Night Night (M/mfMF)

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KP Presents
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Night Night (M/mfMF)

Post by KP Presents »

I know some in my profession are a little squeamish about entering the premises of families when the whole family, or at least the kids, are present, but I have to admit it is not something that bothers me too much. In fact, it makes things a little easier for me if I make sure the family in question are all in one place, and in no position to get in my way.

What I will say is this – the most productive way I have found of doing this is the early morning or later at night, so that they can all be the same and in the same room. What I do find amazing, however, is just how similar the family can be…

Case in point – I visited this particular family at about six in the morning. I was watching from my car as the man of the house left to go to work, and then got out and walked to their front door. I always dress the same way for my visits – black leather jacket over a sweater, black jeans, sneakers, and a balaclava mask as well as leather gloves.

It was still dim, the sun just coming up, so there was nobody noticing as I picked the lock on the front door and let myself in. Slowly, as quietly as possible, I walked up the stairs with a rucksack on my back, listening for any noise but hearing nothing as I went past the main rooms of the upper floor. One was obviously the room of the daughter given the decorations on it, so I opened it quietly and let myself in.

She was lying on her bed – about ten years old, with long light brown hair, and wearing a pair of light pink cotton pyjamas. The top had a round neck, and the material had a pattern of flamingos and sail boats on it.

She was also barefoot – and her blue eyes opened wide as I put one gloved hand over her mouth, and a gloved finger of the other hand to my lips.

“Stay nice and quiet, and I won’t hurt you,” I said quietly as I looked at her, “do exactly what I say, all right?”

She nodded slowly, as I said “Good - ~I’m going to take my hand away, and I want you to slowly stand up in front of me, with your hands clasped together in front of you, all right?”

She nodded again as I took my hand away, and she slowly stood up, watching as I took a coil of rope from my rucksack, and made a lasso which I put over her head and then pulled tight so that her arms were held against her sides. I then played the rope out a little and bound her wrists tightly together in front of her, as she started to cry.

“Don’t be afraid,” I said as I tied the rope off, and held it in my hand as I brushed her hair away from her face. “I haven’t really hurt you, have I?”

She shook her head as I heard a baby crying, and then footsteps to and for. “Let’s go and see your mother,” I said with a smile, the girl nodding as I put my hand on her shoulder and we walked to her parent’s bedroom.

Her mother was standing by the bed, wearing the same style of pyjamas except hers had a V-shaped neckline, and she was changing a baby who was lying on the changing mat. The baby was also wearing a top in the same style as her big sister, but when her mother looked over she opened her mouth.

“Don’t’ scream,” I said quietly as I kept my hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “I have no desire to harm you or your family, but I will do so if you try to raise the alarm. Understand?”

She slowly nodded as I said “good – finish making your younger daughter comfortable, while I make sure your older daughter stays on your bed. And remember – I am watching.”

So she continued to change and dress the baby, while I put her daughter on her back on the bed, and played the rope out again, tying her legs together below her knees and then her ankles before I too the ends of the rope and tied them to the metalwork at the foot of the bed. Once the baby was changed, I took a second coil of rope out of my bag, and then bound her in the same way as her daughter so that they were lying side by side on the bed, looking at the baby of the family as I put her between the two of them.

I then emptied the contents of her jewellery boxes into my rucksack as she told her daughters not to cry, they were all going to be all right. The baby was gurgling away happily, as I finished what I was doing, and told them that fi they promised not to shout for half an hour, I would not stop them from talking.

Well, they agreed to that, so I left them on the bed, and made my getaway…

Sometimes, arriving in the early hours of the morning does mean I have to make sure the whole family stays in one place, including Daddy. One recent Saturday morning I was walking to the front door of one house at about eight in the morning, the balaclava up on my head as a hat until I was standing the porchway of the house I intended to visit, then pulled down the mask to cover my head as I knocked on the front door.

It was opened by a young woman, I’d guess in her late twenties, with long strawberry blonde hair, who was wearing a pair of white pyjamas which was covered in a print of toys – teddy bears, trains, cars, all sorts of things. They were classic pyjamas, with a red trim at the collar and cuffs – and she had a shocked expression on her face as she saw the gun I was holding, and walked backwards as I came in and closed the door behind myself.

“Who was it?”

“Take me to him,” I whispered as I took her arm and we walked to the kitchen, where her husband was sitting at a table, his brown hair and beard neatly cut, wearing exactly the same pyjamas – and exactly the same shocked expression on his face as he saw me.

“Remain calm – I won’t hurt you if you do as I say,” I said quietly as I looked at them. “Sit down, hands on your head.”

I pushed his wife over and waited until she sat down before I put my rucksack on the table, and drew out a length of rope. “what do you want,” her husband said as I pulled his hands down behind his back, and sued the rope to bind his ankles tightly together.

“Your money, jewels, valuables,” I said quietly as I tied the ends off, then took another length of rope out and wrapped it round his arms and upper body. “Just do as I say, nobody gets hurt.”

“Please,” his wife whispered, “my babies…”

“We’ll get to them in a few minutes,” I said quietly as I tied the ropes off. Both of you, stand up and walk into the front room – I want you to pull the curtains closed while your husband takes a seat.”

Picking my gun and rucksack up, I waved to them to walk into the front room, his wife walking to the windows and pulling the curtains across while he sat down. She then sat next to him, her hands on her head as I knelt down and used more rope to bind his ankles together, and then his legs below his knees, each band of rope cinched tightly.

“Now, I’m going to take your wife to get your kids,” I said as I balled up a cloth, “and you are going to let me put this in your mouth. If you spit it out, or try to call for help, remember where she is and who I am with – got it?”

He nodded as I pushed the white cloth into his mouth, his wife slowly standing up as I took her out of the room and walked her up the stairs. As we got to the top, a bedroom door opened and an eight year old boy walked out. His pyjamas were the same pattern, but were cotton ones with a round necked top and elasticated cuffs.

He saw me with his mother, but she told him not to shout out, and she was not going to let me hurt him. She told him to go to the toilet, and then come into his sister’s room – and he nodded as I said to be as quick as he could be, and I would be listening.

We then went into another room, where an eighteen month old girl was standing up in a cot.

“Mum,” she said with a smile as the woman picked her up, holding her and kissing her. The baby was wearing a Babygro with the same pattern, and red soles on the feet of the garment.

“She needs to be changed and fed.”

“I understand – change her,” I said quietly as he son came in and looked at me, “while I start to tie up your son.”


“Be brave,” she said as I took some rope from my rucksack and gently pulled the young boy’s wrists behind her back, before I tied them together with the rope. I then made sure his arms were held against his sides, before I rolled up a white scarf and pulled it between his lips as a cleave gag, tying the band tightly round his head and then watching as his mother refastened his sister’s outfit.

“Let’s go downstairs,” I said quietly, and we walked out, me with my hand on the boy’s shoulder and his mother carrying his sister. We walked to the kitchen first, and I held the baby, talking quietly to her as her mother prepared the bottle and her son watched.


His father groaned as we walked in, his wife sitting on the other end of the couch he was sat on and starting to give the baby her milk while I helped his son to sit next to him. I soon had his ankles and legs secured together in the same way as his father, the two of them looking at each other as I cleave gagged the older man as well – pushing the cloth in his mouth further in.

I then knelt down and secured the ankles and legs of his wife, so that the bands were tightly cinched as she winded her baby. The little girl was then sat in her mother’s lap as I secured her ankles and legs as well, and then tied her wrists together in front of her before I asked her mother to wrap her arms round her.

I then secured her wrists together, and tied them down to her leg binding before I wrapped some more rope round both of them to hold them together. I then cleave gagged the mother with a white scarf, as the baby put her head against her mother’s chest.

I felt safe in leaving them there while I raided the house – and when I looked in, the babu was asleep as the rest of the family looked at me waving goodbye…

No, I don’t just visit in the mornings, sometimes I visit in the evening when families are often getting ready for bed, and leave them ready for sleep. One example is the family of a man who ran a number of restaurants in the North of England – and it was an early Saturday night when I gave them a very different night in.

I looked through the kitchen window to see their mother preparing some snacks. She was in her early thirties, and had long dark hair – but she was wearing a very fetching pair of white round necked cotton pyjamas with a lemon print on them. Literally lemons, with little green leaves.

I entered, the mask down and covering my head as I pointed a gun at her, and asked her if anyone apart from the family was at home. She shook her head and asked what I wanted, so I told her. I was going to rob the house, and I had to make sure she and her three children could not stop me.

She just shook her head, as I saw the food she had laid out, so I motioned for her to put her hands on her head, and then we walked into the front room, where her three children were watching television. Her oldest boy was eleven, and was wearing the same style of pyjamas, his dark hair cut short. His sister was eight, with the same sort of long hair as her mother, but her pyjamas were a short sleeved top and shorts. Finally was the three-year-old boy, who was dressed like his brother and mother.

They were scared to see me, but their mother calmed them down, as I told all three of them to sit on the couch. I then took my rucksack off and handed their mother a roll of white tape, and told her to tape the ankles of each of her children together, as well as their legs below their knees.

She tried to object, but I was gently insistent, so she slowly walked over and knelt down, talking to them quietly as one by one their ankles and legs were taped together. She told them everything was going to be all right, as she stood up and I took the roll of tape from her, then sat her on the couch as well before I taped her ankles and legs together as well, above and below her knees.

I then said they would not let the food go to waste, so I went back and came in with a plate for each of them, letting them watch television for a while as I talked to their mother. I told her when they had finished, I was going to bind their upper bodies and gag all of them and leave them on the room while I searched her house – and that of they just stayed where they were, there would be no problem.

That seemed to placate her slightly, as I gave each of them a plate of food on their laps with a drink, and they talked as a normal family would while they ate and watched a film. It was only when I had cleared the plates away that I made them all sit forward and put their hands behind their backs, before I crossed and taped the wrists of each one of them together, and then wrapped the tape round their upper bodies to hold their arms against their sides.

I then put the older boy and girl back-to-back on the floor before I wrapped some tape round their waists to hold them together – and covered their mouths with strips of the tape. I then gagged their mother and younger brother, before I helped her to lie on her side against the back of the couch, and the young boy on his back next to her.

When I looked in after helping myself to their valuables, I saw her gently kissing the young boy’s head with her taped lips as he looked at her, the other two children just sitting quietly. I hope their father was not too late in coming back…

Of course, it is Christmas when families do tend most to wear matching PJs – witness the end of last year in Hampstead. It was about six in the morning again when I climbed the fire escape and let myself in through the window of the flat – again, with my rucksack full of supplies, because I knew the husband was a doctor who worked the overnight shifts at the Royal Free Hospital.

His wife was lying under the covers on the bed – but she woke up when I covered her mouth with a gloved hand, and saw me standing there looking at her through the eyeholes of my mask. She struggled for a minute, trying to speak – until I told her to be quiet, or she would get hurt.

Well that got her attention, as I pulled the duvet back to reveal the white pyjamas she was wearing, adorned with a blue, red and green Christmas based design of socks, stars and branches. I told her I was going to remove my hand, and she should roll over and put her hands behind her back.

This she did, as I pulled her light brown hair long hair back, and then used some thin cord from my rucksack to bind her wrists tightly together. She kept asking me what I was going to do – so I said if she did not keep quiet, I was going to make her sleep, and it would not be pleasant. Once I had done that, I crossed her ankles and bound them together as well, the thin cord rubbing on the bare skin of her legs as I did so.

She was twisting round as I pulled her ankles back and used some more cord to bind her ankles to her wrists – and it was as I tied that off I heard a young girl say “Mummy, what’s going on?”

I turned round to see an eleven year old girl standing there, wearing a pair of cotton pyjamas with a round necked top in the same style as her mother. She looked at me – and she managed to get out one screen before I managed to get over to her and grab her, covering her mouth with my leather gloved hand as I told her to stop struggling, or she would get hurt.

Well, it took her mother telling her to stop struggling, and that if she did so she would be all right, before she actually stopped, still breathing heavily as I kept my hand over her mouth and walked her over to the bed, telling her to lie face down next to her mother and put her hands behind her back.

I then bound her in the same way as her mother – wrists crossed and tied tightly together, ankles crossed and bound, then her feet pulled back and tied to her wrists in a hogtie. I then told them both to raise their heads, as I tore a long strip of plaster from a roll and pressed it down over the mother’s mouth, and then over the mouth of her daughter.

Now, they probably could get out if they tried, but I told them not to move because It would make it tighter if they tried to escape, so they just lay there looking at each other as I searched every drawer and cupboard, and then went round the rest of the house.

When I left, they had rolled onto their sides and were facing each other, too scared to do anything except lie there…

Now, I should say it’s not always the immediate family I visit. There was one Sunday morning when I called into a house in a suburb of Nottingham – I knew because I had watched the day before Mum and Dad were not home for the weekend, but I also knew there was much to gain from visiting there.

So I went round the side of the detached house, let myself in through the back door, and then looked in the front room. There was a ten year old girl sitting there, wearing a long sleeved orange top and grey pyjama bottoms, watching cartoons. She had not heard me come in – but she knew I was there when I picked her up with my hand over her mouth, and told her to do exactly what I said, because if she did, I would not hurt her.

Well, she took a while to believe me, but I did not let her go until she calmed down, and when I removed my hand she pleaded with me not to hurt her. I told her I would not if she stood still, and let me tie her up, She did ask if I had to, but I told her I did, so she stood still while I put her wrists together behind her back and tied white rope round them to hold them tightly together. I also tied some rope round her upper arms and body to hold them firmly into place, before I told her to sit down on the couch and put her legs out.

As she did so, I tied her ankles together with more rope, the kid watching as I pulled the cords tightly round and between her legs. I then did the same thing to her legs below her knees, as she started crying – and then she looked past me and said “GRANNY!!”

I stood up to see a woman in her early sixties standing there, with greying hair cut short, wearing a pair of white pyjamas with a subtle pink floral print on them. I told her to come over and stand in front of her granddaughter, and not to say a word.

She asked if the girl was all right as she came over, and I walked behind her to start binding her wrists together behind her back. The kid said she was scared and her grandmother told her she knew she was, but to be brave – as I secured her arms to her sides with ropes round her upper body.

She then sat next to the kid, as I bound her ankles and legs in the same way as her granddaughter, before I walked behind them and took from my rucksack a grey silk scarf. Rolling it into a band, I told the grandmother to open her mouth, and then pulled the band between her lips to make sure she was kept quiet.

I then gagged the kid as she looked at her grandmother, before she lay down and put her head on the older woman’s lap, looking up as I left them with an admonishment not to move, while I stole the grandmother’s valuables…

So yes, early or late morning calls can be fun. Take what I am doing at the moment. It’s just after nine at night, and I am in the bedroom of the older son of this particular family, wrapping rope round his upper chest to hold his arms in place while he tried to loosen the rope holding his wrists together behind his back.

He is thirteen years old, with short black hair, and is wearing a white t-shirt and black bottoms. He grunts as I pull the rope tighter, but he knows he had no choice – because his nine year old sister is sitting on his bed, watching me tie up her brother.

She’s wearing light pink pyjamas, but her arms are behind her back, her wrists tied together and bands of rope round her arms as she twists round. Her ankles are also bound together with tight bands of rope, as are her legs below her knees – and there is a band of silver tape round her head, covering her mouth and keeping her quiet.

Not duct tape – but it is holding firm as I use the roll to gag her brother as well, wrapping it tightly round his head before I make him sit next to his sister, and watch as I bind his ankles and legs together.

I had surprised the girl a few minutes before, bound and gagged her, and then made her jump into her rother’s room to – persuade him to do what I told him to do. I knew what both of them were thinking though – why didn’t their parents stop me?

Well, there was a reason, as I made them both stand up and jump into their parent’s bedroom. You see, it may have been after none in the evening – but I had surprised their mother and father when I got into the house at eight.

Their mother is wearing a black nightdress, and their father a white t-shirt and checked bottoms – but they are both lying on their stomachs across the bed, ropes wound their bodies and hogtied with the rope running from their ankles to the ropes round their chest. Bands of silver tape were already wrapped tightly round their heads, and they could only watch as I made their son and daughter lei on the bed with them and hogtied them as well.

That was where I left them as I took their valuables – but who knows? Next time, it might be you and your family I visit…
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Post by MisterB »

I like that you're mixing things up a bit!
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Wow, Breaking in at night and in the morning, along with the great tying and gagging details.
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