My Older Brother's Smelly Revenge : (MM/m)

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sock slave boy
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My Older Brother's Smelly Revenge : (MM/m)

Post by sock slave boy »

excuse me if this clarification was not there originally, I have a shitty connection I did not realize this oversight
it's not mine, I find them on an isolated site, the audeur no longer produced, at the end of the chapters he wrote himself I would mention the site, I would then try to write the continuation and where additional adventures, thank you and good reading.
Chapter 1 - Paying The Price

"James, you freakin' twerp!" my older brother yelled from down the stairs.

It was a Friday night, both my parents were out and would only be back on Saturday afternoon. I considered myself to be quite mature for a fifteen year old, but my mom still saw fit to ask my brother to look over me while they were gone.
Brandon was four years older than me, almost a foot taller and much more built. We got along well most of the time, especially now that we had moved to a bigger house and both had our own rooms.
It wasn't that I didn't enjoy having my brother around, it's just that he was so messy. Usually, the older you get the wiser you become, but strangely enough, I liked my things neat and tidy while Brandon kept his stuff all over the place.
I would often go to bed only to find one of his sweaty socks under my blanket. He would come home from football practice and just throw his socks, shirts and jockstraps all over the floor.
Finally I had my own room and could keep all my stuff tidy without worrying about his socks or jockstraps. He had his own room and no longer had to put up with my complaints...hell, he could fill his floor with dirty clothes for all I cared.

In any case, when mom and dad left, Brandon called his best friend over and invited him to spend the night.
The house wasn't fully equipped yet and we didn't have a spare mattress for guests to sleep on. We did however, have a very comfortable couch in the game room and since our dad worked for a research agency that had him going on expeditions to some of the world's coldest places, he had a few very warm sleeping bags we could borrow.

Chad finally arrived at our place early in the evening. He wasn't my friend, but I was still excited to have him over.
I really liked him. He was a few months older than Brandon and packed a few more pounds of muscle as well...but they were good buddies and Chad had always treated me well.
Chad too was on his school's football team. In fact, the big blond jock practiced pretty much every sport his school had to offer. He was also very handsome and from what my brother told me, he had a lot of attention from the ladies...that much, I had little trouble to believe. The only bad thing I had to say about Chad was that his feet smelled REALLY bad! On top of that, he always wore the same old pair of Nike Air Jordan's without any socks on.
This wasn't the first time Chad came over and even my brother, who also had stinky feet, couldn't stand the smell of his larger friend's feet.
A while ago, we decided we'd make an exception to the rule and allow Chad to keep his trainers on, even in the house...that way we wouldn't have to endure the smell of his feet and sneakers while he stayed over.
That would make his stay at our house far more pleasant, for us at least.

Anyways, thinking back on that night, I guess I really was looking for trouble. I was being a total brat.
Of course, the two older jocks barely took notice of me and did their own first. I had bugged Brandon about inviting one of my own friend's over, but he didn't want me to. I also asked if I could get out of the house, but he refused.
Before my parents left, they plugged up the old computer and told me I could use it while they were gone. The thing was a dinosaur! None of my games even worked on that thing.
I was bored and I kept bugging my brother and his friend.

Chad and Brandon watched a football game on the flat screen TV we had installed in the basement's game room. They both rooted for the same team, so naturally I took for the opposing team.
My team ended up winning and I wouldn't stop teasing them about it. Chad thought it was funny, but Brandon didn't share his friend's sense of humour.
I didn't really care about football and cared even less about the game that had played on TV. I was just looking for attention, not knowing what else to do.

I would keep turning the volume up to the maximum setting while Brandon and his friend played the Xbox360. I'd throw stuff at them, kept harrassing my brother and running out of the game room and up the stairs when he got mad.
I think I broke the last straw when I kicked my soccer ball into the game room and ended up hitting Brandon's glass of soda, knocking it to the carpet floor.

Brandon yelled at me and cursed while his friend laughed.
I ran up the stairs and ran into my room, shutting the door behind me and putting all my weight behind it.
Of course, if my brother decided to barge in, I wouldn't be able to stop him...especially not if Chad decided to help him.

I silently stuck my ear to the door and waited, trying to hear whether or not my brother was chasing me up the stairs.
They were both still in the game room.

After a few minutes, I finally found the courage to step out of my bedroom and sneak down the stairs.
I wanted to see what they were doing. I don't know why I was so intent of bothering them...I guess I was just being a typical pain in the ass for my older brother.

With the stealth of a mischevious cat, I stepped down the stairs until I reached the doorway that let into the game room.
I poked my head inside, hoping to see an angry sibling cleaning up the mess I had caused.

Instead, the game room was empty. The Xbox was still on, and the racing game they were playing was still on, paused on some kind of menu.
They had deliberately left the game on, so the background music would fool me into thinking they were still there!
My keen senses immediately picked up on the foul play and with the swiftness and agility of a wild feline, I sprung around and lept for the stairs...or rather, tried to.

Instead, I found myself being suddenly bear hugged by a strong set of arms and felt myself being lifted off the ground.
A huge hand clamped down over my lower face, right before I was able to yell in protest. The hand was really big and covered my mouth, chin and nose.
All I managed to do was utter a muffled moan into my captor's strong hand.

"Gotcha!" I heard a voice exclaim, right behind me. It was Chad's. The large jock had grabbed me and lifted me up like a feather.
The stud must have weighed twice as much as me, but still, I didn't think anyone could snatch me up this easily!
After all, I was small and slim, but not scrawny or abnormally light for my age.

I tried yelling into Chad's tight handgag, but to no avail. His hand completely muffled my pleas.

"Nice!" I heard my brother cheer. "Let's bring him up to my room, I have stuff we can use to tie him up."

I screamed and yelled into the muscular jock's hand, but my protests were ignored and both of them laughed.
Chad carried me up the stairs and my brother followed. I tried squirming and fighting, but Chad was just way too strong. The jock had absolutely no trouble keeping me still and by the expression on his face, he found my attempts to break free, most amusing.

We were finally upstairs and into Brandon's room.
His blinds were closed, keeping the rays of the setting sun well at bay.
Only when he turned the light on did I get to see the amount of crap he had lying all over the place.
Socks on his bed, jockstraps on the floor, compression shorts hanging from door knobs and sneakers, hockey equipment and other clothing items, lying pretty much everywhere.

His room smelled like my high school's gym locker room!

"Where do we put him?" Chad asked, speaking about me as if my opinion didn't didn't.

Brandon opened his closet and took out a few coils of cotton rope. He started fishing inside one of his duffel bags and finally retrieved a big role of extra wide duct tape.
My eyes went wide and I started pleading and moaning in Chad's huge hand.

They were gonna tie me up and gag me!

"Let's take his shirt off and tie him up to my bed." Brandon decided.

Immediately, Chad pushed me onto my brother's bed and me held in place, allowing my brother to pull my t-shirt over my head and off completely. I started protesting, but Chad clamped his large hand right over my face again.

"How d'ya wanna do this?" he asked my brother.

"Hold him still, I'll tie his hands up to the bed frame". Brandon instructed.

The blond jock pinned me down while my older brother tied my hands up to the upper bed posts, leaving my armpits fully exposed and vulnerable.
Chad eventually took his hand off my mouth and held onto my feet. They were going to tie my legs to the lower bed posts, stopping any chance of escape.

"Fuck you!" I yelled at my brother. "You're not allowed to tie me up! Let me go you fuckin' jackass!"
I had to admit though, I had it coming.

My brother and Chad both laughed and decided it was time to gag me. They'd focus on my legs once that was done.

"Alright, time to shut you up bro." Brandon stated before getting up.

My eyes widened when I saw him scan the floor and finally pick up a pair of his sweaty ankle socks.

"No fuckin' way!" I cried out.

"I wore these at every football game this week." he laughed, approaching me with the once-white ankle socks.

"No! Brandon, don't you dare!" I yelled as he bunched one of them over my lips.

I shook my head violently and clamped my jaw shut. They smelled horrible and they looked even worst.

Chad walked over to where my head was resting and pinched my nose shut.
I had no choice to but open my mouth and breathe. Brandon pushed one of his worn socks in, my attempts to resist were no match for the two older jocks.

Brandon pushed his sock deeper inside my mouth with his fingers and quickly grabbed his second sock and started pushing it in as well.
I tried to yell, tried to scream. It tasted horrible. It tasted like socks that had been worn for weeks without being washed.
Soon, my mouth was completely stuffed and it didn't take long for that dreaded roll of extra wide duct tape to make an appearance once again.

"!" or rather, "MMMPPPPHHHH! MMMPPPHHHH!" I tried pleading.

Chad held my jaw shut while Brandon applied the strong tape to my cheek and brought it up over my mouth. I thought it would stop there, but the tape was brought around the back of my head and over my mouth once again.
Brandon did that four times around my mouth and head, each time, making sure there was a lot of tension so the tape was applied very tightly around my face.
More tape was applied under my chin, effectively sealing my older brother's sweaty socks in my mouth.

Brandon and Chad both laughed at my angry grunts.

"Let's take his shorts off." Brandon suggested, and soon enough my shorts were pulled down, leaving me dressed only in my tight white boxer-briefs.

My feet were pulled down and tied securely to the sturdy bed posts, completing my bondage.
My four limbs were stretched out and spread wide on my brother's queen-size bed.

I was furious. Not about being tied up...hell, even I knew I badly deserved it. But my brother's socks were just too gross. They were so moist and sweaty I wanted to puke.

My torment though, was far from over.
Brandon and Chad started tickling me all over. First it was the armpits, then my belly, finally it was my barefeet and inner thighs. I was laughing so much and trying to breath in through my nose at the same time.
At first, I couldn't help but laugh, but after a while I got angry and started yelling at them through my gag.

"Looks like there's still some fight in him." my brother remarked.

Chad stopped tickling my feet and slowly got up.
"I have something to fix that." he casually replied, a mischevious smile spreading across his handsome face as he sat on the mattress next to my head and started fidgeting around with one of his sneakers.

Oh my god! NO! I thought to myself as my nose picked up a most foul smell spreading across the room.

"Dude!" Brandon protested. The smell got stronger and stronger.

I started pleading into my gag and whimpering. I looked into Chad's eyes pleadingly, hoping he wouldn't do what I think he would do.
The football jock just smiled before slipping his old Air Jordan off his sweaty barefoot.

Chad opened up his sneaker and suddenly pressed it onto my face, pushing my head into it.

"MMMMPPPPHHHHH!" I yelled, shaking my head, trying to get away from his foul smelling sneaker.

The two jocks watched and laughed at my violent reaction.
I jerked around wildly in my bonds, tried twisting away, shaking my head and screaming.
It smelled so strong! Chad's sneaker smelled at least ten times worst than my brother's worn socks. The air inside it was hot and moist and the buildup of sweat just reeked!

I had no choice but to breathe through my nose, taking in deep whiffs of the older jock's smelly sneaker as I did so.
There was nothing I could do to escape the smell.

My reaction became even more violent when my brother decided that I would keep smelling his friend's smelly sneaker.

"Let's tape your trainer to his face!" he laughed.

I yelled as loud as I could, but both of them kept laughing and soon enough the sound of duct tape hit my ears.

The tape was brought around my head and around Chad's sneaker three times, securing the disgusting thing over my face and nose and effectively sealing my fate.

There I was, spread eagle on my brother's bed, wearing only my underwear, gagged with my brother's worn socks and forced to breathe in through his friend's smelly running shoe.

They continued tickling me for a bit before deciding to go to the basement and bring the Xbox up into Brandon's room.
Brandon plugged the Xbox up to his TV and both my captors sat down on the bed, on either side of my head, playing their video games.

I was tied up, gagged and forced to smell Chad's Air Jordan until 10 o'clock.
But the night wasn't over and both Chad and my brother weren't finished getting back at me yet...
Last edited by sock slave boy 9 months ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by squirrel »

What a fantastic beginning! James is really screwed and I think's that VERY good :twisted:

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Post by Scottstud94 »

A @bondagefreak classic.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

The little twerp is getting what he deserves. That will teach him to play with the big dogs.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for tagging the tale
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by sock slave boy »

@squirrel I confirm, but he deserves it :lol:

@Scottstud94 thanks i hope he likes it too ;)

@Wedgieboy69 hehe hehe, yes that's for sure :lol: , I think I'd love to be at your mercy :?
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Post by Mummybag »

@sock slave boy what a great start, would love to be in James place!
Hope to see the next chapter soon!!!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Little brothers can be a lot of trouble but luckily this big brother seems adequately prepared to deal with it. Something tells me there maybe a sleeping bag in our little troublemakers future...
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by sock slave boy »

I slightly modified this chapter, I was going to start the modification here, as promised I am worth publishing the link on which I sinned this wonderful story, a thousand thanks to his creator even if I think I will never know him
Chapter 2 - A Restless Night

Brandon and Chad continued playing video games until late into the night. Occasionally, they took breaks and tickled me, especially my feet and armpits.

Chad's Air Jordans still reeked, but after what felt like hours of breathing in their nauseating odor, I no longer had the energy or willpower to fight it. I had long given up and resigned myself to accepting the smell of the old jock's feet. After all... there was nothing I could do about it.

Brandon hadn't been spared from the assault on his olfactory senses either. He kept complaining about his friend's feet and the stench in his room.

Finally, the boys took a break from their gaming marathon. Since it was a Friday night, I doubted they'd be going to bed anytime soon. They'd probably stay awake until the early hours of the morning and sleep in late the next day. That meant if they decided to keep me tied up for the night, I'd have to wait until Saturday afternoon to be released!

"Are you okay in there?" Chad teased. In truth, he was right. My face was literally inside his size 13 Nike trainer.

I let out a series of complaints through my thick gag. Of course, I wasn't okay! Every breath I took smelled like fermented cheese.

My groaning increased when my brother suggested keeping his friend's shoe on my face for the rest of the night. He said it would teach me a good lesson.

Luckily for me, Chad wasn't as mean as my brother and decided it wasn't a good idea.

"No... I think he's had enough," he laughed, and with that, I felt the tape unwind and finally the foul-smelling jock's shoe was lifted off my face. I couldn't remember ever being so relieved to breathe normal air again.

Brandon started unwrapping the tape around my mouth, and as soon as the last piece came off, I spat out his saliva-soaked socks.

"You've got serious issues!" I yelled at him. "I'm going to tell dad what you did to me."

"No, you won't," he retorted with a smile. The mischievous look he wore told me something was up. "Not unless you want everyone at your school to see these lovely photos on Facebook," he added, showing me a bunch of pictures he had taken of me with his cellphone.

"Don't you dare!" I panicked... thinking about what everyone at school would think of me if they saw me sprawled in my underwear with an athlete's shoe stuck to my face.

"Then you better not tell mom and dad," Brandon warned.

"Fine!" I said, finally resigning with a frustrated huff.

Brandon asked if I wanted to eat. I hadn't had dinner, but after being forced to smell his friend's shoe, my appetite was gone.

He asked if I needed to use the bathroom, which I didn't. All I wanted was to be free and go downstairs to watch TV before going to bed.

Unfortunately, Brandon had other plans for me... ones that would keep me out of his way for the rest of the night.

"Alright, let's get him ready for bed," he decided.

I started to protest, but my rebellious thoughts were quickly silenced.

"Shut up or Chad's shoe comes back on your face." I was warned.

No, I didn't want the football player's Air Jordans near my face anymore! I shut up and allowed them to tie me up as they pleased.

"Let's untie him and move him to the downstairs couch," Brandon instructed Chad. "You can sleep in his room tonight."

I shot my brother a disapproving look, but it only made him chuckle all the more.

My bonds were undone, and my limbs were finally free.

However, my sense of freedom was short-lived. As soon as I was freed from the ropes, Chad grabbed me, pinned my arms to my sides, and lifted me.

My feeble attempts to break free got me nowhere, and my struggles didn't faze Chad in the slightest.

My brother went downstairs, and Chad followed, holding me like a sack of potatoes.

As soon as we entered the game room, I was slammed onto the large leather couch and gagged by my brother's friend.

I couldn't believe how effective his hand gag was in silencing me. Chad stood well over six feet tall and had hands to match. He could almost cover my entire face with his hand, so keeping my mouth and jaw shut was easy for him. The lower part of my face was completely covered by his hand gag, and even my nostrils weren't spared. Breathing became a struggle, feeling the jock's hand and skin against me.

I tried to whimper, but as usual, my pleas fell on deaf ears.

Chad kept me pinned to him, sitting me upright on the couch.

His thick legs crossed over mine, his right arm holding my arms and chest against his, and his other hand firmly clamped over my face, pressing my head against his chest to ensure I didn't make too much noise.

Meanwhile, my brother started wrapping tape around my fingers and palms, rendering my hands completely useless.

With his football buddy busy keeping me still and quiet, Brandon didn't need to rush. He took his time carefully wrapping my fingers together and eventually decided to tape my hands to my thighs.

Soon, my hands and arms were rendered entirely useless. With my fingers taped together and my hands taped to my thighs, I had no chance of escaping.

The tape kept coming, and soon, my ankles and legs were taped together.

Chad pushed me upright so I was sitting straight, and Brandon started wrapping tape tightly around my chest and arms, securing my elbows to the sides and completing my tape prison.

Once I was fully taped up, Chad pulled me against him and tightened his grip on the bottom of my face.

"Can you handle gagging him?" my brother asked his friend.

"Yeah, don't worry... I'll make sure he stays nice and quiet tonight," Chad replied cheerfully.

"Good, and don't hesitate to use plenty of tape," Brandon suggested, tossing the tape roll to his friend. "I'm going to get my dad's sleeping bags," he added before leaving the game room and heading to the storage room next to the garage. Dad kept a lot of his stuff there, including most of his camping gear. He had ropes, ratchet straps, first aid kits, flashlights, and several sleeping bags, some for moderately cold places and others suited for the most extreme conditions in the world. I could only hope Brandon wouldn't decide to bring out Dad's super heavy sleeping bags. I had already tried to sleep in one of them and got completely panicked by how it zipped up and closed around you like a mummy. Not only that, some of Dad's bags were seriously thick, and I knew I'd overheat in no time if I were zipped into one of them.

Chad suddenly shook his head to get my attention.

"Hey buddy, I'm going to let your mouth go for a few minutes so I can prepare your gag," he said. "If you scream or try to yell, I'll go upstairs and stuff one of your brother's worn compression shorts in your mouth. Got it?"

My eyes widened, and I let out a small whimper to let him know I would comply.

His big hand released me, and my mouth was temporarily free.

"Chad..." I tried to plead. "Please, don't gag me, I swear I won't bother you anymore."

The jock paid no attention to me, and my pleas fell on deaf ears.

I really didn't like what I was seeing or feeling.

Chad had taken out two socks from the backpack he brought with him and was busy tying them to a long strip of tape.

I had rarely seen Chad wear socks, but by the look and smell of these, I knew he had worn them several times before.

The once-white socks were tied together and formed a big ball around the long strip of tape.

He'd be able to put his socks in my mouth without worrying that I'd accidentally swallow them and choke.

I should have been relieved, but that's certainly not what I felt as I saw him move the strip of tape toward my face.

"Open up," he ordered.

"No... Chad, please, don't do this," I pleaded, trying to shake my head to the side to avoid his filthy sock gag.

He had no trouble grabbing my head and forcing the ball of tied socks into my mouth. The fabric completely filled my mouth, but his unrelenting fingers made sure his sweaty socks were neatly packed in my mouth, stuffing it to the limit. Immediately, the taste of his sweat assaulted my taste buds, and I tried to push the socks with my tongue.

But Chad was already in front of me, and the length of tape that the socks were attached to was wound around my head, securing my gag.

Chad took the tape roll and mercilessly started wrapping tape around my mouth to the back of my head and back over my mouth. He must have gone around my face with the tape roll half a dozen times... and still, he wasn't satisfied. Tape was applied under my chin and under my jaw, and more tape was wound around my mouth and head... for good measure, no doubt.

I groaned and whimpered. Chad had truly outdone himself. I knew there was no chance this gag would come loose. His disgusting socks would stay in my mouth for as long as he wanted.

"They taste good, don't they?!" he teased, amused by the disgusted expression on my face.

Brandon had done a great job in recording me. My arms and legs were utterly useless. On top of that, Chad had crammed his sweaty socks into my mouth and sealed them with tape.

My brother finally entered the game room. He had a bunch of yellow ratchet straps that we'd used during the move slung over his shoulder, and the two biggest sleeping bags from my dad.

"We'll put him in the bags and then strap him down," Brandon decided. He had obviously thought this through beforehand, I thought.

The jocks each grabbed a bag and started unzipping them.

"Man! I've never seen a sleeping bag this thick!" Chad exclaimed, looking at the large black mummy bag he held.

My brother had an equally thick bag in his hands, only his was blue.

The blue mummy bag was unzipped first and spread out on the carpeted floor.

The two jocks grabbed my taped-up form and lifted me into my dad's thick blue bag before zipping it up completely.

The hood was particularly thick, and the entire bag felt restrictive. My brother zipped up the hood and tightened the drawstrings before tying them together.

I had to breathe through a hole the size of my nose. But that was the least of my worries. The big black bag from my dad was slid over the blue one and fully zipped up.

Its hood was zipped, and I felt my cocoon of down tightening even more as the drawstrings were pulled tight and tied together.

I was there, taped and gagged, double-zipped into two of my dad's expedition-style mummy bags.

Brandon started strapping me with the thick ratchet straps. The straps circled around the outside of the down cocoon, tightened, and then locked in place.

My brother and his friend, straps locked around my feet, knees, thighs, hands, elbows, chest, and neck.

I felt my mummified body lifted onto the couch and saw the light go out.

"Sleep well, bro," Brandon said before leaving. My brother and his friend laughed heartily before running upstairs.

With the thick layers of down around my head, I barely heard my brother wish me good night before he left the room.

I groaned and whimpered, but Chad's socks silenced me. The only part of my body not completely mummified was my nose.

I could hardly squirm or writhe. I knew I had no chance of escape.

Several hours passed...

I dozed off several times, but the heat made sleeping very difficult, and the hours seemed like an eternity. Time passed, at some point I felt a deep end, and a very strong thirst.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and I knew someone was approaching.

They were in the game room with me, I knew that. The door was closed, and the light was on.

I felt hands fiddling with the drawstrings of both sleeping bags, and soon, my eyes were blinded by the light.

The hoods were loosened, and fresh air hit my face.
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Post by sock slave boy »

if anyone thinks they have any image/photo that could illustrate this story, thank you
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Post by bondagefreak »

sock slave boy wrote: 9 months ago I slightly modified this chapter, I was going to start the modification here, as promised I am worth publishing the link on which I sinned this wonderful story, a thousand thanks to his creator even if I think I will never know him.
I'm afraid that's not entirely true, boi. You do know this story's creator. The creator is me.
I wrote this back in 2013 when you were still in elementary school. That's why @Scottstud94 posted "A bondagefreak classic" after you posted the first chapter. Most users who have been on this community for a while will immediately recognise it.

The person you took this from stole this story from me - a very common occurrence I might add. I would appreciate it if you removed the link to his Fiction Press. If you want to read the full story (there are 7 chapters to it) just look at my list of stories on top of my banner. You will find "My Older Brother's Smelly Revenge (mm/m)" near the bottom of the list. It was very popular on the old forum and was immediately reposted here by "downlover" when we all moved to this forum almost six years ago.

Having said that, I'm glad you enjoyed reading the three chapters that the Fiction Press guy stole from me.
Now have fun reading the rest of it ;)
Last edited by bondagefreak 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by sock slave boy »

on the suggestion of @bondagefreak and also because it makes me happy, I post this photo of me wearing a dirty sock

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Post by The slave »

this story is amazing
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

bondagefreak wrote: 9 months ago
sock slave boy wrote: 9 months ago I slightly modified this chapter, I was going to start the modification here, as promised I am worth publishing the link on which I sinned this wonderful story, a thousand thanks to his creator even if I think I will never know him.
I'm afraid that's not entirely true, boi. You do know this story's creator. The creator is me.
I wrote this back in 2013 when you were still in elementary school. That's why @Scottstud94 posted "A bondagefreak classic" after you posted the first chapter. Most users who have been on this community for a while will immediately recognise it.

The person you took this from stole this story from me - a very common occurrence I might add. I would appreciate it if you removed the link to his Fiction Press. If you want to read the full story (there are 7 chapters to it) just look at my list of stories on top of my banner. You will find "My Older Brother's Smelly Revenge (mm/m)" near the bottom of the list. It was very popular on the old forum and was immediately reposted here by "downlover" when we all moved to this forum almost six years ago.

Having said that, I'm glad you enjoyed reading the three chapters that the Fiction Press guy stole from me.
Now have fun reading the rest of it ;)
That nagging feeling when the style of the story you're reading seems strangely familiar! I'll make my way over to the original now!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 9 months ago That nagging feeling when the style of the story you're reading seems strangely familiar! I'll make my way over to the original now!
Glad to hear it. Just keep in mind that it was written a decade ago - back when my grasp of the language wasn't as complete - and that I've not gone over the material or proofread it since. It's bound to contain a lot of typos and grammatical errors. Hopefully, it will still provide some level of enjoyment to @sock slave boy and yourself.

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