The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *Story Complete* *More Bunny Action in the Adult section*

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Post by RopeBunny »

Thread on the message board r/realmyths

27/10 1912

Have you seen it????!!!!


28/10 0650

Seen what?


28/10 0931


Fake fake fake fake fake.


28/10 2204


What if it isn't?


30/10 1010

Again though, we ask.

Seen what?


01/11 1151

Dude!!!! OM what the f#%king G???? Wow!!!!

Go look, YouTube (other video sharing sites are available lol) still has it, for now, until some *@#¿ takes it down for 'breaching' some rule or other.

Want some advice. Copy it, download it, steal it, take it, keep it.

I have.


01/11 1158

YouTube. It'll be on your main feed. Trust me, whatever search history you got, just keep scrolling down.

You'll know it when you see it.

She might, it might, not even be real.


She's trending lol.


04/11 1527



07/11 1830

Still say fake.


08/11 0951

Guess we'll never know.

Funniest (not haha but weird) thing though....

It it just me, or, does she look familiar?



Escape challenge fail.
posted 4 days ago by Jenny_Bill

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[A wooden framed double bed, pale cream sheet. White wall behind, a black framed 'Alien' movie poster, a pale wood framed art print of the pokemon Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos in flight.]
[On the bed Jenny and Bill sit side by side, legs touching. Brother and sister, seventeen year old twins, both slim with light brown hair, pulled into messy spikes on him, loose and shoulder length, curly, on her. Both are wearing black shorts, baggy football and tight short spandex paired with fitted tee's. Jenny is braless, her C cup nipples poking obviously at the fabric.]

Bill: "Hey what's up guys and girls, welcome to another video with her Jenny." [Pointing at his sister.]
Jenny: [Pointing at Bill.] "And him, Bill."

[Bill turns, reaching off camera beside him, bringing a large six sided dice into frame. Each face is covered by a glued on face of Jenny or Bill, three each, each image catching a silly expression.]
[Jenny and Bill move apart.]

Jenny: "We're back with another escape challenge today, something you all keep requesting." [Grinning at the camera as Bill rolls his eyes.] "Right now it's three a piece. So. Bill."
Bill: "Jenny?"
Jenny: "Roll the dice and let's see who's turn it is."

[Bill rolls the dice, across the bed. Jenny's face on top as it comes to a resting stop against her upper thigh.]

Bill: "Phew." [Mock relief, hand wiping his brow. Jenny playfully shoves him.] "Alright then guys. We've got a surprise in store this time." [Jenny and Bill both nod, her giving the camera another smile, two thumbs up.] "So, keep watching. And remember. Please, hit that subscribe button."
Jenny: "And." [Leaning forwards, breasts quite obviously pushing at the front of her pale blue tee.] "If you like what you see, remember to hit that like button too."

[Fade to black.]

[Fade in.]
[Slight wobble in the frame, camera now handheld.]
[We're now looking down the beds length, from the footboard. Only one half of the double is in shot, and on it lays Jenny. On her belly, hogtied with bright white rope. Ankles. Wrists. A tight connecting rope. She's gagged with a pink silk scarf, pressed between red painted lips.]

Bill: "Okay. Well. Say hi Jenny."
Jenny: [Looking up, rocking like a seesaw.] "Hhgggfffmmm."
Bill: "Excellent."

[The camera moves closer, Jenny maintains eye contact as her face fills the screen before passing down her side, slowly, capturing the rope binding her, the shape of her braless chest pressed into the bed. All the while being careful not to show the other half of the bed.]

Bill: [Panning back along Jenny, towards the footboard.] "What do you think, sis, time for the big reveal?"

[Jenny, face back in shot, nods.]

Bill: "You see, the thing is it wasn't actually me who tied Jenny up this time." [Panning to the side now, bringing the rest of the bed into frame.] "Say hello to our surprise guest."

[It's the Rope Bunny. Furry one piece the dark green of healthy leaves, blonde hair spilling from her hood as she turns her young black scarf gagged face to look at the camera. She's been hogtied identically to Jenny, laid on her belly too.]

Bill: "As you might've guessed." [Turning the camera to bring his face into close up frame. Grinning.] "This escape challenge is now a race. So." [Camera back towards the bed.] "Jenny, are you ready?"
Jenny: "Gghhhffmmm." [Nodding.]
Bill: "Bunny, ready?"

[The Rope Bunny stares up into the camera, wiggles her body. Nods.]

Bill: "Three. Two." [Jenny begins to struggle. Bill loudly tuts.] "One. And, go."

[For ten minutes both girls struggle. Bill alternates the camera between shots of them both, and panning sweeping shots up then down each in turn. Occasional close ups of faces, of bound wrists, of chests pushing and bouncing.]
[Neither girl rests for long when they do stop, although both slow down and halt a half dozen times.]
[From laid on their fronts first the Bunny followed shortly by Jenny roll and wriggle onto their sides, facing away from each other. The Bunny then rolls onto her back, bouncing up and down, on her feet and arms, before flopping back over now facing Jenny.]

Bill: "Two minutes girls."

[A minute later Jenny frees her wrists. She reaches up to pull off her gag, and grins to the camera. Another minute of wriggling and struggling sees her completely free, rope discarded atop the bed and on the floor.]
[The Bunny continues to struggle and roll around, wriggling, as Bill turns and sits the camera atop a tripod glimpsed earlier. Whilst pointed at the floor, briefly, white smoke can be seen drifting and rolling around the bedframe.]
We return to the original bed facing side on angle.]
[He walks back in shot, sitting next to Jenny, they both smile at the camera. Behind them the Bunny is still wriggling.]

Jenny: "We hope you enjoyed this extra special escape challenge. Remember we post twice a week, so."
Bill: "Be sure to hit that notification bell."

[Bill and Jenny raise a hand each, wave.]
[Behind them the Bunny, laid on her side facing the camera, is still wriggling.]

[Fade to black.]
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Well the Bunny seems to be 'waking up' more and more to her situation, fighting her proverbial magical bondage, even exerting a little bit of control. In a way almost worse from her perspective to know/see the proverbial chains that bind her, rather then remain in ignorance, so to speak.

It also seems more and more are realizing they can order her around, which I am sure does not help...

And of course Kayley is not free from problems/risk - with an actual video, especially a viral one, someone is bound to recognize her, which will only lead to unwanted attention. The risks of fame, but in this case it was not even her choice (nor the Bunny's).

Ona more lighthearted note, seems Kayley might have some competition from the Rope Bunny :P

Interesting that the Rope Bunny's costume was a different color in each summoning.

Once again, questions answered, and more questions raised... A fine addition to the story - and the mystery!
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Post by tickletied84 »

Great update. The thoughts of the Bunny as she's pulled back helplessly into different spheres is brilliant. Really enjoying this fun, fantastical tale!
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Post by Switchgirl »

Just caught up with this! Fantastic - as usual!
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago
And of course Kayley is not free from problems/risk - with an actual video, especially a viral one, someone is bound to recognize her, which will only lead to unwanted attention. The risks of fame, but in this case it was not even her choice (nor the Bunny's).
Given most of the characters here are teens, who record EVEYTHING :lol: I figured someone would, eventually, try and manage to record her.

Will (prehaps, no spoilers) make for an interesting twist further along.

As might (again, no spoilers :lol: ) the fact of Jody liking the Bunny, and the Bunny noticing her back.
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago Really enjoying this fun, fantastical tale!
Switchgirl wrote: 1 year ago Just caught up with this! Fantastic - as usual!
Thank you both, always excellent to find people enjoying what I'm writing. Shouldn't be too long a wait for more.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Jody and the Bunny.
Part 002.

"Going to hell I'm going to hell going to hell hell hell." I singsong, trying to drown the nerves, the knowledge like someone poking me in the back.

That what I'm about to do is wrong.


I can't not do it. The idea, a random thought I blurted out to Kayley whilst tied up, something fun sounding though very, very, out there.

I can't seem to forget it.

So when Dad announced an early start this Thursday, which Mum followed up by mentioning she'll be out the door with him, both of them gone at four. And then my younger brother getting sent to stay at a friend's because he can't be trusted- ha -in the house without parents around.

And. Do I want to spend the night at a friend's too?

Or, do I want, now that it seemed the stars have aligned to grant me the opportunity to do this thing, and I really like Kayley, but. I saw the confused not liking it face she pulled at what is now something I have to.

Have to.


Suddenly I have the opportunity. So.

Do I want to stay over a friend's?


My alarm wakes me at half past. Enough time to prepare, to check I really am alone. Not enough time to think, to back out of something that's wrong.

Wrong wrong wrong.

But. If I don't take this chance, I'll regret it. The not knowing will eat away at me.


Bathroom, splash water on my face, brush teeth. Toilet. Looking in the mirror, trying on a smile.

"You're doing the right thing."
"No." I tell mirror Jody. "I'm going to hell, if Kayley finds out. But." I shrug. Too late now.

She won't find out.

And. Besides. I can almost. Almost. Justify and argue a Bunny equals Kayley point in my favour. In my head.

I'm doing this. Right or wrong. In my head it's already done, set in motion, whatever guilt I have already manifest.

There is, really, no point in backing out now.

One more look in the mirror, tying my hair back. A tut, a grimace. A smile. And back to my room.

Clothes. Black and white striped thigh high socks, grey tight small cotton shorts over a black thong. A small blue crop top over no bra. My whole belly visible, my breasts very obvious.

I'm not trying to dress up for her.

I'm not trying to dress up for her.

She is, almost, Kayley.


Moments later, as the smoke comes and then the Bunny comes, into my room. As she sees me. Smiles at me.

A tingle, in my belly.

"Not breaking into other people's rooms this time?"
"I was invited." Smiling, shy and nervous. "But no." I wave my arms around, tossing the removed scarf gag onto my bed. "This is my room."
"I remember." Giving me a look. Not a grin, more of a flirty, small, knowing smile.

Dump of ice down my spine, another tingle chasing itself. I shiver.

"I wrote down stuff." Holding up a folded sheet. "Instructions."
"Did you now?" Crossing her arms, the move lifting those cleavage enhanced breasts.

Kayley's breasts.

"Yes. Um." I look down at the sheet, back at her. "Will you follow them?"
"If you tell me I must."

Stepping in close, really close, hands dropping to our sides as her chest presses into mine.

I've kissed her before I realise I am. Kissing. Her. Face and lips darting forward. The shock, the taste: Kayley. I'm about to pull away when she begins kissing me back.

Nothing full on, no flicked tongues on either side. But, for a long moment we share that kiss.

And then she's, like blinking, halfway across the room, leaning back against the wall, my unfolded paper in one hand. Studying it and looking all casual, the act betrayed by her rapidly rising and falling chest, breathing fast.

Like me.

"I see." Lowering it, looking up at me. "Well." Glancing, a quick flick, down at my bed, back at me. "Ask. And. I'll do as I'm told." A shrug, but she's smiling. "Like always."

"Follow my list." Waving a hand at her, resisting the sudden urge to nervously giggle. "All of it. No matter what. Do exactly as I've written."

She nods, giving my paper another look. Discarding it to drift floorwards, lost in the smoke. Advancing on me.

One: gag me.

My discarded scarf, leaping into her hands as the Bunny comes in close. Magic. She fiddles, wrapping and, I realise, double knotting it in the centre, a large wool ball which gets jammed into my open mouth. Tied off, yanked tight against my neck. Sealed.

Now, my thinking goes, I can't protest.

Two: tie my arms, my upper body, properly and well. Tightly.

I don't know enough to write a step by step, and besides surely the actual Rope Bunny knows a really good, tight and- shiver chasing through me -effective manner in which to bind my upper body?

Scooping up a bunch of dirty rope, all I can get, in passing, I hear it dropped on the floor behind me.

After which, grunt of surprise muffled by my gag, I feel my elbows, not my wrists, pinched by rope. Pinched, a little, like a warning I can't voice either consent or protest regarding, followed moments later by a harsh yank, the bite of rope against the bare skin of my upper arms.

My elbows forced together. My chest, thrust out, even whilst the Bunny wraps and binds, pinning them in place.

Moving on to my wrists, binding them side by side too, the same rope wrapped around my bare waist, holding my wrists against my butt.

I would think done, now. But no. My chest is wrapped, above and below my E cups, the Bunny staying behind me, passing the rope, her hands brushing my breasts top and bottom as she guides, tying knots behind me, reversing direction. Coming up and over one shoulder to plunge down into my cleavage. Back up.

My breasts squeezed. Pinched. My nipples feel like rocks pressed against my small top.

"Mmmfffggghhhh." I moan, wriggling. No slack. No escape as the Bunny walks smiling around, coming in front of me.

Her eyes, I'd swear, on my chest. Just as Kayley's had been.

No escape, definitely true, what I'd hoped for once tied. I am helpless. Mobile, but not free.

Step three: collar me.

An old dog collar, fading and cracking in places brown leather, a silver chain with brown leather handle lead still attached. We've owned a lot of dogs, although not for two years since Dad began occasionally having to drive long distance for work.

My breathing catches as she leans in, reaching around to buckle the collar tight on my neck. The chain dangling between my breasts.

And, I am all ready to explode, so close now on the brink of mere idle daydream turned fantasy about to become reality.

Step four: lead me around my house, take your time.

"Well." Taking up the lead, wrapping it twice around her right hand, having slipped that wrist through the hooped handle. "Don't you just look adorable."
"Fffmmmgggnnn." Blushing, she's looking right at me, up and down. And I can't stop staring at Kayley's deep amazing cleavage.

Which means I'm not prepared, don't see, her step in. Feel the kiss on my gagged lips before I see it.

Haven't even thought to kiss, to try to kiss, her back, before she's stepping away. Tugging on my lead.

Forcing me to follow.

At least a half hour. Long enough my elbows go from aching to painful to aching. Though I constantly forget and ignore them anyway, each time she tugs my lead, each time I look down at my bound chest. Each time she smiles at me.

The Bunny does indeed take her time. Walking slowly from room to room, exploring the whole house.

Picking up random books, flicking through them.

Rearranging my brothers shelf of Hornby locomotives, he's into trains not fast cars like Dad and me, turning half to face the wall, swapping the small coal piled tenders on some around.

Making mischief.

In the bathroom she spends close to five minutes staring into the mirror, sometimes smiling, sometimes passive though the smile leaks through. I'm forced to stand beside her, looking too. Seeing myself bound and gagged, collared, the Bunny holding my lead tightly. Like ownership. Her resemblance to Kayley is unnerving, especially when she smiles with my girlfriend's lips.

Seeing myself, seeing the Bunny. Kayley. But the Bunny, as my owner. Kind of. The whole image lingers long after we move on.

Is this what I was after? The sensation of total surrender, of letting someone else take me?

In the kitchen, prehaps bending the rules although I didn't, and can't, tell her no. My lead is unclipped and passed around one solid bolted to the floor steel leg of our breakfast bar, the chain fed through the leather handle, reattached to my collar. Effectively forcing me to remain in place

Standing still, fidgeting within my tight squeezing ropes as the Bunny wanders across to the fridge, taking a can of pop, a small chocolate bar. She sits on the nearby dining table, facing me, grinning and snacking whilst her legs dangle.

And me tethered in place like a mule in a Western. Tingling at the power she has, to do this to me, to force me to wait for her.

And I already want to do it again, to be used in this way again.

Eventually we return to my room.

Step five:

The bottom half of the page is all crossed out, steps five through ten. Me, getting carried away on a wave of wanting more more more: free me, then tie me up a different way, maybe cuddle me. Maybe- too far gone by this point, half convinced it was Kayley I was writing the list for -kiss me, touch my breast.

Touch my breast, under my clothes.

Luckily. Or not. I looked things over before going to sleep last night, and amended my plan. Although now I strongly want to tell her no, that stuff isn't crossed out, please continue enjoying me.

Which, smart girl, thinking ahead, is why step five now reads: free me, leave me gagged, please leave and thank you.

The Bunny frees me, from behind, her movements quick and business like each rope falling off me, tossed to the bed.

She steps around in front. A smile, a tipped salute as I nod back.

Darting, unexpected, the shock making me squeal. Coming in for a kiss on my gagged lips, her hands, unintentional or not, coming up to cup my breasts even as the smoke bubbles up. Claiming her.

Leaving me hanging. Wanting more of something I can't easily get.

Something I probably shouldn't be trying to get anyway.

"Going to hell." I mutter, unable to wipe the smile off my now ungagged face. Already half convinced, because I'm a fast worker, that it was Kayley I just played with anyway.

Besides, yes I kissed her first, but she kissed me the other times.

Kind of. Right?
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago
Given most of the characters here are teens, who record EVEYTHING :lol: I figured someone would, eventually, try and manage to record her.

Will (prehaps, no spoilers) make for an interesting twist further along.

As might (again, no spoilers :lol: ) the fact of Jody liking the Bunny, and the Bunny noticing her back.
Unsurprising for sure... And I suppose we shall have to wait with baited breath for whatever might (or might not happen) as a result...

As for the last chapter...

Jody and the Bunny are up to some mischief... Jody certainly spent a lot of effort trying to convince herself it was 'fine', despite the obvious problem with what she is doing - basically 'using' Kaylee without her consent for her own gratification.

Or even worse - using an 'ideal' version of Kaylee, that can tie her up exactly how she wants, will do exactly what she wants.

Technically it is the same with the Bunny every time she is summoned too of course. Hopefully Jody realizes the problem with all this, although I doubt it will happen without outside interference.

But I suspect Kaylee will find out one way or another - either directly from the Bunny, or in some other fashion. Seems like drama on the horizon.

It would certainly fit the Bunny's trickster nature to tell her after all...
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago At least a half hour. Long enough my elbows go from aching to painful to aching.
A nice description :P
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Post by RopeBunny »

Thanks for the commenting, and everyone else I hope you're still enjoying the ride.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Kayley's bedside journal.
The continued notes and musings of two who might, and sometimes are, just a small bit crazy.


'Dear definitely not the Bunny.

Thank you for sharing. Useless as it all is at least now I know it's useless.

Field test proved the fact.



But you tried and you looked and when I called there you, and here you are. A helpful friend?

I have a.


RB x'



More then one (secret) I imagine, if you are what I read that you are. And, given what I know, what my friends have seen and told me, about you.

Then you are.

Friends? You and I. I, hope so.

K x'


'Dear friend to the Bunny.

Yes. Sure. Fine.

I have lots of secrets, a long lifetimes worth.


Only one I won't tell you.

RB x'



Oh. Kay?

That's fine. I mean.

Can we move on, because, I'm getting anxiety. Some man, boy....

Is someone kissing you (me)

Touching you (me)

K x'


'Dear far too panicked to be the Bunny.


That's me, laughing.

You have nothing to worry.


I would NEVER let some BOY touch me. I have.


Nice. Sharp. Teeth.

Bound I may be. Submissive, you could say.

"You ask, I do."



There are limits. Some. Rules. And. If some BOY goes there. I bite.

It off.

Breathe, not me. Calm mind and still waters.

I am here for you and you are there for me. Yes?

RB x'



Yes. I'm here, of course. Thank you.

You showed me the art, and I helped.

Can I, do you need any more help?

K x'
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Post by RopeBunny »


Apparently I'm not allowed to wear hoodies anymore?

"But. What the fucking, why?" Staring after my hoodie, snagged by Beth today, Michelle yesterday, both times the girls dancing away with their prize as soon as I pulled it off over my head, entering the school building.

"Because...." Beth, glancing round at the others, tossing the black bundled up top to Laura, who fumbles the catch.

"Be...." Bending to scoop it off the floor, quick cast glance at me. Like, maybe she thinks I'll swoop in, steal back my own top? What the fuck? "Cause. Um...?"
"School rules." Jody, beside me, declares nodding. Whilst at exactly the same time, almost comically, Sally the group fashion queen announces.

"They just kinda make you look a little fat."

I mean. Hoodies are, generally, at least slightly baggy. Surely by that logic we all look a little bit fat? And besides.

"You're all still wearing one."

Shocked looks traded all around. And. No surprises, the following day not a single one of them is wearing a hoodie.

What? The?

"Fuck is going on?" Cornering Jody on the walk home a handful of days later, Tasha and Beth and Laura already peeled off, Michelle picked up by her parents, finally home from yet another European trip, Sally staying late for practice.

My voice comes out playful, but, I'm a small bit annoyed too. Can't shake the feeling I'm being kept in the dark about something?

"Well...." Looking guilty, slightly. A small blush. Recovering. "It's just," shrugging, "you know?"
"But I really don't though."

Silence. I wait, walking beside her, holding hands. Which even after a couple of weeks still brings a butterfly thrill to my belly. Close contact with a girl as pretty as Jody, that she wants to be close to me too.

"Because it makes me look like the Bunny." Clicking my fingers, smiling at my clever revelation. Not seeing Jody, not seeing her mouth on the floor. "Right?"

She laughs, so I do too. My own, louder, genuine, because it's a silly idea really, covering her own, sounding more nervous then amused.

A silly idea. I shake my head, tut. Why would the girls care if framing my face with a hood makes me look more like the Rope Bunny, who, due to the fact she walks in my skin, shows my hooded face to those who call. Yes, I'm aware of some lingering awkwardness around me, but I don't think they really care if looking at me reminds them of her.


We walk some more, towards my house. Homework the excuse, which we both know is total crap.

She wants to play.

I do too.

"Is that it then?" Turning my face to her, smiling despite the still there low level annoyance. "Just. Some big deal that I'm not getting invited to know?"

More silence, a sidwards glance from Jody. I see her mouth, thoughts, working. Words tried out, discarded.

She shakes her head, leans in to give me a peck on the cheek.

And of course once we're back at mine I've got better things to occupy myself with then wondering at some group secret Kayley isn't allowed to know.

Jody. Stripped to her pink pants and sensible white school bra. Tied up, by me. Gagged with her own school tie.

A perfect vision.

Taking more risks, knowing we won't be disturbed beyond a polite knock on my door. Mum, trusting me, granting permission to have a girl in my room, knowing that we aren't in here doing homework. Being okay with that.

She'd been about to remove her bra too. Jody, no shame and confidence enough for us both. But despite yes I really want to see I'm not there yet. Not at the point where I could show her mine, which, if I get to see hers surely I'll be expected to reciprocate.

"No." Shaking my head, her hand falling away from the clasp behind her back. And then she's grinning, advancing on me.

"How about." Opening the front of my school shirt, my tie loosened, now hanging down either side at the front, still caught in the shirt collar. "We take off yours instead?"

I can't move. Frozen like a rabbit- shut up -in headlights, like always when Jody takes the lead: kissing me, touching my breast. She hasn't yet tied me, despite repeated playful threats, but I know when she does finally come for me I'll be an easy victory for her.

My shirt joins hers on the floor, my skirt still on. For now. Jody bends forward to kiss the tops of each breast, my bare skin. I shiver.

"Now." Back up to look at me, flashing a cheeky grin. "I'd say, tie me up, or." Gentle tug at one bra cup, making my breath catch. "I'll be taking this home."

So I bind her, on the chair. Ankles to separate front legs, wrists to armrests. Something simple, yet tight. And her school tie the gag to finish things.

Feeling bold, easier to find confidence once she's tied for some reason, easier to take charge once she's gagged, and helpless. I plant kisses on Jody's bare breasts in return, the tops left and right above the line of her bra cups, making her sigh, eyes half closing.

She doesn't tie me up, not this time, and I'm still too nervous to ask when?

And of course in amongst it all, the playing, the sheer amazingness of Jody being half naked in my room, all eager to kiss and be kissed. I forget completely about why I was annoyed.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Somehow I suspect Kayley's friends know about a certain online video - and are trying to protect her without worrying her.
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago I can't move. Frozen like a rabbit- shut up -in headlights.

I also really liked the whole back and forth between Kayley and the Bunny. A strange sort of collaboration.

I wonder if the Bunny is keeping her secret out of a desire to cause mischief later, or is she actually trying to be sensitive? The latter would seem out of character for her, based on her general playful nature, but I suppose we do not know *too much* about her. Perhaps she has developed a respect, or fondness, for Kayley?
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago I can't move. Frozen like a rabbit- shut up -in headlights.

I also really liked the whole back and forth between Kayley and the Bunny. A strange sort of collaboration.
Thanks for laughing at my (bad?) joke. Tend to think stuff like that up on the fly, as I do most of the conversations that occur. I have a point in mind, something the characters need/want/must discuss, and the how of it flows from beginning to end.

Sometimes taking awhile to get there :lol: if I get sidetracked by humour and random asides.

I liked (writing) the back and forth too. Enjoyed the Bunny's misdirection, the use of BOY to slip through the fact she had/was playing with a girl.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Well, conversations should have a natural flow to them. Generally people do not carefully pick every word they say. So some improvisation certainly makes sense.

Honestly I find the dialogue quite solid - it pretty much always feels natural/phrased in the way the character would actually say it.
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago I liked (writing) the back and forth too. Enjoyed the Bunny's misdirection, the use of BOY to slip through the fact she had/was playing with a girl.
One would think Kayley would be aware of the alternative possibility, given her own interests, and what she knows in general about the Bunny - but I suppose she is more afraid of the other possibility. We (as in people in general) do have a tendency to assume the worst/focus on what we are afraid might be true...
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Post by RopeBunny »


Kayley doesn't watch YouTube.

I don't know why. She'll watch stuff we send her, funny videos and music videos, whatever. But if we mention a thing rather then show it, she's always. Everytime. Clueless.

Lucky- this time, these circumstances -us. Right?

So. From that starting point, we all thought we could, somehow, keep the video a secret from her.

Maybe, keep her safe. Or something? I'm not sure what exactly we were all thinking, making quickly hashed out plans on the fly after Laura stumbled across the Jenny_Bill post, sharing it with us.

We didn't want her to freak out.

Of course. Stupid. In our rushed logic we forgot that simply stopping Kayley from wearing hoods wouldn't hide her face, her blonde curls.

Eventually someone was always going to recognize her.

The final year French and History students, only those select few who chose both subjects on the options lottery, get a school trip to France. Five days with a criminally early start Monday and a far too late for school finish Friday. We, from a base deep in the rolling not so foreign looking countryside, set out each day to: tour the Normandy beaches, see the equally eerie fields of the Somme, or to head towards one of several small towns, there to be given various language based tests.

The trip is, sort of, a treat. Since you can't do schoolwork all the time, and it is a week away from normal school, from home. Worthy, almost, of being called a holiday, especially given there are usually two other groups, minimum, of same age schoolkids at the lodge complex.

Out of our seven, only Kayley and me picked both subjects. So on a half empty coach of twenty-two, plus four teachers and a driver, we sit together.

Things go downhill on Wednesday.

Coming from the on site shop late afternoon, bag of chocolate bars in hand to share with Kayley my two to a room roommate. Having just spent a pleasant fifteen minutes flirting with a tall shaven headed boy from Dove Wing Comprehensive up in Blackpool.

Who probably, almost certainly given how damn fuckable he looks- sorry but not sorry, because he does -has a girlfriend back home. But, maybe, possibly, I can get a kiss, maybe a little touch and feel, before Friday?

A girl can hope.

Walking down the path I spy Kayley, idly pacing back and forth, phone to her ear, smile on her face.

Jody on the other end no doubt. Doing some flirting of her own and good for them.


On the way to Kayley there are benches on a patch of grass, around one of which currently sit and stand and crouch a half dozen kids from, I think someplace in Cornwall?

One of the girls smiles as I pass, I return the gesture, a brief wave to the two guys there openly eyeballing my curves and cleavage.

Passing them, focus back on Kayley, when two dropped words. Rope Bunny. In their not so whispered conversation halt me like a ship hitting something large and solid. An island of doom maybe.

Thinking fast I pull out my phone, half turning and bringing the small screen close to my frowning face. There is, I swear, a really important thing on here, a message, that I just have to puzzle over without moving.

I listen hard, worry building at each snippet I manage to catch on the wind.

"...e does, I swear."
"I jus....n't see it?"
"...ots I took from that yout....eo. Lo...."
"'t her."
"Hold o....go bac....of the Bunny faci...."
"Holy sh...."
"....we gunna do?"
"Ton....alf four. You i...."
" Let's have us some fun."

Kayley frowns as I approach at speed, phone peering from her jeans pocket, arms crossed. I wave, trying to ease my own face into a smile, which must work since Kayley's posture relaxes, she waves back.

"Hey Chelle."
"Yeah. Um." Thoughts a whirling blur, what the fuck do I do? "We." Fuck shit damn it. Why is it just me, when I could really use some backup. "Come on." Dangling my bag, follow me, I have treats. "We. Well." I huff, brush hair back off my face. "We need to talk."

She takes it quite well, considering. It's a lot to be hit with at once, even for a girl most likely still not used to sharing herself with the Rope Bunny, who can and does come and go whenever she's called, without ever asking first.

And. Well. Could you get used to that?


I tell her about the video, gone now. Removed. I tell her what I just overheard: that she's been recognised, that plans are being made for tonight.

For the Bunny.

"So." My question unvoiced, Kayley shrugs back. Laughs, the sound brief, too loud, crazy at the edges. "Guess I'm not sleeping tonight."
"But I can sleep until they snatch." Stopping herself, head shaking. Stealing a handful of malteasers from the opened packet, finishing it off. "Until they call her. I know."

She crunches the biscuit centred sweets loudly. I wait.

"Knowing though." Another head shake, eyes already, it seems to me, staring ahead. Gaze fixed on the early hours. "How can I sleep knowing what's coming?"

Moving. I slide out of my chair, come across to sit beside her, on her bed.

"I'll stay up too." I announce, pulling my friend into a hug, Kayley's head tilting to rest on the swell of my breasts.

But of course we both fall asleep. The night is long, and talking and our phones and teaching each other what card games we know only gets you so far.

We fall asleep.

And are woken by a light yet insistent tap tap tapping on our rooms door.

Which, sleep fogged, not thinking. I slide out of bed, open.

They push through me, the two guys on point, size and bulk forcing me back against the wall even as Kayley stirs, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

Gasping as she sees.

Three of the girls pin me: arms behind my back, a scarf forced and knotted in my mouth, ankles pinned as one of them sits on the floor, her arms and legs wrapping my lower body into a bear like hug.

One of the guys, the larger of the pair, levels a warning finger at Kayley, crouched on her bed, half risen. Poised, a cat preparing to strike, caught in the act yet still tensed. Ready.

The remaining two, boy and girl, move around the room at double time, using a thick roll of tape, one with phone held out, the other making a symbol on the carpeted floor. The Bunny's name.

"No." Kayley, standing up now, still on her bed, her clothes a mirror of the shorts and fitted tee all us girls are wearing, the guys only differing in the choice of joggers in place of shorts.

She crosses her arms. Face set.

"No." Shaking her head. "I. Won't."
"Really?" The girl who gagged me, one hand still wrapped around the scarfs knot, looks up, someone else actually laughs. "Because, from what we've read. You do the thing. She comes. So...."

Unsaid, but implied. The truth Kayley already knows. You call, the Bunny comes.

End of story.

"No." Defiant. "Fuck off." Voice suddenly up into shouting territory. "All of you, fuck off. I won't le-"
"Shut up." One of the guys, deeper voice matching Kayley's volume, easily shutting her down. "Girl." Quiet again. "We're here to play. And." Looking around at his friends, his crew. Receiving nods back. He grins. "We're going to. So. Be a good little Bunny and shut the fuck up."

Kayley stares daggers at him. At them all. I squirm, fight a brief doomed from the outset losing battle to escape.

"Let my friend go." Pointing at me. "Let her leave and...." A shrug.

From someone's pocket an alarm sounds. Shit.

"How about...." The girl not holding me, exaggerated finger tapping lips as the guy puts on a scarf gag. "No." She grins, waves a hand towards me. "In fact. Little Bunny girl. I think we'll make you have some fun with your friend."

The guy, gagged, facing the mirror, begins to talk. Muffled nonsense that's all too familiar as the right muffled nonsense.

They've got it right. It's going to work.

I squirm again, rewarded not with sudden escape but with arms wrapping my arms together behind me that much tighter.

"No." Kayley, mouth open. Shock and anger and panic warring across her face.

"No no no no."

Head shaking in time with her words, arms dropped to her sides, fists unclenching and clenching. Open. Closed.

"No no no no."
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No no no no.

The words, the will I attempt to impose, this time like everytime.

I will not play along.

I will not come willingly when called, like some tame animal for the amusement and use of others.

No no no no.

Like everytime since I discovered my prison I fight. I beat invisible fists against my invisible cage.

No no n "o no n"
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"o no no n."

A silent explosion of light fills the small room, blinding me, eyes closed eons too late.

Spots dancing before my eyes.


Blink again.

Cracked lids, gaze to the floor. Careful. I find, of course.


Drifting and swirling, at least knee deep, the girl who'd been kneeling and wrapping my legs all but lost in the fog.

After a moment I look up, seeing, vaguely aware of, everyone else in the room looking too.

Finding. On the bed.

Fucking? What?


The smoke is puddled at her feet as she, not the Rope Bunny but my friend, stands, that same room filling white drift of cloud is climbing like a lazy spiral up her left leg, looped around her body and chest, down her left arm.

She, staring down at her hands, gaze lifting, finding us.

The scarf gagged guy flinching back a step.

"I." Kayley's voice. Strong, clear in the silence as she surveys the room with a snipers gaze. "Want you t-"

Changing. She. Kayley. Changes. Between one letter sound and the next she suddenly becomes the Rope Bunny. Suit the black of darkest night and not at all furry. Looking like pissed of vengeance.

"-o leave."

With a couple of screams, a gasp. A still gag muffled shout. All cut off mid flow, all six of our intruders vanish, tugged or pulled or dropped. The appearance that of invisible trapdoors opening beneath them all.


"Are you ok-"

Another stutter jump, blink and you really will miss it. Bunny back to Kayley, looking at me with concern.

"-ay Chelle?"
"Kay," pulling off my gag, "ley?"
"Yes." A small smile, a small nod. "It's me. But the B-"

"-unny too." The Rope Bunny finishes, Kayley's smile now stretched wide.

"I need to borrow her." Tipping me a happy salute. "Be right back."

And before I can reply the Bunny drops down through her own trapdoor, taking Kayley.


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Post by tickletied84 »

Nice. Friends sticking up for each other, as it should be! Certainly not a boring school trip then :D
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Hard to tell exactly what was going on, since it was from Michelle's perspective (not a writing problem, just a limited point of view), but it seems Kaylee and the Bunny are starting to bleed into each other - overlap in a way. Could be a good thing (in the sense of working together), or a problem - taken to the extreme, as they could both end up subsumed into each other.

Or maybe just reading too much into it.

Wonder if the Bunny was trying to protect herself, or help Kaylee. I suppose it was probably more instinctive.

Either way, seems the Bunny has gained some measure of freedom, even if temporary. I wonder what she plans to do with it.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Thank you both for commenting.

Sorry this next chapter has taken awhile to put together and post, a couple of minor rewrites.

Enjoy :D
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Post by RopeBunny »


"Well, it's a start."

The words, my voice but not from my mouth, like hearing a perfect recording, cause me to jump. The last minute somewhat of a blur: strange sensations, something like a warm rush flowing, flooding, through me, combined with an in my mind feeling of being unstoppable.

And now....

"Hi," my twin, me but wearing a furry bunny suit the colour of falling ash, grins, "not me."

"Where are we?"

It's chilly, a gentle breeze cold against my bare skin, legs and arms. Cold stone beneath bare feet, more stone on the walls, making a pointed ceiling above, half lost to shadows. We're in a square room about half the size of the ground floor of my house, two exits, facing each other on opposite walls, lead out directly onto dark forest. Or jungle.

The whole place is dimly lit, holes scattered throughout the ceiling, letting in moon and starlight.

That. And a block of stone, covered in scrawled symbols, its bulk taking up the rooms centre, is glowing on then off, a slow cycle through all the colours of the rainbow and beyond, each one a made soft pastel like shade.

Glowing, brighter, dimmer.

Like a.



"We're...." Reaching back, behind her, to pat the stone. Quick flashed smile. "I'm. Home."
"Really?" Disbelieving tone, though I've no clue why. How would I know either way?

"Sort of." One hand making a seesaw motion. "This is the only." Pause, another quick smile. An actual blush as she looks around, arms spread wide as though to show this stone built small room off to me. "Temple, anyone ever built to me."
"Oh." Closing my mouth, my shock half at the fact she has a temple, half at the- I wouldn't think someone like her would -blush.

"It's...." Small. Fighting a losing battle against the jungle/forest and the moss. Kinda cold. And old. The roof leaks. Probably can't get a phone signal worth a damn. But, it's not like I've got a temple. "....Nice?"
"It's...?" Feeling the need to prompt, since she's got a sort of lost look on her face, is looking around.

"It's." Another sweep, left to right, up into the roof. The Bunny turns her attention to me, nods once. "The only place we can talk."

"Okay." Good. Talkings good, right? "So what was all that," waving a hand outside, "what happened?"

"Best guess."
"Guess?" Barking a quick laugh. "Don't you know this stuff?"
"If I knew," holding out a hand, nodding in satisfaction when a coil of rope drops from the air into it, letting go, the rope vanishing before it falls halfway to the ground, "then don't you think we'd already be out of this silly mess?"
"Well...." Slightly mesmerised by the rope, my thought train moving from that to Jody, her slim busty frame bound.

Something connected to all that, some new train of thought. During that blur moments ago, did something from the Bunny leak through?

Are the images of Jody wearing a collar, currently pushing aside all other thoughts to fill my head, my own imagination and secret wants, or.

Did the Bunny do that? To my girlfriend?

"Best. Guess." Shooting me a quick look, nodding at my silence. "Is magic. Someone did this to me."
"To us."
"Yes okay." Waved dismissal. "Us. Someone used magic, put me in you."

She shrugs, and it takes several moments of silence to realise that's the end of the explanation.

"Wait." Really? "That's." Trying not to sound mad. "That's it?"
"What else is there?"
"Well. Magic, right?"
"Magic." Nodding, her glum face should clue me in, but it hasn't so I ask anyway.

"Don't you know magic though?"
"But?" Frowning. "You can do shit though?"
"Indeed I can." Recovering some of her smile, bringing both arms up, wrists crossed. Bound together with coarse looking black rope by the time they're level with her cleavage teasing chest.

"But," I gesture, "surely that's magic?"
"Magic is." Raising her still bound wrists high, fingers dancing as though playing an invisible air piano. I laugh. The Bunny grins. "Spellcasting, scrolls and old men with long beards. What I do."

Dropping her wrists.

I feel a slight pinch, looking down in time to see more black rope, already appeared from wherever she keeps it, already tightly wrapped around my wrists, now pulled and held crossed as a mirror of the Bunny's.

My first- despite countless idle threats from Jody -time bound. The thought sends a jolt through me, a quick stab of nervous fear in my gut combined with a tingle of maybe excitement, which might have more to do with the ropes reminding me of how good Jody looks wearing them.

"What I do," repeating herself, "isn't magic."
"Well then." Wriggling my wrists, stopping when the rope responds, actually tightening. I look up, the Bunny grins. "If it isn't magic what is it?"

She shrugs.

I stumble, almost tripping forwards as my wrists are tugged, forcibly, black rope suddenly linking my wrists to hers, somehow shortening at speed.

Yanking me near off my feet, reeling me in until our wrists are touching, the rope lopping and wrapping hers and mine, pinning us close.

"Does it need a name?" Smiling. Amused. A shrug as her little finger teases at mine. Playful. "The point here is." Huffing, the smile not vanishing but shrinking a little. "None of what I can do, none of what I know, will get us out of this hole someone dropped us in."

"So." Whirling a hand. Trying to, forgetting my hands are currently a mess of bound limbs between us. The Bunny looks down, amused.

I try again, without the hand gestures.

"So." Deep breath, because the Bunny might just want to play, which seems like her life philosophy, but I'd like to try and work this out. "Magic did this, to us. Right?"
"But you donmmhhhgggfff."

It. Literally. Happens whilst I'm mid sentence. The ever playful Bunny. Playing.

That stone, the glowing centre of this cosy temple, is roughly pillar shaped. Circular base, the same form maintained as it rises up to a deliberately looking flint like broken top a good metre plus over head height.

In the mid sentence eyeblink she switches places with me, her facing the stone, facing me, pressed and held against the stone by several ropes.

Or maybe just one really long rope?

My arms are pulled back on either side, hands unable to touch behind the thick cylinder of stone, but pinned close together all the same. My legs are similarly force spread, wide enough to make me feel unstable, lashed in place on either side of the stone. This act, pulling my legs and arms back, thrusts my body and chest out, presenting both.

My skimpy top and small shorts making me more aware of the fact.

Making that nervous part fear tingle grow.

I honestly couldn't be sure whether I like the sensation or not. It's bad: the fear, the worry of helplessness. But it kinda feels good too: the unknown, that loss of control is almost a thrill.

The rope, aside from binding my wrists and ankles, runs a random criss-cross circuit all up and down me from neck to feet. It's wrapped tight, pressing my skin against the stones cool surface, preventing any movement.

A double helping, two strands, have been forced into my open still talking as she did this mouth, cutting off speech.

"Oops." Laughing. Hand to her own mouth, looking sorry but clearly not. "Sorry." Laughing some more, clearly the opposite of sorry. "But." A shrug. "I was bored."
"Ggffffgggg pppffffhhhh mmmgggddd."

Annoyed, I. "Ffggmm pphh." Kind of rant from behind the tight rope gag. "Mmff gghhpp ggff." Cursing the Bunny for her lack of care, about me. For the fact she uses me. "Ddggfffmm gghhppp mm." Without asking, having it easy whilst I'm left to live in near constant worry at when she'll appear next.

"Mmmm gghhppp fffgggpp." Yanking at the ropes, pressing against them. "Hhhfffmm pppfff." Straining. Climbing that pissed off hill which, to be fair, has been a long time coming. I tried. "Mmmggg ppfffhh ggffhh mm." To stay calm, but bottling my worry and dismay only goes so far.

And with the Bunny right here, grinning, laughing.

Something wells up, inside, feeling odd. That warm rush I half remember from before the temple. Already staring and pouring everything I have towards her, I fling this too.

Her eyes widen in brief shock, remaining so an eyeblink later as we find ourselves switched: the Rope Bunny now tightly lashed to her stone, and me stood facing her.

The shock- did I just borrow, use, the Bunny's power, from whatever part of her is still inside me -is enough to shut me up, for a moment.


In response she laughs, of course. Gag muffled but still.

I scowl.

She, surprisingly, shuts up.

Her ropes vanish, simply fading into the air. She steps forwards, one hand palm flat passing top to bottom across her face, the old mimes trick in reverse. Smile to serious.

"Kayley." My name from her lips, a first, makes me jump. "Please," dropping down to sit cross legged on the stone floor, she gestures with a waved arm, "sit with me."

"All my long life," Serious tone, not a hint of humour, facing me our knees almost touching, "I come and go. Dip in dip out, taking what form I choose. I don't steal a body, nor live in one. I become, I. Change, to suit my wishes and plans. Understand?"

I nod, she does too.

"People have always asked, called...." A small quick smile, there then gone. "Both within my remit and without. The choice was always mine though. The Rope Bunny is not a thing to command. I." Hand on her chest, tapping, imploring. "Am not something that can be ordered to serve."

"I have. Had." Looking up at the ceiling, around, at the moss covered stone walls. She pats the stone at her back. "Admirers."
"People who build you a temple."
"Just so." Nodding. "There are many ways to seek favour, to attempt a tipping of the scales when they seek me out. But."

She looks at me, waiting.

"But the choice was always yours." I offer, repeating her words of moments ago. "To do or not do. The Rope Bunny, you, cannot be ordered or forced."
"Ever this was the case." A small shake of her head. "Until that magic came, foul or fair I am now trapped inside of you. By a process I know not how to break I was forced to slavery at the hands of whomever desired and chose to call."

Silence. It takes me looking up, realising there's now a smile growing on her face, to backtrack, to find that word.

"You." Raised eyebrows. "Were, forced?"
"Were. So." I find myself smiling too. "Not any more?"
"I was trapped inside of a box inside of you. Now." Nodding. "I am trapped inside of you."

"You must understand." Reaching out. I, nervous but willing, reach out too, taking her hand in mine as she continues. "I am long lived. And I am unused to sharing. I have the freedom of you now, and though I shall try, I shall doubtless often forget."
"Freedom of...." Um? "Me?"
"I can not leave. But, I no longer need someone to call in order to step forward."

Oh indeed.

"So." Think Kayley. "You're saying that," oh dear, "at any moment you wish," when I'm in school, when I'm kissing Jody, when I'm talking to Mum, "you can just." I click fingers on the hand not holding hers. "Take over my body, turn it into. Um...."

Waving up and down her, me dressed as a rabbit.

She- shit and fuck and oh wow this could get interesting and complicated and, from a certain angle, even fun -nods.

"My best. Guess." Another pause, a look to see whether I'll argue her use of guesswork again. I shake my head. She nods. "Just now. I always attempt to fight the calling, but, this time you fought too. So, between us we appear to of broken some part of the trap."

"As I said." Standing, pulling me up with her. "I shall try, I shall learn. To share. But." Dropping her grip on my hand. "Can you learn too?"

It is.

"Kinda all fucked up huh?"
"Little bit." Holding thumb and finger close together. "But you will not find me an unwilling, nor uncaring, partner."

We regard each other, I realise there's a smile growing on my face, a match to hers. Something at least part full of mischief.

"Okay." I nod. "Not that I've." I tut, shake my head. "We've." The Rope Bunny inclines her head, a small nod. "Got much choice here. But. Yes. No fighting over who gets to sit in the captains chair. Let's be friends."

The Bunny steps forwards, steps up to me, in to me.

Brief all over tingle.

Power, like a jolt, like a rush all over as I feel and become aware of her alien thoughts pressing but not pushing against mine.

As she takes the helm, and me not thrown down into the darkness, instead I remain beside her on the captains sofa.

She/I grin, flex our fingers, flex inside. Nod, reach out to give the stone a farewell stroke.

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Post by BlissfulMisery »

An interesting 'arrangement'. The Rope Bunny seems to hold most of the cards, but is willing to be accommodating. Probably because she realizes they have to work together to break the spell.

Of course I doubt the Rope Bunny's mischievous nature can be so easily restrained - I suspect she will not always be able to resist having a bit of fun.

But perhaps she has more self control then I suspect. I suppose we shall have to see...

Wonder if Kaylee will retain some grasp of the Bunny's powers now too or if her control is just temporary - Jody might certainly appreciate such a thing :P
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Post by Switchgirl »

I just love your stories. The balance of bondage and storytelling is perfect and the fantasy element is right up my street.

I’m also interested to see if Kayley gains some of The Rope Bunny’s ‘magic’ (though not magic) - or power may be a better word. Hopefully to use on Jody..
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago Wonder if Kaylee will retain some grasp of the Bunny's powers now too or if her control is just temporary - Jody might certainly appreciate such a thing :P
Switchgirl wrote: 1 year ago I’m also interested to see if Kayley gains some of The Rope Bunny’s ‘magic’ (though not magic) - or power may be a better word. Hopefully to use on Jody..
Wouldn't that be nice :D ;) no telling what new levels of fun Kayley could have with her girlfriend, with access to the Bunny's power....

You have both inspired me to go that bit further, so, well done :D

I had one more double chapter to add, ending part 2, ending the story was my plan.


I've managed to have a couple of ideas, for a continuation of sorts, a way to explore the how and maybe of Kayley and the Bunny finishing what they've just begun.

Freeing the Bunny from her trap.

So. Thank you for commenting. It's always great to find.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Glad to hear that it is encouraging. Motivation is a key part of creativity. I imagine it can be frustrating to feel like one is writing into a proverbial void. It is a compelling story, and it would be sad if it died off purely because of a seeming lack of interest.

Also glad to hear that the tale will continue!
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BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago Motivation is a key part of creativity. I imagine it can be frustrating to feel like one is writing into a proverbial void.
It's why I write what I want, not really stopping to think on what might be more popular story subjects. If I write for me then comments are a bonus, since I'm enjoying the act of creating either way.

Though of course they always help.
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