealous in a way. All of Hannah's experiences with friendship had ended negatively, and she even wondered if her current ones would fizzle out upon graduation.

Instead of doing HW, she pulled out her cell phone. Not only did the Fredericks' get her a new phone but they also got her a new number so that she could leave all the bad people from her past. She looked through her photos... mostly photos of her friends and her family. There was a gap from 2010-2014 with no photos at all because that period of her life was gone... wasted. Then came a realization.

She wasn't alone anymore. With friends like these, she had no worries.


Next thing Hannah knew, the victims had apparently been driven around for 30 minutes to confuse them and were now being brought into the apartment. Again, they were handled by unfamiliar hands, and Hannah kept her silence. The girls were all lined up facing the sofa where Caleigh and Joy sat down. Each girl had her hogtie removed. They paused while waiting for the "boys" to be ready as this was quite the elaborate prank the men had done.

"May I?" Caleigh mouthed to Ken and Gianni.
"*mmm*," the latter nodded.
"Girls, welcome to the Fredericks-Randaccio-Rondell dating agency. I'm your host, Caleigh Rondell! Now, be good girls as we have surprises for you!"
"MMM!?" came from some.
"Now, we'll go in order by last name, so... Kristensen, Patterson, Petersen, Randaccio, Sjaastad, Verdi."

"Jenny Danielle Kristensen," Caleigh picked up her first victim, "You're such a sweetheart. On Valentine's Day, you're so far from her beloved, and he didn't send flowers or a card. Or did he?! Lucky girl look!"
"Huh?!" Jenny's blindfold was removed and she looked, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
"Jenny!" he put the flowers and candy down and took the girl from Caleigh and sat down with her.
"Now, look, you be a good girl. I'll untie you but only if you promise not to remove this gag until you're in that bathroom. I know you want to shower and get dolled up."
"Mmmm hmmm!" Jenny's eyes sparkled, but Gianni's sparkled more.
"Those eyes... remind me of Nichole and Chris about 2 years ago," Joy said.

"Janie Patterson, the girl with no middle name! You've been through a lot in one semester, but here's a lot of good. After spending an afternoon in Ken Rondell's SUV, now you get to spend the evening in it too!"
"AWWWW!" Janie squealed as she saw Ken.
"Hi!" he stood her up, and she "kissed" him on the cheek, "Oh, Janie!"
"Let's do this the Rondell way!" he slung her over his shoulder and started to walk away, "I'll be good. I promise!"

"Mmmmmmm hmmm hmmm!" Jenny moaned in a sing-song as she walked by.

"Sarah Nichole Petersen, the girl whose name is actually her middle name, your man needs no introduction. He just wanted to kidnap you so he could get your romantic homemade candlelight dinner ready," Joy explained.
"Take her away!"
"Mmmmm!" Nichole was carried away in similar fashion.

"Serafina Ark-angel-uh Cher-ooh-bie-nuh Bahn-ih-fass-ee-ya Randaccio... the frig?!" Caleigh questioned.
"Never mind," Joy continued, "Your man is just here because he knows you love being tied up. He promises tonight will be rated PG, but he will let you decide when you want to be released because he figures you'll like TUG cuddling for a while first. You can stay in the bedroom with the door ajar for privacy."
"Awwww!" Sera squinted as she regained her sight.
"I'd leave the blindfold on," Peter said, "because you like it, but I want to stare at your eyes as we talk."
"Let's go," he led her hopping into the next room.

"Bridget Georgina Sjaastad, Roberto and you are such a cute couple. He knows your dates are always a bit cheesy and simple, so he wanted this one to start with a bang. You get freed by the man you love."
"You're a sweet girl. I know you're not much for chocolate, so I got you sour worms instead," Roberto chuckled.
"Bridget Sjaastad, will you be my valentine?"
"MMM HMMMMM!" she gag kissed his cheek.
"Spitty! Let's remove that gag."
"Ah! MWAH!"

"Joyce Marianne Verdi, you weren't even supposed to be kidnapped, but it happened anyway," Caleigh laughed.
"Mmm hmm!" Joyce nodded as her blindfold came off.
"But know that Ryan loves you anyway and wants to remove your bonds and gag. Just like how he helped remove the bonds and gag that imprisoned you when your life fell apart one year ago. He loves you like no one else."
"I guess now," Ryan interrupted, "is the time to announce that we're getting married on January 26th of next year, in Orlando, Florida."
"MMMMM!" Joyce glued herself to Ryan.
"Bridget and Roberto, Joyce and Ryan, one of you may use the other room under the same clauses," Joy invited.
"I think we'll just move along," Ryan said as he began untying Joyce.
"Nuh uh!" Joyce resisted, "I ah uh ay!"
"Oh, all right. We'll go in an hour?"
"Mmmm hmm!"
"Brigida and I always like having some time to talk, but we talk as we walk, right?"
"Yeah. I've been tied up for 2 hours anyway."
"Let's go."
"Surprise! I freed myself an hour ago... But I kept it up for you!"


"I'm ready, Gianni!" said Jenny as she arrived anew in her red skirt, a brown long-sleeve t-shirt, and a red scrunchie to hold her braid.
"You look beautiful."
"No bandana this time?" asked Hannah.
"I have it in my bag, but I was undecided. I know Gianni just wants to stare in my eyes."
"Eyes are a Randaccio thing."
"Let's go, handsome."


"Mmmmmmmmm!" Nichole groaned occasionally into her gag.

She had been transitioned to being tied in a St. Andrew's cross on the bed. Chris may have shut the door so she couldn't smell anything. But, as she looked under the door at the glow from the kitchen, she knew it was a steak dinner for sure.

Tonight was different. The main attraction of the evening had come before dinner for a change. She figured that meant Chris wanted to cuddle or otherwise do something else later. She didn't care what though.

She loved Chris more and more each day.


"Did you have fun back here?" Ken asked as he opened the trunk and climbed in.
"Mmm hmm!"
"I can't believe you asked to be tied up again after dinner. Want to see something cool?"

Ken put Janie in the passenger seat. He could do so because of the dark tinting on his windows. He leaned the seat back, got in the driver's seat, did the same, and opened the moon roof. They spent the night staring at the stars. So their night went away until Ken was laying her gently on the bottom bed bunk, petting her kerchief-covered head gently, and whispering "good night."


Peter and Sera didn't get dinner that night. They stayed on the floor with him just talking while she refused to be untied. Finally he got her permission to remove the gag, but then they talked. Finally, around 8:30, they left to get a chocolate malted. As he promised, Peter kept it PG... he was a man, as Sera said, "of honor."

Sera had found a man who wanted chastity more than she did.


"Bridget, the past 4 months have just blown by. I'm crazy about you, and I... I would like you to come visit my family if we're still as good of friends come summer."
"I'd like that as well. We'll see where life has me then."
"I could transfer to Madison if you want. They'll take me in a blink."
"I can't make you do that if it's for nought. Keep at it here until we know it's real."
"All right."


"Gianni, you haven't said much."
"Why talk when you're so amazing already?"

Jenny couldn't resist, and on the car ride to the restaurant she had donned the solid red kerchief bandana again. Now, on the way back, it served to keep her from touching her hair as much, an apparent nervous tic she never realized she had until now.

"Jenny, I'll be here a couple days. On Saturday, I fly to Indianapolis for work for Papa. Think about what you'd like to do."
"I will... You may be my favorite Randaccio."
"And, Jenny, please, no more dirty selfies. That's fine for couples, but not for dating."
"I know. I don't know what I was thinking."
"Trying to find a new way to say you care at a distance but making a bad choice. Devil's a tricky guy."
"See you tomorrow."
"Good... good night!" she kissed him on the cheek and dashed away.


"Hi, Bridget," Joyce and Sera entered the dorm where they basically slept but didn't live.
"Mine was perfect. Yours?"
"It wasn't perfect, but it was good. Ryan and I vowed to remain celibate until we're married."
"Peter is a man... in the true sense. So far, so good."


"Jenny?" Hannah asked as she entered.
"He's such a sweet guy. He knows to keep his hands off except when there are witnesses, and he knows a lot of good questions to think about. He's... better than Phil ever was. No, I realize I was young and chasing an MRS, but I can wait as long as Gianni and I need because he really does care. Where's Janie?"
"She's in bed. She's tired a lot these days."
"It's the depression," Joy nodded, "But she still was so happy when Ken brought her in. I'll go see her."

These girls had gotten the perfect Valentine's Day: TUGs and a date all on mutual terms of love and friendship.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 213: No One Makes Me Smile Like You!
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Joy awoke to a moaning sound. What time was it? 1AM? Then she realized she was in bed next to Janie, with the latter still tied and gagged from earlier. Janie either was quite pleased or needed the loo. Then the buzzing told her that she was such a leaden sleeper that she was sleeping while Janie was being vibrated still.

"Umm... how many times?"
"Mmm!" Janie showed four fingers.
"Lordy! Let me turn this off."
"Mmmmmmmm!" Janie groaned.
"I'll untie you tomorrow!"


"Joy, I did it!" Janie said with strange excitement when the gag came out first.
"I hadn't been able to do that since... that night! It was the pills, Joy! I'm fine!"
"OK, OK... Miss J*rk 0ff."
"It felt so good... especially with you sleeping at the same time."
"Stop it! I don't want to hear about it. I just provide the context. You do the rest yourself."
"Joy... I found a real man... who doesn't just want my body. He wants me. Joy... last night was..."
"Your practice was postponed. Want to talk about it?"
"Yeah... Ken is... like Caleigh. He has a heart just bursting with affection for those he trusts; he's in command of his emotions; he knows his future plans; he's responsible; and he knows and appreciates my simplicity and is simple in his pleasures too."
"I don't know when... but someday I'm going to marry him. I just know it. We'll have a fixer-upper house about 1 hour outside the city either in Florida or the Midwest, and we'll turn it into a veritable palace."
"Interesting analysis!"
"It'll probably be Florida so I can swim and coach softball year round and keep in shape. There'll be lots of trees for privacy... he'll have a garden where he'll grow my favorite flowers and fresh produce... We'll be able to visit my brother and sister and his sisters and brother. Heck, Caleigh or Eva might even live on the property in her own home."
"Janie, quit daydreaming."


Nichole was just astounded by how amazing the after dinner part of her evening was. Who knew how much fun could be had just talking about the future? Nichole was daydreaming for sure. The previous night's activity was so amazing that she never even got into her pajamas. As a result, she entered the shower with a kerchief still on her head as she only used the small shower light in the morning.

"What on earth is... Oops! Oh, crud! Well now!" Nichole took off the scarf and tossed it into the sink.
"What is happening?" Chris asked.
"I wore a bandana into the shower!"
"Oh, brother! Nichole, no one makes me smile like you do!"


"I think Janie's gone happy-go-lucky," Joy groaned before one of her mechanical engineering classes.
"Why are you worried about her?" Joyce asked.
"She's already talking about marriage and stuff like a buffoon."
"She's immature, maybe," Jenny shrugged.
"Are you thinking forever already? Either of you?" Joy seemed really concerned.
"Of course not. I'm looking at the present person to see if I like him first," Sera said calmly.
"Same. Gianni's sweet and so far the best yet. But it's only 4 months in."
"Janie's such a cute kid," Joy smiled and shook her head.
"We're not going anywhere fast. Don't worry, Joy," Sera smiled in an assuring way.


"Lauren, I don't get it... I don't."
"What? How a date could be so good?" Lauren asked her precious little sister.
"No... I don't know why, but I already am falling in love. I don't mean it in a sexual way either. He's just."
"Don't hurry it along. If God wants it to be 6 months, so what? Maybe that's what God wants for you, and for Zack and I it was 3 years from first meeting until we reached that point."
"Maybe... I spent almost 4 hours tied up with him and never once did he touch me except to move me around."
"Sounds like this was the test for you and him. You found him just when God knew your life was about to bottom out, and this is the test to find God's will for your lives."
"I've never been so happy around a person except you and Amanda."


"How about we give you a belated birthday Saturday?" Hannah asked Caleigh.
"Oh, no need."
"It's a done deal!"
"I'm texting our cake expert right now!"
"I'm so taking you out later."
"I don't like being celebrated. It's not me. I like being quiet and unnoticed."
"Let us do it out of love."
"Oh... all right!"


"Bridget, you're... daydreaming?" Sera asked later that day.
"I... I guess I am... your brother is so... I don't get it, Sera. I get how Nichole feels... and I'm willing to take as long as necessary. Jacob waited 14 for Rachel. I can wait 2 if it's meant to be."
"Valentine's did something screwy to you and Janie," Joyce giggled.


"This morning, I took a shower."
"NO!" Jenny pretended to be shocked.
"But last night I never changed into pajamas."
"I walked into the shower while still wearing my bandana."
"Nichole! HAHA!"
"We need to tie up Joy and Hannah for yesterday."
"Yes, we do!"
"Gangsta Queen and Princess at it."

With that Jenny and Nichole made plans to kidnap their two friends. Princess wore pink sweat pants, a red t-shirt, and a brown bandana headband with her braid held by a pink scrunchie. Queen wore black jeans, a pink t-shirt, and a black kerchief bandana.


Janie Patterson sat at her desk. Today's outfit was blue jeans, as usual in winter, a red-and-black flannel long-sleeve button-up shirt, and a red bandana headband with her braid in a red scrunchie. Homework was an annoying necessity, but one she handled with ease.

Joy then entered the room. This girl was in blue today with a blue skirt, a blue bandana headband, and a purple t-shirt. She cut to business.

"Wanna be tied up again?"
"I'll never say no, but I have two problems to finish first."
"No problem."
"No wand this time. But it's stuffy in here."
"Got it."

When she was ready, Janie was fastened well with rope at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and mid thighs, and she was gagged with two socks, a red bandana cleave gag, and 9 layers of clear tape, and she was blindfolded with a black bandana. Before the harness was tied, Joy unbuttoned Janie's shirt. The girl was then laid on the bed and hogtied from ankles to harness.

"MMmmmmmm!" Janie moaned happily.


"Hey, Joy!" Jenny entered the room.
"Hi, Jenn."
"Got Janie in trouble I see!"
"Got to do it right. Watch," Jenny walked over to Janie, "Booooobiiies!"
"Huh huh!" Janie giggled as Jenny played with her boobs a little.
"Nice boobies!"
"HMMMMMM!" Janie was a happy girl.
"Now, about you."
"It's time to tie you up!"


"Hey, Hannah Bandana," Nichole greeted the yellow girl.
"Hey, Gangsta Queen," greeted Hannah, who wore yellow sweatpants, a brown t-shirt, and a yellow kerchief bandana.
"You busy?"
"Not really. Why?"
"Just what I needed to hear!"


"MMMMMM!" came a moan of helplessness.
"GRRRRRR!" came an angry growl.
"Hmm hmm hmm!" was a happy song.

Joy was the helpless one. She was in a chair with rope binding her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, and thighs. A blue rubber ball threaded with a purple bandana gagged the girl. Rope ran from wrists to ankles, and the harness and waist/crotch rope were tied so as to attach her to the chair.

The angry one was Hannah. Wire bound her ankles, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist. Her gag was a blue rubber ball threaded with a brown bandana, and her blindfold was a yellow bandana. She was hogtied with rope from ankles to harness.

Janie was the happy one. She and her two roommates were bound together in the living room now with Janie and Hannah on the floor side-by-side. The blindfolds reduced their ability to help each other.

Jenny and Nichole were now masked with brown and black bandanas, respectively. They posed for selfies and took photos and films of their captive trio.


"Hey, cuties," Joyce greeted her friends, "Jenn asked me to come over so she could go out with Gianni."
"Don't worry... I'm just here to keep you company. Jenny gave me instructions on when to release each of you."


"Seeing Janie makes me wonder...," Sera said.
"Wonder what?" Bridget asked.
"Maybe one of us has an incident getting out of the shower or before we get our pajamas on..."
"I'm game... make a surprise for Joyce when she gets back!"
"Ah ha ha! You volunteering then?"

Bridget took a shower and, sure enough, before she was dry, Sera arrived. Wires bound her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. Sera's ball gag silenced her and a black bandana blindfolded her before she was put on her bed and had rope run from her ankles to the footboard. Sera covered her body with a blanket.

"Hi, girls, Serafina has a message for you. Brigida is in trouble."
"MMMMM!" moaned Bridget.
"Poor girl... grabbed on her way out of the shower, you tell she has nothing on under this blanket.
"GRMMM!" Bridget groaned as Sera played with her boobs through the blanket.
"I need 6 likes on this video to tell me you like poor Brigida and don't want her to stay nude-y all night. Don't worry, though, it's happened many times in the past several months, and she won't mind either way!"
"Mmmmm!" Bridget returned to a happy state after the video ended.


"Giovanni Randaccio, you've just stolen my heart away. I have something to tell you."
"Tell me, Jenny Kristensen."
"I'm going to spend the summer working for your father."
"For real?!"
"Yep! Sera arranged it."
"Sweet girl."
"It'll be great. I've never been more than an hour away from my parents except for Lauren's wedding, so it'll be good to have people I care about around me still."
"It'll be good for us to see what happens without a distance relationship."
"Gianni, no one, and I mean no one, makes me as happy in the way ways only you can."


"UGH!" Bridget groaned after an hour and 5 minutes of tickle torture and boob fondling. There was something special about this friendship and how they pushed each other to limits they'd allow no one else to test. Except for Sera, Bridget would never let herself be bound nude or touched like this, and only Joyce (and to an extent Roberto) were allowed to see her underwear.

"Bridgie, you got the likes, but you want to stay tied up anyway?"
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm... mmm hmm."
"Brigida," Sera laid back next to her on the bed, "Thanks for being my friend."
"I have to get jammied. Ope! Here's Joyce! How was it?"
"Babysitting's easy. Jenny is just in love with Gianni. She just... They're perfect for each other."
"And Gianni won't sleep with her unlike Roberto and Bridgie."
"MMM!" Bridget indignantly yelled.
"Sorry. It's been fun, Bridgie, but I need to get jammied."
"How was your time? The pervert and her victim!"
"I never once touched her sexually, did I Bridgie?"
"Nmm mmm!"
"We had a great time. You two are so sweet and precious to me."

Sometime after, the lights were off and the girls were in bed. A navy blue bandana blindfold couldn't hide Sera's smile though.


"Did you have fun?" Jenny asked Hannah before bed.
"Yeah!! Always good to relax."
"Good night, Jenn."
"Good night, Hannah."
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 214: Chill Out!
Saturday, February 17, 2018


Caleigh awoke to a strong hand gagging her. She opened her eyes and saw Janie, wearing blue jeans, a blue-and-black long-sleeve button-up flannel shirt, and a blue kerchief bandana, standing over her and also wearing a large grin on her face.

"Hi!!! It's snowed and is about 0 degrees. Get dressed. Get whatever you need for a day."
"Mmmm!" Caleigh was turned over and brutally gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief.
"Now, do you need to shower?"
"Nuh uh!"
"Then get dressed!"

Caleigh wasn't messing with this weather and felt a bit humiliated as Janie watched her dress... but then again they saw each other shower nude! She put on full length black leggings, black socks, pink leg warmers, Uggs, a long-sleeve white t-shirt, pink hat, purple fleece scarf, pink mittens, and her purple puffer coat. For finishing her off, Janie naturally added a purple bandana mask. A pair of handcuffs clamped her arms behind her back.

Janie herself was in all red winter garb--puffer jacket, mittens, scarf--but her bandana mask was blue to match her other bandana.

Soon, Caleigh was in Janie's apartment and laid on the sofa on her stomach. Poor Caleigh didn't even get to take off her layers before she was blindfolded with a white bandana and bound at her ankles and knees with white handkerchiefs. Janie climbed on top of her without taking her winter garb off either.

"Happy birthday! Better late than never!"
"GAH!" Caleigh was being tortured with tickling.

Caleigh's torture went for at least 30 minutes. She didn't even really know what time it was, but it ended with her being jammed headfirst into a snowbank and then brought back inside, where she finally shed the extra layers. She was seated in a chair and had her ankles and knees ziptied to the chair legs after the handkerchiefs were removed. Finally her blindfold was removed.

"There you are!"Joy greeted her.
"MMMMMMMMM! Caleigh shook around angrily and snapped her fingers thrice.
"Uh oh!" Jenny unknotted the gag.
"I need to pee and want to eat breakfast. On my terms, thank you! We can maybe play after if I'm up to it."
"Chill out, kid! God forbid your friends show some affection to you."
"I f***ing hate birthdays, case in point!" Caleigh stormed to the restroom and slammed the door shut.
"Caleigh! Oh!"
"You tried, Janie," Joy shrugged.

In the bathroom, Caleigh struggled with herself. She had just been horrible to the friends who just wanted to say they're grateful that God had put her, Caleigh Rondell, in their lives. She did hate birthdays though. She hated the attention. She hated the loud parties. But she loved her friends. Inspired anew, Caleigh returned and made her request.

"Do you have blueberries?"
"I like putting them in cereal!" Joy responded.
"Would you mind making blueberry flatcakes? I'll be your prisoner if you'd do that. I'm sorry for yelling at you all like that."
"That's our sweet Caleigh!" Janie hugged her tightly.
"You did make a pleasant surprise, Gangsta Jock!"
"Thank you! It was Jenny's idea though!"
"All right! Have a hug, Jenny!"

The four Gangsta Girls sat with their non-Gangsta but still special guest. Caleigh got her requested blueberry pancakes, to which she simply added a pat of butter and ate without syrup. She then had high praise afterwards.

"Joy, those were the best flatcakes I have had in years. They're better than my mom's, and as good as my grandma's."
"Awww... you're not just saying that."
"I am not! Thanks!"

Caleigh now finally surveyed her four friends. Janie looked like Janie. Joy was wearing a brown skirt, a pink t-shirt, and a brown bandana headband. Hannah was in blue sweatpants, a yellow t-shirt, and a blue kerchief bandana. Jenny almost matched Joy: she had brown sweatpants, a pink long-sleeve t-shirt, a pink kerchief bandana, and a brown scrunchie holding her braid.

It was time to pit blue against brown, and winner would be her captor for the day. Hannah got to escape, though, because of her Saturday marathon class.


To say Janie loves Caleigh is an understatement. A new world between them was opened as a result of Caleigh's selfless actions two weeks prior. This isn't relevant except to say that Janie and Hannah cheated.

Jenny had Irish-8s on her wrists and rope binding her elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. She was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a pink bandana and a strip of microfoam tape. She had rope from her ankles to her wrists for a hogtie and from her knees to her footboard. Rope ran from her braid to her ankles as well as further punishment, but it wasn't tight. Finally, she was blindfolded with a brown bandana.

Joy was handcuffed in front and had her elbows tied so that her arms could be hoisted to the hook in Jenny's room. Rope tied her ankles to a broom so they were spread out. She was gagged with her own ball gag and blindfolded with a pink bandana.

"So, how about it birthday girl?"
"Tie me to a chair so I can finish my homework."


"You're so freaking talented, Serafina," Lauren said.
"Thank you!" said the girl in the red bandana headband, red t-shirt, and blue jeans as she decorated a cake.
"How about this? I bring the cake over with you all duct taped as you like?"
"I'd love it! No stuffing!"

Lauren duct taped Sera's wrist, waist, elbows, and breasts the way Gianni did, gagged her with a knotted red bandana and 8 layers of red tape, taped her legs from ankles to knees and thighs to waist, and blindfolded her with another red bandana. Zack brought her out into the cold to put her in the back seat of the Jeep, and away Lauren went.

"Don't chill out back there!"


Caleigh was back in zipties to fasten her ankles and knees to the legs of a chair at the dining table. Similarly, she was roped at her waist and breasts to pin her torso. However, her arms were free. She was gagged with a knotted handkerchief cleave gag and a strip of microfoam tape.

Caleigh and Hannah (once the latter returned) cooperated on their HW where possible. It was good having such a close friend in the same major as you. It was an advantage that Nichole and Bridget did not have being the Cool Girls' only respective Chemical Engineer and Meteorologist. The cooperation was good as they finished their assignment and half of the next assignment.

"Joy, Joy, Joy!" Janie giggled.
"HA HA HA!" Joy was helpless against the tickling.

Everyone loved Janie's tickle tortures because she was just so... nice... with them. She pushed you to laugh as much as she could and always left you out of breath, but she didn't dig the way some others did. You were only sore in your belly and lungs after Janie was done with you.

Joy liked being tickled, but she liked things more varied in a torture session: mild breathplay, ice cubes, tickling, nipple clamps, vibration, and hair pulling. Janie was such a good captor, though, and knew exactly how Joy liked to be teased and excited.

Once Joy had 30 minutes of that, Janie undid the blindfold and the hoisting rope and instead bound Joy's wrists and elbows behind her back. She then gave Jenny the patented treatment. Jenny's hogtie, with which she had been absolutely delighted, was undone, and the rope to the footboard was reconnected to her ankles instead; her hair tie was undone as well. Janie rolled Jenny on her stomach and climbed on top of her.

"AUGH!!!!" Jenny let out a muted yell as she was pushed face first against her pillow.
"Heh heh!" Janie gently pulled Jenny's braid to turn her head to the side.
"Time to suffer, Gangsta Princess!" Janie whispered in her ear.
"GAH HAH HAHHHH!" Jenny groaned helplessly as her torture began.

In Jenny's opinion, this was the ultimate TUG scenario. She was tightly tied (cuffed even), heavily gagged, and blindfolded and thus unable to resist in any way. She was pushed against the pillow, which made her workout even harder as oxygen was hard to find. Moreso, she was being tickled at the absolute limit. Best of all, she was at the hands of one of her beloved friends. She liked the hair pulling a lot too, actually.

When it was all done, Janie removed Jenny's blindfold and retied it as an OTN gag. She rolled Jenny, who was red-faced and breathing heavily, onto her back and gave her a kiss on the cheek before walking away. But she saw the sparkle in Jenny's eyes.

She looked over at Joy, too, who was almost free from her captivity. Janie smiled as she left them to work their own escape.


This was about the time Sera and Lauren departed. The Italian girl was quickly turning to a popsicle in the weather, but she didn't mind at all for this short ride.

"MMMM! MMMMMMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMMMM! NNNN! EH EE OH! EH EE OH! EETH! EH EE OH! Mmmmm" Sera imagined herself being kidnapped.
"You having fun?" Lauren asked her.
"Mmm hmm!" Sera nodded as TUGs were her favorite game.
"We're here!"

Lauren grabbed the cake and went to the door and knocked.

"Hi, sis!" Janie greeted her.
"I have a gift in the truck. Bring it in, please?"
"Sure thing!"
"Hey, belated birthday girl!" Lauren greeted Caleigh.
"Let's see! Oh, Serafina! Oh, my, look at you, red girl! Come on!" Janie led a hopping Sera indoors.
"Oh get in there! I've been in a tickling mood. Would you like to be tickled?"
"Ummm!" Sera pinched her fingers.
"A little... 15 minutes?"
"Nmm mmm!"
"Ummm... an ee!" she pinched again.
"MM!" Sera nodded.
"Good to be free of the gag for a bit!" Caleigh said after removing her gag.
"How has it been so far?"
"Happy. A birthday on my terms... not too much attention. Just a little self-indulgence and time with people I love. No hooplah or the like."
"Bridge and Joyce will be upset if they don't get a piece of this too."
"I'll have them come over after you've gone. Nichole will get a piece set aside for her."
"Let me torture this one first!"
"She's tickling everyone," Caleigh explained to Lauren.

Janie placed Sera on the bed in Joy's room. Like Jenny, she was laid on her stomach and had Janie practically mount her.

"Lauren and I sometimes during tickling and teasing sometimes... well, you know... we say 'Boobies' when we do it."
"It's just a funny way of teasing... only if you're OK with it."
"Ummmm... unth!"
"OK... See... BOOBIES!"
"NUH UH!" Sera decided that that was not Janie's place at all! Certain things were only for certain people!
"All right... still... time to suffer!"

After that, Janie got off Sera.

"Want to be fed cake?"
"Mmm hmm!'

Janie, Lauren, Joy, Jenny (freed by Joy), Caleigh, Sera, and Hannah all ate cake together. Then Lauren went home. Then Sera got her bandana cleave gag and fresh tape for a second round courtesy Jenny.

"Sera, ever been in a suitcase?" asked the Gangsta Princess as she brought hers out.
"Joy! Camera!"
"On it!"
"Hi, everyone! Serafina Randaccio is in deep trouble as you can see."
"She's like me and looks like Nichole. Loves bandanas. Loves being tied up slightly more. Is super flexible. Loves a tight spot. Yep. She's been kidnapped, and she's about to spend an hour or three in here."
"Now, girls! Serafina is going in here! Poor thing!"
"She's so, so cute. Isn't she? I think she's adorable.
"Anyway! In she goes!"
"Now!" Jenny zipped the suitcase shut around the shrieking squirming girl, "6 hearts, 1 hour. Show me you love Sera!"
"See you later!"

"You're evil!"
"I know!"
"I wish we were at my place, but then poor Sera still wouldn't be able to play GTA! HA HA!"
"Wanna play video games?"

After an hour, Sera had her 6 hearts thanks in part to Caleigh, Joy, Hannah, and Janie. She had screamed the entire time and NOT in a good way. She was freed but furious.

"How dare you do that to me without my consent! If you had asked, I would have said yes, but jamming me in there like that for an hour when you know I have anxiety issues was not nice Miss Jenny."
"Aw, Sera, I'm sorry! I got a little too eager. I figured if I loved it, you would too."
"I let Janie fondle me earlier. Why? Because she asked me to try something new."
"By the way, Janie, you're starting to enjoy BDSM more than TUGs, especially the D. It's fine by me if you get a thrill out of capturing and torturing me, but be careful lest you cause yourself trouble."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm saying keep your self-control and be careful lest you down a road you regret."
"I understand... Sera, that makes so much sense!"
"I knew you'd get it. I had to use Wikipedia myself."
"Ha ha!"
"I gotta go. Have a safe trip, kiddo!" Sera hugged her.
"You have to leave?" Jenny asked.
"I have to. I'm kind of sore at you and need time to cool off. I don't want to say or do something I regret."
"I get it."
"Revenge is coming, kids!"

Oh, revenge would be coming indeed!


"Girls, thank you all so much for an awesome late birthday."
"You're welcome!" Hannah said.
"I'll see you tomorrow."

Caleigh had finally enjoyed a birthday. It's easier to be happy when your wishes are being respected. She was blessed to have such good friends.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 215: Dad! Dad!
Sunday, February 18, 2018

Janie grabbed her bag and walked out to meet the person who was picking her up. She was supposed to be meeting a coach named Michael. She looked around and saw nothing.

Phoenix, Arizona was so different from Florida. It was just as warm, but it was so much cooler. In the distance, she could see large red mountains unlike anything else she had ever seen in her life. This place was so beautiful in its own way.

"Janie!" suddenly she heard her name.
"Over here!"
"Janie!" called the voice again, and she saw a man in sunglasses, beige slacks, and a blue polo shirt waving to her.
"Dad? Dad! Dad!" Janie excitedly ran to her father.
"My baby girl!"
"What are you doing here?!"
"They sent Michael to pick you up, didn't they?"
"That was you?!"
"Yes, I had to sneak around to do it, but Trent helped me out. Even Lauren's clueless... give you something to tell her."
"Oh, Dad!" Janie hugged her father tightly and began to cry, "I've been through so much. It's so, so good to see you."
"There, there, sweetie. Let's get your bags packed and find your hotel. Then we can get lunch."
"All right."

As they drove along, Janie spilled her guts to her dad about everything that had occurred in the past 3 weeks. While she understandably struggled to convey the events and emotions, her dad provided the kind of loving support only he could. She told him it all: the assault, the pills, the suicide attempt, Ken's surprise visits, her friends' support.

"My friends feel bad. They're hurt by my hurt. They love me. But, you, Dad... you feel the same pain I do. You're sharing the pain as if you suffered it all yourself."
"I do. And I share in the love your friends receive from you and give you in a way."
"So that's what it means to be a parent."
"My baby's all grown up now. I'm so proud of you for taking all this making yourself a better person."
"I'm just glad God gave me you, Lauren, and Trent. We were all made special just for each other."


Serafina Randaccio and Nichole Petersen looked like twins in their navy blue skirts, white and pale blue, respectively, t-shirts, navy blue kerchief bandanas on a fine Sunday afternoon. All was coincidental except Sera and Nichole added navy blue bandana wristbands on their right and left wrists, respectively, which they had donned in solidarity of the quest to kidnap one special girl. They stood over Jenny Kristensen, who was so helpless in her pink skirt, brown leggings, brown t-shirt, and pink kerchief bandana with her braid held by a brown scrunchie.

"Mmmmm!" wailed Jenny.

Jenny was tied in a St. Andrew's cross on her bed. Ropes stretched out her limbs, and Sera's ball gag silenced the girl who, like Janie, hated the gag toys.

"You know, last night Bridget had Joyce and I like this on our beds too. Only we were naked."
"You really trust someone when you can be naked and not have them stare at your privates. We're like blood sisters."
"You girls are getting to be like Jenny and I. I've staked her out naked before."
"Let's do this right though," Sera awkwardly squeezed Jenny's breasts and meekly said, "Boobies."
"Ha!" Jenny mocked her timidity.
"Come on! Show some strength!"
"All right!" Sera tried more confidently and tried sounding like Janie, "A-boobies!"
"Eh-er!" Jenny encouraged her.
["Rude brat. Mocking my accent."]
["I love being your pseudo-twin!"]
"I love you two girls!"
"We love you two. Go ahread, try it again!"
"All right!" Sera got on Jenny this time, "Booooobies!"
"Heh heh!"
"GAH!" Jenny's tickling phase of torment began.


"Janie, I hate to bring anything negative into what's so far been a perfect day."
"Your mother and I are filing for divorce."
"That sucks. Oh, Dad, we're not going to lose the house, are we?!"
"I don't know."
"Well, it's still a perfect day. I've never gotten you all to myself just for a day. I love you, Dad!"
"I'm one of the only doctors in the hospital who doesn't engage in golf. How about we go fantasize?"
"Fantasize playing golf?"
"Yeah. You've always liked watching golf, haven't you?"
"Let's go rent some clubs, get a bucket of balls, and go suck at driving them."
"That sounds awesome! Let's go!"

Father and daughter were having an unforgettable time together. It couldn't make up for 19 lost years, but it could make the next 30 even more special.


"Would you like something, Hannah Bandana?"
"Yeah... would you... interrogate me?"
"Interrogate you? If you want to try!"
"Can you dress the part?"
"Dress the part?"
"I want to imagine some mean tough guy is doing it to me. Go for it."
"Oh, OK then!"

Joy was originally wearing a purple skirt, pink t-shirt, and purple kerchief bandana. Hannah, the victim was in her yellow skirt, blue long-sleeve t-shirt, and a yellow kerchief bandana. It was kerchief day or something. The former to seem more discrete, changed her skirt to one of Hannah's pairs of jeans, a beige t-shirt, and beige kerchief bandana and bandana mask. She put Hannah's blue hoodie over it all.

"Good!" Joy wrapped an arm around Hannah's chest and handgagged her with the other.
"Be good. And let me know when you surrender."

Hannah got Joy's ball gag in her mouth. Her ankles were individually handcuffed to the underframe of the chair, and her wrists were handcuffed behind her with a rope from the cuffs to the underframe of the chair.

Things were going to get really extreme in this one.


"Ah ha ha ha!" Jenny cackled into the gag until Sera was satisfied with the job she had done.

Next step was to redo Jenny so that her wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, ankles,knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs were nicely secured with wire and that she had a tight waist/crotch rope. She was blindfolded with a brown bandana.

"Hi, everyone. Serafina Randaccio, your dear Italian friend, is here. Remember me and Jenny yesterday?"
"I promised her revenge. Here she is, poor thing, helpless on her bed."
"So, I've pulled out the suitcase on her."
"Let's put her in here!"
"Awwww... she's drooling! Poor Jenny."
"MMMMM!" Jenny was helpless held down by on hand while Sera zipped the bag shut with the other.
"She's so, so cute and lovable. Give her 6 heart reactions in an hour, or I'm keeping her here for 3 hours."


"Bridget, you're thinking," Joyce said to her.
"Yeah... about Roberto... you... Janie... Sera... everyone. How I'm blessed."
"Well, Jenny's in trouble."
"Oh, bother! Shall we... Wow, Sera makes such good hostage videos!"
"Jenny is so cute."
"She really is."
"Why did your date take so long?"
"Roberto and I... we had a moment of a different kind of passion... of talking about what we mean to each other."
"Thinking about the future. I actually came back a couple hours before you and did some careful self-bondage to vent and then went for a walk."
"Be careful with self-bondage. That's like self-f***ing."
"Don't hurt yourself, Joyce."
"I won't."


"Dad, I'm so glad you came out here. I know I am because except for using the camera I haven't touched my phone all day today!"
"Good! It's awkward having a daughter taller than me when I'm taller than most guys! But I like it!"
"I don't mind. As long as you're my dad, I wouldn't care if I were 5'1" like my roommate!"
"It's good to spend some time with you. You have a good night, dear."
"See you tomorrow, Dad!" Janie gave him a kiss.
"See you tomorrow, Janie."


"Poor Jenny! You've been there three hours!"
"You're so freaking happy! I'm going to close you up and let Joy release you instead. When you're ready. I gotta go, and Nichole already left. Love you girl!"


"Well, Hannah?"
"That... was... amazing!"
"You're stubborn! It took almost 3 hours! Except for one time with Janie being super stubborn, I've never needed more than 90 minutes."

The only difference in binding was that Hannah's elbows and thighs were now roped, and she had a tight waist/crotch rope.

"Because... I was...," Hannah was exhausted, "Really... going at it... You did... perfect... Joy."
"Oh, raging success."
"Sera's right, Joy."
"You, me, Joyce, Janie... we like being tied up... but we jerk off to being dominated by others or dominating others."
"That's a heavy assessment."
"Oh, wow!"
"You OK?"
"Joy, reach in the drawer and get my inhaler."
"Asthma. It only bothers me in winter."
"A minor issue."


That night, Caleigh had Lauren's new straps binding her ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, upper and lower chest, and waist. A black head harness with a bright green ball gag silenced the girl who had been nabbed while she was changing, so she was in just her black underwear and matching black sports bra.

Ken had left the ball in Lauren's care since Caleigh had said she was the one to trust it be used on Janie and Caleigh properly. Caleigh had likewise been the one to tell Ken that Janie hated head harnesses and ball gags and to use them on her as much as possible.

Caleigh felt humiliated to say the least. Worse was the fact that she had been lightly spanked, learned about her "boobies," and was filmed and photographed for the Club. Yet, she liked something about it all... she was Lauren's captive and in a situation where she knew she was safe. Only friends would see her quandary.


"Lauren, Lauren!" Janie said as her sister answered the video call.
"The hell? It's 9PM! You OK?!"
"Lauren, you won't believe it!"
"What is it?!"
"Dadd came out here to be with me!"
"He did?!"
"He even pulled strings so he could be the one to pick me up at the airport!"
"How was it?"
"It was so much fun! We got lunch together; then we went to a driving range; then we checked out the city. We just had a great time! How are you?"
"We're doing great here. Caleigh's a little stuck!" Lauren turned the phone.
"Mmmmmm!" Caleigh groaned as she looked at Janie.
"Hi Caleigh!"


"Did you girls have fun?" Joy asked Jenny that evening.
"Yeah. Did you?"
"We did. Maybe we pushed too much, but we learn every time."
"Good. Nichole and I are still sisters in spite of the distance between us!"
"THAT makes me happy to hear!"


It was just another day of being loved. It was another moment in which the girls all got a little closer to each other and understood each other just a little more.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 216: Gang War 1
Monday, February 19, 2018

"Good morning!" Janie sat down at one of the hotel tables that had the sign "Reserved for USA Softball"
"Who are you!?" growled one person.
"Excuse me, kiddo, but why are you sitting here with us?" asked another in a kinder tone.
"Well, um... what do you mean?"
"Did you see the sign? 'Reserved for USA Softball'. DUH!"
"Yeah, I saw it."
"Look kid, quit fangirling and move along."
"I'm here for USA Softball! To try out for the team."
"Ha ha!"
"Hee hee!"

Soon a group of 5 to 6 girls were all laughing and causing quite the raucous in so doing. Janie was a bit flabbergasted and didn't know what was so hilarious.

"Kid, this is for adults. We don't take high school freshmen."
"Excuse me?" Janie stood up to her full 6'1" and clearly was looking for answers.
"Whoa... Ummm... I misjudged your age!"
"You. What crawled up your @$$ and died?" Janie asked the one that initially growled.
"Buzz off punk!"
"What's her issue?"
"She's just testy that USA has invited a new kid to try out for her position after 6 years."
"Oh? What's her name?"
"Jane something."
"Janie Patterson?"
"That's it! You know about her?"
"I ought to. I'm Janie Patterson."


"Hi Joy!" Joyce said to her classmate as she and Sera, "What's cooking?"
"Look at us? Jenny and I were thinking a new kind of TUG: a gang war!"
"A what? How?"
"Just an all out battle to tie up each other. You're already ready for it."

Joyce and Sera had matching blue jeans, Italian soccer polos, and Italian flag kerchief bandanas. It was a contrast to both Joy's brown skirt, pink blouse, and brown bandana headband and Jenny's similar brown sweatpants, red t-shirt, and solid brown kerchief bandana (with her free in a rarity).

"Battle? How would we be teamed?"
"Bandanas. How else?"
"By preferred color or by apartment?"
"We were thinking by apartment. Yours versus ours."
"How about this? We each wrestle off one-by-one to tie up someone? We have 6 people for two teams of 3 each. We go off in pairs and the team that wins two rounds wins the war?"
"I like this idea," Sera grinned.
"Then," Jenny continued, "Even if one team wins the first two rounds, we still have the third pair. Because, let's face it, we love TUGs. If it ends 2-1, the remaining people can't be tied up without mutual consent."
"I like this plan!"
"Let's get Bridge and Hannah to approve!"


"Show us your stuff, Janie F***ing Patterson."
"So this is the girl that destroyed every Florida record and is setting new ones at Minnesota Tech?"
"Think you're a hotshot kid?"
"Did you bring your diapers?"
"Where's your daddy, little girl?"
"Cute face, empty head."

Janie couldn't believe how vicious this was. She was here to push herself to be better and help others improve, and it was going to be a 4 day war instead. As she looked around throughout the day, she suddenly realized that, for the first time in her life, she was around players who might as good, if not better, as she.

As the day went on, Janie felt pride in the American flag bandanas she wore so happily, as she did on this day. More importantly, though, she could look out and see her father in the stands cheering her on. At the end of the day, she cared more about being a good daughter.


"Well, well, well, Hannah where have you been?" asked Bridget as they walked toward the apartment.
"I... was talking to a friend."
"A friend? Good!"
"It was good."
"You're dour."
"It was one of the girls I modeled with... and she really wants me to shoot with them again."
"Hannah, it's possible for a friend to be a bad thing. Doesn't mean she doesn't care about you, but it means her definition of caring is actually harmful."
"That's very true."
"Don't let others force you to do things you don't want to do."
"You're right, Bridger."
"Don't you have a new number?"
"Yeah, but Facebook... Instagram."
"Either block them or make a new account that can't be easily identified as you."
"Should I?"
"It's up to you? Do they drag you down?"
"Only a little in that I don't like being asked. I'm not doing that anymore!"
"Let's work it out."
"I changed just for the game!"
"A HA! Now I see!"
"I went to my dorm quickly before meeting you."

Bridget had changed to blue jeans, a blue t-shirt (the best she could do), and an Italian flag kerchief bandana. Hannah had her "Hannah Bandana the Yellow Banana" outfit of yellow sweatpants, a brown t-shirt, and a yellow bandana headband. She would replace the yellow bandana for a brown one though.


"Janie, you did so well out there!"
"I'm just glad I'm a Patterson."
"I don't care what happens of this, sweetie. As long as you did your best."
"How did I look?"
"You look calm and humbled but confident. You made a good impression."
"Shall we go?"
"I'll be behind your bus a bit. But we can get dinner when I catch up. I'm gonna call Trent and see how he is."
"All right."


"Teams of three. Me, Jenny, Joy. You, Sera, Bridget. Right? How do we pair?"
"Jenny's so small," Bridget started. ["HEY!"]
"That she needs to go against Joyce."
"Sera and I are taller and athletes. Jenn's an athlete but a midget." ["WHAT?!"]
"So to make up for her size, you want her to wrestle me." ["HEY!"]
"Handcuffs are the tool. Just get your opponent cuffed," Joy explained, "Behind their back. Not in front."
"Easy enough." ["I'm not a midget."]
"Who should I face?"
"Let me say," Hannah said, "I have wrestled to tie up people before... with rope. I'm pretty damn good at it."
"You get Bridget." ["Hello? Offended girl back here!"]
"Look you two rope bunnies," Joyce warned Sera and Jenny, "I want effort because I know you're both tempted to lose on purpose. If that's the case, then Joy and I have agreed that Hannah and Bridget will wrestle and all other TUGs are banned for the night."
["F*** yourself."]
"SERA!!!" Joyce barked right back.
"I forget she understands me."
"Let's go get dinner together and come back here? OK?" Jenny found her reason anew.


"Hi, Ken," Janie greeted her dear friend.
"Hey, softball kid. How are you?"
"Tired but satisfied. I did my best on and off the field, as an athlete and as a daughter. How are you?"
"I'm doing really good actually. I finished a cabinet today and installed it in the client's home and made them happy."
"That is a respectable day's work."
"It sure is. I'm loving it and have no regrets."
"I have none either."
"I'll let you catch up on classwork."
"You're interrupting nothing. I can work and talk. It's easy. Profs think we're using the extra time on senior design."
"All right then. How do you like Arizona?"
"Hot and dry. Perfect for softball."

The small talk went on for hours, and both of them enjoyed every second of it.


"Round 1: Jenny vs. Joyce," Bridget announced, "Clean match, you know the rules, may the best girl win."
"And have fun!" Joy added.
"Ready... go!" Hannah began the match.
"I'll get you Jenn."
"Just watch me you wasted little dumpling!"
"Did you call me fat?!"
"You call yourself a dumpling!"
"True... true!"
"Now just go down!"

Jenny had the athleticism, but Joyce was still strong for her size and lack of athleticism. Living with the Patterson's had toughened her. The flexible Gangsta Princess, however, was able to prevail and locked the handcuffs on the Italian girl's wrists.

"That was fun!" Joyce said happily!
"Sit on the couch," Joy directed.
"Round 2: Sera vs. Joy. Same rules," Hannah explained, "Be nice!"
"Let's do this!" Sera smiled.
"I'll show you a thing or three, you wasted viking."
"What the heck?!" Joy was immediately overpowered and handcuffed.
"You're a weak thing!"
"I am not!"
"I just have really good technique then!"
"UGH!" Joy was gagged with her ball gag and seated next to Joyce.
"How did you?" Joyce asked in surprise.
"Just technique. Seriously. No magic," Sera shrugged.
"Let's do this!" Hannah looked at Bridget.
"This'll be fun!" responded the opposition, "I've heard about you!"
"You know the rules! Go!" Jenny said.

Bridget and Hannah were quite the match for each other. Bridget had size and strength, but Hannah had experience in technique. They rolled around a lot, but Bridget's endurance prevailed in defeating Hannah.

While this occurred, Jenny quietly shoved Sera deep again the couch cushions and put Irish-8's on her wrists before using her own ball gag on her. She quickly gagged Joyce with her own ball gag. Jenny then used Joyce's cuffs on herself and gagged herself with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief.

"I win, but you're a real fighter. That was so much freaking fun!"
"That was fun!"
"MMMM!" came from the chorus.
"Well... ummm... what happened?"
"MMM!" the three pointed at Jenny.
"Heh heh!" Jenny shrugged.
"Bad girl! Oh, I just love all of you!"

There was an abundance of love in this house.


"A few ropes, some bandanas, and dirty socks... a lock though... my suitcase!" Janie talked aloud to herself.

Janie had found instructions on how to tie yourself up, for which reason she had brought three ropes because she feared more would be detected. She had failed to provide a gag for herself besides her foul used socks.

Janie set up her ankles with one rope and her waist/crotch with another. She wedged a dirty sock in her mouth and gagged herself with the black bandana she had brought for this. She tied one of her American flag bandanas above her eyes. Then, with difficulty, following the instructions, she bound her wrists... when she was done, she just had to undo the lock. She pushed the blindfold over her eyes by rubbing against the floor on which she lay.

Janie was one clever girl. She was a happy girl too. Oh, how happy she was.
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Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 217: A Very Pleasant Surprise
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Janie woke up still in her predicament although she had spat out the gag. Wristbands would be needed today to hide the rope marks! Thankfully, Janie brought plenty of these sorts of things.


"Serafina, wake up!" Joy whispered and shook her awake in class.
"Are you OK?"
"Tired... I was up all night texting Emilio."
"Oh... how is his injury recovering?"
"Pretty good. He'll be playing this season."
"Just two more weeks!"
"Yep," said the happy but tired girl who was adorned with a red kerchief bandana to accompany her blue jeans and red polo shirt.
"Good reason to be tired."
"The best!"


"Brigida, can we sneak away?" Roberto asked her.
"What? Why?"
"I need to go to Minneapolis Airport."
"For what?"
"My brother Emilio is visiting Sera on his way to Columbus."
"Get rid of her until I tell you to release her. OK."
"When's he arrive?"
"7 PM."
"OK! I'll get my keys and bring them to you. Stay here."

When she returned, she handed her keys to Roberto.

"See you."
"Bye!" Bridget gave him a kiss.


"Sera, it's time for a snack," Bridget said later as they sat in the dorm... it was about 3PM.
"I found some red duct tape."
"Oh?" Sera perked up from her sleepiness.
"Time for a naughty to find trouble!"
"Brigida!" Sera giggled as tape wrapped her wrists and then her waist in the way she loved.
"I love you Sera!"
"You sure do!" her elbows and then above and below her breasts became encased in the red stickiness.
"I'm glad you're my friend."
"I'm glad you're mine too!"
"But now!" Bridget wrapped Sera's legs from ankles to knees.
"It's so tight and sticky! I love it! I love the duct tape so much!"
"I know you do."
"I can't explain it in words."
"It's fine!" Bridget wrapped from thighs to waist.
"Are you done yet?"
"I can't wait."
"Neither can I."
"Oh boy!"
"Oops. A sneaker fell off. Ooohh... red socks, Serafina?"
"Yes indeed!"
"Such a clever girl. Oops... the other fell off."
"Oh, no."
"Sera, your socks came off your feet!"
"My... hee hee... ticklish feet!"
"Shut up girl!"
"AUGH!" Sera's gross socks gagged her.
"Silence!" Bridget added a vicious red bandana cleave gag.
"Stop it!"
"Seal those in!"
"MMmMMMMMM!" Sera got 8 layers of red tape that reduced her to "mmmmm"
"I even found red vet wrap!"

Bridget only did 6 wraps... two around her face, three around her chin and head, and another around her face. It was about adding more gag on top of the tape gag that was on top of the bandana gag that was on top of the sock gag. The process knocked her kerchief off onto the bed next to her.

"I love your eyes."
"Mmmm," Sera mewed.

Bridget gleefully took selfies, photos, and films of Sera's situation. Joyce said nothing as there was too much fun in their dynamic, but she eventually spoke.

"I love watching you two."


"Joy, what do I look like?"
"A Gangsta Princess?"
"A pirate?"
"No, silly! Look at me!"

Joy, who was wearing a pink skirt, a brown t-shirt, and a pink bandana headband and looked at Jenny. There, she saw herself, sort of. Jenny was wearing a pink skirt, a brown t-shirt, and a pink bandana headband.

"Shhhh! I just got out of the shower. Let's go kidnap Hannah."
"Oh, OK. I get your devious motives now."
"Pink Bandana Gang attack! Caleigh said she's bored and coming over and might bring Carrie too."
"Oh, nice! Let's get our Hannah Bandana."

Poor Hannah. She had just finished a phone call with her mother, and wow was she bright in her orange sweatpants, blue t-shirt, and orange kerchief bandana. She had made a call home since she was caught up on homework thanks to Caleigh's help.

Joy and Jenny just casually walked into the room where Hannah was sitting at her desk. She was finishing an online submission when they arrived. Jenny said nothing as she clamped a hand over Hannah's mouth, and the victim-to-be looked up at her friends.

"Hmmm!" she smiled under her friend's hand.
"Feel like being kidnapped by the Pink Bandana Gang?"
"Mmm hmm!"

Hannah was bound and gag in her favorite way. Crossed wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs with her gag being a sock, a blue bandana cleave gag, and strips of gray duct tape. Hannah's eyes betrayed her happiness as she was laid on the couch and again when Jenny and Joy donned pink bandana masks for selfies and then filmed and photographed their hostage. Jenny narrated.

"Girls, Hannah Bandana has been taken hostage."
"You know the routine. We want six thumbs down comments on this to show that there's a strong disapproval."
"Or poor Hannah will stay like this for God knows how long."
"You have an hour!"
"MMMMM!" Hannah shook as an orange bandana blindfolded her.
"There!" Joy said.
"She's so happy."
"I love this girl so much," Joy gave her a hug, "She's stolen a part of me just like you and Nichole did."
"God has blessed you with friends, Joy."


"Man, this is exhausting. It's a mix of being on display and training regimens. All in hopes of being one of 2 girls chosen to be the starting and backup shortstops."
"Don't give up Janie unless... the thought makes you unhappy."
"It's just overkill. I want the reward, but do I want it that much?"
"What would make you happy?"
"Dad, really, what would make me happy is to be in Florida with you or back at school with my friends. I got half of one of those things though!"
"Well, what would you like for dinner?"
"If we can find dinner with this being the same week as NASCAR! I'd love to get a decent burger."
"Sorry, no Steak 'n' Shake."
"Let's hit a steakhouse then."
"All right!"


"Hey, Allie!"
"I had to come see. I'm not busy for once! Oh, there she is! The little Italian girl all taped up."
"Before you get any ideas, I have a commitment not to get tied up today. For my boyfriend."
"Oh, all right, hi, Joyce!"
"Well, then maybe I could get it?"
"Oh, for sure! What would you like? Rope? Wire? Tape like Sera?"
"Let's go for tape! Then I feel at one with my teammate slash coach!"

Allie was frightfully comfortable in even chilly weather, much like Jenny. Today she wore navy blue sweatpants and a grey tanktop. Bridget gleefully used grey duct tape to imprison the freshman in a similar fashion to Sera. But then came the big question.

"Sera is gagged with the socks she was wearing before."
"Mmmmm!" Sera mewed happily as she struggled on her bed.
"Ummm...," Alyssa seriously considered this, "I can't explain it to my roommate... now's the time to start!"
"That's the spirit!"
"This'll be a new experience."
"Best way to look at it. No guarantee you will like it!"
"Here goes!"
"Tasty snack!"
"AUGH!" Allie grimaced while Bridget tightly cleave gagged her with a navy blue bandana.
"Got that?"
"This'll hold it in!" Bridget added 8 layers of grey duct tape.
"Say 'Cheese!'"
"EWWWW!" Allie said as Bridget took a selfie before filming and photographing her.
"Just don't forget about Sera's visitor!" Joyce reminded her.
"I haven't!"


"Carrie and Caleigh! Start with 'C' and end with 'ee'!" Joy laughed as she invited them in.
"This is sort of true," said Carrie thoughtfully.
"Except your 'i' comes before the 'e' and my 'i' has a 'gh' after."
"What brings you here?"
"Well, Hannah certainly looks interesting. Maybe she could use company. These two would make a colorful journal entry!"

Carrie was brightly colored with pink leggings and a lime green shirt... and, off course, a fake foot. Joy surveyed this prospect, and Jenny thought for a second and then spoke up.

"I have an idea!"
"I hope it's fun!"
"It will be!"

Jenny roped Carrie's arms into a boxtie with a crotch rope and a breast harness before roping her lower and upper thighs. She then rolled up the legs of the victim's leggings.

"I'll tape your lower legs."
"That's how my brothers do it!" Carrie said as her legs were duct taped from her knees to her fake foot, "It's fun getting new shoes and watching the employees horror when they either touch it or see it come off."
"You've made a gold mine out of a tragedy!"
"Now shut up!"
"MMMMM!" Carrie was gagged with an orange rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief.
"I have something to make Caleigh's drawing different."
"What's that?" Caleigh asked as Jenny walked away.
"You'll see!"
"Here it is!"
"Huh?" asked the victim.
"A colorful blindfold."
"MMmm!" Carrie was blindfolded with Jenny's tie-dye bandana.
"Artist, have fun!"


"Mmmmm!" Sera continued on her bed.
"UGH!" growled Alyssa on the floor.
"MMMM!" Sera continuously mewed while her eyes sparkled like diamonds.

Finally, around 6:30PM, after about 2.5 hours of imprisonment for her, Bridget blindfolded Sera with a red bandana. Sera took even greater joy in her amazing and sticky prison. It was impossible to describe just how much she loved being tied up, gagged, and blindfolded. Even her gag talk oozed happiness.

"UGH!" Allie continued as she received a grey bandana blindfold.

Allie, too, loved being tied up, gagged, and helpless. She squealed and grunted on the floor and let out the loudest cries she could muster. She had a real passion for being tied up like this. For her, tighter was better as were bigger gags. However, she also realized that it was most fun to keep things safe and occasional... to make it even more of a treat!


"That was so good. Thanks, Dad. Oh, I'm so full I can barely talk."
"That was a big burger for sure!"
"Let's go up there and watch the sunset," Janie pointed to a balcony type spot.
"As you wish."
"That line... comes one of my favorite movies."
"I know."

Once up there, it was easy to watch the sun set slowly while none of the passers-by below were aware. Janie squeezed herself tightly against her father and started crying a little.

"I love you so much, Daddy... after the last few months, there's no one I'd rather share this moment with than you."
"You'll always be my little girl."


"Caleigh is so talented," Jenny couldn't believe her skills.
"I know."
"Say, you two, stand over there and put an arm around each other. I'll immortalize you two as well!"
"Really! Awesome sauce!"

Jenny and Joy stood side-by-side with an arm around each other. The grins on their faces beamed with the love that their friendship had brought to themselves and their friends.


"Why'd you let me go so soon?" Sera whined as she pulled the last bit of tape off her.
"Because there's a surprise for you, and I wanted you to have time to recover from it."
"Quit being a baby, Serafina!" Bridget put the tape and vet wrap in a trash bag
"All right," Sera grabbed her bandana and flipped her head over.
"You'll be glad."
"OK, OK... I get it...," Sera knotted the kerchief and flipped her head over.
"Yeah," Sera smiled.

They went outside and sat and talked... at least 30 minutes passed, enough time for most of the proof of her struggle to go away. They talked mostly about Peter and her family. Soon, two figures came up the walkway.

"Hey, Sera, it's Roberto."
"Oh, it is, and it's... IS THAT! EMILIO!" Sera took off running.
"Calm down!" Roberto laughed.
["Oh, my God, it's you! Oh, my beloved big brother!"] Sera jumped up at her oldest sibling.
["Serafina, beautiful little angel!"]
["It's so good to see you! Why are you here?!"]
["I'm here for tonight and tomorrow... MLS begins in two weeks, and I wanted to see you before I head to Jersey for a week."]
["I love you so much. You've always taken care of me,"] Sera was crying.
["You're a big baby!"] Roberto teased.
["Gianni and Umberto are the big babies,"] Sera quipped back.
"Um... Hi?" Bridget said awkwardly.
"Emilio, Emilio, put the girl down... I have someone to introduce you to here."
"This, this is the girl who stole my heart away. Meet my sweet Bridget."
"A pleasure to meet you. Roberto talks about you more than himself."
"A pleasure to meet the man who encouraged my best friend to be the amazing friend, sister, and mother she is."
"You've done as much for her from what I understand. Our family is glad to have you."
"I...," Bridget blushed.
"We all love you Brigida!" Sera, still crying, grabbed her friend in a tight hug.
"Come, let's call home before it's too late."
"Oh, Benny's in bed already," Bridget said.
"I mean Mom and Dad... so they can see how happy we are."
"OK, bro," Emilio smiled.
"Then we can get dinner and stuff," Sera remarked.
"And laugh and talk the night away. Let's not leave Jenny out."
"Brigida... you'll make a fine Randaccio... in fact, you're already one for Sera's sake."
"Awwwwww! I'm so blessed!"

Bridget was feeling more and more each and every day... that Roberto was the man for her. She was so special to each of these Randaccios just like she was to each of her Sjaastad family.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 218: Gang War 2
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"Sera, your brother is so nice!" Jenny said in the class the next morning.
"He's so amazing... isn't he?"
"He's awesome!"
"I should have named Benny after him... but he's Benny's godfather instead."
"Awww. Sera, you are so sweet!"
"I feel bad Joyce didn't get to come last night."
"That's Bridget's fault for kidnapping Allie."
"Yeah, in a small way... but Joyce and Roberto and I are going to have lunch with him later."
"When's his flight?"
"Maybe tonight we can have another Gang War then. I'll get Nichole over for it too."
"Sounds good."


"Oh, what a day," Nichole groaned as she walked away from her lab.

The girl was wearing a white kerchief bandana with white sweatpants and a navy blue hoodie. At the moment, she wanted a cup of hot chocolate, her husband in one arm, Jenny in the other, and under a thick quilt. She didn't need the hot chocolate... and Jenny would have to be bound and gagged.

Today was a horrible day as Nichole was using her crutches yet again. Sub zero weather had crippled her once more, and life was difficult until a kind-hearted security guard offered to drive her to Jenny's.

"You're Nichole, right?"
"Yes, that's right! How do you know?"
"I'm the officer that helped you when the football player attacked you."
"Well, that's why I'm limping. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir... to meet the man who saved my life."


"Nichole, Gangsta Queen!" Jenny hugged her friend and helped her inside.
"Security gave me a lift. Guess who?"
"Who? Johnson?"
"Nope, Lowell."
"He... was the one that found me when Eric attacked me."
"Wow...," Jenny thought about that day.


"Bye, Emilio. Mwah! I love you!" Sera kissed her brother goodbye at the airport.
"See you at graduation?"

"Let's go!" Sera said as she got back in the passenger seat of Bridget's car.
"Your brother is so nice!" said Joyce, the driver.
"He is!" agreed Roberto!
"Oh, stop it! Thanks for asking me and Peter to have lunch with you two!"
"My pleasure!" Sera grinned.


"Hey, Hannah Bandana!" Nichole greeted the occupant of her former bed.
"Hey, Gangsta Queen!"

Hannah was wearing her own white sweatpants, a black sweatshirt, and a white bandana headband with her ponytail held by a black scrunchie. Then it became apparent that Jenny was wearing her all camouflage leggings, t-shirt, and bandana headband with her braid held by a brown scrunchie. Joy had her blue skirt, long-sleeve t-shirt, and kerchief bandana.

So typical of them.

"I suspected we'd have an odd number, so I contacted someone we haven't heard from in a while," Joy smiled.


"Come on, Bridget, let's go to the Gang War!" Joyce grinned.
"All right. Sera, did you really wear your new skirt just for Emilio?"
"Yes, I did," Sera commented on the new black skirt with pink rose flowers, which she wore with a black t-shirt and a solid black kerchief bandana, "My best for Milio."
"You're a sweetheart."
"Let's go, tough stuff."

Bridget was in blue jeans and a blue-and-black flannel long-sleeve button-up shirt. Joyce had just blue jeans and a black polo. It was time for some real TUGs.


"Janie call incoming! Hey, Janie!" Jenny answered the video call.
"Hi, girls! How are my favorite roommates?!"
"Great! How about you?"
"Well, one shortstop I think wants to have a hit put on me; one of the centerfielders wants to just hit on me. My father is the sweetest kindest father ever. It's pretty interesting."
"Are you happy though?"
"Yes, I am happy with it."
"Are you looking forward to coming home?"
"You are so badly missed. We've done TUGs, but they're lonely without you."
"It's good to be loved!"


"Hi... Joy," the girl at the door anxiously shuffled her feet.
"Hey, Nat, come in! I've not heard from you in a while, and you hadn't answered me."
"I've been sorting out... my problems."
"And did you?"
"Yeah... but I didn't think anyone would have me back anyway."
"Natalie, get in here. You've never been treated to a healthy dose of forgiveness. I invited you over for TUGs!"
"I'm just happy that you actually invited me over for anything."
"Well, come join the came."

Natalie, wearing dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt, joined the part to make it an even number now.


After much discussion, it was decided to wrestle off in the following pairs.

Nichole & Hannah, for both wearing white bandanas.
Joyce & Natalie, for both wearing black shirts with blue jeans
Joy & Bridget, for both wearing blue shirts
Jenny & Sera, for... being Gangsta's that like the color red... because no other reason was found.

One team would be Jenny, Bridget, Joyce, and Hannah just because they wanted different teams from before. The rules were the same, but now the loser would be completely tied up as the winner wished.

"Are you two ready?" Joy asked Nichole and Hannah.
"As ready as I can be," Nichole shrugged knowing doom was inevitable.
"Then go!"

Hannah destroyed Nichole in an instant and had her wrists handcuffed behind her. The cold weather left Nichole absolutely powerless, but she wanted to be tied up anyway.

"Did you even try?" asked Hannah.
"Yes, just that it's so cold out that everything is sore. Go ahead and tie me up; it won't hurt me!"

Hannah then used ropes to bind Nichole's elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs. Nichole was gagged with a sock, a navy blue bandana, and strips of white tape, and then she was blindfolded with a pale blue bandana. Hannah masked herself with a white bandana for selfies before filming and photographing her victim. This occurred during the second round of Joyce vs. Natalie.

"Hi," Natalie shuffled her feet a little.
"Come on... I thought we were friends... we had so much fun in the sorority house together!"
"Give me your best! Have fun! It's a game, Nat! Let's do it!"
"Umm...," Natalie said before a grin slowly came across her face, "All right."

Natalie and Joyce began to wrestle. Natalie was a tiny thing, maybe shorter than Jenny, but she was spunky. When asked to push, she was glad to oblige and give a solid effort. At different moments, it seemed one would win, but they weren't able to finish the contest so soon. They took turns in the lead, and laughter filled the air.

"There!" Joyce finally took down her opposition.
"That!" Natalie paused to breathe between laughs, "was so much fun!"
"Time to be quiet!"
"Mmmm!" the girl was gagged with Joyce's forest green ball gag.
"We'll keep it simple!"

Joyce only tied above and below Nat's breasts and at her ankles and thighs. She sat for selfies and filmed and photographed the happy young girl. After that she added a pink bandana blindfold.

"See, TUGs are a lot of fun even without bondage involved!"
"MMMMM!" Nat nodded.

Joy & Bridget just looked at each other helplessly as they knew that this was a doomed effort. Sure enough, Joy was able to out-wrestle Bridget for a long-while, but eventually the blue Gangsta Girl was cuffed.

Rope bound Joy's elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. Her gag was an orange rubber ball threaded with a blue bandana, and her blindfold was a purple bandana. Bridget happily took photos and films of the girl and selfies with her.

"Last round," Sera and Jenny, the two rope bunnies, looked at each other.
"Sera, this will be fun even if I lose."
"I was raised in the true Italian way... if I let you even have a chance."
"I'm a feisty one though! Don't underestimated me."
"Let's do it!"

Sera did underestimate Jenny, but she was right. Sera was a rower, a bakery worker, and a mother. She had strength in ways Jenny never expected. It was touch-and-go at first, but Sera prevailed and upped the ante: she bound Jenny's wrists with rope and not handcuffs.

Jenny then found ropes binding her forearms, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, feet, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs, and she was hogtied from ankles to elbows. She got a blue rubber ball threaded with a camouflage bandana and 9 layers of grey duct tape as a gag.

"Now, girls, I guess, is a good time," Sera began, "to announce our heat pump broke. But Bridge and I will have stuffies to keep us warm anyway."
"MMMMM hm hm hm!" Jenny shook her head in laughter.
"Selfie time the Cool Girls' way," Sera masked herself with a black bandana.
"MMM!" Jenny posed for the selfies before she was filmed, photographed, and blindfolded with a camouflage bandana.
"That's that, girls."
"That selfie, sweetheart, was for Gianni, so he can see how mean I am to you."
"It's torture time!"
"MMM HMM HMM HMM!" Jenny's tickle torture began.
"I think I'll just cuddle you, friend," Hannah said to Nichole, "We can cuddle under a blanket even!"
"MMMMMM!" Nichole happily responded.
"Comfy, Nat?" asked Joyce.
"Mmm hmm!"
"My helpless captive!" Bridget started ticking Joy.

Sera and Bridget were the two most ruthless ticklers. Nothing was held back, and only private parts were off limits. Jenny and Joy howled into their gags as reckless abandon was the way when being tortured by those two. It was true, though, that they loved it; Sera and Bridget loved being the victims even more.

Soon, Natalie had to go free, and some time later Nichole was retrieved by her husband without even being untied (which usually meant a pleasant night for Nichole). Joyce and Hannah helped with the torture of the two victims, but then something odd happened.

"Gah!" Bridget felt a finger in her side.
"Got you!"
"Oh yeah!"

Soon the two friends were rolling around on the floor tickling each other. They wrestled and pushed and jabbed fingers into each other. After 20 minutes, both lying on their backs side-by-side and breathing heavily. Both were grinning and looking up at the ceiling.

"Bridgie... you're the best friend I've ever had."
"And you're mine."
"How would either of you two like to be tied for bed?" Joyce asked.
"Id love it!"
"Stuffie for bed!"
"You get tied too!"

Without even changing, the two got ropes binding their wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. The two were put on the bottom bunk of the bed where Jenny normally slept. Sera and Bridget were gagged with Joy and Sera's ball gags, respectively, and tightly blindfolded with black bandanas.

Jenny and Hannah took the former's bunk, and the Joyce went with Joy in the latter's bed.

"Just like when we were teenagers," Hannah said as she cozied in next to Jenny.
"MMMMMM!" Bridget and Sera were happy.
"Just like olden days," Joyce smiled as she and Joy knew something "big girl" was coming.

As usual, everyone was happy, safe, warm, and loved.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 219: Father and Daughter
Thursday, February 22, 2018

"Mmmm!" Joy woke up Joyce in that way.
"Huh? What on earth?!"

Joy typically arose when Janie did, which was almost an hour earlier than Joyce did. Thus, Joyce was spooked awake as she was used to just arising to see Sera and Bridget having already left. She had a lot of princess in her courtesy being an only child.


"MMM!" Sera arose with a stir.
"MMM!" Bridget agreed.
"MMM!" added Jenny.
"I got you all!"

Soon the three were free, and Jenny, Sera, and Bridget soon were changed and on their way to morning workouts.

"Say, Hannah, our morning class got cancelled. Want to help me with this girl?"
"Big girl stuff."


"Well, Janie?"
"Last day, Dad! I won't miss it one bit really. If I get selected, great. I hope I never have to go through camp again though as long as I get to play on international for my country!"
"Give it your best! Your Uncle Tom and I will be watching!"
"Uncle Tom got the time out of work?"

Uncle Tom referred to Thomas Patterson, Janie's uncle and her father's big brother who now lived in Sun City. He was among the few family members Janie knew and loved. His children were all long grown though. It would be a special day.


"Joy?" Jenny asked when Joy arrived for their first class of the day.
"You OK?"
"As good as a girl who started her morning off with the royal treatment," Joyce smiled and looked at Joy.
"Oh, brother."
"Guess who's getting it later?" Joyce laughed.


"I love this!" Janie took a whack at a ball.
"Your second time here?" Uncle asked them.
"Yeah, we had a blast on Monday and thought we'd come back before we left!" Father explained.
"I haven't been to this course in years."
"How's my form, Uncle?"
"You're pretty good, Janie! Man, has she gotten big!"
"Bigger than me!"
"She's so big and strong... she's built like an extra son!"
"I'm too into Disney princesses for that!"
"When do you graduate?"
"This spring!"
"And you're how old again?!"
"Precocious girl!"
"And so full of life!" her father smiled.


"Hi, friend!" Sera visited Nichole at her workstation.

Nichole was wearing navy blue sweatpants, a pale blue long-sleeve t-shirt, and a navy blue kerchief bandana. Sera was similarly dressed in navy blue sweatpants, a white t-shirt, and a navy blue bandana headband.

"Hey! Wassup matching girl?"
"Just visiting!"
"Yes, my predicament only worsened last night!"
"Oh, Nichole! Not what I meant at all. I actually do have a question for you."
"How can we help Joy and Hannah?"
"What do you mean?"
"They're lonely and getting into trouble a lot."
"Oh, it'll pass. It's just a phase... not really the loneliness."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure," Nichole said with confidence.
"I'll catch you around, Gangsta Queen," Sera flashed fingers like a gang sign.
"Catch you too," Nichole returned it.
"I'll be the one caught I suspect."


"Dad! That was one of the coaches! They already want me to come back in June for the official roster camp!"
"Janie, stop bouncing!"
"I'm so excited! My childhood dreams are coming true!"
"Was this trip worth it then?'
"It was worth it just for the time I spent with you!"


"MMMmmmm UMMMMMMMM!" squealed Joyce.
"Good revenge for last night," smirked Jenny, the girl in the pink camouflage bandana.

Jenny stared at Joyce, who was wearing pink jeans and a blue polo shirt. The latter was bound at her ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, and breasts and hogtied from ankles to elbows; her own forest green ball gag silenced her. The former, in brown sweatpants, a red tank-top, and a pink camouflage kerchief bandana, stared in envy. Jenny felt bad being envious when Joyce and Hannah were the only ones not tied up the previous day. Nichole looked at her sister and best friend and smiled.

"Jenny, you want to be tied up?" asked Bridget quite thoughtfully.

It wasn't too often they had guests in the dorm. Today, however, they were happy to have Jenny and Nichole in their dorm as guests.
"Me? Well... I will never say no!" she laughed.
"Just be prepared to suffer!"
"Instead of a Navy Blue Bandana Gang, maybe Sera should be tied up the same way," Nichole suggested.


"Mmmmm!" moaned Hannah as she, too, was tied up. Ropes bound her wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, and waist/crotch.

Hannah knew it was coming from Joy after that morning. The yellow banana Hannah Bandana was in yellow sweatpants, a blue t-shirt, and a yellow bandana headband. Her gag was a blue rubber ball threaded with a yellow bandana and a strip of microfoam tape, and her blindfold was a blue bandana.

"Face it, Hannah... you're 100% straight... except for me and my sister... and I'm the same toward you... either that or we just have a really special friendship like Nichole and Jenny and just don't know the difference after too many times helping each other j*rk 0ff."
"Let's find out which it is."


Jenny was tied in a St. Andrew's cross on Bridget's bed while Joyce squealed on her bed. Likewise, Sera was tied similarly on her bed. Both were gagged with an orange rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief. The two looked at each other before the torment began.

Nichole had Sera, and Bridget had Jenny. Bridget knelt on the bed between Jenny's legs while Nichole sat next to Sera. It was time... Nichole and Bridget had taken films and videos, naturally.

"Would you like a blindfold?"
"Nnn!" Sera shook her head.
"Mmm!" Jenny nodded hers.
"Same or nothing," Bridget demanded.
"Mmmm!" Jenny nodded then.
"Very well!"
"AH HA HA HA!" filled the air.

Tied, gagged, and tickled... by people you love... hard to beat that.


"Well, here's the end of our last day together."
"Dad, you keep saying you can't make up for the past, but I believe you have."
"Have I?"
"It just took you a long time to say you love me, but you've always shown it in little ways. I'm proud to be your daughter."
"This week you made me a proud father. Mostly with what you did off the field."
"I love you Daddy!" she hugged her father tightly and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I will always be your little girl."
"And I will always be 'Daddy' to you, won't I?"
"Oh, yes, you will be!"


"Let's remain j*rk 0ff buddies," Joy said afterwards as they were a bit undone, "But it was fun to try something new, wasn't it?"
"Oh... mmm hmm," Hannah agreed 100% as her lungs heaved up and down from exhaustion.
"Almost 9PM and still no Jenny. Man, those two are mean!"
"Want a little more treatment?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"OK! We can still have super big girl fun we wouldn't do with others! We have that kind of trust!"
"That's why I like you so much... you remind me of my hero... Zoe."


"Mmm mmm mmm," Sera and Jenny were so wet with sweat that their clothes were discolored. Their lungs heaved with incredible energy, but their movements were slow and lifeless.
"MWAH!" both captors gave 'girlfriend kisses' to both of their captives.
"I've got to go!" Nichole said, "It's been so much fun though! Good night girls!"
"Good night, Nichole!"
"Let's free you three!"


"Trent, it's been amazing! He's such a good daddy!"
"He is. Psst... look at your little niece with her mother."
"Oh, she's so cute! I can't wait to meet her!"
"Soon, Janie, soon."
"Hi, 'Manda!"
"Hey," Amanda shrugged.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm not talking about it."
"Amanda... you're still one of my best friends, if not my bestie. Even after 3 years up here I still send you 20 texts a day."
"No, no, Janie, you don't get," Trent explained, "It's post-partum depression."


"Is Hannah asleep?" asked Jenny when she returned.
"And you?"
"Still working on homework."
"How was it? You never get to be with those three like that."
"It was great. I love being tied up so much!"
"Jenny, it's good having you as a best friend. Even without TUGs, you'd be still nearly everyone's favorite person."
"I try to be loving."
"You usually succeed."
"Give me a hug!"

The thought of this ending in just 3 months was heart-breaking to more than one of this group, but they knew their love for each other was that of true lasting friendship.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hafnermg »

That was a lot to catch up on, and I enjoyed it all. It's good to everyone on the mend! Can't wait to see what games they play next! Know this family I can't wait t9 see what they get up to for graduation! I don't think they will have anything to worry about after graduation because as long as they love each other and want to see each other again they will.
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 220: Welcome Home Gangsta Jock
Friday, February 23, 2018

"Goodbye, Dad... I love you... see you at a game soon?"
"Yes... bye dear!"

With that, Janie went into the airport. For her flight back, she was the red girl: sneakers, socks, sweatpants, t-shirt, underwear, bra, scrunchie holding her braid, and bandana headband.


"Oh, stop it Caleigh! You'll be safe back there with Jenny and Joyce!" Lauren snapped at her.
"EEEEEEEEEEEK GUH HUH HUH!" Caleigh sobbed in frustration.

Stealing a page from Nichole's book, Lauren had stuffed Caleigh inside a suitcase, which wasn't easy given that she was several inches taller than Jenny. Caleigh had been fiendishly bound with rope at her wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs; they had even pulled socks over her arms first. She was blindfolded with a black bandana and heavily gagged: a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief and 8 layers of grey duct tape. Worse, Lauren and Joyce had done this to her after a workout, so she was already drenched in sweat and wearing black trainers and a matching black t-shirt.

"It's fun!" Jenny encouraged her.

Jenny was in red just for Janie: red sweatpants, red t-shirt, and solid red kerchief bandana. The whole escapade had been her idea, but Joyce and Lauren had made it a reality. Her words did provide some level of comfort to Caleigh, who tried to convince herself that it was all in fun.

"We didn't mean to make you upset, Cay! Honest!" Joyce added, "You know we love you!"

Joyce was in blue jeans and a red-and-black plaid flannel button-up shirt with a red bandana headband. Today was all about Janie, and she was celebrating in Janie's style as well... as best she could. Joyce's comment further helped Caleigh to just enjoy the wild adventure.

"You buckled in?"
"Let's roll!"

Lauren was in an increasingly tight match of Joyce's. She had blue jeans, a red-and-black plaid flannel button-up shirt, and a red bandana headband, but her hair was in a bun held by a black scrunchie.

They were all red to show their love for Janie.


Even Sera was red for Janie. She had a red skirt, a white blouse, and a red kerchief bandana as she had been to mass earlier that day and wanted to look her best for it.

"Hi, Roberto," Bridget scooted comfortably next to her boyfriend in a booth at dinner.
"Hey, Bridgie," Sera greeted her.
"Hi Sera."
"Hi, cutie," Roberto smiled at her.
"What are you fantasizing about, you two?"
"We were discussing TUGs. Brother might be joining us because he hasn't gotten to tie me in a while."
"Jealousy... every kidnaps my sister except me!"
"I like your spirit of fun!"
"I think so too!"
"What's the chatter about?" Joy joined the party.
"Roberto wants to kidnap me and tie me up in your apartment for Janie to find.
"We could all be tied up and helpless in my apartment for Janie to find!"
"Look, if we're going to call this a kidnapping... I want to be surprised and kidnapped," Sera explained.
"We'll work it out. Trust us," Bridget assured her.


"MMMMMMM!" Caleigh moaned in the suitcase as the SUV sat in the airport while they waited for Janie.
"Tracker says the plane is late," Lauren shrugged.
"Mmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmm!" Caleigh was singing.
"It would be funnier if she were naked," Joyce giggled.
"I'm not volunteering," Jenny said while shaking her head, "Only for Nichole or Gianni."
"That's an idea!"
"No way! Quit picking on me because I'm a cute, little, short, thin, athletic, sweet, loving, innocent, intelligent, tough, Godly, sexy bandana-wearing gangster girl and a rope bunny!"
"Wow...," Lauren slowly nodded and smiled.
"Jenny, I'm not going to tie you up, but..."
"Hey... Joyce... stomph!"
"Quit fighting me!"
"What on earth is happening?"
"I always keep a padlock with my ball gag just in case."
"MMMMMMM!" Jenny picked at the forest green ball gag that was tightly locked on her head.
"Be glad you can barely see out these windows during the day!"
"I am glad!"
"So cute!" Joyce took a picture of Jenny.
"MMMM!" came from the suitcase.
"Be glad I don't have any Irish-8s on me!"


"Trenton... it's been so long... I'm ready finally."
"Ready for what?"
"I want to be tied up for real. TUG... nothing relationship... but fun between you and I."
"All right, dear. Get in something comfortable. This will be fun to finally do again besides watching you or I kidnap Ashley or the rare opportunity my sisters!"
"Dad was so happy. I haven't seen so happy before this past month."
"He's a grandpa and spent a week loving his daughter. Things are looking up in spite of the problem's with your mother."
"They really are."
"Come on... I'm EXCITED!"


"And that's Peter in a nutshell," Sera explained to Joy as she and Bridget walked back to the apartment.
"He sounds like the perfect guy for you."
"He is so far!"
"Say, Joy, we have to get you in something red!" Bridget noted.
"Hannah, you, and I never wear red anything. It looks lousy on us!"
"I still borrowed one of Sera's red t-shirts!"

Bridget indeed was in blue jeans and a red t-shirt, and she even added a red bandana headband after they left the dining hall. Sera, Janie, and Jenny had so many of the red bandanas at their disposal... Joy, on the other hand, was in a purple skirt, a pink shirt, and a purple bandana headband.

"Come on! Do it! For Janie!" Bridget pushed.
"Oh, all right... I have something red from high school I use as a painting shirt."
"Where's Sera?" Joy asked as she was unlocking the door to the apartment.

Meanwhile, back in Joy's car, to which Joy had lent Roberto the keys, a battle took place in the back seat.

"EEEEMMMMM!" Sera squealed in the darkness as she was kidnapped with her beloved red duct tape.

The beloved sticky red stuff bound her in the usual way: wrists and waist in one, elbows and above and below her breasts in one, ankles to knees in one, thighs to waist in one. Her own red socks were in her mouth under a red bandana cleave gag. The red bandana was under 8 layers of red duct tape. A red bandana blindfolded her. Cotton was stuffed in her ears. Finally, her mouth, eyes, and around her head in all sorts of directions were under thickly and horribly tightly wound red vetwrap with only some of her hair and her nose visible.

Sera kicked and squealed and fought in the darkness of the car, but soon she was just her brother's captive to helplessly carry into the apartment.


"JANIE!" Joyce ran out to greet her friend.
"Hey, Joyce! What's this silliness?!"
"You look like a mini me!"
"Just showing you how much I love you!"
"Aw, Joyce, you're such a blob of sugar!"
"Don't say that word! My insulin might go wonky! Come on, get your bags in the trunk!"
"All right!"
"I hear the sound of a gagged girl!"
"Yes! And you get shotgun!"
"All right!"

Janie ran around to the front passenger seat and climbed in.

"What is this?!"
"Mmmm!" came a moan from the sleeping bag.
"UGH!" Jenny groaned and showed the padlocked gag.
"You should take her home and lock her in the dresser. Then she'll be effectively bound and gagged!" Lauren joked.
"Nah, I'm going to tie her up so that she can't move and sleep with her as my cuddle toy!" Janie smiled.
"MMMm ll ah nn oh uh ah!" Jenny was agreeable with that.
"Who's in here?"
"Sounds like Caleigh."
"It is!"
"Why did you do that to her?" Janie laughed.
"To be silly!" Joyce explained.


"You ready?" Trenton asked Amanda.
"Bring it!"
"Gotcha!" Trenton grabbed her

Amanda was so happy to be back to wearing purple trainers and a matching purple t-shirt like before baby. Ropes bound her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. A blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief gagged her; she was hogtied from ankles to elbows; and she was blindfolded with a purple bandana.

"Mmmmm!" Amanda was happy.
"This will make my sisters happy to see!"
"Mmm hmm!"


"Nice job, Roberto!" Bridget congratulated him as he brought in the helpless Serafina and laid her on the floor.
"Thank you! Where're the other two?"
"Mmmmm!" Bridget was grabbed by her boyfriend and had her face buried deep in the sofa.

Bridget was wired into a ruthless boxtie with a breast harness and a crotch wire. Sera's ball gag gagged her, and more wire bound her ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. Her blindfold was a red bandana, and she was hogtied from ankles to harness.

"MMMMMM!" Bridget yelled.
"I love you so much," he kissed her on the cheek.
"Ah uv ooh oo! Ow eh ee oh!"
"No chance!"
"What's keeping you other two? I have a plan!"
"I was texting a friend!" Joy said as she exited in a red t-shirt and matching red bandana headband.
"I got a call from my mother!" Hannah exited from the room she shared with Jenny in blue jeans, an old red t-shirt, and a red kerchief bandana.
"Here's the plan!"


"MMM!" Amanda was so happy to be tied up again.
"It's good to have TUGs back, isn't it?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"Maybe someday baby Janie will play too!"
"Ah unh oh!"


"It's good to be back with you all!" Janie said with a big grin on her face.
"MMMMM!" moaned the happy, bagged Caleigh.
"Here you kids are. Stay safe and happy, and keep the girl. I packed a change for her!"
"MMM!" Jenny made a thumbs up to Lauren.
"Good night, sis!"
"Good night y'all!"

Joyce, Jenny, Janie, and Caleigh (sort of) walked up to the apartment door and opened it. Inside pure darkness, but it was permeated by moans of gagged girls. They hadn't even turned the light on yet when Jenny and Joyce disappeared into the darkness and were dragged into Hannah and Joy's cars, respectively. In the night, after 9PM, on a college campus like this, it's easy to find long enough gap to do this, especially when the victim so quickly knows what is happening.

Both girls received royal treatment. Jenny was duct taped like Serafina except she got white tape. The padlocked gag only made her an easier target than Hannah had expected. She was taped with white tape, and so she received white handkerchiefs as an OTM gag and a blindfold.

Joyce was wired like Bridget: boxtied arms, breasts, crotch, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, and hogtie. Her gag was a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana, and her blindfold was a red bandana.

"MMMM!" Joyce yelled at Roberto from Joy's car.
"UGH!" Jenny moaned at Hannah.
"Got yours?"

"Oh, hi girls!" Janie innocently said when she saw Sera, Bridget, and Joy after turning on the light.

Joy was in a chair and fastened tightly. Her wrists and elbows were tied behind her, and her ankles were fastened to the chair legs. Her thighs were tied together, and she was pinned with a breast harness and waist rope. Her gag was a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana, and her blindfold was a purple bandana.

"Jenn, Joyce look. Girls?!"
"Sera's happy as a lark, so someone's playing a prank on me!"
"MMMM!" Hannah hopped into the apartment followed by Jenny, Joyce, and Roberto.

Hannah was roped at her ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, wrists, forearms, elbows, waist/crotch, and breasts. Her gag was a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana, and her blindfold was a red bandana.

"What is all this?"
"Welcome home, Janie!" Roberto laughed as the door shut behind him.
"You celebrated my return by dressing in red and getting kidnapped? You girls are so silly and loving!"
"It was mostly my idea. First, Sera wanted to be tied up, and planned to grab Joyce and Jenn. But then we lost control and eventually everyone was tied up!"
"Sera has bare feet!"
"She can't hear you."
"Bridget's so freaking happy!"
"She sure is!"
"Joy's wishing she could see me and say hello!"
"Caleigh's in this suitcase!"
"Oh, brother!"
"What's Jenny's story?"
"Somehow Joyce wedged that gag on her and padlocked it."
"For real. So much red! I've... never... felt so loved by you all. I guess now's time to share the two bits of happy news I have."
"Go ahead."
"First, I got invited to come back for the real summer camp in Houston this summer to see if I make the final cut. Second, you've all been clueless... I started a new anti-depressant two weeks ago and have felt wonderful!"
"Good good!"
"Oh, my God, I have to get selfies and stuff with all these amazing girls! Oh, wow, I am... you love me so damn much!"
"I'll let you be now... you have a good night, Janie!"
"You two! Oh, this is so much excitement!"

When she calmed down, Janie checked with Sera, the only one with a stuffed gag. She carefully undid the many layers, and Sera spat them out.

"That is so inteMMMMMM!" she didn't get to finish, but she was happy as the blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana gagged her too. Sera's face was wrapped tightly in 9 fresh layers of duct tape, and then the cotton and vet wrap returned to their rightful places around her head.

"Safe Bridget?"
"MMmmm hmmmm!"
"Let's undo the hogtie!" Janie said before giving Bridget a hug and a kiss.

In fact, Janie undid all the hogties where applicable and gave each girl a hug and a kiss. She loved them so much.

"Oh, you got brutally treated!" Janie pulled her out of the suitcase.
"Oh," Janie yawned, "One more selfie!"
"Now you can do your escape stuff."

And the Gangsta Jock passed out from the excitement and fell asleep on the sofa while surrounded by Jenny, Joyce, Bridget, and Caleigh. Never in her life had she felt like she mattered more to any of them.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 221: Bridget's Moment
Saturday, February 24, 2018

"UGH!" Caleigh groaned as she struggled on the floor in Jenny's bedroom, where she had scooted to make her escape.

This wasn't easy though because of the head harness ball gag and the blindfold. She fought and fought in what seemed to be vain. Her struggle began shortly after 10PM, and it didn't end until after 1AM. But she had done it. In exhaustion, she slept on Hannah's bed.

The next morning, Janie woke up to groaning sounds and tried to address it. But then she realized something: she was bound and gagged. The leaden way in which she slept had been her undoing again. She moved a little and knew she had Irish-8s on her wrists. She was blindfolded with her bandana headband, and it was the head harness which gagged her.

"Hi, friend," Caleigh whispered as she took Caleigh away and laid her on Joy's bed.
"Be calm."

Caleigh roped Janie's forearms, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, feet, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, mid thighs, and upper thighs with cruel tightness. She wouldn't last long in this tie. She was hogtied from ankles to elbows, and the harness point ran to her feet to torture her further.

"UGH!" Janie groaned while Caleigh photographed and filmed her.
"This," Caleigh explained, "Is for Ken."
"I'll be back in 20 minutes. I've set a timer."

Twenty minutes was sufficient time for Caleigh to set Bridget, Joyce, Joy, and Hannah on the way to freedom. Sera and Jenny, she figured, wanted to stay tied up longer.

"Here you go!" Caleigh released Janie.
"Oh, that felt sooooo good!" Janie said after as she fixed her bandana back to its rightful spot.
"Want it back?"
"Let's do something different. Just tie my arms like they were!"
"OK!" Caleigh complied and put the Irish-8s back and roped her forearms and elbows securely but not dangerously.
"Gag me again too! Then let's video call your brother!"
"All right!"
"MMMM!" Janie greeted him.
"Hey, Cay."
"Hi, Ken!"

By the end of the call, Janie had what she wanted: a date with Ken the next afternoon.

"Mission accomplished?"
"Let's check on our friends."

Sure enough, that group was all freed and moving about. Mostly they were stretching, especially Joy. Bridget picked up Sera like the helpless damsel she was and sat on the couch with the Red Gangsta Chick, who was a sticky mess.

"NG!" came quietly from the immense wrapping.

Bridget and Sera lost 20 minutes of their day just in that. Sera was absolutely tortured by the thick wrapping around her head, but all Bridget did was remove the cotton. Otherwise, the wrap stayed.

"Girls, I have some news I want to share with you," Bridget said, "It's important for multiple reasons that need no explanation."
"Oh?" Joyce was interested in this news.
"I already have a job waiting for me when I graduate school. My local ABC station back home just happens to have their chief meteorologist retiring in June, and they can just have everyone advance one spot and slot me in at the bottom."
"Bridgie, that's wonderful!"
"OK, now... I just want to enjoy torturing this little girl here, if you don't mind. I'm enjoying it too much."
"At least take the vet wrap off."
"Good idea!" Bridget used their safety scissors to make a snip and then tore.
"MMMM! Sera was clearly overheating. Her face had sweat droplets beaded all over it.
"Are you all right?" Joyce asked as she used a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off.
"Mmm hmm."
"Would you like to be released?"
"Nnnn!" she shook her head.
"Jenny aka Miss Handkerchief Face?"
"Nuh uh!"
"Two tape toys!"

Eventually, everyone went about their days while Jenny and Sera refused to be freed. They just loved being tied, blindfolded, and gagged too much for it! They were safe, secure, and happy. Sometimes someone would tickle them a little, pull their hair, fondle them a little while goofily saying "Booooobies," or give them a hug. At lunch time, Joy gave them no choice and sliced the tape binding them.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWW!" came from both.
"What do you two do all that time?" Joy asked when all was cleaned up and as they were stretching.
"Imagine things or pray. That much time is a lot of prayers for people!"
"Randaccio and future Randaccio!"
"Brigida, I'm so happy for you!" Sera hugged her best friend.
"I'm gonna clean up and call my little boy. Anyone is free to poke their head in."

["Hi, Mama!"] Sera greeted her mother when she answered.
["Serafina, my daugher! How are you?"]
"Hi, Mama!" Benny shouted.

Bridget felt so welcome with Sera at these moments. She loved being called "future Aunt Bridget" most of all though. She was "the next Randaccio," "Roberto's/Bobby's Girl," and "Sera's best friend" among other titles. Bridget loved Sera's family.

Then it was Bridget's turn: to tell her family the good news she had been hiding for a while. Kristina was super excited that her hero was moving back in soon. Mike and Dad were proud of her.


"Now, it's time to finally finish that game!"
"I know the one!"

Bridget and Sera donned Joyce's and Sera's ball gags, respectively, and sat down to work on their classwork. It was silly indeed, but it made things so much fun for them on what would be their last Saturday before rowing consumed their weekends. Joy, after receiving their permission, joined them. Janie and Jenny happily tied them to their chairs by roping their ankles and knees to the chair legs and adding a waist rope and breast harness.

When the HW was done, Sera and Bridget found Irish-8s on their wrists and rope binding their elbows and forearms. More rope secured their arms to the back of the chair, and red bandanas blindfolded them as none of these girls had even bothered to change!

As if this wasn't enough, Roberto saw the photos and came over to be with the two girls, who were released after about 2 hours of captivity. They finally were done being tied up for real. It was dinnertime at this point, and Roberto accompanied Bridget, Sera, and Joyce back to their dorm.

Not only did the four go get dinner together, but also they got chocolate malteds afterward. It was a full blown celebration of Bridget's triumph. The only negative was that, when all was said and done, Bridget and Roberto had sneaked away and indulged themselves a bit too much, a break in their efforts to not sleep together.


"I f***ed up," Bridget walked into her dorm with tears streaming down her face.
"Sera, I'm so sorry!" Bridget sat next to her and cried into her shoulder.
"What are you talking about?"
"I had sex with your brother again. I completely failed you. I promised you and him and blew it. I'm a no good liar!"
"Bridget, don't beat yourself up over it."
"I lied to you," Bridget was inconsolable at this point as this was unacceptable when she valued honor so much.
"Brigida... I still love you."
"Bridget, don't cry. Please don't cry," Joyce tried to help.
"Don't touch me. You might turn into sluts too," Bridget got up and buried her face in her own pillow.
"Now, Bridget Sjaastad, like I didn't screw around with Matt or with Ryan? Bridget, you're reading too much into it."
"Brigida, it's good to be sorry for your sins. But don't let it come between you and good friends."
"Why do I keep falling for him like this?! I never had sex with anyone else."
"Because, Bridget, you love him."
"Sera, I'm sorry. Please forgive me."
"Of course."
"Come on, Bridgie... let's watch some Star Trek... no TUGs tonight!"
"Oh... all right," Bridget wiped her tears away.
"Bridget... maybe you need to always be with Roberto in pairs. You're too easily tempted. Do you want to be a mom in trouble like me?"
"We used protection."
"I'm not listening!" Sera and Joyce blocked their ears.
"I love you two so much! Roberto and I do need distance though."


"Hey, Joy, where were you?" Hannah asked her roommate as she entered.
"I was walking around... looking at the stars... and I ran into a friend. We talked for a while, but then I burned up all her time."
"Who is she?"
"Caleigh, ha ha! She was making a grocery run for preggy mommy and her strange cravings!"
"My sister... gonna be a momma!" Janie laughed.
"It's so exciting, isn't it?!" Jenny asked with glee.
"Oops! I just put handcuffs on Janie!" Joy said.
"Aw, darn!"

Poor Janie soon found herself bound at her elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, blindfolded by having her bandana headband slipped over her eyes, and gagged with Joy's ball gag. Her handcuffs were replaced with rope.

It was the perfect way to end an amazing day.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 222: She Was a New Person
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Janie woke up with a grunt. She was in bed and still tied and gagged. Oh, it was so fun to wake up like this. She had such an amazing day ahead of her! Church and then a date with Ken!

Joy quickly helped Janie out of her prison. While Janie showered, Joy and Hannah had a heart-to-heart.

"I'm sorry about the other day. That was basically lesbian bondage r@*e. I violated you, Hannah."
"Joy... it wasn't. I consented to it. We talked though... what's wrong."
"I promised my mother and my Lord I'd not have sex with men anymore, and instead I had it with a woman."
"Joy, you need to get past this sexual addiction then. But how?"
"I don't know. I took one step though."
"Tell me."
"Last night, I gave my vibrator to Nichole and told her not to give it back to me until graduation no matter what."
"Janie and Joyce might be disappointed."
"Joy... are you all right?" Jenny entered the room.
"Jenny?!" Joy was spooked by her.
"What's wrong?"
"Jenn... I have issues too... like Janie... only I'm going down road of doing bad things to sexually pleasure myself."
"Joy... talk to me."
"Jenny... It's just that... I still have sexual fantasies so I probably vibrate myself or get tied up and vibrated by someone else about once a week. Hannah and I had bondage sex the other day."
"Why have you buried these things so long?"
"Because Jenny I hate my life! I love my friends, and I love my family! But I hate what I have done to myself. I know there's a good person in here, but I molded myself into a sex addict! And I hate engineering... so I... didn't know what to do... so I applied to graduate school all over the place.. even meteorology school since Bridget's happy with her major. I applied to like 15 schools."
"Come here sweetheart," Jenny hugged her tightly, "Look, love, get ready for church. Today is about you."
"All right..."
"We'll talk more later. You and me will visit Nichole."
"OK, Jenny."


Janie decided to wear her blue dress with a blue kerchief bandana. It was simple like her. This week she was proud to sit with her friends and her family. Something changed in Arizona. Suddenly, the pleasures of life seemed different... life was more meaningful. Suddenly, it seemed like all had washed away, and she knew Jesus cared. Se was... happy again. It was like she was a new person, but she was still Janie Patterson with the same family, the same friends, and the girl who enjoyed playing softball and TUGs.

She was happier than she was even in those nearly care-free days of high school where she made so many memories with her sister and brother.


"Just like old times!" Nichole said happily as she let her sister and friend into her apartment.
"Nichole, it's so simple yet so homelike!" Jenny grinned with wonder.
"We tried. Chris and I spent a long-time picking out the things we need to make it cozy."
"You did great!"
"Thanks! What's ailing you, Joy?"
"*sigh* I have problems."
"Let's talk. We can talk seriously. Chris went to the T'Wolves game with some friends."
"Nichole," Joy buried her face in her hands, "I can't say it to you."
"I just can't say it to you specifically. I'm too ashamed."
"Joy, please," Jenny took her hand and held it tightly.
"Why, Jenn? I'm scum compared to you two."
"No, you're not!"
"You are NOT!"
"Nichole, I hate person I've let myself become. I hate the things I've done... and I'm finding loopholes to do them again."
"What things?"
"Sex, Nichole. That's why I brought you that last night in spite of the dangers of walking around here. Thankfully Caleigh was willing to walk with me."
"Tell me."
"I got myself to stop fooling with men... Oh, I've done it all because some feared accusations."
"So I've found loopholes. That box has my vibrator in it. Oh, sure, Janie, Joyce, Hannah, and I have had casual fun with it. But when alone I've used it to j*rk off to fantasies. So they lose out because I'm a bad girl and can't trust myself."
"Maybe Joyce should have it?"
"I'm not sure. But, it gets worse, Nichole. The other day... Hannah and I... had bondage sex. For sexual thrills."
"So what's wrong here? I don't get it?"
"Nichole, I'm addicted to sex. I can't even look at Hannah anymore because I turned her into a sex toy to feed my addiction."
"Well, what do you want?"
"Help... I need help...," Joy buried her face in a throw pillow and started sobbing.


"My two favorite people!" Caleigh said as she welcomed Ken and Janie into the house.
"Lauren, here he is! This is the man, Ken Rondell!"
"Welcome to our little home. We're tight knit around here."
"Caleigh says so much about you two... you've made her world a little happier than it already was."
"We try. She's such a lovable girl."
"She tries so hard to be lovable, so... I'm proud of my little sister!"
"You two going somewhere?"
"Just to the bowling alley. We wanted to see if Caleigh wanted to join us."
"Hannah already is!" Janie said while blushing.
"I won't spoil your time together?"
"We're fine with it. Keeps us honest and helps us see each other as we really are."
"Isn't Janie so cute?" Caleigh asked.
"I think so!" Ken laughed.


"Joy, stop crying... we're your friends."
"I don't deserve your friendship."
"I want to help you... you helped me in my need... now it's time to return the favor."
"I'm desperate. I hate what I'm doing to myself... I hate engineering so much I applied to schools to get out of the field by changing careers."
"So that's why you took the GRE!"
"Uh huh."
"What are you considering?"
"I applied for meteorology just because Bridget likes it... I was too many credits short for chemistry or the like... I looked at other kinds of engineering... being a school teacher... anything! I like working on my car, but I hate CAD, fluids, and all that craps that MEs do. I don't hate myself, but I hate the choices I've made."
"The irony! HA! Where else did you look?"
"Florida because of the Pattersons... Any weather school within a day's drive of here... I looked at civil engineering... water studies... anything to get away from mechanical engineering... I should never have come here!"
"Joy... you'll find something."
"I can't believed I screwed around with Hannah like that. I can't believe this. I can't believe anything!"
"I begged God this morning, like every day, to show me the answer to my prayers."
"Why don't you check your email?" Jenny suggested.
"Just check... maybe an answer is there."
"Yeah, right, to humor you, Jenn. I doubt there's... Oh, my goodness!"
"This professor wants me to visit and says he thinks I'd be a good fit for his lab. He wants me to visit during spring break to make sure I'd get along with him and the other students!"
"Jenny, how do you know these things?!"
"I don't know."


"Take that Rondell's!" Janie said triumphantly as she and Hannah bowled against Ken and Caleigh.
"We're not going down without a fight!"
"Yeah, but we have 4 strikes to your 1!"
"You also have 5 gutter balls to our 1!"
"Team Rondell will take down Team Bandana!"
"Yeah, right!"

In a fit irony, there was a tie. The group decided to return to the apartment where fun would come.


"I have such good friends!" an apologetic Joy hugged both Jenny and Nichole.
"Let's celebrate the way Cool Girls' always have!" Jenny said.
"By a TUG?"
"Yeah, we're kidnapping you, Joy, for being a joy in our lives! Your turn to go home in a suitcase!"

Joy, who was in a pink skirt, brown leggings, brown long-sleeve t-shirt, and a pink kerchief bandana, was tied with rope. Rope bound her simply: wrists, elbows, breasts, knees, and thighs. She was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief and blindfolded with a brown bandana.

Joy never noticed her inversion in Jenny. Jenny had a brown skirt, pink leggings, a pink long-sleeve t-shirt, and a solid brown kerchief bandana. It was so fitting that Nichole kidnapped her too. She was bound and gagged the exact same way.

Joy was jammed into a suitcase and stashed in the back seat of the car, and Jenny was stowed in the trunk. Both girls playfully squealed and shrieked as they were put away for the transportation back to their apartment. Nichole never knew ho she fit Joy in such the suitcase.

It was a noisy, but pleasantly noisy, ride to the apartment, where the process would occur in reverse. Jenny loved being Nichole's trunk captive, and Joy loved the suitcase. Now it was time for phase 2 of their kidnapping.

Nichole brought both into the house by first forcing Jenny to hop inside and then by wheeling Joy inside. Each girl was then locked inside the armoire for her respective room. Nichole then went and hid in the living room closet.


"That was so much fun... but it was more fun thanks to your presence," Janie said to Ken.
"Want to ride back in the trunk, Janie?"
"I'd love to! Me and my friend Caleigh tied together in your trunk!"

Janie and Caleigh, the latter of whom wore blue jeans and a pink t-shirt, were bound at their wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs and hogtied from ankles to elbows. Both received a black bandana blindfold. Caleigh got the red ball gag with black straps, and Janie got the black head harness with a bright green ball gag. Rope fastened their knees to floor support points so that they hadn't worry about being tossed about.

The two softball players had so much fun back there. It was them being loved by this one guy they had in common. It didn't seem real! Oh, how much they both loved Ken, TUGs, and each other!
Soon, they were being carried into the apartment. Ken held one hogtied girl each one in an arm, but soon a distinctive sound caught their attentions.

"Kidnapped roommates," Hannah said, and soon returned with both Jenny and Joy and hogtied them on the floor. Janie and Caleigh were placed next to them to make a hogtied quartet.

Joy, too, felt a new hope for her life. It didn't seem possible, but maybe God wanted her in Bridget's life still even after this first collegiate period. She had no idea that Spring Break and visiting Madison would start something special that she wouldn't notice for over a year from then.


"Roberto, I'm sorry about yesterday... It was all my fault... I'm older and should be taking more a lead in that area as a result."
"I'm sorry, too, Bridget. It's hard... I've let the attachment grow too quickly on account of Serafina."
"No more alone time for us, OK?"
"Is OK."
"You're a cute man... but, I owe you this much," Bridget gave him a big kiss on the cheek.
"What's that for?"
"I know your birthday is this week."
"Well thank you."
"You two are a perfect couple!" Sera smiled.
"No, you two are!"
"It's been a case of 'so far so good'!" Peter encouraged them all.
"It has!"


Hannah never saw Nichole exit the closet, come up from behind her, and tackle her. The attack was sudden, swift, and just enough for Hannah to get handcuffed swiftly and to be gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief. Hannah was ruing that she had changed into her blue sweat pants, matching sweatshirt, and blue bandana headband after church because it allowed Nichole to rope her feet, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, forearms, elbows, breast, and waist. She was hogtied from ankles to elbows and blindfolded with a blue bandana.

"Let's free Caleigh. She'll want to draw this scene!"
"Fair enough!"
"I've got to go!"

After Nichole left, Caleigh drew Janie first so Janie could be freed. Ken then took his leave.

"See you, Ken!" Janie gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Oh... see you... too... Janie," he blushed.
"Bye, bro!"
"Oh...," Janie sighed, "He's just... perfect!"
"And... got it photographed!"
"Oh, you!"
"It's good seeing everyone so happy again!"

Truer words couldn't be spoken. They were all happy again. Or so Hannah and Joy thought... but there'd be one last stumble before this was all resolved.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 223: The Apartment Seven
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

"Stop it!" Joyce called out in her sleep.
"Matt, no!"
"No No NOO! Don't do it! MMM!"
"Shhhh," Bridget hushed her and touched her face with an ice pack.
"Joyce, I'm here.
"Want me to scoot in next to you?"
"Would you?"
"Of course!"


"Look at y'all go!" Caleigh cheered on her friends in the machine shop where they worked on their senior project.

Sera and Jenny had, unsurprisingly, chosen to work on the school's Formula SAE car. It was the project that went best with their respective aspirations: Jenny's to work with cars, and Sera's to work for her father. They enjoyed working on this, and from here until April it would consume nearly all their free time except for the evenings. On top of this, Jenny, Janie, Caleigh, Sera, and Bridget would be losing many weekends and some weekdays to athletics beginning with this week. This meant people like Joy and Joyce had to step up to make up for their absences.

Joy, Joyce, and Peter Larosa were working on a collaborative project with the electrical engineers in making a shell for a device that was still secret. Joyce was so exhausted after the previous night that she hurt herself.

"OWWWW!" Joyce yelled loudly as a blade ripped into skin.
"Joyce?! What's wrong?" asked Peter.
"Are you OK?" Joy ran over.
"No, I'm not!"
"Oh, Lord, I can't look! Peter, get a clean towel!"
"Joy, it hurts so much!"
"What happened!?"
"I lost my grip and dropped it. It got me before it stopped turning."
"Joyce, you're too tired. What's wrong?"
"Oh, I had a night terror... I was in no shape for doing this particular thing today. I should have let Nate do it."
"Let's get you to the health center."


"Joyce!" Sera met her roommate and Joy as they walked toward the apartment together, "I ran here as soon as I heard!"
"You're such a good friend!"
"My poor baby," said the Gangsta Chick, who wore a white bandana headband with her white sweatpants and a red t-shirt.
"You're good at this mothering stuff," Joy laughed.
"I wonder why?! What'd they do to you?"
"I had to get 19 stitches in my arm. Fortunately, it hurt a lot less once they cleaned it. It'll be fine after today."
"I hope so."


There they were now: seven girls in an apartment. With 5 Gangsta's among them, and two of them matching in pairs, what could go wrong?

Hannah, Hannah Bandana, was a match for Sera, the Gangsta Chick, as she also had a white bandana headband and white sweatpants, but her t-shirt was black, and her hair was in a braid held by a black scrunchie. Yes, these two were definitely in trouble indeed for a variety of reasons.

Janie and Jenny... Gangsta Jock and Gangsta Princess... when the two both wore red kerchief bandanas, usually something was brewing. Janie's matched her blue t-shirt and red leggings, and Jenny's was with a pink t-shirt and brown sweatpants. It would be a good night for these two.

Bridget and Joyce, Sera's roommates, were there. Bridget was in black leggings and a white t-shirt. Joyce had her typical blue jeans and a blue polo along with the massive bandage on her left arm.

Then there was the forgotten Gangsta Girl Joy. She had her beige denim skirt, a purple long-sleeve t-shirt, and a beige bandana headband. She was sitting at the table and flipping through a store flyer when she found a strong hand gagging her.

"Now, now, Joy... it's a cold night, and some of us will need a stuffie to keep warm!" Janie kindly explained.
"mmmm," Joy nodded in agreement.

Joy was handcuffed and roped at her elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs before being gagged with her own ball gag.

Selfies, films, and photos proved the capture. It had begun.


The other girl who was sometimes a white Gangsta, the Gangsta Queen herself, Nichole, mustn't be forgotten ever. She was, after all, the original crux of the Cool Girls' Club who had bridged the gap between Jenny, Casey, and Hannah. She was the one they all imitated when they dressed as Gangstas. She was also a White Bandana Gangsta in her own white sweatpants, white kerchief bandana, and navy blue sweatshirt.

"Chris, sweetie, maybe tonight we could have a nice clean TUG? Nothing dirty?"
"If my Nichole wants that then she gets it!"
"Surprise me dear! Then you'll have a nice bundle of Nichole to cuddle allll night!"
"It's a date!"
"Every night."
"Is a date with you."
"I'm looking forward to it. I'll just be sitting here doing homework.... none of which I am struggling with... or is due tomorrow..."


"MMMM!" Joy shook as she got a purple bandana blindfold.
"Would you two white gangstas tie up Janie for your dear injured friend?" Joyce asked with a whine.
"Hey, now!" Janie said as grabbed her from the front so that Hannah and Sera could clamp Irish-8s on her wrists.
"It's by request!" Sera said.
"We aim to please!"

Janie's elbows,forearms, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, shins knees, lower and upper thighs were securely bound in rope, and a sock and a red bandana gagged Janie under a strip of microfoam tape. Her blindfold was a blue bandana to match her shirt.

"Janie stuffie!" Joyce said as she hugged her happy friend.
"I have the most awesome friends. Know what would make this better, Bridge?"
"A Sera stuffie!"
"Coming right up!"


Nichole soon forgot about things for a moment as she spent time working on homework, then texting her sister Claire, and then back to homework. She had so forgotten that she was completely caught of guard when Chris grabbed her.

"Gotcha, girlie!"
"MMMMM!" Nichole was being carried over to the sofa.
"This will work!" he put Nichole on the sofa and laid on top of her so that he could gag her.
"MMMM!" she got first a knotted hankerchief cleave gag, and then 6 layers of duct tape, "mmmmm."
"Now it's time."

Ropes bound Nichole's wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. Finally, she was blindfolded with a black bandana. Chris photographed and filmed her for her friends to see.

"MMMMM!" she was now Chris's to play with as he pleased so long as he followed her rules.


"Go ahead, but," Sera slowly walked into a corner while Bridget calmly approached her, "No tape gags! OK?"
"Oh, those are cold!" Sera got the Irish-8s on her wrists.
"But fun!"
"Oh, really, Brigida!"
"And just you wait," Bridget said as she tightly roped Sera's elbows, "This weekend I'll kidnap your brother too!"
"No frigging way! You cannot!"
"Oh, I will!"

They bantered like this while Bridget bound Sera's breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. She carried her captive to the sofa to be next to Joyce; yes, Bridget carried Sera. The girl was seated next to Joyce and had her sneakers and socks removed.

"Oh, this again," Sera pretended to grimace while her sneakers came off.
"Oh, that looks tasty!"
"It may be!"
"UGH!" Sera's socks entered her mouth.
"This will hold them!" Bridget tied a tight black bandana cleave gag.
"I'll enjoy your eyes before bedtime!"
"Selfies!" Joyce said in reference to her two stuffies.
"Oh, boy!" Jenny grimaced knowing she was next.


"MMMMMMM!" Nichole groaned happily as she got wrapped in a fleece blanket.
"The helpless girl is being further imprisoned! Oh, what will happen!"
"HMM HMM!" she laughed at Chris's narration.
"The villain kisses her and lays her across his lap while he turns on the TV! Oh, poor thing, he's playing video games!"
"Ohh... Nichole... I love you!"

Nichole was so very happy to share this moment with her husband. Each day she loved him more than the previous one, and the attraction was mutual. And she was always so happy to be tied up and helpless at the hands of someone she loved.

She couldn't ask for more.


"Jenny, our dear friend!" Bridget sat down at the table next to her friend, "Our dear... dear... friend!"
"It's time. Bedroom. I can also just destroy you like Sera, or you can cooperate and be tied with more kindness."
"I'm your prisoner."
"Yes, prisoner, let's go!"
"You'll see."
"All right."
"We're here already."
"The armoire???"
"Yes!" Bridget undid the cuffs.
"Yes!" Bridget shoved her in and locked the door.

And so Jenny found herself locked in the armoire. Again.

"Bridget, let me out of here! Bridget Sjaastad, I demand my release!"

At first everyone thought Jenny was just playing with it, but then came a real drop.

"You f***ing b*+*# let me out or so help me God!" and started kicking the door.
"Calm down, Jenny!"
"I hate being in there! I HATE IT!! I F***ING HATE IT, YOU GOT IT??!?!?!?!?!?!!??!"
"I'm sorry, Jenny."
"Sheesh, Jenn," Hannah said.
"Get out of here... both of you!

Alone, Jenny quietly laid down on the bed and softly sobbed into her pillow, ashamed of how she had just behaved.

"Take me," Hannah said with a shrug.
"You sure?"

Hannah was roped next with a comfortable boxtie, harness, and waist rope. Her ankles, knees, and thighs were roped, and at request she was hogtied from ankles to harness and hairtied from her feet to her braid for 30 minutes on a stopwatch. Her gag was a blue rubber ball threaded with a white bandana, and her blindfold was a black bandana.

Hannah loved this particular contest or endurance. It was just at her limits, and done infrequently gave her a challenge that didn't cause real harm. It was almost like being Penelope Pitstop! In due time, the timer went off, and her struggle ended.

"Bridget," Jenny came out with bloodshot eyes from crying, "I'm sorry for how I acted before."
"Awwww, Jenny, I forgive you. I didn't realize you really didn't like it. I thought it was an act."
"Friends," Bridget gave Jenny a big hug, "Still want to be tied up?"
"Do you want to?"
"I know you like it, so sure."

Jenny became the last girl to be tied up that night with ropes tightly binding her wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, and waist/crotch. She was gagged with Joy's ball gag as a "small revenge" that even she appreciated, and she was blindfolded with a red bandana. Finally, she was hogtied from ankles to elbows.

"Enjoy, Jenny."
"Mmmmmm!" Jenny nodded happily as she was now in her happy place.

"Time to change your gags as it is now sleepy time!" Bridget said to Sera and Janie.
"Mmmm hmmm!"

Sera got her own ball gag, and Janie got Joyce's; Sera also got a black bandana blindfold. After 30 minutes, Jenny's hogtie was undone, and they all got into beds. Jenny and Hannah were together; Joyce and Janie; Sera and Bridget; and Joy alone, but Joy didn't mind and was asked beforehand. It was all friendship and love among these girls.


"Mmmmmm!" Nichole moaned happily as she was tucked into bed.
"Nice and cozy!"
"Here I am," Chris tucked in as the big spoon.
"Ah uh ooh"
"I love you too!" he kissed her good night.

With that, another day of happiness in their marriage ended with even more love between Chris and Nichole.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hafnermg »

I love what the girls did for Janie! Can't wait for more adventures.
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 224: Calm before the Storm
Friday, March 2, 2018

"Blizzard hitting tomorrow means you know what Sera!" Bridget said while finally wearing the Swedish flag bandana Sera had bought her, albeit as a mask.
"Snowies?!" asked her friend, who of course had an Italian flag bandana mask.
"That and...?!"
"Broken heat!"
"I have lots of duct tape!"
"Ha ha!"
"Oh, you two!" said Joyce, also masked with an Italian flag bandana.
"Hey, at least we're rowing indoors tomorrow!" Sera responded.
"Poor Janie and Caleigh supposed to be busing to Kansas today," Bridget added.
"And Jenny's supposed to be in Missouri.
"Means fewer girls to kidnap!" Joyce reasoned.
"We'll get Allie over tonight!"
"Great idea!"
"I like this plan!"


Jenny looked out the window sadly as the bus began its long journey. She wished she had been so diligent like Joy and Nichole had been... both of them had amassed scholarships before college that covered most everything for them... Heck, Nichole had excess every year and was given money back as a result. Even Joyce was here on pure academic ability and scholarships.

Here she was on the track team because she hadn't planned nearly so well. She let out a long sigh of despair because there was a secret she hid from everyone: she hated the travel. Heck, she didn't even have much for friends on the track team although she got along with all of them. She hadn't thought much and was just flipping through her phone while texting Giovanni and Lauren when the girl next to her spoke up.

"Psst... was that girl tied up?"


"Hi, Gangsta Queen!" Joy greeted Nichole at her workstation.
"You should come over and have a little fun this afternoon, especially since it's a Friday."
"I think I will. It'll be fun although no one's home."
"It sure will be, Flower Girl!"

Joy referred to Nichole's beige floral bandana headband, which was a nice match for teal sweatpants and a navy blue t-shirt. Joy herself had a purple skirt, brown leggings, a brown t-shirt, and a purple camouflage bandana headband.


"*Gulp* Huh?" Jenny asked as her face became ashen with terror.
"Let's move over there and talk."
"'K, Anna."
"Wasn't that girl Janie the softball player?"
"Mmm hmm."
"Ummm... why?"
"Uhhh... why do people play football, or soccer, or hockey, or chess, or video games, or any other game?"
"Well, for fun!" said the sensible redhead.
"We do this for fun."
"Jenny, don't act ashamed. I'm not judging you. What's the fun in it?"
"Well, there's fun in having your friend or sister as your prisoner, and there's fun in doing things like tickling them. It builds your trust a little too because the other person is trusting you not to hurt them."
"What else?"
"Well, there's fun in being prisoner too... It's a fun feeling being unable to move, talk, or see, and there's fun in knowing that the other person cares about you. There's a dynamic of wanting to make sure the other person can't escape, or in trying to escape from it. It's... like a sport in a way."
"Sounds interesting. Do you play with all your friends?"
"Well, it's like the one thing we all like to do together... and it's helped make us incredible friends without them."
"Maybe you should teach me this when we get back on Sunday."
"Hmmm... OK."
"Can you show me more photos so I know what I am getting myself into?"


"Hannah Bandana the Yellow Banana!" Joy greeted her roommate.
"Have a good day?"
"Yeah! You?"
"Yep!" responded the girl who had yellow sweatpants, a brown sweat-shirt, and a yellow kerchief bandana.
"Where's Nichole?"
"Hannah, let me out of here!"
"I know where she is."
"She was arrested for being a Gangsta Queen."
"It's dark in here! Aw, Judge Hannah, I'll provide any evidence you want!"
"Ha ha Nooooooooo!"
"Is she handcuffed in there?"
"I'll retrieve her."
"Hi, girlfriend!" Joy opened the cupboard, "Ready to stand trial?"
"Wait until the jury gets here."
"Let's eat dinner first. Then you go back in there until we're all ready."
"Sounds good to me!"


"You brought a friend!" Joy said as she welcome Bridget, Joyce, Allie, and Sera into the apartment.
"We did!"
"Great! Bridget, you're the bailiff. Allie, you're the judge, and Sera and Joyce will be the jury!"
"Whose on trial?" asked Sera.
"A ha ha ha!"
"We've all supped! Let's bring on the prisoner!" Bridget grinned, "Where is she?"
"In the armoire in there."

Bridget was very Swedish indeed... so much so that she had a Swedish national hockey team jersey that she apparently never was seen wearing because (1) the IIHF's are in May and (2) this wasn't an Olympic year. Bridget didn't kid when she said her great-grandparents spoke Swedish. In addition, she had black leggings and her Swedish flag bandana as a kerchief

Joyce and Sera were very Italian in their matching outfits of black jeans, Italian football polos, and Italian flag kerchief bandanas. It was so typical of two girls who were so close to their "homeland." They made a real pair. Allie was the "ordinary" one who had only black leggings and a pink Disney t-shirt.

"Yes!" Nichole said. She clearly enjoyed being locked in there, "Have fun, I told Chris I'd stay the night here."
"Let's begin!"
"Bring in the prisoner!"
"Here she is!"
"The People vs. Nichole Petersen is now in session. Did I do good with it?"
"You were fine," Joy encouraged.
"You're charged with 1500 counts of kidnapping?!?!?!?!!"
"That's right your honor!"
"2000 counts of unlawful imprisonment?!?! 4000 counts of torture?!!?! 2500 counts of crimes against humanity!?"
"Your honor, may I speak?" Bridget asked.
"I suspect those counts are off by 500-2000 each."
"How f***ing long have you been kidnapping each other?!?!!?"
"I've been playing since I was 7 or so... Joy, Jenn, Nichole, Janie, and Lauren... and Hannah since high school. Caleigh was a tween or so too... Only you and Sera are newbies!"
"What the f***?!"
"During the dull stretches, every one of us might get kidnapped every single or every other day."
"Lord have mercy... There are also 4000 counts of gang activity. Nichole, you're a dead girl. You're dead. It's hopeless, and if you plead guilty I can spare you the execution."
"Not guilty."
"You would," Joy shook her head.
"Present the evidence."
"I show all present here this video that shows the defendant kidnapping a Victim A, stowing her in a suitcase, and taking her away, all against Victim A's will. I also show these samples of well over 40000 combined photos and videos of people she either kidnapped or helped kidnap. You also can see the gang activity from the bandanas she wears."
"Your defense?"
"Yes, I did it, your honor! And I'm glad too! I had fun kidnapping and torturing all of them, and I'll do them 4000 times more if I can!"
"Jury, deliberate."
"No need, we find the defendant guilty of all but 4 of those charges," Joyce said for herself and Sera.
"All but 4 out of...," Allie did the mental math, "14000 charges?!"
"Yes, I had too much fun one of those times after asking her to do it to me."
"D'Oh!!!!!!" Allie grimaced, "I sentence you... it's now 6:30... 3 and a half hours bound and gagged in the closet!"
"Mmmmm!" Nichole received Sera's ball gag and a navy blue bandana blindfold and was led into the bedroom.

Bridget enjoyed binding Nichole's elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, and waist. In fact, she cackled wickedly as she stuffed Nichole into the armoire and locked it, all while Joyce filmed Nichole's torture. The Swede was quite proud of herself.

"What was that?"
"You're happy!"
"NNGGMM!" Nichole shrieked and slammed the door.
"Haha! See you in a few hours!"
"Oh, are you unhappy with your sentence?"
"Unlike Jenny, I know she's genuinely happy."
"That's for sure."
"Now shall I pick on Joy?"
"Hey, girls... girls?"

But there was no trace of Sera, Allie, Joy, or Hannah. In fact, all they heard was laughter and squealing from Joy's room.

Sera's wire had bee used against her to bind her wrists and elbows with a harness and waist rope with her arms in a severe chicken wing with her hands on the top of her butt. More wire bound her ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. They had just removed her socks when Bridget and Joyce entered.

"My poor coxswain," Bridget smiled.
"UGH!" Sera groaned as her filthy socks gagged her and were secured by a blue bandana and then 9 layers of duct tape.
"You girls are mean!"
"Nah, she loves it!" Allie grinned while she blindfolded the girl with a red bandana.
"She's so happy, and we know it."
"OK, girls, there are seven of us. Three get tied, fair?" Joyce asked.
"Fair!" agreed Joy.
"Who wants to be...," Hannah began to ask.
"ME!" volunteered Allie, "Just know I'm not a cuddler."
"I'm picky myself."

Allie got a secure treatment as well with ropes binding her boxtied arms, breasts, crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. Her gag was a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief. Joy and Joyce did this while Bridget cuddled with Sera.

"Bestie!" she whispered in Sera's ear.
"Mmmmm!" Sera mewed joyfully.

After some two hours in the cruel chicken-wing tie, Sera was exhausted and relieved when she was re-tied with a normal crotch rope and re-gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief and a strip of microfoam tape. Bridget then wrapped Sera's head in blue vet wrap after putting cotton in her ears. Sera was now fully in her happy place.

In the closet, Nichole was sincerely enjoying her predicament. It was so still and so confining. It was really like being in jail in a way! There was fun in being bound, gagged, and sealed away.

Allie enjoys gag talking and struggling and making herself a mess like Janie, Sera, and Jenny do. She fought and screamed and worked herself into a total frenzy there. A bystander watching the film Joyce took would think she was being kidnapped and sold in slavery.

"Boobies!" Bridget squeezed Sera's boobs a little.
"Mmmmm!" came a quiet response.
"Booooobies!" she did it to Allie too.
"Heh heh!" Bridget laughed and took off her jersey to reveal a black sports bra underneath, "Girls, would one of you tape me up really securely? Like, I'll take off the leggings just so that as much skin as possible is taped."
"Don't do that," Hannah laughed, "But we'll tape you as is, Swedish Gangsta!"
"Come here, sweetie!" Joyce pointed to the couch.

Bridget got her wish being taped with grey duct tape. They started in their normal fashion: wrists with waist, elbows with breast, ankles to knees, and thighs to waist. Then Joyce and hannah completely taped Bridget's hands after having her put her hands into fists. Then they taped from below her waist to her neck. After this, Bridget was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief and 9 layers of duct tape. Her Swedish flag kerchief was removed and used to blindfold her.

"Bridget, may I do something that may be scary but gives a thrill that I sometimes do in big girl TUGs?" Joy asked.
"It's just a nose clip. It'll stop your breathing through your nose."
"Mmm hmm!"
"MMPH! NNNNN!" MMMMMMMM!" Bridget struggled.
"There! I only let it on for 10. Normally we do 30-60 depending on the lungs and experience."
"No more!"
"Our sweet Bridget! Joy needs to be punished for this!"

Joy suddenly found ropes binding her wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, and waist/crotch. Her own ball gag and a strip of microfoam tape gagged her, and a brown bandana blindfolded her. As a concession, Nichole was released. Then, Allie was released so she could go back to her dorm. This left Bridget, Sera, Joyce, and Nichole as the guests in the dorm. Bridget and Joyce took Hannah's bed, and Nichole and Sera took Jenny's.

"It's time for revenge," Hannah said to Joy.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 225: The Blizzard
Saturday, March 3, 2018

In the morning, Joyce quietly cut Sera and Bridget free so they could get ready for their day. Soon, it was just she, Joy, and Hannah in the apartment. A fight broke out soon though.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"I'm sorry, Joy!"
"That's not good enough for this!"
"Joy, please forgive me!"
"Get the f*** away from me!" Joy shoved Hannah so hard she fell on the floor.
"Hey! I said I'm sorry! Joy... please!" Hannah sobbed uncontrollably, "Plea-ease!"
"What's going on here?!"
"She violated my boundaries and thought she could f*** with me because it was consensual the last time!"
"It was not! You straight up bound and gagged me that time just so you could!"
"I asked explicitly! All you asked was "Wanna have some sexy fun?"
"I'm sorry!"
"F*** yourself, b*+c#!" Joy slammed and locked her door.

Noise cancelling headphones were great at a time like this. She could blast some music and not even hear her friends on the other side of the door. She was a disgrace for a person who was wearing a pink skirt, a brown t-shirt, and a pink bandana headband in the name of "modesty."

"What happened last night!?"
"We screwed around a little... Just for sexual thrills and nothing personal... and I... pushed beyond the boundaries."
"I'm sorry! Oh, the hell with it! What's the use?!" Hannah grabbed her phone and coat.
"Where are you going?"
"Nichole's! Bye!"

Hannah, in her orange sweatpants, blue t-shirt, orange kerchief bandana, and blue hoodie, stepped out.


"Hannah, what's wrong?!"
"I don't want to talk about it!" a tearful Hannah said.
"You're safe with me."
"Nichole, I pushed too far. I'm a hot mess and miserable as a result. Just let me be."
"Hannah, just sit down here... let it all out. That OK?"
"Mmm hmm!" Hannah choked out between sobs.


"Are you alone, Joyce?!" Bridget asked when she came in after a morning and lunch hour of intense rowing.
"Joy's mad at Hannah, and Hannah's so upset about it she went to Nichole's place."
"What on earth?"
"Never mind. They've been acting inappropriately with each other."
"Oh. Well, you've got two tired and sweaty rowers if you'd like to get them more tired and sweatier!"


"You heard what happened with me and Joy? In the bedroom?"
"Yeah... I did... what's that have to do with this?"
"That time, I was tied up, and she more or less took advantage of it... Well, last night the roles were reversed, and so we had it the other way. Part way through she decided she wasn't satisfied, and I didn't heed her because she didn't use the signal and thought it was just being dramatic to play it up."
"Oh, brother... Hannah, really?"
"I just wanted to have fun! Nichole, I had a boyfriend who'd give me sex upon request because we were just two junkies... I get super needy and don't know how to properly control myself... Joy's similar... so we get our kicks off each other."
"Hannah, you need to stop."
"Nichole, I can't! Don't you understand?! I've turned myself into a addict. I just want to be myself again. I thought Joy and I had gotten past it before, but I just can't. I need help! I'm begging you, Nichole! I just want Joy to be my friend again because right now I think she hates me."
"Let all the tears out."

Hannah was at the table just crying her eyes out. She genuinely felt terrible about her actions.


"Look at you two," Joyce studied the rowers in their navy blue trainers, white-and-navy-blue horizontally striped tank-tops, and navy blue bandana headbands; Bridget had a ponytail in a white scrunchie as well.
"We busted our arses!"
"I have just the thing for you two!"

The two rowing teammates got exactly their heart's desires.


"Hannah, I'm sorry, please come back. It's all my fault," Joy texted her friend as she, too, was crying bitterly.

What a mess they had put themselves into. They both had problems... real problems. They both had scars from the past and instead of helping each other they had taken actions to reopen long healed wounds. They were painful, soul-crushing wounds indeed.


"Joy, I'm sorry too. We've helped each other get into so much trouble instead of getting out of it," Hannah responded.
"I know. Please, Hannah, come back!"
"All right."

"Nichole, I'm a mess and need help. I need to go home."
"But it's already snowing out there! I can't have you get lost and possibly freeze to death."
"I can't fix things with Joy from here. Nichole, thanks, you've been a big help," Hannah gave her a hug.
"Hannah, I can't you getting hurt!"
"I'll be fine."
"I'll be... praying for you. Text me when you get back."
"Thanks, Nichole. I will.:"

Hannah stepped out into the increasingly dangerous snowstorm. She moved quickly as things got increasingly disorienting, but a familiar building kept her on the right path.

She just wanted to be curl up with a cup of hot tea and see her friends' faces again.


"Oh, perfect!" Bridget said with a smile.
"It sure is!"

The two rowers were duct taped with white tape as they had hoped to be. They were wrapped in the true Randaccio way: wrists and waist, elbows and breasts, ankles to knees, and thighs to waist. Joyce had just removed their sneakers.

"Oh, I've captured two little rowers. Maybe I can just slip these headbands down like this."
"Who made it dark in here?" Bridget asked.
"Turn the lights on!" Sera added.
"Oops," Joyce reknotted them, "I made those so tight you can't get them off."
"Oh, what a mistake you made!"
"I might just take your socks off and gag you two then!"
"MMMM! EWWW!" Sera groaned as hers entered her mouth and were secured with a white handkerchief.
"Sera? Are you OK? MMMMPH! UGH! AUGH!"
"Heh heh!" Joyce laughed as she also held Bridget's socks with a white handkerchief.

The 8 layers of duct tape that held it all tightly together was a perfect finishing touch. Joyce put them chest-to-chest and, working her way from ankles to neck, plastic wrapped the two together.


"I... must... soldier on!" Hannah ducked inside the first campus building she found, which was a class building.

While she paused to warm herself inside the eerily empty building, she texted Nichole that she was in that particular building. Nichole responded that she understood and to keep playing it safe.

Hannah knew she was only a little ways further. She could exit the back door of the building, cross the street, and walk another 2 minutes or so to reach her building. She breathed a huge sigh of relief when she saw the familiar brick walls. A little more distance, and she was at the correct door.

"HANNAH!" Joyce said excitedly, "You're all right!"
"Yes!" she was embraced by a tight hug!
"Joy, get off the throne and get out here!"
"Hannah came back!"
"Joy, I'm so sorry about last night! Let's never ever do it again!"
"I just want to be your friend again!"

It was the stereotypical two girls tearfully reuniting after a spat. You've all seen it in the sitcoms before. A cup of hot tea and a blanket indeed warmed Hannah right back up.



Hannah and Joy were tied up the same way. Ropes bound their wrists and elbows in front of them as well as their ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. They were ropes that secured them together at their waist and in the form of a double breast harness. Hannah had Sera's ball gag in her mouth, and Joy had her own. Both were blindfolded with black bandanas.

"I'm a blessed girl! I have so many friends! My daddy would be so proud of me for having such good people in my life!"

Sera and Bridget were deliberately struggling themselves into a tizzy. They wanted to get so tired they couldn't, whereas Joy and Hannah were content and methodical about their captivity.



Sera and Bridget now instead how blue rubber balls threaded with white handkerchiefs as their gags. Otherwise, they and Hannah and Joy, some 4 hours later, were still tied the same way. All four were still happily squealing and struggling in a moment in which all five girls felt their friendship strengthening.

Joyce, too, was tied up. She was merely cuffed though with handcuffs on her wrists, ankles, and hogcuffing her. Her own ball gag was her gag, and she was blindfolded with a purple bandana.

It was all perfect and idyllic until the familiar sound of a familiar failure took place. Then Joyce quickly grabbed the keys and freed herself. The game was over as she quickly freed everyone so that they could do whatever was necessary for warmth.

"Look how red my arms are!" Bridget said.
"Mine too!"
"It's so much fun being taped up with you!"
"Friends, Joy?"
"Friends... just friends... and cousins! Joyce... are you hiding under there?"
"Are you scared?"
"OK, yes, I am!"
"Can we help?" Sera asked.
"Maybe we can all just huddle together?"
"I'll come over. I'm telling Roberto what's happened."
"Let's huddle together for sure!" Hannah said, "We keep safe and warm!"

They were safe, warm, and happy. Once again, even a fight couldn't stop these girls from loving each other.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 226: Undeserving
Sunday, March 4, 2018

It was a snowy trudge to church for each one of these girls, and it was a just slightly snowier trudge back. But then they were safe, warm, and happy yet again in the apartment, where the electricity had been restored.

Serafina Randaccio, in her black skirt, black leggings, bright blue blouse, and solid black kerchief bandana, was safe, happy, and warm. She had blue knit leg warmers, mittens, scarf, and hat along with her blue winter jacket. In her left arm was her boyfriend, Peter Larosa, and in the her right was brother Roberto.

Roberto Randaccio, in black slacks and a blue dress shirt, was safe, happy, and warm. He had a black winter coat, and matching scarf, mittens, and hat, also knit by his sister. In his left are was his sister, Serafina, and in his right arm was his girlfriend, Bridget Sjaastad.

Bridget Sjaastad, in her bright blue skirt, black leggings, black long-sleeve t-shirt, and bright blue headband, was safe, happy, and warm. She had girly-girl pink coat, hat, and mittens. In her left arm was her boyfriend, Roberto, and in her right arm was her friend and roommate, Joyce Verdi.

Joyce Verdi, in her pink skirt and brown polo shirt, was safe, happy, and warm. She hadn't worry about competing for pink or purple. She, too, had girly-girl pink hat and mittens, but her coat was purple. In her left arm was her friend and roommate, Bridget Sjaastad, and in her right arm was her boyfriend and fiancée, Ryan Poole.

Joy Fredericks, in her brown skirt, purple long-sleeve t-shirt, and brown bandana headband, was safe, happy, and warm. She was the purple girl, but only had a hoodie and a bandana mask with her right arm in a hoodie pocket and her left arm around a friend.

Hannah Larsson, in her blue skirt, white t-shirt, and blue kerchief bandana, was safe, happy, and warm. She also had a blue hoodie and a blue bandana mask with her left hands in a hoodie pocket and her right arm around a friend.

Jenny Danielle Kristensen was the friend in the middle as her track bus had traveled all night to get home in spite of the weather. Jenny, in her red skirt, brown t-shirt, brown leggings, and a solid red bandana headband with her braid held by a red scrunchie, was also safe, happy, and warm. She also had a brown hoodie and a red bandana mask.

Everyone was happy to have Jenny back, and they were excited to meet her "new" friend for TUGs that afternoon. Anna Redding was an interesting character. For one thing, she came from Texas; second, she wasn't short like they were as she stood just shy of 5'9". Third, she was a sophomore.

"Tell us about her!" Bridget said.
"Well, she and I have been friends a while, but of course I never mentioned TUGs. But I got bored and accidentally let her see a photo on the bus. She wanted to learn more. When you're a Texas farm girl, you're bound to get tied up 4 or 5 times, I guess, but for a specific 'TUG' but more like treating you as cattle."
"True... so she's not really new to being tied up but more to the sport."
"Yeah! She's really looking forward to something new. She hates winter so much."
"What is she studying anyway?"
"Environmental science."
"I thought she sounded familiar! I've talked to her at departmental parties!"
"As long as she's nice and doesn't cause trouble, I don't care if she's a professor!" Joy laughed.
"And Janie's bus returns in a couple hours! Hopefully Anna's nicely secured by then!"
"She's super excited!"
"Well, that was a great brunch! Let's go meet our new friend!"

The girls and boys walked into the apartment. Peter and Sera and Bridget and Roberto kept up their deep conversations at the table while Joyce and Ryan just cuddled on the couch and watched the NBC hockey game. Joy, Hannah, and Jenny talked away. Soon, Nichole joined their little party as Jenny felt she was the one who best knew how to convey the fun of TUGs. After some time, Bridget and Roberto walked into Joy's bedroom to "talk," and Sera and Peter squeezed onto the couch to cuddle as well.

Nichole was the beloved Gangsta Queen. She was of course, after quickly changing, in pale blue sweatpants, a navy blue sweatshirt, and a pale blue kerchief bandana. Like the rest, she was happy, safe, and warm. Oh, how she loved Jenny and Joy in particular.

"There she is!" Jenny said when a knock came, "Hey, Anna!"
"Hi!" greeted a girl in blue jeans and a bright aquamarine t-shirt underneath a black winter coat and a pink hat.
"Get in here!"
"Jenny! How are you?"
"Tired, and you?"
"Serafina, come in here!" Bridget said.
"Oh, all right! What do you... BRIGIDA?! [What the f*** have you done?! My dear baby brother?!]"
"I promised I would kidnap your brother!"

Roberto was roped at his elbows, wrists, waist, breasts, ankles, knees, and thighs, and he was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana.

["You freaking monster!"] Sera was horrified.
"I love him!" Bridget kissed the amused Roberto, "And now he's going to have company!"
["What a life with this girl I love!"] Sera said as her elbows were roped behind her back.
"Speak English!"
"I love you!"

Sera was tied up much more tightly than Roberto but otherwise the same; even her gag was the same. Bridget seated them side-by-side on the floor and ziptied Sera's right ankles and knee to Roberto's left. The captives looked at each other and smiled, and then Sera put her head on her little brother's shoulder.

"Have you been tied up before?" Nichole asked Anna.
"Well, as a farm girl with rambunctious cousins, yes."
"Only child?"
"Yep! But, man, that farm rope is rough stuff. It really teaches you about being stuck!"
"How so?"
"Real rope is super rough. It scratches and even cuts! It's mean being tied up with it!"
"How many times did this happen?"
"Oh, maybe 5 times total when I was 12-14 years old. They were all girl scouts and really could be tight!"
"Are you flexible?"
"I was a gymnast through high school."
"Flexible. Well, today, we'll start small, and you tell us if you want heavier stuff, OK?"
"Sure! Why do you like these TUGs?"
"Look at these girls! I wouldn't have any of them except Jenny without TUGs. These people are the family I never really had. I love them so much! It's not just the fun of being prisoner or being held prisoner... it's the thrill of being tortured or torturing someone, of trying to escape or ensure they don't escape, of playing a game... of being able to share something secretly with select people and push all sorts of limits... and at the end of the day be able to hug each other."
"That's touching Nichole!"

"Peter, come look!"
"My poor little girl Serafina," Peter shook his head as he went to see the image he already had in his mind.
"You naughty Bridget!"
"Aren't they cute? I thought you and I could talk about how to better love these two right in front of them."

"So, how would you like to make your TUG debut?" Jenny asked her.
"Something simple but maybe that you still might do to each other."
"How about tape?"
"Noooooo! I'm allergic to the glue. My skin will look like my hair in 10 minutes and then it'll blister."
"No, tape for Anna. Got it."
"How about handkerchiefs and bandanas then?" Joy asked.
"They don't sound gluey!"
"How about it then?" Nichole asked, "We want you to have fun."
"I'll try it... I can see your friends are in trouble!"
"Whoa! Bridget tied up Roberto?!" Hannah was surprised and went to go look.
"Cool! That gives me ideas," Nichole's eyes looked at Jenny.
"Now I'm in trouble too. Let's go in the bedroom."

Anna, Nichole, Jenny, and Joy went into Jenny and Hannah's room and all sat on the carpet. Jenny pulled out a pile of handkerchiefs and bandanas.

"I'm a farm girl and been roped like a calf before. Go as rough on me as you do each other!"
"OK!" Jenny flipped her around and immediately began binding her wrists with a handkerchief.
"Holy cow! How did you do that?!"
"That's tied so well!" Anna said in surprise as her elbows were tied with another handkerchief.
"Years and years of practice!"

Jenny quickly bound Anna's ankles and thighs with two red bandanas and then hogtied her from ankles to wrists with blue bandana.

"How did you do that so quickly?"
"It's all practice Anna. Just like why I'm a better relay runner than you! Shall I gag you?"
"Just like I was one of your friends!"
"Let me," Nichole said and took out a clean sock and a bright blue bandana to match Anna's shirt.
"Go for it!"
"Mmmm!" Anna received the sock and the tight bandana gag.
"Say cheese!" Jenny said as she took a selfie.
"I can tell something," Joy said, "You... are a happy girl."
"Mmm hmm!"

"Mmmmmm!" moaned Hannah in the other room.

She had gone to see what Bridget had done and never returned. Wires tied her wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs, and she was hogwired from ankles to elbows. An orange rubber ball threaded with a blue bandana gagged her, and an orange bandana blindfolded her.

"Well, Ryan, we have the couch to ourselves! But I'll stay right here with you."
"I like that. Just 8 more months, Joyce."
"Your arithmetic sucks, Ryan."
"Umm... 10 months."
"I'll control the finances, OK?"
"Fair enough."

"Mmmmmm!" Anna shook her head as she struggled only slightly."
"Two things," Jenny held up two fingers, "(1) Don't just be a rope bunny and lie there enjoying it so much you're incapable of escaping even easy ties. I made that mistake. Now I can be held prisoner by a simple bandana. (2) If you escape, we have a surprise for you!"
"I'll prove the first one!" Nichole took Jenny's wrists and bound them with a red bandana.
"Proven! See!"
"Heh heh heh heh!" Anna giggled.
"Let's finish you off girlie!"
"Nichole, quit being mean!" Jenny said as a handkerchief bound her elbows, "Joy too!"
"Ha!" Joy bound her ankles with another red bandana.
"My life! MMMmmm!" Jenny was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a brown bandana.
"Good life!" Joy bound her knees with another red bandana.
"Hee hee hee hee!"
"She's lucky!" Nichole blindfolded her with a brown bandana.
"Indeed!" Joy bound her thighs with yet another red bandana.
"Now, Pirate Jenny, are you OK with being in the closet while tied up?" Nichole asked while taking a selfie.
"Mmm hmm!"
"In you go!"
"Mmmm mMmm EEE! MMMM!"
"Bye!" Nichole shut and locked the door.
"Hee hee hee! Oh HA HA HA HA!" Anna laughed hysterically!
"I got it all on film for you to show your kids some day," Joy laughed.
"Mmmm!" Anna pulled her hands out of the handkerchief binding them.
"Way to go!" Nichole cheered her on.
"Mmmmmm!" Anna sat up.
"Take off the gag!" Joy pushed her.
"Mmmmm," Anna unknotted the bandana gag, "Woo! I did it! But that was an easy one, right?"
"Yeah, so?"
"It feels cheap."
"Look... untie yourself and pick out a bandana you like. I want to show you something," Nichole smiled.

Anna worked on untying herself. She had worn bandanas many times before in her hair and between her teeth, but never had she worn them on her legs or arms! She soon picked out a black bandana and, at Nichole's request, put it on as a headband with the knot on the top of her head.

"How do I look?"
"Cute! Let's go!"

Nichole led Anna past the sleeping Joyce, still in Ryan's arms, into Joy's room, where Robert, Sera, Bridget, Peter, and Hannah were. There Anna saw the real deal in full force.

"These are full blown TUGs in their normal, but not most brutal, form!"
"Wow!" she looked at Hannah, Sera, and Roberto in their imprisonment.
"Play with Hannah a bit and see if you still want to try it."
"Mmmmm!" Hannah moaned helplessly while Anna played with her.

Anna was scientific in her observations, more so than the others are except Janie. She rolled Hannah around, inspected knots, pulled on bonds, tugged ropes, played with the gag, and inspected her in other ways.

"I will let you," she pointed at Nichole, "specifically tie me up like that," she pointed to Sera, "on one condition: that tomorrow I may come back and learn how to tie up people!"
"I don't live here, but sure!"
"It's fine. Jenny, Joy... whoever!" Anna smiled.
"Well, you escaped your first regardless, so you have already earned your Cool Girls' Club membership!"
"I'm undeserving of that honor when Jenny showed me the rest of you got put through much worse for it!"
"We're undeserving of the friendship of a nice person like you."
"I feel at home with all of you."

Anna maybe bit off more than she could chew as ropes bound her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs, and at her request she was hogtied from ankles to elbows. A blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana gagged her, and a bright blue bandana blindfolded her.

"Mmmmm!" she moaned in a happy tone.
"You like?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"Welcome to the club!" Nichole said as she took the first videos and photos of their newest TUG buddy.
"MMMMMMMMMM! *Bang*" came from the armoire.
"Hee hee hee!"

"I'm home!" Janie Patterson burst the door open!
"How was it?" Joyce asked sleepily.
"Didn't you stream the games?" she asked sadly.
"Ummmm... we had a power failure yesterday and were watching... hockey... today."
"Eh, whatever! Our game today was canned last night due to tornado threat, so here I am! And Joyce, I have news!"
"I hid this one from you. Today I signed a contract... to go to Florida Tech this fall!"
"REALLY?! Oh, Janie, that's wonderful!"
"Janie, that's great!" Joy greeted her roommate with a hug, "Come in here and look!"
"OK, OK! We won both games by the way!"
"Sweet! How'd you do?"
"5 for 7 and already got my first homer of the year!"
"Oh, you must be the Anna Nichole's been telling me about all day!"
"Would you like a hot chocolate, Janie?"
"I'm so undeserving of having awesome roommates like you all!"
"We had our stumbles while you were gone... but we're all much better friends now!"

Another day of TUGs saw old friendships strengthened and new friendships created!

"Anna, welcome to the Cool Girls' Club!""
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Post by hafnermg »

Ooh a new friend!!! Can't wait to see more of her! And congrats to Janie!!!
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 227: The Last Spring Break Day 1
Monday, March 5, 2018

"Hi, Anna! Glad you could come with us on a very wild spring break adventure!" Jenny greeted her new friend
"You're just lucky I had nothing else to do, or I would have made plans."
"It's spring break and feels like it!"
"Except for the snow everywhere."
"It'll melt!"
"So, what's the game plan?"
"My parents have invested in property lot over the years. And we own a house in the woods south of hear. It's near the river so you can fish; it's super secluded, so you can go hiking and act wild in the forest. It's got lots of perks. Best part is that the athletics programs will let us disappear for a few days, so we can go out today as long as Janie and Caleigh don't miss their Thursday double-header."
"Nichole's husband has a tent!" Joy said.
"Oooh, I love camping!"
"Great! It's a wonderful little house, really! We go to it for at least two weeks every summer, and my parents go there themselves every couple months, especially if I'm home!"
"Are you saying they go there to?"
"YES! Mom has told me as much."
"You're so close to your mom. My parents divorced when I was small, and Mom got me. We're super close, but my dad's always been there for me at least. Just he and Mom don't get along!"
"Hey, look, let's talk and get our act together."

While they got ready, Jenny explained to Anna what the Cool Girls' Club was, how it was founded, and why everyone seemed to be constantly wearing bandanas. She shared brief stories on how everyone was inveigled into it as well. It all went in time order, and the story took less than 2 minutes.

"Interesting. You've all become like a bunch of sisters... not sorority sisters, but like real family."
"Yeah," Jenny smiled.
"Just ones that wear bandanas as their symbol of friendship."
"Never thought of it that. Just thought of it as cool... funny... a way to spark a game... keep your hair back... look cute in church."
"Hair covering," Joy interjected.
"Oh, one of those modest Christian girls, Joy?"
"Yes, I am!" Joy blushed as she rushed through in her preparations.
"I'm going to like these next two months getting to know you all. Now I understand everything Nichole said yesterday."

The group headed to the cottage included Jenny, Nichole, Casey, Chris, Anna, Janie, Caleigh, and Joyce. Joy and Bridget were going to Madison so Joy could visit the school there and so Bridget could go home; Sera went home to be with Benny; Hannah went home; Casey, also on spring break, was invited by Nichole to join them.

"I can't bear to see that place again... not after what happened there," Bridget had excused herself sadly.
"Join us on Thursday, please!" Jenny begged her.
"All right, all right," Bridget had acquiesced just the week before.

"You've fit 8 in there before?"
"Yes, we have! You'll see it's great!" There's a pull-out sofa, a loft, and two bedrooms, and you and Janie will probably be in a tent at least one night anyway!"
"This sounds amazing!"


"Bridget, are you excited to visit your family?" Joy asked some time later.
"YES! How did you know?"
"You're doing 95 miles per hour in a 70 zone."
"Oh, LORD!" Bridget slowed down.
"Are you nervous?"
"Yes! I tossed four years of my life here and want to find something that makes me happy should I never get married."
"Just beware... I'm the short one in my family!"
"Oh, boy!"


"This is it!"
"Oh, it's cute!" Anna said to Jenny as they pulled up to the building.
"Isn't it? We've fixed it up from nothing! Spent an entire summer doing it when I was... 11?"

They had traveled in three vehicles. Jenny, Anna, and Joyce in Jenny's. Nichole, Chris, and Casey in Nichole's. And Janie and Caleigh in Joy's since neither had a car of her own.

"It's cute!" Casey said with a huge smile.
"It sure is!"
"Janie, come out back with Chris and I to set up the tent!"

Janie, in blue jeans, a bright-blue-and-black plaid button-up long-sleeve flannel shirt, and a bright blue kerchief bandana, was walking into the first TUG of spring break.


"Well, look at this quaint house. It's an oldie!" Casey remarked.
"You've restored it beautifully!" Anna was in awe.
"Isn't it amazing?" Joyce grinned, "Jenny's parents are so sweet to let us stay here."
"Look at how old the floors are!"
"It's marvelous! It's like my aunt's house!" Caleigh was in wonder, "I wish Ken were here!"
"Heh heh," Jenny laughed to herself at that comment.




"Mmmm!" Janie groaned.

She hadn't expected Chris to buy a dozen more yard stakes than needed just to kidnap people. Now, Janie was tightly gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana and blindfolded with a blue bandana. They wrapped her face in 7 layers of gray duct tape. Janie was rigidly roped in a St. Andrew's cross in the woods behind the house. Her limbs were each at least 2 feet from the stakes, and her captors had from the rope from her wrists, to the stake, and back as long as the ropes allowed, so it was quite secure. Nichole and Chris were setting the tent up alone.


"I'm gonna go check out the tent," Anna said to Jenny.
"Let's see...oh, there they are!"

Anna went out the back door and mindlessly stepped off the deck and didn't even see Chris come out from behind a tree and grab her before she could see Janie. The runner in pink leggings and a purple tank-top was in trouble.

"Welcome to your first kidnapping!" Nichole said as she gagged Anna with an orange rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief.

Anna found herself staked out just like Janie was and right next to Janie as well. The roping was strong but not harmful. The gag was only as tight as necessary and minus the tape. Her blindfold was a purple bandana. It was a sudden prank done by a person she was beginning to trust immensely. So this is how TUGs worked!

What fun!


"Bridget, need a break?"
"Not really, but if you want to drive!"
"Sure! This has been fun! You at least like Christian rock like me!"
"You're the only friend I have who can sing along like I can!"
"Ha ha!"


"Hi, Casey!" Jenny greeted her friend in the loft.
"MMMMMMMM!" said the girl in blue jeans and a pink t-shirt
"Who did this to you?"
"MMMMMMMM!" ropes bound her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs.
"I've heard a lot about MMMM! She's a good friend!"
"MMMMMMMM!" she was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief.
"I'm more curious how your kidnapper got you up here. These aren't the best knots. In fact it's shoddy rope work."
"Let's lie down together and look out the skylight!"
"Oh-ay! Ahuh ih ith!"
"It's so nice and cool... wait a second. Anna? She hasn't been taught to tie yet!"
"Heh heh!" Casey effortlessly got out of the ropes.
"You clown!"


Since Nichole and Chris wanted to sleep in the tent with Janie and Anna, that meant that Joyce and Caleigh were sharing the main bedroom since it had a double bed. Later days would be wet, and Nichole and Chris would use the pull-out sofa. What Janie and Anna would then do was to be determined when necessary. Joyce and Caleigh weren't afraid of each other though.

Casey had volunteered for the loft, but it had room for someone to safely sleep between the bed and the wall with the window. The second bedroom was claimed by Jenny, but it had a trundle bed because many times Jenny was sharing the room with a cousin. Heck, Jenny once managed to responsibly spend a week here with all different cousins. Anna would likely get the trundle bed and Janie the loft if they slept indoors as Janie was too... tall for the trundle bed.

"I need the restroom," Caleigh said.
"I'll check on Jenny's progress in the other bedroom."

Joyce, wearing blue jeans and a red polo, was going to check on Jenny when she was grabbed smooshed against the bed. In an instant, she was handcuffed and gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a pink bandana. Nichole forced her to walk out through the backdoor and into the yard.

There, Joyce became the third and final girl to staked out in a St. Andrew's cross. A red bandana blindfolded her, and the ropes and stakes made escape absolutely hopeless. From the sounds to her right, she knew Janie and Anna were tied up as well. They were Nichole and Chris's prisoners of love.


"Sorry, Jenny! But, this was Anna's plan!"

Jenny, the camo girl in camouflage leggings, camouflage tank-top, and camouflage bandana headband with her braid held by a brown scrunchie, was also tied in a St. Andrew's cross, but she was on the bed. Her gag was an orange rubber ball threaded with a camouflage bandana and a camouflage OTM gag, and her blindfold was another camouflage bandana. Casey took selfies, photos, and films for Anna, whom she was unaware had also been kidnapped.

"Where is everyone?" Caleigh asked.
"I'm up here, and Jenny's tied to the bed. I'll come down!"
"Everyone's missing!"
"Where's that Gangsta Queen!?"


"It's so good to be home!" Hannah hugged her mother so tightly, "I'm so happy to have you two back."
"We've talked so much how good it is to have you, but... Hannah, your father just accepted a new job in Charlotte."
"What?! No!"
"We've decided that it's fine for you to move with us if you want to do so..."
"But Minnesota... and Grandma!"
"We're not forcing you to make any choices Hannah. We know you're capable of making the right decisions on your own."
"I'm not going into details... but I still make mistakes... just not the terrible things I did before."
"We don't expect you to be perfect."
"Thanks Mom."


"This is fun! I've never been here before!" said Joy, "I've never been on such a long car ride before!"
"No, I've always flown... to Disney... to Washington... to Dallas... Never driven!"
"Wow! You picked the right person to ride with!"
"I think I did too. After so many stories, I can't wait to meet your siblings."


"Nichole and Chris Petersen!"
"Oops?" Chris grinned.
"Hee hee!" laughed Nichole, "We were naughty indeed!"
"Look at these three cuties! In order by size!"
"I gave Anna her first real kidnapping and first tickle torture!"
"Looks like all three got it!"
"They did!"


"Figlio mio!" Sera hugged her son as he walked in from school.
"Oh, how I missed you! Soon, little Benny, we'll be together again! Oh, how much I will enjoy that day!"
"I missed you too!"
"I love you, my little boy."


"So that's it?" Anna said that evening after Nichole demonstrated how to kidnap someone using Caleigh.
"MMMMM!" groaned the girl in blue leggings and a black t-shirt.
"So similar to what my cousins did to me. I should interrogate them about it."
"Anna, did you have fun today?" Joyce asked.
"Good! I'm gonna take this girl to bed now."
"All right."
"Well, Anna," Nichole said, "Kidnap me."

Nichole, all day wearing her navy blue sweatpants, pale blue t-shirt- and navy blue kerchief bandana, was finally kidnapped. Anna bound her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs with ease. She adequately gagged Nichole, at the victim's request, with a knotted handkerchief cleave gag and a strip of microfoam tape and blindfolded her with a pale blue bandana.

"Smile!" Anna took the obligatory selfies while Jenny took the films and photos.
"Mmmm!" Nichole was carried away by Chris.
"I guess it's time to head to the tent, Jane!"
"I guess so!"
"Anna, welcome to the club," Casey said with a grin.
"Thank you!"


"Comfortable Joy?"
"If not, I'll gladly let you have my bed."
"I'm good."
"I'm glad."
"Thanks, Bridger."
"No problem."

Friendships were being strengthened beyond what some had thought possible.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 288: Memories LXXII - Bridget's Mistake Part 1
Monday, March 13, 2016

Spring break of sophomore year also saw the group go to the house in the woods of Minnesota. It really was a little house in a big wood. It was a fun time for sure, and in sophomore year this adventure involved Bridget, Janie, Jenny, Joy, Joyce, Lauren, and Nichole.


"Jenny, this place is so cool!" Joy said as she sat on a couch.
"Isn't it amazing?"
"You've all done an amazing job here!"
"It's great to relax out here for sure.
"Yeah, but...," Nichole said, "We need to show our gratitude to Gangsta Princess before Janie and Lauren come back from the store."
"I know just how!" Joyce grinned.
"Hey!" Jenny responded in her usual spunky indignation.

Jenny had 4 pairs of eyes staring at her. She was wearing pink trainers, a brown tank-top, and a red bandana headband with her braid held by a brown scrunchie. She became woefully aware of the fact that she was only 5'1" as Nichole and Joyce walked toward her. She back right into Bridget's arms and was quickly hand gagged.

"Let's show her how much we love her!"
"Jenny, we do love you!" Nichole said with a kiss.
"Yes we do!" Joy bound her ankles.
"Such a cute thing!" Joyce bound her wrists.
"How much she's our friend!" Bridget held her.
"My sister!" Nichole jammed a sock in her mouth.
"Oh, beloved Jenny!" Joyce bound her elbows.
"Thanks for inviting us!" Joy bound her knees.
"You sure know how to love us!" Nichole gagged her with a knotted camouflage bandana.
"Such a sweetheart!" Bridget blindfolded her with a pink bandana.
"She's the friend that keeps us together!" Joyce bound her breasts.
"The one who taught us how to love each other!" Joyce bound her thighs.
"The one who helped me become a better person!" Nichole wrapped her face in 9 layers of duct tape.
"The who taught me what friendship is about!" Bridget bound her waist.
"She's ready to go on the sofa for a hogtie!"
"I agree."
"Let's do it."
"MMMMM!" Jenny was hogtied from ankles to elbows.
"I love you!" Nichole gave Jenny a big hug.


"Well, Jenny, you found trouble!" Lauren said when she and Janie entered the house with bags of groceries.
"Hi, Jenny!" Janie put a finger in her rib.
"She's stuffed!" Joy explained.
"Well stuffed!"
"You really went to a house in the woods to play video games?" Lauren asked.
"Well, we didn't want to go exploring without you!" Joy explained.
"That's fair enough."
"I think Janie wants to be stuffed too!"
"I do?"
"YES!" Joy used her slew-foot technique on Janie and quickly handcuffed her friend.
"MMMMM!" Janie got a sock in her mouth held tightly by a red bandana.
"Ha ha!"
"MMMMM!" moaned the red girl in sneakers, socks, trainers, tank-top, scrunchie holding her bun, and headband.
"Love you Janie!"
"MMMMM!" she moaned again as her wrists and elbows were tightly roped.
"Such a sweet girl!"
"Hard to believe she's only 17!"

Janie's breasts, waists, ankles, knees, and thighs were tied, and she was hogtied from ankles to elbows on the floor next to Jenny. Janie was blindfolded with a red bandana, and strips of red duct tape were added over her lips.


Jenny loved being tied up, and so did Janie. Together, they made the most helpless pair possible as neither one had much motivation to ever escape, although the latter was capable of doing so. It was so much fun being held prisoner by their friends! Joy had taken the photos and films that ensured the moment lived forever.

"I'll get making the burgers and doggies. Who wants what?" Lauren asked.
"Two burgers!" Bridget said.
"Two dogs!" came from Joy.
"Two dogs!" came from Joyce, who was busy making something small at the stove.
"One burger," said Nichole.
"Janie will take likely eat a burger and two dogs... Jenny will likely eat one each... Whole pack of each!"


"Jeepers, Joyce, it reeks in here!" Nichole said as she masked herself with a handkerchief.
"Raw onion? Really?! What on earth is that for?!"
"A Rhode Island surprise!"
"I'm tying you to this here chair after dinner."
"I don't care!"

Nichole, the Gangsta Queen, was in navy blue trainers, a pale blue t-shirt, and a navy blue kerchief bandana. She stared at Joyce who was in jean shorts and a pink t-shirt.

"Look, Nicky, you're going to try a bite of my dog, OK?"
"Fine, and don't call me Nicky! I hate that!"
"'K, Nichole. How those fries coming?"
"Perfectly! Seasoned them myself just like Jenny taught me."
"Daddy will wish he were here right now! Mmm hmm!"


"How was it, Jenny?" Joy asked her.
"I had a lot of fun! You're such a sweet captor!"
"You're a sweet captive. Janie?"
"It was fun, but man does it stink in here!"
"Oh, come on!" Joyce laughed, "Wait until you see!"

After a few more minutes, it was time to eat.

"Now, before you make your dogs, watch and learn!" Joyce said, and all watch her prepare one hot dog.
"What are you doing, Joyce?" Jenny asked.
"Hot dog, meat, mustard, celery salt (which we don't have), and minced onion! French fries with vinegar and salt!"
"Rhode Island special! Wieners and fries!"
"I'll try it!" Janie said eagerly.
"I knew she would!"
"I'll try it!" Jenny said.
"We'll all try it!" Joy said.
"Try a bite, Nichole."
"All right!" Nichole took a bite out of the dog, "Hmmm... interesting."
"I still hate hot dogs, but that topping is good! I don't like the onions either."
"My dad would eat a raw onion for a snack when he was young."
"GROSS!" Lauren laughed at that.
"Yeah, it's odd for sure! I did it once for fun just to be like him."
"Did you send him a picture?"
"Of course!"
"No, he's proud of his daughter! See!"


"Joyce, sit down!"
"Yes, Gangsta Queen!"
"Time for your punishment!"

Joyce sat in a chair and had her wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist waist roped. Rope fastened her ankles and knees to the chair legs, and she was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief and a handkerchief OTM gag. A red bandana blindfolded her.

"Enjoy!" Nichole masked herself with a navy blue bandana and took selfies, photos, and films.


That night, Bridget found herself alone in the loft. How pretty it was to have the moon shining on her like this. Here she was now in her pajamas and all alone. Janie and Lauren were in the master bed; Jenny and Nichole were in the second bed and trundle bed; and Joy and Joyce were in the sleeper sofa.

Bridget had felt terrible in the past 10 months... her mom died; she'd hurt her friends; and she was overall feeling worthless. Tonight was a chance for a little self-punishment.

She gagged herself with a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief and 9 layers of duct tape. Then she roped her ankles and thighs. She had attached two loops to the ceiling rafters and pulled them taught; now she just slipped her wrists in and pulled. If her estimates were right, she just had to pull up and escape, but her estimates were wrong as she had created real knots the clamped down.

At first she didn't notice, but when she tried to escape was when she knew something was wrong. She jerked and it got tighter. In fact, it was hurting her.

"MMMM?! NNNNNN!" she yanked more, which made the ropes cut into her.

Bridget let out a helpless wail, but her gag was too tight. Tears poured down her face as she felt a pinch of pain come from her wrists. She could do nothing but stand still while gravity took its cruel toll upon her and silently wait for someone to find her.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 289: Memories LXXIII - Bridget's Mistake Part 2
Tuesday, March 14, 2016

"MMMMMM!" Bridget had tears pouring down her face.

Sleep never came during her 8 hour vigil of pain. So this is how it was to have just a taste of her Saviour's suffering on the hill. The pain increased throughout the night, and come morning she knew her arms had dried out blood all over them. All she could do was cry.

"Morning, Nichole!" Joyce said.
"MMMMM!" Bridget mewed into her gag in hopes of being heard.
"Hey, kiddo! How was your sleep?"
"Perfect. Yours?"
"Too quiet... couldn't sleep, and Jenny barely slept because she said she knew someone was in trouble."
"She in the shower?"
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" shrieked the tearful Bridget, "BAH HUH HUH HUH!!!!"
"What was that?!"
"That sounded like Bridgie!" Joyce pulled down the ladder and flew up the steps to the loft.
"Is it?"
"Bridgie, is that you?!" Joyce asked at the door.
"She's crying her fool head off!" Nichole said, "Get her!"
"Oh, my God, Bridget, what have you done to yourself?!" Joyce rapidly untied the ropes.
"You poor thing. Sit down. Let's get that gag off."
"Ugh... oh, Joyce... Oh, it was awful!"
"Why did you tie yourself like that?!"
"Not now Joyce... Bridget... are you OK?"
"No. My wrists hurt so badly..."
"Let's get you taken care of. Joyce, get the med tub."
"Is everything all right up there?" asked Joy from below.
"No," Joyce shook her head sadly as she climbed down the ladder.


"Bridget, why?!" Jenny asked tearfully when she joined the group and helped bandage Bridget's wounds.
"I just felt I deserved to be treated badly... but I wasn't trying to do this... I just wanted to tie myself up for a while."
"Deserved to be treated badly?!"
"It's all my fault... never mind."
"It's my fault my mom's dead! It's all my fault... and I already hurt you once in my anguish... well, now I've hurt me too."
"I bet you're tired, Bridget," Janie kindly said, "You've had a long night of physical and mental suffering."
"I am."
"We love you, Bridge... don't be afraid to talk to us," Joyce reminded her.
"I have been hiding a ton... I want to sleep first... Joy... come back in two hours?"
"Sure thing... I'll leave the door open and keep quietly checking in."


Bridget never knew it, but Joy never left the room. The girl in purple trainers, a purple t-shirt, and a purple kerchief bandana kept a vigil by her friend. Instead, she quietly worked on homework and used texting to communicate with the others downstairs. After about 3 hours, Joy quietly removed her things from the room and then returned.

"Hey...," Joy gently shook her awake.
"Hmm? Mom?"
"Sit down."
"Joy... she's never coming back," Bridget started quietly crying and put her head on Joy's shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Bridget. It's not your fault. You did all you could and don't think otherwise."
"I miss her so much. I'm sorry I caused my sorrow to affect you all."
"Bridget... come on down... stay in your PJs... sit on the sofa, and I'll bring you a late breakfast, OK?"
"All right."


By 1PM, Bridget had regained herself. After she'd fully gotten prepared both mentally and physically, she joined Joyce, Jenny, and Nichole down by the stream for some fishing.

"Thanks you two!" she hugged Joyce and Nichole, "For hearing my cries and helping me."
"You're welcome."

Up the hill, there was an American Gangsta Jock in danger. Janie, in navy blue trainers, a red t-shirt, a red scrunchie to hold her bun, and American flag bandanas as wristbands and a headband, was bound and gagged. The teen was in deep trouble with ropes binding her ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist. She was sitting against a tree and pinned to it with a second breast harness. She was gagged with a sock, a red bandana cleave gag, and 9 layers of red duct tape, and she was blindfolded with a navy blue bandana.

"Selfies!" said Joy, who had a purple bandana mask.
"Suffer!" said Lauren to Joy.


"Nichole, time for revenge!" Joyce said proudly.
"Oh, dear!" said the girl in black trainers, a white t-shirt, and a black bandana headband.
"You too, Jenny!"
"Oh, boy!" said the girl in brown trainers, a red tank-top, and a solid pink bandana headband.

Joyce picked a large tree and had the sisters sit down. Their wrists were roped together, and they were each bound at their ankles, knees, and thighs. Rope secured their breasts to the tree back as well. Both were gagged with blue rubber balls threaded with handkerchiefs and blindfolded with green bandanas.

"I love these girls."
"Joyce, thank you for this morning. Now, let's skip the rope and just have fun."
"Tickling anyway!"
"Hee hee! Stop it, Bridgie!"
"Ha ha! You stop!"

For the next 15 minutes, they rolled in the dirt tickling while Jenny and Nichole helplessly struggled. Afterwards, they resumed fishing in the stream while Bridget poured out her heart a little at a time without even realizing she was so doing.


"Hop!" Lauren ordered.
"Mmmm!" groaned Joy and Janie.

Joy was now roped like Janie: ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist. She was gagged with a sock, a purple bandana, and 9 layers of clear tape, and she was blindfolded by having her headband pulled over her eyes. Janie was untied from the tree, and Lauren was forcing them to make the likely 30-45 minute hop to the house.


"Let's go you two! Hop home!"

Jenny and Nichole now had roped wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist, and they were standing upright. They were being hopped home as well as a suddenly cold wind had arisen, and Bridget wanted to take another nap.

Back in the house, Bridget went into the master bedroom and fell asleep while cuddling Jenny in one arm and Joy in the other. Her spiritual peace had returned.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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