The Fraternity (m*/m*) - Chapter 6 posted (15. November)

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The Fraternity (m*/m*) - Chapter 6 posted (15. November)

Post by FelixSH »

Chapter 1

Colin looked out of the window of his new dorm room. Some of the majestic trees on the campus already started to show leaves in the colors of Fall. But it wasn't that, what caught the students eyes. Instead, he was mesmerized by the small palace, on top of the hill. The highest place in the whole campus, even towering over the university itself, was the looming Fraternity house. Adorned by two flags, one being the flag of the country, and the other one showing the colors red, blue and gold.

“It looks amazing, doesn't it? The Fraternity house is the most glamorous building in the whole city. It's marvelous.”

Colin turned around. He hadn't noticed someone coming through the open door. A guy, around his age, wearing a grey suit with a blue tie, nearly in the same color as his eyes. “Hey, are you my roommate? I'm Colin, they assigned me here”, he said, offering his hand.

Only as the other guy got closer, did he notice the lapel pin, in the already familiar colors of red, blue and gold. “Yeah, I'm Tyler. I guess we share this room for the year. Nice to meet you.”

Tylers grip was firm, but welcoming, his smile pleasant. Colin started to relax. Getting to know the person you would share the room for a whole year was a stressful prospect, but this guy radiated warmth and a sense of home. One of the persons who get along with everyone, because they are so plain nice.

So, you are a frat member, I guess?”, Colin asked, trying to strike up a conversation. Tyler looked slightly puzzled, before he continued: “I noticed your pin. It's the same colors as the flag at the frat house.”

He was awarded with one of the kindest smiles he had ever seen, turning into a boyish grin. “I see, you have a good eye for details. Yeah, I'm a proud member of the best Fraternity in the country.”

With most people, this would have sounded over the top, but it was obvious that Colins new roommate was just joking. The kind laugh made it clear.

“If you don't mind, please don't say frat. It's not much of a problem, but we members are pretty proud of it. Many alumni get into important positions afterwards, and we do a lot of good work for charities, while we are here. It's a very special community, always there for it's Brothers.”

Colin could have never resisted the soft tone of voice, and the kind look. “Sure, sorry. It's just the word that's most often used, when reading about fraternities. No promises, but I'll try to keep it in mind.”

Tyler nodded, getting closer to the window, his look full of aw, as soon as the small palace came into view. “Joining up was probably the best decision of my live, you know. I've been here for just a year, but it was the greatest year I ever had.” After a short pause, he continued, his voice and look getting brighter. “Doing charitable work, learning together, having is so much fun, spending time with my Brothers.”

He turned his look back at Colin, his eyes radiating joy. “In case you worry about getting in, there is no need to. It's a bit of work, but totally worth it. Everyone can make it, I promise.”

Colin was taken aback a bit. He appreciated the hearty welcome, but it felt like his new roommate had gotten a bit overexcited.

“Wait, no, sorry, I didn't plan to join any fraternity. I'm sure it's great, but stuff like that is not my thing. Just the things you hear about Hell Week, or whatever. I mean, I'm sure you guys aren't going as far as you sometimes hear, considering how you speak about it. But even aside from that, I have a really hard time with crowds, you know?”

The smile had lost some of its shine, as Tyler listened. The disappointment was visible.

“Oh, but everyone at this university joins the Fraternity. It's basically part of the program, you know? It's a major reason, why graduates don't have to worry about getting a good job, we are helping them. And even with other stuff, like when you are in financial trouble. Even now, if you can't pay for another semester, we got your back. No one here would think about not joining us, because one would miss out on so much!”

But Colin continued to shake his head. “Sorry, it's really not my thing.”

Tyler looked a bit like a hit puppy, not sure what to say. A last idea seems to have hit him, as he tried one last time.

“We even have our own tailor, you know? I guess you like casual clothes”, he said, looking at Colins red hoodie and the blue jeans, “but I promise, when you try on a tailor-made suit, you will never want to wear anything else. It's super-cheap too, because it's in the interest of the Fraternity, that everyone looks their best.”

Colin couldn't help, but laugh at this. “Sorry man, but that is just one more reason for me to stay far away. I don't like dress clothes, and while I do think that you look very good in your suit, I want to stay out of that stuff as much as possible.”

Tyler hadn't stopped smiling, but something was off about it now. It didn't reach his eyes anymore. The blue seemed to have changed, from a warm, light tone, to a piercing, darker one. At least it felt that way to Colin.

But it didn't stay that way for long. The bright smile came back a few seconds later. “Fine, fine, it's your choice, of course”, Tyler said, laughing joyfully. “And I do have another month, to make you change your mind, haha.”

Colin grinned, glad that his new roommate didn't take the whole thing as serious, as he had feared, for a few seconds. Just a disappointment, thankfully.

“If you want, I can show you around. The campus is so big, you will get lost on your own. And, to be honest, I'm pretty hungry. So, how about getting something to eat, too?”, the older boy asked.

Colin nodded. “Sounds great. Is the food at the cafeteria good?”

“Well, not really. And it's kinda expensive”, Tyler answered, a slight grin showing on his face again. “But you can get food at the Fraternity house, where it's cheap and delicious. You could even get in, as a guest.”

“Sounds great”, Colin said, but noticing the grin, couldn't help but ask. “Where is the catch? Do I get signed up automatically?”

“Haha, no. It's just that the dress code is pretty strict. Without a suit and tie, they won't let you in.”

Colin couldn't help but laugh. “Nice try, buddy. I'll at least try the food for normies then.”

While he didn't care to join, Colin still was interested in seeing the frat building up closer, so that's where their way first lead them. With each step, the small palace became more and more imposing, showing that the building was cared for, that the colors were still as clean and bright, as if they were new.

“I would like to see it from the inside, I have to say. Such a fancy place, crazy”, Colin said. Before Tyler could answer, he added: “Yeah, I know, I have to dress up. I guess it's ok, for an hour or two, one time.”

Tyler just smiled, seemingly in awe over the majesty of the building. It seemed to Colin, as if the building had some sort of mesmerizing effect on his roommate. He had gotten quieter, the closer they got.

When they were finally there, standing in front of the main gate, they stopped. There were two young guys, in black suits and ties in the color of the frat, positioned to the left and right of the door.

“In case you are wondering, these are pledges. They are on guard duty. Not that it matters, as no one would dream of getting in without being allowed to. But it makes a bit of an impact, doesn't it?”, Tyler explained.

His roommate nodded. It certainly did make an impression. But suddenly, it wasn't the main thing that caught his attention. He could hear a noise, from inside the building, to the right.

“Do you hear that, Tyler? I hear some noise, like voices, just...”

Tyler just looked at him funny. “What do you mean? I don't hear anything.”

But Colin wasn't satisfied with this. He walked along the wall, with Tyler following him. The noises got louder, more desperate.

“It's like...muffled noises. Screams, maybe. You really aren't hearing that?”, Colin said, before walking up to the wall, and pressing his ear onto it. Until it, suddenly, stopped.

“No, I don't hear anything. Look, you just got here today, didn't you?” The boyish grin suddenly came back. “Is the pressure already getting to you?”

Colin had no way of resisting the grin. “Oh, shut up. I know what I heard. Except that...”

He listened one more time. Everything was quite, again. “It's gone now. Strange. I know that I heard something.”

“Sure, man, come on. Let's go somewhere else, there is more to see on the campus.”

Colins followed his new friend, but as they got back to the front door, where the way was leading down the hill, he got a look to the other side of the frat house.

At two columns, on the edge of the building, there were two young guys. Both wearing suits and ties, plus the fraternity pins. And both were bound to the pillars, upper body and legs forced against them with rope. A leather gag covered their mouths and noses, with only two little holes, allowing them to breath. And, it seemed to Colin, with eyes that looked deeply scared.

“What's up with them? Why are there two guys tied and gagged?”, he asked, grabbing Tylers shoulder. His roommate looked at him, his cheerful smile still on. “Oh, just some Brothers who did something wrong. Let's go meet them, you'll see that there is nothing bad going on.”

As they made their way to the two captives, as they were seen by them, the look of terror disappeared.

“Hey, how are you? I hope you are learning, that we have rules for a reason.”

There was a short moment, when Colin thought he saw a scared look on the faces of the captives again, when Tyler started speaking to them. But it was gone in a second, replaced by a more amused glint in their eyes. They nodded.

Still, Colin didn't like what he saw. “Why are these two tied and gagged? What the hell is happening here?”

Tyler shook his head. “That's a standard punishment, if you break our rules. It's nothing terrible. These two broke the dress code, wearing hoodies to a lecture. Now they have to spend two hours in this situation. A simple punishment, but our experience shows that it's effective enough, for rule breaks like this.”

Colin still wasn't convinced. “Seriously? If someone doesn't behave, you tie them up? And for everyone to see? That seems pretty cruel. Also, doesn't the fraternity get into trouble with the university? Is the university allowing this?”

And here it was again. The smile, the charming smile, stripping Colin of all his resistance. That soft, calming voice didn't help either.

“Right, this must look really weird to you. But if you join the Fraternity, you are actively agreeing to possible punishments, like this. And even if not, there is always a choice. They could also accept to lose some privileges, like not being allowed to eat here, or being excluded from parties, for two weeks. Instead, they chose this. Because it's just two hours.”

To Colins surprise, Tyler undid one of the gags. The bound guy spit out some soggy fabric, before breathing through his mouth, enjoying the sensation. “This is Colin, a new student and now my roommate. Could you tell him that it's like I said, Luke?”

There was no fear in Lukes eyes, or anything that might imply that it wasn't as simply as what Tyler had explained. On the contrary, a smiling Luke nodded, looking at Colin. “Oh, yeah, he is right. It's no big deal, really. Way better than the real punishments. This is basically two hours of boredom, and a bit catching up on wearing our proper stuff, outside of the Fraternity house. It's fine.”

Before he offered his open mouth, ready to be gagged again, he said: “Nice to meet you, Colin. I hope you will soon join us.” The soggy cloth, caught by Tyler before, found his way back into Lukes mouth, and the mask was put on, too.

“See, nothing to worry about. No one is tied up against their will, I promise. Well, not completely, but you know what I mean”, Tyler said, moving away from the frat house.

But before Colin could follow, just out of the corner of his eye, he caught a last glance of Luke. And just for this one second, the look changed to one of deep horror. But, again, only for a second, with a decently content look, as soon as Colin turned his head towards the captive.

He followed his new roommate, who immediately started explaining more about the fraternity, as well as the university. And soon, with all the new impressions, this one was pushed back in Colins memory.
Last edited by FelixSH 6 months ago, edited 7 times in total.

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Post by squirrel »

Great start! I hope Colin will decide to join the fraternity... and gets punished a lot :twisted:

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Post by Gino »

great story
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

I am a sucker for a frat/hazing story, and this one looks like it won't disappoint.
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Post by jshao91 »

great to see you posting again. Always enjoy your story.
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks a lot for the feedback, guys. I'm very happy that you are enjoying it. I hope the length is fine, I feel like they are a bit long.

Chapter 2

The first week had gone by in a rush. The new impressions never stopped coming, the courses were new and, compared to school, excitingly different. Still getting accustomed to the new lifestyle of a college student, far away from his parents, coursework had fallen to the side. He did open a book, from time to time, but in general, Colin was busy exploring the campus, meeting new people and, in particular, spending time with Tyler.

His roommate was busy, too, but this being his second year, he knew how to use his time in an efficient way. Even including fraternity business, he didn't fail to find time for Colin.

I was a Friday, when Colin came back to his dorm room, in the late afternoon, ready for the weekend to begin. When he entered, Tyler turned around from his desk. “Hey, Colin. I was waiting for you.”

As always, he was dressed up. A dark blue suit, a purple tie and the always-present pin, striped in the three colors: red, blue and gold. Aside from getting up or to bed, Colin had never seen him in anything more casual, no matter if outside, or just hanging out in the room, while watching movies. Even the tie was always done up, directly at the neck.

It would have irritated Colin, who wasn't accustomed to people wearing more than a button-up shirt and some chinos. But his roommate was such a nice person, always pleasant, always cheerful, it didn't matter what he wore.

“Did I forget something? I don't think we have any plans, do we?”

And there it was again. The disarming smile, the bright, blue eyes.

“You mentioned, that you would like to see the Fraternity House, right? Knowing you, you also didn't have anything to eat yet, right? I would love to show it to you today.”

It was intriguing. Every morning, the palace loomed over them, always drawing attention. Tyler was right, Colin was very curious to see how it looked inside. And a cheap, delicious meal, which was apparently waiting for him there, was an interesting prospect.

“Yeah, I'm starving, so that sounds pretty great. When do you want to go?”

He had hoped to get around it, but Tylers grin robbed him of any illusions. “Any time, as soon as you have changed. I already told you, without a suit and tie, you will not get in.” Noting the unhappy look on his roommates face, he added: “Come on, it's just for a few hours. Or do you simply not have a suit?”

Colin nodded, acting like he was defeated. “Yeah, sure, it's fine, I'll survive this one time.”


It took more than half an hour, before Colin was done. He might as well take a shower before, he thought, and then had a big fight with his tie. Tyler couldn't help but laugh, before offering his help.

“You look good, you know?”, he said, taking a look at a red-faced Colin. The black suit was a bit too big, the tie was striped in an ugly combination of brown-tones, and he had resisted closing the top button, the knot hanging slightly askew. “A lot of potential for improvement, though.”

Colin shook his head. “Whatever, I'm just wearing that to get cheap food. Let's go.”

He had been closer to the frat building a few times, but he had never heard anyone scream, like he did the first time. Two guards, though, were always there, and sometimes, people would be tied to a column. But they always looked content, not in any peril. He never found the haunted look again, that he saw on the two the first time.

The frat brothers were perfectly nice, too. Always dressed up, like Tyler, but aside from that, perfectly nice guys. And there were a lot! He seemed to have been right, it looked like everyone was a member. During Colins lectures, it wasn't so obvious, as he shared the room with other first-semesters. But outside, nearly everyone was wearing dress clothes. If nothing else, the ever-present pin gave it away.

Still, every interaction was pleasant, each frat brother had been more than helpful, whenever there was an opportunity for being so.

“This is Colin, he's my guest for today”, Tyler said to the guards, who didn't lose a second, before opening the door.

Colin was taken aback, when he saw the inside of house. It was even more of a palace, than it had seemed so from the outside. This could have been the country home of some royal family. A big, high room, adorned with gold-framed ceiling-high mirrors on the wall, was waiting for them. Expensive looking chairs and couches framed the rest of the room, with three small pillars in the middle, offering drinks of alcoholic and non-alcoholic kinds, as well as exotic snacks.

There was even a reception, but Tyler just nodded to the person behind the counter.

“We don't need to use the cloakroom, and I can show you around. No need to bug the receptionist.”

Colin just nodded, taking in the magnificent room, before Tyler gave him a light push. “Come on, there is more to see”, he said, obviously happy that his roommate enjoyed the sight.

The next door led into a hallway, equally rich in decoration as the reception room. But instead of pillars, the walls offered paintings of men, both old and young.

“Important Fraternity Brothers. They aided our house throughout the centuries, and made it what it is today. I could tell you each Brothers name, and what his achievements were, but I'm not deluded enough to think that you care about that.”

Colin had to laugh. The grin, the tone of voice, he couldn't have resisted, even if he had wanted to. He was glad that Tyler could see clear enough, that not everyone was as enamored with the frat, as he was. Still, it was the most imposing house he had ever seen, Colin had to admit to that.

As the hallway was quite long, with openings to the left and right, ignored by the two visitors, Colin started to look a bit closer at the people standing next to the wall. Each painting was separated by some wall, with a column in the middle. In front of each column, there was a frat brother. At least, Colin assumed so. They were not dressed as the other brothers, wearing white tuxedo shirts, with black slacks and a bow tie. The bow tie, though, was in the omnipresent colors – red, blue and gold.

Except that, now that Colin looked closer, he realized that they wore masks, covering the whole head. They were close enough to a human face, that you had to look twice, but now that he had seen it, it was clear.

Tyler seemed to have read his mind, as he answered Colins question, before he could ask it. “These Brothers are just there, to give the hallway a more pleasant look. The clothes, even the masks, are identical, so that everyone can fill in the roll. Which everyone does. Like with the guards, the receptionist, or any other work that has to be done, every Brother has to fulfill some of these roles regularly. Yes, me too.”

Colin took a longer look at one of the masked brothers. He didn't move at all, the hands crossed behind his back, feet perfectly straight. “I thought with voluntary work, you meant for charities, or something. Is this how you spend your time?”

Tyler snickered. “Yeah, we do that too. But we also think, that presentation is important. With our behavior, our clothes – but also with how the House looks. It has to give off an impression of power, of importance. These Brothers help with that. Often enough, important people come to visit, and this is part of impressing them.”

He smiled, but for the first time, the mesmerizing effect didn't work perfectly. “To be honest, it seems pretty pointless. I get it, you can do it, but couldn't they do something more useful than just stand around? The boredom alone would kill me.”

Tyler waved Colins criticism away. It's ok, promise. I did it multiple times, and it was fine. And you get rewarded by all the fun stuff we do. And sure, during parties, you have to stand there, but there are always Brothers who will talk to you, making the time go by faster. That's allowed! I'm just not taking the time now, because I want to show you around.”

Colin nodded, not wanting to go deeper into this. It was their decision, if people wanted to waste time this way, they should do so. It wasn't like he had to.

And yet, something bugged him. If he looked even closer, while there seemed to be no movement, no sound – sometimes, there appeared to come a light, desperate noise form one of them. Some weird movement, too, that he could only catch in the corner of his eyes, like it wasn't supposed to be seen. Some twitching of elbows, mainly.

The other rooms were equally amazing to look at. Rich decoration and ornamentation was everywhere, it never stopped feeling like the side house of royalty. But all he met were perfectly nice frat brothers, who were more than eager to introduce themselves to him.

The most imposing room was the dining hall. Colin had expected some sort of cafeteria, but this had the size and splendor of a ball room. “At events, we need this space for all the Brothers who are attending”, Tyler explained. “And believe me, we need all the room we have for that.”

The chairs looked like they were out of a kings household. “Do I have to be careful with these? I don't want to get into debt, just because I put a scratch on them.”

“Don't worry about it”, Tyler said, hospitable as ever. “In the worst case, we will restore them. But it's not like you will damage them, just by sitting.”

He put his arm over Colins shoulders, waving the other over one across the room. “Look at this, isn't it beautiful? Have you ever seen something as splendid as our House?”

Colin couldn't help but nod. “Yeah, you're right. And I kinda see, why I have to dress up to be here. Jeans wouldn't quite fit the mood.”

“Exactly! But just to be clear, this is the part where guests move around. We also have more private rooms, where only Brothers have access. The inventory there is still expensive, but modern. I'll show you one or two of those, just so you don't get the wrong impression. But now...”

Tyler had prepared one of the expensive chairs, and pushed his roommate onto it. “Let's eat.”

As expected, the food was delicious. For this time, Tyler had offered to pay for Colin, if his roommate promised to return the favor. Colin grinned, but accepted. It was as cheap and as amazing as promised, so there was no reason not to eat here more often.

The only irritating part was, that food was served by guys, who looked exactly like the once in the hallway – tuxedo shirt, bow tie in the Fraternity colors, full-face mask. They didn't say anything, only stood around, until needed, when they brought food and drink. The only difference was, that the hands were visible – hands hidden by white gloves, always carrying a metal tray. Even when just standing next to a wall, waiting for an order, they held it up in front of them.

The meal wasn't boring at all. The frat brothers around the roommates continually talked with Colin, making him feel very welcome. He got it now. Doing boring tasks, maybe even accept some dumb punishment, might be worth it, to some. Never before had he visited a place, where everyone tried so hard to be hospitable. Not that it seemed like acting - it appeared like this was just the way it was around here.

“So, are you still sure you don't want to join? It seems like you're enjoying yourself”, Tyler asked, after another Brother had left them. “Come on, it will be fun, I promise!”

It felt a bit like kicking a puppy, but Colin didn't want to raise any false hope. “Sorry, but as I said, it's not my thing. I mean, this is a great evening, I'm enjoying my time here. I even forgot that I'm wearing a suit. But still, I'm just not that social.”

Colin sighed. “Look, we can eat here more often, that's fine. But I don't want this to be a thing that I have to do. I don't want to get punished, for not following your rules. If I can join you as a guest, from time to time, I'd love to do that. But that's all. Sorry.”

Like two weeks ago, Tyler looked disappointed. But again, he caught himself soon enough. “Fine, fine. At least you will join me some times.”

“Sure, that's a promise”, Colin answered. “Now that that's out of the way, can you show me the bathroom?”

Tyler nodded. “I need to talk to someone, but it's easy to find. Just down this hallway, up the second stairs on the right, and then around the corner at the first chance. When you are done, you might have to wait a bit for me. Just come here again, I'll be back as soon as I can.” He looked a bit sheepish. “Sorry, I just remembered this, and it's a bit urgent. I'll try not to make you wait too long.”

Colin wasn't quite sure if he had memorized the way, but he had no chance to ask again. Tyler just walked away. But it couldn't be that hard to find. And if he got lost, someone would show him the way.

Soon enough, though, Colin realized that it was more complicated than he had thought. He was sure, that he had followed the instructions correctly, but around the corner, there was no bathroom. Assuming that Tyler had just gotten a detail wrong, he decided to explore on his own. And sure, after a few more corners, Colin had reached his goal.

It was only after doing his business, when he stepped outside, that he realized that he was lost. The way that was supposed to lead back to the stairs, didn't. “Damnit!”, he cursed, trying to find his way back.

Until he heard the noise. It came out of a room, at the end of one of the hallways he passed.

Colin wanted to ignore it, as he simply had no right to just move around here, but it sounded like someone was in pain. So he got closer.

Step by step, the sound he made hidden away by the carpet floor, did he get nearer to the door that produced the noise. It soon became clear, that these were muffled voices, people who tried to scream for help, maybe in pain. The sounds were intense, seemingly desperate.

Colin thought back to the guys outside, punished. Were there bound and gagged people inside? Someone who needed help?

So focused on the room was he, that he didn't realize how someone had come up behind him, until he heard a voice.

“I don't think I know you. Are you a Brother? Please tell me your name and number.”

The sudden, sharp tone, gave Colin a jumpscare. He pushed himself against a wall, looking at the newcomer. “Sorry, I just got lost, while looking for a bathroom.”

The other person didn't move. It was the first frat brother, who wasn't welcoming to Colin. He felt like he was in trouble.

“I'm with Tyler, as his guest. We ate, and now I was looking for a bathroom. He said he had something important to do, so I went alone. And then I got lost.” Colin scratched the back of his head, feeling flustered. “Look, I'm really sorry, just show me the way back to the dining hall. Please?”

While waiting for an answer, a small part of his mind realized, that the noise had died down. But there was no time to think about this, as the stranger started to talk.

“Well, Colin, it is not allowed for non-members to just walk around our property. Even if they need to use the bathroom, a Brother has to be at their side, at all times. As it is, you are an intruder.”

While Colin thought about what to say next, the door of the room, where the noise had come out, got opened. Two more frat brothers appeared. They looked scary, partly due to the serious look, partly because they were built like brick walls.

“An intruder, Mark?”, one of them asked the first one. He nodded. “Say, if you just wanted to find the dining hall, why are you in this hallway? You can see that it's a dead end, right?”

Colin started to get scared. Now, the collar of his shirt, open as it was, started to bug him, and the jacket felt too hot. What was happening? He couldn't say the truth, as he actually was sneaking around, at least when listening for the noise.

“Look, please just ask Tyler, he will confirm everything I said.”

The three brothers looked at each other, before nodding. “Well”, the one called Mark started, “we will ask him. Fair enough. But for now, we have to make sure you stay put.”

Colin had no time to ask what that meant.

Everything then went very fast, these three worked like a well-oiled machine. Colin tried to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Mark pushed a piece of cloth into his mouth. Without missing a beat, one of the masks that was used to gag punished frat members was put onto his face.

He did struggle, but the other two guys were way stronger than him. It was easy for them, to force his hands behind his back, tying them together. One of them added more rope to the upper arms, pinning them to the body. The other one tied his legs together, first at his feet, then above the knees.

It was over as fast, as it had started. Colin struggled desperately, but even if he had experience in getting himself untied, there was no escape. These weren't amateurs. He was bound and gagged, completely helpless, and it couldn't have taken much longer than a minute.


He wanted out, back to his dorm room. Struggling desperately, he pushed against the rope, without success. Panic welled up in him.

Only one question filled his mind: What would happen to him now?

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Post by squirrel »

Great continuation! I wonder what Tyler will say when he sees his new roommate tied up and gagged :twisted:

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Post by Xtc »

Good to see a new story from you.
I shall have to make time to follow it.

PS. It seems that the chapter wasn't deleted!

I would agree that the chapters are a bit long but that's just me.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Gino »

Wow, I'm excited about the continuation of your story! I'm really excited to see what happens next
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks a lot for the comments, guys. They are very much appreciated.

Chapter 3

“What's the procedure for this, Mark?”, one of the bigger guys asked. Mark thought for a second. “We'll bring him to Tyler. He needs to confirm his story.”

Colins eyes grew big. They wanted to bring him into other parts of the frat house, tied and gagged, for everyone to see? He started a desperate struggle, grunting heavily into his gag.

“You can carry him, Jake, right?”, Mark asked one of the brick walls, who nodded. “Great. Let me just correct something”, he said, before turning to Colin. Whose begging was muffled by the gag, and completely ignored. Mark closed the top button of his shirt, and adjusted the tie. Colin grunted, now also forced to endure the uncomfortable pressure against his neck. “Appearance is essential here, the dress code has to be followed, always”, Mark explained.

Jake, completely ignoring the muffled protests, picked him up, and put him over his shoulder. No matter how hard Colin struggled, the buff guy had no trouble keeping him in check.

Colins head turned hot red. He felt horrible, humiliated, and was completely incapable of doing anything about it. When the group started going down the stairs, it got even worse. Everyone could see him in this pathetic state. The boy didn't even struggle and beg anymore, hoping that less people would then look at him.

But even with closed eyes, he could feel all the attention on him, as his captors walked through the big dining room. The conversations died down, just as the group got closer. Colin hoped that they would soon find Tyler, so he could get free again.

It wasn't hard. Seemingly, after being done, Tyler had come back to where he and Colin had eaten before. “Hey, Mark, what's up?” His face fell, as he noted the bound legs, dangling in front of one of the brick walls. “Please don't tell me...”

Jake put his prisoner off his shoulder, placing him next to Mark.

“TMMPH!! HMMPH MMM!!”, Colin screamed. He wanted this to be over.

“Do you know him, Tyler?”, Mark asked, a grim look on his face. A shadow appeared on Tylers ever-smiling face. To Colins horror, he realized that the question scared his roommate.

“Oh, yeah, this is my roommate. I brought him as a guest, so he could see our great Fraternity House from inside. What did he do? Did he get lost on his way to the bathroom?”

Colin felt immediately better, even more so, when Marks face relaxed. “Good, that is the story he told us. At least he really is with you. But still!” His face had turned grim, again. “You left him wandering on his own, in the upper floor, even. I caught him snooping around, in a hallway.”

Tyler looked confused at Colin, who started to grunt. “Can you undo the gag, so we can hear what he has to say?”

Mark shook his head. “He already declined to explain it. I accept that he got lost, but there was no reason to go back there. So, there needs to be punishment.”

Colin was shocked, hearing this. Even more punishment than this? What did they plan to do with him? He wasn't even in the fraternity, how could they punish him? He started to struggle again, begging to be released.


“Come on, I'm sure it's only a misunderstanding. Just let him go”, Tyler asked, begged, but fell on deaf ears. And for the first time since Colin knew him, the sunshine on his face showed real cracks. Colins unease got only stronger, as he realized how scared his roommate was.

Mark shook his head. “No, he snooped around. We can't just let this go. You know that very well.”

Repeating, short bursts of terror appeared on Tylers face. He tried to hide it, but it was obvious to Colin.

“That said”, Mark started again, “there is a relevant point: Is he planning to join the Fraternity? In that case, we could show some leniency.” Both Colin and Tyler felt frozen, waiting, hoping, as their apparent judge thought this through. “In that case, we could simply act, like he was a pledge. Then it would be only his responsibility, and you, Tyler, would go free. And we would, of course, go easy on him, too. He would be bound to join, though, if we go that route.”

Despite the grandeur, despite the great words from Tyler – by now, Colin was sure never to set foot into this building ever again. He would never join this group of people. Energetically, he shook his head, grunting angrily into his gag.

Tyler looked at his roommate, obviously hoping that he would change his mind. His face got more and more desperate.

But to Colins surprise, he was completely ignored. His grunts, his motions, everything made it clear, that he declined.

“As he is unable to speak, at the moment, you will do so for him. Will he join us?”

Colins heart skipped a beat. “HHMMPPPHHH!!!” Was this a trap? Didn't he have a say in that matter, due to Tylers machinations?

But thankfully, his roommate stuck to the truth. “No, he doesn't want to join. Unfortunately.”

Mark nodded. “I see.” He turned to Colin. “You will get an easy punishment. Consider it a warning. Level one, an hour. Got it, Jake?”

The giant nodded. “Of course.” Colin couldn't even react, as Jake put him over his shoulder again. What he did see, was the look of pure terror on Tylers face, as the other giant put a hand on his shoulder, and Mark continued to talk.

Helplessly, Colin struggled and grunted, as he was carried into the depth of the frat house. He tried to remember the way, but in all the samey-looking corridors, and the terror that had conquered his mind, made it impossible.

After what felt like eternity, with him soon exhausted from the constant struggle, and the sheer stress his bindings put on his body, Jake reached his goal. It, too, looked like a room out of an old palace. But there was nothing splendid about it. On the contrary, it seemed to be a perfect rebuild of a small dungeon cell. Rough stone for the floor, bricks on the wall, a dirty mattress in the corner. The only thing looking vaguely new was the wall-less toilet.

Colin would have struggled, if he had any energy left. As it was, he could only look in terror, as Jake put him onto the ground, and locked the door. It felt like a nightmare.

Instead of angry threshing and grunting, Colin had only energy left for begging, but Jake completely ignored everything his captive did. Instead, he worked on a mechanism. Chains with cuffs on the end, hanging from the ceiling, slowly got longer and longer, until they nearly touched the ground.

No matter how much Colin begged, Jake, not saying a word, undid the rope that bound his prisoners feet, and replaced them with the cuffs of the chain. Afterwards, Jake worked the mechanism again, slowly pulling his prisoner into the air.

Colin panicked, thrashed around, but the iron mercilessly continued to pull his helpless body higher and higher. Soon enough, his head was inches above ground, and the helpless student started to shiver. The thrashing had only made him start to swing a bit, while slowly rotating in one direction.

Soon, dizziness started to set in. Colins mind got a bit numb, as the pressure on his head began to build up. A bit later, light pain set in, specifically on the eyes. But all his begging didn't help – Jake just looked at his watch.

After what felt like an eternity, Jake slowly lowered his prisoner again, making sure that Colin had enough time to move his head so that he wouldn't hurt himself. A longer break followed, which made the pressure recede again.

It was here, where Jake started to talk. “Consider this a warning. You are getting off easy, today. But be aware: The Fraternity is everywhere, in the university, and outside of it. And member or not, whoever angers Us, will regret it.”

There wasn't much emotion in those words. It seemed like something he had learned by heart. Which was proven some minutes later. The whole cycle repeated, with Colins feet being pulled up, him hanging for some minutes, then being let down, just as the pressure got too strong. And the lecture was repeated, word by word.

Colin had lost count, on how often this had happened. After some time, even a break of a few minutes, he still felt dizzy and unwell. Aside from this, his mouth was horribly dry, and his whole body was aching.

He had given up struggling and begging long ago, as there was no reaction of the brute, nor did his bonds go loose. He felt completely helpless, as his body was moved up and down, and as he was indoctrinated by Jake.

But even then, it didn't stop. Jake completely ignored the miserable look on Colins face, while continuing his work.

Until it was finally over, and the cuffs were taken off. Jake took his time, pulling the chain up into the ceiling, before undoing his prisoners bonds, and the gag.

Colin just lay there, breathing deeply, before Jake came back with a big glass of water. At least it looked that way, but Colin was sure, that he could smell something funny in there in there. Maybe alcohol, he couldn't say. He was so tired, needed something to drink so badly, he just didn't care.

Jake helped Colin to the toilet, let him wash his mouth and spit it into the bowl, before gulping the rest down. The former captive still felt horribly exhausted, but at least his mouth wasn't dry and stuffed anymore.

“You can rest here, for an hour, if you want. I only have to lock the room, so you don't wander around on your own again. I guarantee to let you out afterwards, though.”

Colin just nodded. Jake helped him lie on the mattress. “Don't loosen the tie, don't undo the top button, or change anything else of your clothes”, he warned, before going. “Tyler is punished, for letting you get here in your lazy state, but from now on, you will be held responsible. Even while staying in this cell. If I see any change, when I come back, you will spend another hour in here.”

It didn't matter to Colin. He was deeply tired, and fell asleep immediately. It seemed like seconds later, that the door was opened again, and Jake woke him up. It was also long enough, so that Colin wasn't completely exhausted anymore. His body still hurt a bit, but not too bad.

“What about Tyler?”, he asked, as the two college students moved through the halls of the frat house. “He will stay here for the night. His punishment is not over, yet. Do not worry, he will join you in your dorm room tomorrow morning.

Colin didn't even dare undoing the tie, until he was back in his room, alone. Still scared, he had looked over his shoulder the whole way, feeling followed. Only when he locked the door, and closed the curtains, did he undress. The shower felt like heaven, and gave him opportunity to massage the parts of his body, where rope marks kept lingering.


It was the next morning. Colin was eating breakfast, feeling more relaxed now. The night felt like a bad dream. Could something like this really happen? Him being tortured by some frat bros? Imprisoned against his will? It had to be a bad dream. Something like that only happened in bad movies and cheesy tv shows.

Tyler was out, probably partying at the frat house. Right, they were both there. His dress shirt was sweaty, so he had obviously come along. And the rope marks – well, maybe they had played around with bondage a bit. Who knew? Weird stuff happens in frat houses.

Just when he tried to remember what happened, his door was unlocked. “Hey, Tyler”, he welcomed his roommate back. Maybe they could puzzle the last night out together.

His hand stopped in midair, the spoon with cereals only half-raised. A college student had stepped in. Deep, blue eyes, a blond shock of hair, a well-fitted, dark blue suit with a purple tie and the pin in the three colors: red, blue and gold.

But it wasn't Tyler. They boy looked similar, and from afar, you might mistake him for Colins roommate, but up close, it was clear that this was someone else.

“Hey, Colin, how are you doing?”, the stranger asked, while preparing a bowl of cereals for himself. “Man, what a night, huh?”

Colin didn't respond, unsure what to say. He looked at the rope marks on his wrists. He remembered the words. “Consider this a warning.”

The strangers eyes followed Colins. “Haha, yeah, those marks will stay for a bit. Nothing major, I promise, and everyone is fine with us doing a bit of bondage. Don't worry about it, other first-semesters will have some, too. I hope you had fun at the party, yesterday?”

Colins hand was still in the same position, the spoon still carrying the same amount of cereals. The stranger had a wonderful smile, radiating and calming. Very much like Tylers.

He was scared to ask.

“Who are you?”

The smile didn't waver. On the contrary, the stranger started to laugh.

“Did you overdo it so much? Dude, it's me, Tyler.”


@Gino @squirrel @Wedgieboy69 @The slave

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Post by jshao91 »

Ended with a cliffhanger :o
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Post by harveygasson »

Oooh what a cliffhanger to end the last part on. Definitely intrigued
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I liked your story
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks, everyone. Your feedback is highly appreciated. :D
Chapter 4

Colin grumbled, as he made his way to the lecture hall. It was a freezing Wednesday morning, surprisingly cold for the middle of October. Thankfully, the way wasn't very long, it was more the shock of the grim wind.

“Hey, Colin!”

The student turned around. Toby, another first-semester student who shared most of his courses, approached him.

“Hi.” Colin grinned. “You forgot your jacket too, huh?”

Tobys whole body shivered, the brown, floppy hair shaking along, the purple hoodie obviously not enough to protect against the surprising frost.

“Awful. Having to get up so early, being thrown out into this miserable world. I just want to go back to bed.”

Amused by the little drama, Colin gave his new friend a hug, before they continued on. “Yeah, 9 a.m. is really early. How dare they?!”


“I start to feel underdressed”, Colin said, looking around the classroom. While there were still some students casually dressed, like him and Toby, there were a lot who had started to put on shirts that were more formal. Many students wore dress shirts, and one or two even a suit.

“Yeah, I've noticed that it the last few days already. I thought college was the time, where people stayed in pajamas the whole day”, Toby answered, looking irritated.

Suddenly, the guy in front of them, dressed in a light-blue dress shirt, turned around. “Many of us want to join the Fraternity. And while it's still two weeks, until we can formally apply, it doesn't hurt to make a good impression, you know?”

Tobys and Colins faces turned sour. Colin still wasn't clear what had happened a week ago, still unable to believe that he really had been tortured in there. But he knew that something was off.

“But be aware: The Fraternity is everywhere”

Sentences like this came up in his mind, again and again, disturbing him. Did it really happen the way he remembered?

“So all these guys who are dressed up just want to lick the butts of these frat boys? Really?” Toby ignored the shocked face of the other student. “I really don't get what's so great about these clubs. The stuffy clothes alone are reason enough to stay as far away as possible.”

“You shouldn't talk the way about the Fraternity”, the other student said, getting angry. “They do a lot of good, inside the university, and outside.”

Colin shook his head. “Weird stuff is going on in there. You can sometimes here muffled noises, when you are close to the frat house. And when I was there last week, I think they did some bad stuff to me.”

Toby looked irritated, learning just now that his friend had been inside the frat house. But he didn't get to say anything, as the other guy got even angrier. “Stop this slander! Listen, the Fraternity helps people a lot, and some might get very angry, if you spread lies like that.”

Heads turned around, as he had gotten louder. But only some looked irritated at him. All the dressed-up guys threw angry looks at Colin and Toby.

The latter wanted to say anything, but Colin put a hand on his shoulder. “Fine, fine, I'm not sure anyway. Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything.” Toby didn't seem satisfied, but held back. The mood had gotten darker, scarier.

The student gave them another look, before turning around again, as the lecture soon began.


After raising his hand for the fifth time, being ignored again, Toby whispered: “Is it me, or does the prof always choose the guys who look like they are going to join the frat?” Colin looked at his colleague. “Seriously? Come on, that's just silly.”

Toby shook his head. “I'm not ready to bet on it yet, but let's pay attention. Not sure, if I'm just seeing ghosts, but something feels off here.”

As the lecture went on, it seemed like Toby was right. Every time the professor asked a question, he only chose students who wore dress shirts or suits. There were enough, that it was still a different person, most of the time. But not a single time was a student chosen, who wore anything casual.


“Maybe he just prefers students who dress professional?”, Colin suggested, as they sat down in the cafeteria. He wasn't ready to accept, that it was that bad here.

“Maybe”, Toby conceded, but he was obviously not convinced. The frustrated look didn't leave his face. Only to get worse, after he ate the first spoon of his curry.

“God, I don't think I can eat this stuff for the whole year. Seriously, it either tastes like nothing, or like it has already been eaten. And the prices are insane.”

Toby looked disgusted at the food on his plate. Colin nodded, while taking another bite. “I have to say, the food at the frat house was amazing. And way cheaper than here.”

Sighing, his friend tried to keep eating. “Right, just another way to motivate you, to become a member. If you don't, you get only garbage food, and get poor in the process.” Angrily, he put the fork down. “It's always the same shit, in high school, everyone looses their minds about the football team. And now, these fucking frat bros get treated better than everyone else.”

He hadn't screamed, but still had gotten louder. Once more, heads turned into their direction, many of them from member of the fraternity, wearing the ever-present, three-colored pin.

“So you don't want me to ask Tyler, if we can eat with him at the frat house?”, Colin joked, trying to ease the tension.

Toby, who also had realized that he had gotten to intense, threw him a grumpy look. “Nothing can convince me to get even close to this weird place.” He thought for a moment, before continuing. “How about going into the town, getting some fast food? It's still junk, but at least more tasty than this stuff. And cheaper, too.”

Colin nodded. “Sounds good. But let's go to my room first, I need to unload my stuff.”

“Oh, and...”, Toby added, “sorry for getting angry so fast. I have some experience with bullying, as well as with the jerks who lick the butts of the bullies, instead of standing up to them.” He balled up his hands, relieving some stress. “These people make me angry. But I shouldn't let it out so easily.”


As the students entered, Tyler was working on his laptop. He turned around, as he heard the door open, the radiating smile present, as always.

It didn't work on Colin, as it had before last Friday. For some time, he was sure that this guy wasn't Tyler. But as the week went on, with the indistinguishable behaviou, the way he looked and dressed – Colin wasn't sure anymore. He had known Tyler only for a week, and even though they had spent quite some time together, the memory of how his roommate looked didn't stick. Maybe whatever happened on last Friday had made him lose it, a bit.

It wasn't as before, but Colin had accepted that he was in the wrong. This was Tyler, the same as on the first day.

He just couldn't get rid of the last piece of doubt, though.

“Hey, Colin, Toby. Do you have any plans for today?”, Tyler asked. Colin nodded. “Yeah, we want to visit the town. Get something to eat that doesn't taste like whatever the cafeteria gives out. Aside from that, no.”

Toby didn't say anything. After what had happened today, the frat pin on Tylers jacket made him uneasy.

“You know, you can always come with me. Put on a suit and tie, and we can get something tasty.” His blue eyes were mesmerizing, as he added: “You still owe me a second meal there, Colin. You have to come with me at least one more time.” It was obviously just a joke, but somehow, Colin felt like there was a bit of an edge in there, too.

Ignoring this feeling, he nodded. Tyler had mentioned it already two times this week, always asking his, if this was the day where he came along again.

“Sure, some time, but not today. I'm just here to unload my stuff.”

Tyler had moved to the window, looking up to the small palace, the Fraternity House. “Ok, have fun. Just one thing, to both of you.” The frat boy cleared his throat. “I know, you don't like dressy clothes, but if you don't want to get on the wrong foot with the Fraternity, you might at least start wearing dress shirts and chinos. I'm sure you noticed how many other students already started doing so. You might stand out, otherwise. Negatively.”

The benevolent smile, the shining eyes, they were still there. But it again seemed, like there was a bit more force behind those words, than Colin wanted to acknowledge. Unlike Toby, he didn't know how to respond.

“Yeah, no. What are your guys going to do, tying me to the pillars, like the dumbasses who actually agree to let themselves be punished that way? I don't care, what you frat boys think of me.”

Tyler smiled, serenely, as he added: “It's just a warning. In the same vein, even if you won't listen, you should put on a suit and tie, when going into the city. People will know that you are from the university, and might think you, like nearly all other students, are part of the Fraternity. You will throw a bad light on us.” He turned away, looking at the frat house again. “It's just a suggestion, of course.”

Despite the last sentence, there was clearly some iron in those words, once more. But before Colin could say anything, Toby started to pull him outside. “Sure, whatever. See you later, Tyler”


“Maybe we should listen to Tyler. I feel like everyone is staring at us”, Colin said, looking around. Toby nodded, an angry look on his face. “They do. All the more reason not to let us pressure into this nonsense. Come on, they can't do anything to us, as long as we aren't part of their weird club.”

A sudden, desperate grunt grabbed the attention of the two students. “Did you hear that?”, Colin asked. Toby didn't react, but looked around.

Their eyes nearly popped out, as they found the source of the sound. Close to the walkway, there was a group of trees. One of these had been used to put a student into hanging wedgies. He was dressed in what seemed to be the work uniform of the fraternity - black slacks, white tuxedo shirts and striped bow ties in red, blue and gold. His shirt was tucked into his underwear, whose back end was hanging from a strong, thick branch.

Helplessly suspended, his legs bound, his hands stuck behind his back, did the body still swing lightly, due to the impotent struggle. Even with the gag, the, by now, familiar black leather masks which covered the whole lover part of the face, including the nose – it was easy to see the painful expression on the prisoners face.

As he realized that he had been seen, his struggles intensified, his grunts getting more desperate, louder. While Colin was still in shock, Toby had already started making his way to them. “Come on, we have to help him”

But as they got closer, they realized that the boy was not alone. A frat brother, recognizable on the typical suit, tie and especially the striped pin, was sitting on a bench nearby, now getting up. He positioned himself between the wedgied boy and Toby, looking at him with a strict expression.

“You are no Brothers, that's obvious. I am Ayden, of the Fraternity. You have no business here, please just continue on. This is a Fraternity Brother, punished for misconduct.” These words brought on a wave of angry protests from the prisoner, whose struggles only got wilder. “In case you don't know, when we enter the Fraternity, we are aware of the possible punishments, and agree to accept them, if we misbehave.” Another angry struggle followed, aided by raging grunts.

Toby, furious at what he saw, stepped forward, grabbing the frat brother by his shirt. “He doesn't look like he agreed to this. And even if he did, he obviously doesn't anymore. We are taking him down, got it?”

Ayden tried to get out of Tobys grip, but was too slim to win in a physical struggle, even against the similarly built Toby. “This has nothing to do with you. Go away!”, he screamed, struggling desperately.

But Toby had different plans. “You know what? You want someone in this position? Then take it yourself! How about that, huh?” Aydens struggle increased, but when Colin stepped in, the frat brother was easily subdued. “Hey, obviously you guys agree to being bound and gagged, right? So don't complain.”

With a lack of material, Toby took off Aydens tie, and used it to bind his hands behind his back. For some reason unclear to Colin, he assumed to find more gagging material in Aydens pockets, and was right. A piece of cloth, and one more mask. It was a pleasure for him, to shut the annoying guy up, while Toby undid the belt, and used it to force their prisoners feet together.


He struggled and fought, but to no avail. Satisfied, Colin and Toby looked down on their victim. “Now comes the hard part”, the latter said, looking at the boy, stuck in his wedgie. Toby climbed the tree, shoving himself forward on the thick branch, until he could reach the bound hands. As soon as the boys arms were free, he undid the buckles of the gag-mask, and spit out a wet piece of cloth, similar to the one now stuck in Aydens mouth. In the meantime, Colin had undone the rope on the boys feet, freeing him from everything, but the wedgie.

“Can you grab the branch above you?”, Colin asked. The boy nodded. He tried, but still needed Colin to push his feet up, making it possible to grab the branch. This made it easy for Toby to get the boys undergarment unstuck. As he wasn't that high up, he could now simply let himself fall to the ground.

“Thanks, guys. These assholes!”

He looked angrily at Ayden, who had tried to crawl away. “Oh, no, you don't!”, the boy said, grabbing his former prison guard at the collar. “You get a good, nice wedgie, my friend”, he said, patting Ayden on the cheek.

Ayden, thrashing and grunting, was now put in his former prisoners place. The ropes that had bound the boys hand and feet had been used to restrict the new prisoner even further. He grunted in pain, as the wedgie finally went into effect, clearly begging to be let go.

“Thanks, guys. These assholes planned to keep me up there for two more hours.”

Toby just grinned into Aydens direction. “Don't mention it, of course we help you against stuff like this.” He grabbed a bottle of water, handing it to the guy. “So, you are also part of the frat? What did you do to get punished that way?”

The guy looked at him, irritated, shaking his head. “No, actually, I'm not. They forced me to wear this, so that they could act like I had agreed to this nonsense.” While saying this, he undid the bow tie with disgust, throwing it onto the ground. “The name is Danny, by the way.”

A cold shower ran down Colins spine. Danny wasn't a member? And the fraternity still had no qualms punishing him? Paranoid, he looked around, but no one else was around. Thankfully.

“We need to talk about this with someone!”, Toby screamed, furious. He shot an angry glance at Ayden, who, surprisingly seemed to grin.

Danny shook his head. “There is no point, I tried. You know, how these people say that they are everywhere, or something like that? Well, it's true. The faculty consists of frat alumni, I think all of them. They got each others backs, and if you try to complain about any of them, they will just believe the ton of frat boys, who deny any problem.”

He took another sip, before continuing. “That's why I ended up in that position. If you get close to the frat house, you can sometimes here muffled voices. And they tie and gag members publicly. This is just wrong, so I reported it. But I only got told, that this is fraternity business. The faculty members who wore those stupid badges. And today, when I came back from my lecture, I was greeted by a bunch of frat bros in my dorm room, my roommate one of them. I was forced to put this stuff on, tied and gagged me, and marched down here. When people asked, they got told that I was a frat member. And that was enough, no one asked further questions.”

The student had gotten angrier, as he had carried on. Throwing a disgusted look at his former captor, who still grinned under his gag, he slowly started to calm down. “Thanks, again. I'm glad that there are still sane people here.”

Colin looked at the bow tie, lying on the ground. They were obviously symbols, signs that the wearer was bound to the words of the frat. Ties, just ones that didn't bind your hands. He shivered.

“So, what are we going to do now?”, he asked. “If the rat here tells on us, we will be in trouble.”

Everyone turned towards Ayden, who, even through his gag, could be heard laughing. But Toby seemingly wasn't done, yet. He pulled out his phone. “We will untie you in time, don't worry. If anyone but us sees you in this state, it will be your own fault.”

He turned towards the Colin and Danny. “Let's make some pictures, guys. To make sure, that the rat keeps quite.”


@Gino @harveygasson @jshao91

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Post by jshao91 »

I have a feeling the Frats are in big trouble :idea:
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Post by The slave »

I love this story
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Post by harveygasson »

Great new post! The guys are playing with fire but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks a lot for the feedback, guys. Next chapter will take some more time, stuff is coming up. Inspiration hit when I don't really have time for it, unfortunately.

Just so you know that the fast speed of the start will not hold, as much as I would want to. Can't wait to get back to this one.

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Post by Carnath »

I really like this story. The mystery vibe and the fraternity who largely uses of kidnapping and bondage to ensure its domination is very appealing!
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks for the comments, everyone. Here is the next chapter.
Chapter 5

The rest of the day was pretty fun. Colin and Toby hung out near Ayden for a bit. Danny had put on the bow tie again, after they realized that, in case someone came, he had to act like he was here to take care of Aydens punishment, not the other way around.

Colin and Toby hid behind some trees, grinning, as a bunch of frat bros came by, talked to Danny, and then just left, accepting the lie. The best part was Ayden, who struggled desperately to get out, but was completely stuck. The grin had long gone.

Unfortunately, they realized that they had to make sure that Toby would have to switch places with Ayden again. The guys who tied and gagged him would come back, after all, and it had to look like he was actually stuck in his wedgie for the whole time.

“Just get it over with”, was all he said, after nearly two hours had gone by. He got tied and gagged again, the same way as he had been when the friends had found him. Afterwards, they released Ayden, and hung their new friend back onto the branch. He grunted in discomfort, as his weight had to be carried again by only his underwear.

Freeing Ayden was also obnoxious. “You will pay for this, all three of you”, he said, after his gag was undone. “Try us”, Colin said, showing him his phone. “Don't forget the pics we made.”

Ayden gulped. Sure, some people had already seen him in his pathetic state, but the pictures showed something more. They were a bit more revealing.

Colin and Toby had promised to visit Danny later on, in his dorm room, to check if he was ok. Then, they finally made their way into the town to get something to eat.


“That was delicious”, Toby said, demonstratively stroking his belly. “Best food I had in two weeks.”

Colin nodded. “Yeah, it was great. Not as good as what I had gotten in the frat house, but still way ahead of the cafeteria stuff.”

It started to get dark, as they reached the campus. They were glad to see, that Danny wasn't stuck on the tree anymore. Neither he, nor Ayden, were to be seen.

It took a bit of time, but finally, they found Dannys room.

“Hi, did you enjoy your city trip?”, he asked, after opening the door, seemingly in a good mood. He had changed back to his casual attire – a pair of blue jeans, and a red and blue striped t-shirt. “We got something for you”, Toby said, holding up a bag with a burger and some fries. He and Colin had felt bad, for tying their new friend up again, especially in such a humiliating position. Inviting him to some trashy food was the least they could do.

“Awesome, real food. Thanks!”, he said, letting his new friends come in. It didn't look much different from Colins place – a typical, small dorm room for two people.

“Your roommate isn't here?”, Colin asked, looking around. There hung a flag above one of the beds – red, blue and gold. “Thank god”, Toby said. “I'm not in the mood for more frat bros, after knowing what these guys are up to. Bad enough that I'll probably see the one I share my dorm room with.”

A frown appeared on Colins face. “You two have frat bros for roommates too? Weird.”

Toby seemed to have gotten to a similar conclusion. “Seems strange, doesn't it? Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I start to think that there are no such things, when it comes to this fraternity.”

Only now did they notice two things: A big grin on Dannys face, and some noises, coming from the closet.

“Oh, he is here. But we had a bit of a talk, when I got back. Did go pretty well, with his friends gone.”

With delight, he moved to a closet, the source of the noise, and opened the door. Toby couldn't help but laugh, when he saw what was inside. Colin just stood there, staring at the bound and gagged frat boy, who struggled like crazy.


Multiple layers of duct tape covered the lower part of his face. His hands and feet nearly touched behind his back, being pulled together for a strict hogtie. More rope had been added, to force the elbows and knees together, restricting the movement of the captive to a minimum.

“Feeling good, buddy?”, Danny asked, gleefully. He put one of his feet closer to the gagged face. The prisoner tried to avoid them, but was unable to move away. His anger vanished, and made space for desperation.

“Not so fun, when it's you who is tied up against his will, isn't it?”, Colin said, smirking. “You did make some pics, did you? Just to make sure, that he will not return the favor again.”

His new friend nodded. “Of course. Similar style to the one we got from Ayden.” He kneeled down, pulling his prisoner up by his hair, which created more pained grunting.

“Listen, if you are willing to stop this nonsense now, we'll just call it even after tonight, and everything is fine. But don't you dare pulling anything else. It's pretty obvious that I'm the stronger one of us, right, Mike?”

The prisoner didn't react, he just continued to twitch around.

“Why is he struggling so much? I mean, it's not enjoyable to be tied up, especially this strictly, but...”, Toby wondered. Dannys grin grew to new dimensions, as the went to his desk, showing us a small package.

“I wanted to use this on my little brother, that brat. Whenever I would get back home. But my dear roommate desperately wanted to try it himself.”

Both Toby and Colin shared in Dannys evil grin. Strong itching powder. Perfect.

“I just reapplied it, so it's still fresh. The first dose lasted for quite some time.” Danny turned his attention back to his roommate.

“Hmm, I was up there for four hours, right? So, to make us even, I will have to keep you that way for two more hours. Have fun.”

With those words, not paying any more attention to the desperate Mike, Danny closed the closet. After some music was turned on, it was very easy to ignore the pathetic grunts.


It had gotten pretty late, as Colin said good night to Danny and Toby, making his way back to his own dorm room. While a Wednesday night, there was still a constant movement to and from the frat house. He had gotten accustomed to the strong lights that it threw into his window, way past his sleeping time.

Over the last few weeks, the student had not only seen one or multiple frat guys moving on their own – they sometimes had one or two people with them, wearing a white tuxedo shirt, a bow tie and slacks, hands and arms heavily bound, mouths effectively gagged, with only their legs free, so they could walk. Most of the time, a rope would be attached to the body, so the frat bros could lead their prisoners like on a leash.

Colin had always assumed, that this was just typical frat nonsense, done to people in the fraternity, who at least somehow had agreed to punishments of this sort. But now, after knowing about Danny, he wasn't so sure anymore.

It was the same this night. A bigger group of frat members crossed his way, forcing two other tied and gagged guys to follow them. A cold shower ran down Colins spine, when he thought that this might be some regular students, caught up in one of those insane frat games.

But the worst thing was, that he didn't dare confront them. On the contrary, he now tried to avoid the group intentionally, while unable to look away. There just wasn't anything he could do against a group so big, except hoping that he wouldn't be another target of theirs.

“Colin, isn't it?”

He froze up, as he heard those words. His look was fixated on the two prisoners, so the student hadn't realized that one of the frat boys had his eyes now on him. And it wasn't anyone – the darkness made it hard to make out, but as the frat boy came closer, it became clear that it was Mark. The one who had caught him in the hallways, last week.

“Hey, did you forget me already? I guess I didn't make the impression I thought I would”, Mark said, as he stood before his former prisoner, a radiating smile on his face. Colin shook his head, trying to regain his focus. “Oh, sorry, I'm just tired and unfocused. Hi, Mark.”

As much as he tried, he couldn't stop his eyes focusing on the two tied-up students, who now, too, looked at him. Struggling to get out, grunting, as it seemed to him, for help.

Mark realized, of course, whom Colin was looking at. “Don't worry about these two. Just two Brothers who failed to behave up to our code. A short and simple punishment, nothing more”.

Colin didn't answer. All he could focus on, was the increased struggling of the two prisoners. Even in the darkness, it was clear to him that they pleaded for help, desperate to be set free, to get away from these bullies. His whole body started to shiver, to feel cold. There was nothing he could do to help them. Not here. Not now. He just wanted to get away.

Marks glowing eyes, the sweet tone of voice, the perfect smile – they all had a light, terrifying edge to them, as he focused on Colin. Only after a bit of time, with no words, only the grunts of the two helpless students, did he realize that the group had moved. Fear gripped him, as he looked around – he was surrounded.

“I heard you met Ayden today”, Mark continued. There was no malice in the voice, it was sweet and sympathetic, as always. And still, it sparked new terror in Colin.

>>How did he know this? Did Ayden talk, despite the blackmail pics they had made?<<, he thought.

Colin tried as hard as possible to ignore the two prisoners, and his own fear. “Yeah, we had a bit of a talk, before I went out, to the town. Nice guy.” Hoping that this was enough, he added: “I'm afraid I have to go now. Sorry, but it was a long day, I'm really tired.”

The smile on Marks face just didn't change. Everything about him, like with Tyler, was impeccable – perfectly friendly, beautifully articulated, the posture of a statue, the suit perfectly fitting, even the tie was artfully tied. With Tyler, it had always felt a bit entrancing. But, maybe due to the way they first met, it was very different with Mark.

“Sure, get some rest”, he said, not moving a bit. No matter how much Colin tried, he still heard the begging grunts of the two students. “Ayden and Tyler both mentioned, that you were an interesting person, worth trying to make a member.”

He nodded to the others, for them seemingly a sign to get going. Colin wasn't sure how much his scared state had to do with it, but it seemed like the faces of the prisoners had gotten even more wildly desperate. He had no time to focus on them, though, as Mark addressed him once again: “Before I go, let me give a bit of advice: You might want to start dressing a bit better. You just stick out, you know? It is very obvious that you are not a member, when you are not wearing a suit and tie. Some of us just don't like it, when people ignore the Fraternity and what it stands for.”

The voice was eerily calm and nice, contrasting sharply with what Colin thought of as a potential threat. Did Mark try to scare him?

If it was even possible, Marks voice grew even calmer, more generous and helpful. “But even if you don't mind what the Fraternity thinks about you – the professors appreciate it, when we dress like adults for their courses. I mean, you can ignore my suggestions. Just be aware, that you might not do yourself any favors that way.”

Without waiting for another word, the frat member turned around, following the group. The helpless grunting was the only thing Colin kept hearing, until that, too, vanished into the night.

Hoping not to meet any more frat members, he tried to reach his dorm room as fast as possible. The other people he met ignored him, though, and soon, he was in the safety of his home. Glad to be away from these people, it took him a bit to realize, that the water was running in the bathroom.

Colin just lay down on his bed, trying not to think about what just happened. He was exhausted.


A few minutes later, Tyler came out of the bathroom, smartly dressed, despite the late hour. “Had a nice day?”

Colin turned towards his roommate. Despite the constant bit of uneasiness, despite him being a member of this fraternity, he considered Tyler his friend. He didn't want to push him away.

“Yeah, it was pretty nice. Fast food tastes really good, when all you get is the garbage from the cafeteria. And the town itself is pretty nice, too.”

Tyler nodded. “Isn't it charming? How about going together, this weekend? I haven't been there in ages. Know a great cocktail bar there.” As he saw Colins look, he added: “Cheap too, I promise. Even as a student, you can go there from time to time.”

With a laugh, Colin answered: “That's not it. I'm just waiting for you to tell me, that I have to wear a suit to get in.” It was fascinating, how Tyler could get him to ease up. The tension he had just felt was already receding.

As he confessed, Tylers face got a shade more red: “Well, not a suit, but you should wear some nice pants and a dress shirt. Still, the drinks are cheap, I promise”, holding up his flat hand, “they just try to keep a certain style.”

With a light smile, Colin nodded. “Fine, fine, but you pay for my first drink.”

His roommate beamed with delight. “Sure, no problem. Oh, and by the way”, he continued, moving over to Colins wardrobe. “We do have a pretty similar build, so I thought we might have the same shirt size.” The frat boy opened the door, and pointed to three dress shirts, which clearly hadn't been there before. “Look, you don't have to wear them, but they are good quality, and you don't really have many nice shirts. So, just in case, you can have these.”

Colin looked at the presents, feeling a bit irritated. But he also felt by now, that his roommate really enjoyed wearing dress clothes, and only wanted to share this joy with him. “Thanks, it can't hurt to have them. No promises, though, ok?”

There was no break in Tylers smile, as he answered: “Sure, they are a present, no conditions.”

It wasn't clear to Colin, if he had heard a slight edge in the last sentence, or not. But he WAS sure, that he started to get paranoid.


@Carnath @harveygasson @The slave @jshao91

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Post by squirrel »

I am under a strong impression that Colin is being... cornered by Mark and the fraternity... As if there was a game going on and he was the prey... Great story and very good bondage description! Hope to read more soon 8-)

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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks a lot for the feedback, squirrel, it's much appreciated.

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Post by FelixSH »

Chapter 6

“So, is one of you going to that frat event?”, Colin asked, looking hopefully, a bit begging, at Toby and Danny. The latter didn't look up, while focusing on the mush the cafeteria had sold them. Toby, though, got an incredulous look in his eyes.

“Wait, you are going? Seriously?”

He shook his head. “Of course not. The frat house and its members give me the creeps. We'll just end up tied and gagged somewhere.”

Colin sighed, hoping to get better news from Danny, who finally seemed to have defeated the disgusting meal. “Yeah, Toby is right. I'm surprised you are even considering it. I thought you had some bad memories of that place? And there is a reason why we stay away from these frat boys, if at all possible.”

That was the answer he had expected. Colin sighed, leaning back in his chair. “It's just that Tyler doesn't want to let it go. I promised him to invite him to another meal, when we were there last Friday. He actually got pretty pushy about it, you know?”

Danny had taken out the flyer, he had gotten from his roommate Mike, studying it. “Free food, free drinks, exploration of the Fraternity House. Hmm...”, he scratched the back of his head, “actual edible food, for free, doesn't sound that bad, you know.”

He turned his attention back to Colin. “Wait, what does you going there have to do with you paying off your debt? The food is free.”

Colin nodded. “Well, Tyler will forgive my debt, if I come along today. Which would be great, actually, getting free food and not having to invite him.”

Toby played with his pasta, debating if he should continue eating, or not. “Dude, just don't pay him back. Or give him the money. He's just a frat bro, who cares.” Finally, he decided to pick up one of the noodles, forcing it down.

A pained look showed on Colins face. “No, that's not right. I promised, so I'll do it. And honestly, as far as frat bros go, Tyler is really ok, I enjoy spending time with him.” The student scratched his nose, before going on, the cheeks slightly redder then before. “And, uh, he is kinda cute.”

Suddenly, he had Tobys and Dannys full attention, the former starring at him in shock, the latter in amusement. “Dude, what? Are you kidding me? He is the enemy! And an evil clone!”, Toby said, pointing his fork at his friend. Danny put his hand on Tobys shoulder, trying to calm him down. “So that's why you started wearing dress shirts now. Hehe, we already wondered.”

The slight shade of red had turned full-on tomato. “What, no, that's not it. Come on. And I already told you, I'm sure I just imagined things. There was no weird people exchange, or whatever” Colin sighed, before looking directly at his friends, trying not to sound too irritated. “It's just easier that way, wearing dressier clothes. After what happened to Danny, and after that creepy meeting with Mark, I just want to draw less attention.”

Both of his friends nodded, one grinning, one accusing. “Ok, tell you what, I'll come along”, Danny said. “I am curious about that food.”

Toby shook his head, looking betrayed. “Both of you will end up tied to trees. Don't expect me to come to your rescue.”


“Great!”, Tyler exclaimed, clapping his hands together. There was real excitement on his face, Colin was sure about it. He got a knack about knowing when his roommate was seriously happy, or when he only tried to show some positivity.

“Awesome that Danny is coming along. We'll have a lot of fun, I promise.”

Colin tried not to blush, at the positive outburst. “So, what is happening? Just the meal, and you guys showing us first-semesters the fraternity house? I mean, your food is great, but you sound like there will be more.”

The grin was infectious. Colin couldn't help but start to smile himself.

“Of course there will be more. We'll have our big New Semester Party afterwards!” His face glowing with excitement, Tyler put his arm around Colins shoulder. “It's a bit of a surprise, for the people who come, but these parties are always a highlight of the year.”

Suddenly, Tyler stepped away, taking a measuring look at his roommate. “You know, the shirt really fits you well. I'd bet one of my suits would look good on you, too. Might fit better, than the black one you have. That one is just too big for you.”

He moved to his wardrobe, not even waiting for Colins response. While looking at the choices, he mentioned: “I'm glad I don't need to take more drastic measures to make you pay up, buddy”, a slightly evil tone added. “My debtors always repay me, even if I have to use a bit of rope to motivate them.”


A few hours later, Colin and Tyler made their way to Dannys room. To Tylers joy, he had been right – his suits weren't completely perfect for his roommate, but they did fit well enough. He had chosen one in blue, with a wine-red tie, obviously enjoying dressing Colin up.

Their knock was soon answered, by a sharply dressed Danny, in a light-gray suit with a blue, striped tie. Unlike Mike, this did stand out to Colin, as in the few days they had met, Danny had always worn the most casual of clothes, aside from the time they first met. Mike wasn't dressed any different than the other times, like all the frat brothers.

“Hehe, he said he was glad that I decided to join him”, Danny announced, pointing at his roommate, as they started to make their way to the frat house. “He seriously threatened to drag me there, otherwise, bound and gagged, if he had to. As if, haha!”

Mike coughed. “I did NOT threaten you. Just said that, if new students didn't want to come along, their roommate might have forced the issue a bit.” He grinned, thinking back. “When I was new, I had no interest in joining a fraternity. But, knowing how much I would miss, my roommate back then tied and gagged me, forced me to wear something nice, for once, and dragged me along. I wasn't the only one either, hehe. Thank god, he did, it was such a great party. There was no question for me then, I had to become a member of the Fraternity.”

He smiled. “It seriously changed my life. I couldn't imagine it without my Brothers.”

While he and Tyler exchanged nostalgic glances, Danny and Colin shared looks of concern. “Is this still done? It might have worked out for you, but I guess many people wouldn't like being treated that way”, the latter said.

Mike shook his head. “I really didn't mean it as a threat to Danny. I was glad he decided to come along, and wanted to make a joke. Nothing serious, promise.”

But neither Danny nor Colin were truly convinced. Not wanting to force the topic, a bit scared of what they might find, they only share another concerned look, before dropping it.


A few hours earlier, after eating lunch with Danny and Colin, Toby made his way back to his own dorm room. He tried to avoid any contact with the two frat brothers, who talked to each other, close to the door.

To his annoyance, his roommate Finn was already there. As far as Toby was concerned, he looked like a copy of all the other frat bros, with their perfect smile and the impeccable suits. He tried to avoid contact as much as possible, only responding to his roommates presence with a short “Hi”, while hanging up his jacket.

“Hey, Toby”, Finn said, getting up from his desk. “Did you change your mind? Will you join me tonight, at the Fraternity Event?”

The perfect teeth, the ever-present smile, the clothes – Toby couldn't help himself, it all looked fake. He hadn't liked his roommate from the start, due to how off everything about him felt. And after meeting Danny, that feeling had just gotten stronger.

“Of course not. Why would you think that?” Toby grimaced, already annoyed. “Please leave me alone, with this fraternity crap. I told you what happened to my friend, what your fraternity did to him, and you don't even care.”

Finn shook his head slowly. “Just a small punishment, for trying to hurt the Fraternity. It's not like he got hurt. Except for his pride, I guess.” He stepped closer. And suddenly, Toby thought that he could see something else in those eyes, aside from the sunshine. Light terror overcame him, as he walked backwards, slowly backing away from his roommate, until he was against the wall.

“Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Just want to talk, really”, Finn said, as he put one hand on Tobys shoulder. “Look, we might have gotten off on the wrong foot. I promise, the Fraternity is great, and it is the perfect day for you to get to know it. Can't you just do me that one favor?”

Fake. Fake. Fake!

It was all that went through Tobys head, as he starred into those eyes. Those happy, empty eyes.

“Please, get away from me. I'm not coming with you. I'm never going to step into that building, and that's a promise!”, he said, the hands balled to fists.

Finn took his hand away, taking a step back. “Well, that's a shame. I guess I have no choice, but to accept your decision.”

There it was again. A flash in his eyes, steel in his voice. Toby was sure of that. He watched, as Finn did something on his phone.

He had to get out. “I'm going for a walk. The weather is too nice, to stay inside the whole time.” No reaction. Finn looked at the door, smiling.

Shivering, Toby grabbed his jacket again. “Well, see you later”, he said, as suddenly, the door was opened. His heart skipped a beat, as the two frat members he had avoided before - big, strong-looking guys - stepped in.

“These are Brothers of mine. As you don't want to listen to reason, we, unfortunately, are forced to take more drastic measures”, Finn said, the steel in his voice now clearly audible. As the two newcomers approached his roommate, he walked over to the door, locking it.

Toby couldn't stop shivering. He wasn't weak, but these two were built like trucks. One of them was probably enough, to rip his head of. “What is happening? Who are you guys?”

They didn't say anything, but stood in front of the cornered Toby, making escape impossible. The voice of Finn, still playful, started again.

“You will put on dress clothes. You will come with us to the party, and wear them there. You will be tied and gagged, the whole time. And you will stay there, until I will let you go.”

Toby tried to say something, but the voice didn't allow any interruption. “You had your chance, now you will listen! This is not! A choice! I am sorry, that I have to take such drastic measures. But due to your stubbornness, I have to.”

Despite how pointless it seemed, Toby fought. He tried to get away, but was easily grabbed, and pushed to the floor. When he tried to scream, a piece of cloth was swiftly stuffed into his mouth. A leather mask, like the other ones, soon covered his nose, face and chin, buckled and locked behind his back.


He struggled desperately, as his casual clothes were taken away, and he was forced into a white tuxedo shirt, black slacks and black dress shoes.

“Gmmhh! Hmmph!!”

The collar was uncomfortably narrow, as the top button was done up, and the bow tie, in red, blue and gold, was added.


He thrashed and struggled, unable to get away from the iron grip of his captors.


But soon, his hands were bound behind his back, and with it all hope of getting free by himself.

With his hands stuck behind his back, the shirt was even more uncomfortable, the fabric being pulled back by his own arms. Especially the collar, the tie, pressed mercilessly against his neck.

“You clean up nicely, you know? I'll make sure, that you wear decent clothes, from now on”, Finn said, beaming, as he patted his captives back. All the begging and struggling was ignored. He was positioned in front of a mirror, forced to look at himself, in the helpless state he was in. The shirt, the tie, the gag – he didn't recognize himself. Didn't want to acknowledge the pathetic state, he had found himself in.

Desperately, he tried to find slack, a knot, anything he could use to free himself. But nothing. He was expertly bound, the rope not moving an inch.

“See? You look great. The gag is a neat touch, isn't it?”, Finn said, not even looking at his prisoner. “Thanks, guys. Please put him in a hogtie, before you leave.”

The burly frat brothers did as they were told. No matter how much Toby kept struggling, his legs were soon strictly bound, not leaving any slack. Within minutes, he was lying on his stomach, his hands and feet forced together, the arms tied to his torso.

He kept fighting, but soon, exhaustion set in. Defeated, still lying in front of the mirror, he didn't even have a choice but to look at himself, helplessly bound and gagged. In clothes he would have never worn. Just one more sign of his defeat.

“Try to get used to this. Aside from spending the night in this state, I can promise you that this will not be the last time either”, Finn said, his voice cheerful as ever. Toby didn't react, too exhausted to fight, too angry to beg. He just lay there, breathing heavily.

His alarm bells started to ring, as his captor walked over to his wardrobe. “No suit, and just one dress shirt. A sorry state”, he began. “I'll use this opportunity, to free you from the ugly trash you normally wear. I should have a garbage bag somewhere.”

This got Tobys attention. He glared at his roommate, grunting angrily into his gag. “Don't worry, I will donate it. And the Fraternity has enough nice shirts and pants, you can borrow something until our tailor made you new clothes.”

Despite his exhaustion, the prisoner had started thrashing around again. But he could only watch helplessly, as all his t-shirts, hoodies and jeans were put into the black sack. Until finally, even his sneakers got stuffed in, and the bag was tied shut.


“You were right, it is impressive”, Danny said, looking around the magnificent hallway, as he and Colin made their way to the dining hall. “If nothing else, they have style, I guess.”

His eyes got hung up at the guys standing next to the wall. “What's up with them? Why are they wearing masks?” He tilted his head a bit. “It's kinda creepy.”

Tyler, hearing the conversation behind him, interjected. “It's just one of the jobs we Brothers do. You are not accustomed to it, but having them standing there, all looking the same, makes a great impression.”

Danny half-smiled at him. “Sure, if you say so. Sounds like an awful job.” He watched one of the them closer. “Didn't he just move?” But Mike changed the topic, starting to talk about the delicious food, they would soon be eating. Shortly afterwards, they were gone.

The person Danny had looked at, had indeed tried to move. He still did, without any success. Like all the other students, dressed in white tuxedo shirts, black slacks and frat-color striped bow ties, his hands were strictly, but from the front invisible, bound behind his back. The same rope that bound the hands was not only attached to his belt, but was also drawn back, through a small slit in the wall, looking like decoration for any viewer.

At head level, another piece of rope had a loop, appearing out of the slit. It went through a small hole in the back of the full-head mask. Had the students not worn these masks, one could have seen them to be gagged by the black leather masks, used by the Fraternity. The same one, that gagged each of these people. The rope out of the slit, was connected to these masks, pulling their heads back strictly against the wall.

Directly above the dress shoes, a rope was looped around each leg, perfectly hidden in the front by the dress pants leg, falling over it. With the feet being forced together by rope, without any slack, it was impossible to see that the back part of the pants legs was a bit raised, allowing the rope to go back, also into the slit.

Toby screamed, but the cloth in his mouth, and the two masks over his face, together with the high and wide hallway, made it impossible for anyone just walking through to hear him. With his head, hands and feet drawn strictly to the slit, he could barely move at all. And due to the rope that drew back his head, being fixed at a certain height behind the wall, he was forced to stand perfectly straight, not able to even relax his knees.

He whimpered, tried to wriggle around, but it was nearly impossible to move at all. His legs hurt, from standing still for so long. His whole body started to be in pain, which was the only relieve from the constant boredom. And there was no clear end in sight.

Finn had promised him, that he would only be in this position for two hours. Toby could only hope, that he had said the truth. Going by his feeling, the pain in his body, he had been standing here for four hours already.

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Post by Carnath »

Fantastic new chapter! The capture scene with the stripping was super hot, and the concealed bondage was very well described! I love that!
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