Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - Final Chapter to Part 1 Released 19/09

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Oliver’s New Owners (MM/M) - Final Chapter to Part 1 Released 19/09

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Part 1

Chapter 1 - The Chosen Boy

“Here he comes” a very deep and manly voice said.
The two men closely watched and observed as a distant figure opened the door to the exit of the gym and stepped out into the car park. Oliver was an eighteen year old boy with a slim, athletic body. He didn’t really have much to show off apart from some very light abs and muscles that were starting to come through but he was happy with his physique. He was white with short, wavy golden brown hair and a very clean shaven, boyish face. He wore a red hoody over a black t shirt and a pair of black tracksuit bottoms.

He passed the car park and stepped out onto the pavement outside the entrance of the gym and stood at the bus stop outside, waiting for his ride home. He dropped his gym back on the ground, then got out his phone and began swiping through his social. It was a late summer’s night and the gym had just shut by the time he had left. It was very quiet and dark on the street but he didn’t mind. He liked the peaceful and calm atmosphere, it was the reason why he often went to the gym late at night. He faintly smiled to himself. He was looking forward to getting the whole house to himself for a change, both his parents had left earlier in the day to go travelling for a month and left him in charge of looking after the house while they were gone. Oliver was a quiet boy. He was quite secretive and shy around people he didn’t know. He had a few close friends that he saw from time to time and had a secret girlfriend that even his parents didn’t know about. She was a sweet girl, the same age as him, who Oliver had deeply fallen in love with and was hoping to spend some more time with her now that his parents had gone away for a bit.

He carried on swiping through his phone, however, very closely behind, in the gym car park, lurked two men in their white van, both staring out of the window towards the younger boy. They were two very hunky and muscular men. Daniel, the bigger hunk who was the brains behind the plan, sinisterly smirked as he watched Oliver from across the car park. He was a 24 year old man with white skin, dark brown hair and a light beard running across his lower face. Noah, the slightly younger 22 year old man, helping to provide the muscle for Daniel, had an olive skin tone with blackish hair and a smooth hairless face. He was smaller than Daniel and wasn’t as muscular but still held an extremely well built physique. Both men wore dark coloured jackets and denim trousers. Noah looked to face his older accomplice.

“So, are we doing this or what?” Noah asked impatiently.
“Yeah, yeah, we are” murmured Daniel, looking around him, “I just want to make sure no one else is coming.”
“No one is, little Olly was the last one out, I’m sure of it. We only left an hour ago and he was the last one in there. And we’ve been here this whole time, if any one else had come in, we’d have seen them, this is the only entrance. Come on, the bus will be here any minute, now’s our chance.”
“Alright, but remember to stick the plan, or everything we’ve been planning these past few weeks will blow up in our faces.”
“You got it, Dan. I won’t let you down.”
Daniel nodded at Noah then got out of the van and briskly walked towards the bus stop whilst Noah sat silently inside the van and watched silently.

Daniel and Noah had been friends since they met at college. They shared a dorm together and, over time, both eventually discovered their love for bondage. After a year, they decided to drop out of college early where they both got jobs as builders and worked up enough money to buy a cheap house in the middle of nowhere. A couple had decided to move back to the city and wanted to get rid of their house quickly for the lowest price someone would ask for so Daniel and Noah both showed their interest and got the house for an absolute bargain. They moved in together and redid the house to make it theirs, including turning the basement into their very own dungeon, something they had both dreamed of doing since college. They were both straight and didn’t think of each other as any more than friends but they did like to try out their bondage gear on each other and act out role play scenarios on a daily basis in their dungeon.

However, over time, Daniel became bored. He found that their tie up games were no longer fun and they were just acting out the same things over and over again. They tried testing out new bondage furniture and items on each other but things just didn’t feel the same as they used to. They had both thought about maybe just selling all their gear and moving on with their lives… until Daniel had an idea. He discussed it with Noah whom also became equally just as excited. The idea was pretty simple: They both wanted to kidnap a young man and set him up as their own personal slave in their house. Not only would they have somebody in the house to do things for them for free whenever they wanted, it would also give them a chance to try out all their bondage gear on him and force him into any tie up scenarios they wanted… but it wouldn’t be games anymore… it would be the real thing. They made it clear to each other that they’d never force him into doing anything sexual or inappropriate, they just wanted someone they could own and control and keep for themselves. They wanted a guy rather than a girl as forcing a women into bondage and slavery just didn’t feel appropriate. And they wanted the guy to be 18 or 19 years old. Old enough to be above the legal age of an adult but still young enough to be a young, naive, easily controllable kid. Flash forward a few months later, and they had finally chosen him. An 18 year old boy called Oliver.

Daniel was over at a mates house when he spotted Oliver coming out of the gym, opposite his friends flat. As soon as he saw the boy, he knew he would make the perfect slave for him and Noah. A couple days later, him and Noah stopped exercising in their home workout room and got a gym membership instead at Oliver’s gym where they began regularly working out there and keeping tabs on the teenager. By the end of the month, they had already learnt his name, age and where he lived without the boy even picking up the slightest scent of what they were doing. And when they overheard him on the phone a few days ago telling his girlfriend that his parents were going away, they knew that now was the perfect chance to kidnap him.

Daniel exited the car park and walked up to the bus stop outside where Oliver stood. The man reached the other end and leant back on the side of the shelter, standing a few metres away from the boy. Oliver looked to the side of him to get a glimpse of the figure next to him then quickly looked back and carried on scrolling through his social. He recognised him from the gym. He sometimes saw him and his friend working out together but had never actually spoken to him before. He had seen him in the gym only earlier in the evening but he wasn’t sure why he was still around, considering he had seen him leave over an hour ago. He carried on looking at his phone, trying to avoid eye contact.

“You okay, kid?” Daniel asked Oliver in a friendly tone.
The younger boy looked up again and stared at him, confused.
“Ummm… yeah… thanks.”
“I’ve seen you at the gym before, you work out pretty well for your age” Daniel said with a smile.
“Oh… um… yeah well this is only my second month going so I’ve still got a way to go.”
“That’s cool.”
There was an awkward silence between them. Then Daniel got out his phone and pretended to tap a few buttons. Shortly after, he let out a loud groan. Oliver looked over to see what was wrong.
“You okay?”
Daniel sighed.
“No I ain’t, kid. I just looked to see when the next bus was coming and they’ve all been cancelled from this stop.”
“Wait, what?”

Oliver felt his heart sink. This was the only bus stop for half a mile and he couldn’t face walking all the way home in the dark after his long and tiring workout. He just wanted to collapse on his bed and fall into a deep sleep, but no, the buses had to be delayed… or so he thought.
“I’ll just have to call my friend and tell him to pick me up from here” Daniel said with a fake sigh. He tapped away on his phone then started calling his accomplice in the car park behind. Back in the van, Noah picked up his ringing phone and began acting out the lines he and Daniel had practised earlier on. Daniel put the phone on loudspeaker and held it out in front of him.
“Hey mate. I’m at the bus stop outside the gym and all the buses have been stopped from here. You mind quickly swinging over and giving me a ride home? I’ll pay ya.”
“Hey, I’m literally just on my way home now, I’m about to pass the gym in a bit anyway so it’s no problem” came Noah’s voice on the other end of the line.
“Ah cheers mate, I owe you one” Daniel replied. A few moments later, Noah turned the corner into the street and drove the van down the road until he reached the bus stop where Daniel and Oliver stood. He had had to drive the van round the entrance of the gym and back out onto the main road to make it look like he was genuinely on his way home. The van stopped in front of them and Noah slid the window down.
“You getting in or what?” Noah asked sarcastically.
Daniel looked over at the younger boy standing at the other end of the bus shelter. This was it, his chance to get the boy into the van.

“You want a lift, kid?” he asked.
Oliver looked back at him, thoughtfully. His parents had always raised him to never take lifts from strangers… however they weren’t complete strangers to him, he thought. He had seen them a few times before and it was way too late to walk all the way back home.
“Well come on, make up your mind up” Noah said from inside the van, “I’m not waiting out here forever.”
Oliver knew he shouldn’t… but he was way too tired and gave in to temptation.
“Alright yeah… if that’s okay” the teenager replied.
Daniel smiled but not for the reason that Oliver thought.
“Nice one” Daniel said, “You get in the middle and I’ll get in at the end, I’ll get your gym bag loaded up at the back.
Oliver flashed a smile at the older man and stepped into the van, sitting in the middle of the three seater next to Noah. After throwing Oliver’s gym bag into the back, Daniel got in next to him and pulled the door shut with an aggressive slam. Oliver was sandwiched in between the two muscular men but had enough room to sit back comfortably at least. The two men looked up at each other and exchanged a subtle wink whilst the smaller boy sat in between, oblivious to the real reason as to why he was being given a ride “home.”
“Thanks again for this” Oliver said to the men with a smile.
“Hey no problem, kid” Daniel replied, “we couldn’t leave a sweet little boy like you behind on the side of the road, now could we?”
He ruffled the teenager’s wavy hair as Noah put his foot on the pedal and drove the van down the road and away into the night.

If only Oliver knew what the two men secretly had in store for him… he would have run as far away from them as he possibly could.
Last edited by Radio_Ralph23 1 year ago, edited 31 times in total.
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Post by Tenuous »

This is a fun story so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what Oliver's new masters have in store for him.
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Post by Ovi1 »

Please gendertag your story
I believe you would be a lot more comfortable in ropes

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Tenuous wrote: 1 year ago This is a fun story so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what Oliver's new masters have in store for him.
Thanks for the feedback :)

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Ovi1 wrote: 1 year ago Please gendertag your story
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome to the League of TUGs Writers.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Chapter 2 - The Ride “Home”

The van continued to drive down the silent, still road, passing the many houses and street parked cars along the way. The streets and roads were dead quiet and the only sound that could be heard for miles came from the engine of the van, driving through the night.

Inside the van, Daniel turned to face Oliver.
“So, your names Oliver right?” Daniel asked.
“Yeah” Oliver replied timidly, “Who told you?”
“Oh I just overheard a couple people in the gym speak to you, nice name. I’m Daniel by the way and that’s Noah over there.”
Noah nodded and smiled at the teenager.
“So where’s your place Oliver?” asked Daniel.
“Oh it’s 29 Smallgrove way, it’s about a fifteen minute drive.”
“Oh yeah I know the way” Noah exclaimed, “Don’t worry, we’ll have you home in no time.”
He winked at Oliver, who then gave a faint smile back.

The van carried on driving down the bendy roads, continuing to make it’s way through the neighbourhood. However, Oliver noticed, as they drove on more and more, they seemed to be passing less and less houses and cars. Everything seemed to get a bit more rural and less familiar with the boy. Nervously, he sat up in his seat slightly and looked up at the driver.
“Hey Noah” Oliver said nervously, “I think maybe you missed the turning, my house is back there the other way.”
“Yeah, yeah I know man” replied Noah with a faint smirk, “This is just a shortcut, trust me I know the roads round here better than you think.”
“Just relax, kid” Daniel said, placing a firm arm on Oliver’s shoulder, “You’ll be home before you know it.”
The teenager attempted to force a smile at the older man, however was far from the relaxed state he was earlier. He began to think that maybe getting in the van with two grown men he didn’t even know was such a good idea after all.

The van passed the last few houses on the end of the street and then took a left turn onto a completely empty, deserted road. Noah slowly drove the van down, the sound of gravel getting louder as the wheels ran over it. The only light that was visible came from the van’s headlights which projected out onto the road, revealing that there was well and truly no sign of life in front of them anymore.

Daniel subtly reached into his side compartment and pulled out a bottle of chloroform and a worn out, old rag. He quietly opened the bottle and poured out a few drops of the chemical onto the rag.
Meanwhile, Oliver’s breathing was getting heavier. His heart raced as he silently sat between the two, now very quiet, men.
“You sure this is a shortcut?” Oliver asked, his voice quavering.
“Oh I’m sure of it” Noah replied with a less friendly tone and a more obvious smirk.
Oliver didn’t like the sound of that one bit. He started to panic.
“Hey, do you know what, thanks for the ride but I think I’m good to get home from here now” he exclaimed, nervously.
However, no reply came from either men. The younger boy looked up to Noah, his heart racing and his breathing getting heavier.
“Hey, just stop the van and I’ll get out from here.”
Suddenly, he smelt a very strong smell coming to the side of him. But, before he had a chance to look round and see what it was, a great big muscular arm wrapped it’s way round his slim neck and a rag was brought down to his lower face, tightly concealing his nose and mouth. His eyes widened as he squirmed and thrashed around in Daniel’s tight grip. Noah immediately took his foot off the pedal and wrapped his strong arms around the boy’s lower torso and arms to further restrict him from any more struggling. Oliver continued to groan into the rag and violently wriggle around in the two older mens grip but it was as clear as day that he was no match for these huge beefy men. About a minute passed before Oliver finally began to get a bit lightheaded and slowly start to thrash around less violently. His eyes became droopy and his body became very still. He stopped trying to get free and went completely limp. With one last very quiet whimper, his head fell back onto the seat rest behind him and he was no longer conscious to the world.

The two men slowly started to release their tight grips on him and Daniel lifted the rag away from Oliver’s face, revealing a very senseless teenage boy.
They both exchanged menacing smiles as they looked down on their brand new captive.
“The plan worked after all” Noah said smugly.
“Was there any doubt it wouldn’t have?” Daniel replied back.
“No, I never doubted you for a second, Danny.”
Daniel then reached into Oliver’s hoody pocket and pulled out his phone from inside.
“This will be handy for later” he said with a smirk and placed the phone into his jacket.“Right let’s get going then, it’s gonna be a long drive back home and I don’t want the kid waking up before we get him properly set up inside.”
“You got it mate” Noah replied briskly.
He pressed his foot down onto the pedal again as the van continued moving through the dirt road and out into the deep, isolated country.
Last edited by Radio_Ralph23 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Going strong. Keep going.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by blackbound »

Seems like their plan went off without a hitch! Looking forward to what's in store for poor Oliver.

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Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Xtc wrote: 1 year ago Going strong. Keep going.
Thanks 8-)

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

blackbound wrote: 1 year ago Seems like their plan went off without a hitch! Looking forward to what's in store for poor Oliver.
Me too!
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Post by Red86 »

A kidnapping story that doesn't have sinister plans! The plan so far has went off without ant problems. Now will Oliver like what is happening, will it be something he learns to like or fights it? I'm curious to see what you've got in mind from here!!

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Red86 wrote: 1 year ago A kidnapping story that doesn't have sinister plans! The plan so far has went off without ant problems. Now will Oliver like what is happening, will it be something he learns to like or fights it? I'm curious to see what you've got in mind from here!!
Oliver could try and fight it but I can’t imagine that would end very well for him. Thanks for the feedback! :)

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Thanks for all the feedback guys. I wasn’t sure whether people were gonna like this story or not but the good reviews are encouraging me to keep writing :)

Chapter 3 - Oliver’s New Home

After 2 and a half hours of nonstop driving through the rural countryside, the van finally turned into a drive and parked right beside a large house. It was now 2AM and after a long drive, they had finally arrived back home. Their house was a fairly large size. It had two floors plus a large basement beneath. It was in the complete middle of nowhere and the closest neighbour they had was well over a mile away. Occasionally, a car would go by their house but this was certainly never any more than a few cars a week. The house had a huge open field behind and in front was a tall, rich forest that stretched on for a mile at least. But this is the life that Daniel and Noah liked. Away from everyone and everything.

The vans engine and headlights turned off suddenly and out stepped Noah. He walked over to the front door of the house and took out a key. He inserted it into the hole and twisted it round until the door became unlocked. He then proceeded to push it open with his strong arm and then gave his friend the cue. Immediately after, Daniel opened the van door and scooped the unconscious Oliver into his arms. He lifted him over his very broad shoulder and began walking towards the front door. As soon as Daniel had passed the threshold into the house, Noah pushed the door shut and locked it from the inside. He and Daniel then walked through the house, past the kitchen and then into the living room where Daniel took Oliver off of his shoulder and sat him down on a sturdy, wooden chair in the middle of the room. The chair had a strong, supportive backpost which allowed Oliver to sit back on it. His legs rested on the wooden floorboards beneath whilst his arms fell loose to the side of the chair and his head, carefully positioned by Daniel, rested on the backpost behind. The two giants stood back and admired their senseless captive, lying unconscious on the chair.
“Poor little kid” uttered Noah with a grin, “He’s gonna get a nasty surprise when he wakes up.”
“Remember what we talked about” Daniel sharply retorted, “He’s not to know what our true plans for him really are. Not yet anyway. I want him to get to know us first, think of us like friends, get familiar with his new home and then, when the time’s right, he’ll finally learn the real reason as to why we brought him here. That way we can ease him into it gently and he can eventually start to come round to accepting his new role here. You just leave all the talking to me, okay?”
Noah quietly sighed.
“Fine” he meagrely replied. He didn’t like the idea of having to keep his mouth shut and pretend to be nice. He wanted to dive straight into the action and get Oliver set up in his new role the minute he woke up. But he understood where his older friend was coming from, easing him in gently would certainly make it a lot easier for him to come around to the idea of being their slave. And if he still refused to come round to the idea even then, well at least they’d have a lot of fun forcing him to comply, Noah thought to himself with a grin.
“Right” Daniel excitedly said, rubbing his palms together, “Let’s get him nice and settled before he wakes up.”

Daniel walked over to the side of the room and pulled out a large cardboard box off of the shelf whilst Noah walked over to Oliver and removed his trainers from his feet before gently lifting his limp body up into position on the chair. Daniel rested the box onto the floorboards in front of Oliver and pulled out several coils of rope. First, Daniel moved over to the boy and secured his torso to the backpost of the chair. The rope was not tight enough to restrict him from breathing but enough to keep him from moving his stomach even an inch. Next Noah lightly pulled Oliver’s arms round to the back of the chair where Daniel first wrapped the rope around his crossed wrists and then tied them to the backpost with another coil of rope so that his wrists were securely attached to the chair. Next, the two men tied a bicep each to the back of the chair which further restricted his arms from any possible movement. When they were satisfied with his upper body, they moved down to his lower body where they each looped a rope round his thighs several times until they were firmly tied to the upper legs of the chair. They then both wrapped a coil of rope round either ankle to the bottom of the chair legs so that his lower body was equally as secured as the upper body.
Daniel then bent down and rummaged through the box. He pulled out a shiny red ball gag and a black, leather blindfold.
“What’s the gag for? No one’s gonna hear him all the way out here?” Noah asked.
“I know” Daniel replied, “ But it will make him feel more helpless. Make him recognise that we have the control and power over him from now on. It’s important that he knows that from the very beginning to make the transition to his new role nice and smooth.”
Daniel walked over to the tightly tied up teenager and gently pushed the gag into his mouth before tightening the straps around his head securely. When that was done, he carefully placed the black, leather blindfold over Oliver’s closed eyes and pulled the band tightly over his upper head to keep it from coming off. Daniel then stood back to where Noah stood and both men looked down and stared at their new captive.
“Good job” Daniel said proudly, “He won’t be going anywhere now.”
They then positioned a couple of wooden chairs, similar to the one Oliver was sitting on now, and placed them in front of where the boy was sitting. They sat down and watched their secured captive.
“He’ll wake up any minute now” Daniel pleasantly observed, “And when he does, we can finally introduce ourselves properly.”
Last edited by Radio_Ralph23 1 year ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by blackbound »

If chair + ballgag + blindfold is "easing in", I can't wait to see what else the captors have in mind.

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Post by alkaid_ »

oh my god!!! 😱😱😱😱

oliver gonna receivereceive the biggest surprise in his life when he wake up!!!

i think he gonna fight against his new fate but... he's a kind of shy kid so he could pretend accept his new role until he has a chance to escape...

wow... intriguing story

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Chapter 4 is now up! Thanks again for all the feedback, it’s really appreciated :)

Chapter 4 - The First Night

First Oliver’s fingers began to twitch, then his head slowly started to rise up from it’s previous slumbered position. He made some very faint noises into his gag as he very slowly began to regain consciousness. He felt like he was waking up from a coma. He was very nauseous and had a hard time trying to wake up properly. But he steadily began to rejoin the real world again and eventually managed to find the strength to attempt to rub his eyes with his hands. But he couldn’t move. This suddenly jolted him right into consciousness and he attempted to look around him to see what was going on. But all he could see was a black view of nothingness. In a panic, he tried to get up but his entire body was tightly secured down. He tried shouting for someone, anyone that could hear him, but all that came were very futile groans, making him realise that he couldn’t speak either, as well as see or move. The only part of his body he could control was his neck up, which he anxiously swung left, right and centre to try and see where he was. Realising, he didn’t have any control over his body anymore, he nervously sat in the imprisoning chair, trying to make sense of the situation he was in. Then it hit him like a train. Those horrible last moments of being drugged, the two men tightly restraining his body as he squirmed in their grips to try and get free. They had done this to him, Oliver thought, the men at the gym who offered him a ride home. He tried shouting and calling for help but, again, all that followed were inaudible wails and moans.

He sat in silence for a moment, taking in his helpless situation until he felt a figure brush past him and a gentle tug on his head. And slowly, light began to fill his eyes again as he felt the material that had been blinding him, be steadily peeled away. He blinked his eyes over and over, trying to adjust to the light he hadn’t seen since what felt like forever. Then everything became a bit clearer. He was in a large room in a strange house he had never seen before… and in front sat a youngish looking man staring straight back at him with a menacing smile. Oliver immediately recognised him. He then felt someone brush past him again and saw another older looking man walking over to a chair and sitting himself down on it beside the other guy. He was also immediately recognised by Oliver.

“Wakey, wakey, little man, thought you’d never wake up” Daniel said in a surprisingly friendly tone.
Oliver stared at the two men, unsure of what to say back, until he realised he couldn’t say anything at all anyway.
“You must have got a real shock back in the van” he continued to say cheerily, “Well don’t worry, it’s all over now, you can relax.”
Relax?! Oliver could do nothing but relax. He attempted to speak by making noises into his gag, but Daniel instantly responded.
“Don’t try and speak kiddo, we won’t be able to hear a word you’re saying and I’m the only one you need to be listening to right now, okay?”
Oliver reluctantly did as he was told and stopped trying to talk, quietly staring back at his two older captors sat in front of him.
“There’s a good boy” Daniel continued in a friendly voice, “As I was saying, you can relax now. You shouldn’t be afraid of us. I know what we did to you might make us seem like we’re bad people, but we’re not. You see, we overheard you on the phone a few days ago in the gym telling someone that your parents were going away for a bit and you’d be home alone for a few weeks all by yourself. And, as the kind people that we are, felt we had to do the right thing and take you into our care so that you wouldn’t be by yourself while your mum and dad were away. Technically you should be thanking us but I understand if you’re still in a bit of shock.”

Oliver’s anxiousness slowly began to turn to anger which could clearly be read upon his face.
How did they think it was okay for two adult men to drug a teenager, take him back to their house and keep him tied up inside? And expect him to be thankful for it?!
“You thirsty?” Daniel asked politely, “We have beers in the fridge and a few cans of coke if you’d prefer that instead. Or I can just get you a nice glass of water.”
Oliver didn’t want to accept anything from his captors. He just wanted to get free from the chair, go home and forget about the past few hours he was forced to endure. But he knew right now that didn’t seem likely… and he was desperately in need for a cold drink.
“I’ll just get you a nice glass of water in that case, it’ll help you to calm down a bit” Daniel said as he turned and walked out of the room towards the kitchen, followed closely by Noah.

The two men then came back into the room with one large glass of cool water. Noah held the glass as Daniel moved behind Oliver and removed the gag from his mouth. He then took the glass from Noah and leant down beside the younger boy. He raised the glass to his lips and very steadily tilted it as the cold, refreshing liquid went through Oliver’s mouth and down his throat. After the entire glass of water had been drunk, Daniel pulled the glass away from the boy’s mouth and rested it down on a small table beside. He continued to kneel in front of Oliver so that he was eye level to him.
“You feel better now you’re nice and refreshed?” Daniel asked warmly.
“Yeah” Oliver quietly murmured back, realising this was the first time he was able to speak since his ordeal inside the van.
“Good” Daniel replied with a smile, “You need anything else?”
Oliver’s anger began to rise again. He hated this idea of being talked to like he was disabled, incapable of being able to walk and move on his own accord.

“Look, you’ve had your fun, just let me go now” the teenager angrily snapped, “I get maybe you thought you were doing the right thing by bringing me here but you’re wrong, I like having the house to myself and I do have friends I actually plan on meeting while my parents are gone so I’m not gonna be on my own. Look, just untie me, let me leave here and I promise I won’t breathe a word about any of this to anyone.”
Daniel stood up from his knelt position, revealing to Oliver how intimidatingly tall he was.
“Well you can’t leave now, kiddo. It’s the middle of the night and it’ll take you till next week to get back on your own.”
Oliver was filled with dread. Where even was he?, he thought to himself, was he really this far out from his neighbourhood, or were the men just trying to mess with his head?

“How about you stay with us tonight and then see how you feel in the morning?” Daniel asked.
Oliver had a moment to think. He didn’t want anything to do with these kidnappers and certainly didn’t want to spend another minute with them, let alone a whole night. But if what Daniel had told him was true and he really was miles away from his home, he seemed like he didn’t have a choice.
“And if I stay, then you’ll let me go back home in the morning and we’ll forget this ever happened?” Oliver said hopefully.
Daniel gave an innocent looking smile towards the boy.
“As I said, we’ll see how you feel in the morning.”
Oliver didn’t feel at ease with that reply. But he was starting to feel a bit tired again, even though he had been knocked out for what felt like an eternity, and didn’t have the energy to try and speak back to his captors.
“Well, I think it’s time you had a longer, more natural sleep now” Daniel said, “It’s been a very eventful night for you and I think you deserve a nice comfy bed to rest on. We’ll show you the way.”

The two men untied the boy from the chair and hoisted him up so that he was standing fully upright. They each looped a strong, beefy arm around his much smaller arms and then each held his wrists tightly with their hands so that he was completely locked within their tall, muscular bodies. Oliver was marched out of the living room and up a flight of stairs that lead to a hallway. He was walked down towards a door at the end of the hallway where Daniel let go of Oliver’s wrist for a brief moment to twist the door handle and push it open. The room behind the door was revealed to be a decent sized bathroom with a walk in shower, a toilet in the upper left corner of the room, a mirror, a sink with a small cupboard below and several other bits of bathroom furniture and ornaments inside. There was also what looked to be a window at the other end of the bathroom but this had been securely locked with a padlock and blacked out, ensuring no one could see in our out of the room. Oliver’s captors pulled his body forwards and crossed the threshold into the bathroom. It was here where they released their grips on Oliver and stood closely together by the door, ensuring that the only possible way out of the room was blocked by their huge bodies.

“I’m sure you’ll want to freshen up a bit and use what you need here before we show you to your new room” Daniel explained, “We’ll give you 20 minutes to take care of yourself while we wait outside the door for you. Once you’ve finished showering, just wrap a towel over your lower half and put your clothes in that basket over there. We’ll give you a fresh pair of clothes to sleep in once you’re done.”
And with that, they walked out of the room and shut the door firmly behind them, leaving Oliver all alone in the bathroom.

Seeing as he had only 20 minutes to get washed, he swiftly took of his clothes and put them in the basket, just as Daniel had told him. He suddenly remembered about his phone that he had put in his hoody just before he had got into the van. Maybe he could use it and try and call for help, he thought to himself eagerly. He put his hands through each of the pockets, desperately trying to find the phone. But there was nothing in them. It started to dawn on him that they must have taken his phone out from his pocket after they had knocked him out in the van to make sure he didn’t try and call for help whilst he was alone. He felt like he had been punched in the stomach as he realised his only way of escape had been instantly snatched away from him just like that. Seeming as there was clearly no other alternative escape method and his 20 minutes was very swiftly beginning to tick by, the teenager looked around him, seeing what needed to be taken care of first. He quickly used the toilet then brushed his teeth before stepping into the walk in shower. He twisted the knob on the wall which immediately sent a flood of cold water down onto his body. He preferred taking cold showers as he read on one of his workout magazines that it was supposed to be good for muscle repair and development, something Oliver was trying to work on recently.

He thoroughly cleansed himself all the way through with a bar of soap that he took from a metal rack beside him. After a very intense few hours, the cold shower certainly made him feel a lot better and refreshed. Having only a minute to go, he turned off the shower and dried himself with a towel until his body was no longer wet. He carefully wrapped the soft, white towel round his pelvis down and tucked the end bit inside to stop it from falling down, leaving his upper body completely exposed.

Only a few seconds had passed before he saw the door handle turn and push open. Daniel and Noah stood by the door and looked at Oliver from outside. Daniel was impressed with the teenager’s physique, admiring his smooth, hairless body and well developed muscles and abs, that were very obviously starting to come through. Though he was nowhere near as hunky and muscular as Daniel and Noah were, he still maintained a very fit and well shaped build.

“Well, you certainly seem a lot more relaxed and refreshed now. That shower seemed to do you a world of good” Daniel commented in a bright tone.
He moved over to the basket where Oliver’s gym clothes were lying in a heap and placed it outside in the hallway.
“We’ll get that nice and washed for you, kid. For now though you can get changed into this.”
The younger captor, Noah, flung Oliver a pair of loose black shorts which he caught in his hands.
“Get that on you and we’ll finally show you to your room” Daniel said.
“Wait, is this it?!” Oliver protested. “Can I at least get a t shirt to go with it?”
Daniel simply just smiled and gently shook his head.
“No, kid, you’re going to bed, that’s all you need for tonight. You got 20 seconds” he said as he closed the door again behind him. Oliver simply stared at the black material in his hands. Was this seriously all he was wearing?! Sure, at home he slept in nothing more than a pair of boxers but he didn’t like the thought of being this exposed around two grown men he didn’t even know. Seeing as there was no other alternative, however, he removed the towel from his waist and slid the shorts over his lower body. They were nice and loose and covered his pelvis down to just above his knee caps but he still didn’t feel particularly reassured about how exposed he was.

Immediately after, the door swung open again and he saw the familiar faces of his two captors.
“Good boy” Daniel said with a grin, “We’ll show you to your room now.”
As he was expecting, the two giant men walked over to him and locked him within their bodies just like they had done before. He was marched back over the bathroom threshold and down the hallway. But instead of going towards one of the doors he could see in front of him, they walked him down the stairs and back onto the first floor. As they walked down, Oliver began to realise how big the house seemed to be. Sure it wasn’t the size of a mansion but it had two solid floors with many rooms. It was certainly not the size of the houses back in his neighbourhood, making him realise that he may be further away from his home than he thought.

They turned a corner and in front of them, a few feet away, was a door, similar to the ones he had seen whilst walking around the house, with a silver handle and a keyhole. They walked Oliver over to where the door stood and Daniel pulled a set of keys out from his trouser pocket. There were two keys - a silver one and a gold one, both with different shapes. They both hung off a small metal ring and made a jingling noise as he inserted the silver key into the hole and twisted it around. There was an obvious clicking sound before Daniel pulled the key out of the hole, pushed down on the handle and swung open the door. He pressed down on the light switch that protruded out from the wall and there was a flicker before the lights fully revealed a set of stairs that made its way down to what looked like a very hidden basement.

This looked like the sort of place Oliver had seen in horror films. He shivered at the sight as he waited to be inevitably marched down the stairs to his new room below.
Last edited by Radio_Ralph23 1 year ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Red86 »

Unless this is some pre-planned thing, I don't think Oliver has fully grasped that he's not going anywhere. He's been kidnapped, drugged, tiedup and on top of that, he's seen their faces. Poor guy, sounds like he's in denial (which is to be expected) and now awaits to see this new room.

I'm curious to see this new room (dungeon) and what they plan on doing with him. But equally curious if it's something he'll end up enjoying or what happens when his parents and friends realize Oliver has gone missing. So many ways this story could play out!

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Red86 wrote: 1 year ago Unless this is some pre-planned thing, I don't think Oliver has fully grasped that he's not going anywhere. He's been kidnapped, drugged, tiedup and on top of that, he's seen their faces. Poor guy, sounds like he's in denial (which is to be expected) and now awaits to see this new room.

I'm curious to see this new room (dungeon) and what they plan on doing with him. But equally curious if it's something he'll end up enjoying or what happens when his parents and friends realize Oliver has gone missing. So many ways this story could play out!
I’ve got the beginning, middle and end roughly planned out so I can definitely say that a lot of things will start to become a bit clearer in the next few chapters. Thanks for the feedback! :)

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Feel free to post your theories below on how you think the rest of the story’s gonna play out!

Chapter 5 - The Mysterious Door

The stairs were not wide enough for the three of them to go down together so Noah unlooped his arm around Oliver’s and used his left hand to hold the back of the boy’s neck whilst using his right hand to grip his upper arm, ensuring that his captive was still very much under his control. Noah walked him down the stairs whilst Daniel shut and locked the door behind them and followed his younger accomplice down the stairs towards the basement. Oliver felt the cold stone floor beneath his bare feet and could smell the dusty basement scent around him. The basement was not all that big and the ceiling was only about a metre and a half away from his head. There were two closed doors that appeared to lead into two different rooms. To the right of the staircase, was one of the doors that looked similar to the ones Oliver had seen whilst walking around the house. However, the other door that stood in front, a few feet away from the bottom of the staircase, looked different. It was a dark shade of purple and had a very uniquely shaped golden handle protruding out from the front. It looked intriguingly mysterious. The teenager was very curious to see what was behind it but Noah briskly walked Oliver towards the normal looking door on the right and stood in front of it, waiting for Daniel to unlock it.
“What’s on the other side of that purple door?” Oliver asked the older men with natural curiosity.
“Oh just a storage room” Daniel replied with a grin that was discreetly hidden from the younger boy. Daniel and Noah both knew very well that the room was not simply for storage at all and was for something a lot more… intimate… but it was best for Oliver to stay curious for now. The boy had already gone through a lot these past few hours.

Daniel took out the set of keys again and this time used the gold key to unlock the new door. There was another click and Daniel pushed the door open, turning on another light on the side of the wall as he did so. The room was revealed to be quite small, yet big enough to move around well in. As Noah pushed him forward into the room and Daniel turned round to shut the door, closing the three of them in, Oliver stared at the sight in front of him. In the corner of the room, was a large bed with sturdy, leather straps running from the foot of the bed all the way to the very top.
“This is your room, mate” Noah gleefully whispered into Oliver’s ear, continuing to hold the younger boy firm in his grip.
It was obvious by the tone of Noah’s voice, that they intended to keep him very tightly tied down for the night. Daniel stood to the side of Oliver and looked down into his very scared eyes.
“Hey don’t be scared, kiddo” he said with a reassuring voice, “The straps are only there to stop you from trying anything while we go upstairs for the night. We’re not gonna do anything to you while you sleep, I promise. Now be a good boy and lie face up on the centre of the bed, we’ll get you nice and comfortable from there, alright?”
Oliver was about to protest but realised there would be no point. One way or another they were getting him on that bed and he’d rather be gently strapped down than having the two men use force on him.

Noah released his grip on the younger boy who then took a deep breath as he forced himself to take baby steps towards the bed. The leather straps looked intimidatingly strong. Strong enough to keep even a muscular man like Daniel or Noah securely tied down. He sat himself in the centre and then laid down on his back, spreading out his legs and arms against the leather. He rested his head on top of a very soft pillow that had been carefully arranged to support his head and bring him some minimal comfort. Daniel and Noah then walked over to the bottom of the bed where Oliver’s ankles lay and both wrapped the leather straps around either ankle. They tugged at the restraints to tighten them, making sure they were nice and secure so there could be no possible movement from their helpless captive. When this was done, Daniel pulled over one large individual leather strap across Oliver’s lower legs which kept them firmly grounded in position. Next, both men grasped a wrist each, and similar to his ankles, looped the restraints round both wrists and tightened them. Then the same thing happened to his upper arms. A thick, leather strap was wrapped round his left and right bicep and tightened to keep his upper and lower arms firmly secured to the bed. As if this was not enough, Daniel pulled another large strap, similar to his lower leg restraint, and guided it under Oliver’s secured arms and over his torso to restrict even a slight attempt to move upwards or anywhere for that matter. Once his torso had been fastened to the bed, the two men stood back and stared at their now very secured, powerless captive. Their work had been done and Oliver found that the only parts of his body he could now move were his fingers, toes and neck.
“You comfortable?” Daniel asked in a friendly tone.
Physically, Oliver was just about, but mentally, far from it.
He gave a faint nod at the man anyway.
“Good. Don’t worry, we won’t use the gag or any other device on you tonight” Daniel continued, “We want you to have a nice, well rested sleep so that you’re all ready for the morning.”
Well at least that was a relief, Oliver thought. The thought of that big, hard ball going back into his mouth again was nearly enough to make him pass out.
“Sweet dreams, kiddo” Daniel playfully teased as he and Noah walked out of the room and back into the outer basement, “We’ll see you again very soon.”
And with that, Daniel closed the door behind him and locked it with a firm click. The lights inside went out and he heard the men walk through the basement, back up the stairs that led down to it and lock the door up at the top aswell. Oliver was well and truly trapped and not going anywhere any time soon.

He looked around the room. He wasn’t in complete darkness, there was a very small window above the door that streamed in light from the basement, making the room visible but not bright enough to stop anyone from falling asleep. At the end of the compact room, was a tall wooden cupboard and a desk beside it with a chair, similar to the one Oliver had been tied to earlier. The walls were a plain beige colour with no painting or pictures hung from it and there were no windows looking out onto the outside, making Oliver feel slightly claustrophobic. He looked down at his restraints keeping his body firmly secured to the bed and tried to wiggle around, seeing if there was even the slightest chance of getting free. But, as he expected, there was not even an inch of movement.

He sighed and stared at the ceiling above. He had never been in a position like this before, not having any control over his body or over what choices he made. He remembered, at a sleepover when he was 12, him and his friends played a game of cops and robbers where the cops had to catch the robbers and tie them up. He had played the role of the caught robber and was tied up by a couple of his friends with an old shoelace. But it was very amateur ropework and the lace was worn out and thin, making him quickly and efficiently get out of his tied position within seconds. However, this was different. On a whole new level. Daniel and Noah clearly had years of experience with their tie ups, plus their ropes and bondage accessories were of the highest quality, meaning even the strongest person alive wouldn’t be able to get himself free from the two men. Oliver wasn’t a stranger to bondage. He had heard about it through people he knew and seen a few social media posts of people doing kinky things to one other with gags and ropes and all sorts of stuff. But he had never understood what all the hype over it was about. He hated even the thought of not being able to move or do anything on his own accord and the position he was in now, and had been in earlier, further cemented his detest towards the idea of bondage.

He continued to look at the plain, beige ceiling. He thought about his home, his parents and his girlfriend. Especially his girlfriend. He wanted to hold her and hug her and kiss her and tell her that he loved her. Sure, this was probably partly down to his raging teenage hormones, plus the need for some friendly company following the terrifying ordeal he had been forced to endure for the past few hours, but whatever the reason, he desperately wanted to see her again. Hopefully, when this whole bizarre experience was over, he thought to himself, they could spend the rest of the summer vacation spending time together. But little did he know that his “bizarre” experience was a whole lot further from being over than he thought. After the warm and comforting thoughts of being back with his girl, his eyelids began to slowly droop and his body became relaxed before he fell back into a long, deep sleep.
Last edited by Radio_Ralph23 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by alkaid_ »


oliver spent the night in a very strict way... dan and noah made a great plan, tying to be nice but we know they real intention...

thats great to know oliver dont like the experience of being tied and dont wanna stay like this for long... but whats gonna happen when he knows his fate??!?!!
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Post by Red86 »

"But little did he know that his “bizarre” experience was a whole lot further from being over than he thought" so we know Dan and Noah don't have sinister plans, so this makes me think Oliver does end up getting out of this situation. But the question is how.

I doubt Oliver or anyone he knows set this up with Dan and Noah. So I'm currently leaning towards he either escapes or the authorities track Noah and Dan down. I can't imagine they just let him go after all this effort.

I am also wondering if Oliver isn't being honest with himself. Yes, Dan and Noah are older and more fit then Oliver but he let himself be tied up to easily for the night. I could go along with the fact he's just waiting for the right opportunity but even then, in this same situation, I can't see myself being so willingly.

Ah, so many ways this could go from here. I'll wait to see if my ideas change in the next couple of chapters!!

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

[mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]alkaid_[/mention] Thanks for the feedback. I’m glad you’re all enjoying the story. Chapter 6 is sort of laying the groundwork for the next chapters which are really gonna start to pick up and throw readers into the action whilst leading towards the unexpected conclusion. Plus, very soon, Oliver is going to receive shocking news from home that will change everything. Thanks to everyone who’s following along and leaving comments below and I hope you keep enjoying the story :)

Chapter 6 - The Morning After the Night Before

The familiar sound of jingling keys and a loud clicking noise slowly made its way into Oliver’s ears. His heavy eyelids began to steadily open up just in time to see a man walk into the room through a door that he had first opened and then firmly closed, mere seconds later behind him. The memories from the previous night suddenly came flooding back to Oliver’s mind and his eyes now widened as he watched his captor pull up the chair from the other side of the room and bring it towards him. Daniel was now wearing a very tight navy blue vest with a matching pair of navy blue shorts. His huge, muscular biceps and veiny arms were now very much exposed with his incredibly broad shoulders and hunky leg muscles equally being just as displayed in front of the younger boy. Oliver began to think that this was a purposeful power move from the older man to remind him of how helpless and powerless he really was against his captor. Daniel then placed the chair directly in front of Oliver’s face and sat down on it, leaning forward to look straight into the younger boy’s anxious eyes.

“Morning, kiddo” he said in a friendly tone, “How was your sleep? Bet you feel a lot better now than you did last night.”
“Sure” Oliver replied in a monotone voice, trying to avoid eye contact with the big hunk that sat beside him.
“You hungry? Noah’s upstairs preparing some breakfast if you fancy some.”
The teenager didn’t reply. He didn’t want any breakfast or anything that meant having to stay with his captors for another second. He continued staying in silence.
“Suit yourself” Daniel said with a sigh. He got up and started walking towards the door when Oliver quickly changed his mind.
“Wait…” the younger boy protested. Daniel swiftly turned around and watched as his captive reluctantly nodded at him, signifying his decision to join them for food. There was no way he was being left alone here again for another moment, Oliver thought to himself. Besides, the sooner he had breakfast and was up and about again, the sooner they would finally see sense and let him go back home to where he belonged. However, Oliver was about to realise how horribly wrong he was about that.

Daniel first walked over to the cupboard at the back of the room and opened the drawers. He reached in and pulled out a set of metal handcuffs and hobbles before walking over and placing them on the chair he had previously been sitting on. Oliver stared at the steel devices in front of him, realising this was obviously going to be implemented on him once he had been unstrapped from the bed by his captor. When was this gonna end?!, he thought to himself, frustratedly. However, he felt no use in trying to object against it as he knew putting up resistance was bound to have little effect anyway and just slow down the process of getting the morning over with.

Daniel moved over to the foot of the bed and began unstrapping his captive’s ankles from the sturdy, leather restraints. After he had released most of his body from the thick straps, he then removed the last bit of restraint that held down his torso and gently lifted the boy up, so that he was sitting upright on the edge of the bed.
“Hold your wrists out in front of you” Daniel said in a more direct, less friendly tone than he had been using before. Oliver did as he was told and held out his wrists, before Daniel locked the steel restraints over them with a firm click. Next, he bent down to the boy’s ankles and secured them together with the hobbles so that both his wrists and his ankles were kept closely linked together. Daniel then lifted the teenager up off the bed by his underarm before firmly gripping him in the same way that Noah had done last night, holding the back of his neck and his upper right arm tightly. He steadily guided his captive back through the basement, past the mysterious purple door, back up the wooden stairs and through the upper door that was used as both an entrance and exit from the basement beneath. He asked Oliver if he needed to use the bathroom at all but Oliver quickly dismissed, wanting to get whatever the two captors had planned for him this morning over and done with.

Daniel then marched Oliver slowly down the hallway, as fast as his hobbles would allow him, and into the kitchen that opened up at the other end of the hall. This was the first time the boy had seen the kitchen. It was pretty big and had plenty of space to move around in. There was a table inside with several chairs around it and numerous cupboards that evidently stored all the kitchenware inside.
“Look who decided to join us” Daniel playfully called out to Noah who came out from behind one of the cupboards.
“Well if it isn’t the famous Oliver” he playfully replied back. The two men were clearly enjoying teasing their younger captive, much to the dismay of Oliver. Noah was dressed in a loose black t-shirt and a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms. Both men had some form of clothing covering them which made the boy feel even more insignificant and feeble as he stood there in just his plain, black shorts.

Suddenly, he felt a brisk shove as Daniel, who still held a firm grip over him, walked him towards the kitchen table and sat him down on one of the chairs. He then unlocked Oliver’s right cuff with a small key and brought his arms round to the back of the chair where he swiftly reconnected the metal cuff back onto his wrist, leaving his arms securely restrained to the back of the chair. Daniel then picked up two short lengths of rope from a small box behind and, with one of the ropes, lightly tied Oliver’s cuffed wrists to the backpost of the chair, just enough to keep his lower arms in position but still leaving him enough room to ever so slightly move his wrists around. With the second rope, he tied the boy’s hobbled ankles to the bottom of the chair so that he was restricted from moving his lower body any more than an inch, but still having some very restricted freedom to move his legs and lower body a noticeable amount. Even though he was still firmly restrained, he found he wasn’t as tightly tied down as he had been in the living room the other night and could still wiggle his lower and upper body around to the slightest extent.

“There” Daniel said as he looked down on his neat rope work. He assertively sat himself down on the chair beside Oliver and turned round to face him.
“So what do you want for breakfast, kid?” he asked.
The boy thought for a moment. He just wanted something really small and quick to eat just to get it over with and finally be free from this place.
“Ummm… I’ll just have some bread and butter please” he answered the man.
“That all?” Daniel answered with a frown, “I thought you’d want to have your plate full, considering all that muscle you’re trying to gain now.”
“Yeah, I’ll have some of my own food when I’m back home later. This is just to keep me going until then.”
“Alright” Daniel replied apathetically. It was clear the boy had no idea how long his very permanent stay was going to end up being.

About 15 minutes had passed before Daniel returned and sat back in the same chair beside Oliver, laying down a single slice of bread on the table in front of him, that had been buttered and placed upon a white, ceramic plate. Oliver wondered how the hell he was gonna eat it whilst his wrists were so tightly secured behind him but Daniel then proceeded to lift the bread from the plate and bring it up towards the teenager’s mouth. He took small bites from it as Daniel patiently held the bread to his mouth until he had eaten every last crumb. When this was done, the man then lifted up a glass of water, that he had also brought over, and held it to Oliver’s lips who swallowed the cold liquid in seconds.

“You sure you don’t want anything more?” Daniel asked but Oliver firmly shook his head. Satisfied with his response, Daniel stood up and walked back to the kitchen workspace where he returned with Noah a few moments later, bringing out their own breakfast onto the table and sitting themselves down upon the chairs across from where their captive quietly sat. Both men’s plates were filled to the brim with bread, fish, eggs, cheese and all sorts of meats. They each had a large glass of what looked like a protein smoothie topped with extra berries and greenery and a separate plate each filled with many different fruits, including sliced apple, white grapes, oranges, watermelons and peaches. No wonder they were such gigantic men, Oliver thought to himself, as he stared across the table at the huge feast. His bewildered face then turned to annoyance as he realised he would be having to watch Daniel and Noah eat their entire meal from the meat down to the very last drop of their drink. Perhaps he wasn’t going anywhere as quickly as he hoped he would, Oliver thought to himself, as his stomach grumbled from eating his very small slice of bread.

The two men then both vigorously tucked into their enormous breakfast, sawing their food with a knife and stabbing it with a fork. Oliver merely watched on like he was witnessing two predators devouring their new caught prey. It took them a good 20 minutes to get their whole breakfast, including their fruit and drink, down into their stomachs. Considering how much was there, Oliver observed, they had actually finished it in a very small amount of time. Once the older men had finished wiping their mouths and setting down their cutlery, they both looked to face Oliver from across the table.

“So Olly, you’re probably wondering what’s going to happen to you now” Daniel said casually. Oliver sat up in his chair as much as his tied up body would let him. Would this finally be the moment they set him free?!
“I need you to complete a little job for me upstairs” he bluntly said. Oliver felt like he had just been punched in the stomach. His breathing got heavier as he struggled to keep his cool.
“What job?!“ the teenager snapped, “Come on, you’ve kept me here for long enough, I just want to go home now! I actually have a life to get back to, unlike you two who clearly don’t have anything better to do than to kidnap teenagers.”
Daniel clenched his fists tight underneath the table. He wanted to teach the kid a lesson for speaking to his new owners like that. But in the end, he saw sense and looked past it. He’d be able to “teach Oliver a lesson” whenever he wanted, once he and Noah both got him set up in his new role, he brutally thought to himself. However, Noah, being the younger and more immature man, stood up from his chair and began walking towards the younger boy with a very threatening look on his face. Oliver did indeed feel very intimidated by him. But just before Noah was able to reach him, Daniel called for him to come back.

“What?” Noah heatedly hissed back, “So you’re just gonna let this little dope speak to us like that?!”
“I said leave it Noah” he replied calmly.
With another sharp look at Oliver, the younger man forced himself to walk back and sit himself down on his chair again.
Daniel then glared at Oliver.
“You want to prove how much your freedom’s worth to you?” Daniel aggressively snarled, “Then I suggest you stop answering back, do as I say and complete that job for me upstairs.”

Oliver was in shock. This was the first time his captors had actually shown signs of aggression towards him. Despite keeping him securely tied up, he found that they had actually been very gentle and friendly towards him since the moment he woke up in their living room. But now he wasn’t so sure if they were really the nice guys they had originally made themselves out to be.
“So are you gonna complete that job for me now without any resistance?” he asked the boy in a direct tone. Oliver slowly nodded his head back, not wanting to get on their bad side again.

As soon as he did this, Daniel immediately stood up from his chair, walked over to his captive and began untying him from the chair. Oliver wanted to ask if he really was going to be set free after he did this “little job” for them. But after what had just happened, he thought better to keep it to himself for now. Whether or not he was released straight afterwards, they surely wouldn’t be able to keep him here for much longer, right?!, he thought to himself.

Noah walked up to Oliver and began helping his older accomplice get him free from the chair. He unwound the rope from around the boy’s hobbled ankles whilst Daniel untied his wrists from the back of the chair and unlocked his right handcuff again with the silver key. He then brought Oliver’s arms around to his front where he reconnected his right handcuff again and lifted him up from the chair by his underarm. Once again, he was locked inside his captor’s bodies and marched out of the kitchen before being made to walk up the stairs he had walked up the previous night. Once they had reached the top floor, instead of going straight down the hallway to the bathroom at the end, he was marched the opposite way towards another door that stood at the other end of the hallway. Daniel then twisted the handle and thrusted open the door, pushing his handcuffed and hobbled captive forward into the room and closing it forcibly behind him. The two men then released their grips on Oliver and allowed him to stand on his own two feet.

“This is mine and Noah’s room” Daniel commented. The boy looked around the huge room he was standing in. It was in a complete and utter mess. The two large double beds that stood at either end of the room had their duvets lying half on the bed and half across the carpet below. There were plates with half eaten food on either bedside table and crumbs scattered across the floor. Many tissues were also piling up on the tables and overflowing onto the floor and whole wardrobes worth of clothes lay all around the room upon the carpet. Oliver’s heart sank when he realised this was probably to do with the “job” Daniel was speaking about. His worst fears were confirmed when Daniel walked in front of him and turned to face him.
“I want you to clean this entire room until everywhere is throughly tidied and everything is put away where it’s supposed to be” he dominantly told Oliver, “All the clothes have to be neatly folded and put away in that cupboard over there and all the things like tissues and left over food can be thrown into that bin behind you. You have no longer than 45 minutes to make this room completely spotless or else there will be a punishment waiting for you at the end of it, do you understand?”

Oliver shuddered. He had no doubt that “punishment” would be brutally carried out if he really did fail the job in time.
“I understand” he quickly replied back to the older man, hoping to ensure that he continued to stay on his good side.
“Good, me and Noah will be waiting downstairs for you and we’ll be back the second your 45 minutes is up.”
He then went over to one of the shelves and pulled out a key from on top before he and Noah turned and walked out of their bedroom, shutting the door firmly behind them and locking it with the key. Once Oliver was out of ear shot, the two men turned to face each other as they walked back down the stairs.
“I can’t to see how he gets on” Noah smugly told his older friend.
“Same here” Daniel replied, “I have no doubt that he’ll end up showing us what a capable slave he really is through this job. And when he does, I think it’s time we stopped playing with him and finally reveal the truth as to why he’s really here.”
A huge grin spread across both their faces as they walked down the last flight of stairs and out into the hallway in front.
Last edited by Radio_Ralph23 1 year ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Location: Maryland, USA

Post by Red86 »

Uhm, I not quite ready to throw my theories out the window but I suspect I'm definitely off with the comments in the beginning of chapter 6. Shocking news from home and the unexpected conclusion is throwing me for a loop. I'm missing a piece of the puzzle 🤣

I've got to admit your killing me with drawn out setting but yet it's interesting enough to keep me entertained!!

Looking forward to seeing how this continues to play out!!

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Red86 wrote: 1 year ago Uhm, I not quite ready to throw my theories out the window but I suspect I'm definitely off with the comments in the beginning of chapter 6. Shocking news from home and the unexpected conclusion is throwing me for a loop. I'm missing a piece of the puzzle 🤣

I've got to admit your killing me with drawn out setting but yet it's interesting enough to keep me entertained!!

Looking forward to seeing how this continues to play out!!
Yeah, this is definitely the longest chapter so far but I just felt like I wanted to get this part of the story done in one rather than dragging it out. Now it’s out of the way, the coming chapters will be a lot shorter and will definitely pick up the pace. Thanks for sticking by and I hope you like the unexpected twists coming later on in the story! :)
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