Poolside problems FFFF/M Part 9 ( completed )

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He everyone, here's the 5th part, sorry for the long wait, but I want to thank you all who support this story and had commented and shared their thoughts, with that said, had hope you all enjoy,and of course comment and thoughts appreciated !

Poolside Problems part 5

There had never been such a moment in my life where I had truly felt in complete fear for myself, true, I was in no mortal danger of any sort, but when you have your limbs lashed down, spread out and body basically exposed and bare the way I was, and four crazed girls staring down at you with devious looks in their eyes, fingerers wriggling and looking like a Feline ready to pounce it's prey, I think it'd be safe to say, you'd be feeling the same way as me then.

I shook my head and tried to plead into my gag, as the girls all circled around me still baring those wriggling fingers.

" Oh joshy, what fun are we going to have " my sister said in her teasing voice as she wriggled her fingers just lightly above my exposed belly causing me to instinctively suck it in a bit.

" I don't know about you, but I think were are about to have some, great laughs together " she added with a wicked smile and winking at the others " what you do you ladies say ? "

" oh I think your quite right about that Melony , Little josh here is do for quite the Laugh session, " Clarissa said as she gazed down at me with a almost, intimidating look, she then leaned very close to my face right next to my ear and whispered into it like she had much earlier, letting her warm breath wash over it. " though, with your mouth all sealed up nice and tight, I don't think you'll be letting anyone hear much of your laughter " she then giggled slightly as she pulled her face away leaving me squirming a bit more now.

" oh no, josh ! " my sister spoke up again " who's going to go first !? " she said with a look of mock concern. " is it going to be, Me !!! " she said shooting her hands forward and stopping them once again just above my belly and wriggling them. causing me to flinch and the girls to giggle.

" no ? not me hmmm ? " she said as she glanced over at her friends, when suddenly shay crept up next to me.

" How about, Me !!! " she then yelled next to me, wriggling her finger just above my body like My sister did, laughing as she did " oh, I'm not tickling you !!! but you certainly are acting like it ! " she teased noting my body twitching each time she got close to my skin with her fingers. she then backed off leaving me panting

" ssshhppttth ! " I yelled into my gag and shook my head clearly showing my frustration with this.they were just teasing me ! which was feeling almost as bad as actual ticking ! and the girls just ate it up,
however next, Anne approached me, now she hadn't done or said too much during all this compared to the other, but I know she could be just as devious as all them

" Aww, don't be mad, I can try and cheer you up if you want " she said in a almost too calming voice, but I knew it was all a ruse,

she then began to very slowly swirly two of her fingers in the air above me right by my exposed arm pits. the soft look on her face not laving once.

" Mmmmpppph ! " I yelled trying to pull my arms back down as her fingers grew closer and closer to me. and just when they were about to make contact she then quickly pulled them away and giggle to herself.

" woooh ! atta girl Anne ! " shay cheered her clearly a bit amazed by her sudden forward approach. to which she just smirked and gave me a little wink, to which I admit I blushed a little at, not everyday she was the one to make me do that. however, my troubles were only beginning as my " Favorite" person soon approached me.

" Well, well, and well, " Clarissa said in a almost, seductive tone, " all trussed up, and waiting to meet my little ladies " she said as she held up her fingers and wriggled them. " well I can say, they had really been dying to meet you, " she then proceeded to slowly every so slowly, move her wriggling fingers up and over above my body, starting at my legs and making her way up to my neck where she giggled and then slowly moved them back down again. teasing me with that she could at any moment, strike ! but thankfully, or maybe not, she stopped and retreated with a slight grin on her face.

" Hold on ladies, I don't think we should be doing this " My sister said as everyone looked at her with a slight surprised look, even me, but I was not going to complain about that statement, even if I could.

" No no, it's not fair, we shouldn't take turns like this, teasing him and then threatening to tickle him one at a time " she mused " no, we should, all get the chance to make him squirm, at the same time " she suddenly chimed as all the girls looked quite delighted at that Idea, though as for me, I couldn't have looked more distraught.

" that's right, lets all take a " position " and just go all out ! " my sister said as everyone seemed to be all up for that Idea, save for me of course.

" Nnnnnghh ! " I tried to yell, but got no attention from the girls. and soon each girl gathered all about and took a position around me, My sister and Shay each took a spot at my feet, shay stood behind me and readied her hands at my pits, and Clarissa stood on one side of me, waiting to get at my belly and side, once each girl was stationed, they all raised their fingers above me, and then my sister spoke..

" ready ladies, proceed to, engage ! slowly ! " she said with a wink at me as soon each one of them slowly began to wriggle their fingers all around me and slowly bring them closer and closer to my body.

" Here we come Josh, the tickle express is about to take off, so sit tight and ready to laugh, cause it's all your going to be in for until we stop ! " my sister said as each of their fingers grew closer and closer, as I frantically looked around, my struggling beginning to increase and the pleading into my gag trying to speak out,

" almost time, just about there, what can you do ? Nothing ! " my sister said as I fought with one final effort, an effort to try and and break my bonds, but, as fate would have it, it just wasn't going to be that easy, I was going to be, a tickle victim to these crazed ladies.

and that's when they struck, fingers each meeting some part of my helpless body, a cruel and none mercy filled attack,

" Mmmmmhhhhmhaahahahmmpphh ! " I shouted into my gag as their finger tickled each part of their targeted area, my feet, bell, sides armpits, all under attack, and me with no way to defend myself, I thrashed about as all I could do was take what ever they through at me. no way for me to fight them off or protect myself.

" Hhhmmpphhhhhmmppphh !!! " I shook my had and pulled at the ropes binding me down, the lounger I laid on creaked and shook, but nothing gave as the girls showed no mercy to me. all of them simply giggling and chuckling at my expense as they let their fingers freely continue to make me shut into my gag.

" oh ho, listen to that, isn't that just the most muffled laughter you ever heard " Clarissa spoke eyeing me up as she kept one had ticking my belly and another at one of my sides " such a beautiful sound to hear from you. " she said with a devious grin.

" I know, what a tone, laughing but, having no way to actually laugh with your mouth all stuffed " shay said as she continued to tickle one of my foots. as my sister handled the other.

" I agree, so nice to keep you quiet little bro, even when your being tickled with no way to stop it, god, that must be such torture " she said shaking her head and grinning. as she was right, it was, it was complete torture', being tickled and having no way to stop it, and not even a proper way to laugh, it was a nightmare, of all the things they done to me, this was by far the worst, I'd rather be left back in the sun with the ice for hours then face another second of this. but it was all I could do, laugh and laugh, as best I could into my gag, and the girls know it, and loved it.

Hahhmmpphhhaaaahmmppph !!!!!!!! "

The tickling went on for what felt like an eternity, but really it must have been just ten minutes, which was five or ten minutes , which was too long for anything like this. but finally, the girls did cease their Assault on me , letting me catch my breath, they all backed off giggling to themselves now.

" boy, that was a lot of fun, wasn't it " my sister said to the others who all had to agree with her.

" you said it Mel " Shay spoke " can't wait to give that a try again sometime " she said, a thought which worried me, just what did that mean, where they going to do this again to me soon, or let me go eventually and then try it again some other time ? either way, it didn't appeal to my best interest.

" oh yes, no way should be let this be a one time thing, it's got to happen again soon " my sister said, I admit there was a teasing tone in her voice hinting that she was joking, but still I was not in the mood for any more jokes. no in fact I just wanted to finally be let, go, I had enough of this nonsense, this torture, I wasted my whole day practically being these girls torture toy, I was not going to let them keep at this, so I began to shake and thrash about in my bonds, wanting them to see that I wanted out, and now.

" Oh look, your brother seems to be fidgeting, I think he want's to say something " Clarissa spoke as my sister looked at me.

" oh, is that so, okay bro, I'll be nice and let you talk right now, I think you'll be a good boy now " she said as she approached me and proceeded to take the tape off my mouth, which as soon as she did, I spat the sponge out right at her, causing it to bounce off her, she didn't look so amused by that, but I didn't care , I looked up at her and let her have it.

" This has gone far enough Mel ! let me go right now, your games are funny, let me go right now !! " I shouted at her

" aw, come on bro, it's all a bit of fun, look how much you were laughing " she said with a snicker,

" that was not fun, that was torture and you know it ! let me go right now or so hel-"mmppphh ! " I was suddenly cut off as I my eyes go wide, Clarissa had clamped her hand over my mouth, much like she first had done, cutting me off, even my sister looked a bit shocked by this,

" I don't think you are in a position to try and make demands Joshy " she said close to my ear again. she then looked up at my sister " you think he's learned to apricate a good joke yet ? " she said as my sister then started to smirk,

" you know what, no I don't, he clearly still hasn't taken the time to, so I guess that means it's more time he'll need, " my sister said shaking her head, I think we should let him stay like this a bit longer to reflect on himself, maybe some, time alone will help him " she said folding her arms.

" but first, I think some punishment is in order " my sister said as I looked at her

" hmmmm ? "

" that's right bro, remember what I said about making your gag worse if you acted out like this, well, I think it's time, keep that hand on him Clar, I'll be right back " she said as she soon quickly left the pool patio and headed inside.

" Mmmppph ! " I tried to say and fallow her with my head, but Clarissa kept her hand over my mouth and pinned my head back with her other not allowing me to do so.

" oh, joshy, you really are going to get it, aren't you " she smiled softly at me. the other girls all just watched on with smirks on their faces.

and after about five minutes, my sister came back out of the house with something in her hand, a bottle of some sort.

" okay bro, sense you want to act all tough and try and call the shots here, despite knowing you are not in any position for doing so. I think a little lesson is going to be taught here, one that'll teach you not to speak to me like you have. " she said as she held up the bottle she had brought out. It was liquid hand soap !

" sponge please " she said as shay chuckled and quickly snatched the sponge off of the stone floor and handed it over to Melony,

" thank you " she said sweetly as she then looked at me with a sweet smile, and to my horror I watched as she began to squirt the soap onto the sponge.

* squirt, squirt squirt *

" Mmmpph ! " I watched on as Clarissa kept her hand tight on my mouth and Soon the sponge was drenched in the stuff, and slowly began to absorb it.

" okay little bro, open up, here comes the plane " she said with a sweet mocking tone,

" Nggghhhh pllllgghtt !!! " I tried to say shaking my head but Clarissa kept my head still with her other hand as my sister brought the soapy sponge closer to my mouth.

" Mmmpppphhhh ! "

soon, the sponge was right at my mouth, only blocked by Clarissa's Hand, which she soon moved, and wasted no time, she pinched my nose forcing me to breath and once I did, my sister quickly plopped the sponge back into my mouth and Clarissa held it shut, after that, the white medical tape was brought back and soon I had strand after strand applied until my lower face, chin and all was covered by the stuff. though I paid no attention to that as the soapy sponge in my mouth began to seep the sudsy stuff out and onto my tongue

" MMpppphphh ! ggglllhhhh ! " I shook my had, the taste was nasty, and made me want nothing more then to spit it out, but of course I had no way to do so. it was complete torture in another way..

so as I gagged and shuddered my sister stood back as the rest of the girls joined her now.

" well, I think that'll teach you for a bit now. about talking to me or my friends like you have been " she said crossing her arms,, but still we need to enact more of your punishment, I think you need to be in a little, " Time out " . " she said as I glanced over at her

Time out ? what could she mean by that, I'm already tied down to this chair. how else can I be put in a " Time out " as she says ?.
well she must have seen the look of confusion on my face, cause she smiled and spoke

" oh, don't you worry, bro, I got a place where you can spend some time alone in your thoughts, like thinking about why you shouldn't say mean things to your sister, specially when she has you all tied up as you are " she said with a giggle as she looked over at her friends, " okay girls, lets roll him over, there " she said looking off somewhere, I was about to see where, but was distracted as the girls all soon grabbed the bottom of the lounger by my feet and lifted that end up, now our loungers were the kind that can be rolled about as they had two wheels on one end. so soon all the girls were pulling me along the stone patio floor, giggling as they did, I cocked my head as best I could and could only suck on the soapy sponge in my gagged mouth as I saw where they were taking me, and that was toward the Pool Shed !!!

To be continued.
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Post by WillHBonney »

They're literally washing his mouth out with soap :lol:
Great continuation. Looking forwards to see where it goes next!
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Post by Ossassin »

Absolutely loving that gag, I am awash with delight at how this is going.
Can’t wait to see your future plans
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Post by Nightly Binds »

WillHBonney wrote: 2 years ago They're literally washing his mouth out with soap :lol:
Great continuation. Looking forwards to see where it goes next!
Heh heh yep, he's going to have to chew on those suds for a bit it seem, but, maybe he'll learn that just demanding to be let go isn't going to work in his favor after :lol:

and thanks, hope to have the next bit out soon, but do have another story in been planning out. so will see what happens first !
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Ossassin wrote: 2 years ago Absolutely loving that gag, I am awash with delight at how this is going.
Can’t wait to see your future plans
Thanks a lot, glad you enjoyed it :D hoping to have the next bit out soon, but am working on another story of mine as well soon, so not sure right now which will come first.
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* Deleted Double post * :lol:
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Hey everyone, Part 6 of this " Pool party tale " is here, forgive the wait for it, I intended to have this out much sooner, but delays and what ever,, ha ha, but you don't want to hear any of that, you want to read the rest of this story, so, lets get to it shall we, now last we left Poor Josh, he being dragged toward his oncoming fate at the hands of his sister and friends ! lets see how it plays out !

Poolside problem Part 6 ! Time out !

" Nnnhhhhggghhh !!! " I yelled into my soap filled gag as I as I shook my head back and fourth seeing as we were all heading toward the Pool shed, I didn't know what awaited me there, but I didn't care to find out,, My sister though just took not of my realization and giggle,

" mmpphh ! " I yelled shaking my head as she finally spoke up

" that's it Josh, your going to have a nice time out in the Pool shed, maybe that'll teach you to be more behaved, " she said with a wink as the rest of her friends all giggled at my expense, I didn't care how many times it had failed me I Began to thrash and squirm about in my bonds, hoping by some glimmer of good luck I'd break free and manage to make a break for it, where would I go ? far, far away from Here, that's for sure, but of course, with the days event's shown, I was not getting any closer to that delusion of mine. no instead I stayed restfully bound to the Lounge chair as My sister and her giggling friend all dragged me closer to my awaiting fate.

Once we had reached the pool shed. Melony when up and opened the door for everyone and stood aside holding it. and giving a mocking gesture for them to bring me in, as if I was royalty entering on my carriage.

The girls giggled even more as they soon all dragged me inside the shed ,which was alit with only a single bulb hanging in the middle, I could also feel that it was very stuffy from the trapped heat.also our shed was a fairly decent size. I mean as I mentioned earlier, it was used to House the rest of our Lounge chairs that we don't need out. but it also had a bunch of other stuff you'd expect to find, pool equipment. life jackets. cleaning supplies. ect sense the girls had taken one extra out,there was only three in there, soon four with the one i was lashed to being brought in, meaning I wasn't going to be cramped at least. but still I'd rather not even be spending anytime here at all.

" Okay, just set him in the middle, he can think about his behavior in here for as all as it takes " My sister said with a confirming nod as the girls brough me into the centre of the shed. and spun me around ( with a bit of effort ) so that I was facing toward the door.

" Mmmpph ! nngghhh ! " I tried to yell through my gag as my sister just tsked.

" Oh josh, when will you learn. as your older sister, you can't go around thinking you have the final say around here, but no, you need to be taught a thing or two " she said with her hands on her hips. " oh, and I think we need to fix that " pose " of yours, you look far to relaxed like that, and timeout aren't meant to be " relaxing " now are they ? " she said as she then whispered to the others as they all then giggled. and soon the girls appeached me yet again, only this time, Clarissa started untying my hands from behind my head.while shay and Anne held my arms.

The next process went of tying my wrist back together in front of me this time. though resting them on my waist in front of me. the other length of rope used connect my hands to the back of the chair was used this time connect my wrists the other end of the chair by my feet. only the girls were not done just yet, no after that they grabbed more rope and proceeded to tie it around my arms and chest and to the back of the chair, pinning them against me, yet even then they were not done as they then took two more lengths and tied one each around my wrists connecting the other ends to the arm rests. effectively keeping my wrists pinned in place, unable to tug them in any direction now. I was tied tied tighter then I have ever been.

" there we are, that should just about do it " My sister said with a confirming nod. as all the girls giggled in agreement.

" All secured nice and tight, ready for your time out " Clarissa teased with a smirk. " shouldn't have been so testy " she added as I grumbled a bit.

" yeah, now you get to spend some nice quality time alone in the shed, how great for you " shay grinned with a chuckle to which Anne just smiled and gave a little teasing wave and wink.

" well bro, I guess we'll leave you to it then, and don't worry, even though you are being punished, you won't suffer, much, in here. for the shed is well ventilated, so air will come through making it not, miserable " she said motioning to some air vents located on either side of the shed, though, as you can tell, it can still get a bit stuffy in here, specially after we shut the door, but don't you worry, nothing that'll do more then make you sweat just a bit, but hey, at least your in the shade " she said with a giggle

" No need for any Ice " shay said with a smirk "

my sister chuckled and continued " and besides, we'll be back to check on you soon enough, specially after with what we decide to do with you next, and I'm sure by then, that gag will be ready to come out with a new clean and respectful tongue under it, as well " she said with smirk.

" guess that's all for now, see ya in a bit little bro, and see you in a bit " she said as she began to make her way to the door, the rest of the girls all gave me a little wave, giggles and Clarissa Even blew a kiss my way before they all filed out, the light was flicked off and soon enough the door was shut, leaving me in darkness, fallowed by the sound of a click, I new they had locked the padlock on the front, so even if I was able to somehow escape my bonds, I'd still be trapped in here.

" Mmpph " I moaned as I rested my head back, I noted they could have left the light on allowing me to at least look around in my confined space, but in a way, it may have caused more heat ? either way, all I knew was nothing but the wooden walls were all around me, with some shelves with the various pool equipment I had mentioned, I rested a bit longer, knowing it'd do no good to struggle at this point. and being in this shed with such a hot day, the sun would soon be back to heating it up, not a good idea to struggle about. and boy did I feel it, the heat was beginning to pick back up now and I could feel the sweat starting to form, and after a while I began to squirm a bit more in my bonds and suck on my soapy gag as I tried to get a bit more comfortable.
but Melony was right, this was certainly a punishment. I couldn't relax if I wanted to. they made sure of it, with my arms pulled in front of me and my body pinned more tightly to the Lounger, and the soap gag that filled my mouth with more foul tasting suds every time I let my mouth squeeze it too hard.

however also I my eyes did begin to adjust to the darkness as well as there being a slight bit of light coming from under the door slip and from the open vents on the wall, I could also hear the sound of the girls outside near the pool listening to more of their music and gossiping about what ever through the open vents as well, so it wasn't quite as bad after a bit, but it was a little stuffy no matter how you'd look at it. but, I guess it sort of did beat laying the sun like before.

Either way I decided to to a bit of testing on my bonds, seeing how much slack I could find, but found nothing of that sort on them. every time I tried to pull my wrist back, the rope connecting them to the end of the chair at my feet kept them still, either time I tried to pull them left or right, the ropes on either armrest kept them stuck in centre.

I admit I did start to get a bit more annoyed, specially with the gag constantly squishing soap into my mouth every time a instinctively grunt in the process. it got to the point I finally calmed myself again and left the escape attempt to linger only in the back of my mind.

instead I tried to pass the time, which, ever long it'd be ? by trying to make clarity of the sounds outside the shed, just trying to hear what my sister and her friends were doing, but that dumb girly pop music they had going was drowning out their already muffled voices. I sighed as I shook my head and decided to just rest as best I could before they returned, I had a feeling I'd need it. also, a cold drink would do me good too, or anything to get this taste out of my mouth, I thought as I laid there, feeling the sweat beginning to build up a bit more on me now, and I also now begin to think on my plight.

And, boy, did I need to get out of here, away from my sister and friends, I don't even care if I can't relax today like I wanted too, just being away from them would be all the vacation time I'd need I rolled my eyes, I'd be ready for work in a heart beat. I mean who knew simply doing nothing, as I am tied down ! could be so tiring " I moan a bit more.

I don't know how long it had been now, I figured it must have been an hour or two ! but it was a great sound to hear, when I heard the lock on the door starting to be undone. and soon the door opened up letting in some light again. which was soon switched on. causing me to wince at the brightness.

" Hey brother, how you been, " I heard My sister said with a grin, as she and the rest of the girls soon all came back inside.

I just let out a light moan at her.

" I see, well, I think you been " baking " in here long enough, and betting you'd love to come back out and join us for a bit longer eh ? " she said folding her arms as I just looked up at her and gave a light glare,

" oooor, we could leave you in here a bit longer if you like ? would you want that instead ? " she said as I widen my eyes and shook my head frantically

" I thought so, I mean you only been in here for about a half hour " she noted, I swear it felt longer then that, but given my situation, I guess it would only ? " so here's' what we'll do, I am going to take that not so great tasting gag, and your going to say your sorry for those words you said, then after that, you can join us again in your company " she said leaning forward a bit " sound good ? " she said as a sighed and moaned, but knew it'd not be good to go against them at this point, I'd rather be out there, then be in here any longer

" okay then, but first, we got you a drink, so you can refresh yourself " she said as she motioned with her hand, and Anne brought her a water bottle.

which I eyed up quite eagerly. my gag was taken off and the sponge thankfully taken out. first they let me wash the soap out, letting me spit into a towel until the suds were gone, then they let me finish up drinking the water, once that was out of the way, my sister stood before me with her friends all looking to be waiting.

" well, okay then, lets here it " she said as I stared up at them all. I would say it took a lot of effort not to chew them out some more. but honestly, I this point I did just want to be let out of here. so without any hesitation I began to " suck up to them "

" oh, I'm so sorry, I called you and your friends immature and mocked you, and just having a overall poor attitude with you. " I say with a sigh

" hmm anything else ? " my sister said raising one of her brows.

" uuuh, and, I think your all great and this prank was funny, and I can't wait to hang out with you more " I say gritting a bit, that last bit being a little more tough to get out.

" Aww, he really does like us then " Clarissa said with a smirk

" well little bro, if that's how you feel, then you can come back out and join us. " she said with a nod, as she stroked the hair on my head a bit. " and a good thing too " she said with a devas smirk " me and the girls had thought up a good way for you to spend more time with us " she said with a very knowing and teasing smirk, glancing back at the others who all let out knowing giggles. I however, and unsurprisingly wasn't feeling so good about it. soon enough I was dragged back out of the shed and over toward the pool yet again, not liking the feeling in my stomach at what awaited me.

To be continued........
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Post by Ossassin »

Aside from the accidental double post :lol: , am loving the current state of it.
An hour to learn patience with a sponge gag was cruel :D
Looking forward to their new vicious plan ;)
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Ossassin wrote: 2 years ago Aside from the accidental double post :lol: , am loving the current state of it.
An hour to learn patience with a sponge gag was cruel :D
Looking forward to their new vicious plan ;)
Oh Ooops, just fixed that now. :lol:

Anyway, Thanks ha ha, yeah defiantly one of their more " cruel " Treatments of what he's been through, ;) and thanks, glad you enjoyed this part and are looking forward to what they may have in store next for Little Josh :twisted:
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Post by WillHBonney »

Another great chapter. I love the description of Josh in the shed. The way that initially he squirmed and struggled but eventually came to terms with his predicament.
And I love how the girls wore him down into believing that anything is better than being tied in the shed.
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Post by jayspatswhoo »

Can’t wait to see what’s next!
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Post by Tugs4fun »

Great continuation, love how he said he “can’t wait to hang out with them more”
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Hello everyone, Firstly would like to say, thanks for everyone who has enjoyed this story thus far, I want to thank all of you who patiently waited for the next installment of this Series,( I'm starting to notice a theme here with these author's notes :lol: ) been pretty busy but, who cares about that right, you all want to read the next installment of this story,, so now here it is, the long awaited 7th part, with that, said, always love to hear your feedback, thanks a lot and hope you enjoy

" Poolside problems part 7 , " The worst torment yet."

The last we left Josh, he was being dragged to his uncertain Doom by his sister and friends, well, not really doom, but he wasn't happy either way about it.

" I was not Happy about what I had just endured, being trapped in that shed for half an hour with the quickly rising temperature, but now that I was out of there, I still wasn't all that pleased about being tied to a Lounge chair and dragged around by my sister and her friends, but, at least it was cooler out here then in there.

Anyway though, things where not looking to great for me as the girls all giggled and snickered to themselves, pulling me back over to the spot they had first had me when I fell victim to this misereable prank of theirs. facing the pool yet again. only this time, I had been tied up much tighter then I originally had been, with my wrists tied to the bottom of the chair pulled in front of me, also tethered tightly to both Armrests, , My arms and chest pinned to the chair with extra rope, waist also secured to it as well, legs tied down, I was not going anywhere still, and the girls not only knew that, but relished it. for soon once they had rolled me back to the spot I was, they all quickly gathered around me now, smiling widely, but clear evil behind their grins.

, " okay bro, so it'll be like this then, sense you said you want to hang with us now, and love our pranks, we have all figured out a great way for you to feel, more fitting in with our crowd, however, we just need to sort some things out first " she said with a smirk, " so, just sit tight here for a moment, while me and the girls go and get things, ready " she said with, an almost Ominous tone, but quickly went back to her cheery grin, " so , don't go anywhere " she laughed at her own joke before heading off while the rest of the girls all snickered as well. " but, here, we'll let you listen to some tunes so you won't get too bored, " she said as she flicked back on the portable stereo that was still set up beside where I was. and soon it was spewing out some girly Junk pop songs or something, but before I could protest they all had made their way into the house.

" wait, ! what are you going to too ? hey ! " i yelled back at them, but they ignored my please as they soon disappeared back into the house. that notion was starting to get really annoying I must admit, getting left out here by them as they prepare another torture for me. I just sighed and hung my head, figuring it was best not to try and argue with them, and just endure this awful music until they got back, at least I wasn't gagged.

Well, my time alone wasn't too long this time, as the girls had all returned from inside of the house, making their way back over to where I sat bound, I heard them placing some stuff down behind me, unsure as to what it could be, but when I saw Melony's smirking face in front of me again, I knew I was not going to like the answer. only further supported when I saw she as well as her friends now all standing in front of me,, had their hands behind their backs, sporting cutely innocent grins, that did very little to hide from me, their vile intents.

" Soooooo, bro, " Melony began, " are you ready for what where about to do ? " she said with a little smirk as I just sighed, not sure if I should respond to that or not.

" Hmmm ? " I can't hear you, are you not excited ? or are you still trying to be rude to us ? " She said putting on a more serious tone.

" I think he might be taking us for fools, by saying he liked hanging out with us, just so we'd let him out of the shed, " Clarissa spoke up now with a firm nod.

" is that true bro, do you want to go back into the shed then ? " My sister said with a mock fake look of shock

my eyes widened now as I shook my head back and fourth,

" no no ! I didn't meant to sound- I just, I wasn't sure- I - " Stumbled over my own voice as my sister interrupted my stutters

" oh, no need to fret, all I did was ask a simple question, just answer it and all will be fine " she said with a nod as the rest of the girls all did the same, clearly enjoying my complete defeated tone now.

" yes ! I am, okay happy ? " I blurted out as the girls all laughed now.

" see, not so hard, things really don't need to be this tough you know " Melony said with another innocent nod and smile, she then looked over at the girls, " well alright then ladies, I think we shouldn't keep him waiting any longer, let's all show him, what he's getting next " She said as everyone bared a knowing grin that didn't make me feel any better about my predicament .

" Well bro, the girls and I all thought, that maybe you could do with A- " she said as again nodded at the others as they all soon releveled what they had behind their back, a Makeup bag, cosmetics ! and other girlish things " Makeover ! " she finished with a sweet little giggle.

However my eyes went wide as I stared in complete Horror as the various tools of torture they had before me. it was in that instance I began to thrash about in my bonds, this was it, this was going to far now

" Nooo ! please don't ! , just put me back in the shed ! " I yelled as this seemed to amuse them all,

" Aww, don't be like that josh, we'll make you look all nice and pretty, you'll be so happy once you see it,...or not, either way it's happening, " she said as she then leaned close to my ear and spoke in a whisper " and you know what, there's nothing you can do to stop it " she then shot herself backup giggling

" yeah, your gonna looks so great, you'll hardly recognize yourself " shay said looking very eager to get started.

" No ! I won't, this is where I draw the line, I don't care what else yo-mmpph ! " I suddenly found myself cut off again as Melony put her hand above my mouth.

" I think we need to make him quiet again " she said glancing back at the others. Clarissa who was holding the makeup kit nodded and spoke.

" I got just the thing here " she said opening the Makeup bag and fumbling around until she found what she wanted, " ah, here we are, think these will do ? " she said holding something between her fingers, I tried my best to look at them, but couldn't make them out easily, i could see though that they were white.

" oh, those will be perfect, don't have to use the sponge again, let's see how many he can fit inside " My sister said as she reached up and took a of them from Clarissa, she then faced me and held them up in front of my face, they where, Cotton balls,the little things used to spread toes ? like when women are painting their nails ? I groaned at this.

" okay josh, you know the drill, open wide " she said, however, I finally having enough of this, kept my mouth clamped shut, if they were going to give me a undesired makeover, then I was not going to make it easy for them, the shed was a better option if they pull that threat out.

" I see how it's going to be, " Melony said shaking her head, " always gotta do things the hard way huh " she said as she stretched a bit then gave a smirk, " Anne, would you be so kind as to give his feet, a little, tickle, just to see how he complies after ? " she said as I looked more worried now.

" sure thing " Anne said with a smile then looked over at me with a cutely but no doubt evil grin, she was the quiet one, but she could be just as cruel as the others, I knew it. and she demonstrated it as I felt her fingers run across my unpredicted soles, causing me to burst out laughing

" Hahaha sthahahap ! " I yelled as I squirmed in my bonds,

" she won't stop until you behave " My sister said, as I strained and laughed.

" ppleheheeeesss, dodhohohoohnt ! "I yelled trying not to give it. but the tickling continued,

" just give in, and it'll stop, the sooner you cooperate the sooner we can get on with your Makeover " Melony said as I throw my head back as Anne continued to tickle my feet. and needless to say, I could not hold it in much longer, ticking was awful, a Makeover worse, but, I'd rather not endure both, so I quickly began to nod and comply with them.

" okay, okay ! I'll stopahahap, pleahehehes ! " I said as Melony then gave a nod to Anne, who then ceased the tickling.

" alright then, now you just behave or you'll get more that, and that Makeover is happening either way " she said as she then proceeded to stuff my mouth now with the cotton balls , one after another, not stopping,

" I bet those don't taste like cotton candy as much as they feel like it hmm ? " she said as my mouth became more and more stuffed, I soon had probably over a dozen wedge inside mouth mouth, making my cheeks bulge out a bit, probably making me look like some cartoonish chipmunk.,

" okay, now, just a little bit of tape " she said as soon she began to plaster my mouth once again with that White medical tape. until my lower face was practically covered in the stuff.

" how's that feel ? " she asked as I spoke into my gag

" mmppphh ! gghhhhhh ! "

" mmhmmm, so very good then, got it " she said giving me a thumbs up. then turned back to face the girls now.

" Alright then ladies, let us, dazzle him ! " she exclaimed as soon I found the girls all surrounding my bound body holding some sort of Girlish torture device, with looks of pure evil and sadistic glee in their eyes, in response I began to thrash and shaking my head pleading into my gag.

" Nnngghh ! dddghghhhhh !!! "

" Here we go, let's see then, what first ? what first ? " My sister said tapping her chin as she thought over what to do to me. you girls have any ideas, ? " she said as Clarissa spoke up.

" oh, well defiantly some nice Pink eye shadow, oh yes " she said eyeing me up with a cruel smirk.

" oh, and some blush too, lots of it " shay added " though he might not need it after this " she added with her own gruel grin.

" Foundation is a must first " My sister then chimed in, but yes, everything, the whole works, oh bro, you'll look so precious when where done, come on girls, let's make some art ! " she said as soon my face was being attacked left and right with the Horrible cosmetics !

I Felt my sister rubbing some sort of cream liquid stuff on my face while I felt a brush rubbing along my cheeks, my eyes being rubbed down with some spongey tool, every angle I felt hands sticking some tool on my face, and I was powerless to stop it,I couldn't even shake my head as one of the girls had a firm grip, holding it down.. all I could do was endure and hear the comments they made about my Makeover process.

" ooh, yes, defiantly this colour ! "

" best shade for you I think ! "

" he'll need some of this, here, oh and there !

" Lovely ! you'll shine after this ! "

" He needs this in his hair ! "

" Mmmpppphhhh ! mmpphh ! " I tried my best to yell, but all the cotton balls stuffed in my mouth made it impossible to get a sound out, plus with the insane amount of tape keeping them in.

" Oooh, someone, we need to do his Nails and toe nails too ! " My sister spoke up as I gave another shout of protest into my gag, I could already feel all the gunk on my face, I didn't want my nails painted now ! "

" I'll get right on it " Clarissa said giving me another smirk I caught under my makeover Assault., soon enough, I felt something being placed between my toes ? soft, cottony. oh no ! cotton balls, as if I wanted to deal with any more of those ! " I thought as I began to struggle more, but my bonds only held me tighter then ever.

" tee hee, give up bro, your not getting loose, and your makeover isn't completed yet, so just try to relax and let yourself be makeover into a new and girlish you ! " my sister said with a giggle.

" Mmppph ! " I yell in response as I Felt something cold brushing along my toe nails,

Needless to say, this went on for what felt like ever, each girl somehow finding something they wanted to added to my face , which was feeling more and more heavily with makeup by the minute, or something being tied in my hair, I could feel Clarissa finishing up with my toes as she then began to move onto my hands, which bound as they were. where not getting away from meeting the same fate as my toes. soon the brush began to coat them to in the Polish, a colour I didn't even know what yet.

" Alright, I Think that does it for his face now, " Melony said a she and the girls all backed off now, leaving me bound there feeling rather disorientated from so much being poked around my face., Clarissa was just left with finishing up my nails now.

" hmmm, somethings Missing, we can't show you your look before we complete your do over, " My sister said now, as she looked over me, " Ooooh I know, Your lipstick ! how silly of me ! " she said with a giggle as she then grabbed the makeup Bag and rummaged around for a bit until she pulled out one she seemed to like,

" This shade would look very lovely on you Bro, " she said with a cruel grin as she held up the Tube, and took the cap off, grinning wickedly she slowly rolled up the Red coloured lipstick as I stared at it with absolute horror !

" Time to add some Lips to that gag, " she said as I tried to protest one more time

" oh don't be that way, at least your gag won't look so bland and boring now " she said as she brought the tube down onto my gagged lips, shay and Anne holding my head down as she began to slowly draw over where my lips would be, going back and fourth and all round them until she was satisfied.

" Okay, there, now your Complete ! " she said hopping back as the rest of the girls all giggled and joined her. even Clarissa who had finished painting all my nails now.

" Alright bro, you ready to see yourself " she said as I shook my head back and fourth

" Nnnngghhh ! " I yelled them while doing so.

" hmm, that's too bad, cause where going to show you whether you like it or not " Melony shrugged as she then grinned over at the others, then Took a Mirror out of the Makeup bag, she then held it right before my face, allowing me to get a good look at myself, and the Horrible Thing they have done to me,

I looked ridiculous ! Makeup, of all sorts, plastered all over my face.like, over done almost, my eyelids, glittery with pink Eye shadow, My lashes Long dark and curled with mascara and Eye liner ! my face, glowing from the Foundation, My Cheeks, burning with red blush ! different bits of glitter and seemed to be scattered along my face as well, My taped mouth now sporting A huge red pair of lips ! it was terrible, and, My hair, oh my hair, had all sorts of girlish Hair accessories in it, bows, Hair clips, glittery Head band,

" Mmmppppphhh !!! " I Frustratingly shouted into my painted gag

" I think he likes it " Shay spoke up now

" aw, is that true ? you love it don't you " My sister said with a smirk as I glared up at her and them now.

" bet you love your new lovely pink nails too huh ? " Clarissa said, indicating the Nail polish colour she had used on me.

" Mmmpppphh ghhhhhhhh ! "

" No need to thank us bro, we understand how much you appreciate our hard work, I mean who can not love such a gorgeous Makeover, in fact, I think you'll want to remember this look for, some time, " she said as she suddenly got another devious look on her face. " I think it's time, we create some " memories " " she added with a wicked grin, as I widen my, now glittery sparkling eyes , in what was once again, complete horror and fear. this day just refuses to get any better for me.

To be continued.
Last edited by Nightly Binds 2 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Ossassin »

I do love the gag being displayed.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Ossassin wrote: 2 years ago I do love the gag being displayed.
Thanks glad you like it ! I mean for me, lips drawn on a gag is certainly one of my favorite things, ;) :lol:
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Post by tillytimber123 »

Just binged this story and I’m completely loving it. Can’t wait for what’s next in store!
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Pool side problems ! Part 8 FFFF/M

Well, I guess the first thing to say is, it's been a long time ! yes, yes it has been, okay now that's out of the way ! hello everyone ! I have finally come back to this story with an updated chapter and the poor misadventures Josh has embarked on at the hands of his devious sister and friends ! well best no keeping you waiting any Longer, and jump right into it !

Not so Picture perfect !

" NNNNNHHHHGGGGG MMPPHHHHHHH !!! " I shouted into my taped up and painted gag as My sister and friends all gleefully giggled and laughed at my response to their next Idea for me ! I shook my head as they all smirked down at my bound form. I mean being given with Makeover was terrible enough ! but no way in hell was I going let them " Capture memories " of it ! cause I knew it what it meant, and knowing my sister, she'd hold this over on me for years if she does !

" Awww what's the matter bro ? don't you want to remember how pretty you always looked ? " My sister said with a snicker

I just glared at her now as her friends joined in on all the taunting.

" yeah, we worked so hard to make you look this good ! you should really apricate it ! " Shay said with A wink at me.

" Mmppphhh !! " I grunted back and shook my head and tugged some more a my bonds

" tsk tsk looks like someone is not satisfied with how they turned out it seems ? maybe he's trying to tell us we didn't do a good job after all ? " Clarissa now spoke up, which just caused me to stop and roll my eyes in a groan

" well gee, sorry bro, we tried to make you look as pretty as we could, all that makeup not girly enough for you ? " my sister said crossing her arms now and shaking her head.

I just rested my head back and shut my eyes, knowing well I couldn't protest or argue with the, even if I was not gagged, no matter what I did they'd keep making things worse. with that I just instead lowered my head and sighed, ceasing my struggling for the time being, I then Looked up at them for a moment.

" hmm, I guess, you are okay with how you look the ? " my sister said on a mock tone with her index finger to her chin, then proceeded smirk down at me as I just glanced back away.

" well, okay then, I guess we can get on with the next bit of fun " she exclaimed " Ladies ! let's get some pictures going ! " instantly winced at that, I couldn't bare the thought of having pictures taken of me, but I knew it was powerless to stop it, with some effort though I tried my best to unravel the boings on my wrist, anything that could be quicker to get me out of this Damn chair I been tied to for so long ! meanwhile my sister disappeared back into the house again for like the 20th time today, leaving me this time though with her friends who all gawked at me and teased me while she was away

" ooh, your going to be the perfect little photo model when we get that amazing makeup job all captured ! Shay teased me poking my side a bit making me squirm a bit and grunt angrily at her.

" I love his lips ! they so stick out so much on you with that shade " Clarissa teased with a wink

" ggrrrhhh " was my only response at her, along with a glare.

" I love his little hair clips, so cute " Anne spoke up now giggling as she played with my hair attire !

after a few more minutes of dealing with that, finally my sister came back down yet again, carrying one of her digital Cameras ! I groaned rolling my eyes.

" can you say cheese ? " My sister smiled at me waving her Camera in front of me in a teasing manner, I just yelled muffling into my gag at her, .

" Oops, I guess not, that's right, well that's okay, you just need to sit there and look at pretty like you are " my sister said getting her camera ready as she walked in front of me now,, I blushed as I frustratingly struggled in my bonds. but it was no use, my sister had it all ready and aimed it right at me

" Okay lets just zoom into that pretty face of yours ! " she said with a grin " smile pretty and show off the bright red lips ! " she said as I heard the first click of the camera, then another and another !

" oh yes, those look lovely ! " she laughed as she began to snap even more photos of me, I just shuffled and squirmed in my bonds as she began to walk around me, trying to get photos of me from all sorts of angles ! oh yes looking good bro ! or is that sis ? " she laughed as I flushed more angrily at her.
Her friends all just laughed and chuckled at my expense as my sister took more and more pictures of me, acting like some professional photographer
trying to get the best shots she could and telling me how to " work it " or " look my best ! " when eve so all I could do was just lay there bound as I am !

" yeah ! whoo ! you go girl ! " shay yelled out !

" that's right ! give it all you got ! " Clarissa added

" uh huh ! right ! that's it ! get your hair, oooh and can't forget your pretty nails ! " my sister said making sure to snap a few of my painted nails as well, once she had she finally stood back and looked satisfied for the moment.

" wow, that was quite the photo session ! " she chimed, as her friends all laughed and agreed. I just remained where was feeling defeated.

the girls then all began to look at the images my sister had captured of me, giving their opinions and what they thought where the best ones. Leaving me bound here, like I was even present at the moment.

I stared up at the sky for the time being, seeing some slight clouds finally rolling over and allowing some more shade for me, what I wouldn't do for being back in my room, laying on my bed and sleeping in the cool air conditioned room ! I can't believe what was supposed to be my time of relaxing at the pool became anything but. I sighed, I guess there was no complaining about it right now, my main goal is to somehow get out of this situation before the day is done ! I just needed to think on how. however my train of thought was soon interrupted as my sister then spoke back up again

" Hey bro guess what ! " she sang out in a cheer tone over to me.

I glanced over at her, knowing I would dread what ever came to be next

" the girls and me love your pictures so much ! they really show off just how pretty a boy can be ! your makeup is to marvel at ! " she said in a dramatic fashion " I just shook my head in annoyance.

" well, me and girls think though, that even though your makeup looks magnificent ! there is still something missing that could make these photos better ! " she exclaimed as I looked a but, perplexed now. but also dreading as to what that could possibly mean ?

" I'll be right back ! " my sister said as she took off again,

how many times is this going to be a recurring thing, she might as well bring out everything from the house as this point ! ? ether way I moaned knowing I was not going to like what was in store, and her friends comments about how I was going to look even better didn't do much to make me feel better about that.

well to spare you the details on another round of being made fun of by my sisters friends, my sister soon came back down with something in hand again, only this time, it was a bag, a big plastic bag ! I looked a bit baffled at this, wondering just what could be in that to add further torment to my situation, not that I really wanted to know !

" okay bro " my sister said dropping the bag on the ground. " here's what's going to happen now. you see me and girls have figured, that while your makeup is spectacularly done ! and makes you look so very pretty ! we have thought that maybe we should, give more flare to your attire, so to match your no Makeover ! " my sister exclaimed in a giddy manner, " so I brought down a whole bag of clothes to choose from, on just what would look best for you !

I just began to thrash about in my bonds now " Nnnhhhh !! plhhhhgghhh nnggg thhgggggg !!! " I shouted into my gag

" aw look he's super excited to get some new attire ! " Clarissa teased " we shouldn't keep him waiting too long then " she said as I shook my head back and fourth

" Mmppphhh !! mmpppphhhh !! "

my muffled please went unheard as my sister and her friends began to dig through the bag on the ground shuffling things about now, making comments about what they saw.

" ooh, this would look good ! or how about this ?

" he'll look so great with this ! "

" oh, this colour would match the lipstick ! "

after minutes and minutes of them fumbling about with what ever was in there, finally my sister and her friends all turned to face me now !

" well bro, we had a pretty tough time at figuring out what you would look the best in, " she said crossing her arms " then it struck me. who says you need to look good in just one outfit, when there is a whole wardrobe choice to choose from ! " she added as I was really beginning to hate the sound of this more and more." why not just have a whole photo shoot of you in different outfits ? you can be our model ! " she exclaimed as all the girls cheered on !

I though looked on with horror as I pointlessly tried to break my bonds !

the girls all just laughed at this now. as my sister then grabbed a couple things from the bag and turned to face me again

" now here's what going to happen, we tried to think of how we'd get you dressed up, I mean we couldn't just untie you, that'd not be too fun, and a lot of work sense we got you secured there pretty good ! " she said as I could only imagine what she was getting at.

" sense we can't untie you, we'll just have to make you look your best while still relaxing in your Lounge chair ! " she said as she then held up some material, it was Pink from what I could see, and getting a better look at it I could see it was in fact a two piece swimsuit ! pink with a rink trim around it !

" gotta have you looking fitting first for your photo shoot at a pool ! " she said with a giggle, what they did then was, they took the bathing suit, and sort of draped it over me, first the upper part they draped over my bare chest and sort of tucked it in a little between my arms, they then did the same with the bottom part over my trunks, but what they did for that was first roll up and tuck my trunks a little, which felt really awkward, they then slid them under the rope that was keeping my wrists tethered and over my swim trunks,, they stood back once it was done,
needless to say it looked more, " weird " that way, but from the way the girls were all giggling, I think they thought it only added to making me look ridiculous ! this was a nightmare !

" aw, look at that, your all nice and pretty even more now, " wearing " your bathing suit at the pool, I bet you feel so good ! " my sister laughed

" I guess " she " isn't planning on going for a swim sense she has all that makeup on " Clarissa smirked at me " as the girls all laughed, my cheeks couldn't be any redder at this point I think, well maybe they would be, as I soon saw my sister taking more pictures of me now, all over with my " swim wear ! "

" these will be a real keeper ! maybe I should upload some online ! won't that be fun " she laughed, as My eyes widen,

" Nngghhh !!! " I yelled shaking my head, which only cause my sister to laugh more, we need to get a group photo with you, at some point, get in there girls " my sister said as she snapped some more pictures. the girls wasted no time as they all began to pose next to me, in all sorts of ways, from resting their heads on me, to making kissing faces, it was torture at it's finest ! my sister even got one of them to hold the camera and posed next to me, a look of triumph on her face, satisfied at how things where going.

" Now we have many more things for you to " model " this photo shoot is just beginning ! " my sister said as I patted me on the cheek, bearing a devious grin, when would this nightmare come to an end !? I thought, When !?

To be continued !!!!
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Post by Ossassin »

A joy to see you return to this piece.
I for one hope it is an unending nightmare but I’m sure regardless it will be fun.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Ossassin wrote: 2 years ago A joy to see you return to this piece.
I for one hope it is an unending nightmare but I’m sure regardless it will be fun.
Thanks ! yeah, been missing this series, though,as much as many would want this " nightmare " to continue, I believe it'll be nearing it's " waking " point ;) but lets just see what happens in the next installment as it comes around !
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Poolside Problems Part 9 Turn of events !

Whoa, what ? what is this ? oh yeah my story ! wow it's been some time, well, guess I better start at it, HELLO everyone ! I have finally gotten around to finishing up the summer tale of Humiliation and torment ! of Poor Josh, what will this chapter bring, will his torment really end, I guess we'll just see now won't we.

The nightmare continued, my torment had not ceased, I was bound trapped and Humiliated ! ,I mean there I was, right in the spot I had been for the past few hours ! Tied to this stupid Lawn chair by my sister and her crazy friends, only now my faced was caked in makeup, and girly two piece bathing suit was draped over my Body, my sister snapped photos of me with her camera at my expense.

" Egghgggg !!! mmphhh pplghlhhhh !! " I shouted into my gag, my head shaking back and fourth, I couldn't take this, but the girls were just eating this up, All I wanted was to have a relaxing day off ! why must I endure this suffering !

" Aww, calm down little bro, we'll get to the fashion show, just a few more pictures " my sister said moving around taking a few more pictures,

In the mean time Melony's friends had gone inside the house yet again to gather more things, I was really dreading every time they went inside, never anything good ever came out of it !

" Mmmh, these photos looks so cute, look at your little face " she said showing me the screen on the camera, I couldn't be bothered to see how I looked, so I simply turned my head away.

" Hey now, come on, Take a look, you look so pretty " she laughed but I continued to be defiant and turned away.

" hmm, fine, if you don't wanna see the hard work we did on you, I guess you need to be taught how to appreciate others kind doings " she said placing her hands on her hips. " maybe the girls and I will have a lot of fun teaching you how " she flashed a devilish smile.

I groaned, and simply looked up at her the nodded pointing my nose at her Camera,

" oooh, what's that ? you want me to do something with this ?" she said acting as though she was clueless.

" Mmmph " I simply replied.

" well, what ? what could you possibly want me to do ? " she said in a mock manner

I rolled my eyes and pointed my nose again at it and then gave a nod. she just chuckled.

" oh, you want me to ? show you your pretty pictures ? " she said looking surprised ? " but I thought you didn't want that ? I thought you wanted to be taught a lesson ? " she said shaking her head.

I grunted and shook my head, to which she giggled.

" oh I see, well, fine then, you sure can't make up your mind, here you go " she said as she held the camera screen in front of me to see, I could see it, myself, my ridiculous face, the first image showed my made up face, with all the makeup they slathered on me, the worst was those Bright red lips painted onto my gag, looking comically red and big, and the hair clips in my hair, it looked like a six year old girl attacked my head !

" Don't you look so lovely " my sister said teasingly and sweetly

" specially with your bathing suit " she said as she showed me more images of my bound body on the chair with the bathing garment draped over., " that's the best you looked ! or...weill look until the girls get back " she then winked at me

" oh and let's not forget your nails ! " she said as she showed me pictures of my Painted nails."

" Melony were back ! " Clarissa's voice sang out in a sing a long voice.

" Great ! did you get the whole bundle ? " My sister said looking rather giddy.

" you bet, all sorts of things that are just dying to be tried out by our little model here " Shay said tickling the side of my face which made me squirm a bit in my bonds.

" both she, Clarissa and Anne were all holding a big box, that they plopped down on the pavement near me.just from glancing at the top I could tell it was full of girly clothes and other Garments

" we got what we thought was the best and most pretty things, we could find in your room " Shay said with a wink down at me.

" things I know your eager to " wear " Clarissa said close to my ear in a soft manner, I squirmed much to her delight.the girls all giggled and gathered around the box now, eager to see just what was going to be my latest torment !

" Ooh, this would look cute ! "

" or like really funny ! "

" this was my favorite, he'd rock the look with it ! "

those were all the comment I had to hear as the girls all conversed like I Was not there, to them I was just a doll to be played with, to dress up and I did not like it one bit ! I grimaced at the idea of wearing those girly outfits they all seemed to be going over and squirmed a bit more in my bonds to see, just to see hopefully that one knot had come loose ! but, yeah, not the case...

" Here you are bro, your first new outfit ! " My sister said holding up a white frilly blouse, with also a black mini skirt, I whimpered as my sister giggled, " hey don't complain, all you got to do is lay there and be soo pretty ! " she said as she and the girls bared closer to me. and needless to say it went down how you'd expect, the girls had tossed off the bathing suit and soon the blouse and skirt was slid onto me, well,l draped over me much like the bathing suit, so, I wasn't actually wearing it and it covered up my bound hands in front of me, but, they seemed to like that " effect " it had. and all laughed about seeing me with it on me like a blanket.

shortly after the skirt was draped over my body do at my thighs as I now looked like I was " wearing " the clothing in a silly fashion, the girls used a bunch of comments on me of course, teasing me and wasting no time after to get a hundred pictures of me with the outfit, posing around me some more and stuff like that. and that's how it went ! that's how I was treated for the next Half hour !

the girls pulled out more girly clothes for me to " wear " from tights, to bath gowns, even wrapping a pink feather boa around me ! I looked a mess ! like I was a girly girl with no fashion direction ! and the girls new it and wanted it that way ! snapping pictures of me and making sure to get my face reaction to each one ! the girls dance and played more of that girly crap on the radio as they made me their dress up doll !

however, it was when finally Carissa suggested something, did things take a turn !

as I laid their still heavily bound and dressed in a random assortment of girly clothing, with Anne and Shay giggling and poking and tickling me, my sister and Clarissa were both looking through the box to see what I have not modeled yet.

" hmm, how about this ? " My sister said

" nah, not girly enough I think " Clarissa responded " How about this one ? "

" pfft, yeah I don't think so. "

" oooooh, they are really going to find something good for you to try next " Shay said poking my cheek," Right Anne ? " she smirked at her.

Anne giggled and gave a nod " I think so "

" and you can't do anything about it, cause your tied up, and you can't complain, cause your gagged " Shay taunted twirling her finger around my tape mouth.I glared at her.

My sister and Clarissa continued to converse " well, if you don't think this one, then what, should we let him model ? " my sister said, as Clarissa rummaged some more through the clothing, then stopped for a moment ,and got a very devious smirk, oh how I hated that look she gave, it never meant good things to fallow.

" I think we should try something with him actually wearing it. " she said grinning down at me, waiting to see my worried reaction as my sister then put on a sinister smirk as well,

" oooh, you mean, actually dress him up " shay said with a snicker, " and let him strut around for us as we take pictures " she chuckled grinning at me.

I could feel my cheeks burning even more now, I certainly didn't want that ! it was bad enough being like this, but now having to actually wear one of these ridiculous outfits, I began to shake my head and protest into my gag, not that the girls really cared or anything, actually scratch that, they did laugh quite a bit.

" you know what, that sounds like not a bad idea " My sister sister winking at me " I bet you'd just love that huh ? you'd love for us to dress you up in one of my outfits, then let us take many pictues of you walking around feeling all pretty, then make copies of those photos to send to your friends hmm ? " she said getting close to my face,

I couldn't take it, there was no way I was going to let that happen, but, what could I do, these girls hade me in every way, everything they wanted to do to me , they did it. I was powerless to stop them, I simply moaned and lowered my head, cheeks blushing bright.

" aww, don't be sad, I promise, we'll do it, no joke " my sister teased again,

" I think he's so eager, he always wanted to be a pretty girl " Clarissa chimed in.

" He rocks the girl look for sure " Shay added

Anne just giggled and nodded with them.

I groaned, knowing it was pointless, I was going to suffer the Humiliation ! any that they had planned ! and they just loves that realization in me.

" So then, let's get started, we should get him untied from that Chair so we can do this " My sister said " but let's keep him still, you'll be still for us bro ? huh, while we get you all prettied up ? or you'll probably spend the night in the shed " my sister faked a gasp

Now even that I don't think she would have done, but, honestly, I didn't want to test my fate so, I simply gave a nod, to which she smiled sweetly at

" Good, well then, let's start then, have at him " my sister said as soon all the girls began to work on my binds, I just remained still, one at a time my bonds came loose, I must admit, I was just happy to finally have them be taken off, to finally feel the loosen, first my waist, my arms, and my legs and ankles, all of it, however my wrist bonds and my gag remained on.

but having those ropes removed felt like the most amazing feeling ever, after being restricted for what felt like a year ! I was finally freed, ( sort of ) from that chair, and I was stood up, I actually felt a bit wobbly, it was not easy to stand normally after being heavily restrained, but I was finding my footing, anyway, once I was hoisted up, both Shay and Carissa held my arms on their side of me, as my sister and Anne began to dig around in the box of tortures.

I stood their feeling both girls keeping a firm grip on me, giggling and snickering every time I made the briefest bit of eye contact with them. soon enough, my sister and Anne pulled out the Attire they both thought was going to look great.....on me.

" ooooh, bro, this is just so gorgeous ! " she exclaimed, her back facing me, " you'll love it I know it ! " she said with a giggle, as she then turned around and showed me what awaited me, in her hands she had what was the most girly, pink bit of clothing she owned ! A terrible girly Tank top, with sparkles on it and a big red heart in the middle that said " Got to Love ! "

I never seen her wear that terrible thing before, she probably kept it stashed away cause of how girlish it was, and now she was expecting me to wear it !

" Oh my Gosh I love it ! " Clarissa said in excitement ! " he'll look so hilarious in that ! "

" Totally will, I couldn't wear something like that ! and I'm a girl " Shay laughed, soon the girls were all bursting out in laughing at the idea of me being seen in that thing

I just moaned in despair at the thought of having to actually put that thing on, No way ! " I look on mortified at the Shirt, the idea of them taking pictures became too much I couldn't but then it got worse

" we should get our family's video camera, and record this, it'll be too good to pass up on ! " my sister chuckled, as she grabbed her Digital camera,
" I'll have a whole wall full of these by the end of the summer ! " she laughed,

I know that would not be in my favor, the black mail she could get with all that, I couldn't handle it, I couldn't take it, and then my sister began to walk closer with the girly garment and camera waving them in a taunting manner

" we'll get you all prettied up, with this Top, and some nice girly jeans, and touch up your make up and hair ooooh you'll be my own little sister for a bit ! " she laughed waving the camera in my face " and we'll have plenty of memories of it, she giggled in a teasing manner, soon all the girls where in a near fit of hysteria, and that's when I finally made a bold move, I let out a grunt and lurched forward trying to break free of the grips, not knowing how loose they really where, as now the girls holding me were clearly at that point too busy laughing to really have much of a firm grip on me,and I was released from either one holding me, it clearly caught them off guard as shay actually stumbled back in alarm nearly falling over, and Clarissa was taken back just well, so I was flung forward and pushed right into my sister !

" Aaahhhh !! " she let out a shriek as she stumbled back in surprise, and then it happened.

* KER-SPLASH !!! *

Right into the pool she went ! falling right back into it ! she lost grip of her camera and that went soaring into the air and landed on the pavement of the pool side with a crack and cackle...

" Melony !!! "

All the girls yelled, even Anne ! they suddenly looked stunned as they ran over to the pool leaving me unintended, the last thing I Saw before I decided to take my chance and Book it out of there, was Melony's face surfacing from the pool coughing and sputtering as she stood up. but I didn't see what exactly happened next as I was already running into the house through the patio doors past the dinning room through the living room and up the stairs, hands still bound and mouth still gagged, but it didn't matter. I bolted right into my Room shut the door and managed to lock it with my tied hands.

what I did next ? I remember just standing there, breathing heavily from running, it was all such a rush in the moment, I sat back onto my bed and just tried to take it all in, I just got away from those girls, just like that. I was free, in my own room, I then looked down at my bonds on my hands, and noted the gag on my mouth,

" okay, almost free " I then began to start trying to undo my bonds, but they were pretty tight, I went over to the desk mirror I had in my room and saw what had been done to me, my mouth, gagged with all that white tape, the Lips drawn on with the lipstick, the makeup on my face, I winced at how I got made over, and the worst, the faint tan lines ? I they didn't look quite as bad as I had feared, but they were there. I spent a minute or two picking at my gag with my bound hands and finally pulled the tape off, it was the best feeling to finally get that off.

I finally managed to get my bonds loose after some time, and I rubbed my wrists and laid back on my bed.on my bed and felt quite relived, to be back in the cool room of my bedroom. I then waited, waited for what could only be the sound of my sister and her friends storming up the stair and trying to break into my room, for them all to come bursting through with force despite the lock, and grab me in their firm grip and bind me tight again, to drag me back to the pool

" you'll pay for that brother ! " my sister would say as she would think of some devious torment, like tying me to a pool floaty and letting me float about all evening as they all head inside !

I winced, but, despite that horrific thought....it never happened, it never came ? the girls never pounded on the door, I don't think I even heard them come inside ? I quickly got up and took a peek out the windows, only to see none of them in or around the pool, so they all must have gone inside. ?

I felt sudden sense of calm come over me, the Cool air inside the house running through the air condition vents felt so wonderful, I felt so relaxed, so tired from all the events of today, that I collapsed onto my bed, the matrass felt so cool. before I know it I was out like a light.


I later awoke to my room being much darker now, I sat and glanced around, I saw my window, it was a lot darker out now, the sun must have just stetted.but there was still a blue tint in the sky.

I stepped out of bed and peeked outside, the pool was still empty, the box of clothes and everything was gone, I couldn't tell if the ropes were though on the lawn chair. I listened and still didn't hear anyone, not my sister or her friends, I wondered if they were waiting for me, to get out ? ready to pounce me ? would they have waited this long I thought ?

I could still feel the makeup still on my face, so, I figured maybe I better take a risk and get to the bathroom, against my better judgment I unlocked my door and peeked out. the Hall was empty, and I heard noise, I tiptoed over to the bathroom and quickly went inside, turning on the light I could see myself in the mirror, and all the makeup they had put on me, I wasted no time and began to wash it all off with warm water, it took some time but I finally got it all off my face, once it was off I let out a sigh, I then noted I was pretty hungry and thirsty, so, I figured I'd better make a go for it,

I creep down stairs and stop to listen as I do, I hear nothing,, so I continue on, I peer into the kitchen and see no one around, I walker to the fridge and gran a can Sprite and begin to drink it down in nearly one gulp and once I did I slam it down, ready to grab a bag of chips from the cupboard, however as soon as I was doing that, I heard a voice behind me.

" Hello bro "

Instantly I spun around to see Melony standing in the doorway, leaning back against it with her harms folded, as a smug look on her face.

" Hey ! stay away, I mean it ! I'm not playing any more of your games " I say standing behind the Island counter of the kitchen.

" Relax bro, I'm not hear to " play any game with you " she said as I narrowed my eyes, " The girls have gone home now anyway " she said as I coked my head, was she telling the truth ? or was she trying to get me to put my guard down ?

" oh yeah ? why should I believe you, after all you had put me through today " I say still keeping my defense up.

" look, don't believe me, I don't blame you,but it's true, the girls went home, " she said walking over to the fridge now, as I kept my eyes on her.

" yeah, they left, we figured, you really had enough, " she said pouring a glass of Iced tea, " but the girls wanted me to say, they had a lot of fun today, and that you really made what was such a boring day into something so much more fun, " she said as she took a sip

" oh yeah, cause being tied up and tormented is totally fun, you girls went overboard this time ! " I say with annoyed look. Melony just chuckled a bit

" maybe, but you can't deny it was a dull day for anyone " she said with a wink " shame their might be no memories of this one " she said taking another sip of her drink as I gave a confused look.

" oh, don't look so confused, after your little, stunt that caused me to take a "swim ", I dropped my camera, and it cracked pretty harshly on the ground, can't get it to turn on properly, so, I guess that pretty makeup job won't be seen, unless I get it fixed " she smirked.

" I-well, serves you right " I say trying to find words to say, surprised my sister didn't seem to phased by this.

" mm hmm, well if I can't just know, I'll have that in mind for when the girls and I ever get together again, and it's just us here, Clarissa especially wants to come back " she grinned a devious smirk at me, I felt a bit of tension in me hearing that, I couldn't bare to go through another day of that

" The girls are very eager to visit again today, we'll just see what happens, Night bro " she said giving a final smirk before she made her way past me and headed up to her room. Leaving me standing in the Kitchen alone, with that very thought in my head. I now reminded myself never to keep my guard down when ever my sister's friends where around..

Needless to say I didn't like to bring up that experience with anyone, in fact it remained a secret thing between me and my sister for years, I learned she never intended to actually share any of the images and most of the threats where mostly just that, she even calls back out how, cruel she could be and sound, but still seemed to find the whole experience amusing, so did her friends, now I bet your wonder did I ever get into a situation like that again ? well, lets just say my sister and her friends certainly didn't skip out on ever wanting to return. but, I think What needed to be said about this tale, has been so.

The End.

Hey everyone, Thanks for reading this tale, a bit sad to see it come to an end, but also a bi glad, ;) either way hope you enjoyed and love to hear your thoughts
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Post by Ossassin »

It was a good ending to an overall great story.
Loved your work, and will likely love whatever comes next.
Seriously nicely done.
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Nightly Binds
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Ossassin wrote: 2 years ago It was a good ending to an overall great story.
Loved your work, and will likely love whatever comes next.
Seriously nicely done.
Thanks glade you enjoyed overall, I had fun with this series, but had trouble getting the time to finish XD and struggled to find a way to end it off, ( wanted Josh to have some form of retribution, though won't say if it'll come back to bite him later ;) ) but like how it turned out. thanks again for your thoughts !
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Post by Ossassin »

It’s hardly like these characters are forever shut away, should inspiration ever strike you could always write some revenge (and then punishment for the gall :lol: ).
End of the day you finishing a piece is just putting down this particular component until you decide to add to the structure of this particular world again.
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