Girl and Her Friend Fake Ransom Video (Request) (FMM/FF)

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Girl and Her Friend Fake Ransom Video (Request) (FMM/FF)

Post by Detective-Gag »

Cheyenne & Natasha we’re both having lunch at a local coffee shop; and Cheyenne was currently unburdening a recent bout of frustration to her patient friend.

“…and they decided to just…out of NOWHERE…impose an allowance on me!” the blonde girl said incredulously, waving a hand in annoyance as her friend listened.

“Uh-huh,” Natasha answered, taking a sip from her latte. The slightly pale college student had jet-black hair cut short enough that the ends fell just above her neck, with a straight-cut fringe in front of her forehead. A bit of a rocker, as well, Natasha wore a black Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt with a grinning skull with bat wings on the front, and boots & jeans.

“I mean, do they think I’m a child?” Cheyenne went on, clearly irritated. The blonde college student had her straight hair pulled back into a ponytail; opting for a white turtleneck over a red & black checkered skirt. Cheyenne was the daughter of two incredibly successful business owners; and so it had to be said that her family was VERY wealthy, which had been why they had been able to fund Cheyenne’s classes at a prestigious university; and her rent at an apartment off-campus.

“Perhaps it was the property damage,” Natasha suggested.

“They rebuilt the sign, didn’t they?” Cheyenne sniffed.

“And the car that struck it.”

“I paid for the repairs!”

“With your parents money,” Natasha reminded her.

“At any rate…!” Cheyenne interjected. “They can’t just limit my card like that!”

“…and the shopping sprees,” Natasha went on.


“So you need to be more frugal,” Natasha stated with a shrug. “I don’t see a problem.”

“Well, now…I just may have a creative “solution” for my situation, as it so happens,” Cheyenne told her friend with a smirk.

Natasha set her beverage down. “This should be good,” she sighed.

“So; my family has this insurance service that holds a limited amount of funding in the event that someone decides to abduct us,” Cheyenne disclosed to her friend.

Natasha arched an eyebrow. “You mean like…kidnapping?”

“Precisely!” Cheyenne exclaimed, leaning back in her chair with a self-satisfied smirk. “If someone kidnaps us; then they can attempt to contact the insurance company; who will then pay the ransom from the funds.”

“This is actually a thing?” Natasha asked, surprised.

“It’s all true,” Cheyenne confirmed. “All the wealthy business owners have this service because crooks like to target them.”

“Do you…have someone who’s after you?” Natasha questioned, confused.

“Yup!” the blonde student said brightly, gesturing her hand between them. “Us!”

“I don’t follow.”

“You and I will fake a kidnapping…we’ll film a ransom video with the demands; and then submit it to the insurance company for payment!” She produced a card from her wallet. “I have the phone number right here!”

Natasha paused. “You’d do all of that because your parents decided to cut you off a bit?”


Natasha suppressed a smile. She loved her friend dearly; but there were times when Cheyenne was truly dense…Natasha doubted that she had even considered the fact that the insurance company would automatically check the account number associated with the ransom deposit.

Still, the scenario piqued Natasha’s interest…if for no other reason than it sounded like fun.

“You know what?” Natasha said to her, grinning as she set her coffee down. “I’m in.”

“Whoo-hoo!” Cheyenne celebrated.

“But I want to direct the ransom video,” Natasha bargained. “I’ve been studying in a video production class; and I think I can make it look authentic.”

“Agreed!” Cheyenne, rubbing her palms together in anticipation. “Let’s kidnap me!”

Natasha had to stifle a giggle as she took another swig from her drink.

“Alright; how do I look!?”

Natasha had been adjusting the exposure settings on the video recorder; and tilted her head from out behind the lens. Cheyenne sat daintily in a chair, coils of white rope encircling above & below her chest, constricting her arms, hands bound behind her back. Additional ropes held both her knees & ankles together below her checkered skirt.

The two college students had shuffled the furniture around in Natasha’s basement, converting her recording studio into the scene of a ransom video. A single lightbulb hung down from the ceiling to provide the ominous lighting for the scene.

Natasha stepped out from behind the video recorder. “Ropes look good,” she said, framing the angle. “Lighting is good, too.”

Cheyenne wriggled against the ropes, kicking out with her bound legs. “You tied me up pretty well,” she remarked, a big grin on her face.

“I’ve had some experience with ropework,” the friend responded coolly, finger pointed thoughtfully on her chin as she looked at her bound companion. “Although…”


“The whole desperate hostage thing falls a little flat when you’re constantly smiling like that,” Natasha said.

“Oh!” Cheyenne gasped, immediately reversing her expression into a frown. “How’s that?”

“Better,” Natasha mused, still forming the ideas for the ransom video in her head. “Tell you what…”


“I think maybe we should just keep you gagged for the whole video,” Natasha suggested. “That way you don’t have to worry about saying lines; or looking helpless. The gag should do all the work for you.”

“Huh. Okay,” Cheyenne said, going along with her friend’s idea. “So what’s the plan to shut me up?”

“Lemme run upstairs real quick,” Natasha told her. “I’ll grab what we need.”

“Kay. I’ll be here,” Cheyenne joked, fidgeting in the ropes.

“Don’t go anywhere,” Natasha replied, doubling-down on the humor, before going upstairs. She made her way to a closet on the main level, opening it and then reaching up on the top shelf for a roll of white duct tape.

“Nice,” she said to herself, shutting the closet door. “This’ll make the perfect-looking gag.”

Natasha turned to walk back to the basement stairs…and was immediately seized from behind by someone!

“Wha…? HMMPH!?” Natasha cried, as a gloved hand was clamped over her mouth.

“Crap; I thought you said nobody was here!” said a dark figure, who stepped out into the hallways in front of Natasha’s view. The man was dressed entirely in black, and wore a balaclava over his face, with only a thin slit revealing his eyes.

The other intruder…the one with their hand over her mouth…quickly wrapped their other arm around her body, holding her in place. “There wasn’t!” hissed the partner, as Natasha struggled. “She must’ve been downstairs or something!”

“Grmph mmph!” Natahsa demanded, stomping her foot on the hardwood floor.

“Keep it down, will ya!” said her captor. “I’m gonna take my hand away…but you aren’t gonna scream, you hear me?”

Natasha grunted, closing her eyes…but nodded slowly in response, growing still.

The man gradually released his hand. “How many of you are in the house?” he asked.

“Just me,” Natasha lied.

“Uh-huh,” said the stranger opposite to her, plucking the roll of duct tape from her hand. “And where were you going with this, exactly?”

“Uh…a little self-bondage session?” the dark-haired girl offered.

“Cute,” the man grunted, looking to his partner. “I think she’s with someone in the basement; we saw two cars parked out front on the curb.”

“No, I…” Natasha started. “Mmph!”

The intruder put his hand over her mouth once more. “Let’s get her tied up; and we’ll see who else in downstairs.”

The other masked man looked inside the closet where Natasha had grabbed the duct tape, and went rummaging on the shelf, finding some coils of ropes and cloth.

“Girl wasn’t kidding about the bondage,” the man mentioned, eyeing the pale girl’s rocker attire. “But she seems like the type, I guess.”

Natasha narrowed her eyes at the man, as her holder released her mouth once more. “I’m telling you, it’s just me here…GMPH!”

A wad of cloth was pushed into her mouth, cutting her off, as the man tore off some pieces of the white tape, and pressed them over her lips to seal in the stuffing. Natasha recoiled from being gagged; and the partner held her firmly while the other man unwound the first spool of rope.

“Good thing you have all these supplies on hand,” the intruder remarked, as Natasha felt her hands get tied behind her back, and the abductor began looping the cord around her arms & chest.

“Yrm nmph gmttng awmph wmph thsmph!” Natasha mumbled angrily, as she writhed against the bindings.

“Now, let’s see who we have downstairs,” the man stated, as the three of them started marching down to the lower level.

“Took you long enough!” called out Cheyenne, still seated in the chair where Natasha had left her tied. “I was starting to wonder if you forgot about me…oh!”

The blonde student blinked, staring at the two masked men who stood on the staircase, with Natasha in-between them, frantically calling out to her through tape covering her mouth.

“Wow,” Cheyenne breathed. “You didn’t tell me that you hired actors.” She squinted at the two masked men. “Are they from your film class?”

“Chymmph!” Natasha mumbled desperately, shaking her head. “Thrmph brglrmphs!”

“Ah, is that the gag you were talking about?” Cheyenne observed, oblivious to her friend’s current predicament. “Seems effective.” She tilted her head. “Wait, are you going to be in the video, too?”

The two masked men exchanged glances, trying to decipher the meaning of Cheyenne’s words.

“Yes, we are…ah, students…from her film class,” the man in front said. “We got a call about some kind of bondage video?”

“Oh, ah…” Cheyenne stammered, her face reddening at the word “bondage”. “It’s really more of a…kidnapping video.”

“I see,” the man said, as they all reached the bottom of the stairs, and Natasha continued to struggle. “Why don’t you give us the rundown, and we can proceed?”

“Jeez, Natasha; why’d you let them gag you before telling them about the script?” Cheyenne asked her friend, who continued to mumble frustratingly from the other side of the room.

“We’re filming a fake ransom video so I can trick my parent’s insurance company into giving me money,” Cheyenne went on, explaining the half-baked scheme to the two intruders.

“Insurance company?” the other man asked, confused.

“My parents have kidnapping insurance in case we’re ever abducted,” Cheyenne divulged, and Natasha’s eyes widened as she tried to tell her friend to stop talking through her gag. “My card’s in my bag on the table.”

She tilting her chin towards the handbag, and the first man went over and pulled out the card.

“How about that,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

“So Natasha’s going to be in the video, too?” Cheyenne asked innocently.

“Yeah…yeah, we figured two hostages might fetch a better ransom,” the man replied, idea forming as he spoke. He pocketed the insurance card. “Let’s go ahead and start recording.

Natasha groaned as she was escorted over to join Cheyenne, as the man dragged a chair over and placed the dark-haired girl beside the blonde, and his partner started tying her legs together.

“This is so much fun!” Cheyenne told her gagged companion, who rolled her eyes in exasperation. “I wasn’t expecting a film crew!”

“Alright; let’s get started,” the man stated, as his partner stood up and walked towards the video recorder on the tripod.

“Wait, aren’t you forgetting something?” Cheyenne interjected.


“You forgot to gag me,” Cheyenne said, gesturing to Natasha sitting next to her. “Duh.”

“My mistake,” the man corrected, and took out the folded handkerchief & roll of white tape.

Cheyenne glanced at the rag. “Ooh, what’s that for…FRMMPH!?”

Cheyenne was muffled as the cloth was pushed into her mouth, and the man smoothed the strips of duct tape over, gagging the blonde student. Her eyes widened at the sensation, as she tested the gag.

“Mmph…wywmph!” she murmured, looking to her friend. “Rnt rlmph wrmks!”

“Mmn cmnt blmv ymph smtmns,” sighed Natasha, as she tugged at the ropes holding her to the chair.

The two man began recording the video, one at the camera while the other stood between the sitting hostages.

“Hello, parents of…” he looked down at the insurance card… “Cheyenne Summers”. We have kidnapped your daughter & her friend here. If you wish to see them again, you will transfer the fixed amount of ransom money into the account we’ve submitted to your office.”

There was an awkward pause.

“Uh…that is all,” the man finished, a bit lamely.

“Wanna do another take?” his partner said.

“Nah,” just get some footage of them struggling,” the man sighed, waving a hand. “I’m no good at acting.”

Cheyenne took that as a cue to started struggling fiercely in the chair. “Mmph! Dmdmph! Hlmph mmph! HLMPH MMPH PLSMPH…!!”

“Huh…she’s pretty good at that,” the intruder recording observed.

“Thsmph ismt mm jkmph, bm thm wymph,” Natasha added, articulating through her gag. “Wrmph actulmph bmphing kdnmppd.”

“HLLLLLMPH…!!” Cheyenne yelled loudly through her own gag, drowning out her pale-skinned friend.

“And…cut!” the burglar filming said. “Amazing!”

Cheyenne beamed beneath her gag, and Natasha rolled her eyes again.

“Kay, now let’s pack everything up,” said the partner. “You grab the camera & the laptop; I’ll take these two and load them into the van.”

“You got it,” came the response, as his friend collected the tech while the other picked up Natasha from her seat.

“Hymph!” she snapped. “Wmtch mnt!”

Cheyenne gazed up at her friend, blinking in confusion. “Armn’t wm dnm flmingmph?” she murmured, wrinkling her nose. “Mm rndmph tm bm untmphd nwmph.”

“Mm kmp tlning ymph; thyrm KDNMMPRS!” Natasha mumbled a final time, as the man took out a white cloth and pulled it over Natasha’s taped mouth.

“Hopefully that lowers the volume a bit,” the man sighed, as he tied the gag tightly into place.

“Grmph!” growled Natasha, nonplussed.

The man strode behind Cheyenne, taking out another rag and placing it over the blonde girl’s lower face as well. “Wasn’t expecting this at all,” the intruder said. “Truth be told; this isn’t our normal line of work…but it seems like easy money.”

“Hmph!?” Cheyenne gasped lightly, as the cloth tightened over her cheeks.

“Up we go,” the man said to her, as Cheyenne awkwardly stood up once she was doubly-gagged, and was nudged towards her friend. “We’re going for a drive.”

“Wm dndntmph tlnk abmph thmph, Ntshmph,” Cheyenne murmured to Natasha. “Rm wm flmng mrmf?”

“Jmst…dm whmt thym symph,” sighed the goth friend, as the two of them were lifted over the shoulders of the man with surprising strength; and carried up from the basement.

“Ohmph!” Cheyenne exclaimed as she was picked up and carried. “Hm hm hmph…!”

Natasha heard her garage door being opened, and she saw a grey van being backed inside.

Their transporter set them down and flung open the rear doors of the van. “Only two seats in the front, I’m afraid,” the masked man apologized, as he picked each of the girls up and gently laid them on the floor of the van’s interior.

“Hrmgph…mmph!” Natasha grunted in annoyance, wriggling on the surface as she stared bullets back at their captor.

“Shldn’t thm othrmph guymph bm hrmph tm rcrdm?” Cheyenne mumbled, blinking her green eyes back at him in contrast innocently, perplexed.

“Sit tight; we’ll bring you back to our spot and make the call to this…insurance company,” the man told them; before shutting the doors of the van and locking them.

Natasha groaned through her gag, in utter disbelief of the events that had just transpired.

“Smms lkmph thm plnmph is wrkming,” Cheyenne mumbled in response, locking eyes cheerfully with her companion as they on their sides.

“Chymmph…mm gnmph kll ymph whn thsm sm ovrmph,” Natasha promised; as the van’s engine started and the duo were driven off to whatever rudimentary lair these two yahoos operated out of…
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Post by gurl_in_ropes »

Wow, such a great story! I love the direction this is going. Please tell me part 2 is coming soon, as I want to read more!
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Post by captured_prize »

I'm feeling sick today and have been browsing around the board as a distraction. Your story certainly made my day better. Thank you for posting it and I can't wait to hear what happens to Natasha and Cheyenne.
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Post by Dpsiic »

Great start looking forward to more
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Post by GreyLord »

You are off to a great start. I'm looking forward to more.
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Post by Trammel »

Great story. Hoping for a continuation. :lol:
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Post by roguehorseman »

Great story, really love the gagtalk in this one.
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Post by Smythdean »

Great story
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