Agent Darling's Files – Chapter 1: Serial Tickler (M/F)(F/F))

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Agent Darling's Files – Chapter 1: Serial Tickler (M/F)(F/F))

Post by lanadelgagged »

As the woman stood up from the bed, Agent Darling held her hand to the pieces of tape covering her lips and scraped her fingernails until all separated from her skin. One after the other, the strips of tape fell onto the floor, and her unsealed lips spat a damp handkerchief, but even after her stifling gag was removed the woman remained silent. Inspector Brooke cut her leg restraints loose and freed her from the rope binding her wrists to the corners of the bed. Once the restraints were removed, they were gently deposited inside plastic bags alongside the strips of tape. Her mouth was dry, which led Agent Darling to suspect the poor woman had been bound all night long, she lay in her bed clutching and caressing her aching limbs. Both inspectors could notice the red marks around her wrists and ankles, obvious signs of a prolonged struggle.

‘Get her a glass of water, will you?’ – Agent Darling commanded quietly, meeting the inspector’s gaze.

It was only after she had sipped the contents of the glass in one big gulp that the lady identified herself as Lydia Williams, her calm demeanour relieved the investigators. She stood motionless, musing a thought, and proceeded to give her account.

‘I stayed up late last night reading a book when all of a sudden a man walked in. He was wearing a black balaclava, and camouflage pants, the moment he saw me he jumped straight into my bed. I dropped the book, and the next thing I knew he was gripping my wrists together and pinning them to my pillow. The moment I yelled for help, the creep shoved some fabric in my mouth, which stopped my screams.’

Lydia paused to sip more water, the more she described her predicament the more she grew red in fury. Agent Darling then reached for her pen and notebook:

‘How tall would you say the man was?’ – she inquired
‘It’s hard to tell exactly, but I’d say about 6 feet tall.’
‘Did you hear any noises, or anything unusual in your house before he tied you?’
‘Nothing at all, and that’s the weirdest thing. I can’t figure out how he even entered in the first place…’

Agent Darling scribbled on the notebook, trying to keep up with her account. She turned her head to Inspector Brooke and beckoned her to check all the entrances.

‘So what happened after that?’ – Agent Darling fixed her attentive gaze.
‘It’s a bit fuzzy, but I recall him tying my wrists to the bedposts. I tried my best to resist, it took him a while to do it, but I didn’t succeed in the end. Then he gripped my ankles together and fed god knows how much rope, same with my calves, knees, and even the thighs… I was growing very nervous by the minute and was frantically waving my arms, I could hear the bedposts creaking but it was no use. Then he stood up from the bed, looked at me and began walking slowly to my bedside table. He drew a small cassette recorder and gently placed it on the table, I observed his moves very carefully you know, by this moment the adrenaline had kicked in big time. I guess he must have pressed the record button, the machine started hissing and crackling, and then he wasted no time in walking to the foot of my bed.’

The sole mention of the cassette recorder lit Agent Darling’s eyes as if it were exactly what she wanted to hear. She continued to write down every single detail Lydia was describing.

‘Then the weirdest thing happened, he brought her fingertips to my soles and started tickling me. It was such torture… I just couldn’t stop laughing and this wicked man only kept tickling me with even more intensity.’
‘And this went on for how much… like half an hour?’
‘Hmmm… I really couldn’t tell I just lost track of time.’
‘I see, is that all he did?’
‘Yeah, that pervert then just picked up the recorder and left. One thing I recall is he escaped from that very same window.’ – Lydia pointed to the bedroom window that overlooks her backyard.
‘So he didn’t take any valuables with him? Opened up any drawers, anything?’
’Not that I could see at least.’

Agent Darling’s pen danced majestically across a page filled with annotations, the room fell quiet.

‘All right Ms Williams, take your time to recover, I know you must be quite shaken. Here’s my card, there you’ll find my number and the address of my office. When you’re feeling better I’d like you to take a tour around the house and see if there are any missing belongings. If you happen to recall any new details please call me too, anything at all that will help us find this miscreant…’

Inspector Brooke was still in the living room when Agent Darling emerged. ‘How odd, this is tidier than my apartment…’ – Agent Darling thought to herself as both she and the Inspector failed to identify any signs of the break-in. The criminal must have been very calculated and swift in his movements, he broke in, got what he wanted and left. Inspector Brooke beckoned, and Agent Darling followed her to the kitchen. As they set foot inside, Inspector Brooke pointed at the backdoor.

‘The lock was picked, that’s why she didn’t even hear him come. Typical.’
‘He must be experienced though, those locks aren’t exactly easy to pick and the woman surely would’ve picked up the rattling noise.’
‘Uh, you may have a point there. After all, this seems to be a carbon copy of the other two cases.’

Agent Darling crouched to examine the lock closer, grabbing a swab to extract DNA samples.


Agent Darling sat across a mountain of evidence scattered on the desk, with a pool of dim yellow light grazing the edges of her face. Smoked billowed from her coffee mug and its scent dominated the room. In walked Inspector Brooke with a file, laying it to rest on the table as she made her way towards the whiteboard. Lydia William’s case was the third of an unusual wave of home invasions that were taking place between Clearmount Heights and Hepburn Gardens, but her case was enough to draw a pattern. There was no doubt in Agent Darling’s mind that these cases were the result of a single man’s actions.

‘So let’s see: all the victims are single women between the ages of 20 to 39, with Lydia Williams being the oldest. All victims live alone in the vicinity of safe middle-class neighbourhoods. The fact that no valuables were taken from their homes invites me to suspect the criminal is driven by desire rather than greed.’ – Inspector Brooke nodded her head dismissively, almost as if she had heard the same speech a million times.

‘We know it’s a man, and given the profile of his victims it’s safe to say that he must be in his early to mid-30s. What are we thinking in terms of profession, locksmith, military guy, ex-cop? – Agent Darling turned her eyes to Brooke, expecting an answer.
‘I mean, just because he wears camouflage pants that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s linked to the military. Though that would explain his stealth. Three separate break-ins with equal degrees of success are unusual at best, and none of the victims described hearing anything before being attacked…’
‘Hmm… this is going to be a hard one to narrow down. Have the results come back from the lab yet?’
‘Yes, but nothing too promising. They found traces of DNA belonging to a male in the restraints and the doorknob, but when they cross-matched it nothing showed up on our database.’
‘Which means he is a first-time offender…’
‘But how can a first-time offender have such a refined MO?’

Before Agent Darling could reply, the conversation was abruptly interrupted by the phone ringing:

‘Agent Darling, Abnormal Crimes Department. How can I help you?’
‘Hello, it’s me, Lydia Williams. Remember?’
‘Oh of course I do! I hope you’re feeling much better now.’
‘I am, listen I just wanted to tell you something unusual that I just recalled.’

Agent Darling reached for her notebook as quickly as lightning, not losing grip of the phone, Inspector Brooke glanced at her with anticipation.

‘I think it was the day before the break-in or that same morning, I’m not really sure. But I remember there was a feather resting on my doorstep. It was just a single feather, which was unusual since there aren’t any pigeons around here. I think that may have been intentional, it’s no chance the man also used a feather to tickle me.’
‘Thank you for letting us know Ms Williams, the more details we can collect the better. Have you checked your house already?’
‘I did, but nothing amiss. I can safely say that creep didn’t steal anything from me at least…’
‘Have a good day Ms Williams, and take care.’

Inspector Brooke observed her partner as she hooked the phone.

‘So… what did she say.’
‘She said someone planted a feather on her doorstep the day before the intrusion.’
‘Aha. Perhaps some sort of sign.’
‘It would make sense, do me a favour and try to find out if something happened to the other victims.’
‘You got it.’

Inspector Brooke dashed for the door leaving Agent Darling alone with her thoughts, she stared at a blank piece of paper for a while musing a thought. Then she picked up different pieces of evidence, the strips of tape, the ropes… All restraints matched except for Lydia’s; Agent Darling noticed the tape used to cover her lips was different, which suggests he had used all of it and discarded the roll. She found nothing unusual about the rope, at least at first glance. The miscreant had made sure to use generic brands that made narrowing them down to a single vendor impossible. The criminal seemed to be skilful with the ropes though, even despite the vicious struggles put up by the victims, enhanced by the frantic reactions to the tickling, the ropes never gave in. Nor did they leave enough slack for the victims to escape on their own. All victims had to be cut loose after being found by either neighbourhood watch or local police. The first victim, Verona, managed to reach the phone on the bedside table and rang the police. After the first intrusion, the criminal learns to make the bonds tighter, adaptive behaviour from a criminal who is very likely to strike again. Agent Darling knew it was only a matter of time before the miscreant would strike again, they needed to be ahead of his steps.
Agent Darling rose from her seat and made her way to the opposite end of the room. Besides the whiteboard, there was a map of the city. Darling proceeded to place pins over the victim’s houses. A pattern emerged though it was far from what Agent Darling was expecting… As she placed the final pin, they define an imperfect straight line from left to right, in an orderly fashion. Darling knows these sorts of criminals act far enough from their homes to not raise suspicion, but they require a familiar element. Agent Darling predicted the next strike would take place at the east side of Hepburn Gardens, near the lake. Looking at the criminal history, the miscreant always struck between 23:30 and 01:00. That same day, the Abnormal Crimes Department designed a police operation in that area, with increased police presence in the late hours of the night. A coordinated effort that would also involve cooperation from neighbourhood watchers, they would be on the lookout for unusual activity in the following days.


It had been three days since Lydia Williams’ home invasion, and it seemed the joint operation had succeeded. With no new leads on the case, and the witnesses not being able to provide further details it seemed that the case would go cold for the near future. Agent Darling returned to the meeting room where all the evidence was gathered and started typing out a public statement for that day’s press conference. Suddenly, Inspector Brooke stormed inside the room with bated breath and a racing heartbeat.

‘Darling you won’t believe what just happened.’
‘For God’s sake Brooke, you startled me. What is it?’ – she glanced at her scornfully.

Inspector Brooke reached for the pocket of her raincoat and slowly drew out a ziplock bag. She placed it on the table, revealing a single feather.

‘Don’t tell me…’ – a puzzled look conquered Agent Darling’s face.
‘It was on my doorstep, I noticed this morning.’

Agent Darling grabbed the plastic bag and held it against the light as if it were a treasure, her eyes lit up and she fell silent.

‘And guess what? The forensics team has examined it. They found traces of male DNA and when they crossed the results with the traces we found on the restraints, it came out as a perfect match.’
‘So… you are going to be the next victim.’
‘At least so it seems, but this is definitely our guy.’

Darling held her fingers to her lips, biting her nails and seemingly musing a thought.

‘This is our chance, isn’t it? We’re never going to get a better than this to catch him.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘It’s simple. But we haven’t got much time. All we have to do is set up a trap at your house.’
‘So… that means I’m the bait…’
‘Exactly. All you have to do is go around your life as usual, I’ll hide in the closet and surround your home with undercover police. There’s no way he can escape us.’

The Inspector frowned at the prospect of being used as ‘bait’, but figured out it was for the right cause.

‘We can even lure him in.’ – Agent Darling said with enthusiasm.
‘Lure him?’
‘Yes, I’ll show you when we get to your house. We should leave now, there’s not much time left. I’ll arrange the operation over the phone.’

Inspector Brooke followed the blazing trail of Agent Darling as they dashed through the corridors, their heels clicked against the floor turning all heads as they went past. They jumped inside Brooke’s car and headed for the edge of Hepburn Gardens. A fine mist hovered over the Lake on the horizon, dousing the suburban areas in a curtain of silver. The damp pavement reflected the traffic lights as they turned the crossroads, Brooke parked her car on the driveway and both officers entered the house. That was when Agent Darling began coordinating the operation, the clock on the wall struck ten when undercover patrols began circling the area and awaiting instructions. Agent Darling held her finger to her mouth and mused a thought, with Inspector Brooke casting occasional glances at her, the mood had shifted into a tense calm. A plethora of thoughts plagued the detective’s head, what if he notices some unusual activity and decides not to come? What if her judgement had been wrong all along, was she wasting everyone else’s time?

‘Brooke, does your bedroom have a window?’
‘Yeah, it overlooks the Lake. But why?’
‘I’ve just had an idea.’

Agent Darling headed towards the bedroom, and Inspector Brooke followed her a hint of suspicion drawn upon her face. As they entered the detective promptly made her way to the panoramic window, opening the shades and letting the moonlight from the Lake seep through. Inspector Brooke sat on the edge of the bed observing her every move.

‘So… tell me about it then.’
‘Since you’re going to be the bait, we’re going to make it so that guy can’t resist it.’
‘But how?’ – Inspector Brooke was still puzzled.
‘I’m going to tie you up, like her victims before.’ – said the detective, drawing a pair of handcuffs from her belt.
‘Uh, but how’s that going to change anything?’
‘Hands behind your back.’

Inspector Brooke complied hesitantly, bringing her wrists together behind her back and offering them to the detective. She brings the manacles to her hands and locks them with a single click, Agent Darling could feel Inspector Brooke’s heart pounding as the room is invaded by an ominous metallic click. Just as Inspector Brooke wiggled her hands, Agent Darling gently placed the keys in the palm of her hands.

‘I haven’t closed them all the way through, so if there’s an emergency all you have to do is free yourself. Don’t worry, it will be a walk in the park. – Said Agent Darling reassuringly, her confidence contrasted starkly with her partner’s demeanour. Inspector Brooke took a series of deep breaths and looked at the detective with an air of duty.

As the detective climbed off the bed she began rummaging through one of Brooke’s drawers, from within she found a silky smooth white handkerchief. She held it in the air and then clutched it intently, Inspector Brooke saw her partner knee on the bed and close the distance between them. It was at this moment when Agent Darling held the cloth to her lips, Brooke’s eyes wide open.

‘We might as well make it believable don’t you think?’ – Brooke blushed, her cheeks about to be adorned with the fine cloth.

The detective brought the handkerchief to her lips with all the care in the world, she felt as it rested between her teeth, enhancing her lips and enveloping her cheeks in white silk. So meticulous was she that it took her a minute to tie a knot behind her head, securing the cloth. When Brooke’s lips parted, the white cloth grew wide covering the surface of her cheekbones, the gag felt light on her but she fell silent. Agent Darling planted a kiss of reassurance on her forehead as she climbed off the bed and opened the closet door.

‘Don’t worry, I’ll be watching everything from here. Wait, I forgot something.’
‘Hmmm?’ – Inspector Brooke let out a soft whimper, barely muffled by the cloth.

Agent Darling circled the bed and knelt where Inspector Brooke’s legs were dangling from the edge. She unzipped her right boot and with all her strength, pulled in the opposite direction. But the boot refused to give in. Suddenly, the boot separated from Inspector Brooke’s legs, almost shooting the detective across the room. They both chuckled at the mishap, Agent Darling repeated the same process with the remaining leg exposing her nylon-clad feet. The detective knelt once again, this time to peel off the nylon socks and reveal her deteriorated pink nail polish.

‘That’s more like it.’ – the detective exclaimed, with a hint of glittering satisfaction. – ‘Now while we play the waiting game you might as well put up an act. Thrash around on the bed and whatnot, pretend you’re stuck.’

With a gentle nod of the head Inspector Brooke eased into the bed and began swirling to the edges. She tossed and turned, wriggled and writhed, her motions were occasionally accompanied by subdued screams.

‘Perfect! You’re a natural, Brooke.’

Agent Darling gathered her belongings, which consisted of a walkie-talkie, a spare set of handcuffs, her badge and a small handgun should things go south. She stepped inside the closet, where she could peek at her partner through the shutters on the door, there wasn’t much space but more than enough for her to manoeuvre. The first she did was test the radio equipment by talking to the walkie-talkie, she lowered the volume significantly and began whispering.

‘The trap is set, everything is ready. Over.’
‘Roger that, we’re still on the lookout.’

Outside the house, the night was silent. So much so that you could clearly hear the sound of a pedestrian’s footsteps. Each and every passerby came under the scrutiny of police, every passerby was a potential suspect. Inside an unmarked police vehicle, the chief inspector paid close attention to a man dressed in blue overalls, making his way across the road. Then came a jogger blasting music through his headphones. The minutes went by with the only remarkable thing being a group of teenagers riding their bikes, accompanied by obnoxious chatter. But out of the blue, an ominous silhouette emerged from the darkness of the alleyway. The street lights made his features more discernible, the chief inspector locked eyes on him through the mirror and watched his every move. The man walked by the unmarked patrol, oblivious to the chief’s scrutiny. He pulled out a magazine from the glovebox and pretended to read it just in case, but the mysterious man never looked at the car in the first place. He trod steadily with an air of confidence, but his upper body betrayed him. He seemed fidgety and his eyes darted across the street, never fixing upon anything in particular. It was when he went past the vehicle that he noticed him wearing camouflage pants, the chief inspector threw the magazine across the cockpit and reached for the radio.

‘The suspect is heading towards the house. Repeat. The suspect is heading towards the house. Tall man with dark hair and cargo pants.’

 After so much waiting, Agent Darling was startled by the message. Her senses jumped into action and her heart was beating. Agent Darling clutched the walkie-talkie and held it to the side of her face, watching Inspector Brooke’s pretend struggles.

‘Roger that. Everybody in position.’ – said the detective in a whisper.

The man was nearing the driveway and he glanced at the house, which by this stage was only lit by the lights of the kitchen and Brooke’s bedroom. He picked up his pace, as he walked on the driveway he was turning his head left and right with flinching eyes. The street lay desolate, and the silence relieved him, the chief inspector observed the miscreant pulling some sort of utensil from his back pocket. He nears the front door and looks to his sides more intently this time, for every criminal knows this is the point of no return. The miscreant covers his head with a balaclava and begins picking the lock to the front door. The chief inspector is puzzled at this strategy, but he wastes no time in sending a message over the radio.

‘The suspect is entering through the front door. I repeat. The suspect is entering through the front door. Everyone stay advised and wait for instructions.’

With bated breath, Agent Darling presses her ear against the closet door trying to listen for any sign of intrusion. At this moment she takes the walkie-talkie and whispers: ‘Silence on the radio.’ The silhouette of the man disappears behind the door, and once inside the Chief Inspector loses sight of him. Upon entering, the miscreant is confronted with a long dark hallway, the bedroom door is ajar making for the only source of light. And in truth, it is also the only sound source; barely discernible were the muffled whimpers of Inspector Brooke, a symphony blending with the noises of linens being thrashed about, but not enough to drown out the footsteps of the masked assailant who treads as silently as only he knows. Time seems to stretch, yet before he knows the assailant is right at the doorstep. From her position in the bed, Inspector Brooke can see a shadowy figure summon behind the door, whether out of fear or willing to lure him into the trap, her struggles intensify noticeably. Agent Darling knows what is about to happen, she had been planning this moment for more than she could remember, the room is invaded by the creaking wood of the door as it slowly opens.
The moment the masked assailant walks into the room, all hell broke loose inside the seemingly helpless inspector. The masked assailant and her locked eyes as her expression was doused in fear, eyes wide as a full moon. Her struggles become more frantic, almost violent, Inspector Brooke feels tempted to just grab the keys and solve the matter herself, but her better judgement and cold blood stopped her from altering the plan. A smirk contorts the edges of the assailant’s face behind the mask, his ears catch every nuance of her vocalized predicament.

‘Jackpot.’ – he exclaims, ominously.

The miscreant circles the bed in the same way her victims described, in Inspector Brooke’s head is the reminisce of Lydia Williams’ account. But it was happening, right there and them, and for moments that felt like an eternity, she truly felt helpless. The man walked to the bedside table, never losing sight of her prey, by this point he had grown accustomed to that ‘deer in the headlights’ look, and perhaps even sought after that. This was an invitation no home invader could decline, he gently placed a cassette recorder on the table and pressed the record button.

Agent Darling watches his every move, and before anticipation gets the best of her she curbs her urges. ‘That’s it, it’s him.’ – she thinks, looking at the ritual in just the way the victims described it. Now that Brooke is at his mercy, the assailant marches towards the foot of the bed and locks eyes on her toes. Inside the closet, Agent Darling drops the walkie-talkie, which tumbles to the floor with a series of thumping noises.

‘What the hell? Who’s in there?’ – the man says as he fixes his gaze on the closet door.

The nervous inquiry would soon meet a response no criminal wants to hear. Agent Darling held her breath, clutched the doorknob and stormed into the room wielding the handgun. The man froze in place at the female silhouette that emerged, Agent Darling flashed her badge and pointed the muzzle of the weapon straight at him.

‘Freeze! Reach for the sky’ – she commanded.

The man put his hands in the air, his face turned white and a cold sweat broke from behind his mask.

‘Agent Darling, Abnormal Crimes Department. You’re under arrest for trespassing and unsolicited tickling.’ – she said, walking towards him slowly.

Agent Darling kept her gun pointed towards the man, until suddenly, the masked assailant looked at the door and made a run for it. His silhouette disappeared into the darkness of the hallway, forcing Agent Darling to chase after him.

‘Oh, you bugger.’

Inspector Brooke decided it was time to free herself and chase the fleeing suspect, she reached for the keys to the handcuffs and sat on the edge. However, just as she tried to find the lock the keys dropped to the floor and disappeared under the bed.

‘FMMBBHHMMM!’ – she yelled against the gag, her face turning red in angst.

She crouched and began looking under the bed, the keys were right there but with bound hands, there was little she could do. She changed her position, stretching her legs under the bed and barely gracing the keys with her toes. It was hopeless, every second counted and she knew it. So instead she reached inside the closet and grabbed the walkie-talkie. With her wrists still locked behind her back, she brought the walkie-talkie to the bed. At this point, she could easily remove her gag, she pressed one of her cheeks against the bedpost and the cloth separated from her lips drenched with a fine thread of drool.

‘All units, the suspect is fleeing. Do not lose sight of him.’

Agent Darling gave chase, the man was not faster than her by any stretch, but he had a solid head start. She watched as he reached the front door, struggled to open it and kept running for her freedom. Outside, however, the Chief Inspector had started the engine and remained vigilant. The moment he saw the masked miscreant leave, he stomped his foot on the pedals. Police sirens slashed the silence of the night, and the street was washed in a pool of red and blue light. The man was surrounded, and Agent Darling knew it was only a matter of seconds. And indeed it was. A patrol car stopped him in his tracks, allowing Agent Darling to close the distance between them. With a racing heartbeat, Agent Darling tackled the man to the ground and the police officers manacled him.

‘Going anywhere lad?’ – Agent Darling said, teasingly, proceeding to remove the black mask. – ‘We’ll meet at the Police Station, we have some questions to ask you…’

Abnormal Crimes Department
Case File #1 (Reference no. 1321)

May 22nd, 1984

Document type: Police Report

Case Status: SOLVED
Investigators: Agent Darling & Inspector Brooke in collaboration with Cedar Lake Police Department

Name of the Suspect: Ryan H. Rutherford
Alias: The Serial Tickler
Age: 34
Gender: M
Occupation: Security Guard at the Army Base

Modus Operandi:
1. The suspect stalks the victim’s home and places a feather the day before the intrusion.
3. The suspect struck between 23:00 and 01:00, entering the victim’s home by lock-picking one of the doors
4. Once inside the suspect makes his way to the victim’s room, binds their limbs and gags them.
5. After the victim has been secured, he records her victim’s reaction to the incessant tickling.
6. The suspect flees the scene, without stealing any valuables.

Suspect Status: ARRESTED
- Four counts of trespassing private property.
- Four counts of stalking.
- Three counts of inappropriate tickling.
- Three counts of unsolicited movement restriction through the application of adhesive tape.
- Three counts of unsolicited speech restriction through the method of stuffed lip sealing.
- Attempted inappropriate tickling.

- Two rolls of silver duct tape, identical to the ones applied on the victims.
- Five coils of rope (three used, two still unused)
- One cassette recorder, identified by the three victims and the decoy as being present at the crime scene.
- One cassette tape, with recordings of the victims’ reactions.
- One black ski mask, to disguise the suspect’s identity.
- One feather, present at decoy’s house.
- Undergarments of different sizes taken from victims’ homes.
- A pair of socks belonging to Lydia Williams.
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Post by laz »

very well written chapter, who's next?
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Post by Rtj65 »

Brilliant stuff as always, I love the tone you've taken with this - it was exciting to see what was going to happen, and whether the detectives would succeed in catching the culprit or not. Plus it was pretty funny in places as well, and I especially liked the case file at the end, that was a nice touch. I hope to see more of this, if you have more chapters planned!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

This is so good! I hope a Chapter 2 is coming soon!!!
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Post by Terry45 »

That's a clever approach to telling the story. Thank you for posting it.
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Post by lanadelgagged »

laz wrote: 1 year ago very well written chapter, who's next?
laz wrote: 1 year ago very well written chapter, who's next?
Stay tuned for the next part ;)
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Post by lanadelgagged »

Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Brilliant stuff as always, I love the tone you've taken with this - it was exciting to see what was going to happen, and whether the detectives would succeed in catching the culprit or not. Plus it was pretty funny in places as well, and I especially liked the case file at the end, that was a nice touch. I hope to see more of this, if you have more chapters planned!
Thank you very much for your kind words! I tried to keep it playful despite the theme being about chasing a 'criminal', so I'm glad you found it funny in some places as well^^
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Post by lanadelgagged »

Terry45 wrote: 1 year ago That's a clever approach to telling the story. Thank you for posting it.
Thank you, I'm flattered <3<3
Bondage writer and graphic designer.
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Post by Rtj65 »

lanadelgagged wrote: 1 year ago
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Brilliant stuff as always, I love the tone you've taken with this - it was exciting to see what was going to happen, and whether the detectives would succeed in catching the culprit or not. Plus it was pretty funny in places as well, and I especially liked the case file at the end, that was a nice touch. I hope to see more of this, if you have more chapters planned!
Thank you very much for your kind words! I tried to keep it playful despite the theme being about chasing a 'criminal', so I'm glad you found it funny in some places as well^^
You're very welcome! It was definitely playful, and quite different to the build up of tension in some of your other stories - it's testament to your ability as a writer to do two different types of story extremely well.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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