Daniel's House (M/M)

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Daniel's House (M/M)

Post by Michael-Colin »

This is my first story, so sorry if it seems more generic or not as well-written than some of the others on the board.

I had been invited by my friend Daniel to a weekend sleepover at his house. As is typical in these scenarios, the parents were on holiday, leaving a sizeable house at the mercy of an 18-year-old boy and his friend. I arrived at the house during midday, backpack full of spare clothes in hand. The door opened, and Daniel emerged to welcome me in.

Daniel had short dark hair and bright green eyes, and he was quite a well-built person, his muscular form visible through his tight white T-shirt. Aside from the T-shirt, he was wearing some blue skinny jeans and some grey striped socks. For comparison, I was much skinnier and shorter than Daniel, with dark eyes and light brown mid-length hair. I was wearing a plain red shirt, some brown chinos, black socks and trainers.

"Hi Danny."

"Hey Mike," he said warmly. "Come on in."

He invited me into his hall, where he asked me to leave my shoes by the door. After slipping out of my shoes, he led me upstairs to his room where we engaged in the activities you would expect at a teenage sleepover. We spent long hours playing co-op games on Daniel's games console, and eventually we got around to a simple racing game. Daniel was losing... badly. Race after race, loss after loss, I could see his frustration mount. Eventually he put down his controller.

"Tell you what, why don't we spice things up a bit?" He said. There was something about his tone that unnerved me, like he was plotting something. "Let's have some kind of forfeit for the loser..." (You can probably see where this is going).

"Pfft. You're on a losing streak. You'd have to endure a lot of forfeits Danny," I replied smugly.

"Well we'll see about that won't we?" he retorted.

"What sort of forfeit did you have in mind?"

"The winner gets to tie up the loser," he said, a confident expression on his face. I couldn't see what Daniel was confident about. I had just been kicking his ass on the racing game.

"So like what we used to do when we played cops & robbers in primary school?"

"Yeah... Kinda like that. Except the loser would be properly tied up."

Considering Daniel's losing streak, I was confident that this was a safe bet, and that I'd be the one tying him up at the end of the day.

"So what do you say?" he said, reaching out his hand, a sly smile stretching across his face.


I shook his hand, and we picked up our controllers. The race started, and as I had expected, I took off ahead of him. As I got closer and closer to the finish line, I thought more and more about the things I would be able to do to Daniel if he was tied up and helpless. I could tickle him, I could torture him with ice-cubes, I could just leave him tied up overnight. The possibilities seemed endless. And then he overtook me. Daniel's car raced passed mine, passed the finish line, delivering a much needed-victory to him.

"YES! I WIN!" Daniel gloated, raising his arms up in the air in celebration, as I looked on in shock at the screen.

"How!? I was way ahead of you!"

"Doesn't matter! I won. Meaning you have to accept the forfeit," he said, walking over to a bureau, and rooting through one of its drawers. He pulled out two lengths of nylon rope, and he walked towards me, a wicked grin on his face. "Hands behind your back."

"No way!" I said crossing my arms.

"Hmm. How about I sweeten the deal? I tie you up, and if you manage to escape within a certain amount of time, you get to tie me up. If you don't get free, you have to do whatever I tell you to, and I can tie you up as much as I like for the whole weekend."

"Hmph. Sure. It's your loss. I'll be out in no time!" I said confidently.

"Suuure..." Daniel replied.

I turned around, and put my hands behind my back. He manoeuvred my hands so that my palms were facing each other, before starting to wrap the rope around my wrists. After wrapping my hands together, I could feel him knotting the rope off in between my wrists. He sat me down on the bed, and crouched down to my feet before grabbing the other length of rope. Daniel rolled up my trouser legs, and began to bind my ankles together, accidentally brushing his finger over my socked soles, eliciting a giggle. I saw him smirk as he took a mental note of this. He knotted off the rope securing my ankles, helped me to pull my legs onto the bed, and stood back to admire his handiwork.

"You'll have two minutes to get out. And remember when you fail to get out, I get to do what I want with you," said Daniel.

"And you remember that when I get out , I get to tie you up," I replied, brimming with optimism.

"Your timer stars NOW." Daniel started a two minute timer on his phone, and sat down to watch me struggle. I immediately tested my bonds and tried to pull my wrists and ankles as far apart as possible, in the hopes of creating some slack. Useless. It was at around the first 30 seconds that I realised that I might not actually escape these bindings, and I began to struggle more aggressively, violently kicking and threshing from side to side in an attempt to loosen the ropes. I had underestimated Daniel's knot tying skills, and I could see him smirking at me. The alarm sounded, two minutes had passed, and I was lying there exhausted and sweating having intensely struggled for a solid two minutes.

"Looks like you're mine for the weekend Mike!"

Daniel stood up, and looked down at me, a domineering grin on is face. However, I wasn't dreading the tie-ups to come. In fact, I was curious as to what Daniel had in store for me, and even strangely excited. Daniel untied the ropes around my wrists and ankles, and stood there, thinking for a while.

"Hmmm. What could I do with you?"

To be continued... Maybe?
Last edited by Michael-Colin 6 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome aboard.
Don't worry about whether first story was a bit generic or not. It was well written.
Besides, some of us write the same story several times. The names are changed to protect the guilty.
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Post by cj2125 »

Cool story! Always can trust on a bet going horribly wrong (or right, depending your perspective)! Hope to see the rest of the story
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Post by Michael-Colin »

cj2125 wrote: 6 years ago Cool story! Always can trust on a bet going horribly wrong (or right, depending your perspective)! Hope to see the rest of the story
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Post by bondagefreak »

Really glad to see you writing my friend!
This is a really good first story. Much better than my first attempt at writing bondage-related themes I might add.

I look forward to reading more from you in the future!

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Post by Michael-Colin »

Part 2

I sat up on the bed, still panting from all the struggling I had done earlier, as Daniel loomed over me, wondering what to do with me now that I had lost his little challenge.

"I know what I'll do with you!" he said mischievously. "Strip to your underwear."

"Are you serious?"

"You can either strip to your briefs now, or I'll have to do it for you when you're tied up."

I couldn't fault his logic, and I was still curious as to what he had in store for me. I slowly removed my shirt, feigning reluctance at the thought of being exposed to him.

"Pants and socks too."

I complied, dropping my trousers and pulling off my socks, leaving me in nothing but some tight black briefs. I subtly covered my crotch area to hide my growing excitement.

"Now lie down on the bed" he ordered, while preparing several lengths of rope. I lay down on the bed as requested, and Daniel grabbed my right arm. He looped the rope around my right wrist, and tightened it. He then secured the excess rope to the right bedpost. He walked around the bed to my left side, where I saw him briefly look towards my crotch area.

"Heh, someone's enjoying themselves," he said, smugly.

I could feel my face warm as I blushed in embarrassment. I couldn't think of any clever explanation, and responded with a simple, "Shut up".

He wrapped rope around my left wrist, and secured it to the left bedpost in the same fashion as the right. With my wrists tightly bound to the bedposts, my arms were pulled straight, with only enough slack to allow my elbows to bend a few inches. I could see a proud look on Daniel's face as he once again admired his handiwork. But he wasn't done yet. He produced a third length of rope, and walked towards the foot of the bed where my feet were resting. Daniel wrapped the rope around and in between my ankles, tightly binding them together. With another length of rope, he looped the rope in between my ankles, and secured it to the rail at the foot of the bed. He adjusted the rope so that my legs were pulled tight, preventing me from bending my knees too much, and keeping my feet in one place.

I was completely helpless and immobilised. Stripped to my briefs, and tightly bound to Daniel's bed. My excitement was much harder to hide, and I could feel my heart pumping in my chest as Daniel circled me, almost like a hungry animal. I tested my bonds. Any struggle was hopeless. The bonds were too tight and my arms were too spread out. I was now completely powerless to Daniel, and he could do with me whatever he wished.

Daniel walked back towards the foot of the bed, and rested his hands on my bare feet.

"You giggled earlier when my hand brushed against your foot. You must be pretty ticklish," he said, giving me a sly look.

"Don't even think about it Danny!" I demanded, trying futilely to pull my ticklish feet away from him, only to be stopped by the rope securing my ankles to the bed-rail.

"Why? What are you gonna do Mikey?" He gently brushed his finger against the exposed sole of my left foot, prompting me to giggle slightly. Daniel's smile widened, and I looked at him with pleading eyes. But this was ignored. Daniel dug his fingers into my feet, aggressively attacking my soles, causing me to wriggle and writhe as far as my bondage would allow, also while laughing loudly and hysterically.

"PLEA-HAHAHA-PLEASE! STOP! HAHAHA" I cried as Daniel's fingers explored my bare feet. I pulled as hard as I could on the bonds, but the ropes didn't allow me enough slack to successfully move myself away from Daniel's tickling fingers.

"Wow! You're really ticklish, aren't you Mike?" he said as he intensified his tickling. Daniel suddenly stopped tickling, giving me a few short seconds of relief. He jumped onto the bed, straddling my legs. "Let's see where else you're ticklish" he said, right before attacking my inner thighs. I tried my best to move my mid-section away, but I was limited to raising my abdomen and arching my back.
"HAHAHA PLEEEASE!" I pleaded as he drew his fingers across my stomach, attacked my sides and explored my armpits, and all I could do was helplessly struggle and laugh. He ceased the tickling and got off the bed, giving me time to gather my breath.

"Heh, it seems your weakspot is your feet. But you were pretty loud when I targeted them..." I saw Daniel rooting around for something on the floor. "Guess I'm gonna have to quieten you down a bit," he said, standing up, one of my discarded socks in hand. My eyes widened when I realised he wanted to gag me.

"That's not really necessary. It isn't like you have neighbours or anything!" I reasoned, in a pointless attempt to try and stop him from silencing me.

He jumping onto the bed again, ignoring my reasoning. He tied a knot mid-way through the fairly thick sock, and held it out in front of me.

"Open wide Mike!"

I pursed my lips in defiance, but he just rolled his eyes as if he knew exactly how to deal with this situation. He pushed the knot of the sock against my pursed lips, and used his other hand to pinch my nose. I delayed the inevitable, and held my breath for as long as I could. Eventually, as you would expect, I was forced to breathe through my mouth.

"Gnnrghh!" I grunted as the knot of the sock was forced into my mouth, holding it slightly open, enough so to muffle the noise and keep my speech unintelligible. Daniel lifted the back of my head up so he could begin to tie the sock off tightly behind my head.

"There we go. Much better!" Daniel said, clearly proud of himself.

My attempts at a "screw you" came out as a "shhccew gngh," and Daniel delighted at the humiliation caused by my inability to talk. He walked around to the foot of the bed, once again eyeing my helpless feet.

"Now that you're gonna be nice and quiet, we can resume!"

To be continued

I have a few ideas in mind as to what happens next, although I would be happy to accept some suggestions. ;)
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Post by fratboydanny »

Fun story. Like how Danny set Mike up. Classic!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Great! Always enjoy a good gagging scene. Especially when it involves socks 8-)

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Post by drawscore »

Not bad. Line spaced, no glaring spelling or grammar errors, and it flows well. An interesting read,

The last sserver was based in the USA; I don't know where this one is based, but just a reminder that pictures and/or depictions of someone under the age of 18 (or appearing to be under 18), tied up nude, or in underwear, is regarded as pornography in most jurisdictions in the US, and the site must be in compliance with local, state, and federal laws, no matter where it is located.

Hinting at sexual situations ("I covered my crotch to hide my growing excitement.") when the subjects are 17 or younger, is also frowned on. Two solutions: Change the ages to 18, or eliminate the underwear and sexual references. "Underwear" could also be changed to "soccer shorts," "gym shorts," etc., or an "unusual" costume, such as a sweat suit, or a uniform.

All in all, a B+ to A-.

(And yes. Earlier in my life, I did write and edit for a living.)

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Post by Michael-Colin »

Noted and corrected.
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Post by tony2 »

Poor mikie--
suspect a long weekend of discovery ahead of him.
Those were his speedos from swim practice not his underwear I suspect, eh?

Oh dear, poor boy (grin)...
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Post by Michael-Colin »

tony2 wrote: 6 years ago Poor mikie--
suspect a long weekend of discovery ahead of him.
Those were his speedos from swim practice not his underwear I suspect, eh?

Oh dear, poor boy (grin)...
He's still in his briefs, and isn't wearing speedos... Yet. ;)
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Post by harveygasson »

Great story! Looking forward to the next part
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Post by Veracity »

Enjoyable story. Funny that you suggest that it might be too “generic.” Yes, this is a basic plot line that we have all seen many times before, but what really matters is how you tell it, and you tell it well, in a way that made me want to keep reading. So congratulations on your first try, and keeping in mind that practice makes perfect, I hope you keep practicing, because I think I will continue to enjoy your endeavors.
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Post by harveygasson »

Cool story so far, hope you post more
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Post by MaxRoper »

Fun story, well told. I look forward to more from you.
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Post by Michael-Colin »

I'd just like to say sorry to anyone who is waiting for the next part, I have just been really busy lately. But don't worry, I haven't forgotten about this, and I do intend to finish it.

Once again, feel free to leave suggestions.
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Post by Xtc »

This might not make me popular on the site, but take your time. It will be better for us if you post a well written story to match the first part rather than something you have rushed for the sake of getting it posted.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Michael-Colin wrote: 6 years ago I'd just like to say sorry to anyone who is waiting for the next part, I have just been really busy lately. But don't worry, I haven't forgotten about this, and I do intend to finish it.

Once again, feel free to leave suggestions.
Would really love to read a continuation to this, bud.

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I don't know why I've not read this story before, but now I did and I really enjoyed it. I wish I had friends like that, who made bets with me and tie me up as a result of that! I like how strict Daniel is and how he noticed early on in the story how ticklish Mike is and uses that against him later on. A clear example of "knowledge is power".
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Post by Michael-Colin »

It's good you bumped this, as despite my assertion that I hadn't forgotten about it, I had indeed forgotten about it.
The problem is I kind of just ran out of steam, delayed getting back to it and then kept delaying lol. (not helped by the fact I didn't really have an ending in mind).

I do currently have something in the works that actually has an ending so it is much easier to write. But yeah, I should probably try to finish this one too!
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