Anna Finds Trouble (M/F) (F/F)

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Anna Finds Trouble (M/F) (F/F)

Post by Brez510 »

Hi everyone. It's Anna from Patti and Anna fame. If you want to learn more about my best friend Patti and I, how we met, and how we discovered our unique mutual interest in tie up games read the story “Patti’s Payback.”

I was asked to tell you a story that happened to me a few months ago on a weekend when Patti was out of town.

I know you guys always want a description of the people involved in a story, so here is mine.

I'm 25 years old. I live in Florida. I'm from Germany but work in the US teaching physical education at a private high school.

I’m tall, 5’10”. I was a pole-vaulting track star when I started college in Germany, but a few nagging injuries ended my career.

I guess you can say I'm very fit. No fat. Lean solid muscles. Short white blond hair, blue eyes.

I guess my trademark is I walk around in the Florida sun most of the time with track shorts, sports bra, and sneakers. I have loads of sneakers. My friend Patti has a closet full of high heels. Mine is filled with assorted sneakers. I guess opposites attract! Lol.

So as I mentioned, a few months ago Patti went to a social work conference in Texas.

I knew I was going to have a boring weekend with her gone. No tie up games, no getting into “trouble,” no bar hopping or dinner. Just a boring weekend.

I went to school on Thursday and mentioned to one of my colleagues in the teachers’ lounge that I was dreading a boring weekend with my best friend out of town.

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Arthur Arnold intently listening to my conversation. I could see him slowly standing up.

Arthur is my school’s biology and botany teacher. He’s gawky, skinny, kind of sickly looking most of the time, has no muscle tone and a messy mop of hair. A great guy though. The kind of guy where a women’s maternalistic tendencies take over.

Arthur started walking towards me. He stumbled for a minute. I forgot to tell you he's also injury prone. Lol.

When Arthur got to the table, I was seated at he said, “Anna, I overheard you, are free this weekend? Would you like to join me in Clay County? I need a partner to play Commando Capture the Flag.”

Commando Capture the Flag? I played capture the flag with the kids at the camp I worked at with Patti a few years ago. I asked Arthur what Commando meant.

“Well Anna, it a rugged version of the game. Played out in the woods over a number of acres.”

Rugged and Arthur don’t mix. He almost tripped and fell crossing the room. Lol.

I guess my maternal instinct took over and since Arthur was so gawky and injury prone, for whatever reason I agreed to join him. I figured he's a nice guy and needed a teammate. Arthur was never one to hit on women he worked with, a true gentleman, so I agreed. Besides a little capture the flag is good harmless fun mixed with physical activity which I enjoy.

I asked Arthur what we needed for the game. He really didn't know many of the rules other than to wear camo clothing. I guess since this version of the game took place in the woods and not in an open field that made sense.

I met Arthur around 5:30am for our drive to Clay County. He looked, how do I describe this, ridiculous. All new camo clothing, a couple of sizes too big. He looked like a military scarecrow. Lol

I went through my closet and found a bunch of camo clothing. Camo track shorts, and sports bra as well as a cameo baseball cap I wore backwards. I had brown hiking shoes with black ankle socks.

The ride took a few hours. We finally made a turn onto a winding dirt road and followed it to an old farmhouse. To my surprise close to 100 people were registering and milling around.

Also, to my surprise, or should I say shock, the majority were dressed in camo, but like the real deal. Big, strong looking men and women who looked like they were former military, outdoor enthusiasts, survivalists and paint ball fanatics.

Arthur, I said, these people look like they mean business. This doesn’t look like the capture the flag I’ve played.

Arthur said not to worry, he would be at my side the whole time. Somehow that didn't reassure me! Lol.

Well, we registered and gathered with the large group as the leaders explained the rules. The game was indeed a radical version of capture the flag. The game field had many places to hide, with several old farm buildings in play. It was like the kid’s version though. You had to capture the flag and return it to your home base without getting caught. There were two teams, A and B, with about 50 members on each.

In the kid’s version if you were caught by the other team while searching for the flag you went to “jail.”

In the Commando version, if you were caught, you were transported to hideouts.

The B team we were on had about 20-foot soldiers, pickup and ATV drivers, hideout guards and senior officers to direct strategy.

Arthur and I were assigned as foot soldiers, told by an officer which direction to take to to look for the flag.

I was nervous. Arthur and I seemed like the only two who never played this game. I still didn't fully understand the rules and strategies.

“Don't worry Anna” he said. “I'll protect you in our pursuit of the flag.”

And who was going to protect Arthur?

We started out into the woods. The key to the game is to be stealth and quiet. It took Arthur around ten seconds to immediately drop his backpack which he forgot to zip. Water bottles, our walkie talkie, maps, energy bars all scattered about. I stood watch looking around for the enemy while Arthur picked up the stuff to put back into his pack.

We walked for maybe a quarter of a mile further when Arthur grimaced with pain.

He said “Anna, I have severe leg cramps. I think I am a little dehydrated.”

Dehydrated after a quarter of a mile didn’t speak well to our chances of helping the other foot soldiers find the flag.

I told Arthur to drink some water and maybe that would rehydrate him and loosen the cramp.

Arthur reached into his pack and let me know he had no water. When he dropped the pack earlier, he forgot to put the water bottles back in.

I told Arthur to hide behind a log and stay still while I backtracked to where he dropped his pack and left the water.

It was creepy backtracking. I was alone. It was very quiet. Too quiet. I was convinced there were members from the other team stalking me. It's only a game, I said to myself. I'm just being paranoid. Everyone at this point should be ahead of us. Arthur dropped his pack at the start of the game.

I continued through the woods towards the pack. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a man’s hand clamped around my mouth. I tried to struggle but he was much too strong. I tried to scream but nothing came out. With one hand around my mouth, he reached into his pack. He took out a bit gag and shoved it between my teeth. Once he had it between my teeth, he took its leather strap and buckled it tightly behind my head. He held me by the waist so I couldn't run. I tried to fight him, kick him, but nothing worked. He whistled a bird chirp and moments later three team members walked through the woods from different directions. They all seemed to know what to do. Like they played this game as foot soldiers in the past.

They placed me on the ground and each one knew their task. One female worked my wrists. Unlike the tie up games I was involved in in the past, this group meant business.

She tightly tied my wrists together. She then tied my elbows twisting the rope around making two loops.

The second female member of the team tied my forearms together tightly with three loops. She then attached more rope to my biceps ties and ran another three loops first under my sports bra then over the top of it.

The two male team members worked my legs. They first tied my ankles with four loops of while rope. Then four loops just above my ankles but below my knees, then above my knees.

They then took a rope and tied it from my wrist to my ankles. I was totally and completely hog tied. Unable to move a muscle. The bit gag did not allow me to utter a sound. I was totally helpless. Totally tied and gagged. A prisoner of the A Team.

I didn't know what to think. I've been tied up and gagged with Patti during our tie up games many times, but this was real. I was frightened, not knowing what would happen to me next. I felt like a true captive. I looked around at my four captors. They were all dressed in real deal camo. I felt almost naked in the outfit I had on. I could see the two male A team soldiers look me over. The two women did the same. Were they thinking of me as more then a game captive? I was at their total mercy.

Then it dawned on me. I came back to reality. This was a game of capture the flag we’re playing. It was controlled. I was a prisoner because that was part of the game.

I relaxed a little. I thought of my predicament. I've only dreamed, because of my love of bondage and tie up games, to be in a situation like this. Totally bound and gagged by strangers I never met. Truly a damsel in distress. It's only a game, I said to myself again. I knew no harm would ultimately come to me. It was called Commando Capture the Flag. Obviously you had to be very tough to play and take the consequences if you were captured.

Suddenly I heard a truck come down across a road through the woods. One of the A Team members took out a long black cloth. He wrapped it around my eyes several times making an effective blindfold.

One of the drivers said. Sorry it took us a while to get here. We had to make sure the coast was clear to drive in and pick up your prisoner.

All four team members lifted me up to place me in the rear of the pickup.

Looks like we're headed to a hideout I thought. Then my thoughts turned to Arthur who I knew couldn't fend for himself in this type of game. I hope he was ok.

The truck drove off with my four captors and I in the bed. We stopped many times when the driver thought there was activity ahead. Eventually we stopped.

Let's take her inside one the A Team members said. With that I felt a knife cutting the ropes on my legs. They tied my legs so tight I was stiff. Finally with all the leg ropes removed they pulled me off the truck. My arms remained tied, the blind fold was still in place and the bit gag still tie tightly between my teeth.

They escorted me into the building and sat me in a chair. They first removed the blindfold. I blinked my eyes and looked around. The building appeared to be a large old shed of some sort.

One of the male team members came over and removed my bit gag. My mouth hurt. This was unlike any gag I had ever worn before. Patti and I preferred to play our tie up games with cloth gags or sometimes tape. Nothing like a bit gag ever entered our minds.

One of the females said “I know you never played Commando Capture the Flag before. You have newbie written all over you.”

Everyone else laughed but I had to agree with them.

She offered me water in a bottle with a straw. Since my arms were tied, she held the straw to my mouth.

She took the water bottle away and started asking me questions.

What was the B Teams strategy to find the flag?

How were the foot soldiers deployed?

All kind of questions I couldn't answer. And if I could I probably wouldn't have.

One of the male members said, “Kerry, you guard the prisoner. We’re going to leave to get back into the game. If we find more prisoners, we’ll bring them back here.”

With that they left.

I briefly studied Kerry. She was about 5’6” bright red hair in a ponytail. Wide light blue eyes. She was wearing camo pants that showed off her nice backside, she also wore an olive military color t-shirt. She had nice breasts. Although I consider myself straight, I still love to study and observe the female body. Who knows why I do? I often wonder myself.

Kerry said “It’s just you and me now. Don't take this the wrong way but I must say you looked quite hot with that bit gag in your mouth. One of the added benefits of Commando Capture the Flag is capturing the opposition and at times getting someone as attractive as you to tie up. Again, don't take it the wrong way.”

I won't. I'm Anna, I told her. You guys did a pretty good job tying me up. Very tight.

Sorry Anna she said. But I must guard you. I need to do that outside so I can see what's going on.

With that she took some rope from a table.

Anna, she told me if you would be so kind as to spread your legs and move each one next to a chair leg.

Yes, I told Kerry. Of course, I'm your helpless prisoner.

Yes, my pretty personal captive, Kerry said.

With that she began to tie each ankle to the chair legs.

Nice legs Anna. You must be an athlete.

Yes Kerry. I teach Phys Ed. I used to pole vault.

You have an accent. Where are you from.


Kerry grabbed a handkerchief and stood behind the chair.

Yes. It's a very cute accent Anna.

Anna, you know I am going to have to gag you.

Yes Kerry.

Maybe I won't if you promise not to scream.

I might scream. Please gag me, Kerry.

Ok Anna I will. With that Kerry placed the White handkerchief around my mouth and tied it tight.

Kerry then found a small piece of paper, wrote on it and placed it in my sports bra.

Anna, I am going outside. I'll check on you in a while.

I said please do through the gag.

I was tied and gagged on the chair for a while when I got the surprise of my life. I looked over at a window in the shed. It was Arthur. He seemed quite shocked to see me tied and gagged.

He disappeared from the window. A few seconds later he reappeared from the back entrance to the shed.

He pulled my gag down and whispered to me that he would save me.

Although I was happy to see Arthur, he came to my rescue a little to soon.

With me as Kerry’s helpless prisoner maybe I didn't want to be saved right away.

I'll find a knife and cut these ropes.

Playing along I told Arthur to be careful or the guard outside will hear you.

Arthur tripped and fumbled around the shed, one step away from knocking something over to draw attention.

Eventually he did find a knife and untied me.

I whispered to Arthur and asked him how he found me.

He said that his leg cramps subsided, and he just wandered aimlessly through the woods until he came upon the shed.

Amazing, I'm captured in like 10 min and Arthur wanders around for hours never getting caught.

Arthur, we have to sneak out but first I need to take care of the guard.

Arthur wondered why we just couldn't leave through the back door and sneak out.

I told Arthur there are just some things he will never understand.

I walked to the front door; I opened it a crack. I could see Kerry facing away from me.

I snuck up on her and put my hand around her mouth and my other arm around her waist.

I wouldn't think of trying to scream Kerry.

The last thought in my mind she mumbled through my hand.

I removed my hand for a few seconds.

You're not going to tie me up tightly and gag me and leave me here helpless are you, Anna?

Yes, I am Kerry. Very helpless.

Maybe you should kidnap me and take me away with you as your bound and gagged hostage? I'll do anything you ask to stay safe. Anything.

Just then Arthur walked out and saw I captured Kerry. He totally broke the spell of the little talk we were having.

Arthur, please go back inside and find me some rope and something to gag her with.

While Arthur ran inside, I put my hand around Kerry’s mouth again. She seemed to enjoy being hand gagged by me.

So, Kerry, tell me again what you want me to do. I slightly released my hand.

Kidnap me and mmmmph.

I tightened my hand again.

Kidnap you and what Kerry? I slightly removed my hand again.

Kidnap me and tie me up and gag me and do whatever you want to me. I’ll be your prison.…….mmmmmnph.

Arthur came back, again at the most inopportune time so I directed Kerry to a flag pole near the shed.

I removed my hand and told Kerry to put her hands behind the pole. I tied them. I then knelled down to her legs and tied her ankles securing the ends of the rope behind the flag pole. I took a bandana that Arthur found, placed it between Kerry’s teeth and tied it behind the pole.

Kerry looked at me with approval, then nodded her head in the direction of my sports bra.

Bye Kerry, I whispered in her ear.

Arthur and I left. I walked behind Arthur and noticed something red tangled in his pants leg.

Arthur, stop I said. I can't take you anywhere. You have something stuck to the inside of your pants leg. Arthur reached under his cuff, and low and behold it was the A Teams flags.

Inexplicably, Arthur through his ineptitude somehow tripped near the flag and it got stuck in his baggy two sizes too big camo pants leg.

If we could get back across enemy lines, we could win the game for our B Team.

To make a long story short we hooked up with other team members, gained strength in numbers and won the game!!

All Arthur could talk about as we got in the car to drive back home is how he saved me from my captors, captured the flag and won the game for the B Team.

He said, “I told you Anna that I would protect you.”

My hero. Lol

While Arthur basked in his own glory I reached into my sports bra and pulled out the paper.

It was Kerry’s phone number.

Patti texted me on the drive home.

Are you bored without me around she texted.

Yes, just an average boring day. I was kidnapped by a group in camo clothes and tied up and gagged. Took a long walk in the woods and went out with Arthur Arnold then met someone new to play tie up game with that I must introduce you too.

Very funny Patti texted. What an imagination friend.

And I thought with Patti away I would take warm baths and sleep all weekend. Strange how plans can change!

The End
Pen Dreadful
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Post by Pen Dreadful »

This story was awesome. The scene of Anna being captured so systematically was very evocative; she felt just like a real prisoner in real peril.
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