Naughty f/f

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Naughty f/f

Post by DuckStewStories »

Completely fabricated Christmas tale but I hope everyone enjoys it nonetheless.

Angela wasn’t sure where she’d come up with such a ludicrous idea. Perhaps she’d watched the grinch too many times, or maybe because she’d been on the naughty list since the first grade, although she never felt it was deserved. And there were no appeals with the North Pole.

She’d stayed up just to catch a glimpse of Santa. But so what? Every kid did. Although, they never saw him.

He’d come down the chimney, just like the legends said. Then he’d wandered over to the tree with his seemingly empty sack and pulled out a massive wrapped box. But just before settling it beneath, he’d paused and turned to her.

They locked eyes, and he’d spoken a single word: “Naughty.”

Before Angela could react or even comprehend what had happened, her present was back in the empty sack, and he’d vanished up the chimney leaving only a lump of coal behind.

Every year since, a lump of coal had tumbled down her chimney while she watched from her window as Santa brought gifts to the other houses. But this year would be different.

Angela hoped Santa moved so quickly that he wouldn’t notice the ladder perched against the roof. Just another late decorator that planned on tearing down the lights before the new year.

She’d picked out a festive outfit—red dress, white tights, and black Mary Janes—and waited as snowflakes gradually covered her, drifting first into her raven black hair, making it stand out against the night, and then her plump rosy cheeks which sat above her thin lips and chin. She remembered her grandma pinching them every year, telling her Santa was sure to bring her something good that year. But she’d passed last year, and this year Angela planned to get her gifts herself.

She debated using her empty red sack to cover herself but wanted to keep them clean. Although it was as implausible as Santa himself, snow never seemed to touch him.

As it grew colder and she began to shiver, the desire for warmth began to outweigh her revenge scheme. But then she heard the sleigh bells.
Was she really about to do this?

“Ho Ho Ho!” his jolly voice bellowed into the night, and she steeled herself for the dash to the ladder.

The sleigh passed overhead, and she charged towards the ladder, her Mary Janes barely releasing a squeak as she climbed. Her burning anger seemed to melt the snow beneath her fingers as they gripped the rungs.

Angela paused at the top and slowly peered over the edge, just in time to catch a glimpse of the coveted sack vanishing down the chimney. She hopped onto the roof and gracefully crossed the snow-covered roof, putting one foot before the other, following the path left by the sleigh—no sense in getting caught over something so obvious.

As her hand touched the warm wooden sleigh, a magical shock seemed to jolt through her body. Like it’d been expecting her.

“Ho Ho Ho!”

She heard it echoing from the chimney. He was coming, and she needed to move.

Gripping the sleigh with both hands, she vaulted over the pack and into its rear, where he’d toss the seemingly empty sack before venturing to the next house. But when she landed, she discovered she wasn’t alone.

An elf sat crouched across from her. Angela could tell because her pointed ears held back her short blonde hair. She was probably about four feet tall, wearing the classic green dress, red and white striped tights, and matching green Mary Janes. Her face was young, with high cheekbones, a small pointed chin, pouty red lips, and appeared to glisten in the moonlight as if covered in a thin layer of glitter. Her pale blue eyes appeared far too old for her, staring widely at Angela.

“Who are you?” Angela said.

“Who am I? Who are you?” the elf replied.


“Ho Ho Ho!”

Both girls paused, looked to the front of the sleigh, and then back at each other. The elf opened her mouth.


Angela had leaped onto her and covered her mouth with her hand, gripping it tightly as the elf’s lips continued screaming into it. She wrapped her free arm around the elf’s chest, pinning down her arms, and then wrapped her legs around to keep her from thrashing. The elf wriggled beneath her, but she managed to hold strong as the sack was tossed over them.

She had no way of ensuring Santa took the replacement sack but figured she’d be able to deal with the elf at the next house. She wished she’d brought a roll of duct tape. Perhaps if Santa left his sack, it’d have something to help.

The sleigh jolted, and Angela almost lost her grip on the struggling elf.

“Mmph! Smtm!” the elf cried into her hand.

“Shut up!” Angela hissed in her ear. “I’m already on the naughty list forever, so you think I’m worried about hurting you?”

The elf stopped struggling, but Angela still didn’t trust her. She had absolutely no intention of hurting her, but the mention of the naughty list seemed to do the trick.

The sack flopped over, and a candy cane dropped out onto the elf’s chest. Angela immediately decided it was better than nothing. She snatched it up and pulled it tight between the elf’s teeth.

“Bite down, and don’t you dare spit this out.”

She saw the elf’s jaw lower onto it, followed by a slow nod of compliance. With her free hand, Angela reached into the sack, unsure of what to hope for. Her fingers touched something soft and pliable, and she yanked it from the sack. It was a red and white striped bandanna, not unlike the candy cane currently held snugly between the elf’s teeth.

It seemed Santa’s bag knew what she needed after all.

Slipping her hand back into the sack, she felt something made of hard plastic and felt her lips peel back into a devilish grin. It seemed she wasn’t the only naughty one aboard the sleigh. Otherwise, it’d probably have given her a blaring police siren instead of a pair of cheap plastic police cuffs.
Angela felt her stomach tingling as the sleigh descended towards the next roof.

“Keep your mouth shut,” Angela said, holding the candy cane snugly between the elf’s teeth.

“Ung…” the elf replied through the gag, her tongue apparently trying to lick its way free.

Angela didn’t mind. She had something better to use as soon as the big man left. The sleigh collided with the roof much harder than Angela had expected. She almost lost her grip on the candy cane, but squeezed the elf harder and saw her jaw tighten on it.


A red mitten reached over the seat and grabbed the seemingly empty sack, pulling it over with a practiced flourish.

“Smtm!” the elf cried into the candy cane, her body rocking against Angela’s but unable to wriggle free.

Silence descended upon the roof for a moment, but the footsteps soon resumed crunching on the snow.

“I’m taking out the candy cane,” Angela whispered into the elf’s pointed ear. “Remember, naughty list.”

The elf froze upon hearing those words but then nodded. Angela slipped the candy cane from her mouth and tossed it aside. The elf remained silent with nobody to cry to, but Angela wasted no time knotting the bandanna in the center and pulling it snug between the elf’s teeth.

“Umph…” the elf grunted as she knotted it tight.

Without a word, Angela flipped the elf off her and onto her stomach. She wrenched her arms behind her and cuffed her wrists with the cheap plastic cuffs. Turning and debating how to secure her legs, she heard the familiar echo from the chimney.


Angela groaned, but hoped she could finish securing her on the flight to the next house. Perhaps the sack would provide more during the flight. It seemed at least curious about the situation at hand. She glanced back and saw the elf struggling to free her wrists. She’d been unsure about the cuffs, but luckily elves didn’t seem to know about the safety lock.


“Shhh…” Angela said, grabbing her legs and holding them in a chokehold. The elf’s Mary Janes kicked wildly, and she could feel her bucking beneath her as Santa climbed back into the sleigh and tossed his bag atop them once more.

The sleigh rocked, and they were airborne again, the elf struggling and chewing on her gag beneath Angela as she dug into the bag again.


The elf's tights rubbed against Angela’s, and she paused momentarily to enjoy the sensation. Something wrapped around her wrist, and she almost shrieked before covering her own mouth and yanking her hand back from the bag.

“Hmph?” the elf said, turning to look.

“Shut up,” Angela replied, wondering if any sleep masks or other blindfolds were held within the sack.

What’d initially felt like a soft snake turned out to be a coil of black rope. She quickly dragged it out, wrapping it around the elf’s ankles as she did. As her Mary Janes kicked, it caught, and Angela wrapped it through before continuing around once more and finding the end. She knotted it and pushed the elf’s legs down.

They promptly sprung back up. “Gumph…muph…unph…”

Another coil of rope spilled free of the bag, and Angela snatched it up greedily. She’d hoped to find an Easy-Bake-Oven or perhaps a new phone, but this night was turning out far more exciting. Perhaps being on the naughty list wasn’t so bad after all.

She wrapped a loop of rope around the elf’s wrist, just above the plastic handcuff, and then gripped the other one tight.


Angela sprung the child safety lock and yanked the rope, crossing the elf’s wrists behind her and wrapping the rope tightly around. The added measure of going between her ankles seemed to secure her further, so as the elf’s hands flailed desperately, she slipped the rope through and wrapped it around before knotting it.


Angela slid off the elf and watched as her legs kicked helplessly, and she squirmed like a worm, her short skirt billowing in the wind. Her fingers attempted to reach the knot but only succeeded in flicking it around.


She chewed on the bandanna as she struggled, her tongue occasionally poking out like a locksmith attempting to decipher an especially elaborate combination. Occasionally her Mary Janes would rise and kick wildly before dropping back down as she arched her back.


It was time, Angela decided. She’d ensure Santa took the fake sack, and she’d make off with the real one. Hopefully, there would be more inside than ropes and bandannas.

She pulled the real sack down with her and the bound elf and fluffed her fake sack so it’d be within easy reach. Likely he’d immediately realize it wasn’t his, but she’d made it this far. Hopefully, her luck would hold out a bit longer.

The red mitten reached down, grabbed the phony sack, and disappeared with a jolly Ho-Ho-Ho.

“Merry Christmas,” Angela said to the elf, picking up the sack and preparing to hop from the sleigh and make a mad dash for freedom.

“Hm?” the elf said, turning and kicking her bound legs.

Her Mary Janes connected with Angela’s knee, causing her to momentarily lose her balance and tip forward into Santa’s seat. She reached forward to grab hold of something, anything, to stop her fall. Unfortunately, the something happened to be the reigns which she tugged while letting out an instinctive “whoa!”

Feeling the tug and hearing the call, the reindeer immediately charged forward off the rooftop, and they were airborne. The reindeer kicked their hooves as if prancing on the wind itself as they climbed higher into the sky.

Angela looked down towards her captive but doubted she’d be willing to help at this point. She continued rolling her shoulders and twisting her wrists, but the rope held strong.


The reindeer appeared to know where to head next, and Angela hoped it wouldn’t be too long of a ride. If nothing else, she assumed the sack had a parachute somewhere. However, she’d never used one.


“Oh, shut up,” Angela said, finding it hard to concentrate with the elf constantly grunting into her gag. She wondered if there was anything stronger in the sack.

The sack!

The devilish grin crossed her lips once more. The sack was like a Tardis, far bigger on the inside. She’d stuff her in, and the elf could struggle and grunt to her heart’s content. Then she’d dump her out once they were back on solid ground.

Or at least a solid roof.

“Come on,” Angela said, hopping back into the rear of the sleigh.

“Hmph?” The elf attempted to scoot away, shimmying her hips and pushing with her bound legs.

“Wrong way,” Angela said, opening the sack. “You’re going in here so I can think.”

“Ml bm cwm!”

“Too late. Look where we are!” She motioned towards the moonlit sky with one hand and held the open sack with the other. “You’ll be fine. I’ll let you out later.”

Angela pulled the sack over the elf’s head. It seemed to swallow her up, and Angela grabbed the edge and her legs. Her Mary Janes kicked wildly as her body slid down into the sack in a blur of white and red stripes.

“Much better,” Angela said to the now empty sleigh. She glanced over the edge and saw lights far below. The reindeer showed no signs of stopping, and she decided to see what else she could magically pull from the sack in the interim.

She hopped back over to Santa’s seat, thinking it might help but also enjoying the view of the reindeer magically pulling the sleigh through the air. Regardless of how the night ended, it was a sight she’d never forget.

Dragging the sack next to her, she couldn’t believe how light it felt. She had no idea how many gifts remained, but she did know a bound and gagged elf was struggling inside. Peeking in, she saw only an empty sack disappearing into a black void. Evidently, she needed to reach inside, and gifts would be provided. No peeking.

She tried visualizing the latest iPhone, digging her hand in and feeling for a small box. She wondered if Santa knew what gifts belonged to everyone or if he just left whatever the sack provided.

Her fingers brushed against something stiff. Not anything boxy, something more rounded, but she was curious and began to pull it free. Unlike the others, however, it refused to leave the sack without a fight. She tugged, and it tugged back.

Gritting her teeth, she reached her other hand for added leverage and grabbed hold. Before she could rip it free, a lasso wrapped around her wrists.

“Huh?” she managed before it tugged, yanking her into the sack with her boots kicking.

Angela felt like a cartoon character being yanked through the air and free-falling without fear of pain or death. Falling amidst a red and green aurora borealis, being led like a hooked fish toward an unknown destination, with a pile of perfectly wrapped presents as her inevitable stopping point, made her decide this was all a dream. She’d never stowed away on Santa’s sleigh and kidnapped one of his elves. Santa didn’t exist, and she deserved all the coal that randomly tumbled down her chimney every year.

What appeared to be a gaggle of flesh and blood lawn gnomes reached up and caught her, slowly reeling her in while they yammered to one another. They wore festive European-style outfits with pointed hats, each with neatly groomed white beards. As they gently fed her through her ranks and set her down, she spotted her tied and gagged hostage struggling nearby.


Her legs kicked, and she squirmed wildly as the gnomes—although Angela supposed they were a different type of elves—seemed to cheer her on.
Angela looked at the object she’d attempted to procure, which had then dragged her inside the very sack she’d planned to steal. It was a thick candy cane stick with what appeared to be an elastic strap attached at both ends. One of the tiny elves nodded graciously as he gently took the candy cane stick from her. As he hopped over her head and landed on her back, Angela suddenly realized what it was for.

“No wai—mmph!”

The tiny elf pulled the candy cane stick between her teeth and fastened the elastic band behind her head. She bit into it and tasted sugar as her tongue attempted to push it free. It was a real piece of candy.

More tiny elves descended upon her. They held her legs and arms pinned and undid the slipknot from her wrists. She felt like Gulliver on Lilliput, besieged by tiny people and helpless to escape.

An odd cheer rose up, and Angela twisted her head to see a roll of duct tape descending through a sea of tiny hands. She wriggled beneath her captors, but they held firm as the tape was passed behind her to the tiny elf on her back. She struggled as her arms were wrenched behind her and her ankles pulled forward.

She heard the unspooling of tape and flexed her muscles, but the tiny elves worked together like ants, keeping her wrists and ankles held together behind her. They bound her wrists but didn’t tear the tape. Instead, they unspooled it further and proceeded to wrap her ankles. She desperately kicked her feet as it wrapped around and around before returning to her wrists for one final wrap.

The tiny elves stepped back to admire their work, each nodding approvingly to the next.

“Mmph…” Angela grunted into the gag, pulling her shoulders forward and feeling her knees involuntarily bending with them.

“Mmph…” She pulled her legs back and felt her shoulders pulling back and her chest stretching forward.

Seemingly satisfied with her bindings, the tiny elves rushed to grab the elf that Angela had provided them. They placed her on the ground next to Angela, and their eyes met as both kicked their feet and struggled against their bonds. The hatred with which the elf stared with her ancient eyes made Alison wish she’d blindfolded her.

The tiny elves formed an odd circle around them, piling wrapped gifts to obtain a better view of the girls’ struggles.

“Mmph…” the elf grunted into her gag, opening her mouth slightly and sinking her teeth further into the bandana. She pulled her knees beneath her and twisted her shoulders, her fingers continuing to pick at the knot binding her wrists.

“Mmph…” Angela grunted, rocking on her waist. She licked the gag, wondering how long it would take to dissolve it. Even if she managed, she wasn’t sure what she’d say to them. “Mmph…”

Occasionally a light would appear overhead, and the tiny elves would pass up one from the seemingly endless supply of presents. The first time it happened, the elf’s struggles increased along with her gagged pleads.

“Mmph!” she pleaded, squirming and trying to pull herself onto her knees. Her shoulders swung like a clipped bird attempting flight as she rose, but the light faded, and she crashed back to the ground, curling like an ocean wave.

When Angela saw the light again, she too desperately attempted to gain Santa’s attention.

“Mmph!” she tried to hop on her belly but only succeeded in toppling over. “Mmmm…”

A cheer broke out amongst the tiny elves as she fell.

“Mmph…” Angela swung her hips and shoulders, attempting to right herself but her wrists and ankles refused to swing. She flexed her knees and managed to turn slightly in a semicircle on the ground.

Finally, after countless flashes of light beaming down, the tiny elves seemed to grow tired of their show. A whisper passed through their ranks, and they slowly disappeared one by one behind the presents, vanishing deep into the recesses of Santa’s magical sack.

“Hm?” Angela said, glancing around. The gag within her mouth had shrunk significantly but remained firmly within her teeth.

She looked and found that the elf’s struggles had begun again in earnest. Her striped tights swung wide, her Mary Janes kicked furiously, and her bound wrists seemed to drum against her backside.

Angela could not understand until the light returned, brighter than any previous time. She twisted her head but could not see. Straining her eyes to the side, she found a familiar bearded face staring down at her.

He shook his head and spoke a single word.

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Post by TTRising »

Great story! Hope we get a part two and see Angela's fate :D
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Post by yorkshiredude27 »

That was such an awesome story!!!
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Post by DuckStewStories »

TTRising wrote: 1 year ago Great story! Hope we get a part two and see Angela's fate :D
Thank you
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Post by DuckStewStories »

yorkshiredude27 wrote: 1 year ago That was such an awesome story!!!
Thank you
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Post by Headmistress »

Great story - I liked the Christmas theme.

I assume that Angela isn't going to get a present this year either.
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Post by DuckStewStories »

Headmistress wrote: 1 year ago Great story - I liked the Christmas theme.

I assume that Angela isn't going to get a present this year either.
Ha! I doubt it.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Angela is such a naughty girl. She deserves to be wrapped up in a present and left for her parents with a personal note from Santa. :lol:
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Post by Shotrow »

This was an adorably creative story!

Thanks to Mineira1986 for the banner!

Check out my stories on deviantart:
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Post by DuckStewStories »

Shotrow wrote: 1 year ago This was an adorably creative story!
Thank you
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Post by angim350 »

Fantastic story, and really intriguing world building as well!!
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Post by DuckStewStories »

angim350 wrote: 1 year ago Fantastic story, and really intriguing world building as well!!
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