The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *Story Complete* *More Bunny Action in the Adult section*

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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Well it seems 'less likely' has become 'almost certain'...

Obviously still begs the mystery of what exactly is going on - is she being possessed, or is it some kind of a strange split personality? And how did it start?

Again, not expecting spoilers.

And of course poor Kayley - now the teasing is only going to get worse. At least her friends are willing to help her/cover for her a little.
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago At the sink, glaring at my bloodshot eyed reflection, washing my face and hands, I smile without humour. She smiles back.
A nice line :)
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago At the sink, glaring at my bloodshot eyed reflection, washing my face and hands, I smile without humour. She smiles back.
A nice line :)
I liked it too. Isn't the first time I've done similar, and not always when supernatural type things are occurring. I just like the imagery of staring at yourself, you staring back, as though mirror you isn't simply you.
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Post by RopeBunny »


At some point you realise it isn't a dream, that you really are being prodded awake.

"If you're fucking around," dragging myself up out of sleep, I hate waking early, or at all sometimes, "then I'm going to kill you both."

Groping for my bedside light, only to regret the necessary yet harsh glare it brings. Blinking. Reaching for glasses, I'm basically blind without, everything reduced to fuzzy shapes.

Like the one, possibly two resolving as one. A tall blurred something beside my bed.

"Holly and Thomas." Stifling a yawn, slipping black rounded frames over eyes closed a final time. God damn the twins and their stupid games. "What the fuck are you doing."

"Want to guess again?"
"Wha...?" Eyes flying open at the unfamiliar voice. Female. Amused.

I look. And see.

"Who the fuck are you?"
"Hi." The impossible looking girl stood beside my bed grins down at me. Waves. "I'm here to tie you up."

She looks like a rabbit. But. Like a girl too. A white one piece is furry all over aside from a smooth patch on her chest and crotch. It's got a hood, off the top of which sprout a pair of large bunny ears. Out of the hood a young girls face smiles, a teen like me, possibly even sixteen, like me. She's blonde where I'm black haired though.

Skinny too, the same slim frame as me, only the open V at the front of her costume shows off a far larger rack then my average B's.

"Dressed like that?" Rubbing sleep from my eyes, sitting up, the duvet falling away from my white silk nightie with the plunging neckline. Something I'm only wearing as my- our, I guess, Holly and Thomas's too -parents are away. Up until last week I did have a boyfriend, I'd bought the sexy nightie in hopes of wearing it for him.

Guess not.

"Yes." She nods, gesturing down at my body. "Fairly sure you're showing enough skin for both of us."

I blush, she laughs softly. Not mean.


"Are you going to lay down then?"
"Lay...?" Replaying the last couple of minutes. "Oh. Right." I nod. "To be tied up you mean?"
"Yes." An easy shrug. "Unless you'd rather stand. Or kneel?"
"But." Trying to force myself awake. I don't want to be, but I guess I have to be. "Why?"
"Why would you rather stand?" Another shrug. "How should I know."

"No." Shaking my head. Amused. "I meant, why are you tying me up?"
"Ooohhhh." Drawing the word out. "I see." She throws one arm out behind, pointing. "The kids in the other room told me to."

I take this in, still sitting, hands in my lap whilst she, this strange girl in a bunny suit, stands with arms crossed beneath that large chest.

"Where did you come from?" Looking down at my floor, covered in white smoke, drifting and slowly rolling, curling along the trail from her back out of my open door.

"Someplace." A shrug, like it isn't important. Like she doesn't care.

"And they told you to tie me up?"
"Just that?" Frowning. Little shits playing little games. Odd games, involving a bunny who I guess they let into the house.

And. Why? Why invite a stranger into the house just to tie me up as some kind of prank or revenge for something I, probably, did at some point whilst babysitting them both.

For that matter why involve a stranger at all? Holly and Thomas are eleven, and not weedy. Surely, with a little effort, the two of them could overpower me.

Come to that. Why tie me up at all? What kind of thing, revenge or game, or punishment or fun. Whatever. What train of thought exactly brings you to that as a thing you should be doing to your older sister?

Nothing here is making sense.

But. I'm too tired, and besides which I don't care to ask the important questions.

"That's what I do."
"Riiiight." Weird. "Do you always do as you're told Miss Bunny?"
"I." A quick smile. "Always follow the rules."
"I see."

What rules?

No. Forget it. See above. I. Don't. Care.

"But you don't even have any rope?"
"No." Frowning. "Guess they didn't give me any."

"Can I." Smiling again. "Borrow some rope?"
"Lend you rope." Which I don't have anyway, the whole thing is nuts. "So you can tie me up?"
"Yes." Nodding. "Can you?"

Sudden realisation, like a kick, that I'm into it, the strange rope game. Sudden discovery of butterfly nerves in the pit of my belly, a little tingle where the soft silk keeps brushing my nipples when I move.

At some point, all this back and forth, the strange yet- okay, I've never thought of another girl that way before but she is -cute look of her. Add what I'm wearing into the mix, a skimpy thing I bought specifically for teasing and playing.

It. Everything. Sleep suddenly forgotten because now I find myself in a fun, playful, mood.

"If it's my rope." Scarves, not rope, but what does it matter. Feeling my way forwards, looking up at her, still stood with crossed arms. A smile. "Then. Surely it's mine to use."
"Well." Thoughtful. "Makes sense. Yes."
"So." Still feeling, going on impulses as they occur. "I could tie you up?"
"You...." Gaze drifting up, unfocused. Thinking some more. I wait, feeling the buzz grow slightly.

I know fuck all about this, tying up. Is it even fun?

But. I know right now it sounds fun.

"If. Well." One of her arms twitches. She nods. "If you have rope. Then-"
"Scarves." Interrupting. Because it didn't matter, but maybe it does? "I've. Um. Got scarves."
"Scarves." Nodding. A shrug. "Or rope. If you have it, then what happens here is your choice."

"Then I'm tying you up." Climbing out of bed, feeling the tickle across my upper thighs, brushed by the two short hem of my small nightie. My pale uncovered legs, a mirror of her chest. My sexy mostly just string thong, all part of the ensemble to lure the boyfriend who no longer is into. Something. My thong is no doubt quite visible should anyone happen to look.

I stand in front of her, feeling the new thrill of taking power away from Miss Bunny, whatever her name actually is.

She looks at me, we're the same height. Nods. "As you wish."

"Get lost kids." Striding into the twins room, the bunny girl trailing in my wake. "Take your tablets and go sleep in my room tonight."
"No." Voice loud, shutting then down, because right now Holly and Thomas both only look confused. But. Given time they'll surely bring up and ask the why of my not being bound. And I'm, right now, in the zone, enjoying the moment.

So no buzz kill. Please.

"Go watch a movie." Gesturing at the door. "Or. Go sleep whatever of tonight is left in my room. Just." Pointing again. "Leave. Now."

"And." Calling after them as I shut the door. "Don't disturb me in the morning."

Bunk beds. That's where my thoughts had gone, an answer to the problem of: how do I tie the bunny girl up without losing my comfortable bed.

She said whatever happens is my choice. We'll see.


Turning around, finding her stood right behind, now in front, of me. Too close, close like a person who doesn't understand personal space.

I take a step back, she moves with me, almost perfectly in synch. Smiling.

Like it's all a game.

"Right." Tutting. "What's your name anyway?"
"No." Shaking my head, smiling despite myself. "I'm not doing some 'Who's on first' crap here. Your name can't be Bunny."
"It can't?"
"Oh." Frowing. "Okay. Then you can call me Bunny."

She grins some more, just playing.

"Fine." I wave, pulling the scarves I took from a drawer off my shoulder with the other hand. "Go lay down on the bottom bunk."

I would've thought to tie her in the middle, which is where she lays. Face up. But in my head her arms and legs are together, bound together, then to the bed posts. An I shape, not the X she moves into.

Which looks good. Better. I'm liking the way each limb is reaching but can't reach one of the corners. Which means she won't, I think, be able to reach any of the knots I tie.

How. Interesting.

"Thought you'd just. Well." Sat beside her chest, doing a remarkably good job of not staring down into that bottomless cleavage. Helps that I'm not looking at her, am instead working my way around the problem of how to tightly lash her right arm to the corner bedpost. I flick my gaze back to her. "Leave or something?"

"Did you want me to?"

Sure the smoke, a constant companion it seems, following her in a weird not normal way, begins to rise up off the floor, swirling.


Definitely. Maybe I saw it rise, but, I definitely see it falling back down to puddle and swirl across the floor now.

"Then I can't."

She shrugs. Catches my traitor gaze finally drift to her chest. Grins, giving them a shake. I half smile, get back to her wrist.

Solved. Figured it out. Done. Wrapping the scarf around her wrist, from the middle, I tie a tight double knot, then bring the two trailing ends and loop, wrap, them around the corner post. Discovering, thrilled to realise quite by accident, that tugging on these ends causes her arm to snap out straight, stretching the tensioning her limb.

I quickly tie several knots, sealing it all up.

Move quickly around the bed, repeating my work three more times. Working fast as though any moment she'll protest at the tightness, telling me to loosen what I think is perfect.

How it makes her look, laid out flat. Stretched. I don't think she can move.

Thing is though, I'm a nice girl really, so I have to ask.

"Are you okay?"
"So that's a no to letting me borrow the rope?"
"It's a no." Sitting beside her, final scarf in my hands, she looks from it to me, wriggles her body, limbs tugging at the scarves. Not moving. Only her chest moves, bouncing side to side.

"I appear to be in a spot of helplessness."
"Good." I lean over her, my silk clad breasts brushing hers, our faces close. "I'm going to sleep now, so, I'll be gagging you. Okay?"
"Okay." A nod, eyes fixed on mine. I can feel her heart thudding, am sure mine is doing likewise.

"This." Quick darted gaze left and right, to her limbs. "Spending the night tied and gagged. Consider it. Um." I grin, liking the word. "Punishment, for almost tying me up."

She wriggles again, her smooth, something like spandex where there isn't fur, clad chest tickling and rubbing mine.

I kiss her. On impulse. Nothing long, no tongues. But, more then just a peck.

Then I jam the scarf in her mouth, tie it off behind her hooded head. As good as run to switch off the light and climb up onto and into the top bunk before I do something really silly.

Like feeling her up.

Or, and I swear the urge was, suddenly, there, freeing her, suggesting she bind me after all, then kisses me back.

I can't sleep.


I can taste her lips, not any kind of flavour, more the sensation of them pressed briefly to mine. Can see her, as plain as rolling over to peer down were it daylight, the set of her limbs. Tight, the deep V of her outfit, the pale skin and explosion of curling blonde hair either side of the hood.

"Mmmgggffffff." I hear. Quiet. Muffled. From the bottom bunk, followed by the creak of springs, her body shifting. "Pppfffmmmmmggg."

I should.


Climb out of bed, go to her? And then?

Fucks sake Char, you don't even like girls.

At which point sleep washes over me, my nine hours a night body taking over, demanding what it's owed.


Waking, groggy, an unfamiliar height and a smaller bed then my own double. Confused, forgetting. Until.

With a jolt memory hits me, throwing me to the edge of the top bunk to peer over, down. Finding Bunny, still tightly scarf tied in place, still gagged. Staring back up at me.

Did she even sleep?

"Hello." Gag removed, giving me a not angry smile.

"You're. Um." Stating the obvious. "Still here?"
"You tied me up."
"Yes. And. Um." Still sleepy. "You didn't try to escape?"
"Did you want me to try?"
"Well." Too early. Or, it's late, there isn't much morning left, but, in Charlotte's world it's still early. Too early for bouncing chests. So. "No. It's okay."

"I'll. Um." Standing, moving towards the door. "Go find some breakfast. For us. Um." Door open, standing on the threshold, enjoying what I'm seeing. Of her. "I'll let you go."

She nods, I let the door swing closed.

And when I get back, tray of toast and orange juice in hand, she's vanished. Taking the smoke with her. And despite the kitchen being next to the bottom of the stairs I didn't see her leave.

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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Rules indeed... Wonder how she got into this situation in the first place, playing some kind of bondage familiar.

Maybe reading into it too much, but she does also seem to be a bit 'flat' as the Rope Bunny. 'Single-minded' might be another way to describe it. Almost as if she herself is under some sort of spell - certainly she does not remember it, but it does sort of seem as if the body is the same, but the mind different...

Well as always, I suppose more shall be revealed in due time...
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago
Maybe reading into it too much, but she does also seem to be a bit 'flat' as the Rope Bunny. 'Single-minded' might be another way to describe it.
There is meant to be a change, so I'm glad it comes across.

Single minded, is what I'd choose. She's The Rope Bunny, focused on the task at hand :lol:

Thanks for commenting.

(As always I could say more, but of course no spoilers, which I'm aware you aren't after anyway, so I'll stick in this instance to agreeing with your point.)
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Post by RopeBunny »

Hydra WhatsApp.

Is everyone free this Saturday. Evening?
Say yes.


Family movie night, but, yeah, I can skip it.


Should be. Why?

Somehow my parents are letting me stay home this weekend, and.
They're letting me have you all stay for a sleepover.

Fuck. Wow.

No shit?

Definitely free.

Won't be able to score any booze. Sorry girls.

Parents still mad?

Yeah. Was only the one bottle though. Honestly. lol

Still can't believe Beth ran around the garden naked.


Fuck off lol
You kissed Sally though.



So. Is there a plan?

We could summon The Rope Bunny.



Oh. Fuck yes let's do that.

Again. Who?

Some girl in a bunny suit, turns up, ties you up. Something like that right?

Never heard of her. But. Um. Do we want to be tied up?

Well. Lol. Tasha and Beth do.

That only happened one time. As a dare. And we were twelve.

Besides. I think Jody should be tied, since it was her idea.



Totally lol.


God damn it.


How do we do it then?

Not a clue. Anyone?

Jody? Your idea.

Yeah. Jody. Tell us how to summon the Bunny so she can tie you up already. Lol.

Fuck off. Lol.

Super keen lol.

I have looked it up, before, when I heard about her. There's a ton of different ways.

So. Research?

Work? We have to do work?


If you want to see me tied up you do.

Then I'm in lol.

We've only got three days though.

Just. We'll do the best we can. Come over in the afternoon and we can finish off together.


Got it. Good plan.

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Post by RopeBunny »


Mum drops me off after lunch, at around one. I'm still a little stunned she agreed to it, stunned all the girls parents did. The seven of us, alone in a house.


Not that we've got any crazy break the world plans. A spot of Rope Bunny fun aside anyway. Which, both the plan to summon her, and the whole let's play with ropes aspect, is still a weird choice of activities. To me.

But. I can roll with it, join in.

It might be fun.

If it works.

At least, walking in, finding a slightly out of breath Tasha behind me as I open the door. Both of us exchanging grins. At least all the other girls are dressed down too.

Baggy pullover hoodies or simple tee's, nothing fancy, and because it's just us girls we've all left our bra's at home.

Even Jody, her large E cups quite obvious beneath a fitted pink Roxy tee, not that I can talk really, although at least my D's are better camouflaged by a baggy black Adidas hoodie.

We're all in drawstring joggers of various colours, all barefoot.

No need for shoes.

Michelle's parents are older, they had her late in life, a fourth and final child the next youngest already eleven when she was born. They, her parents, are both retired now, and not at all poor. Michelle's house is large, only a three bedroom- they downsized some years ago, a bedroom for them, one for Michelle, and a third for emergencies should a flown the nest child return unexpectedly -but it's a bespoke build out on farmland. Only just inside the catchment area for the Comprehensive we all attend.

The whole place oozes money.

We crowd around the large oval dining table, standing, sitting on chairs or perched on the table itself. Paperwork, the research we've all done, gets passed around. Commented on.

Slowly we stop messing around, joking. Slowly we begin to assemble things into some form of order.

Tasha, the science girl, takes charge.

Using fresh paper she makes a master list. The rest of us read through notes, out loud when we find something relevant, which she writes down. Then, each time that same something: clue, hint, instruction, comes up elsewhere Tasha adds a checkmark beside it.

A tally, a way to discover the most popular, most often repeated, of the supposed methods for calling The Rope Bunny forth, from wherever it is she comes.

"Right then." Standing in front of the table, paperwork in hand. Looking like a teacher, and with us the rowdy class. Save that Tasha's B cups are quite obviously poking the front of her tight purple tee.

"Quiet." Fake harsh tone. Smiling, swatting the paper airplane Laura launches so it crashes and burns.

"So." Looking from us to her list, back. "Seems the most popular options for getting some Bunny action are." Frowning. "We need a mirror, that's number one."
"What sort of mirror?" Sally, hand actually up, making Beth giggle.

"Um?" Frowning at her notes. "Well. We might have to stand in front of it and talk? Or not?"
"So a person height mirror then?" I ask. "Something we can stand on the floor?"
"Got one upstairs, in my room." Michelle, giving me a playful shoulder nudge. "Help me fetch it in a moment?"
"Sure." I nod.

"Right. Good." Tasha nods too. "I think we're probably going to wind up having multiple stabs at this thing, trying out varying options." Giving us all a questioning look. "Okay?"
"We can't just do everything at once?"
"No." Shaking her head at Jody. "A couple of different times, for instance, are mentioned too often not to try."
"What times?"
"Midnight." A shrug as half of us laugh. The sheer cliche. "I know. But. And. Um. Late."
"How." Michelle, eyebrow raised. "Late?"

Tasha tells us. Earning several thumbs down, another paper plane attack from Laura, and a scowl from Beth, who out of us all loves her bed the most.

"Right." Saying it for everyone, looking around, the girls mostly nodding. We're all invested in this now, wanting to see it happen. So. "We'll stay up." I shrug. "Or whatever. What else though?"
"Someone might need to be tied up." Glancing up at us all, quickly back down. "As a. Um. Offering?"

Jody stands no chance, Sally and Beth, the latter giggling, both grab at her arm, lifting it into the air whilst she fails to shake them off.

"Fine." Tutting, but smiling. "Yes yes. Okay. I'll volunteer to be the tied up girl offering person thing."

"Anything else?" Michelle asks a half hour later, mirror collected, alongside a huge pile of scarves and some dirty oil stained rope Laura found in the garage, plus three rolls of thick silver tape Jody and Tasha found in a cupboard.

"Um?" Checking her notes. Frowning around at what we've collected. "No. Nothing else we need. Now it's down to trying out options."
"Okay." Beth, already next to Tasha, peering down at the list. "So, Tash, what do we try first?"

"Is it supposed to be this fucking tight?"
"Hush." I peer over, grinning as Laura puts her hand playfully over Jody's mouth. "Sacrifices don't talk."

It feels silly lighting so many candles in the middle of the day, even with the curtains closed daylight is leaking into the dining room, destroying our attempt at spooky ambiance.

Laura, one of us had to, and she offered to try first, and it isn't as though any of us really has a clue how. Laura is finishing off binding Jody in place, laid on her back atop the table, each limb angled and secured to a separate corner leg with long scarves. Around her Sally and me have been placing and lighting candles, because sometimes they're mentioned.

Whilst the other girls are discussing which of the five different sets of words we should try, and whether we should say them to the air, or purposefully look into the mirror.

And. It doesn't work anyway.

So we snuff out the candles, and, giggling, leave Jody bound and stretched out, struggling and cursing us although not properly angry. Annoyed, but she doesn't shout.

We playfully tease her, tickling Jody's bare feet, her belly where the small tee has ridden up as she wriggles. We all stand around the table, talking through what to try next as she lays in the centre of our rough circle, humped E cups wobbling each time she tries to struggle free, or laughs, failing to be serious as she tries to tell us all off for not letting her go.

We gag her. Because.

"That's what it says to do." I explain, knotting the scarf behind her head, making sure not to catch her long straight hair. As Tasha, helpful though Jody probably doesn't see it that way, shows our bound friend where on the list it says gagged. Pointing out all the ticks.

She. Jody. Huffs. Then giggles as we all gag ourselves, because that's what it said to do.

We stand a circle around her, holding hands, feeling only a little silly trying to recite a series of weird nonsense phrases whilst our mouths are packed and filled with wool, or silk.

And. No.

Not even when we, instead, speak those same silly words in front of the mirror.

So we.

"Finally." Shaking her head, but smiling. We free Jody, and order far too much pizza using the money Michelle's parents left.

And we wait for midnight.

And fail. Nothing happens, no Bunny.

"One more shot then?"
"One more." Tasha, list long discarded, left in the dining room, all of us in the lounge now scattered across the four sofas arranged in a semi circle around Michelle's massive flatscreen.

With four hours to kill we all set alarms. Too much chance of dropping off given it's already late, and despite the repeated let downs none of us wants to stop.

Probably, and we haven't discussed it but, probably, if this final go doesn't work then we'll likely all keep trying, whenever the chance arises.

Halfway through the movie, some old western, I drop off having already seen half the girls do likewise, heads nodding, eyes closing. Michelle's already gone, nestled in beside me under a shared blanket. I lean into her, and let sleep take me too.

Waking up with a start. Groggy, feeling cold and thirsty due to the strange time.

I. None of us I'd bet, have ever had to wake up at four twenty in the morning before.

The logic, according to several different sources, which is why we're considering it, is that four fourty-four, in the morning because the afternoon version could, due to the twenty four hour clock, be written as sixteen fourty-four. If you write your fours a certain way, so we read, they, kinda, look like a pair of Bunny ears.

Which is bizarre, but true. Want to call the Bunny, then the clock needs to be full of rabbit ears.

Weird. But, this whole thing isn't exactly normal. So.

One last shot.

We all take a quick turn in the bathroom, brushing teeth, splashing water on our faces, taking care of business.

Waking ourselves up.

We leave the flatscreen on, but mute the sound. It's still a western and I, no doubt the other girls too, are feeling slightly wired due to the short sleep and early hour.

Not in the mood for a loud gunfight.

Tasha, sort of the unofficial boss of the enterprise, takes charge, directing traffic.

Laura and Beth clear the centre of the room, moving the small side table to one wall, folding up all our blankets, taking them and the remains of dinner out into the kitchen. Tidying up. They even light a half dozen candles around the room, providing a low ambient glow, far better for still half asleep eyes then the harsh glare of Michelle's overheards.

She, Michelle, and me fetch the mirror, finding a spot against one wall, close to the flatscreen and the cleared space.

Sally ties Jody back up. Who, and we're all too tired to really register the fact, volunteers to be the tied offering. Again.

Tape this time. We're not even sure someone needs to be tied up, we're not, really, sure of anything. But this is our final shot so covering as many bases as possible is our best bet.

We've swapped tops, Jody changing into my hoodie so that the tape sticks to her sleeves and not her skin, her already worn white drawstring joggers taking care of the ankles. We're the same size, which means her tee is no less tight on me, which means my D cups are now just as obvious as Jody's E's were.

Not that anyone here cares.

Sally wraps tape, lots of tape, and quite tightly too if I'm any judge, occasionally glancing across. Tape around Jody's wrists and ankles, her arms now pinned behind.

And, after a brief whispered consultation, which I can't hear and besides which Michelle and me are busy with our own 'where best to site the mirror' debate, Sally pulls Jody's hood up, tucks her long dark brown hair mostly in, then uses more tape to gag her.

Wrapping it all the way around, pressing it tight.

Oh four fourty.

Nervous. All of us fidgeting. The mirror is placed leaning slightly- for stability -against a wall in Michelle's large lounge. In front of it Jody lays, tape bound and gagged. She's on her side, facing the mirror, occasionally wriggling, occasionally flicking a glance back over her shoulder at us.

The six of us, stood in a loose triangle facing the mirror. Tasha at the point, me, unintentionally, no thought put into how we'd stand, in the middle.

All of us, scarf gags in hand, discussing. Arguing. Over what we should be saying to the mirror.

Oh four fourty-three.

"Right." Tasha, rounding on us all, voice and face stern. The school teacher even though she isn't. "Gags on."
"But what about-"
"Gags." Holding a warning finger up to Beth, shutting her down.

Jody, rolled onto her back, watching, giggles through her already sealed tape gag.

Michelle flips her off. I blow a kiss. But we all comply, wrapping and knotting various scarves around our heads, ensuring the wool or silk is forced tightly into our mouths.

"Good." Quick glance at her phone, a grimace, stuffing it away in a pocket. Tasha nods. "I'll." Pointing at herself. "Talk. You all just." A smile, she isn't mad really. "Just stand behind me and look pretty."

From her endless supply, she always seems to be doing so, even in class if there's no work and she has paper handy, Laura tosses an airplane at Tasha, which she's too busy gagging herself to dodge.

She nods, we all exchange thumbs up. Even Jody nods before flopping and rolling back to face the mirror.

Oh four fourty-four.

Tasha begins to talk. Taking a guess on the words. Hoping. All of us hoping.

Out of nowhere a splitting pain lances through me, across my temple, my head. Making me wince.

Oh. Great. I sigh. The Rope Bunny's going to show up, and, my pounding head will ruin the fun.

For me.

Tasha. Still talking, repeating herself. Sounding comical through the scarf, muffling and changing her words.

Another bolt of pain.



A headache.


I've got.



A sudden, strong, headache. At quarter to, almost but clocks can be wrong. Misread.

And at quarter to I.


Oh no no no no.

I can't.

I'm not?



Tearing at my gag, eyes feel like they're too large for my skull. Looking. Panicking. Surrounded by my friends but I want, I need, to be alone.

Because I'm about to fall away, down down down into the darkness.

Because. She's coming. When I fall she comes.

Here. Now.


I'm the Ro....
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Post by RopeBunny »


"Ffpppgggg mmmhhffff."

Landing. It feels like landing after jumping in the air. I've never zoned out, gone away. Become.

Her? Am I?

Either I'm sleeping, or I have enough time to sit.

So I land, and stumble a step forwards. Which should take me into Tasha. A collision, all of us tightly packed, solidarity, easing the nerves.

Except she- nobody -isn't standing there anymore. I'm all alone.


Almost, stumble, walk into, onto, a still tape tied, gagged, prone on the floor Jody. Staring at me eyes wide.

I stop myself just in time. Sway.

Look around.

Mouth dropping- at what I see -open.

Either I zoned out and we got burgled. Or.

I am the Rope Bunny.

"Oh." Turning a second slow circle, glancing at each friend in turn, seeing them watching me back, small gag muffled moans. Wide eyes. "Fuck. Me."

There's no handy chair. There are chairs, and not all of them currently occupied by tied up teenage girls. My friends. But there are no chairs right here, so I sink, collapsing in on myself like a well rigged office block. Legs bent, sat on my feet. I look around again.

Shake my head.

"She came." Looking from face to gagged face. Not even making it a question. "We did it."

By their eyes I can tell. I nod.

"And." I swallow, knowing, believing it already, however crazy the details. Asking anyway. "Her. The." Still looking from friend to friend. "Rope Bunny. Is she...."

I can't say it. The words dry up, my throat unwilling. But, again, I can see the truth in their eyes.

"Well." Burst of nervous laughter. And just how, my good doctor, does a person go about becoming insane? "Fuck."

Sometime, I don't know how much, later, I feel slightly better. It's been long enough that Jody's finally managed to struggle free, hers prehaps the easiest fight. The only one of them tape bound.

The only one not tied by the Bunny/me.

She's been, I've vaguely noted, the way you see something happening to other people, making a circuit of the room. Freeing the girls one by one, the work quicker as each then helps.

All whilst, as Jody struggled, as most of the others, when I looked, were looking right back at me. Not struggling, just watching as you might watch a tiger. But not Michelle, who prehaps, and we all within the group have our closest girlfriend.

She and I.

Michelle has managed, eventually, tee now riding all the way up exposing her breasts up to the nipples. She's struggled over, halfway across the room, to press her bound and laid down body against mine, head resting in my lap.

Which at some point I've started stroking her hair.

Finally Sally and Beth free her, and they all sit around me, making us a rough circle.

I look up, look around, finding smiles now, a small amount of nerves, some confusion. But.

I find my friends. Smiling warmly at me.

"Tell me." Holding out a hand, palm up, open, offering. "Tell me what happened. What she." Another quick burst of laughter.

And I'm really trying to not be the Joker.


"What I. Did."

I look around at them all, and smile back.

Tell me, please, because I don't, I never, remember a fucking thing.
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Post by RopeBunny »

And they do. Talking over each other, waved gestures. They tell me what I/she did.


"Disgusting. Like, um, like you turned inside out. Like I saw you collapse, start to. But instead of falling down you fell.


But you didn't fall. You, kinda, flipped. Changed.

And she came out. It all happened so fucking fast you tearing off the gag, dropping it. And then her. Smiling. She-"


"She didn't stop smiling the whole time.

Looked just like you though Kay, same face. Um, hair. We all. I thought. We...."


"We all thought it somehow was you.

Didn't we?"


"Like a prank. Like Chelle was in on it too. All that smoke and shit everywhere."


"That's why you all looked at me?

I called her your name. They, well. Honestly. Fucking prank.

Whatever they thought, I thought it was you too. She does look just like you. Or, well, you look like her too.

I guess.

Anyway. I said your name. She thought I was talking to one of them.

And. We insisted. We. Um."


"They argued with her. Um. You.

Sorry. But you do look exactly the same, except for the outfit.

It was actually kinda funny, for me. Laid there, all bound and gagged. Watching them all insist you were you.

And you just smiling, shaking your head. No.

But. It wasn't you?

Because you don't remember?

Well. Maybe you forgot?"


"And then she just goes 'I'm The Rope Bunny ho ho ho.'



"She didn't. Tash is fucking with you. Or something.

Honestly. We said yes, you're Kayley. And she said no. And. Who?

And. Well. We gave up.

And. Well. Um."


"We did bring her there to play.

So. Um. We."


"We. Um. Thought we might as well. Um."


"A waste otherwise. So. We, um."


"So they asked her. You? To tie them up."




"Yeah. Um. Sorry Kay. But, well. I. Some of us, still thought it was you.

I didn't see you change. The change Chelle said, the flip or. Collapsing thing? I didn't see it.

I thought it was you, messing with us, somehow. So, fuck it, I figured just go along with it.

I thought once we were tied up you'd-"


"Do a big reveal. I thought that too. Because, come on, how could The Rope Bunny actually be real?

Maybe. Maybe she was, but kinda I still thought a prank too, so why not play along.

But it really isn't you?



She tied me first. You just looked at me. Or, she did.

Fuck this is confusing.

You looked at me, and smiled. And I was still probably closest.

So. Like we said. Um, sorry. But, we called her here to play. So. I asked, and she did.

No magic though? How she appeared, that definitely isn't normal. Right? But, she didn't wave a wand or anything to tie us up.

Did we even read that anyplace?

Has she, anywhere we dug up online, ever tied someone using magic?

I laid down, on my belly, and, well, the others all stood there and watched her I guess."


"She just used our stuff. No 'abracadabra' or 'alakazam' spellcasting.

She didn't talk to me. You didn't, not until the end."


"She tied us all differently, however we asked.



"And they all looked very cute.

What. You did. Kay, I mean, The Rope Bunny.

Fuck this is confusing.

She did a great job. Not one of you could escape.

Tasha on the chair.

Laura and Sally, back to back laid on the sofa.

The rest of you down here with me, on the floor.

Wasn't it fun?"


"Then she left. Not straight away, she wandered around a bit.




"Definitely watching.

I was, um, facing the room, Sally was. Um. Against the sofa cushions. So, I could see you.


Shit. Sorry.

She didn't stay long, not once we were all tied, all gagged.

I guess none of us could ask her to stay?"


And when she left you came back. She went and stood in the, I think it was? The same spot where you'd been. And then the smoke, just, kinda.

Boiled up. Covering her.

And then there. Here. You are.

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Post by RopeBunny »


"So." Running a hand through my hair. "Now you all know. I guess." Shaking my head, not amused.

It isn't particularly funny.

"Not that I knew. Not until now."
"You really didn't?" Michelle, some disbelief on her face, which I can't blame her for. It is all quite far fetched.

Me. Turning into The Rope Bunny whenever someone, anyone. Anywhere. Does and says the right things.

And me clueless the whole time of where I'm going, what I'm doing.

Although. My train of thought has just answered one question.

"Local time."
"Huh?" Laura, confused. Over half of the girls frowning at me. I try on a smile, hopefully not looking crazy.

"The four fourty-four thing. Sometimes. Um." Looking down at my wrist, at a watch I've never worn. "I vanish, becoming her. In the daytime. So how the fuck can I if that timestamp matters?"
"Local time." Tasha the science girl, clicking her fingers, getting it. Nodding. "It has to be that time wherever they are, so, for you here it could be...."

Seeing it in all their faces, those instances where I've been late, or have run away in school only to vanish for a lesson. Or two.

Pieces of their puzzles, slotting into place.

The Rope Bunny replacing and deleting my older never existed except in their heads anyway boyfriend.

We all sit in silence for awhile. Laura gets up, leaves. Returns. Whilst she's gone Sally and Michelle wander into the kitchen, returning with a tray of juice.

I think, occasional flicked glances, the ones I catch anyway, that they've all got things to ask. Stuff they want to know. But none of them ask.

Trouble is I've probably got no answers for them. All I've got are questions of my own, and nobody to ask them too.

Eventually our parents, because early morning has given way to morning, come to collect us.

And life goes on.

There's a distance. Subtle, but there. Flicked glances when they don't think I'm paying attention. A wrong message posted on Hydra chat, deleted moments later but not before I saw it pop up on my home screen, saw my name, saw the word Bunny.

It takes me two days of classes to realise I'm being- not every time but enough to finally pick up on the fact -watched as the clock winds and climbs up towards the nine.

Towards. Honestly. Fourty-four.

Sometimes I can almost feel the awkwardness.

They're still my friends. We still share jokes, laugh and play argue. We still sit together, walk together, help each other out in lessons.


It's there. Something.

On Thursday I'm late.

"Talk to me." Staring into the mirror, bra and skirt on, hearing Mum stomping around downstairs, overly loud, making me aware of time wasted. That I should've been out the door a half hour ago.

But. "Please." Shirt in hand, staring at bloodshot eyes. Where did I go this time? Who did I tie up?

Or. "Fuuuuck." Like an exhaled breath, the thought. Did someone tie me up?

"Kayley." Mum, walking past, stopping, coming back coming in. Giving me a half smile, pulling me into a one armed hug. Her harsh tone of moments ago softening. "They won't grow if you stare at them love." Kissing my forehead. "And besides," Playful now, "aren't they big enough already?"
"Muuuum." Smiling back, pushing her off. She rides me hard for sleeping in so much, but, moments like this she loves me really.

I love her too.

Mum let's herself be pushed, leaving me alone to put on and fasten my shirt, knot my tie.

"I'll keep asking." I tell the Bunny in the mirror, wearing my school uniform, doing a passable impression of me.

She can't, or won't, answer though. So I leave.

More happy then I'd expected, after the weirdness of these last few days, to discover Michelle waiting for me outside the gates.

Just like always.

She grins at me, my own lips tugging upwards at the corners in response. "Least it isn't raining."
"You don't have to be here." Calling back, the routine, playful. "I can find my own way through the gates."
"What." Mock horror. "Arrive on time and sit through French alone?"

I laugh, she pulls a face somewhat spoiled by the smile. And we go in.

"Are you okay?" Whispered as she leans over the desk, writing in the late book.

"Yeah." Quietly, the receptionist is close by, showing us both a disapproving scowl that we aren't being quicker, more keen, to get to class. "I mean."
"Sucks huh." Glancing across at me. "Not to know?"
"That it does."

"Come on." Nudging me with her shoulder. "I've filled yours in too. Let's go."
"Filled...?" Registering her mischievous tone, looking, seeing Michelle's eyes dancing.

So of course I look.

"The Rope Bunny." Voice climbing on the words, shock but not anger, mouth open as I stare from the book to Michelle. Grinning at me. "You've put my reason for being late as 'busy with The Rope Bunny'"
"Well." Backing away, still very pleased with herself. "It's true. Right?"
"You little bitch." But trying not to laugh. "I'll."

Making a lunge, trying to tag Michelle as she hops away to the side. Both of us laughing now.

Which, my language too I suppose, earns us a telling off, which neither of us can keep a straight face throughout.

History follows the final ten minutes of french, and later at lunch we all wander idly around the school field. Talking. Eating.

Jody, as I'm looking in her direction, puts a hand to cover her mouth, lips split wide as a long yawn escapes from inside.



Which people do when they're tired.

Because they didn't sleep well.


Jody turns her head, sees me watching.



The other girls are laughing, the ending to Tasha's holiday disaster story reached, but. I'm no longer paying attention.

Did she?

"Seriously?" Waiting outside her final class. Not angry, I'm discovering, which doesn't mean I won't be someplace down the line.

Jody, halfway out the door, Beth already gone, flinches, steps out of the line, girls and boys heading rapidly away, home. The whole school, every corridor, nothing more then a seething swarm right now.

"Hi." Coming over to me. "Kay."
"Hi." And suddenly I'm amused, smiling.

Not crazy. Really.

"Have fun last night did we?"
"Honestly." I look her up and down. Skinny, huge firm chest. Jody attracts looks like flies to paper everywhere she goes. "If you wanted tying up surely all you needed do was stick out a thumb." Miming the act, making her grin. "I'm sure half the school would happily oblige."
"Fuck it." Speaking without really thinking. "I'd tie you myself if you'd only asked."

Which makes her laugh, a giggle as I frown, Replaying my words until I see it.

Can't help smiling back.

"Yeah. Well." And now I can't not see it, a mental image of Jody and me playing tie up in her room with the single bed pushed against one wall. Her laid down with shirt open to reveal a not for school lace pink bra, me, leaning over her.

And then I, in my head me, turns around, smiles. And it's her, the Bunny me, suit black like a hole, front open, her/my naked breasts out. She grins, blows me a kiss. Leans over and in as an all too eager Jody flexes up off the bed, eyes locked on my/her dangled nipples. And I.

Shiver. Drop back into reality to find Jody giving me a concerned look.

"You okay. Um, Kay?"
"Sometimes." I look around, find a couple of younger boys blatantly staring.

"Fuck off boys." On impulse, still feeling the swirl of my half real- because she did call her/me -vision like a fuzz in my head and belly, I step in close, hugging Jody to me.

Feeling her briefly stiffen, a small jump.

"She's mine." Planting a kiss on Jody's cheek, aware of her arm. Playing along? Is she? Do I care if it's a game or? Or? Snaking around behind to hug me back.

The boys gape, mouths on the floor. We giggle like the schoolgirls we are, Jody squeezing me closer.

Not helping my fuzzed and confused emotional state.

Press of her chest into mine from the side.

And off they go.

"Can I." Letting go, untangling myself from Jody, glancing across. She offers me a half smile. "Can I come back to yours?"
"Wh." Visibly stopping the question, whatever it was going to be. Instead she nods. "Sure."

I pull out my phone, messaging Mum as Jody and me set off towards hers.

Some vague kind of half plan in my head, like a challenge.

Determined to prove Jody didn't need to call The Rope Bunny.

I'm not crazy.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Blog entry 021.
By Emmaknowsbest.

Why a Rope Bunny?

Shouldn't we talk about that? Out of all the options, why that animal?

There's still, likely always will be as there is with everything until it's proved beyond doubt, so much online difference of opinion regarding the Bunny, her various methods. What she does, when and how she does it.

I'll be sticking with the more popular theories here, those things we know, about her, that are most often repeated.

For instance, we can be certain that: she's a she. Whether magic or mortal The Rope Bunny consistently manifests, appears, as a young- teenage, fifteen to eighteen seems to be what most say -girl. A slim girl with a large chest.

And I'm not going to debate here, as I've seen others do, exactly what The Rope Bunny's bra size is.

A blonde girl. Human then, unless we go down the purely magical being route, which most do not. Human, with some form of power, or powers. Chief amongst them teleportation given her ability to appear when called, summoned, and then leave. Without using the door.

So then. Why is she dressed as a bunny?

She has to wear something. Clearly. But whilst the colour does seem to change The Rope Bunny always comes dressed as a bunny, always fully covered save her face, hands, and that teasing plunging neckline.

Does she wear underwear? As with the cup size, it is, unfortunately, a debate being had.

A 'gym bunny' is defined by the Oxford dictionary, basically the bible of words, as: a person who spends a lot of time exercising at a gym, esp. to improve his or her appearance rather then for reasons of health or fitness.

So a 'bunny' is any person who spends more time then most doing a thing, prehaps for obsessive reasons?

Attending the gym purely in pursuit of a six pack.

Is this why a bunny? Some of you will of heard the term 'rope bunny' before, to describe a person who loves rope play over most, all, other things. Is there a connection between the name and the girl?

If not for the magical element we could dismiss this as simply a person taking things to an extreme. A girl who loves rope, dressing as a bunny to run around, binding anyone willing.

And there have, based on online chatter, been plenty of willing participants to her game.

But the reports of her, if real, are too widespread for there to not be an element of magic present. Whatever your beliefs in the hidden world. Everytime, she's the same young blonde girl, and yet how could a teenager travel from the US to Europe to Japan by any normal methods.

How could she get in, and out, of locked homes?

No parent, surely, would allow a girl still going through- based on how young she looks -the education system to run so rampant.

So to return to my original question, why a bunny?

It does, in a sense, fit. Every account claims she readily, willingly, engaged in rope play of some sort. Every account speaks of her as happy, fun loving.

She smiles, apparently, all the time. If you love something to the point you can't stop smiling about it, does that make you obsessive?

I can only conclude that The Rope Bunny, is a bunny, because she's a rope bunny.
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Post by RopeBunny »

So :lol: as you can all see I've been.

Busy :lol:

Writing lots getting waaaaay ahead of myself. So I decided to share, post it all up at once.

And now my drafts folder is empty :lol:

Enjoy, I hope. Whilst I get started on the next chapter.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Well that was an epic writing session - and we get to find out who the Rope Bunny is - which is something even they didn't realise themselves!
Great to read such a fun set of chapters - and then you say that there's more?!
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Post by Mask6190 »

Wow, that is one heck of a writing session you posted here RopeBunny! A lot to unravel :D
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Post by RopeBunny »

Mask6190 wrote: 1 year ago Wow, that is one heck of a writing session you posted here RopeBunny! A lot to unravel :D
Take your time, enjoy.

And if you want to comment on any particular part I'll be right here :D
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago who the Rope Bunny is - which is something even they didn't realise themselves!
Great to read such a fun set of chapters - and then you say that there's more?!
My favourite part of the tale, thinking it all up, that Kayley didn't know what/who she was.

And yes :D still more to come.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

'A lot to unravel' indeed...

Seems the story is moving forward, and what had already been heavily hinted before at has been confirmed.

And now Kayley seems to be interested in taking the bondage to the real world. Interesting that the blog post talks about obsessiveness - maybe I missed it, but Kayley is never really mentioned as constantly practicing bondage. I wonder if her Rope Bunny skills translate to her 'normal self'?

Obviously only deepens the mystery of why she is this way.

Curious that the various blogs seem to imply, although I do not think they outright say it, that this has been going on for years. Perhaps Rope Bunny is a rotating position occupied by different people at different times. Sort of a special title.
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago Pieces of their puzzles, slotting into place.

The Rope Bunny replacing and deleting my older never existed except in their heads anyway boyfriend.
I really like that description.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Thanks for the comment, guess I left you (everyone :lol: ) a lot to wade through.
BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago
Curious that the various blogs seem to imply, although I do not think they outright say it, that this has been going on for years. Perhaps Rope Bunny is a rotating position occupied by different people at different times. Sort of a special title.
Might be this slipped through my writing net? Know I wrote that Kayley's suffered the dropping out for two years, but thought I'd added the same timescale in at least two of the 'blog' style chapters?

Something I can clarify in....

There is a Q&A coming :lol: Answers will be sought out and revealed, a logical step now that Kayley knows what she becomes.
BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago
maybe I missed it, but Kayley is never really mentioned as constantly practicing bondage.
You didn't miss it. I've made no mention of Kayley being any kind of rope pro.

Prehaps, to potentially further confuse things (although see above, the approaching Q&A) it is the Bunny who's obsessive, not Kayley?
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago Might be this slipped through my writing net? Know I wrote that Kayley's suffered the dropping out for two years, but thought I'd added the same timescale in at least two of the 'blog' style chapters?
It is possible I simply missed it. Either way was just an interesting thought. The mention of 'rules' certainly implied that whatever powers she has are external, perhaps granted on a temporary basis. But that does not necessarily mean it has to be as I suggested.
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago There is a Q&A coming
Answers are good - but will these be the types of answers that only spawn more questions? Perhaps. Or perhaps not. Up to you :P
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"Hi Mrs Ford."

Jody's Mum, who we find in the kitchen sat down, what looks like today's mail half open on the table in front of her alongside a steaming mug of tea. Vape in hand. She's a big lady, short and plump with thick arms that are mostly muscle from years spent hauling bread in and out of the industrial sized ovens at Tesco.

She smiles, waves the vape at us.

"How are you?" A quick pull of the gunmetal coloured tube, exhaling smoke. "How's your Mum?"
"She's doing okay." I think quickly. "Working, front desk at an office on the West side of town."
"That's great." Nodding. "Tell her I said hi."

Whilst we've been talking Jody has pulled a blue lunchbox and flask from her bag, dumping both beside the sink. Stepping to the fridge she takes out two cans of diet Pepsi.

"We're going up to my room Mum."
"Okay princess." Another plume of smoke. "Homework is it?"
"No. We-"
"We're doing a joint project." I interrupt, living dangerously, unable to stop myself voicing what just popped into my head. "On rabbits."

Jody's head whips round fast, her mouth open. I, somehow, manage to keep a straight face.

"That sounds lovely." Nodding. "Will you stay for dinner Kayley? I can have Mike drive you home later."

Still set on my course, a one track mindset and damn any other details. I haven't thought, don't care, about what happens afterwards. I came here to do one thing, and, like a steamroller, I shall tie Jody up, prove I can do anything she, the Bunny, can.

Despite not having the first clue how.

"What," looking from her Mum to me, "are we having?"
"I'm making sausage casserole."

Which, all fairness, Jody's Mum is a great cook. Old school, her family very rarely eat frozen stuff. Even her chips tend to be home cut and seasoned.

I smile, most of the gravy meals at house Jody come with a steaming bowl of miniature Yorkshire Puddings sat in the centre of the table. Delicious.

Jody nods back.

"Can Kayley stay please?"
"Of course. It'll be a couple of hours since we have to wait for your brother." Pausing to take a long swallow of tea. "He had a match after school today."

"Go and work on that project girls." Picking up a letter, waving us away with it. "I'll call up when it's time."

Hopefully she thinks I'm smiling, grinning, as I follow Jody out because I'm being polite, or looking forward to dinner. And not because, funny, she just, sort of, told us to go upstairs and play.

With ropes. Or, you know, whatever.

Halfway up the stairs. I make it that far before the laugh bubbles and leaks out of me. Jody turns, looks. I grin my best not crazy grin. She smiles back, head cocked, trying to work out why and I'm not saying.

We carry on climbing, turn right at the top, into her room.

Jody's Dad is a petrol head, and she's inherited his love of fast cars and monster trucks. All the posters on her wall are on a motorsport theme, and on a shelf are a half dozen signed team baseball caps from various race meets her family have attended.

But, she's a girl too. Which means a candy pink duvet, and a fancy wooden makeup table complete with mirror rising off the back.

"Where did she tie you?" Dropping my bag, walking into the rooms centre as Jody shuts the door.

"Um." Leaning against her door, hands fidgeting. "It...."
"Or," flashing a grin, pointed like an arrow, too focused to be nervous, "did you tie me?"
"No." Still leaning, shaking her head. "She."

Stopping as I shake my head. Jody licks her lips, clicks a quick rhythm out on her fingers, hands by her sides.

"You. Tied me."
"Want to show me where?"
"Well...." Glancing around her room, back to me. "Why?"
"So I can tie you up of course."

"Listen." Stepping closer. Focused. Certainly, stupid girl, not thinking about such serious things as consequences. "Do you want to be tied up?"
"You called her." I smile. "Me. Last night."

I'm right in front of Jody now, not touching, but my sheer physical closeness has effectively pinned her in place. Arms by her sides, stood straight, chest rising and falling.

"Don't be." A shrug, not picking up the signals.


"You wanted me to tie you last night. So, you called, and she came. Right?"
"You." Slow blink. "Um. Aren't mad at me?"
"No." A quick giggle- not mad, not crazy, honest -escapes up out of me. "Did you enjoy it?"
"I." Swallowing, voice gone quiet. "Did."
"So I did a good job?"

Jody blushes.

I fail to notice.

"Great." Nodding my approval. "Thing is though, Jody." Reaching up to loosen and remove my tie, pulling it through the collar of my white school shirt. "You don't have to wait until after dark."
"If." Taking Jody's hands in mine, she let's me bring them together in front.

Holding her breath.

Eyes down, watching as I wrap my tie around her crossed wrists. Does that look right? I hold the two ends in one clenched fist, pinching my tie.

Binding her. Sort of.

"You want to be tied up." Giving her wrists a shake. "Then." Smiling. "I'm right here. So. Ask."

"On my bed." Voice faltering. "She. Um. You. Can tie me on my bed. If you want?"

Freeing Jody's wrists, I step a pace back. She looks at me, opens her mouth, closes it. Moves past me, upper arm brushing across my chest as she walks to her bed and sits on the edge, black knee high sock covered legs swinging.

"I'll bet she said." Hands on my hips, facing Jody, striking a pose. She giggles. "Where's your rope?"
"Then. Um. I said. Um. Will say. That I don't have any rope but." Waving a hand at her wardrobe. "Um. Bunny. There are scarves in the bottom drawer you can use."
"Good." Nodding. "No doubt she. I. Am okay with that."

Lots of scarves, silk and wool. I stare at them. How hard can it be, really, to. Somehow, wrap Jody up in all these.

Properly. Like The Rope Bunny, like I, do.

Tightly. So she can't simply shrug it all off.

"Everything okay. Kay?"
"Huh?" Glancing round, a scarf in one hand, and a handful of belts, leather and canvas, in the other. "Oh. Um." I grin, Jody smiles back.

"The Rope Bunny says belts today." Tossing them towards the bed, Jodys feet. "I'll be using those."

Because they look easier. Surely? Just loop and buckle. Right?

"She. I mean you." bending to pick up a shiny black belt, thin but long. Jody turns it left and right, watching it twist, before dropping it, looking back at me. "You will?"
"Yes." Already stood back up, coming closer to kneel and collect Jody's discarded skinny belt. "The Rope Bunny says these will do just fine."

"Will you come quietly though." Still kneeling in front of her like a groom proposing marriage, I reach out to tap her closest hand. "Or?"

In answer she stands, an act which brings her body closer. Jody's wrists, held out loosely in front, are now hovering above my chest whilst, I look up, seeing her looking back down over the large swell of her own white shirt clad breasts.

Rising. Clueless, still not getting it, why Jody's breathing fast, the deeper level going on here. Falling.

Of course the belt is too long. Way too long.

I'm such a noob.

I frown. Think, how can I use up the excess belt?

"Aren't I a clever Bunny."
"Um." Flexing her fingers, wriggling now- because I'm awesome -tightly bound wrists. Placing the middle of the belt against her crossed wrists I've wrapped it once around them, returning to the front only to then wrap once around both wrists and waist. Pinning her limbs in place. A final wrap, wrists only, and I was- clever girl -left with just enough belt to buckle closed on the furthest hole.

"Well." Wriggling again. "Okay. But, what about the other belts. Um. Rope Bunny?"
"I'm working on it." Shaking my head at her semi teasing tone, reaching behind me, snagging something thick and black. Leather. Dropping it at Jody's feet, reaching again, getting another thick one, white, the words 'Roxy Girl' written three times along the length in silver.

I use the black belt on Jody's ankles, the silver above her knees, below the hem of her tight short black school skirt. The same style I'm wearing. Both belts I wrap twice around, managing to secure each to one of the further holes. Both are pinching her skin, all three are Rope Bunny tight.

"You've still got two left."
"Did you give me this much sass last night?" Standing up, one of those remaining belts in hand, eyebrow raised.

"Well...." Lips lifting into a playful smile, switching to mouth open, eyes widening as I step in close, belt lifted.

"What are you...?"

Pressing the khaki canvas against Jody's chest, just above her breasts, pressing in and down, snuggling the belt so it rests at the very top where breasts meet shoulders.

Leaning in, reaching around behind her, my own chest mashed into hers as I peer over Jody's shoulder, passing the belt through the buckle, cinching it tight.

Jody, gasping when I make that chest to chest contact, and me too focused on the task to notice.

Too focused, not hearing her breathing catch as I repeat the process with the second belt, this time passed underneath her breasts, pressed upwards, nestled firmly between chest and flat belly. Reaching around and leaning in again.

Stepping back. Jody, leaning on, into, me, sways. Catches herself.

I don't notice that either.

"So." Arms crossed, looking Jody up and down, she squirms, body shaking, chest rocking side to side. "I think The Rope Bunny is satisfied with that. I think." Nodding. "That I'm done."
"Right." Looking down at herself. "And I. Um." Flexing her fingers. "I'm asking The Bunny, um. You." Gaze flicking to me, off me. "If you want to see me struggle?"

"You mean like a test?" Nodding. "Or a." Clicking my fingers. "Game. Because I'm a playful Bunny. Right?"
"What kind of game do you want to play with me?"

Blushing, looking down at her chest.

The implications of which I miss.

"How about." Looking at Jody, around the room, at the bed behind her and back at the drawer. Full of scarves.

"I'll give you fifteen minutes." I grin. "If you can get free, then I'll let you tie The Rope Bunny up."

Jody's eyes widen, she swallows.

"That's fair, right?" It sounds fair. Like a reward, if Jody escapes why shouldn't she get to rope the Bunny.

Why shouldn't I get tied up next?

"You're. Um. Sure?"
"Yes." Stepping in, I give Jody a small shove, sending her down to land, bounce, on her small bed. I giggle as she yelps in surprise.

"Best get started." Tapping my wrist as Jody rolls onto her side, shaking the hair off her face. "Tick tock."

Bouncing and wriggling, trying not to make her bed creak after, about five minutes in, we hear sudden thundering footsteps ascending the stairs.

Both of us pausing. Freezing. Listening as someone, her brother? Reaches the top and goes towards a different room. The slam of a door.

Like a couple of guilty children we both exhale, gaze catching gaze, swapping grins.

And Jody carries on.

Rolling over and back, butt pointed into the air, legs kicking and wriggling left against right trying to dislodge the belts. Rolling back onto her back, bouncing chest, a thing almost the whole school would give their right arm to see but I barely notice, repeatedly thrust at the ceiling as she tugs and seesaws her wrists.

"Shift over." Waving at Jody, the bed. "Times up, I want to come relax."
"Right." Bouncing her bound body towards the wall, making room.

I climb up, flopping down beside her on my back, hands on my belly.

Jody rolls onto her side, which brings her closer, facing me.

"If I had escaped....?"

"Kay." Bouncing closer, shuffling, nudging my shoulder with hers. "Hey."

I fail completely to suppress my grin.

"Hey." Nudging me again. "Bunny girl." Tone playful. "Stop ignoring the hostage."
"Whaaaaat?" Playful back, rolling onto my side too.

And she's so close, so very fucking close, that now we're pressed into each other, chest and legs.

"What do you want?"
"Well." Voice gone abruptly shallow. Quiet. "If I had escaped, would you really let me tie you up?" Looking down at our squashed chests, back up at me. "Kay?"

Her breathing gone shallow, her eyes far off.

Me not seeing any kind of problem.

"Sure." I shrug. "The Bunny must let people tie her up." I nod. "I would."
"I can tie you up?"
"Well not right now." Smiling. "You can't bind me if the Bunny already has you as her hostage right?"
"No." Voice quiet, Jody's hands, pinned in front of her, are pressing into my crotch. Half her face is hidden, again, by her long brown hair, covering one eye, tickling her lips.

Reaching, slow, I brush it off, away, back behind her ear since she, helpless, can't.

"Kiss me." Like a whisper, eyes finding mine. "Kay. Bun-"

Shutting her up with my lips, a brief touch. Grazing. The contact startling, real, I break it pulling away.

Only for Jody to follow, her body remaining pressed to mine as though the belts encircled us both, her chest, her breath hot against my lips as she seeks me out.

Kissing me back.

Her tongue, sliding over my lips. As, my hand, falling away from her face, finding, resting, gently cupping Jody's belt bound breast.

A quiet moan from Jody, a push of her body, her chest. Pushing her breast at my resting hand.

Permission given.

We don't talk. The kiss, not one but many her kissing me and me kissing her in an endless merry-go-round, stretches and lasts forever. My hand stays on her breast, not groping or squeezing, just, touching.

Contact made.

And somewhere, some minutes down the line of kisses, it all catches up with me.

What I'm doing.

The fact of Jody, willingly doing it back.

It all crashes down on me, reality. No longer a game or challenge. This has grown beyond some simple thought to prove to myself that whatever she can do, I can do too.

Because why should The Rope Bunny get to have all the fun?


I'd put no thought into it. Dumb blonde that I clearly am I hadn't stopped to wonder what might happen if I tied up the girl who just got tied up by a Bunny who looks just like me.

And then went and offered her more.

Went and kissed her, letting her kiss me back.

"I." Breaking contact mid kiss, Jody squirms as my hand leaves her breast, her eyes still closed, mouth open. Willing.

"I have to go."
"But." Blinking. "Kay. I...."
"I'm sorry."

Shutting down any more talk with action, attacking Jody's belts, pushing and rolling her all across the bed in an effort to free her quickly.

Standing, making it to the door before Jody manages to half stand half tumble off her bed.

"Kay." Taking a step towards me. "Wait."
"I just." Pausing, one hand on the handle. "I haven't." Stopping, shaking my head. "This." Waving a hand at Jody, at her bed. "It was."

What? Amazing? Thrilling? Heart racing and belly fluttering, really fucking good.

"I." Waving a hand, finding no way to voice any of the words running through my head. I sigh, look down at the floor. "I'm sorry. Jody." Looking back up, at her. "But the trouble is," shaking my head, sad, "I'm not The Rope Bunny."

I bolt, Jody, mouth open, twitches as though to follow, but she doesn't.

In the kitchen I make something up, telling Mrs Ford some tale about a sudden message off Mum, some chore I'm required to do.

I apologise, then leave.

Taking double the normal time to get home, too lost in my churning thoughts.

Jody. Her body and lips pressed to mine, except it wasn't really me. Is it ever, really, me?

Jody had wanted the Bunny, and I'd bought her out, or at least a copy of her. Me, pretending.

And that's what Jody had kissed, had allowed to touch her. Not me, the Bunny.

Home. I mope, discarding one set of clothes for another, half tempted to just remain naked, since she doesn't wear my clothes anyway, so, what does it matter if I'm dressed or not. I sit in front of the flatscreen, not watching a string of cartoons, idly spinning my phone, aware of several vibration alerts, incoming messages.

Ignoring them.

Barely talk to Mum throughout dinner, barely eat.

Head up to my room, making homework excuses.

Sit on my bed, staring into space. Naked now, because fuck it.

Phone, bracketed by legs laid flat on the bed, soles of my feet pressed together knees bent, phone sitting on the duvet as I lean back against the headboard.

Getting up, yanking on a hoodie, a thong but no trousers, I half stomp but not too loud into the bathroom, glare into the mirror.

"Talk to me. Bunny." Hands either side of the sink, holding on, my body leaning in face close to my/her face.

She doesn't. Of course. And, she never will.

Because she only comes when you call, and, I can't call her, because when she comes I leave. So, we can't talk.


"Unless." Tapping one finger against the cold white sink.

"Maybe." I nod. Once. Slow.

A decision made, a plan, of sorts.

I head back into my room, pick up my phone.

Wince at the near dozen message reports, all from Jody.

Jody, who's help I could really use. I close my eyes, take a long breath, a second.

Swipe my screen.

Smile as I read. Only a little mouth lifting upwards in one corner, but at least I'm no longer scowling.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Part one.
Kayley and Jody.

Can we talk?'

'What happened. Just now. I kissed you, not her/the Bunny.
I didn't kiss anyone last night Kay. Promise.'

'Talk to me. Kay. Please.'

'I don't want to say all this here.
Are you alright?
Was I wrong, Kay? Didn't you want to kiss me back?
Were you just playing, being her, for me?'

Feel like a stalker now lol
Sorry. But.
Just tell me you're okay. When you're ready we can talk. I can wait.'


'Last one I promise.
I called The Rope Bunny. I did that, but.
Gunna sound crazy.
It was you I wanted to see.
Stupid, I know. And I'm sorry, but.
Fuck it.
I like you Kay. For awhile, but you don't notice me.
You drift.
I did a stupid thing, but, out of that I got to kiss you. I got to be close to you.
Talk to me, tell me hi, call me an idiot.
Just. Talk. Please.'

'I miss you.
I know, stalking again lol
But. You were here, and I liked that, and now you aren't.
And I don't even know if you're okay.'

'I really am sorry.'


You're an idiot.

'Cute for a stalker though, aren't they normally creepy older guys?'

'Not as cute as you x'

'Sorry. Too much lol'

'Not as cute???
Isn't me who turns every head at school just by walking to her locker.'

Are you okay?'

'No. But. It's been no for a couple years, so. I roll with it.
Sorry I ran away.


'We can talk. I'd like to talk too.
About what a good kisser/stalker you are.
But. I need your help first.


'Can you sleep over Michelle's tomorrow night?
Am going to message her now.'


'Let me get Chelle on board first, then I'll explain.'


Part two.
Kayley and Michelle.

'Got a plan. Kinda.'

Hi Kay lol'

'Yeah yeah. Hi.
Can you help?'

A Bunny plan, right?
What do you need?'

'Bunny plan.
Can Jody stay over yours tomorrow night?'

'Jody but not you?'

I. Um. I can't be there watching you when you call me.

'Don't be.
I get it.
Or. I don't, lol, but.
Here for you x'



'I'll tell you both at school tomorrow.'
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

And now things get complicated - in more ways then one. The problems that come with being two different people at once I suppose :P

I presume the plan is to have her write a list of questions for her friends to ask her Rope Bunny persona. A good plan, although hopefully she likes the answers she gets...

Also begs the question if the Rope Bunny knows who or what she is? Is the Rope Bunny sort of like a spirit inhabiting her body? Or some kind of other personality? Another facet of herself? And of course, where does the magical teleportation/summoning aspect come in?

Somehow I doubt all of those will be answered in the upcoming questionnaire. But I suppose I shall have to see...
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Post by RopeBunny »


"I mean." Jody, sat on my fancy wooden double bed, both of us freshly awake, still in nightclothes: baggy tee and pants, shrugs at me. "I guess?"

Ultimately. How ready can you be? To call forth, basically, your best friend, only instead of Kay, it'll only look like Kay.

If she dressed like a rabbit.

She looks how I feel. Nervous. And this despite Jody being the group pro at getting tied up, having been bound twice by us girls the night we called The Rope Bunny, who tied the rest of us up once.

But. Kayley asked, and when a friend asks you say yes.


Taking a moment to ponder, to distract from the approaching bunny shaped roadblock we have to run at and hopefully not wreck on. There had been, something, pass between Jody and Kay, when she'd explained her plan.

Something. A pause, from Jody. A shared look?

Prehaps, musing, covering a smile with a yawn. Damn it's early. Late. Jody could just think she finally has a chance. With Kay. Now the never existed boyfriend's out of the picture she might see an opportunity.

Honestly, it's been amusing, to those of us- pretty much everyone bar Kay -who've noticed. Watching Jody, pinning for Kay this last year, on and off, mostly on. Flashing her canons enough times to put someone's eye out, low cut dresses and tops, short, um, shorts. Tight jeans.

And Kay the only teenager in the whole town who hasn't paid the slightest attention. Ignoring- because of the boyfriend we all thought -so many signals you'd think Jody was trying to launch an invasion fleet.

The whole thing like a strange version of Romeo and Juliet, starring Kayley as Rosaline, and Juliet fancies her.

See. Mum. Dad. I do pay attention in class.

Or. Maybe. Jody just hates being tied up? Which we're both most likely about to have happen, to us.

Because why else would anyone call on The Rope Bunny?

Jody's alarm, nothing more then quiet yet insistent beeps, anything louder risks waking my light sleeping Dad from my parents room across the hall. The alarm startles me out of my wandering thoughts, making me jump.

Making us both jump.

"Time." Showing me her screen even whilst I fasten a dark green woollen scarf around my head, between my lips. Gagging myself.

Jody offers me a thumbs up, which I return, fighting back a brief all over shiver.

It's just being tied up. Maybe. Which was actually kinda fun. In a strange way.

It's the who anyway, not the what, that's ramping my nerves to eleven. The Bunny, wearing Kayley's face and body.

Tipping Jody a salute I turn, face the mirror, speak the words.

And even knowing what to expect the sudden billowing explosion of floor hugging smoke, filling out my room in seconds, still makes me jump.

In the middle of my room Kayley's face smiles out of a sky blue furry rabbit one piece, too long seeming ears, that deep V opening down the front, enough cleavage for all three of us.

The Rope Bunny.

Called. Arrived.

Beside me Jody utters a quick nerve filled laugh. I pull off my gag, keeping it held loosely, dangling, by one hand.

"You know." Voice a whisper. All the accounts said she whispers, does The Rope Bunny know she's often, almost always, called in secret, by teens anxious to have fun but not to wake any adults?

"Maybe remembering things isn't my job. But." Grinning at me, stepping closer. "Didn't I see you already?"
"A week ago." I nod. "There were," damn this is hard, looking her in Kayley's eyes, "more of us."
"More." A shrug. "Less. A week." Another shrug. "A month."

"You called. And." Stopping, her position marking a triangle between us. The Bunny points, both hands fingers down at the floor. "Here I am. So." Looking from Jody to me. "What can I do for you fine young ladies?"

Ask her. Kayley said. Ask her. Tell her. Just. Try.


"Where do you go?"
"Go?" Switching her gaze back to Jody.

"Or." Think Chelle. "Where were you, before?"
"Before. What?"
"We called you." Jody stands, takes a step, coming alongside me. "But where were you when we called?"
"You know," she'd frowned, briefly, I'm sure of it, but now the smile is back, "my name isn't 'The Answers Questions Bunny'."
"Well then...."
"Then tie me up." Jody, stepping forwards again, flashing me a smile full of nerves.

Guess she really doesn't like being bound.

But I suppose at least half of our two girl team was never getting out of this un-roped, and, she clearly has a plan.

Which is more then me right now.

"Tie me." Nodding. "And. Um. Talk to my friend whilst you do. Fair?"
"Well...." Thinking, making a show of tapping Kayley's lips with one finger. And.

Can she refuse? I'm sure we read, someplace in that massed pile of collected research, someone's idle pondering or known fact. I don't think, once called, that she can refuse to tie you up, once you ask.

Isn't that her whole reason for existing anyway?

"If it's your friend talking." Smile turning mischievous. "Prehaps, as a thought, you don't need to talk."

I almost laugh. Almost. What a crazy roundabout way to say it. Not asking- can she ask, is she allowed to take the lead or must the Bunny always do only as told or instructed -but strongly hinting. That.

"Sure. Fine." Jody turns to look at me, her eyes and expression serious. Up to you Chelle, she seems to be saying without saying. "Gag me." Turning back to the Bunny. "Tie me up. But. Talk to my friend. Deal?"

One step to the side, reaching, taking the scarf from my unresisting fingers. Another side step, a grinning twirl, a final step more. Almost like a dance. Bringing the Bunny in front of Jody, gag held in both hands, out, and up, like an offering.

"Tell me?"
"Um." Eyes flicking, I can see. Jody's eyes chasing around my room without turning her head away from the Bunny. She nods. "Tie me to that chair, okay? I'll fetch it over."
"Very well." Still as a statue whilst Jody breaks, backing and turning, bringing my wheeled grey and pink gaming chair across.

"I'll need more then this."
"Right." Forcing myself into action because she's looking at me now, limbs feel locked in place, swear I hear a clunk as I lift a hand, point. "Plenty of rope on my bed."
"Rope. Excellent. Because," looking from me to Jody, "I'm not really well known as The Scarf and Tape Bunny either."

A. Joke? What the fuck?

I bark out a laugh, wound too tight. Jody pats my shoulder as she passes, chair softly gliding ahead.

"Okay." Sitting herself down. "Well. Here I am, time yeah?"
"Time." Nodding, approaching Jody, scarf back in both hands.

Time. Chelle.

Please. Kayley's voice, a quiet echo in my head as I watch her smile, watch The Rope Bunny lean in to gag a trying real hard to relax and breathe normal Jody.



What do I say?

How do I say it?

Thoughts churning furiously through my head, everything coming up blank despite I could really fucking use a good plan.

Anytime now would help.

I watch Jody gagged, the Bunny leaning in, giving the girl who really really likes Kayley an absolutely fantastic view down into the contours of our blonde friends chest.

Stepping back, turning. Jody gives me another serious look over her scarf gagged mouth, lips pulled apart by the wool, several teeth half visible where she's biting down. I twirl a finger of each hand together in front of me, mouth the word thinking. Shrug.

Jody shakes her head. Rolls her eyes. Despairing of me.

The Bunny comes back from my bed, not far away, holding two lengths of rope.

And. Again. I watch. Jody's wrists now, each bound separately to a chair arm, the rope wrapped from wrist to elbow, pining her forearms to the black plastic, the Bunny kneeling at each side of the chair in turn.


I grin, manage not to click my fingers.

I've got it.

"Awful silent for a talking person I thought."
"Yeah. Well." I shrug, moving to lean against my bedside drawer unit, close enough that I can still be heard at a loud whisper. Can still hear her back.

"Let me tell you a story."
"Seriously?" Pausing at my bed, freshly collected rope in hand, turning to give me a look.

I nod. She frowns, a flicked glance shows me Jody doing likewise. A frown, but no protest, no shaken head. So.

"We've got a friend." Pausing to lick my lips, half expecting something, some comment, but, no. I continue. "Kayley."

Twitch of her head whilst returning to Jody, slightest freeze mid step.

"For a couple of years now she. Sometimes, wakes up late. Sometimes. Um. She, falls asleep in the daytime, for an hour. Um."

Kneeling in front of Jody, wrapping rope around her ankles, another pause.

"She doesn't remember, she. Um. Doesn't know why."
"And...." Knotting the ankle rope, wrapping the excess around the chairs central piston, forcing Jody's legs back. "What's." Letting go the rope, nodding as Jody's lower legs remain pinned back. The Bunny turns her head to me. "Does," smiling, "your strange tale have a point?"

I smile back, play my card.

"Who's Bobby, Bunny?"

The smile drops off her face.

And moments later, from hunkered down in front of the chair, she's, suddenly, standing inches away.

I yelp, cram both hands over my mouth to cover the sudden loud noise.

"No more."
"But." Reaching behind me, unwilling to look away.

Fuck she's, right now. Who knew The Rope Bunny could be so fucking scary.

"No." Voice deadpan, no more humour, the forever smile gone.

"Wait." Grasping my phone, bringing it around front. Swiping, quickly clicking and scrolling. "Look." Holding my phone out as she. Basically. Glares, at me. "Please."
"Is." Like throwing a switch she's back to playful, still close, but, smiling again. "Are we doing show and tell in-"

Going back for a second, longer, look at my phone. Kayley's photo, a good one. Taken yesterday at school.

"That's our friend. Kay-"
"No...." Shaking her head, eyes still glued to my screen. "I...."
"Where do you go?"

Looking up at me, stepping back, turning to look at Jody, who of course is still tightly trussed and gagged in place.

"I." Shaking her head again, looking back at me, small smile. "I tied your friend, and." Looking down at her hands. "You talked. So...."

I stare at her. At The Rope Bunny, watching me back.

She spreads her arms wide, palms facing me, fingers spread.

Almost a surrender pose, almost.

Like trying to step back, away, saying she's done.


If some of what I. We. Read, is true, she can't leave without permission.

There's still so much more I want to know. So much unanswered, Kayley will, when we talk to her, still be almost completely in the dark.

Could I force her to remain, by the simple act of not allowing her to leave?

My helpful train of thought chooses to supply me with the very recent memory of just how damn scary she'd been, jumping close.

Some people claim she can't do anything without permission, but, what if there are some things she can do?

Do I want to, piss her off, find out what?



"Can." A last idea. "You write?"

It's, nearly, too fast to follow.

Flashing me a smile, something amused, but not happy. Holding out one hand, into which flies my green marker pen, one of several colours I keep on my desk. Sudden jump like a special effect. Jody squealing into her gag as the Bunny appears leaning over her, scribbling something onto her bare thigh. Another jump, and she's in front of me now.

"Yes." Reaching up to clip the pen onto the neck of my tee, I can feel it resting, nestled, down inside, against my breasts.

"She keeps a book."
"Yes. Well." Her humour returning, the Bunny blows out a breath. "I didn't think we were talking about captain Ahab."

She takes a half step back, cocks her head.


"You can go." I nod.

She nods back, turns to Jody, a nod for her too.

Vanishing into the boiling smoke even whilst backing away from us both.
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Post by RopeBunny »

End of part one.

It's my phone which wakes me. I grope for it, eyes closed, swiping the call without looking.

"She tied me up."

Jody. Sounding awake, other voices, outdoor sounds, muted, happening around but not right next to her.

"Can't say it was as much fun as the other day though."
"Kay?" Voice all innocence.

"I've just woken up." Yawning down the phone as though to prove the fact. "It's a little early for flirting."
"Well." Feeling a warm fuzz in my belly, the memory of her kiss, her body pressed to mine. "Um." Smiling. "Maybe give me an hour or so?"

Jody laughs, I do too.

"She tie Chelle too?"
"No." Pretend grumpy. "Just me."

"You owe me I figure."
"I do?"
"Definitely." I can hear her smiling. "Maybe a milkshake?"
"You mean, like." Small smile leaking onto my face. "Like a date?"
"I didn't say date. But." Dropping her voice as the faint other voices grow suddenly louder. Is that Sally? Laura? "If you're asking?"

I don't keep her hanging on purpose. In truth I'm blushing, working up some courage. To say the words.

"Want to go on a. Um." Come on Kay. Power through. "Date? Tomorrow?"

"Yes what?" Definitely Sally. "Who you calling?"
"Fuck off Sal."

I laugh.

"Ten." I nod, feeling the warm fuzz giving way to approximately a million butterflies. "Want to meet in town?"
"Sure." Sounding more confident, relaxed, then I feel. "I'll wait under the clock."

I hang up, dropping the phone onto my mattress, beside the pillow. Lay on my back, grinning like an idiot up at the ceiling.

My first date.

Because. Well.

It's- how much socialising can a girl really do if she's worried, terrified at times, of dropping off the world at any moment with literally no forewarning -complicated.

The happy, nerves alternately rising and falling like a stormy sea, mood only slightly dented by Mum. Knocking on my door, enquiring if I intend on eating breakfast, or.

"Any meals today?"
"I'll be down in a minute." Tossing the covers off in one kicked motion, stretching.

Rolling off the bed. Eyes skating across my bedside table.

Darting back.

There's always a notebook beside my bed, I like to keep notes, on a variety of things, including most of whatever random thoughts cross my mind, even upon waking.

Fragments of half remembered dreams.

For a short while there'd been a second book, for recording my falling away from reality absences, which, once I discovered the truth.

The rabbit shaped hole.

That notebook, pages torn out, is back in a drawer.

And I'm back down to one.

Which has. Peering closer, running fingers across the page as though expecting something to change.

There's writing in my book.

And it wasn't added by me.

'dear not the Bunny.
Do you dream?
Do you remember me, because.
I didn't. Don't. Know you.
Are you even real? Can you prove that I'm the make believe one here?
Something is happening. And.
I don't.
I'm going to find out.
Maybe. If you
ask nice.
I'll share....
RB x'
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Post by RopeBunny »

This probably isn't the end.

It could be, the chapters above finish off my initial story plan, the big Kayley=Bunny reveal.

But there's more I could do, and I'm still enjoying the characters here, so keep an eye out for more.


On which note. Not a poll, not a vote. But.

Any thoughts/wishes regarding things you'd like to see as we move forward? Feel free to comment.
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 522
Joined: 6 years ago
Location: UK

Post by Alisonlovesropes »

A nice temporary pause (not. End) and a wonderful off beat story.
Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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