Damsel Mom Series (m/F) and (mm/FF)

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Damsel Mom Series (m/F) and (mm/FF)

Post by stanfordnavy »

***This is from a series of stories I have written titled: Damsel Mom***

It was a typical Saturday morning. Kenny and his best friend David were in the living room playing video games. Kenny was 13 and David was 12. David was staying the weekend since his mom, Beth, was away for the weekend. The boys became best friends a few yeas ago when Kenny and his mother, Tara, moved next door. Tara Riley was recently divorced and wanted to get a new start in life. She was a successful real estate agent and though a move to a new city would give her and Kenny the fresh start she so desired.

Tara had to show a home to a client so she would be gone for a few hours. She felt bad that she had to work on a Saturday. Typically she did not show houses on the weekend but made an exception for this particular client. Wearing a red long sleeve dress that stopped about 2 inches above her knees, Wolford 15 denier sheer black stockings, and black Alison slingback high heels, Tara told the boys that when she got back she would love to play a game or two with them and enjoy the remainder of the day.

At 39, Tara took a great deal of pride in maintaining her looks. She was a former college athlete (track) and runner-up in the state beauty pageant as a 22 year old. At 5'9", light brown shoulder length hair, and roughly 130 lbs, she still maintained her figure. She made it a point to do her yoga routine several times a week and still enjoyed going on her daily 3 mile run. She thought it set a good example for her son maintaining good healthy habits.

Bored with the video games, Kenny and David decided to watch TV. Flipping through the channels trying to find something good to watch, they settled upon an old detective drama from the 1940s. It's not like they were fans of the old drama but something caught their eyes. The scene showed a beautiful woman being held hostage by several bank robbers. The bank teller was tied up and gagged in a back room trying to get free. Both boys were transfixed with the beautiful woman that was tied up. They were so fixated with the sight that they were startled when Kenny's cell phone rang; it was Tara.

" Hi, honey. What are you guys doing?"

"Hi mom. We're not doing much. We played video games for a while and got bored with that. We're watching an old TV show right now."

"Well, I'll be home in about 30 minutes. You guys up for a few games?"

"Sure. Do you have something in mind?"

"No. Whatever you guys want to play I'm up for."

"Alright. I'm for sure we will think of something to play. A good board game sounds great."

"OK. I'll see you in about 30."

Hanging up, Kenny told David that Tara would be home in about 30 minutes and she said to come up with a game or two to play.

The boys brain-stormed for a few minutes about a good board game to play but couldn't decide which to choose.

"I have an idea of a game we can play with your mom." said David

"What do you have in mind, David? I mentioned all the board games we have."

"Why don't we play a game of hostage with your mom. I bet she'll go for it."

"What do you mean?" Replied Kenny

"Well, we could act like we are the bank robbers from the TV show we just saw and we could kidnap your mom and hold her for ransom. Just like the bank robbers did."

"You mean tie up my mom?"

"Yeah. She could be the bank teller and we kidnap her. Do you think she will play along?"

"I don't know...maybe. I've never tied her up before. I don't know if she will go along with it. But, she is usually up for anything."

"Why don't you call her back and see what she says. That way we can be prepared when she gets home. If she says no, then we have to decide on a stupid board game to play." David said with a slight laugh. He liked board games also but the thought of getting Tara to play along with their robber game was more exciting.

"You're right. What do we have to loose."

Kenny grabbed his phone and called his mom back.

"Hey, honey. What's up? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, mom. David and I have an idea for a game but we just wanted to check with you first." Kenny was a little nervous as he was talking to her. He had no idea how his mom would react. She was always up for a good game but this was different.

"Why do you think you have to call me about a game? I'm up for whatever you guys want to play."

"Well...this game is a little different and we wanted to check with you first."

"I'm confused. What do you mean?"

"David and I were watching TV and got an idea of a new game to play."

Tara was confused and could tell that Kenny seemed a little nervous. When he was nervous, he always spoke at a whisper and much slower. She always thought it was so cute when he spoke that way.

"Honey...just say what you guys have in mind."

"You promise not to be mad?"

"Kenny. I'm not going to be mad. What do you guys want to play? What game could you possibly want to play that you have to call me and ask if I'm fine with it?"

Kenny paused for about 5 seconds. It seemed like an eternity to him. "Well, we were watching an old TV show and there was a bank teller kidnapped by bank robbers and we thought it would be fun to play that."

"You want to play cops and robbers?"

Kenny again paused with his answer. He paused so long that Tara thought he was not on the other end.

"Kenny. Are you still there?"

"Yeah, mom."

"Well, you didn't answer my question. You guys want to play cops and robbers with me?"

"Yeah...If you don't want to play we won't be mad. We just thought it would be a fun, new game to play that's all."

"I have to admit it's an odd request. I didn't think that's what you were going to ask."

"It's ok mom. If you don't want to play I understand. I just thought I would ask seeing that we had never played this before. David and I will pick something else to play."

"I didn't say I wouldn’t play. I just said it odd request and caught me by surprise."

Kenny's heart began to beat much faster and he almost shouted into the phone, "You mean you'll play along?"

Tara began to laugh, realizing how excited Kenny was. "Yes, honey. I'll play along."

Kenny got the biggest smile on his face as he kept saying over and over..."Mom. You're the best."

Kenny told his mom how the story would go. She would be a bank executive arriving home, not knowing that two bank robbers are hiding out waiting for her. They need to hold her hostage until the bank opens the next morning. Kenny told her to just enter the house and go along with the story.

"Ok, honey. You guys do what you have to do to get ready. I should be home in about 15 minutes."

Kenny and David could not contain their excitement. They jumped up and down, giving each other numerous high fives. They couldn't believe what they were about to do. Kenny had never played a tie up game with his mom and was always jealous listening to the stories some of his friends told about their adventures with their mothers.

"Kenny. We need to find stuff to use. I'll go get the toy gun from your room. What are we going to tie her up with?"

Kenny thought for a second and remembered there was extra clothes line rope in the basement. He hurried downstairs to get it.

Meeting back up in the living room, David with the toy gun and Kenny with the rope, they hashed out the story. David thought it would be a good idea if Kenny was the one to tie up Tara.

"She's your mom so you should do the honors. I'll be the guy with the gun telling her what to do. You just follow my lead."

The boys ran around the house making sure everything was perfect when Tara arrived.

David and Kenny anxiously kept looking out the window waiting for Tara to arrive. When they saw her pull into the driveway, they went into a back room and waited for her to enter.

Tara had to admit that she was a little excited about what was in store. As she pulled the car into the garage she chuckled at the thought of what awaits her. What did the boys have planned? Exiting her car and making her way to the door, she mentally prepared herself for being a hostage.

As she entered the house, Tara sat her keys on the table by the door and made her way into the living room. Not seeing the boys anywhere, she knew they must be hiding. Tara decided to go into the kitchen to get a glass of ice tea. After pouring herself a glass of tea, she went back into the living room. Still no sign of the boys. Tara took a seat on the couch and turned on the TV. She thought she would just act normal because the boys surely would be springing out at her shortly. Before she could complete her thought...Kenny and David appeared into the room, David with a toy gun in his hand.

"Who are you? What do you want? How did you get into my house?" Tara said in a startled voice.

David spoke up. "You're the bank lady, right?"

Tara stood up and replied, "Who are you? Get out of my house."

"Don't worry about who we are, lady. We need to get into the bank before it opens tomorrow morning and you're going to help us." Kenny said.

"Oh no I'm not. You are out of your minds if you think I'll do that. Now get out of here before I call the police." With that, Tara started to make her way to her cell phone that she had placed on the table.

"Lady don't you see that I have a gun? Don't go near your phone or I might have to shoot you." David said as he took the phone off the table and placed it in his pocket.

"Lady, you're going to help us get into the bank in the morning. If you do as we say, we won't hurt you."

"Just leave. I promise I won't call the police if you just leave now." Tara said in her best scared voice.

"We need to keep you out of the way until the morning." Continuing to point the little orange toy gun at her, David looked at Kenny and said, "I think we need to tie her up. Go find something to tie her up with.

"OK. Boss. I think I saw some rope in another room as I was snooping around. I'll go get it." With that, Kenny exited the room.

Pointing the gun at Tara, David told her to go into the dining room. Doing what she was told, Tara made her way into the dining room.

"Take a seat lady." David said as he pulled a chair from the table.

As Tara was sitting down, Kenny came into the room with the rope.

David said to Kenny, "Tie her up good. We don't want her getting away."

"Please don't tie me up. I promise I won't give you any problems. Just take anything you want and go."

"Nice try lady but you are too important. We need the money in the bank. Kenny said as he made his way toward his mom.

Kenny placed the rope on the table and told his mom to put her hands behind the chair. He had hoped to duplicate how the bank teller was tied up on the TV show. Tara decided to play a little hard to get and did not do as told.

"No. You're not going to tie me up."

David spoke up. "Lady, who has the gun. Now do as you are told."

Kenny took a pice of rope off the table and said, "Do as you’re told and we won't hurt you. Now put your hands behind the chair."

Placing her hands behind the chair, Kenny walked behind her and began tying her wrists together. Looping the rope several times around her wrists, Tara was amazed how well he was tying her. Kenny and David were boy scouts so all of the knot tying they did was paying off she thought. Kenny finished tying her wrists and secured it with a good knot. Tara moved her wrists around testing the ropes. She thought to herself that if she had to get free she would really have to work at it.

"Tie her legs up. We don't want her running around."

"Sure thing boss." Kenny said as he took another piece of rope off the table.

Kneeling down in front of her, Kenny tried to grab her ankles. Tara thought it would be fun to make him work at it a little so she moved her feet around, not allowing him Kenny to easily grab them.

David walked over to her, pointed the gun at her and told to to stop making things difficult.

Tara stopped moving her feet around and Kenny was able to gain control. As she was moving around, Kenny was intrigued at how he liked the feel of her stocking covered legs. He had obviously never known that sensation before but he had to admit he liked the feeling of the hosiery on her as he was trying to gain control of her ankles.

Placing her ankles together, Kenny began to loop the rope around them.

"You'll never get away with this." Tara proclaimed as Kenny tied her ankles together. "Even if I let you in the bank, you'll eventually be caught."

"Lady, you talk too much." David said. "I think we need to keep you quiet. David placed his gun on the table and grabbed the cloth that was right beside the rope.

"No. Don't gag me. I don't want to be gagged." Tara said sternly, so sternly that Kenny stopped tying her ankles and David stopped in his tracks. Both realized that they had probably gone too far with the gag.

"Sorry mom. We won't gag you." Kenny said as the rope fell out of his hands.

Tara looked at them curiously. "I'm just playing along." What do you expect me to say?" She said with a smile.

Kenny and David both breathed a sigh of relief, realizing she was just staying in character.

Picking up where they left off, Kenny went back to tying her ankles and David took the cloth and gagged her with it.

Tying the knot, securing her ankles, Kenny stood up and went to get the final piece of rope.

It was a much longer piece that he intended to use to secure her to the chair, just like the bank teller on the TV show. Doing her best gag sounds, Tara acted like she was protesting more rope being used to tie her up. Kenny took the rope and began wrapping it around Tara, further securing her to the chair. After he was finished, Kenny turned to David and said, "She's tied up good boss. She won't be going anywhere soon."

"Good job, buddy." David said. Now let's go see if there is anything in the kitchen to eat. We're going to be here a while." With that the boys started to walk out of the room.

Before he left, Kenny turned to Tara and said, "Mom move around like you're trying to get free. If you get free, act like you are escaping and leave the room. We'll come back in and be ticked off that you got away and act like we are leaving. If you can't get free, me and David will come back in and act like we're the police rescuing you." Tara shook her head in approval and began to struggle.

Tara was amazed at how well she was tied up. Her wrists and ankles were tied very secure. It wasn't uncomfortable but it was tighter than she thought it would be. She thought to herself, I am really tied up. I don't think I could get free if I wanted to. She had no Idea Kenny could tie as well as he did. Tara did her best to loosen the ropes but was having no success. The rope tying her to the chair kept her from moving her body around so she didn't have much wiggle room.

Kenny and David watched her struggle from the kitchen. They were so excited that they had tied up a real woman, and she was dressed up just like the actresses on TV.

Tara worked at getting loose for what seemed like hours but in actuality it had only been 10 minutes. She realized she was not getting free but continued to try. Kenny and David knew they would now have to play the role of the police. The boys entered the room, acting surprised to find her.

"Lady what happened?" Kenny said as he removed the gag from her mouth.

"I came home from the bank and these two guys were in here. They wanted me to open the bank for them in the morning. They tied me up until then."

"Those dirty bums." David said as he knelt down and began to untie her ankles. "We'll find them. Don't worry."

Kenny went behind the chair and untied Tara's wrists.

"Oh thank you so much. I'm so happy you’re here. How did you know to come in?"

"We were on patrol and saw two shady characters leave your house." Kenny said. "We decided to look around to see if things were alright and saw you tied up from outside the window."

"Thank God you drove by. I don't know what those two guys would have done to me." Tara said as she stood up rubbing her wrists. "Thank you."

Tara looked at the boys and said..."Now, that was a good game of cops and robbers. You guys are good. Kenny, I have to admit. I was tied up really good. I might have been able to get free if i had more time but you had me tied good young man."

"Thanks mom. I guess all of the knot tying with the Scouts paid off. I wanted to make it real. I hope you didn't mind."

"No, I did't mind. I was just surprised. That's all. She said with a smile.

"You're the best mom. You made the best hostage ever."

"Yeah, Mrs. Riley. You are one cool mom." David said as he placed the chair back under the table.

"Can we play again sometime, mom"? Kenny said with a big smile on his face.

"We'll see. You'll have to earn it." Tara said as she kissed him on the forehead. "This bank executive needs a shower. You boys clean up and put everything away and I'll fix you guys something to eat when I get out of the shower.

"Oh, by the way, can I have my phone back? Tara said to David with a sheepish smile on her face.

"Sure thing, Mrs. Riley. Sorry, I forgot." He said as he reached into his pocket and handed Tara the phone.

As she went up the stairs to her hot shower, Tara smiled at the thought of what just happened. She had no problem playing innocent games with her son. Somehow she knew that this certainly would not be the last time she would be the damsel mom.
Last edited by stanfordnavy 5 months ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by milagros317 »

Fine story. I enjoyed reading it.

You should put the gender tag (mm/F) in the title. That would indicate that two boys are tying up an adult woman.
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Detective-Gag »

Pretty sure stanfordnavy just arrived on the site; so the rule guidelines are probably still a bit fresh.

Here’s a link for reference:



m - male kid
f - female kid
M - male adult
F - female adult

So right next to your story’s title, you put (mm/F), which translates to multiple boys (mm) before the slash, tying up a single adult female (F), after the slash.

And welcome to the site!
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Great job @Stanfordnavy, I loved this story very much. Glad to see you here as well as DA.
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Post by laz »

nice story well done
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Post by SquidIncMaster »

Very fun story! I look forward to more hopefully!
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Post by JulieG »

Love it. I never played those games with my sons. I wonder if I’d have got the bondage bug earlier if I had.
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Post by stanfordnavy »

Detective-Gag wrote: 5 months ago Pretty sure stanfordnavy just arrived on the site; so the rule guidelines are probably still a bit fresh.

Here’s a link for reference:



m - male kid
f - female kid
M - male adult
F - female adult

So right next to your story’s title, you put (mm/F), which translates to multiple boys (mm) before the slash, tying up a single adult female (F), after the slash.

And welcome to the site!
Thank you so much. Sorry I made a rookie mistake :)
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Post by stanfordnavy »

Mommy's Naughty Boy wrote: 5 months ago Great job @Stanfordnavy, I loved this story very much. Glad to see you here as well as DA.
Thank you!!
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Post by Trammel »

Great story. Thanks!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Adventures in child sitting (mfM)

The bully, the tree and me (mm/m)

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Post by Mask6190 »

Welcome to the board. Always enjoyed your stories on DA :D
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

Very Nice and Awesome Good Story
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Post by Nainur »

yes, definitly liked it. Nice telling, cute innocent setting... well done.
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Post by Dpsiic »

Great story thanks for posting
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Post by stanfordnavy »

Mask6190 wrote: 5 months ago Welcome to the board. Always enjoyed your stories on DA :D
Thank you!!!

I'm looking forward to being a part of the community :)
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Post by stanfordnavy »

Damsel Mom 2 (mm/FF)

It had been about three weeks and all Kenny and David could do was talk about the great time they had playing their tie up game with Kenny's mom, Tara. The game seemed to break Kenny out of his shy shell. He had thought about tying up his mom many times but never had the courage to go through with it. Having experienced the joy of finally doing so, he could not wait to do it again, especially knowing that Tara was a willing participant.

It was Friday night and Kenny and David were sitting around trying to come up with a plot to have another adventure with Tara.

"Have you ever tied up your mom, David?" Kenny asked his best friend.

"No. I almost had the chance once last summer but it never happened. I would love to try again though. Playing with your mom a few weeks ago makes me want to try with my mom again."

"Why don't we see if we can tie them up together." Kenny said as a matter of factly. "Maybe your mom will go along with it if my mom is involved also."

"Wow...that's a great idea, Kenny. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, all of us are going out to eat after church on Sunday, right?"

"Yeah." David said, not knowing what Kenny was thinking.

"And when we get home, your mom and my mom will probably hang out for a while, right?"

"Yeah." David said again. This time fully aware what Kenny was thinking.

"They both will be dressed up, looking like two Hollywood actresses. We might be able to convince them to play along with a game. It's not like they have anywhere to go because they usually sit around and gab for hours."

David could sense what was going through Kenny's mind. "We can come up with a game where we get to tie both of them up at the same time. Let's think of something that maybe they will go for." With that, the boys spent the rest of the night planning and plotting the little adventure they were hoping their mothers would go for.

Saturday came and went and it was a beautiful Sunday morning. David and Kenny both had an extra spring in their step. The boys felt pretty confident they might be able to get their mothers to play along. David especially was hoping his mother, Beth, would be a willing participant. Finally having the chance to tie her up excited him. Beth was like Tara in so many ways. A single mother herself, like Tara, Beth knew the sting of a painful divorce. She was also 39 years old and did her best to keep in good shape. Beth wasn't a college athlete like Tara but she religiously worked out several times a week to help maintained her young, girlish looking figure. Standing a little at 5'6", with long blonde hair, she could easily pass for someone ten years younger than she actually was. Beth was a legal assistant at a local law office so dressing professionally was a daily occurrence for her, and she liked it. Coming down the stairs and into the kitchen area, David saw his mom enter the room. As always, he thought, she looked fantastic. Beth was wearing a slim black skirt, stopping about 3 inches above her knees, a pink short sleeve blouse, Wolford pantyhose, which gave her shapely legs a beautiful tan appearance, and black, 4 inch, pointy toed Christian Louboutin heels. She also had on a small pearl necklace with matching earrings.

"Man, you look great mom."

"Thanks dear. You like?" Beth said while giving a slight twirl.

"I sure do. You make everything look great, mom." David said with a smile.

"You are so sweet." As she planted a kiss on his cheek. "Now hurry up and finish your cereal. We need to get over to Tara's shortly."

Kenny, on the other hand, felt just as proud when he saw what his mother had chosen this wonderful Sunday morning. Tara was wearing a royal blue dress, with a hemline that was several inches above her knees, Wolford 20 denier flesh tone pantyhose, and matching royal blue, 4 inch Nine West high heels. He appreciated the fact that his mom always dressed in a very professional, dignified manner. She was a classy lady, he thought.

The church service and the meal after seemed to take forever. David and Kenny both could not wait to get home and it seemed like time was standing still. Leaving the restaurant and on the way home, Kenny and David talked very quietly finalizing their plan.

"You two seem up to something with all of the hushed voices." Beth said, her legal senses tingling, as she glanced in the back seat at the boys. "What are you boys up to?"

"Nothing Mrs. Bennett." We're just talking quiet so we don't bother you guys." Kenny said politely.

"Yeah, mom. We're not talking about anything important." David added.

"Well, OK. You two seem awfully quiet. More than usual." Beth could tell that something was up but really paid no mind to it. They were two young boys and probably were talking about whatever a 13 and 12 year old talk about. Not giving it a much thought, she returned her attention to Tara and continued their conversation.

Arriving home, Tara pulled into her driveway and as usual, asked Beth if she wanted to come in for a spell. Beth told Tara that she made a cheesecake and wanted to know if she and Kenny would like to come over to their home? "Sure. Why not. I'll never pass up on your cheesecake. What do you say Kenny? Cheesecake at Beth's?"

Crap!! Kenny thought they were going to be at his house after church and made plans for the game to take place there. Everything they needed was in his room. His heart sunk into his stomach. Everything seemed so perfect and now this. Dang it!! He thought.

"Earth to Kenny. Hello?" Tara said, slightly annoyed that Kenny was not paying attention.

"Sorry, mom. Yeah. that sounds great." Kenny answered, trying to hide his disappointment. Exiting the car, Kenny looked at David and said, "Well, I guess the plan is off. Everything we need is in my room."

They lived next door to each other so it was a very short walk to Beth's house...just a short walk through the yard. "Remind me to not wear heels and walk in grass." Beth said jokingly to Tara.

"Tell me about it. Maybe we can get the boys to carry us." Tara replied as they both got a good laugh form her response.

It was the longest, short walk in the history of the world as far as Kenny and David were concerned. Here they had this great plan all set up and just like that, it went down the drain. As much as both boys loved Beth's cheesecake, they could not get past what seemed to be a major letdown. Tara could sense something was wrong with Kenny and before they entered Beth's house she pulled him aside, telling Beth she wanted to speak with Kenny for a second.

"Why the long face? You always light up when Beth makes desserts? You look like you just got kicked in the gut. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, mom. Honestly, everything is fine."

"Well something is bothering you. You were in a good mood until Beth invited us over. Is something up with you and David?"

"No. David and I are fine, mom."

"Well what's the deal? Why the change in attitude all of a sudden? You're not going in there with this long face."

"It's just that David and I made plans to play a game at our house. They usually come over our place after church and David and I made plans to play a game at our house that's all."

"Why can't you guys play here? Why does it have to be at our house?" She could tell that he was hiding something from her. She usually didn't get upset with him. Kenny was such a good boy but he was in a very negative mood and she was a little irritated with his sudden mood change. Young boys. She thought.

"Why can't you guys play here? Whatever you need, go in the house and get it and bring it over here. What's the big deal?"

"But, mom..."

"Whatever you need, go get it and you guys play at Beth's. Here are the keys. Go get whatever is putting you in the sad puppy dog mood and bring it over here."

"But, mom..."

"Go." Tara said. "Before I change my mind."

With that, Kenny took the keys and headed home. Tara went inside Beth's house, not knowing what she had sent Kenny off to gather but hoping it brightens his mood.

"Where's Kenny?" David asked as Tara entered the house by herself.

"Whatever game you guys are going to play I told him to go get it. I don't know what the big deal is. Just because we are not at our place doesn't mean you guys can't play here."

David didn't know what to say. Clearly she didn't know what they had planned. Tara made her way into the kitchen, with the smell of fresh, baked cheesecake still in the air.

David was confused. Was Kenny actually going to bring over the things they gathered for their planned game with Tara and Beth or was he going to bring over something "safe" like a video game? Taking a seat on the couch, he sat anxiously awaiting Kenny's return.

Kenny went into his room and looked at the little duffle bag on the floor. In it were the items he and David gathered for their game with their mothers. In the bag was enough rope to tie both of them up, a toy guns, two cloth strips to use as gags and two bandanas they planned to use to cover their faces. They had planned to be two robbers going through a home and the ladies come upon them. He thought for a second that maybe he should just take a few video games and head on over. They could try another day. But, he thought, mom did insist that I get whatever I needed and we could play at Beth's. Why not he thought. What do we have to lose? Feeling bold and excited at the same time, Kenny grabbed the bag and headed back to David's house.

Arriving back at David's house, Kenny went inside and called out to David as he ran upstairs to David's room. David sprang from the couch and ran upstairs after Kenny.

"What is up with those two? They have been acting strange ever since we left the restaurant." Tara asked Beth as they heard David run up the stairs and close his bedroom door.

"I have no idea, Tara. When those two are together, who knows what they have going through their little minds. Beth said shaking her head.

Inside David's room, the boys spoke in hushed voices, even though there was no way their mothers could hear them, even at a normal level.

"You brought the bag? I can't believe it." David said with a big smile on his face. "You still want to give it a shot?" David asked, trying to contain his excitement.

"Why not? Mom was right. Why can't we play here?" Kenny answered, opening the bag and spilling its contents on David's bed. "We don't need to be at my house in order to play our game. We can tie them up here...at your place."

"Do you think they'll play along, Kenny?

"Like you told me when we played with my mom...just follow my lead." Kenny said as he put his arm around the shoulder of his best pal. "Let's go get some cheesecake." he said with a big smile.

Entering the kitchen, Tara could see that Kenny was obviously in a better mood. Almost too happy she thought. David also had a different bounce to his step as he and Kenny sat down at the table. They all enjoyed the delicious cheesecake Beth had made. She really was a top notch dessert maker. Kenny had just finished the last of his dessert when he decided to see if the stars were lined up right for their game.

"Mom, David and I want to know if you and Mrs. Bennett will play a game with us." Kenny asked as he sheepishly looked at her.

"Sure. What do you guys want to play?" Tara said, not giving it much thought. She was actually paying more attention the to hot coffee she was sipping at the time. She surely didn't want to spill any on the nice dress she was wearing. All of the courage and confidence seemed to have drained from Kenny at that moment. It was one thing to ask his mom to play along but seeing if Beth would play made him a little nervous.

"Well, David and I came up with a little story we would like to act out and we need you and Mrs. Bennett as extras."

Tara knew that voice. He had the same tone in his voice when he asked her to play cops and robbers a few weeks ago. She crossed her arms and leaned back into her chair.

"What's on your mind young man? Are you asking what I think you're asking?"

"We thought maybe you and Mrs. Bennett would be up for a game like we played before...you know, cops and robbers."

Beth was not paying too much attention to the conversation because she was loading the dishwasher, but the words "cops and robbers" caught her ears.

"You boys want to play what?" She said. A little surprised at what she was hearing and what they were asking.

"Mrs. Riley played with us a few weeks ago, mom. It was fun. We thought you might like to play too." David said, not knowing how his mom would respond.

Beth, holding back a little laughter, looked at Tara and said, "You played cops and robbers with the boys?

A tiny bit embarrassed, Tara told Beth she played the role of a kidnapped bank executive in one of their games. As she was describing the event to Beth, Tara felt a little bit uneasy not knowing how Beth would feel about what she was hearing. But, as she was reliving the game, she sensed that Beth did not have a problem with what she was hearing, due to the fact Beth had a smile on her face and was shaking her head and laughing lightly.

Beth turned her attention to the boys. "This is what you were talking about in the car on the way home, isn't it?" Noticing the blushed look on the boys faces, she enjoyed the slight discomfort they very feeling at that moment. Putting on a serious mom face, Beth did all she could to hold back her smile and laughter.

"Yes, mom." David said. "Seeing that Mrs. Riley played along, we thought we could play with both of you this time."

"So let me get this straight. You and Kenny want to play two robber who tie us up and hold us hostage?"

David felt a huge lump in his throat but was still able to force out..."Yes, mom."

"The thing we do for our boys. The things we do." Beth said aloud to no one in particular.

"You mean you guys will play with us?" Kenny said. Slightly in shock.

"You mean you don't mind if we hold you guys hostage? David said in amazement.

"I don't want to speak for Tara but I'm game if she is."

"Hey, once a hostage, always a hostage. Tara said as she looked at Beth. "You're right. The things we do for our boys." Tara said with a laugh.


"So what do you bad guys have in mind." Beth said as she put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher and sat down beside Tara at the table.

Kenny explained the plot to them. He and David would be in the house robbing the place. Beth and Tara arrive home and find them in the house. Needing to keep them out of the way, Tara and Beth are tied up as the robbers finish going through the house. Just like they did with Tara, if they are able to get free, they can act like they are escaping. If they can't get free, the guys would play the role of the police and free them.

"You guys really have a vivid imagination." Beth said as Kenny finished the storyline. "You guys left no stone unturned and are very detailed. We should be very proud, Tara, to be the mothers of two future movie directors." Beth said jokingly.

"Or two future robbers." Tara said with a laugh.

"Ok. So how do we begin?" Tara asked.

Kenny told them to go outside into the garage and act like they are coming home. When they come through the door, the game will begin. Beth and Tara got up from the table and headed to the door.

"Hey. You guys need to put your shoes on." David said as both ladies made their way out of the kitchen. "If you are coming home, you would have your shoes on. Who walks around in bare feet dressed up?"

Tara and Beth had removed their heels when they got inside. As much as both women loved wearing heels, it was nice to get out of them at the end of the day.

"Oh, sorry sweetheart. We were just so comfortable without them on." Beth said as she slid her feet into her black heels. She was instantly 4 inches taller with them on.

Now fully dressed and ready to go, Beth and Tara made their way to the door and went into the garage.

"Give us a second, mom." Kenny said as Tara opened the door. "I'll yell when we're ready."

Tara nodded as she closed the door behind her.

"Now remember, I tie up my mom's hands and then you hand me the gun and you tie up your mom's hands." Kenny said. "When both of their hands are tied, then we finish tying them up. You tie up your mom and I tie up my mom."

"Got it. Man, I can't believe this is happening. I'm so excited." David said, barely able to withhold his joy. He was about to tie up his mom and he couldn't be happier.

Beth and Tara waited anxiously in the garage.

"I can't believe we're doing this." Beth said with a laugh.

"Tell me about it." Tara replied. "At least I wouldn’t be tied up by myself this time."

"Who better to be tied up with than me?" Beth said as she gave Tara a wink.

"Alright, guys! Come on in!" David yelled to his mom and Tara.

"Well, Tara...here we go. No turning back." Beth said as she opened the door, entering into the house.


Immediately , both women got into character. "Wow. What a day! I can't wait to get out of these clothes and take a hot shower." Beth said as she entered the room.

"Me too. Days like today I could also go for a massage." Tara said, playing along.

"How about a glass of wine?" I'll pour. Beth said as she made her way to the kitchen. Just as she was about to enter, David came from behind them and said, " Hold it right there ladies. Turn around slowly."

Beth and Tara turned around slowly and saw David pointing an orange toy gun at them. He also had a bandana covering his nose and mouth, obviously trying to hide his identity. Beth chuckled slightly at the sight of her son, but quickly regained herself.

"Don't try anything funny and you won't get hurt." He said as he called for Kenny to come into the room. Kenny came in the room and he also had on a bandana covering his face.

"I thought you said no one would be home? He said to David, acting surprised.

"I didn't think they would be home this early." David said.

"Take whatever you want, just don't hurt us." Tara said, trying to act frightened.

"Yes. Just take what you need and leave us alone." Beth added. Also trying to act scared.

"We will, but first we need to take care of you ladies. Kenny, take some of that rope we brought and tie up her hands." David said as he pointed the orange toy gun at Tara.

"Sure thing boss." Kenny said as he took a piece of rope and walked toward his mom.

"No. Please don't tie me up." Tara said as Kenny came toward her.

"Put your hands behind your back lady and you won't get hurt." Doing as she was told, Tara put her hands behind her back and Kenny began to tie her wrists together. Tara noticed that Kenny once again was doing a very good job. It wasn't too tight but it was tight enough that she would have to work really hard to get free. Maybe this time, she thought, she would be able to loosen the ropes and get free. Finishing off the knot, Kenny stepped away from Tara and walked back to David.

"Give me the gun. You go over and take care of blondie." Kenny said as he took the gun from David and pointed it toward Beth.

"With pleasure." David replied as he took a piece of rope from the bag Kenny had placed on the floor.

"Please, sir. Take what you want. Just don't hurt us." Beth said as her son walked to her with rope in his hands.

"Lady. We already told you that you won't get hurt as long as you cooperate. Now be quiet and give me your hands."

Beth slowly put her hands behind her back. David grabbed both her hands and placed them together. "Tie her up tight. We don't want her getting loose." Kenny said as David tied his mother's wrists.

"Sure think, buddy." David said. He wrapped the rope a number of times around his mother's wrists. Like Tara, Beth was surprised at how well her hands were tied. She had never been tied up before and it felt a little strange having her wrists bound. But she did willingly agree to play along. She had no idea David was capable of doing such a good job. He was only 12 years old for goodness sakes. But, he was in Scouts so all of the knot tying they did would come in handy. She just never thought she would on the receiving end of his rope tying skills. David finished the job by knotting it securely.

"What now?" He said and moved from behind Beth but keeping a hold of one of her arms.

"Let's take them over to that couch and finish tying them up." Kenny said as he motioned toward the couch in the room.

Pointing the gun at the women, Kenny told them to go over to the couch and have a seat.

Both women, dressed as well as any Hollywood starlet, hands tied behind their backs, walked over to the couch and sat down. Tara leaned over to Beth and said softly, "Are you having second thoughts?"

"Oh my." Beth quietly replied. "Look how serious they are. They are really into this. I have never seen David so serious. Are your hands as secure as mine?"

"Very much so." Tara said at a whisper.

Putting the toy gun in his pocket, Kenny grabbed the duffle bag off the floor, placed it on the table and took out the remaining rope and cloth strips. Handing David a few pieces of rope, he said, "You tie up blondie's legs and I'll take care of little miss blue dress. Now tie her up good. We don't want them getting loose and running to the cops."

"Don't worry, pal. She won't be going anywhere when I'm done.

Beth was surprised at the confidence David was showing. Usually he was a little shy but he was displaying a lot of confidence as he spoke. She had to admit that she liked the boldness he was showing.

Kenny took two pieces of rope and walked toward his mom.

"You better tie us up good. Because if we get free, we're going to call the cops and watch you spend the rest of your lives in prison." Tara said defiantly as Kenny knelt down in front of her, placing her ankles together and began to tie them together. Tara attempted to move her feet around but Kenny had already looped the rope several times around her ankles when she decided to try and make it tough for him. Just like her hands, her ankles were tied tight but not uncomfortable.

David had finished tying his mother ankles when Kenny said, "Now take the other piece of rope I gave you and tie her legs together above the knees. Remember, we don't want them getting away."

Doing as he was told, David began to tie his mother legs together.

"Are you sure you need to do this? We're tied up pretty good." Beth said as David wrapped the rope around her well toned legs.

"You heard my partner. We have to make sure you ladies aren't going to be running around." David said, not looking up at his mom; putting his full concentration on her legs and the rope around them.

"Mr. Robber. You didn't tie my legs before. Why now?" Tara asked. She was a little curious as to why Kenny was tying her legs together. She didn't want to embarrass him by breaking character, that's why she called him, Mr. Robber. That way she would not make the situation uncomfortable but she would still get an answer. Besides, if she didn't want him to do it, she could easily stop if from happening.

"Just an added layer of security, lady. We can't take a chance of you two getting loose." was his reply.

Kenny had thought about adding the rope to his mother legs ever since the last time they played. He remembered how he liked the feel of the stocking on he legs as she resisted him tying her ankles together. He was curious as to how it would feel tying up her legs even more. Taking the last piece of rope, he began to tie her legs together above her knees. He was right, he did like the feel of the stocking on her legs.

"Please don't hurt us. Just finish tying us up and go." Tara said, looking down at her son who, like David, was focused on her legs and applying the rope to them.

Kenny didn't say a word until he was finished. "There. I think you are tied pretty good." He said as she stood up and looked at Tara.

"Yeah. I tied up my lady pretty good too, Kenny." David said, with a bit of pride.

Kenny threw David one of the cloth strips and said, "Now let's gag them. We can't have them screaming for help."

"Please don't gag..." But Tara was cut off when Kenny placed the gag in her mouth and tied it off.

"I promise I won't make a sound. please don't gag me." Beth pleaded in her best damsel voice.

"Sorry lady." David said. "We can't take any chances." With that, he tied the cloth around her mouth and tied it off behind her head.

David and Kenny stood back and admired their work. Two beautiful women were tied up before them. It was like a movie. It was like a dream. Breaking character for a moment, Kenny told them that they were going to act like they are robbing the place but they would just be off into the kitchen. If they got free, act like they were escaping to go call the cops. If they can't get free, they (Kenny and David) would enter the room as police and rescue them.

Both women shook their heads in approval, trying to speak but the gags were in the way.

Kenny and David gathered their things and headed into the kitchen, out of sight but still having a good view of their two beautiful, bound, mothers.

Almost immediately Beth and Tara began to struggle. They worked furiously at their bonds, acting like they were struggling for their lives. Moving her wrists around, Tara tried to find the slightest bit of slack to work with. But there was none. Though not overly tight, there was no slack to manipulate. Beth was experiencing the same. She was able to touch the knot but couldn't get her fingers completely on it. David had tied it on the inside of her wrists, just out of her reach.

Kenny and David were just out of view but could clearly see the struggle of their mothers. They both were transfixed watching them trying to free themselves. From a distance the boys could hear the sound Beth and Tara's heels made as they hit the wooden floor and the sound the women's hosiery covered legs made as they moved them trying to loosen the ropes that secured their shapely legs and ankles. Kenny, in particular, found the sounds very appealing. Interestingly enough, both boys, without knowing, found himself focusing on the other mother and not his own. Kenny and David both were proud of how beautiful their respective mothers were but each boy, unbeknownst to the other, had a slight crush on his friends mom. Kenny always admired the classic, blonde beauty of Beth Bennett and David thought, other than his mom, Tara Riley was the most beautiful woman he knew. Secretly, each boy enjoyed watching the struggles of his friends mom, paying close attention to their beautifully tones legs that were secured with rope.

Minutes into their struggles, Beth and Tara came to the realization that getting loose was not going to be easy. Beth actually felt a little sweat on her forehead. Seated within several feet of each other, both women independently worked at her ropes to no avail. With the gag clinched in her mouth, Tara tried to say, "Let's get back to back." Beth could not fully understand what Tara was saying. Trying to speak more slowly and clearly, Tara tried again. "Let's. Get. Back. To. Back." Now understanding, Beth shook her head and the two women began positioning themselves.

Now seated back to back, Tara reached over and tried to find the knot securing Beths hands. At first Beth did not realized what Tara was doing but very quickly caught on and tried to position her hands so Tara could reach the knot on the inside portion of her wrists.

Viewing from the kitchen, David said to Kenny, "This is so cool. Now they are trying to help each other."

Kenny patted his friend on the shoulder and said, "I know. this is better than I thought. Let's give them a few more minutes to see if they get free. If not, we'll go in and rescue them." David, not saying a word, nodded in approval.

Tara tried to the best of her ability but was unable to get a good grasp on the knot tying Beth's hands. Feeling a little defeated at the moment, she pulled her hands away from Beth and took a little break. All of this struggling was exhausting, she thought to herself. Just then, she felt Beth's hands reach for hers. Sensing what was happening, Tara positioned her hands in such a was as to give Beth an opportunity to maybe reach the knot binding her wrists together. She couldn't reach it but maybe Beth could.

From behind her gag, Beth let out a sigh of excitement. She could grab the knot securing Tara's hands and was able to pick at it. Within minutes Tara could feel the ropes tying her wrists loosen a bit. She resisted the temptation of moving her hands, trying to get free; she didn't want Beth to lose her feel of the knot. Within a few more seconds, Tara could feel a slack in the ropes and could move her hands more freely. Beth had done it!! She was able to get at the knot that tied her hands. Tara worked feverishly now that there was more slack in the ropes. Not more than a minute passed and Tara had her hands free.

Kenny and David could not believe it. To their amazement, the ladies were able to work together and get free. With Tara's hands free, it was just a matter of time before both would be free of their ropes. Removing the last bit of rope from her hands, Tara then removed the cloth strip that had successfully kept her quiet. Keeping in character, she now played the part of the soon to be freed damsel.

"You did it Beth! You got me free. Here, let me take that gag out of your mouth."

Beth turned so Tara could get to the knot securing the gag, located behind her head.

"Oh thank goodness." Beth uttered as the gag was removes. "I didn't think we would ever get free. Hurry. Untie my hands and we'll get out of here."

Reaching over, Tara was able to get to the knot that evaded her before. Placed just to the inside of Beth's wrists, it was easy to manipulate now because she could see it and get ahold to it. Shortly thereafter, Beth's hands were free as well.

"Now. Work on your legs so we can get the heck out of here before they come back." Tara said as she began to untie the rope that secured her shapely legs together. Beth, likewise was able to have her legs free within no time.

Realizing that their mother's had won, the boys looked on with enjoyment as the lovely ladies removed the last of the ropes that kept their beautiful ankles so tightly tied. Now freed of their bonds, Tara and Beth acted like they were escaping by going out the garage door that they and entered a short while back, signaling the start of their adventure.

Kenny and David came in the room as Beth and Tara made a grand entrance.

The women had beaming smiles on their faces and could not contain their joy. They felt a grand sense of accomplishment. Getting free of the ropes was no small task and being able to do so, they felt they had achieved a great "team" victory.

"You didn't think we could do it, did you?" Tara said as she playfully rubber her son's head, the impression of the ropes still freshly on her wrists.

"Yeah, sport. I bet you thought mom would never get herself untied. Right?" Beth gleefully said to David.

"You guys were great together." Kenny said to the ladies.

"I can't believe you were able to untie Mrs. Riley, mom. You did great." David said, countering his mother's big smile with his own.

"Well, it just goes to show. Beth said. "Two heads are better than one. We make a pretty good team ,Tara. Don't we?"

"Yes we do, Beth. Yes we do."

Kenny, taking advantage of the euphoria of the moment said, "You know mom, seeing that you and Mrs. Bennett got free, it's only fair that David and I get another chance to see if we can keep you guys tied up."

"Hold your horses, Mr. Robber. Give us some time to recoup from this adventure before you start talking about the next." Tara said. "I'm for sure it's in the cards but we need some time to recoup."

"We sure do." Beth added. "This getting free business is tiring. I'm whipped. But, I'll tell you two young robbers this." Turning to the boys. "You're going to be hard pressed to keep us tied up long. We work pretty well together."

The boys looked at each other with smiles on their faces. They knew there would be another opportunity to test out their rope skill on their lovely mother's.
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Post by Trammel »

And a wonderful series it is. Very good writing and descriptions, and concept. Looking forward to more!!! :lol:
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Hi @stanfordnavy
Looks like you've found out how to add additional chapters! Thanks for this.
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Post by stanfordnavy »

Damsel Mom 3 (mm/FF)

Saturday afternoon could not arrive soon enough for Kenny and David. It had been two weeks since they had the pleasure of playing a tie up game with their respective mothers, Tara and Beth, and the rematch was finally going to happen. Managing to work together and free themselves of the ropes that bound them, Tara and Beth had promised the boys they could have another opportunity to see if they could be successful in keeping them tied up and Saturday afternoon was the chance. The women thought it would be a great opportunity to show the boys', no matter how well they tied them up, "the mom's" would always prevail.

Interestingly enough, Tara and Beth viewed it as a "cute challenge" (Beth's words) between them. "I have never seen David so excited to try and show me up", Beth told Tara one morning during their daily 5 mile power walk. "He has been talking a lot of trash. I'm actually looking forward to the challenge. Is that weird?"

Finding her breath as they ascended the steep hill by their house, Tara responded, "I was thinking the same thing. Is it weird that we are looking forward to a tie up game with our boys? But honestly, in my opinion, it's just harmless, innocent fun, they are having. I think a lot of boys go through a 'tie up mom or tie up the babysitter phase'. Plus, I'm tired of hearing Kenny talk crap also." She said with a laugh, in between heavy puffs of air, as they came to the crest of the steep hill.

"You're right. I just wanted you to confirm what I was thinking." Beth said. "It's just fun and games. We might as well enjoy the attention while it lasts. Before you know it, playing with mom won't be the cool thing to do."

Tara and Beth weren’t the only ones discussing the upcoming game. Kenny and David had been making plans in anticipation of the upcoming event. Always the one for the dramatic, Kenny suggested that they make up a story, "It just makes things seen more real", he said to David during one of their 'planning sessions'.

"Do you mind if I tie up your mom this time?" David asked Kenny during one of their planning session. "You must be reading my mind." He replied. " I was going to ask you if it was ok if we switch up and tie up each others mom. I think that would be great."

This was music to Kenny's ears. Since their last game, he was hoping to one day have the chance to tie Beth up. Something stirred inside him seeing her tied up. Maybe it was the fact he had a secret crush on her. Tara and Beth were the two moms that all the boys had a crush on at one time or another. It was one thing to tie up his mom, but another mom? And Beth Bennett at that? He was going to suggest to David that they tie up each others mom but David beat him to it...and boy was he happy.

"You know, if they get free, we will never hear the end of it." Kenny said, sitting on his bed, watching David advance to the next level in the video game he was play.

"I know. My mom keeps joking with me about the last time. How should we tie them up this time, Kenny?" David said, putting down the controller and looking up at his friend. " I say we tie them to chairs. That way it makes it harder for them to work together."

"I agree. I was thinking about that, myself. If we tie each of them to a chair, it will be harder for them to help each other." Kenny said, the wheels of thought turning in his head. "Let's think of a good story to play out. Grab that pen and paper off of my desk, David. Let's write a few things down."


Both boys were up extra early Saturday morning. They decided to get together and make sure they had everything in order for the afternoon game with their mothers. David went into his basement and gathered the things he would need. Since they were going to tie their mothers to chairs, more rope would be needed and luckily there was an extra spool of rope used to create a clothesline in his basement. David grabbed the rope and made his way upstairs. Beth, sitting at the dinning table, sipping her coffee, saw David with the rope in his hands as he exited the basement. "Gee. I wonder what that's for?" She said with a smile as David made his way for the door.

"You'll find out soon enough." David said as he went out the door, a tone of excitement in his voice.

Kenny was doing the same at his house. The game would be played out at his place and he wanted to make sure everything was in order. "Mom." Kenny shouted to his mother who was in the den, like Beth, enjoying her morning coffee. "Is it OK if you and Mrs. Bennett dress up for the game?" David and I made up a story like before and we need you guys to be dressed up."

"Ohhhh, Kenny. You know I don't mind dressing up for work everyday but the one day of the week I can relax a little, you want me dress up?"

"Please, mom? For the story, you need to be dressed up because you're actually going to be playing you."

Interested as to what he meant, Tara got up from the couch, coffee in hand, and walked to where Kenny was, at the dinning room table playing on his iPad. "What do you mean, I'm going to be playing me?" Tara said, looking at Kenny, with curious eyes, while sipping on her coffee.

"You're going to be playing you...a Real Estate agent. So you need to look the part." He replied.

"Who is Beth supposed to be?" Tara asked Kenny. Now she was really curious as to the details of the story.

"She's also playing herself. She’s an attorney. We made up a story that should be pretty fun to act out seeing that you guys don't have to pretend to be someone else." Kenny said with a sense of pride, like he accomplished something grand.

"Oh brother." Tara said. "I can only imagine what you two thought up." Turning to go back in the den, Tara added, "Give me about an hour to get ready. I want to finish my coffee first, then I'll shower and get ready."


Tara and Beth were very intrigued with the minor details they had obtained. It seemed as if their minds were linked with what they thought. Both of the ladies felt it was fun that the boys went through so much trouble to make things exciting. They liked the idea of acting out a storyline and not having the boys just asking to tie them up. Both Tara and Beth took drama classes while in college so they liked the idea that they got to dust off their acting skills. Tara actually considered getting into the acting business after college but in the end, she didn't like the cut-throat nature of the business.

Beth, on the other hand, performed in several local community playhouse productions over the years. All of the singing and dancing lessons she took throughout the years payed off when she was cast as the female lead in several community playhouse musicals. She and Tara were "soulmate sisters" she always said. They were two different people but they were "cut from the same cloth", as she liked to put it when explaining their relationship. Tara was the intelligent, collegiate track star and state beauty pageant runner-up, and Beth was the college cheerleader (team captain her junior & senior years), bookworm, magna cum laude type. Both women had always wanted to be defined by their character and intelligence and not just their beauty. Beth maybe more so than Tara. Beth absolutely despised the "dumb, blonde-haired cheerleader" stereotype. That probably drove her to academic excellence more than anything else.

Another thing they shared in common was clothing. Both Tara and Beth loved the business-professional look. Dresses, skirts, hosiery, high heels, were the staples to their respective wardrobe. Neither of the beauties could imagine going to work or a social function being dressed in anything else. As Beth was choosing her clothing for the day, she decided to wear one of her favorite outfits: a pink short sleeve blouse, black knee length skirt, tan stockings, and sexy black 4 inch pointy toed pumps. A classic look, she thought.

Tara also did not disappoint. Standing in front of her closet, hair still wet from the shower, she had recently purchased a new dress and had yet to wear it. Now would be a good time she thought. It was a beautiful blue sleeveless dress that stopped about three inches above her knees. The dress was a little form fitting, not too tight but just enough to highlight her figure. She also chose her standard, go-to, tan stockings, and like Beth, black, Tatiana 4 inch pointy toed pumps. "Classy and elegant", she said aloud to herself as she laid the dress on the bed and went back into the bathroom to dry her hair and do her makeup.


Kenny told Tara and David told Beth, just enough of the storyline as to what their roles would be and how the game would flow. Tara would be the Real Estate agent who is scheduled to show a house to a client, Beth. Two criminals, Kenny and David, on the run from police, see what appears to be an empty house and decide to hideout in it. Tara arrives at the house early, obviously not knowing the criminals are there, to make sure things are in order. The criminals hold her hostage. Beth arrives later and is also held against her will. The boy also told their mothers that the story plays out with them encountering the criminals at different times. Tara will encounter them first and Beth at a later stage. So, as David was explaining the story to Beth, he told her he would call her when it was time for her to come over to the house. "Boy, this sounds like you guys really outdid yourselves with this story", was Beth's response when David was telling her what to do and how the story would begin.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Tara carefully slipped her feet into her beautiful black pumps. Reaching for her phone, she decided to give Beth a call before the fun and games began.

"Well, are you ready for the challenge?" She said while standing up, looking in the mirror and giving herself a final inspection.

"I hope so." Beth said as she walked down the stairs into the living room, the sound of her 4 inch heels echoing on the wooden stairs as she descended. "It sounds like the boys really outdid themselves with the story."

"They sure did. If I ever have a teacher tell me Kenny lacks creativity, I'll be shocked." Tara said with a laugh. "It sounds like they thought of everything."

"So I guess I'm supposed to wait here until I get a call to come over? I have to admit, I'm a little excited and a little anxious all at the same time." Beth said.

" Yeah, it looks like I’ll run into the bad guys before you." Tara replied. "I think I'll already be captured when you get here."

"Well, don't go anywhere. I'll get there as soon as I can." Beth laughingly said.

Laughing at Beth's response and adding a little humor herself, Tara said, "Oh I'm sure I won’t be going anywhere. Trust me."

"Mom! Are you ready?" Kenny shouted to Tara, who was still in her bedroom.

"Yes, honey. I'll be down in a sec."

"Gotta go, Beth. It sounds like the action is about to begin. I'll see you in a bit."

"OK. Good luck." Beth giggled as she hung up the phone.

At that point, David came into the living room. "I'm headed over to Kenny's, mom. Remember. I'll call you when it's time for you to come over. When you do, just enter the house like normal. Remember, you are there to look at the place with the realtor, OK?"

"Sure thing sweetheart."

With that, David went out the door and headed across the yard to Kenny home.


Helping Kenny take two chairs from the dinning room to the basement, the boys discussed for the final time how things would go.

"Now remember." Kenny said as he placed rope on a shelf, I'll have the gun when we capture my mom. When we get down here, I'll be pointing the gun at her as you tie her up. We really want to tie them up good. I'm tired of hearing mom brag about how they got free last time."

"Sure thing, Kenny. I'll do my best." David replied. "Mom even said to me this morning that she and your mom will have no problem getting loose. We have to win this time."

"I talked with Timmy Roberts. His older sister, Liz, use to let him tie her up all the time before she went off to college. He gave me a few pointers." Putting his arm, once again, around the shoulder of his little friend, Kenny said, "Trust me, buddy. Just follow my lead."

Heading back up stairs, they saw Tara seated on the couch awaiting them. "Alright, mom. We're ready." Kenny said. "You don't know we’re here. You see a light on in the basement and you come down to turn it off. That's where we'll be. When you come down the stairs, the story begins, OK?"

"Got it." Tara said. "I'll walk around a bit upstairs, see a light on downstairs and I'll come on down."

"Great. We'll be ready." Kenny said, as he and David made their way back down into the basement.


Hearts beating with anticipation, the boys were hiding in the laundry room as they heard the sound of Tara's high heels come closer to the basement door. "Why is that light on?" Tara said loud enough for the boys to hear. "I could swear I turned it off yesterday."

Taking her time because navigating high heels down stairs can be tricky, Tara made her way into the basement."I know I turned the laundry room light off yesterday. How can it be on?" She said with a tone of curiosity and annoyance in her voice. " I must be losing my..."

Gasping, Tara cut her words off when she walked in the laundry room and saw two "bad guys" standing there. Kenny was pointing his toy gun at her.

"Who are you!!??" Tara asked, doing her best to act startled and scared. "What are you doing here?"

"The question is lady, who are you and what are you doing here?" Kenny demanded, while waving the gun at his mom.

"Yeah, we thought this house was empty." David said as he stood by Kenny.

"It is empty...I mean...no one is living here now. The owners have moved out and the house is for sale." Tara said, as her eyes bounced from Kenny to David.

"Well, who are you?" Kenny asked as he took a step toward her.

Tara, playing off his move, took a nervous step backward, bumping into the door frame. "I'm the real estate agent who is in charge of selling this place. I have a client coming over and I'm just here to straighten up. Look...if you guys just leave..."

Cutting her off, Kenny said, "We're not going anywhere lady and either are you."

"Look...I don't know who you guys are and I really don't care. I promise, if you just leave, I won't call the cops or anything. We'll just act like nothing happened." Tara said, doing her best to convince the "bad guys" to leave her.

"You said someone is coming to look at this house?" David asked a "terrified" Tara.

"Yes. I have a client coming over shortly. Why don't you guys just..."

Interrupting her once again and turning towards David, Kenny said, "This isn't good. I thought this place was empty and we could hide out here until the morning."

"What are we going to do now? What are we going to do with her?" David asked. Tara stood there "frightened" not knowing what was in store for her as she watched the two young "criminals" discuss her fate.

Turning his attention back to his mom, Kenny asked her who was coming to look at the house? He made it a point to remind her that he had a gun and her honesty is important.

"My friend, she's an attorney and is moving into the area. I've shown her several places the last few weeks and today I scheduled a showing here. The former owners of this moved out several weeks ago, but decided to leave most of their items until the house is officially closed."

"What are we going to do with her?" David asked. "Plus, someone else is coming here also.

We'll need to keep them out of the way until we can figure something out, right?"

"You're right." Kenny said, as his eyes darted around the room. "Grab her and take her into the other room."

"Sure thing." David replied as he took Tara by the arm and led her out of the laundry room.

"Hey! What are you doing?" She said to David as he grabbed her arm and "forced" her out of the room.

David took Tara into a room that at one time was a spare guest bedroom but was now empty except or the two chairs the boys had placed there. "Have a seat." He said to her.

Tara, cautiously and nervously did as she was told and sat in one of the chairs. Looking at David with pleading eyes she said, "Please don't hurt me. Just take whatever you want and go. I told you. I won't call the cops."

"Don’t worry lady." he replied, "As long as you cooperate you have nothing to worry about."

At that moment, Kenny walked in, gun in one hand and rope in another.

Again, doing her best to act frightened, Tara said, "Please. You don't have to tie me up. I told you, if you leave, I won't call the cops. I won't even tell my client you were here. Please. You don't have to do this."

"We can't take any chances." Kenny said. Tossing a piece of rope to David, he said, "Tie her up."

The piece of rope landed by the chair. Picking it up, David told Tara to put her hands behind the chair. Reluctantly, Tara did as told and placed her hands behind the chair. Interesting, she thought to herself, Kenny is letting David tie me up this time. Taking her hands and placing them together, palms touching, David began wrapping the rope around her wrists. He wrapped the rope several times around her wrists. After he was pleased with the number of times he had circled her wrists, David then put a simple knot in the rope and began wrapping the rope in between her hands, forcing her wrists a little closer together. This was one of the tricks Timmy Roberts told Kenny he did to his sister, Liz, when he wanted to tie her hands more firmly. Timmy, a boy scout, and a year older that Kenny, was good a friend of both Kenny and David. Kenny and David talked at length before on how they were going to tie up their mothers. Now it was just a matter of putting the tips they learned from Timmy into action.

"Why are you tying me so tight?" Tara demanded. The boys paused for a second, not knowing if she was playing along or serious. "You'll never get away with this." She added a split second later. David breathed a sigh or relief and resumed securing her hands. As David concentrated on tying Tara's hands, Kenny took a cloth strip and began walking toward his mother.

"You don't have to gag me. I wouldn’t say a word. Promise."

"We can't take any chances lady." And with that Kenny placed the cloth strip over her mouth and tied it off behind her head.

David stood up after he was finished securing her hands and said, "Now what?"

Tara tested the ropes binding her wrists. Moving her hands around as much as she could, she thought to herself, much tighter this time. They must really be serious about us not getting free because my hands are much more secure than anytime before. I have a feeling Beth and I are really going to have to work to get free this time. "Take this long piece and tie her to the chair." Kenny said as he handed David a much longer piece of rope. Doing as told, David began looping the rope around Tara's upper body, just below her chest, firmly securing her to the chair. He was able to wrap the rope four times around her before her tied it off.

Once again, Tara thought to herself...not too tight but tighter than before.

"Now take this piece and tie her ankles together." Kenny instructed David, as he tossed him another length of rope. David knelt down before Tara and placed her ankles together. As he was about to begin tying them together, Tara playfully kicked at him. Might as well make him work for it, she thought to herself and she began making it difficult for him to grab her.

Seeing that David was having a hard time grabbing her ankles, Kenny walked over to Tara, pointed the gun at her and said, "Cooperate lady or else."

Looking at Kenny and the toy gun pointed at her, Tara, smiling behind her gag, did as told and stopped moving her feet around, allowing David to gain control, place her ankles together and begin tying them together. David did the same to her lovely ankles as he did her wrists. After looping the rope several times around her, he took the rope between her ankles a few times, pulling her ankles a little closer together. Tara was surprised at the job David was doing. Clearly they had thought this out and talked about how they were going to tie them up this time. The ropes felt much more snug...not too tight...she thought...just very snug and secure.

David was enjoying the task at hand. Tying up his mom was one thing but tying up Mrs. Riley was another. Before Kenny made her stop resisting her ankles being tied, David enjoyed the struggle of trying to control her. There was something about grabbing her ankles and trying to control her that he liked. Was it the struggle? Was it the feel of the hosiery that covered her legs? He didn't know or understand it at the time, he just knew he liked it. And he also knew that as much as he had enjoyed tying up his mother, he was really enjoying tying up Mrs. Riley.

Coming out of the momentarily trance he was in, David tied a knot in the rope securing her ankles, stood up and said, "Anything else, boss." Tara was amazed at the job David had done. My gosh, she thought, I'm tied up pretty good. These boys must have taken lesson; trying not to giggle at the thought of them at 'tying up mom' class. Moving her ankles around, testing the security of the ropes, there was not much room to work, she deducted. Beth and I sure are in for a workout today.

"Yeah, tie her legs together too." Taking another piece of rope, David again knelt down in front of Tara. Her dress had rode up a few inches exposing a little more of her shapely, hosiery covered legs. It was up enough that David could begin wrapping the rope around her legs, just above the knees without the dress getting in the way. Once again, he did not understand why, but this was his favorite part. There was something about tying up her legs, the feel of her hosiery covered legs as his hands brushed up against her legs as he took the rope between her knees, in the same fashion as he did her wrists and ankles. He didn't realize it but a slight smile was on his face as he completed the task.

When David had tied the rope off, Kenny said, "Here, take the gun and you go up stairs and wait for the other lady to come. I'll finish up her. I want to add more rope to make sure she doesn't get loose."

"More rope???" Tara tried to say behind the gag. She was not protesting the thought of more rope being applied to her, she was just surprised. As far as she was concerned, she was not getting loose without the aid of Beth. She was tied much more secure that any time before.

"Ok, Kenny..." David said as he took the gun and headed out the room." When I'm done, I'll come up stairs and that's when we'll call your mom to come over. ok?"

"Got it." And with that David was out the room and running up the stairs.

Tara began mumbling from under her gag, trying to tell Kenny to undo it. Realizing that's what she wanted, he untied the gag. "Wow, David tied me up pretty good. You guys are taking this escape challenge serious." She said.

Smiling at his mom, he replied, "Is everything ok? It's not too tight is it?"

"No, honey." I'm just surprised at how well I'm tied up." Tara said as she moved around a bit, testing the ropes. "You're going to add more rope? Where?"

"We're just going to make sure you and Mrs. Bennett don't get free as easy this time." Moving toward the back of her head, she knew the gag was about to be replaced.

"Oh brother. If you tie up Beth like this, we’re in trouble." Tara said with a slight, light hearted laugh but being totally serious. With that, Kenny placed the cloth strip over her lips, moved her hair out of the way, and secured the gag by tying it behind her head.

Not waisting time, Kenny took another piece of rope and knelt down in front of his mom.

What is he about to do? Tara thought. Grabbing her ankles, Kenny moved them to the side so that they were touching the right leg of the chair, he began tying the rope around her ankles and the chair leg, firmly securing her ankles to the chair.

"Oh my." Tara tried to say behind her gag.

This was another thing Timmy said he did to his sister when he wanted to make it difficult for her when she was tied to a chair. Kenny still couldn't believe that Timmy said he tied up his sister all the time. What a lucky guy, he thought. Timmy's sister Liz was the most beautiful girl at the high school, according to all the boys. Looping the rope around Tara's ankles and the chair leg for the fifth and final time, Kenny tied it off, stood up, smiled and said, "That should keep you out of the way lady. We'll be back with your friend shortly."

Breaking character for a moment, he said, "Are you ok, mom? You're not uncomfortable are you?"

Doing her best to communicate from behind the gag and doing her best to reassure him with her eyes, Tara mumbled, "I'm fine, dear. I'm ok."

Kenny smiled at her, exited the room and ran up the stairs yelling, "Call your mom, David."


Beth was keeping herself busy around the house as a mixture of curiosity, anticipation, and excitement flowed through her. What was going on she thought? How was the story playing out with Tara? What was happening to her? What is going to happen when I get there? All of these questions were flowing through her mind when her cellphone rang, looking at it she could see it was David. "I guess it's time for me to come over?" Beth asked, stating he obvious.

There was a sense of controlled excitement in David's voice as she spoke to her. "Yeah, mom. We're ready for you. Remember, you are here to look at the house. Just come in the front door and act normal, okay?"

"Alright, babe. I'll be over in a minute."

"See ya, mom." And with that, David hung up.

Stepping into the bathroom, she did one final inspection of herself in the full length mirror that was behind the door. Straightening out her skirt a little bit, and aligning her blouse, she was happy with how she looked. Gathering her phone and keys, she walked out the door and began the journey to whatever fate awaited her.


Tara was fascinated with her situation. Moving her hands as much as she could, there was hardly any slack to work with. She had thought it would add a nice element to the story if she could free herself before the boys came back downstairs with Beth. How would they react when they returned if she got herself loose and was hiding from them? It would be really fun to see their reaction she thought. As soon as Kenny ran upstairs she began to struggle. With her ankles tied together and to the right chair leg, it was difficult for her to even attempt to move her feet, trying to loosen the ropes binding them. She tried but it was pointless. By wrapping the rope in-between her hands, she did not have room to try and create slack. Plus, the rope that was wrapped around her upper-body, securing her to the chair, was a little tighter than last time, pinning her arms to the chair. My god, she thought to herself, I'm really tied up. So Tara Riley, in her beautiful form fitting blue dress, tan stockings covering her shapely legs, sexy 4 inch pointy toed pumps on her feet, with ropes firmly binding her wrists, knees, ankles, ankles then tied to the right chair leg, and upper body to her dinning room chair, sat bound and gagged in her basement. Hopefully Beth and I will be able to work together to free each other, she thought , because I sure as heck can't do this by myself.


Kenny and David anxiously awaited Beth's arrival. Hiding in an area just off the door entrance, they would have a clear view of Beth when she entered.

"Thanks for letting me tie up your mom. That was so cool." David said to Kenny, clearly excited about what had just happened. "It was so different than tying up my mom."

"Sure thing, buddy." Kenny replied. " I looking forward to tying up your mom too. I'll make sure I do just as good a job tying her as you did my mom. We can let them get free this time."

"I think those tips we got from Timmy really did the trick." David stated confidently.

"Let's hope so, buddy." Kenny said.


Placing her hand on the door knob, the beautiful Beth Bennett could not hold back her smile. I can't believe Tara and I are doing this, she thought to herself. "The things we do for our boys." She said in a hushed voice, aloud to herself. Opening the door, Beth stepped into the house.


"Hello." Beth said as she entered the house. "Tara...hello"

Not getting a response, she continued into the house, closing the door behind her.

"Hello, Tara. I'm here." Beth said again, as she began to walk further into the house. "Well that's odd. Her car is out there." She said aloud. Looking around as she was going deeper into the house, Beth checked the living room and then went into the kitchen. Exiting the kitchen and going into the dinning area, she saw Tara's phone and keys on the table.

"Well, where the heck is she?" Beth questioned loud enough for the boys to hear from where they were. "Tara!" She said much louder than before. From where the boys were, Beth's back was to them. It gave them a great opportunity to walk up behind her. Walking as softly as he could, David advanced toward Beth. Just as she was about to call out to Tara once more, an object poked her in the small of her back. It actually startled her when it happened.

"Hold it right there, lady. Now turn around really, really slow." said the "unknown" voice; clearly she knew it was David.

Doing as she was told, Beth turned around very slowly and came face to face with the "intruder." Seeing her son standing there before her, holding a toy gun, brought a tiny smile to her face, but she made sure to keep her composure. Acting very startled and frightened, she immediately raised her hands when she saw the gun and said, "Who are you?"

"Do't worry about who I am. You must be that fancy lawyer?" David replied

"I'm here to look at the house and...hey...how do you know who I am? Where is Tara? What have you done with her?"

"Don't worry about her. She's not hurt but you will be joining her real quick." David said, just as Kenny made his way into the room, walking up behind Beth.

"Is this the other lady we were expecting?" Kenny said as he grabbed her arms from behind, actually causing her to jump a little, not knowing Kenny was behind her until he took hold of her arms.

"Yeah, it is. Take her downstairs and tie her up with the other lady." David instructed Kenny, pointing the gun toward the basement door.

"Wait. What? Tie me up? Is that what you did to Tara?" Beth protested as she felt Kenny grip tighten a little more.

Turning Beth toward the open basement door, Kenny began leading her in that direction. "Move it, lady." Kenny said as he moved her toward the door.

Tara could hear the conversation taking place but could not make out all of the words. She smiled listening to the drama taking place before her. She was anxious to see how Beth would react seeing her so securely tied to the chair. As she heard the sound of Beth's heels coming down the stairs, Beth protesting the whole time, Tara began to act the part of the struggling damsel. Doing her best acting job, she began to struggle against the ropes binding her and began to call for help from behind the gag.

"Tara! Oh my gosh!" Was Beth's response as she froze at the opening of the spare room, seeing Tara bound and gagged, struggling to get free. "Untie her you animals." Beth said to Kenny and David.

Without saying a word, Kenny continued to walk Beth into the room.

"I demand you free her and get out of here. Who do you think you are?" Beth continued to protest as Kenny walked her to the chair beside Tara.

"Sit down and be quiet, lady." Kenny said as he gave Beth a playful shove onto the chair.

As David entered the room, toy gun still in hand and pointing it toward the two women he said to Kenny, "You know what to do, pal. Tie her up good, just like the other one."

"Sure thing, boss."

Going over to the shelf, Kenny grabbed the remainder of the rope and placed all but one piece on the floor beside Beth's chair. With one piece of rope in his hand, he went behind Beth's chair. The time had come, he was about to tie up his crush. His heart was pounding with anticipation.

"Put your hands behind your back."

Slowing moving her arms around the back of the chair and placing her hands together, she said, "You don't have to do this. We won't be a problem."

"As long as you do what we say there will be no problems." Kenny said as he began to wrap the rope around her wrists.

"Please, don't." Beth pleaded to no avail, as she felt the ropes securing her wrists. Like David did with Tara, after five or so revolutions around her wrists, Kenny tied the ropes in a simple tie, the type you do when you begin to tie your shoe laces, and began to take the rope between her hands. After doing this three times, he tied off the end of the rope. Beth, just like Tara, moved her hands around after he was done. And just like Tara, she did not have much room to move.

"You'll never get away with this." Beth said, looking at her son, David, who was standing there with a smile on his face, still pointing the toy gun at the ladies.

"You talk too much, lady." David said, as he put the gun in his pocket, walked over to the shelf that the rope had previously been on, grabbed the cloth strip that was still there and walked behind his mother.

"No. Don't gag me. I won't..." Unable to finish her sentence because the cloth was placed in her open mouth and tied off behind her head.

"That should keep you quiet." David said proudly as his mother playfully protested while being gagged. "Finish tying her up, Kenny. I'm going upstairs to make sure the door is locked. We don't want anyone else coming in here until after we're long gone."

"No problem. I'll join you when I'm done." Kenny said as he took another piece of rope off the floor. Kenny used this longer piece to tie Beth to the chair. Wrapping it around her upper body , and around the chair, he also wrapped it around her arms, further securing her to the chair. Dang. She thought. I'm being tied up tighter this time.

Trying to talk to Beth from behind her gag, Tara said to Beth, "Get ready. You're going to be tied up a lot better this time."

Mumbling her response, trying to form words, "I'm not worried. We will find a way to get free." Beth said and began to laugh, which in turn, caused Tara to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Kenny said as he finished tying the rope and secured it with a knot.

Again, trying to form words as best she could with a gag in the way, Tara replied, "Nothing Mr. Robber." Which caused Beth to giggle even more.

"We'll see who get's the last laugh." Kenny said as he knelt down in front of Beth and reached for another piece of rope. Kenny froze for a second. Before him, inches away, was the most perfect pair of legs he had ever seen. Inches away from his grasp were the shapely legs he had only, until now, seen from a distance. He could not believe how wonderful her legs looked covered in the tan stockings she wore. Kenny was awakened from his momentary trance only when Beth gave him a playful kick.

Taking the rope, Kenny began to tie her ankles together. Beth gave a little resistance but not enough to keep him from doing the job. He enjoyed the slight struggle. Just like her wrists, he made a little tie in the rope and began to take it between her ankles, which brought them closer together, creating less wiggle room for her. After tying the knot, without saying a word, he took another piece of rope, moved her ankles to the right chair leg and began to tie them to the chair leg. Tara found herself intently watching Kenny tie up Beth. I guess this is what it looks like, she thought to herself. Boy, is he doing a thorough job. In a strange way, she was happy to see her son take what he was doing so serious. After he had her ankles tied to the chair leg, Kenny realized the last piece to tie her legs was still on the shelf. He went to get it.

"Boy, I'm tied up pretty good." Beth mumbled to Tara.

"I told you." Tara mumbled back. "I think all of our bragging has gotten us in trouble."

Kneeling down in from of Beth again, Kenny saw that her skirt had rose up to about her mid thigh; much higher than Tara's dress had done, and exposed more legs than she probably wanted. As much as he loved the look of her beautifully toned legs, Kenny was a little embarrassed and pulled Beth's skirt down.

"Smiling from behind her gag, Beth said, "Thank you, Kenny."

"No problem, Mrs. Bennett", he said without much thought.

Wrapping the rope around her legs above the knees, he made the little "shoe lace tie" in the rope and paused. As much as he liked what he was doing, he was uncomfortable with the idea of putting his hands between her knees to finish the job.

"Uhh...Mrs. Bennett. Is it ok if I take the ropes between your knees? Just like I did your wrists and ankles?"

Beth was actually flattered and thought that was so considerate of him. What a sweet boy she thought. "No problem, Kenny. Thank you for asking." She mumbled, with a huge smile on her face. Turning to Tara she said, "That was so sweet."

"I taught him well." Was Tara's mumbled response, which caused both women to chuckle.

Continuing where he left off, Kenny took the rope between Beth's legs, causing her knees to firmly come together. Wow, he thought. This is heaven.

As quickly as it began, Kenny had Beth firmly bound and gagged to the chair. I can't believe I tied her up, he thought to himself as he stood up to admire his work. Before him was the lovely Beth Bennett, wearing a pink short sleeve blouse, black knee length skirt, tan stockings, and sexy black 4 inch pointy toed pumps, securely tied to the chair. A thing of beauty he thought.

Looking at both women he said, "When I leave, you guys try to get free. Just like before, we'll give you some time to work together. If you get free, you win. If you can't get loose, David and I will come back in the room acting like we're cops and untie you. OK?"

Both bound beauties nodded their heads in approval. Kenny smiled and left the room.

Tara and Beth just sat there for a moment. Both women impressed at how well they were tied up.

"I'm really tied up." Beth said in a mumble to Tara. "How did they learn to tie like this?"

"I told you they were serious. I think we talked way too much trash to them." Was Tara's mumbled reply as she once again began to test the ropes binding her. "See if you can loosen your ropes a bit, I'll do the same." With that, the lovely, bound mothers began to struggle.


Kenny ran up the stairs to get David, who was sitting in the den waiting for his friend. "I got her all tied up." He said proudly. "I think we both did a great job. There's no way they are going to get free this time. Let's go watch."

David jumped off the couch and eagerly followed Kenny back down the stairs. Descending the stairs as quietly as they could, Kenny and David found a spot behind a couch that gave them a clear view into the room. They had a great view to watch the two beautiful bound mothers struggle to get free.

Tara and Beth did their best to loosen the ropes tying them. Beth worked feverishly trying to create some slack in the ropes binding her wrists. No luck, she thought. I don't have a lot of room to work. With her body firmly against the chair, she found she did not have much room to move at all. Tara also found it nearly impossible to loosen the ropes on her wrists. She tried moving her ankles around but they were securely tied to the chair leg.

Kenny and David, once again, found themselves mesmerized watching the women struggle. Watching them struggle behind their ropes was a joy. "I hope they don't get mad if they can’t get free." David said to Kenny in a whisper.

"Naw. They won't." Kenny said. "We've got the coolest moms in the world."

Surprisingly, both women were able to work their gags loose. Beth first and shortly thereafter Tara was able to do the same. All of the intense struggling caused each of them to give an impromptu "leg show". Tara's dress was about mid-thigh and Beth's skirt was about the same. Looking over at Beth, Tara said, "Your skirt's a little high."

"Well, I can't do much about it right now, Tara. I'm a little tied up at the moment." She replied with a laugh. "You have no room to talk, missy. Your dress is less than modest right now also."

Laughing at the predicament they were in, Tara and Beth continued to try and find a way to loosen their bonds.

"It's been about 10 minutes. How much longer should we give them? Kenny asked his little friend.

"Let's give um 10 more minutes and we can come in and save the day." David said. "Is that ok?"

"Sounds good to me, buddy."


"Are you able to move your chair? If so let's try to get back to back and see if we can help each other like last time." Beth said to Tara.

"I don't know, Beth. Trying to move the chair on this carpet is tough. It's like the chair is glued to the floor."

"Well, let's try anyway." The optimistic Beth responded. With that, they frantically moved around, trying to maneuver their chairs together.

"Just like the movies." David said in awe, watching his mom and Tara bounce around in their chairs.

Tara and Beth did all they could to move their chairs closer to each other and get back to back. Small beads of sweat had started to form on each of their foreheads from the strenuous work they were performing. With their lovely ankles tied to a chair leg, it was just too difficult to move the chairs on the carpet. They were not able to get leverage and push.

After minutes of unsuccessful effort, Tara said, "I hate to say it, but I think they got us this time. We've worked like crazy and barely moved an inch."

"I hate to admit it but you're right, Tara. My god, the ropes feel tighter now then before. It seems like the more I move, the tighter the ropes get." An exhausted and defeated Beth replied. "What do we do now?"

"Well, I guess we wait until the "police" come. Tara said with a laugh.

"Guys." Tara said. "I know you're behind the couch watching. I think the police need to come rescue us." She said light-heartedly.

Embarrassed that they were busted watching them, Kenny and David, sprang from behind the couch and automatically went into "police" mode.

"Ladies, what happened?" Kenny said as he ran in the room and immediately went to his mother.

"These men where hiding in here when I came to set up for a home viewing." Tara said.

"Yeah, when I got here they grabbed me and tied me up too." Beth added as David went behind her and began to untie her hands.

"Thank goodness we stopped by. We saw the for sale sign in the yard and the door was wide open, so we decided to look around." David said as he untied his mother.

"You're safe now, ladies." Kenny said as he freed Tara's hands and loosened the rope that secured her body to the chair.

With their hands free, both women began to untie the ropes that bound their lovely, shapely legs, as the boys worked on the ropes securing his mother's ankles to the chair leg.

Removing the rope form her knees, Beth rubbed her legs and pulled her skirt down, a little embarrassed it had rode up so high. When Kenny had Tara's ankles free, she bend down and gave her ankles a good rub, the rope marks fresh on her skin.

"Well, boys." Tara said. "It looks like you guys won this time." A tone of defeat in her voice.

"Honey, you guys had us tied up for real." Beth added. I think all of the trash talk we gave you guys came back to haunt us." She said with a laugh.

"I guess you could say we were on a mission." David said, removing the last bit of rope from Beth's ankles and tossing the rope aside. "We didn't want to lose this time."

"You guys definitely won this time." Beth said as she stood up and rubbed David on the head. "We couldn't have been tied up any better by two real crooks."

"You've got to tell me how you guys learned to tie ropes so effectively." Tara said, standing up and stretching, needing to loosen up after being confined to a chair for close to 35 minutes.

"We can't tell you all of our secrets." Kenny jokingly said.

"I don't know about you, Beth. But I don't like loosing to these two rug rats." Tara said with a smile and slight laugh.

"I don't either, Tara." She replied, giving both Kenny and David a playful serious face. "I think we deserve a rematch. We won the first match and you guys won the second match. Best two out of three?" Beth said to the boys.

"Wow. You bet." Kenny gleefully said.

"Heck yeah." David said joyfully.

"Only on one condition." Tara added. "No tying us to chairs. We need to be able to work together. That was way too difficult."

"No problem, mom." Kenny said. "But we can still tie you guys up good, right?"

""Sure." Tara replied. "We just need to be able to work together. Right, Beth?"

"Most definitely." Beth added as she put her arm around her son. "I'm going to go change into something more comfortable. You guys want to come over for pizza? I'm buying."

And with that, the two gorgeous damsel moms, rope marks still fresh on their supple skin, admitted defeat and headed out of the room they were securely bound and gagged in. Kenny and David, lagging a little behind, smiled and gave each other a high five, cherishing the victory and knowing they would have another opportunity to tie up their beautiful mothers.
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Post by stanfordnavy »

Damsel Mom 4 (mm/FF)

The time had come. The rematch to decide who was better at their task, the sons, Kenny and David, or the moms, Tara and Beth. During the first tie up game the boys played with their mothers, Tara and Beth had successfully freed themselves from the ropes that bound them. Kenny and David, on the other hand, were able to prevent their mothers from getting free from the proficient chair-tie they experienced a few weeks ago. The boys did such a good job that their mothers made one request. Tara and Beth requested that they need to be able to work together to free themselves. Being tied to chairs made the task of working together too difficult. They did not mind the fact that they were tied up securely, they just wanted to be able to somehow work together to get free. The boys' had no problem with the simple request. Just having the opportunity to tie them up again was good enough for them...but...they still wanted to win the game; as did the two beautiful mothers.

It was not uncommon for the four of them to get together on a Friday night, after work and school, and have a movie and pizza night. It became a ritual for them years ago when the closeness of their relationship began to flourish. On this particular Friday night, the rematch was going to take place. Sure, the movie and pizza was still on the agenda but the mothers felt they had a score to settle. It was Beth's turn to pick the boys up from school. As soon as David entered the car, he could not contain his excitement about the adventure that was now just a few hours away.

"You ready to lose, mom?" David said as he settled into the back seat.

"I don't think so, honey. Tara and I are on a mission." She replied, with a smile. "How was your day at school?"

"It wasn't too bad. I got an "A" on my math quiz today"

"That's my boy." She said with pride in her voice. "All of that hard work paid off."

"It was tough concentrating knowing Kenny and I had a bigger challenge ahead of us tonight." He said coyly, alluding to the tie up game coming up. "Are you and Mrs. Riley as excited as we are?"

Turning around to look at him, Beth smiled and said, "You boys better bring your 'A' game tonight. Tara and I are ready for the challenge. What do you little villains have in mind?"

"I can't tell you our plan. You'll have to wait and find out."

Seeing Kenny exit the school, Beth honked the horn to get his attention and Kenny ran toward the car. Sliding into the back seat beside David, Kenny also could not contain his excitement. "Time for the rematch, Mrs. Bennett. You ready?"

"I think the question should be, are you and David ready to be defeated once again?" Beth countered as she pulled out of the parking lot.

Giggling as he put on his seat belt, Kenny replied, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Mrs. Bennett.

As the car exited the school grounds, the boys chatted about school, as any normal middle school kids would do, rehashing all of the fun things that happened that day. But obviously, their primary focus was the fun game with their mothers that was now just a short time away. They had asked their mothers if they could just tie them up and see if they could get free but both Tara and Beth requested a story be made up. They liked the idea of playing the role of the damsels captured by the bad guys. So, Kenny and David spent the better part of Thursday night putting the final touches on their plot. Tara and Beth would be two private investigator’s who are hot on the trail of two criminals, Kenny and David. Thinking the criminals will be away for the night, Tara and Beth find a way into the house in search of evidence to implicate them. The women "do not hear" Kenny and David come back into the house and they are surprised and captured by them...one at a time. Beth will be the first to be captured by Kenny and David. After they have her tied up, they will go search for Tara, who is in hiding after she hears them come home and encounter Beth. "Thrilling and suspenseful." Tara said when Kenny was describing the story to her, that morning during breakfast.

"We'll be able to try and help each other get free, right? That was our deal." Tara asked as she was putting Kenny's lunch together.

"Yeah, mom. You and Mrs. Bennett will be able to help each other. But it won't do any good. You won't get free this time." Kenny said as he was finishing off the last pieces of his french toast.

"We'll see about that." She replied, giving her son a playful rub on his head. "Now finish up. We need to be out of here in about 30 minutes." She said as she exited the kitchen and went to get dressed for the workday ahead.


The tradition was whoever picked the boys up from school on Friday would host the movie and pizza night, so Beth would be hosting the nights festivity’s. Arriving home shortly after 3pm, Tara would not be home for about another hour. Just enough time for the boys to gather their things and prepare for the showdown. "You guys do what you need to do to keep yourselves occupied for a while." Beth said as she slipped out of her Christian Louboutin 4 inch tan pointy toed pumps, putting on a pair of slippers and stretched herself out on her favorite lounge chair. "I'm going to enjoy a glass of wine and relax for a few before the showdown."

"No problem, mom." David said. "Kenny and I have a few things to do before Mrs. Riley comes over." With that, David and Kenny went about their way and Beth absorbed the quiet of the moment. Unwinding her mind, she enjoyed the small fruit bowl she prepared herself, along with her glass of Pinot Noir.

She looked stunning as she relaxed. Wearing a white dress with sleeves that went to her mid forearms and a hemline that stopped about three inches above her knees, her shapely legs looked absolutely stunning covered in her Wolford 15 denier tan pantyhose. She thought about changing her clothes but she knew the boys would want her and Tara in their work clothes. So enduring a few more hours wouldn't be too bad. At least she could give her feet a break from the heels for a few minutes, she thought. As much as she loved wearing high heels, it was a treat to be out of them for the short time.


Tara arrived home just after 4pm and decided to freshen up a bit before heading over to Beth's. Beth had sent her a text telling her that a nice glass of pinot was waiting for her when she came over. Boy...was she looking forward to that. It had been a long week and a glass or two of wine would a pleasant treat.

Standing in front of her bedroom mirror, she tucked her white long sleeved blouse into her black skirt, which stopped about two inches above her knees. He attractive legs were also covered by Wolford 15 denier tan pantyhose. Walking over to her bed, she sat down, crossed her right leg over her left and slipped her foot into her Stuart Weitzman 4 inch black pointy toed pumps. Crossing her left leg over her right, she repeated the action. Once again, standing in front of the mirror, giving herself a final inspection, Tara thought to herself about how she interestingly enough, was looking forward to the challenge ahead.

She and Beth had talked about how much they were enjoying the tie up games with their boys. "Fun little adventures", Beth called the games. Tara agreed. They didn't know if other mothers played tie up games with their children but she and Beth had no problem playing the role of the damsel captured by the bad guys. It was fun and innocent as far as she was concerned. These games obviously would end at some point, Tara thought, so why not enjoy the attention their sons were giving them. Sooner than later other things would occupy the boys interest and playing with mom would be a thing of the past. She shot Beth a text letting her know she was on the way. Grabbing her garage door opener and closing the door behind her, Tara made the short trip through the yard to Beth's house.


Sitting on the couch in Beth's den, sipping on their wine, Tara and Beth listened intently as the boys told them how the story would go.

David was breaking down how the game would proceed. "Mom, you're looking around in the desk in your office, as you leave the room, we capture you. And Mrs. Riley, you’re downstairs when we come in. You hide from us when you hear us enter and capture mom. Kenny and I will look for you and when we find you, we will bring you up here with mom."

"Sounds good to me." Tara said as she looked at Beth.

"Me too." Beth agreed. "So how do we begin?" She asked the boys.

Kenny spoke up. "We will go in the garage and give you guys time to get to your spots. It shouldn't take you more than a minute or two."

"Let the showdown begin." Beth said, giving Tara a smile.


David and Kenny went into the garage and gave their mothers a minute to get to their respective spots. Beth went into her office and Tara went into the basement, taking a seat close to the stairs so she could hear what was going on and then hide when the boys come looking for her.

"You ready?" Kenny said to David.

"I am. Let's do this." He replied

Grabbing the door knob, David opened the door and the boys entered the house.

Beth was busy in her office, acting like she was searching for something important. taking a few papers off of her desk, she began to exit the room. As soon as she exited the room, she saw David standing in front of her, pointing his toy gun at her.

"So. We meet again, Mrs. Bennett." He said.

Acting surprised, Beth said, "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be gone."

"There was a change of plans. I guess the big question is, what are you doing here?"

Just then, Beth felt Kenny grab her arm from behind. It actually caused her to jump a little. He had snuck into the room beside her office and came from behind her. He took the papers from her hand.

"Looks like she was snooping around." Kenny said as he took the papers from her. "If she's here you know her partner has to be here too."

"No, she's not." Beth shot back. "I'm here by myself. My partner doesn't know I'm here."

"We don't believe you, Mrs. Bennett. You two never leave each others side. Especially when you go looking for evidence to use against people." David said.

"What do we do with her?" Kenny asked.

"Let's take her over there." David said as he pointed his toy gun at the couch. "Then we can go find her partner before she can call for backup."

"Move it, lady." Kenny said as he gave Beth a playful shove.

Making their way into the living-room, Beth stood by the couch.

"Sit down, Mrs. Bennett." David said, still pointing his gun at her. "Kenny, go in the garage and get some rope. Make sure you get enough for both of them."

"Sure thing." Kenny said as he did as instructed.

"I said...sit down...Mrs. Bennett." David said a little more forceful, his young voice trying to sound authoritative.

"You'll never get away with this." Beth said as she slowly sat on the couch.

"It looks like we will." He said. "As soon as we find your partner..."

"I told you, she's not here." Beth said, interrupting him in mid sentence.

"We'll see about that." David replied.

Kenny arrived back in the room with a bunch of rope and tossed it on the couch beside Beth.

"You tie her hands and I'll take care of her legs." David said as he placed the toy gun in his pocket. Each boy took a piece of rope and began to tie Beth up. Kenny stood beside her and told her to put her hands behind her back as David grabbed her ankles and placed them together, forcing her to be seated sideways on the couch. Both boys began working feverishly at his task. Kenny began wrapping the ropes around her wrists. Like before, he wrapped the rope about 4 or 5 times around her wrists before the took it between her hands, pulling her hands closer together, making it difficult for her to have any slack to work with. David took hold of her ankles and extended her legs so he could have more room to work with. Boy, they really are doing a number on me, she thought, as David began looping the rope around her slender ankles. "You'll pay for this," Beth said as she playfully moved her feet around, making David work a little harder than expected.

"Get something to gag her with." David said without looking up, staying focused on her ankles. Beth continued to move her feet but David was able to wrap the rope around her ankles a few times, forcing them together and ending her playful struggle. Wrapping the rope around her several more times, he then took the rope between her feet, forcing them to be more snug and secure. David was tying the rope off in a knot, securing her ankles just as Kenny was coming toward Beth with a cloth strip.

"Don't gag me. I promise not to say another....", and with that, Kenny pulled the cloth into her mouth, between her teeth and tied a knot in the cleave gag at the back of her neck.

"Here." Kenny said as he tossed David another piece of rope, a piece much longer that what David used to tie her ankles together. "We don't want to take any chances, you tie her legs together and I'll take another piece and tie he arms to her body."

Again, Beth playfully struggled as the boys applied more rope to her. She may have been playfully struggling but she knew that just from what they had done so far, she was tied up very well. Her wrists and ankles were much tighter than before. She could not believe how much their tying skills had improved since their first adventure. Going above her knees, David began wrapping the rope around her beautiful, toned legs. Each loop of the rope was tighter than the last. Nothing was uncomfortable, she thought, the ropes were just tighter than before. Again, after wrapping the rope around her legs several times, he then took it between her legs, pulling her knees closer together. Kenny was wrapping a long piece of rope around her upper body, several inches below her breasts, pinning her arms more closely to her body. Each boy finished his respective job almost at the same time, like it was a timed exercise.

"That should hold her." David said proudly. "Let's go look for her friend." David pulled the toy gun from his pocket as Kenny picked up a piece of rope.

""I'm going to tie her hands when we find her. We don't want any funny business from her." Kenny said.

"Good idea. Let's go look around downstairs." David said as he made his way toward the basement door.

Tara could hear all of the conversations going on from her spot by the stairs. When she heard the boys making their way to the basement, she went and hid behind the furnace in the utility room.

Beth looked stunning bound and gagged. Seated on the couch, in her lovely white dress, tan pantyhose, and tan high heels, with a cloth gag firmly placed in her mouth and tied behind her head of long blonde hair, she was a damsel of any dream. She was amazed at how well she was tied up. She realized that she was tied so well that she doubted she could get free anytime soon even if she honestly tried. Nothing was uncomfortable or overly tight but everything was snug and secure. She did her best trying to create some slack in the ropes that bound her. Extending her gorgeous legs, she moved them around trying to loosen the ropes, the sound of her pantyhose covered legs making that soft sound any villain would love. But she was out of luck, the ropes were too secure. Moving her wrists around, she had no luck there also. She tried moving her arms but they were pinned to her body with the rope applied by Kenny. My god...she thought...I am really tied up. She couldn't help but to giggle at the predicament she was in. I might as well sit here and wait for Tara, she thought. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.


The boys began to search the basement, going from room to room. There were three room off of the spacious main room, two spare bedrooms and the laundry/utility room. After looking in each of the bedrooms, they made their war to the laundry/utility room. They knew there weren’t many places to hide in there. She had to be in the storage closet or behind the furnace. Tara could hear them enter the room and open the door to the storage room.

"We know you’re in here, Mrs. Riley." David said as he closed the storage room door.

"Come on out lady," Kenny added. "We won’t hurt you. We promise."

Moving toward the furnace, David said, "We know you're behind there. We can smell your perfume. Make it easy on yourself and come on out." Coming from behind the furnace, Tara appeared, holding her hands up in the air.

""What did you do to Beth. You better not have hurt her."

"She's not hurt. You’re going to be joining her right now." David said as he pointed the toy gun at her.

Moving toward his mom, Kenny said, "Put your hands behind your back." Doing as she was told, Tara put her hands behind her back as Kenny walked behind her.

"You may think you have the upper hand but you don't." She defiantly said as Kenny placed her wrists together and began tying the rope around them. "We'll find you. Just wait."

"By the time you and your friend get free we'll be long gone. That is, if you ever get free." David said, trying to sound much older.

Taking the rope between her hands a few times, Kenny finished the job, tying a knot on the outside of her hands. Taking his mother by the arm, he said, "Come on lady. We're not done with you yet." With that, they led her out of the room.


Hearing the sound of Tara's heels come up the wooden stairs, Beth went into full damsel struggle mode and began working to get free. Might as well put on a good show, she thought. "Beth!" Tara said as she saw her friend bound and gagged on the couch. "You fiends! How could you do that to her?" Tara demanded.

"Sit down beside her, Mrs. Riley." Kenny said. We're not done with you yet."

Getting a gentle push from Kenny, Tara plopped down on the couch beside Beth. With her hands tied, it was tough balancing herself as she went down and she fell back on the couch. Gaining her balance, she sat upright and moved to the edge of the couch, a few feet from Beth. "Are you OK?" She asked her bound and gagged friend.

"Mmmmmmmmm", is all Beth could respond.

"You take care of her ankles and legs, I'll gag her and tie her arms." David said as he handed Kenny two pieces of rope, one clearly longer than the other."

"No problem, boss." Kenny said as he took the shorter piece of rope. Placing her ankles together, he began the task of tying her up. Just like Beth, Tara attempted to resist her ankles being tied by playfully moving her feet as Kenny tried to tie her up. She was successful for a short time but he was able to pull on the rope tightly and prevent her from moving. Tara immediately noticed how much tighter the ropes were. He was not playing around, she thought, as she watched her son wrap the rope around her ankles. Before she could utter a word or make a comment, David had placed the gag between her teeth and tied it behind her head of flowing, shoulder length brown hair. "Mmmmmmmm" is all she could say as David tied the gag.

Taking the rope between her feet several times, Kenny tied a small knot in the rope, securing her ankles firmly. "Mmmmmmmmmmm" Tara said once again as Kenny tied the knot.

Standing beside her, David began wrapping rope around Tara's upper body, just as Kenny had done to Beth, pinning her arms more closely to her body. As David was finishing, Kenny took the last piece of rope, placed his mothers knees together and began to tie her legs. This had become his favorite part. He didn't think of his mother in an inappropriate way but he loved the feel of the pantyhose on her legs as he confined them with the rope. Tara playfully moved her legs around but it was to no avail, within seconds Kenny had her shapely legs secured. Taking the rope a few times between her legs, Kenny finished the job by tying a knot underneath her knees.

"I don't think they will be going anywhere for a while." Kenny said as he stood up to admire his work." Both of them are tied up pretty good. We should have plenty of time to get out of here."

"Mmmmmmmmm" is all Tara and Beth could say from behind their gags, both moving around testing the ropes that held them.

"Let's get out of here and get to the airport. Our plane should be gassed up and ready to go." David said. Touching his mother on the leg, he said, "Goodbye, sweetheart." And with that, he and Kenny exited the room and went into the kitchen area, where they would have a clear view of their mothers struggles.


Just as Beth had done, Tara contemplated her situation for a moment. Her hands tied behind her back, her arms secured to her upper body, her beautiful, model worthy legs tied together at the ankles and knees, she began to laugh. What have we gotten ourselves into, she thought to herself. Looking over at Beth, who began to giggle at Tara's laughter, Tara did her best to speak from behind her gag, choosing her words carefully and speaking as clear as she could.

"I...think...we...are...in...trouble." She said and began laughing again.

"Tell...me..about...it." Beth carefully responded, laughing behind her gag also.

Without saying another word, the laughter gone, Tara Riley and Beth Bennett began the mission of trying to free themselves from the ropes that held them.


"Do you think they can get free?" David asked Kenny. Both boys were seated at the kitchen counter, having a clear view of their mothers as each worked at her ropes.

"By themselves...I don't think so. But if they are able to work together, who knows. Let's hope not." Kenny said with a smile. "Let's give them some time and if they haven't made any progress, we'll go in and see if they want us to untie them."


Tara and Beth began their arduous task by trying to see if they could individually get themselves free. Both bound beauties struggled in vein at the ropes securing them. Moving her wrists as best as she could, trying to create some slack, Beth tried to work her hands free. But she had no luck. The same could be said for Tara as she moved her hands back and forth with no success. Each of them would periodically extend their lovely legs and move them around, doing their best to attempt to loosen the ropes that held their ankles and knees. Beth momentarily lost her balance with her legs extended and fell into Tara's lap. Causing both women to laugh at their situation. Beth regained her balance and was able to sit up again. With their struggles, Tara noticed that her skirt and Beth's dress had moved up their legs a little past their mid-thigh, exposing more of their stunning pantyhose covered legs. Tara could not help herself and said from behind her gag, "Nice...legs...lady."

Looking down at her dress and then looking over at Tara, seeing her skirt up her thighs also, Beth responded, "You...too...sister." Again, their situation and response to it caused both to laugh. Not wanting to give too much of a leg show, Beth gathered herself and attempted to stand up. Losing her balance, she fell back on the couch twice before she was able to finally stand up and shake her body slightly, causing her dress to come back down. Tara did the same and was able to gain her balance the first time, stood up and allowed her skirt to come back down.

Now seated beside each other again, with their garments appropriately aligned, Beth and Tara began to move closer to each other, attempting to go back to back.


Kenny and David, once again, found themselves transfixed watching the two bound beauties, each putting their focus on the struggles of his friends mom.

"This is so cool." David said. "It's like watching two movie stars live and in person."

"Yeah it is." Kenny replied, not removing his focus from Beth and her lovely legs. "It was fun watching them stand up, wasn’t it?"

"It sure was. I hope they aren’t mad at us because their clothes were way up their legs."

"I don't think they will be. We didn't do it, them moving around did." Kenny replied. "But you have to admit, it was pretty cool seeing that much of their legs."

"Yes it was." David said with a giggle. "Do you think we should go in and see if they want us to untie them? It's almost been 10 minutes."

"Naw. Let's give them some more time. They really want to try and get free." Kenny said. Let's see what happens now that they are back to back."


Now back to back, Tara and Beth tried to see if one of them could reach the others hands. They moved as close together as they possibly could but with their arms tied securely to their body, it was extremely difficult to get ahold of the others hands. After working in vein for several minutes, both women took a breather, exhausted from the strain of fighting the ropes. Even with the home cooling system on, both Tara and Beth felt their body temperature rise as they attempted to get free. Almost feeling a sense of defeat, Tara mumbled, "I think we're in trouble. I don't know what to do."

Doing her best to mumble her reply, Beth said, "I know. I think the boys......", stopping mid-sentence, Beth made a miraculous discovery. Over on the table, where the boys must have been cutting the rope in preparation, was a pair of scissors.

Mumbling and trying to talk at the same time, Beth began motioning with her head toward the table. "Look over there. On the table. Scissors." She said with gagged excitement. "Scissors. On the table."

Tara turned slightly and saw the pair of scissors on the table. A rush of energy shot through her. "We've got to get them." She mumbled. "We've got to try and get them." She mumbled again, fighting to talk through the cloth gag.


"What are they so excited about?" David wondered aloud. "What's happening? Why are they acting all excited?"

"I don't know." Kenny said, just as curious as David as to why their moms were acting like they had drank a shot of Red Bull. "I'm going to see if everything is ok." Getting up from the kitchen counter, Kenny went into the room to check on the ladies.

"Are you guys ok?" You guys are acting awfully funny. Is everything ok? Do you want us to untie you." He said, stringing the questions together fairly quick.

Tara motioned him over and indicated she wanted to talk to him without the gag. Going over to her, Kenny untied the gag allowing her to speak. Moving her mouth around as the gag was removed, Tara said, "We're fine, honey. No need to worry." Not wanting to give the secret of the scissors away.

"You guys were acting funny. Are you sure you're ok? Do you want us to untie you?"

"No, no, no. Don't untie us. Give us some more time." Tara said, sounding recharged and a little excited.

"Are you sure, mom? It's been about 15 minutes." Kenny said.

"We're sure, sweetheart. Give us some more time. Trust me." She said with a smile on her face.

"Alright. If you say so."

"Thanks, dear." Were the last words she spoke as Kenny placed the gag back in her mouth, tied it off behind her head and went back into the kitchen.

As Kenny came back in the kitchen, David asked, "What did she say?"

Taking his seat beside David, Kenny said. "She said they were fine and wanted more time.

"They look like they are still tied up pretty good. What could go wrong?" David said.

"I don't know. My mom had that look on her face when she get a good idea. I have no clue what's going through her head. Something seems really fishy."


Not wanting to tip off Kenny about the scissors, Tara and Beth waited until he was out of the room before trying to communicate with each other again. "What are we going to do?" Beth muffled to Tara as she turned toward her friend.

"I'm going to try and get the scissors." Tara struggled to say. "I'm going to try and hop to the table and get the scissors."

"Oh my. Do you think you can do it?"

"We'll...find...out" Tara said very carefully. The table was about twelve feet away but it might as well have been one mile away. With her ankles tied and wearing high heels, it was not going to be an easy journey. Gathering herself, Tara attempted, once again to balance herself and stand up. Rocking forward, she thrust herself upward and slowly straightened up, gaining her balance.

"What's she doing?" A bewildered David asked Kenny.

"I have no idea. Why is she standing up?" A baffled Kenny replied.

Composing herself, Tara attempted to hop toward the table. A little nervous about the journey before her, Tara took her first hop and successfully landed a few inches forward. Once again, she balanced herself and took her second hop. Again, a success, landing several inches forward.

"What is she hopping to get?" Kenny questioned aloud to David. "Where is she going?" He added.

Scanning the room and the direction Tara was going, David made a stark discovery. He spotted the scissors on a table on the other side of the room.

"Ooooohhhhh man. We left the scissors on the table. She hopping to get them." David said as he shook his head in disbelief.

"We left the scissors on the table?" Kenny said loud enough for Beth and Tara to also hear. "Nooooo."

"Do you want me to run over and get them before she gets there?" David said as he was getting up from his chair.

"No." an exasperated Kenny replied. "It's only fair that we give her a chance to see if she can get to them. Hopefully she doesn't fall down." David sat down again and the boys watched as Tara attempted to hop to the table.

Balancing herself once again, Tara had made several hops toward the table and it seemed like she had made very little progress. Maybe if I do a few quick hops in a row, she thought. I might be able to gain a little momentum. But, she had an idea. Maybe if I removed my shoes. I'll be able to hop much faster, not having to balance myself in my heels. Plus, the table is on a part of the floor that's not carpeted, I might break my neck if I tried hopping on a wooden floor in high heels. Slowly turning herself back around, Tara began the very short journey back to the couch. In four hops, she was back to the couch and carefully lowered herself back down beside Beth.

"What...are...you...doing?" A confused Beth muffled.

Tara immediately began moving her feet around trying to kick her shoes off, "Removing my shoes." She muffled back to Beth. Within a few seconds, Tara had both of her shoes removed and attempted to stand once again. With her shoes off, she was able to stand much easier, balancing herself was not as difficult without her four inch heels on. She took her first hop. So much easier she thought. She hopped again and again moving closer to the table with each successful landing. Making sure she was balanced and careful, she hopped onto the wooden section of the floor, the table now just a few feet away. A few more hops and I'm there, she thought. She took another hop on the wooden floor and almost lost her balance but she was able to steady herself. Thank god for all of that core work I do, she jokingly thought. Tara took one final short hop and she was at the table. She could hear Beth's sigh of relief. She was not able to extend her hands to get the scissors seeing that her arms were tied against her body. Maybe if I can hop up on the table and sit on it, I might be able to reach the scissors, she thought. Turning so that her back was to the table, Tara thrusted herself a few inches off the floor and hopped onto the table, making a perfect landing and she was now seated on the table. Scooting back a little, she was able to get her fingers on the scissors but she could not grab them. Scooting back on the table even more, her legs off the floor, Tara rolled onto the table. Lying on her side, she was now completely on the table, legs and all. She slid herself toward the scissors, which were toward the middle of the table. Feeling around with her fingers, Tara was able to grab the scissors by the handle and held them tight. Slowly scooting herself to the edge of the table, she slid herself off the table until her feet touched the floor. She looked at Beth, smiled and began the long journey back to the couch. Maybe, just maybe she thought, we might be able to get free after-all.


Kenny and David were in awe. They could not believe their eyes. Both watched in utter silence as Tara hopped to the table, sat on the table, grabbed the scissors and hopped back to Beth. They were amazed at her accomplishment. Amazed, because they knew it was not easy for her to get to the table while tied up. It took a combination of will, determination, and grace. Kenny had to admit that he was kind of proud seeing his mom in action like that. What a trooper, he thought as he watched her hop up on the table and grab the scissors. That could not have been easy and she made it look very simple, his silent thought continued. He was so proud of her. Only when David spoke up did Kenny come out of his trance of admiration.

"I think we're in trouble, Kenny. If they can cut the ropes, they'll win again. Awe, man."

"After what mom just did, if they can get free, they deserve it. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess you’re right." David responded. "I still can't believe what your mom did. That was amazing."

"Yeah, it was. Wasn’t it?" A smiling Kenny said, having gained a whole new level of respect for his mother's athleticism. "It sure was."


The journey back To Beth seemed to not take as long and did not seem to be as difficult. Tara,

literally, had a new found spring in her...hop. She also had another idea as she was making her way back to the couch. Maybe we can work together and remove our gags. It would surely help if we could actually communicate with each other. Arriving at the couch, she tossed the scissors on the couch and motioned to Beth and mumbled, "Come closer. Maybe I can take your gag off." Beth's eyes widened with the thought. Beth slowly moved from one end of the couch to the other, getting close enough to Tara so that her mouth was at Tara's hands. Tara felt around for the gag, the endeavor made more difficult because she could not see what she was doing. Finally, Tara was able to get her fingers on the gag at the corner of Beth's mouth and as Beth moved her jaw around and Tara gently pulled at the gag, they were able to remove Beth's gag. "Oh, thank goodness," Beth said as the gag fell around her neck. "Ok, let me get you." Tara hopped beside Beth and gingerly sat back on the couch. It felt so good to sit down again. She had only been on her feet for a little over five minutes but it seemed like an eternity. The strain of trying to balance her body, the hopping, the hopping on the table, Tara was genuinely tired and it felt so good to finally be off her feet.

Beth balanced herself as she attempted to stand up in her four inch heels. Standing in front of the couch, Beth took a small hop towards Tara as Tara scooted towards Beth. Now the roles were reversed. Beth was standing before Tara as she moved close enough so Beth could take hold of the gag and remove it. Within a minute, Beth had removed the gag from Tara's mouth. "That is so much better." Tara said as Beth sat back down on the couch. "At least if we can talk to each other, we might be able to get out of this mess."

Now seated once again, back to back, Tara took the scissors and attempted to position them in a way that she would be able to cut the rope around Beth's wrists but it was a difficult thing to do. One, she could not see what she was doing. Everything was by feel and touch. And two, there was no room to slip one end of the scissors through the rope around Beth's wrists.

"Ouch" Beth said as one end of the scissors poked her hand.

"Oh my, oh my. I'm sorry Beth." Tara apolitically said. "I didn’t mean to do that."

"I know. Don't worry." Beth said. "There just isn’t any room to slip the scissors through the ropes. How about this...do you think you could maybe cut the ropes around my body? Then maybe I'll be able to help you out more easily."

"I could try." Tara said. "I can stand pretty easy with my shoes off. Let me give it a shot." Composing herself once again, Tara held the scissors tightly in her hands, leaned forward and slowly stood up. Beth scooted closer to Tara, positioning herself as close as she could, giving Tara an angle to try and put one end of the scissors through the rope around her body.

Turning her head as far as she could and looking over her shoulder, getting the best view possible , Tara held one of the handles and with her fingers and pushed the other handle, opening the scissors. As to not poke Beth once again, Tara positioned the scissors so they could easily slide in the space between Beth's arm and side.

"Ok. Ok. Ok."

"Almost there."


"Move a little to the side Beth."

"Almost there."

"GOT IT!!!" Tara proclaimed as she now had the rope between both parts of the scissors.

"Great job, Tara." Beth proudly said. "What should I do now?"

"I can't use the scissors normally, I can't hold them properly. You just remain still and I'm going to try and move up and down, seeing if I can cut the rope that way."

"Ok. I won't move."

Tara began to slowly move up and down, just a few inches, trying to cut the ropes. "Gosh, this is going to be tough." Tara said as she continued to move up and down, putting pressure on the scissor handles, slightly opening and closing the scissors as she moved. It was about a minute into doing this that a breakthrough took place. The rope was actually being cut. Feeling more confident, Tara applied more pressure to the scissors, causing the fibers of the rope to further come apart. "Oh my god, Beth. I think we're going to do it." She said gleefully as the ropes were cut even more.

"Keep going, Tara. You’re doing great." Beth happily replied, realizing this might actually work.

Then it happened. a loop of the rope was cut, causing the remainder of the rope encircling Beth's body to loosen up enough that she would wiggle around, causing the ropes to fall to her waist.

"You did it!!" Beth said with such excitement that she was almost screaming. Tara sat back down on the couch, her thighs slightly burning from the constant movement up and down and the tension she kept in her muscles while keeping her balance.

"I can't believe we did it." Tara said as she tried her best to relax on the couch. "Do you think you can reach the knot in the rope around my wrists? It's on the outside of my hands and you might be able to reach it now."

Having a new surge of energy herself, Beth moved closer to Tara and now, able to move her arms around, she could reach the knot on the rope securing Tara's hands. "Yes, I can. The knot is big enough that I can grab it. Just hold still and I should be able to pick it loose in no time." Beth began picking away at the knot, her slender fingers working as best as they could.

A few minutes had passed and finally..."There! I got it." were her words as she loosened the knot on the ropes binding Tara's hands.

"Beth, you're amazing." Tara said happily as she moved her hands around, further loosening the ropes. Within a minute, Tara had removed the ropes that tied her wrists together. "I'm free!" She joyously said as she shook the ropes off. She began to move her arms around, trying to free herself of the rope around her body. With a great effort, Tara was able to lift her right arm up and out of the ropes. SHE WAS FREE.

"Beth!" She eagerly proclaimed. "I'M FREE. I DON'T BELIEVE IT!"


Kenny and David were dumbfounded. How in the world did they get free? They could not believe everything they had witnessed.

"If it wasn't for me leaving those stupid scissors on the table, they never would have gotten loose." David said. "My bad. I really dropped the ball, didn't I?"

"No way buddy." Kenny said, putting his hand on David's shoulder. "You didn't drop the ball. After all they went through to get loose, we have nothing to be feel bad about. They deserve to win."


After Tara's hands were free, she quickly removed the ropes from Beth's upper-body and untied her hands. Now both women were working on the ropes that secured their beautiful legs. Having removed the ropes from her knees, Beth gave her thighs a good rub, especially around the rope marks that were created from the tension that held them together. "I can't believe we did it, Tara." Beth remarked as she moved to the ropes around her ankles and began untying them.

"I have to admit, I didn't think we would get loose." Tara said. "But seeing those scissors...I knew we might have a chance."

Kenny and David were still in disbelief when they entered the room as their mothers were removing the last bit of rope that had previously held them.

"I don't believe it." Kenny said to his mother, Tara, as she removed the last bit of rope from her ankles and tossed the rope aside. "You hopping to the scissors and you and Mrs. Bennett cutting yourselves free......amazing."

"See, I told you all of that working out Beth and I do would pay off." Tara kiddingly said. "That was a workout. I'm tired."

"I have to admit, Mrs. Riley," David chimed in as he sat down on the couch beside his mother, Beth, "What you and mom did was unbelievable."

"Tara did most of the hard work." Beth added. "I don't know if I could have hopped over to the table, then hop on the table, get the scissors, and then hop back...I was exhausted just watching all of that." She said with a laugh."

"Well, I guess this means we have to hear you guys brag about this for the next month?" Kenny said, looking at his mom, who was returning his smile.

"You better believe we won't let you guys forget about this." Tara said with a laugh.

"That's right. I do believe we won the best two out of three...correct, Tara?" Beth said, looking at her friend with an inquisitive look on her face, knowing the answer to the question but rubbing it in a little.

"We sure did, Beth." Tara said as she looked at the son and gave him a playful jab in the side. "You little villains tried your best but it wasn't good enough. These moms are just too crafty." Tara said as she put her shoes back on and stood up.

"Face it, Kenny, you and I are a bunch of losers." David jokingly said to his best buddy. "We should move to loser island." David continued, laughing at his own joke.

"You guys aren't losers...you just can’t beat us." Tara said, giving David a gentle rub on his shoulder. "Beth, I don't know about you but I need a nice, hot shower and some wine."

"I hear you, sister." Beth answered.

"I'm going to go home, enjoy a nice shower, change and I'll be back in about an hour. Have the wine ready." Tara said, giving Beth a long, warm hug.

"You betcha. I'll order the pizza and it should be here when you get back." Beth said, returning the hug to her friend.

Kenny and David were busy picking up and straightening up the room. David walked over to the trash can and put a few pieces of the rope in it, throwing it away.

"What are you doing?" Beth asked her son. "Why are you throwing everything away?"

"Well, the challenge is over. I guess we won't need this stuff anymore." David said.

"I don't know...what do you say, Tara, should they throw everything away?"

Pausing for a few moments, Tara gave Beth a wink and then said to the boys, who were frozen in their place, waiting for her response... "I wouldn't throw anything away, if I were you. You never know...you might need it again."
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Post by stanfordnavy »

Damsel Mom 5 (m/F)

This was the part of summer that Kenny always dreaded. As was tradition, David would be gone for several weeks with his mother, Beth, visiting family and taking in the sights along the east coast...for three long weeks. It's not like Kenny did not have other friends; he had plenty. Everyone loved being around him and he was always the one other kids gravitated towards when they were in a group. He was...and is...such a likable person. He just missed his best friend, his partner in crime, his number one side kick. David was more like a brother to him than a friend and well...even though Kenny would have plenty to do in David's absence, it just wasn’t the same without him around. It had been two long weeks flying solo and thank goodness, Kenny thought, David will be home next weekend. Not only did that excite him but he was also excited about the possibility of he and David playing another another tie up game with their mothers.

Kenny did have all of the wonderful memories of the tie up games and challenges he and David played with their mothers, running through his head. It had been about a month since the last tie up game but the memory was still fresh. Kenny could not get the sight of his mother, Tara, bound and gagged, hopping to the table and getting a pair of scissors to cut the ropes that held her and Beth. He had to admit that he was very proud of Tara and he admired her ability to accomplish the task. A real trooper, he thought.

It was a lazy Wednesday afternoon in late July and Kenny found himself bored to death. He had completed all of the chores around the house that his mother wanted him to do. Tara had one stedfast rule..."In order to do what you want to do, you need to do what you have to do". Kenny heard that saying a million times. Tara was fine with him playing and having fun but she always wanted him to take care of any responsibilities he had first and foremost. Kenny respected the fact that his mother was teaching him, at such a young age, about being responsible and work before play. "You can play as long as you want...as long as you take care of your responsibilities first"; another thing she always said to him.

Tara was in her office finishing up paper work involving the closing of a house she had sold. It was an easy day for her because she did not have more showings for the day. Wednesday were usually a short day for her. She purposely did not schedule afternoon showings on Wednesdays so she could have the better part of the day free so she could spend time with Kenny. The rest of the week was hectic enough and having an afternoon free, mid-week, was a god send. Sitting at her desk, pecking away at her laptop, she was still dressed in her "work clothes." If she had things to finish up when she got home, Tara had the habit of finishing up any loose ends before she changed. Tara felt she stayed more focused if she finished up her work before changing cloths. Plus, she only had about 30 minutes of work to do and she would be done for the day. Today, as always, she looked fabulous. She was wearing a form fitting charcoal gray sleeveless dress that stopped several inches above her knees. Tara's shapely legs were covered in Wolford, flesh tone pantyhose, giving her legs a beautiful suntan appearance. She was wearing her favorite 4 inch, pointy toe, black, Jimmy Choo pumps...which she took off when she got in the room and placed them beside her desk.

Boredom was overtaking Kenny. Sitting in front of the television, his mind was only partially focused on the video game he was playing. "I've done all of my house work. I've done my summer reading for my upcoming English class this year. If David was around, we would be doing something fun", he said softly under his breath as he starred into the television.

His mind began to wander about the first time he and David tied up Tara. It was such a spur of the moment thing that wonderful Saturday morning. He couldn't believe that his mom was so willing to play along. But then again, it wasn't that much of a surprise she played along, he thought. She was usually willing to be part of the fun and games whenever he asked. He was really excited about the possibility of more games with his mom and Beth in the future. They, the mothers, did leave the door open to playing in the future. When he and David were throwing some of the rope away after their last game, Beth and Tara did tell them to hang on to everything and to quote Tara, "You never know, you might need it again."

Getting up from the couch, Kenny made his way to his mother's office. As he imagined, she was hard at work, starring away at her MacBook Pro.

"How much longer do you have, mom?"

Looking over she shoulder, her eyes meeting his, Tara replied, "Not much longer, honey. Give me about 10 minutes and I'm all yours. I'm up for whatever you want to do." Giving him a smile, she returned her focus to her work.

Turning and walking back to the couch, Kenny had a thought. Would she be up for a tie up game? She did say she would do whatever.

A smile came over Kenny's face. He thought to himself...this is a lot like the first time they played. So spur of the moment. Maybe, just maybe, she would be willing to play along. Why not? She did say, "I'm up for whatever you want to do." But what if she says, no? He continued to think. I've never tied her up by myself, when it was just the two of us. Maybe she is more comfortable with Mrs. Bennett around. No...that can't be, because she played along with me and David. Will she think it's odd for me to want to tie her up at such a random time like this? Well, it's just as random as the first time. She'll think I'm weird for wanting to tie her up. Why would she think that? She's been so willing to play the tie up games so far. The mental "ping pong" going on in his head was driving Kenny nuts. Taking a seat on the couch, Kenny literally felt the mental exhaustion of the thoughts jockeying in his head.

"So mom...you'll be up for whatever when you're done?" He shouted from the couch.

"Yes, honey. I'm up for whatever." Tara shouted back.

Kenny sat there for a minute. "Why not." He said aloud with such excitement that Tara asked if he was speaking to her. "Nothing mom. Just talking to myself." He replied to her. The plot began to unfold in his head. I'll get some rope, my toy gun, and one of my Covid masks to cover my face. As soon as she is done with her work, I'll sneak up on her and act like I'm robbing her.

Kenny jumped up from the couch and began to gather the items he would need for the game he prayed would take place. He went into the garage and grabbed several pieces of rope. He went into his room, placed the rope in his backpack, took one of his Covid masks and went into his closet to retrieved his toy guy from the container it was in. His heart began to race with anticipation, praying his mom would go along. Heading back downstairs, he went into the den. She should be done any minute now, I'll wait right here, he thought. As soon as she comes out of her office, I'll surprise her. Kenny put his backpack on, placed his mask over his mouth and nose and with the toy gun in is right hand, she squatted behind the lounge chair, waiting for Tara to come into vision.


"That should do it." Tara said with a sigh of relief. "Enough work for the day." Slipping her feet back into her Jimmy Choo's, she closed her laptop, got up from her desk and made her way out of her office. Kenny's been awfully quiet, I wonder what he's up to? She thought to herself as she made her way from her desk.

Kenny heard her moving about and figured she must be done. He came from behind the lounge chair and began to quietly walk toward Tara's office, quietly and carefully taking each step.

"All right, champ. What do you have in.....mind?" Tara froze as she exited her office. Standing before her was Kenny; wearing one of his Covid masks, backpack on, and his toy gun pointing at her. They both stood there looking at each other for a moment. Tara was a little surprised but then again...she wasn't. She had wondered if Kenny was ever going to attempt a tie up game with her. She actually wondered why it had not happened sooner. It had been about a month since she and Beth had triumphantly escaped their ropes in the last tie up scenario. Kenny was silent. He figured that by her response, his mom would dictate what would happen. The silence was only about five or so seconds but it did seem like an eternity to Kenny. And then it happened...a little smile appeared on her face and she slowly raised her hands.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?, Tara said as she took a small step back, giving the impression of being frightened.

A rush of energy went through Kenny. It was going to happen. She was playing along. "Don't worry about it, lady." Kenny said, using his best bad guy voice. Pointing his toy gun toward her office, he said, "Now head back in that room."

"Whatever you say. Just don't hurt me. I'll do whatever you ask."

Tara turned and headed back into her office.

"Take a seat, doll." Kenny said as he grabbed her office chair and pushed it over to her, the wheels squeaking as they rolled on the hard wood floor.

Kenny placed his bag on the floor and took out a piece of rope. "Please, you don't have to tie me up." Tara said as she slowly sat down. "Just take what you want and leave. I promise not to call the police. I won't tell anyone and I won’t give you any trouble. I promise."

"I can't take any chances, lady. Just do as you're told and you won't get hurt. Now put your hands behind the chair."

Kenny began to walk behind her as Tara did as she was told and moved her hands behind the chair. Kenny got down on one knee behind her. He didn't have to place her wrists together, Tara had already done that, anticipating what was about to happen. Kenny took the piece of rope and began to tie her hands together. He was no longer shy about how tight he would tie the ropes and Tara did not mind; she loved the challenge of trying to get free. She expected Kenny to tie her up securely. Besides, if he went overboard in the tying, she had no problem whatsoever telling him to lighten up a bit.

Kenny wrapped the ropes several times around Tara's wrists, making sure to not leave any slack. He wanted his mom to really work to get free. Except for the first time he and David tied her up, on the Saturday morning many, many weeks ago, she had always had Beth there to help get loose. He was very interested to find out if his mom would be able to find a way to free herself...by herself. Tara felt the ropes tightly, but not uncomfortable, secure her wrists. This was the tightest the ropes had been. Each time she had played the willing damsel/hostage, the ropes progressively got tighter with each game and this was the most secure yet. As Kenny took the ropes between her hands, she felt her wrists pull closer together. After a few times doing this, Kenny tied a knot in the rope, happily finishing the job. He knew he had tied the ropes tighter this time and he hoped his mom didn't mind.

Keeping in character he said, "I hope the ropes aren’t too tight lady but I have to make sure you won’t be giving me any problems." Kenny knew she would be honest and tell him if he had tied her hands too tight.

"You'll never get away with this. I'll find a way to get free and call the police you fiend." Tara answered, easing Kenny's mind. If the ropes were too tight, she surely would have answered in a way to indicate so. Kenny turned away from her and went to his bag to get more rope to tie her with. With his back turned, Tara got up from the chair and tried to run out of the room. She thought she might as well make him work for it and be a little adventurous but before she could get out of the room, Kenny grabbed her by the arm, led her back to the chair and sat her down, again, placing her arms behind the chair.

"It looks like you’re going to be more trouble than I thought. I'm going to have to keep you from running off again." Kenny said, as he took another piece of rope, knelt down in front of Tara, placed her ankles together and began tying them. Kenny had to admit, he liked the fact his mom was so willing to play along. It made it so much more fun knowing she didn't mind the adventure.

Tara allowed Kenny to loop the ropes a few times around her ankles before she began to put up a little resistance. She didn't want to prevent him for doing what he was doing but she wanted to once again make him work for it a little. As Tara was playfully moving her feet around, her left ankle crossed over her right and before she could readjust, Kenny had wrapped the rope around her ankles a few times, now resulting in them being tied crossed together. Taking advantage of the situation, Kenny made sure he tied the ropes tightly, preventing his mom from uncrossing her ankles. Not able to go between her ankles as if they were just side by side, Kenny looped the rope tightly a few more times before he tied a knot in it.

Breaking character, Kenny looked up at her and asked, "That's not too tight is it, mom? You've never had your ankles crossed before and I don't want it to be too tight."

Tara was touched. How sweet of him to still be concerned about her comfort. "Awww, sweetheart. Thank you for asking. But no it's not too tight, everything is just fine. I may have to work a little harder but I'm fine."

Smiling at her, Kenny jumped back into character. "That should hold you and keep you from running around." He said as he stood up and went to his bag. Tara attempted to move her feet around but it was almost impossible to uncross them...nice job, dummy...she thought to herself...now I won't be able to stand up but maybe I'll still be able to get to the letter-opener in the desk drawer...that is, if he doesn't take a piece of rope and tie my upper body and arms to the chair...

No sooner than she was thinking it, Kenny was coming toward her with a long piece of rope in his hand and began wrapping it around her upper body, securing her to the chair. Dang it!!!! she thought to herself.

"You sure are doing a thorough job...whatever your name is."

"Just call me, Mr. X." Kenny replied, as he continued to wrap the rope around his mother and the chair. Kenny wrapped the rope just a few inches above Tara's waist and the chair, forcing her back into the chair a little more. She was tied to the chair and would not be able to stand up but the ropes did not encircle her arms. (Thank goodness he is not tying the rope around my arms as well. At least I'll be able to move my arms around. Maybe I'll be able to still find a way to get to the letter-opener after all. Looking over at her desk, she could see the handle of the letter opener sticking up from the upper right desk drawer. Crap!! If he sees it, he might take it. I can't let him know it's there.)

As Kenny was getting another piece of rope from his bag, Tara slowly and quietly moved her chair a little further away from her desk; just enough to take away any attention from her desk drawer. She was able to move the chair a few feet before Kenny turned back around and once again approached her with one more piece of rope and a roll of duct tape. Placing the rope down on the floor beside her, Kenny tore off a piece of the gray tape.

"You don't have to gag me. I won’t scream or yell out." Tara said

"I don't want to take any chances, doll."

"I promise. I won't say...Mmmmmmmmmm." Her words cut off as the tape was placed over her mouth. Kenny pressed the tape over her mouth with his hand, making sure it was on properly. Taking the last piece of rope, Kenny once again knelt down in front of his mom, placed her knees together and began to tie her legs together. Tara again playfully put up a little struggle but not enough to prevent Kenny from doing the job. Taking the rope a few times between her legs, he tied a knot in the rope behind her knees.

Finished with his task, Kenny stood up to admire his work. "That should hold you." He said, as Tara moved around a little bit, testing the ropes that bound her. "I'm going to look around for a few things." Kenny grabbed his bag and before he left the room, he gave his mom a reassuring look to confirm she was ok and now it was her time to find a way to get free. Tara locked eyes with Kenny and gave him a little wink and tried to smile from behind the duct tape. Returning the smile, Kenny said, "I'll give you some time to try and get free. I'll check on you in a bit." Tara nodded her head in agreement. With that, Kenny left the room and went into the kitchen to grab a Powerade. Tying up beautiful women was hard work ;)

Tara again moved around testing the security of the ropes. She very quickly realized that unless she was able to get to the letter-opener and possibly use it in some way to cut or loosen the ropes, she was not going to get free just by squirming around. This was by far the tightest she had been tied up. The ropes tying her hands did not have even the slightest bit of slack . She was able to slightly move her wrists around but not enough to do anything positive. The rope around her upper body secured her to the chair but thankfully was not wrapped around her arms pinning them to the chair. The ropes tying her legs, above her knees, was tight but with a little work she felt confident she could loosen it. Her ankles were another thing. Having her ankles crossed and tied was a new experience and challenge. She could not believe the difference having her ankles crossed was to just having them placed together. It's not that Kenny had tied the ropes tighter, it didn't necessarily feel tighter but it was almost impossible to move around. Sitting in her office chair, wearing her beautiful sleeveless charcoal, form fitting dress, silky Wolford pantyhose, and her favorite Jimmy Choo black pumps, Tara looked like the most beautiful damsel one could only imagine seeing in a Hollywood production.

Kenny though it might be a little weird if he took a seat in the adjacent guest bedroom and watched his mom struggle. It was one thing for him and David to watch their mothers struggle during the previous games. There was a challenge involved and it was also a competitive thing between the four of them. This was different, he thought it might be best to just chill out in the den and if she's not free soon, he would check on her ever 5 minutes or so. But he felt very confident that she was not going to get free anytime soon. Kenny knew he had tied his mother up very proficient and this would be her biggest challenge to date.

Tara felt it would be a complete waste of time and energy to try and free herself. That was not going to happen without help of some sort. She decide to put her focus on attempting to retrieve the letter-opener from her desk, which was about 6 feet away. Thankfully her office chair was on rollers and the floor was wooden. Her left ankle was crossed over her right so she would have to try and push off with the heel of her right shoe. Thank goodness for 4 inch heels, she thought. Tara brought her lovely bound legs as close to the chair as possible, put pressure from her high high heel onto the floor and slowly pushed off. The rubber tip of the heel was able to get good traction and Tara was able to push herself toward her desk. Repeating this action several times, she now found herself positioned with her back to the desk. She swung her legs to the left so she could position herself to be able to try and reach the handle of the letter-opener in the right drawer. If I can just move my arms enough, I should be able to reach the handle, she thought to herself. Tara tried to stretch her arms toward the handle of the opener. This was one of those moments she was happy to be in the physical shape she was in and to have the flexibility that she has. She stretched out and was able to touch the handle. Moving her fingers to grab it, the opener fell into the drawer.

Damn it! She said to herself. Nice job dummy. Tara dug her right heel into the floor and pushed off once again. Now she would have to attempt to reach inside the drawer and grab the opener.

Kenny was relaxing in the den. Stretched out on the couch, he was watching an old rerun of The Three Stooges. Kenny and David had discovered the talented trio several years ago while watching TV late one night. Since then, Kenny became a faithful fan and watched episodes whenever he caught them on TV. It's only been about 5 minutes he thought. I'll check on mom in a few more minutes.

Tara was able to lift her arms up enough so she could get her hands into the desk drawer. Feeling around for a little bit, she was eventually able to locate the letter-opener. Again, moving her fingers as carefully as she could, she tried to grab hold of the opener. Not being able to see what she was doing made the task a lot harder than it would seem. Finally, after several futile attempts, Tara had possession of the letter-opener and held it firmly in her hands. Carefully lifting her hands out of the desk drawer, she pushed the drawer shut; then Tara turned her chair slightly and pushed herself away from her desk and positioned herself so that she was facing the door; she didn't want Kenny to see the letter-opener when he looked in on her.(Do I try to cut the ropes? Do I pick away at the knot? I've got to be very careful because I don't want to drop the opener. Then I'll really be in trouble.) Many thoughts crossed her mind as she contemplated her next move.

Kenny decided to check in on his mom. He made his way to her office to peak in on her. Tara, hearing him walk down the hall, held the letter-opener firmly in her hands and made sure she was facing the door when he came in. She began to squirm around acting like she was trying to free herself. She didn't want him to think something was up if she was just sitting there and not trying to get free.

"You okay, mom?", Kenny asked as he took a step in the room.

Her response was obviously hindered by the tape over her mouth but Tara did her best to reply, "I'm fine. Just a little tied up at the moment." Chuckling at her attempted humor.

"It doesn’t look like you've made much progress. Do you want me to untie you now?"

Shaking her head, Tara mumbled back, "No. Give me more time."

"Well...alright. I'll check back on you shortly." With that, Kenny turned and went back to the den, unaware of the letter-opener in his mom's hands.

Tara gave it some thought and she felt that cutting the rope might be a possibility. The opener had fairly sharp edges and she recently debated on whether to replace it because the edges were a little too sharp for her liking. It was a gift from one of her colleagues and she kept it out of a sense of gratitude. Maybe, just maybe, it can cut this darn rope, she thought.

Slowly moving the letter-opener with her fingers, Tara tried to position the tip of the opener between the layers of rope encircling her wrists. Hopefully the tightness of the rope will cause enough tension to help me cut it, she thought. Tara was very disciplined in her moves. She did not want to be hurried. If she rushed and was not careful, it was almost a given that she would drop the opener and there was no way she was getting loose without the aid of it.

Steady with her actions, she slid the tip of the opener into one of the seams of layered rope. Gently, she turned the opener so that the top and bottom edge was in between the rope. Slowly she began to move the opener back and fourth, the tension and tightness of the rope preventing her from inserting it deeply into its layers.

Minutes seemed to pass as she slowly and steadily moved the letter-opener back and fourth. As far as she was concerned, there was not much progress being made. She was able to insert the opener a little more into the layers of rope but she did not think the rope was being cut. A sense of defeat started to come over her. Well, she thought, I might as well let Kenny untie me when he.....and then it happened. She felt a strand of the rope split. The letter-opener was actually cutting the rope! It was not possible to see the smile on her face because of the duct tape but Tara was beaming. Not wanting the rush of excitement to cause her to lose focus, she did not let the moment cause her to forget the objective at hand. With the rope slightly cut, she was able to push the opener further into the coils of rope. Steadily and with a little more force, Tara applied pressure to the part of the rope that she felt come apart. Sure enough, the letter-opener was cutting the rope because she could feel its sharp edges penetrate through the rope. It was about a minute later when it happened.

"Oh my gosh!" Tara muffled aloud to herself as she felt a strand of the rope split. "I did it! It cut!" With one loop of the rope cut, she now had more leverage and a better angle to apply more pressure to another coil with the sharp edge of the letter-opener. Within another minute, she had successfully cut another strand. The ropes on her wrists were now not nearly as tight and she was able to move her wrists much easier. Tara moved her hands frantically and soon she was able to slip her left hand out of the ropes. With adolescent excitement, Tara moved her hands to the front of her body and removed the remaining pieces of rope. As the piece of rope fell to the floor, Tara gently remove the piece of duct tape from her mouth.

Looking at the clock on the wall, Kenny decided that he would check on his mom in a few minutes. He thought that there was no way she would get loose. He was pretty confident she would not have made much progress. She'll probably want me to untie her, he thought.

Speaking softly, not wanting Kenny to hear her and wanting to contain her joy, Tara could not contain her glee. "I can't believe it actually worked. He will be so shocked", an exuberant Tara said as she untied the rope that secured her to the chair. Moving to the rope securing her legs, she quickly untied the knot and unwound the rope that held her lovely legs together, tied above her knees. Bending over, she worked at the knot that bound her slender ankles together. "Having my ankles crossed made it impossible to move. Note to self...don't let that happen again." She said with a slight laugh as she loosened the knot and began to remove the rope. With the rope removed, Tara gave her ankles a nice, gentle rub. She noticed that there were slight rope marks because of the tightness and the position of her ankles. I should make him give me a foot massage because of this. She jokingly thought to herself. Triumphantly and victoriously standing over the ropes that formerly confined her to the chair, Tara gave a shout out to Kenny.

"Hey Mr. X. Can you come in here for a minute?" She proudly shouted.

Kenny's jaw dropped. "Nooooo way", he said. "You can't be loose." He shouted back as he sprang from the couch and ran to his mom's office. Entering the room, he saw his mom standing by the chair, hands proudly on her hips and a wide smile on her face.

"Taaa daaa." Tara said. "Just call me the escape queen, Mr. X!"

"How? But how did you get free?" Kenny said in total amazement. "I thought I tied you up as best as I ever had. I don't get it."

Tara reached down on the floor and picked up the letter-opener. "With this. I was able to get it out of my desk drawer and I cut my hands free."

"You have got to be kidding me? You always find a way to get free. I can't believe it." Kenny said as he was shaking his head in total disbelief.

"I have to admit, champ. You had me tied up pretty good. If the letter-opener didn't cut the rope, I was not going to get free."

"Mom, you're amazing. I still can't believe you got free." Kenny said as he took the letter-opener out of his mom's hands, looked at it and shook his hands. "You always find a way to get free. I don't believe it."

"Never underestimate the ability of mom." Tara said with a smile and reached out and gave Kenny a hug...which he returned.

"Is it too early to ask for a rematch?" Kenny said.

"Well not today, if that's what you’re asking. But sure, I'm game for a rematch sometime soon. But as well as you are tying me up, we need to make sure there is a way I can find something to help me get free. I don't know if I can get free by just struggling against the ropes. You've become pretty good at tying."

"Sure. We can make it sorta like a tie up challenge. I tie you up and you find a way to get something to free yourself."

Giving Kenny a playful, loving rub on the head, Tara said, "Challenge accepted, sport. Now I need a nice, long shower. What do you say we grill a few burgers for dinner when I get out of the shower?"

"That sounds great.' Kenny replied. "I'll straighten things out. You go clean up."

Kenny thought how lucky he was. His mom was the most wonderful woman in the world as far as he was concerned. I'm going to win the next challenge, he thought to himself, but it won't be easy. Picking up the rope and putting the chair back under the desk, he couldn’t wait to tell David what had happened.

Slipping off her shoes and walking up the stairs, a nice hot shower awaiting her, Tara thought to herself that she was lucky to have a loving, kind son like Kenny. She trusted him. That's why she allowed him to play tie up games with her. She knew she could put a stop to it at any point if she chose to. She actually enjoyed the challenge of being tied up and trying to get free. It really was about the challenge for her. There was something exhilarating about finding a way to get free. As long as he wanted to play these games, she was okay with that. As long as things remained simple and innocent, she would let him have his fun tying her up. As far as she was concerned, it was just a fun, innocent game. Plus, it was nice being the winner, she thought. Placing her heels in her bedroom closet and taking a seat on the bed and slipping off her stockings, Tara couldn't wait to tell Beth about her little, afternoon adventure.
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Post by milagros317 »

Part Five was wonderful! This is an excellent series. :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Bandit666 »

Nice little series of tales, looking forward to seeing more in the future
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Post by GreyLord »

Just found your story and read the first chapter. Well done, and welcome to the site. I will be reading the rest. It is a very enjoyable tale.
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Tale of an Archer Completed
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Post by stanfordnavy »

GreyLord wrote: 5 months ago Just found your story and read the first chapter. Well done, and welcome to the site. I will be reading the rest. It is a very enjoyable tale.
Thank you!!
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