The Mandalorian Bounty Hunted (mm/m)

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The Mandalorian Bounty Hunted (mm/m)

Post by Stormee »

Hey everyone, happy new year, I have a new story being posted and time to publish a new story of Logan's adventures of being introduced to the world of being tied up. [mention]Killua[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], [mention]Gil[/mention], [mention]Gino[/mention], [mention]harveygasson[/mention], [mention]squirrel[/mention], I think you'll love the new adventure of Logan's TuG experience.

Synopsis: Logan is at his first convention of his favorite science fiction series and what better way to participate is to dress up as his favorite character. But while getting distracted and separated from his party, Logan must find his way back to the others through the crowded convention center. Not before getting captured by bounty hunters. Find out how our Mandalorian escapes from his bounty in this two part story. Enjoy :D
Blue eyes absentmindedly stared at the cell phone screen on the long car ride, finger scrolling down the forums of the TuG website. Logan sat in the backseat of Alex's car as they were driving to their destination. But it wasn't just him and his older brother, in the passenger seat was Alex's best friend, Cole. This wasn't just a simple travel trip for the three teens, it was more of a convention for their favorite science fiction series. A Star Wars Convention at most. And Logan couldn't wait to get there to show off his costume that he put down his phone to stare at himself more, all the months of prepping were going to come into effect.

Adorned around his body was a set of armor. Not just a suit of armor of a knight, but chrome armor plating around his chest, shoulders, forearms, and legs. Underneath the armor was a faded orange color suit for the armor to be attached to with black accents and gloves. And next to him in the backseat was a chrome helmet with a T-shaped black visor. If one were to guess Logan as a Mandalorian character, they would be right. And it wasn't just him, Alex and Cole were dressed as Mandalorians as well. Alex with the same armor plating around his body and helmet next to Logan's. The only difference was that Alex's suit under the armor was a dark navy blue color and cape with dark color armor plating. Cole's suit was all black with black armor plating. The best part of it was that the armor wasn't heavy, amazing work of a 3-D printer making the plates, they just had to paint chrome and their favorite coloring and make it look shiny.

To Logan, this was going to be the best convention ever. He had always wanted to go to one and this was the chance of a lifetime. Sure he wouldn't mind spending a day being tied up at home, but expressing his inner nerd interest was better. The tied up games can be after the convention. So, he went back to browsing his phone to read through any new TuG stories on the forum. He had to thank Cole for showing him this website to read all kinds of stories of people around his age, older or younger being tied up. And most of them he was interested in were reading new ways to be tied up, different gags to try out like a ballgag or a muzzle, etc. A lot of things Logan wanted to learn and try out. He was glad Alex and Cole got him into TuGs when he was the prisoner for a weekend and that was weeks ago. And he still gets tied up by Cole and Alex whenever they felt like it. And he enjoyed every experience. Minus Cole's socks being used as torture.

Speaking of which, a familiar cheesy smell filtered into the car to make Logan cough a bit and peek between the seats to see where that smell was coming. No surprise to the blonde-haired teen as Cole had his feet out of the boots and had his black socked feet on the dashboard of the car. And to him, they smelled stronger when fresh out of the boots he was wearing. Even Alex had to complain a bit to the smell of his friend's feet. "Ahh dude, seriously?" Alex groaned and rolled down the windows to air his car out. "Trying to kill us before we get there?"

"What? Just letting my feet breathe." Cole retorted with a smirk and had his toes hanging out of the window to feel the cool air between his toes. But with Logan in the back, he was getting the downwind of his black reeking socks to make him grimace and rolled down his window. Too bad his helmet couldn't filter out noxious gases like in the show, it was just a prop after all. "Besides, these boots are a bit tight and need to let my feet stretch out." Cole continued.

Logan could only retort to that opinion, it was because his feet were getting sweaty in those boots and didn't have proper ventilation to cool his feet off. And that meant a long car ride back of Cole making it smell like fermented cheese and sweat. And the 13 year old also knew his older friend was trying to make his socks worse than before after the time he tied up and gagged Cole with his dad's old dirty socks and made him smell his shoe. He knew this was revenge for the worst gag he ever smelled and tasted. And those socks were going to be Logan's gag and be forced to smell it through his gas mask. He just knew it was coming for him soon. "Well stow them away, this car already reeks of your guy's gym bags and practice gear." Logan joked, even part of that was true. Between his brother and older friend, they were your typical jocks that knew how to clear a room out with their sweaty gear, shoes, and socks. "Plus not everyone wants to smell your feet and I'm getting the downwind of it."

Cole chuckled at Logan's complaining. Being the youngest member of their TuG group, he always had his fun teasing him. And making quick jokes if he wanted to wash his socks after a long day of practice or spend some one on one time with his socks and gas mask. "Oh fine, if you insist," he said, defeated and slipped his feet back into the black boots. "But you're chewing on them on the way home. And I'll make sure you keep them in, I got my TuG bag in the trunk for just a convenience."

Gulping, Logan was a bit nervous to chewing on the raven haired teen's socks that he'll be brewing in those thick boots. But since he enjoyed being the prisoner more than captor, he was looking forward to being tied up on the way home. Even a Mandalorian can get captured and tied up, especially when he was considered a Foundling before reaching maturity in the Mandalorian lore.

After an hour of driving, Logan saw the convention center as Alex pulled into a parking spot and started to get more excited. This was his first time at a convention and probably never his last one so he wanted to see everything. From people's costumes, to all of the merchandise, and even see props from the movies and shows, and even see actors interviewing for upcoming shows. Slipping his phone into a pouch on his belt and grabbing his helmet, Logan leaped out of the car and slipped his helmet over his head and face and made sure the padding was comfortable for him.

"Come on guys, let's get a move on!" Logan begged as he wanted to see everything before it got too crowded. But Alex and Cole weren't even out of the car just yet.

It took Alex and Cole a minute to climb out of the car and went to the trunk. "Hang on, Logan." his brother said as he grabbed Cole's lightweight, plastic jetpack. He attached it to his friend's back with a snap and turned his back to have his own jetpack attached to his back. "We still have to get our stuff on before we can go. Luckily for you as a Foundling, you don't get these yet but your armor." He grabbed his utility belt and holsters for his blaster weapons and grabbed his toy twin weapons. Cole only grabbed the plastic rifle that he modified from a Nerf gun and slung it around his shoulder.

Sighing, Logan knew he was right and had to wait. Plus they had all day so he could keep his excitement down. Like when he was getting tied up or being told he was getting tied up. But his brother was still right as they were older Mandalorians who had more weapons than he did. As a Foundling, a Mandalorian who was found and in training, he couldn't get a weapon yet until he reached a certain age. At least in the lore that was. So all Logan had was his helmet and armor, no weapons or jetpack. Least they were done equipping themselves.

Alex grabbed the navy blue and black helmet to hand it to Cole and slipped it over his head. He reached underneath his chin to flick a switch and watched his friend do the same. "Voice modification working?" he asked, more robust and deep in his tone. Underneath their helmets were tiny speakers that would alter their voice and allow people to hear them better under their helmets.

"Working for me." Cole replied. His voice was deeper and sounded more menacing, probably to add fear with his black armor.

That was when Logan realized he forgot to switch his on and reached underneath his helmet and found it. With a little click, the speaker cracked to life. "I'm ready as well." he said, his voice sounding the same as Alex's. Given his lanyard that had his ticket, the 13 year old teen followed alongside his brother and friend and had the biggest grin as they walked past the automated doors.

Everywhere around him was astonishing. People dressed in costumes or regular clothing, young and old people; all fans of Star Wars. People were dressed as Jedi or Siths, favorite characters of movies or shows like Obi-Wan, Rey, Han Solo, Darth Maul, you name it. Booths lined in rows with people selling merchandise, old collectors items, comic books, lightsaber toys, art works, and many more. Kids younger than him were having lightsaber fights in any open space they could find. There was even a station where people could put together their own lightsaber with parts. With Stormtroopers patrolling the area. And they were even playing Star Wars music over the speakers.

To Logan, this was everything he dreamed of and wanted to take in every minute of the scenery. And he was part of it as a Mandalorian clan member with Alex and Cole and their group of TuG friends.

After passing through the security checkpoint and showing their tickets, they were in and started walking through the crowd. "Alright… Jamie said she and Cole's sister would meet us by the canteen." Alex said as he looked around, side stepping as a group of kids ran past them with their lightsaber fights. Jamie, Alex's girlfriend, was a fan of Star Wars as well and wanted to dress up as a Mandalorian with Cole's sister, Dawn. But Logan wasn't paying attention to the plan as he kept glancing around with excitement as he walked behind them.

The sights were everything to take in. He saw booths displaying small models of starships from the show to life scale replicas of the battle droids in full metal designs. People arguing about the shows or movies to chuckle as it wasn't necessary to fight over a science fiction that change constantly. There booths that were selling lightsaber replicas from NoPixel that were close in design and sounded the same with the durable plastic tube protecting the lights. Logan stopped at the booth and grabbed the hilt of the Darksaber while Alex and Cole kept walking and was stunned by the weight. Heavier than he imagined. He set the hilt down on the table and walked away to join his brother and friend.

But he stopped as he looked around as he realized he made a grave mistake. Alex and Cole weren't nowhere to be seen. "Crap…" he muttered under his breath and started looking around. "Where can they be? Shouldn't be too hard to find." There was a problem, Logan wasn't the only Mandalorian clan in the convention. There were other cosplayers dressed as Mandalorians. "Great… this is going to be harder. Just… look for a black and blue armor plating and you're good. I can even send Alex a text."

With quick thinking, Logan grabbed his phone from his pouch and sent Alex a quick text on where he was at and started making his way while looking for his brother. But with the large population, it would take Logan forever to find the specific characters he was looking for. He kept seeing black armor, but knew it wasn't Cole based on the design and body shape. Same for Alex and his armor. Even checking his phone in case his brother texted back to sigh. He hoped his older brother didn't leave his phone in the car.

Since he wasn't paying attention, Logan felt his body crash into something, followed by a surprised grunt to look up. In front of him was a teen his height and possibly the same age dressed in dark clothes and face mask. Next to him was another person dressed the same. But immediately Logan recognized the faces from his school's soccer team. "Bryce? Sam?" he asked, curiously in case he was certain it was them.

The teen, Bryce, was the same height and age as Logan, glared at him with his green eyes for the crashing accident. His dark hair was covered by a head wrap to make himself look like a mysterious figure. Sam was dressed the same as Bryce was with his red hair covered and had a pair of speeder goggles over his green eyes. "Logan?" he asked to remove his mask to reveal his face. Satisfied to know it was someone he knew, but didn't get along with at school, Logan removed his helmet to reveal it was him to them. "Great. Of all places, you had to crash into me here."

"Hey, not my fault, okay." Logan argued and slipped his helmet back on. "I was looking for my brother and his friend as I got separated from them. So, don't get annoyed with me here."

Hearing upon that, that caused a light smirk to form on Bryce's lips. He leaned over to his friend to whisper something into his ear to make him snicker. "So, the Foundling wandered away from his clan?" he said to bring himself into a new character. "Why don't we make a good bounty or ransom with you?" Before Logan could react to what they meant, both boys grabbed his arms and dragged him away from the main hall to the halls. Logan understood what was happening now to struggle against them as they were taking him away to a secluded area. "Quit fighting, you're alone with your teammates from school. Besides, I need a little payback."

"No way am I letting you get away from this." Logan grumbled as they spotted a utility closet and found it unlocked to open it and drag him inside. The door was closed and locked to have the three boys inside. "What's going on here!?"

There wasn't an answer and Sam grabbed some handcuffs from his pouch and quickly went behind Logan. The teen resisted against him as he tried to pull his arms behind until he felt the metal cuffs snap around his wrists and couldn't pull his arms apart. "That should hold our bounty really well now." Sam laughed and removed Logan's helmet.

"Okay, guys," Logan grumbled. "It's funny now. But let me go." He flexed his wrists to realize these weren't regular handcuffs like the ones his parents had as police officers. He felt more rigid, his hands almost touching each other. He couldn't pull his arms apart nor hear a chain rattling. That's when he realized these were hinged cuffs. He had heard about them before on the TuG site and seen pictures of them. Now he was experiencing them at a convention. "Seriously? What is going on?" he demanded.

"Like you don't know." Bryce said to grab a roll of duct tape from his sack. "I'm jealous of you, Logan. Being the more well talked person in the school for sports, when I got our soccer team in the divisions. How does cross-country become a better talk over soccer, all you do is run. Plus, Roxanne has a bigger crush on you than me and I did a lot of things for her. So, I'm going to make your day a living hell as my captured bounty. I'm a bounty hunter after all, Foundling."

Logan rolled his blue eyes to hear that. Of course the person he never got along with had a grudge for him. And he was happy to be more popular than him. He tried to see if there was a way to get out of those cuffs without a key, he wasn't going to spend his day as a captured bounty for their amusement. And seeing how he couldn't slip out of the cuffs, the teen charged Sam to pin him against the wall to try using his cuffed hands to find the key. But the red headed boy wrapped his arms in a chokehold and forced Logan to his knees. "Shut him up now before he starts screaming." Sam said.

Without hesitation, Bryce removed his boots to reveal two pairs of white ankles socks that looked like they weren't washed regularly based on the darkened color at the feet. Logan immediately knew what kind of gag he was getting to struggle harder against the goalkeeper of the soccer team as his rival removed his socks. "Open wide, I wore these for a few days with gym class and soccer practice." he joked and balled up the socks and pressed one against his nose.

Immediately Logan picked up the scent of aged cheese, wet sweat, and old grass from the soccer field. Much like smelling his socks or Alex's from football. And for a few days, the smell was strong and wet as they were straight from his feet. "Ugh! That's gross, Bryce! Yo-MMMUGH!" he said to get the sock stuffed into his mouth. And Logan tried turning his head away, but Sam kept a firm grip to prevent him from moving away as he let his friend push more of the sweaty socks into his mouth. And Logan can agree that a wet sock tasted more stronger than a dried dirty sock as he had both pushed in to stuff his cheeks. Tasted like wet salty cheese to him.

With both socks stuffed in and pinning his tongue down, Logan tried to scream for help, but his voice was faintly quiet. Much to the delight of the two soccer players. But Bryce wasn't satisfied to grab his tape roll and unraveled a long strip and pressed it onto his cheek and started wrapping around his head under five wraps. Logan only winced as the tape clung to his hair in the sticky mess and felt it squeeze his face tightly. Normally Alex or Cole don't wrap it this tight. But seeing how Logan had an enemy at school, he probably wanted to torture him a lot.

With the blonde haired teen properly gagged and restrained, it was time to show around their captured bounty. Logan screamed loudly as he could with the wet socks and tight tape gag to glare at Bryce. To help hide the issue, Bryce grabbed Logan's helmet and saw the microphone to switch it off so nobody could hear his screams and slipped it over his head to hide his gagged face. "Let's go now." Bryce said to grab a toy blaster and grabbed one arm. Sam grabbed the other one and unlocked the door to step out into the deserted hall and dragged Logan to the show floor. And the captured teen struggled and tried screaming for help as best as he could. "Good, make it look convincing." the dark haired teen chuckled. "Can't let people suspect a thing. Afterwards, you can suck on Sam's socks. I heard he wore them for two weeks."

"You heard right, Bryce." Sam laughed. Logan gulped as this was going to be a long, but humiliating day. He just hoped Alex and Cole could save him. He wouldn't want to look forward to those socks.
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Post by Gino »

I can't wait for the next part to come
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

I am not going to lie, when I saw the title, I thought it was probably some sci-fi story, and kept scrolling. I am glad I came back to check it out. great start.

I wonder what will happen to Bryce and sam when Alex and Cole find out? will they end up washing those socks that cole has reserved for Logan? or is this all part of coles master plan, and sam and Bryce are part of the tug group? so many possibilities!
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Post by blackbound »

Stuck in public bondage and nobody will suspect a thing or come to his help. Fantastic.

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Post by Stormee »

Gino wrote: 1 year ago I can't wait for the next part to come
Glad you can't wait to see the next part. I'll post it in the next couple of days. :D

Wedgieboy69 wrote: 1 year ago I am not going to lie, when I saw the title, I thought it was probably some sci-fi story, and kept scrolling. I am glad I came back to check it out. great start.

I wonder what will happen to Bryce and sam when Alex and Cole find out? will they end up washing those socks that cole has reserved for Logan? or is this all part of coles master plan, and sam and Bryce are part of the tug group? so many possibilities!
Mmmm you never know what can happen to Logan's school rivals. Will they be washing Cole's socks with their mouths or the other TuG members? You'll have to wait and see. ;)
blackbound wrote: 1 year ago Stuck in public bondage and nobody will suspect a thing or come to his help. Fantastic.
Thanks. It's a story I've been waiting to write on. No one knows he's gagged under that helmet and will think it's part of the cosplay for them. :D

I'll be posting the next part in a couple days from now, I just want everyone to find this story and get caught up before posting part 2. Oh and I forgot to add in [mention]Chris12[/mention], [mention]The_slave[/mention], and [mention]Ayu[/mention]. I think you guys will also love to read up on this short story.
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Post by N9292 »

Lovely story! Love sweaty soccer socks so so much as a gag
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Post by Red86 »

I wasn't exactly sure what to expect when I saw the title. Should have figured Logan was gonna end up at a cos play event!

Well Logan like being tied so this should be pretty interesting. Public bondage and probably no one will be the wise enough to help.

I can see this playing out a couple of ways but if Logan was my little brother, I wouldn't take to kindly to this so I already know I want to see Alex and Cole take care of Bryce and Sam. Though I also wouldn't be surprised if Bryce and Sam's brothers are friends with Alex & Cole and involved in the tug group.

Ah, some many ways this could go! Looking forward to seeing this continue!!
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Post by Killua »

That's a great start. I'm not done with your last story yet, but couldn't help it and needed to start reading this one. I was just really curious. It's a nice story so far. I wonder how this will go on. Poor Logan, I guess he has to learn now that it is different to be tied up by friends who would untie him when he really wants out to being tied up by two jerks who enjoy it to humilate and torture him. I wonder how this will go on and if they get a suitable punishment for kidnapping the little foundling. Maybe even Cole and Alex keep their foundling tied later to make sure he isn't wandering off again :lol:
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Post by harveygasson »

Wow what an interesting 'sequel' to the series so far. Really enjoying this and looking forward to seeing if Logan can get away or get rescued and whether it leads to some revenge on these dastardly rival boys
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Post by squirrel »

Great beginning! I love it when Cole threatened Logan that he would make him chew on his putrid socks on the way home. That was devious :)

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Post by Bootmark »

So Logan is gonna have to get away from this group, only to be rewarded with Cole's boot socks. Hmmm
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Post by Carnath »

Really like this plot. Bondage in public is always great, especially when the victim doesn't agree on it, but noone could find out ;)
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Post by Stormee »

Killua wrote: 1 year ago Poor Logan, I guess he has to learn now that it is different to be tied up by friends who would untie him when he really wants out to being tied up by two jerks who enjoy it to humilate and torture him. I wonder how this will go on and if they get a suitable punishment for kidnapping the little foundling. Maybe even Cole and Alex keep their foundling tied later to make sure he isn't wandering off again :lol:
You are right about that, [mention]Killua[/mention], Logan has to learn the hard way of being tied up by friends and have fun compared to being tied up by jerks who want to torture and humiliate him.
N9292 wrote: 1 year ago Lovely story! Love sweaty soccer socks so so much as a gag
Any sock gag in general is a perfect gag for the victim, even if Logan doesn't have a say in it. He'll be chewing on those for some time. ;)
Red86 wrote: 1 year ago Well Logan like being tied so this should be pretty interesting. Public bondage and probably no one will be the wise enough to help.
Yep. Since he has two other people cosplaying, they can play it off like it's a part of their costumes. Capturing a Mandalorian by Bounty Hunters. 8-)
harveygasson wrote: 1 year ago Wow what an interesting 'sequel' to the series so far. Really enjoying this and looking forward to seeing if Logan can get away or get rescued and whether it leads to some revenge on these dastardly rival boys
Glad you are enjoying this sequel. Will Logan get away or not? Rescued? Maybe, but the next part soon will tell you. ;)
squirrel wrote: 1 year ago Great beginning! I love it when Cole threatened Logan that he would make him chew on his putrid socks on the way home. That was devious :)
What can Cole say? He has some revenge plan for Logan after the deal they made before and having to smell their dad's raunchy police socks and shoe. But he has a soft spot on the youngest person and wanted to tease him. But he make him chew on them on the way home for being lost. 8-)
Bootmark wrote: 1 year ago So Logan is gonna have to get away from this group, only to be rewarded with Cole's boot socks. Hmmm
It depends. He may make him chew on his boot socks or not. You never know. Cole is notorious for his sweaty socks and bad habit to change them. ;)
Carnath wrote: 1 year ago Really like this plot. Bondage in public is always great, especially when the victim doesn't agree on it, but noone could find out ;)
Glad you like the plot. Poor Logan being dragged around and no one can help him because they think it's for show and not that he's really in trouble and gagged with his rival's socks. But wait, there's more to come. ;)

Thank you all for the comments and glad you are enjoying this short story. Part 2 will be up in a few minutes.
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Post by Stormee »

Alright, everyone here is part 2 of the small series. [mention]Killua[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], [mention]Gil[/mention], [mention]Gino[/mention], [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention], [mention]blackbound[/mention], [mention]N9292[/mention], [mention]harveygasson[/mention], [mention]squirrel[/mention], [mention]Bootmark[/mention], [mention]Carnath[/mention] Enjoy the next chapter and can't wait to hear your responses. I had a lot of fun with this public bondage fun. Well maybe not fun for Logan that is. ;)
Blue eyes scanned around the large convention center as a teen in navy blue colored armor was searching for his party. In a large facility, he would've thought he'd get better directions. He was told to meet the rest of his party at the convention's canteen area, he wasn't expecting it to be decorated and styled as a Star Wars canteen. Meaning it was crowded with people like a market center. This made it difficult for Alex and Cole, both unaware they were missing someone else.

After traveling through the crowd, and getting complimented on their costumes and pictures taken, Alex sighed in relief as he finally found his girlfriend and the rest of his party and joined them at the table. "Took us long enough, but finally found you, Jamie." he said to take his helmet off and kissed his girlfriend on the lips.

The red haired girl chuckled as they finally caught up with the group. Took them long enough, but in the end everyone was together. Their group of friends wore different colors of Mandalorian armor, but Jamie was dressed in navy blue to match her boyfriend and her best friend, Cole's sister, was dressed in bright yellow. Other colors included maroon, green, silver, camouflage, etc. But one color didn't seem to appear around her to make her raise a brow. There wasn't an orange Mandalorian member nor a shorter person in the group. "Uh… Alex… where is Logan?" she asked, concerned.

Raising a brow himself, Alex turned around for the first time since he got to the convention and saw that a smaller orange armor clad boy was missing. His blue eyes were widened in worry and he turned to Cole who shrugged his shoulders. He didn't pay attention to Logan's disappearance either. Unaware to both, Logan was still in the convention, with his new friends. "Crap… Mom and Dad are going to kill me." he sighed and slipped his helmet on to search for him. The rest of the group slipped their helmets on to join the hunt for the missing Foundling.
Logan squirmed against Sam and Bryce's strong grips as they guided him around the convention center. His wrists wiggled around the rigid handcuffs to see if he could find a way to break out of them or loosen them. But with them being real steel, they were locked tight and not allowing him any means of escape. He had to wonder if Bryce and Sam were planning on ambushing random kids to handcuff and gag them to show them off as bounties. Typical things they would do at his school, pick on the weaker people for fun. And Logan happened to be their first victim and Bryce wasn't going to let him go anytime soon because he didn't like his guts and wanted to make his first convention a nightmare.

Everywhere they dragged him along, Logan would thrash against them or scream for help through his gag. But everyone would either laugh and play along as if he was playing a game. Or even take their picture together to be part of the bounty. And no one ever suspected the blonde haired prisoner under the helmet with a pair of dirty, cheesy socks stuffed into his mouth. So, all Logan could do was chew on the freshly peeled socks that came from his rival's foot to make him crinkle his face every time he accidentally swallowed some of his saliva mixed with salty sweat and dried grass. And he couldn't imagine what Sam's would be like if they made him switch gags. He'd rather take Alex or Cole's socks.

After some time, Bryce and Sam were exhausted from walking and dragging the struggling Logan to pull off to the side and lean against the wall. The captured Mandalorian cosplayer too was exhausted from his struggles and decided to stop fighting to not make his wrists sore from the metal cuffs. Sure he had had gloves on, but the fighting would make his wrists hurt more. And he needed a breather for his screaming, constantly moving his mouth would only make him taste more of Bryce's sock. He'll probably need a gallon of mouthwash to get the cheesy taste out.

"Man, this is the best convention capture ever." Sam said and knocked on Logan's helmet. All the blonde teen could do was groan in annoyance at the knocking of his plastic helmet. He didn't want it ruined by them, took many hours to get it 3D printed to his head size. "We got this punk all captured and people don't know he's gagged. Better than the time we came here as Joker villains and captured those two dweebs that were dressed as Super Sons."

Bryce laughed as he remembered that day well. Two boys dressed as Robin and Superboy and tied up with green rope to be like Kryptonite laced rope and dragged around the convention center there. "Yea, that was the best day," he agreed. "Boy, their parents were pissed at us and tried to call the cops on us. Luckily we dipped before we got in trouble. But this here is even better than two brats. And he's giving my socks a good washing."

Logan glared at him for that. Of course he would bully a couple of kids for his cruel joke as the Joker and not get in trouble for it. And now he was part of it. Seeing how they didn't have their hands on him, he started to make a run for it. But he was quickly grabbed and pulled back by his cuffed hands. "Mmm…" he pouted through his gag. If he didn't have his helmet on, he would be giving them the death glare and make them chew on Cole's socks for a change. Maybe ambush them in the locker room and gag them with the teen's nauseating socks. "Meh me mo!" he demanded.

"And pass up this opportunity?" Bryce teased. "Not a snowball's chance in hell. You're my bounty and sock cleaner. Now, another round through and we switch out my socks for Sam's."

"Sounds good to me." the redhead said and grabbed his arm and wrists. While Bryce grabbed his toy gun and Logan's other arm to be a good escort for their captured bounty.

Still putting up a fight, Logan struggled against the two teens pulling him through the main floor of the convention. He was lucky to have his helmet over his face as more and more people would ask for pictures and comment on his suit. But he wished he could say thanks for his work if he wasn't gagged with Bryce's sweaty socks. He couldn't imagine what Sam's would be like after it. And no matter how much he struggled and called for help, he was being ignored or the two bullies would answer for him or pull him away.

But during his struggles, Logan caught a glimpse of yellow to turn to his left to have his eyes widened with hope. He hadn't seen any other Mandalorian cosplayers in yellow armor, but he knew one person who's favorite color was yellow and had a feminine body. It was Cole's sister, Dawn, and that meant Alex and Cole were near. He looked at Sam who had both hands on him and Bryce only had one to stomp the redhead's foot to make him yelp in pain and pulled his arms away from him. The yelp surprised the other soccer player to release his hold on the blonde haired teen and Logan took his chance to run away.

As he ran, he focused on maintaining his stamina like how he always maintained it during his cross country runs to not get exhausted quickly. But his balance was a bit off because of his cuffed wrists and he couldn't control his running without the use of his arms. Plus it was a crowded area and he kept trying to weave his way through the crowd. And top it off, Bryce and Sam were gaining on him. That made Logan want to run more, until he crashed into another person and landed onto his backside. "Mou…" Logan groaned as Bryce and Sam caught up and grabbed his arms to pull him to his feet. The last thing Logan saw was Dawn's armor disappearing into the crowd. No way to be with her and warn Alex of his capture.

"Watch where you're going, Pipsqueak." the older teen grumbled as he turned to the three smaller teens. The three boys were staring at a guy who was cosplaying as Kylo Ren and flashed his lightsaber out at them. "If you know what's good for you."

"Uh we're sorry about that." Bryce said to try and calm the problem. "Our friend here was just playing his role of a captured bounty and I guess his character went a little far than we wanted. Right, Logan?" He twisted his arms to make the teen wince and made him nod. "Sorry, we'll try to tone it down."

The Kylo Ren cosplayer removed his helmet to reveal a teen with long black hair like the actor who played him. They could see that he had an annoyed look on his face. "Look, just be careful, okay. This play is not meant for horseplay. Also, cool armor by the way. Definitely look like Mando from the show like others that were looking for a Mandalorian kid. Can you speak like them with your helmet?"

Logan was in hope again. That meant his brother was looking for him and asking people to keep an eye out for him. And if this Kylo Ren could tell something was wrong with his mic, he could remove his helmet and show him the gag he had under it. Then he could see that this wasn't a friendly game, but a kidnapping. Before he could say something under his gag, Bryce interjected himself. "He can, but his mic is busted under that helmet." he lied. "Plus it's probably someone else missing, we all came together since we're best friends from school." Logan had to roll his eyes on the last comment, that was a lie to the bottom of Bryce's cold heart.

"Anyway, we're going to keep moving and give him a break. We want to switch parts so it looks like he has us captured as bounties." Sam lied as well. "After all, Mando would say warm or cold, you're coming with me."

Logan groaned as they dragged him away and looked at the cosplayer for help. But he was ignored yet again and had to comply. Hopefully he found his brother and told him of his whereabouts. He didn't seem convinced of their story and there was a different missing Foundling. He would've never thought he would understand the bad side of tied up games. Cole had always told him that these games were to be fun and safe for both the victim and captor. Right now, Logan wasn't having fun and didn't like the way he was being treated. The only one getting their laughs out of it were his bullies.

Eventually they left the show floor and came back to the closet where they dragged him to. But there was a problem, the door was locked and they couldn't get in. Logan smirked in his head as it meant they couldn't switch his gag out with Sam's socks.

"Crap, we can't do it privately." Bryce grumbled and looked around. Area looked clear, no one in sight. "Quick, Sam, get your socks and we can do a quick switch."

"Mph!?" Logan shouted in surprise. Gag him out in public!?

"On it." Sam said to look around cautiously and removed his boot to reveal his black ankle socks. Meanwhile, Bryce pulled Logan's helmet off to reveal his gagged face and started unwinding the tape. It made the blonde haired teen wince on each wrap as the tape would harshly pull on his hair to make him grunt. The last of the tape came off and Logan quickly spat out the white socks to make him cough and gag a bit. But before he could scream for help, Sam quickly pushed his black socks into his mouth and held his hand in place. "Chew on these and see how they taste for two weeks at school." the redhead said, cruelly.

Almost immediately when the black socks touched his tongue, Logan went into a fit. They were stronger and more wet off of Sam's feet. Being a black sock, the 13 year old wouldn't be able to tell how gross it was compared to Bryce's unwashed white socks. He could've seen the dirt, grass stains and sweat marks from his feet. A black sock was a shadow and hid everything which was a surprise to the teen when it was pushed in. All the sweat and dirt he could taste from the soccer player.

Bryce didn't waste time to grab the tape roll from his backpack and quickly wrapped the tape around his mouth several times to hold the raunchy wads that Sam called socks. And Logan screamed and tried to shake his head away from him, but the redhead got a hold of his head to hold him still after getting his boots on. Being teamed up felt unfair to Logan and he hoped Alex and Cole would find him soon so he could get revenge on them. Or maybe have his entire cross country team ambush them in the locker room after school. Whichever worked best for him.

The tape was finally severed and tossed back into his backpack and the helmet slipped over his head. Bryce gripped Logan's arms and started pushing him forward to move. "Nice work on washing my socks." he smirked. "Now give Sam's socks a good washing. He's in need of them being cleaned for our upcoming match."

Logan can just groan and give up resisting as his brother or anyone weren't saving him. He was now stuck in this until they had their fun. But for how long? The three reached the show floor again and led the captured Foundling around. Getting his photo taken, showing off his costume and theirs. Not how he wanted to spend his first day at a convention. The worst one he had ever happened and it was his very first. Bad luck on his end.

The crowd was getting more crowded as the day progressed. Sure Logan found himself captured as a caught bounty, but he was still having fun seeing the different cosplayers in their highly detailed costumes like his armor to the small attempt that people have tried. The music was just fun to listen to as it was playing soundtracks from both movies and the tv shows. Everything around him was just a sight to see around. Now if he could have his damn handcuffs off, then he could enjoy it more. Then that way he could escape from Bryce and Sam and find his brother. He felt like Alex would put him on a leash if he got lost again.

After their first round through the show floor with Sam's socks in his mouth, Logan found himself in the very center of the area and just scoffed the floor. Will the torture end? At least the music of the Mandalorian show started, he liked the beat of the music to it. "Well now what?" Bryce asked. "Should we call my brother to come pick us up and head home? I can do this all day and call the entire soccer team to mess with you."

"How about you let the Foundling go?" a robust voice demanded. Logan immediately turned to the voice to see Alex across from him. He couldn't believe it. He found him.

"It'll be best if you listen to his demands." a feminine voice spoke and Logan and the other boys turned to see a female Mandalorian in navy blue armor blocked their way. Logan smiled as he knew that it was Alex's girlfriend, Jamie, joining to his freedom. Cole appeared to their right and the captured teen liked their scared reaction when they saw his thick body and black armor. His sister appeared next to him in her yellow armor. Soon more and more Mandalorians surrounded the three teens to make Bryce and Sam nervous. And Logan was enjoying every second of their fear, best of all was the music of the Mandalorian theme playing even louder. Like he was in the show itself.

Without haste, Bryce quickly fished out the key to uncuff Logan's wrists and pushed him toward Alex. The two bounty hunters turned to make a run for it, but had their paths blocked by two teens in rust and pale golden printed armor and seized their arms. They removed their helmets to reveal their faces to make the two younger teens gulp. They were staring at the faces of their cousins. "Take care of your cousins, you two." Alex said to them and watched be dragged away. "You okay, Logan?"

Logan nodded as he was better now than before. He lifted part of his helmet to show Alex his gag to make his brother nod and started leading him away. The other Mandalorians followed after them and came to an empty hallway and they shielded them with their bodies. Logan immediately removed his helmet and pulled the tape off his face and spat out the socks. "Bleh! Those were just gross. Would've rather had Cole's socks in my mouth." he said. "Thanks for finding me guys. I don't know what they could've done to me more. Especially if they took me back home."

"Hey I'm just glad you're safe and I found you." Alex replied after taking off his helmet. "But now you know better to not wander off and stay by my side from now on. Otherwise mom will kill me if I lose you again. I don't want a repeat of the grocery store incident."

"Oh come on, you were only seven and I was three years old." Logan laughed. "But yea, I'll stay by you guys from now on. Who were those two anyway? They didn't look like they were with you guys."

"The cousins of those that took you." Cole replied. "We ran into them as they were looking for them and we told them we were looking for you. Luckily a guy in a Kylo Ren costume gave us a tip of your location." That made Logan smile as the cosplayer he bumped into helped him after all and didn't buy into their lie. "Now then, we got our Foundling back, let's enjoy the rest of the convention and show off our armor."

Logan smiled as he wanted to enjoy it with his friends more than ever now. And this time keep an eye out for his brother and their friends. Definitely wouldn't want a repeat. He grabbed Sam's socks and stowed them into the pouch on his hip; he'll gladly return them in his own mouth when he saw him at school again. And after flicking the switch in his helmet again, the blonde haired teen slipped it over his head and was ready to continue his first convention.

The rest of the day went better for Logan. He got to experience the convention much better than being dragged around as a display. He was actually posing for pictures, engaging with other cosplayers so they could listen to his voice enhancer, and interacting with props. Even laughing and engaging in conversation at the canteen with his brother and his friends while having lunch and explaining his side of the story of his capture. Alex was happy to hear his brother was brushing it off and enjoying his time and making his capture a funny story to listen to. At least things didn't get worse for him.

When it was time to head home, Logan departed with his brother and Cole and was ready to relax. He had gotten many pictures, to build his own lightsaber as a souvenir, and his brother even graduated him to be a bounty hunter and gave him his own blaster to be like them. But now Logan found himself in the backseat of Alex's car ride home, tied up as his request. His ankles were wrapped up in tape, hands taped in front of him by Cole. But the raven haired teen finished it by taking his boots off and peeling off his black ankle socks to stuff them into the 13 year old's mouth and wrapped tape around his head and placed his helmet back over his head.

This arrangement Logan enjoyed more than being tied up by the two rivals of his school. The socks were more tolerable than before. Maybe there was a taste difference in being forced against your will gagged versus playful gagging. But still, the fresh sweaty socks from Cole's poorly ventilated boots were strong of cheese and salty sweat. And Logan was enjoying this version of being tied up more than just against his will and having fun with his captors. He'll have to get revenge for Sam and Bryce, but for now he wanted to enjoy his quiet car ride home tied up and gagged.

He wondered what the future will bring for his next adventures of being tied up.
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Post by Killua »

That was another great part and ending(?) for this little story. I'm glad that Logan could be rescued and enjoyed a more friendly TuG on the way home... even with Cole's cheesy socks. Bleh! Those two's socks have to be REALLY disgusting if he preferred Cole's. Great story!
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Post by Gil »

Hey [mention]Stormee[/mention] sry for not replying to the first part. But again a very cool and creative story. I generally like it when costumes etc are included. And I also loved the public bondage reference. Great story :)
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Post by blackbound »

All's well that ends well! And who knows, maybe the bullies will get their revenge later, when he's long forgotten this incident...

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Post by Red86 »

Those socks must have been bad if Logan thinks Cole's are so much easier to deal with even as bad as they are too. But maybe it is the fact that he was forced into it by those bullies and not enjoying his experience 🤔

I suspect this wont be the last we see of Bryce and Sam. Though I do hope next time we get to see the bullies on the other side and they are the ones tied up. Logan can join them once they've been dealt with, if he wants 😉🤣

Overall a fun a little story. I look forward to more!!
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

too bad we didn't get to hear how the cousins "delt with" Bryce and Sam. hopefully they get what they deserve.

its funny how Logan loves being tied and gagged by Alex and Cole, but hates when its the same thing but different people.
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Post by squirrel »

Logan has the best brother ever :)

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Post by Gino »

fascinating what great ideas you come up with for a cool story - respect :D
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Post by harveygasson »

Really great story and I'm sure Bryce and Sam will feel Logan's revenge soon enough
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Post by N9292 »

Mmm I think we need that whole team torture session next! Perhaps after Logan’s next game fir maximum stinkiness?
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