Damsel Mom Series (m/F) and (mm/FF)

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Post by gaggedrock29 »

So good!!
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Post by stanfordnavy »

gaggedrock29 wrote: 5 months agoSo good!!
Thank you very much :)
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Post by GreyLord »

Now, I am up to date, @stanfordnavy. It was fun with Beth and David in the game but it is also great with just Kenny and Tara. I must agree strongly with Kenny. Tara is, indeed, a great mom, as is Beth. I am wondering if Timmy's sister, Liz, will be brought into play? it reads as if she would be a wonderful addition to the mix.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Trammel »

Bravo, this last chapter is grand! :lol:
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by stanfordnavy »

Damsel Mom 6 (m/F)

Kenny was excited about the possible opportunity at hand.

"Are you sure you don’t mind?", was his last text to David. Now he nervously waited for a reply.

His iPhone chimed and he read the response from David aloud, "I have no problem at all. As long as I can have a chance to tie up your mom."

Typing on his phone Kenny quickly replied back, "Sure thing buddy. Thanks. I'll let you know how it goes. Have fun at your dad's."

David was away for the weekend at his father's home. Part of the divorce custody settlement his father and Beth settled on was that his father (Phillip) could have David every other weekend. David loved his parents and he wished that they would get back together. But in his heart he knew that was not in the picture anytime soon. Beth and Phillip got along well but not enough to give him hope of them getting back together. Nevertheless, he was happy to have two parents who loved him very much, even if they were not together.

Kenny's level of excitement was almost unbearable. His mother, Tara, was at a convention for real estate salespersons and she would be gone all day and would not be home until later that night. Not wanting Kenny to be alone, she asked Beth if she would take care of him for the day and naturally Beth looked forward to keeping Kenny company. Beth treated Kenny like her very own son and Tara did the same with David so the arrangement was not out of the ordinary for either mother; taking care of the other's son.

Kenny had accompanied Beth as she ran several errands that Saturday afternoon. They had just arrived back at her house when Kenny texted David. Kenny had a strong desire to tie up Beth. She was his secret crush and ever since the first tie up game with their mother's, Kenny had been determined to find a way to play a tie up game with her. Now was the best chance he would ever have and with David's blessings, Kenny had to take advantage of the opportunity.

Though just 13, Kenny had grow to appreciate the beauty of a woman. Sure he could be immature like the rest of his friends when it came to girls, but he found that he had a great love for seeing a woman dressed up. Especially his crush, Beth Bennett. There were times he could not take his eyes off of her, especially when she would wear one of her trademark outfits...skirt or dress, hosiery, and dress heels. Like his mother, Beth dressed up on a daily basis so Kenny always had a mental image of her classic beauty in his mind. Today was no exception, even if she was just running errands around town, she liked to dress to the "nines". It was a beautiful fall afternoon, with the temperature hitting an unseasonably warm 74 degrees. Donning her favorite Jimmy Choo, red 4 inch pumps, Beth also wore a pair of her favorite tan Wolford 20 denier stockings to accompany a lovely red, long sleeve dress. The dress hemline stopped about three inches above her knees; showing off her long shapely legs. Seeing her dressed so elegantly and wanting to fulfill his desire of having the chance to play a tie up game with her and her alone, gave Kenny the courage to reach out to David to get his blessings.

Kenny and David spent so much time at the others house that each guest bedroom was made into a spare "home away from home." Each boy basically had a room at the others house. As Kenny laid on the bed in his "spare" room at David house, he reflected on how far the tie up games had come. It was a few months ago that he and David tied up Tara for the first time. Shortly after, they tied up Beth and Tara together for the first time; and that evolved into several more tie up games with the mothers. Kenny was not shy to admit how much he enjoyed the tie up games with his mother and Beth. There was something enticing to him about tying up a grown woman in comparison to a girl his own age. Maybe it was the pure, simple fact that tying up a grown woman was something that resembled what was on TV during the golden age of the damsel in distress serials; something he really enjoyed watching whenever they appeared on AMC or TCM. A deep thinker for his age, Kenny thought there was something elegant about seeing a pretty woman dressed up and tied up. It was no secret that his mother, Tara, and his David's mom, Beth, were very beautiful women; plus they dressed up on a daily basis. Combining all of these factors together, Kenny understood that there was a difference between a simple tie up game some kids played with their babysitter, neighborhood girls, or female family members. There was something fulfilling about tying up "all powerful" mom and watching her struggle to get free. There was nothing sexual he felt, though he had to admit she had very beautiful legs and he had grown to really like the feel of the stockings on her legs as he tied her up. When she was dressed up for work, she always gave off a glow of confidence and strength and he admired her for these attributes. Maybe that was it. She was someone who always seemed to be in control and beaming with self-confidence. In some way seeing her tied up and struggling to get free gave Kenny a sense of control. He had grown to be very good at tying the ropes and maybe being able to tie up is mom so effectively gave Kenny a feeling of confidence he lacked overall.

Tying up Beth was another story. She was his crush and he so much wanted the opportunity to tie her up. This was about something that dwelled deep inside of him when he saw her tied up. He respected her and loved her just like a second mom but like so many boys his age, she just also happened to be the older woman he secretly had a crush on. It was somewhat similar to the crush he had on Miss Evans a few years ago. She was just out of college and he loved being in her Language Arts class. Not only was she beautiful, she also made learning fun. Beth was everything Miss Evans was and she just happened to be the mother of his best friend...a best friend who gave him permission to seek out his dream.

Now sitting on the edge of the bed in his "spare room", which was located in the basement of Beth's house, Kenny thought of how he could get her to play along with a tie up game. He had to admit that it would be a little awkward with just the two of them but Beth was a fun person. Maybe it wouldn’t be a difficult to get her to play along as he thought. Kenny was at a loss of ideas on how to initiate the game. He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not hear Beth come downs stairs and did not notice her standing beside the door, still dressed in her elegant dress.

"Hey cowboy", Beth said, a warm smile on her face. "What are you up to? It looks like you didn't even notice me standing here."

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Bennett. I was just thinking about stuff me and David talked about earlier."

"Well, what was so important that caused you to get lost in your thoughts?"

Kenny laughed to himself inside, visualizing himself saying to Beth..."Oh nothing important. He just gave me approval of playing a tie up game with you if you’re up for it."...but in reality he replied..."We were just talking bout things we want to do when he comes home on Monday."

"I'm for sure you two will find something to get into." Beth said with a chuckle. "What do you say I put something together and we eat in about an hour?"

"Sounds great, thanks Mrs. Bennett.

"Sure thing, cowboy. Don't mind me, I'll just be doing a few loads of clothes, so don't mind me none."

Kenny giggled as he said, "What's with the cowboy label all of a sudden?"

Beth laughed as she said, "I have no idea. Maybe it's because I watched an old western last night and I have cowboys and Indians on my mind. Be thankful I didn't watch a romantic chick flick. Who knows what I would be calling you."

"Yeah. I'm thankful too." Kenny replied with a laugh.

"Feel free to do whatever you want"' Beth said as she walked away from the door and made her way towards the laundry room, the sound of her heels echoing as she walked away. "As you know, this is your house too."

Kenny once put his mind to his previous thoughts, finding a way to tie up Beth. He smiled and shook his head as he thought of her calling him "cowboy." And them it hit him. It was corny but it was an idea never the less. Maybe he could play off of the cowboy reference she kept making. He jumped off the bed and ran to the closet in the room, the closet that had a bunch of David extra toys and such. He began to look through the boxes. There was something he remembered David had and Kenny was hoping David still had it. Looking through the many, many toys and outfits, Kenny found what he was looking for. An Indian war head dressing. Undoing the velcro strap in the back, Kenny placed it on his head and adjusted the strap, securing it to his head. Moving to the mirror in the room, he stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself. He laughed at the image reflected in front of him. The head dressing had three feathers and looked like a real head dressing any Indian would wear. Going back to the box, he searched around until he found the toy bow and arrow set that accompanied the head dressing. Now he looked the part...he was an Indian warrior. His mind began to race almost too fast with the idea he had in mind.

Beth was sitting at the kitchen counter, sipping on some tea, when she heard the buzzer from the dryer go off. Taking one final sip, she got up from the counter and headed back down stairs into the basement. Kenny was awfully quiet she thought, maybe he fell asleep. Making her way into the laundry room, she opened the dryer and pulled out one of her blouses. She didn't like to let things fully dry in the dryer in fear of shrinkage. She just wanted to fluff things up a little and then she would hang them on the line to finish drying. Giving her blouse a little shake, she reached up to place it on the clothesline...but...

"Where is the clothesline?" She said, baffled and looking around. "The clothesline is gone. Where the heck is the clothesline?" Looking around the room, Beth was utterly dumbfounded as to where the clothesline was.

Tossing the blouse back into the dryer, she left the laundry room and headed to ask Kenny what the heck was going on and why is the clothesline missing. But, when she arrived at his room, Kenny was not in there. "What the heck is going on?" She thought aloud as she scoped the room, not seeing Kenny.

"Turn around very slow, cowgirl." Was the command given by the voice behind her. It actually startled her at first, hearing the voice, even though she knew it was Kenny.

Turning around, she was surprised to see what she did. There was Kenny, pointing a toy bow at her, wearing David's old Indian head dressing and...the missing clothesline was wrapped around his shoulder; along with what appeared to be a few pieces of rope hanging out of his pocket. She actually laughed at first, seeing what she did. "What is this all about?" Beth said with a curious laugh. "What's with the Indian get up?"

Kenny did his best to sound like Indians he saw in the many westerns he had watched. "You are on our holy land. We don't like cowgirls being on our holy land."

Beth was enjoying the show. The smile she had on her face almost made it hurt to talk. "What are you talking about? Why are you dressed like that?" She said.

Breaking character and lowering his toy bow, Kenny replied, "Well, you kept calling me cowboy because of the movie you watched so I thought it would be fun to play cowboys and Indians. Except you are the cowgirl and I'm the Indian."

Beth shook her head and chuckled to herself. She got the reference and it all made sense to her now, especially the missing clothesline. "Well, I have a revelation to make, Mr. Indian." Beth said

"What's that?" Kenny said, clearly confused at how she was responding to the situation.

"Your mother and I have been talking about which one of you would try to tie up the other mother first. Looks like you won." Beth said, almost gleefully. We both thought it would be you because David is still a little shy."

Kenny didn't know what to think. He felt his face turn beet red and he was a little embarrassed to think his mom and Beth were talking about stuff like this. Did they talk about being tied up as much as he and David talked about tying them up? Only Beth talking broke him out of his mental fog. "I told your mom that I would be very surprised if you didn't come up with some type of story to try and get me tied up", Beth said, almost sounding proud that she had been right.

"You mean you don't mind, Mrs. Bennett?"

With a slight smile on her face and placing her hands on her hips, Beth looked at Kenny and replied, "I don't know what it is with you boys and your tie up games. It obviously is a phase you two are going through. But, if it keeps you two out of trouble, I guess your mother and I just need to get use to being your victims."

Sensing her approval of the situation, Kenny's heart began to race. His dream was about to come true. To her, it was just an innocent game they were playing. But to Kenny, it was a dream come true. Once again raising the toy bow and arrow, Kenny pointed it at Beth and said, "You are on our holy land. You must be sacrificed."

Playing along with the story, Beth raised her hands above her head and said, "Oh please don't hurt me. I had no idea this was your holy land."

"You have to pay for trespassing on our land. You will be burned at the stake."

"Oh no! Please don't hurt me! I promise to go and never come back!" Beth said, doing her best to play the role of the scared, frightened cowgirl.

Kenny walked over to Beth, grabbed her arm and said, "Come with me." Holding her firmly by the arm, Kenny walked Beth into the laundry/utility room. Towards the back of the room was a metal support beam. Kenny led Beth to the pole and said to her, "Stand against the pole and place your hands behind you."

"No. I won't." Beth exclaimed, as she ripped her arm from his grip. "I won’ let you burn me at the stake."

Kenny placed the toy bow and arrow into her side and said, "Do as you are told and maybe we will not sacrifice you but just hold you prisoner. Or, I can shoot you with my bow and arrow."

Once again taking her by the arm, Kenny moved her closer to the pole. Beth did not resist and stood against the pole and placed her hands behind the pole.

"Please, I'll do as you say, if you promise not to sacrifice me." Beth said

"I will have to seek advice from the elders. For now, you are my prisoner." Placing his toy bow and arrow on the floor, along with the long clothesline he had wrapped on his shoulder, Kenny took out one of the two pieces of rope he had in his pocket. When he was taking the clothesline down, he noticed two shorter pieces of rope, about 3 feet each, on the shelf with the cleaning products.

Kenny grabbed Beth's wrists and placed them together. For some reason he was more nervous than the time he and David first tied up Tara. He could feel his breathing increase. The feel of her soft skin and the captivating scent of her perfume caused him to feel a rush of excitement he had not felt before. Relax...relax...he kept saying to himself. Don't rush anything. Take your time, buddy. He must have been in the momentary trance for a bit longer than he realized. Beth looked over her shoulder and said, "You better get to tying Mr. Indian or I might run away."

Snapping out of it, Kenny took the rope and began tying Beth's wrists together. Kenny and David had grown in their rope skills and the mothers were use to the boys tying the ropes firm and secure...but not too tight. As Kenny looped the rope around Beths slim wrists, she played along and gave a little resistance to the tying. Kenny enjoyed the slight struggle she was giving. It made the situation seem more real. He liked it when his mom and Beth would put up a little fight when being tied up. Tara and Beth never made it overly difficult for the boys to tie them up. They just wanted to make them work for it a little.

"Please don't hurt me." Beth pleaded to her Indian captor. "I sure hope my cowboy friends will come and save me."

Continuing to secure the wrists of his lovely "cowgirl", Kenny answered. "We will be ready if they show up to save you." Taking the rope a few times between her hands, Kenny tied it off with a good knot. Beth moved her hands around and as usual, she knew it would take a monstrous effort on her part to get her hands free. He sure can tie ropes well, she thought to herself as she moved her bound wrists around.

Moving to the front and now facing Beth, Kenny knelt down in front of her. Her feet were a few steps from the pole. Needing to get her closer, Kenny placed each hand on one of Beth's lovely, hosiery covered ankles. This had become his favorite part, tying up the ankles and legs of the damsel at hand, whether it be his mom or Beth. But this was different from the times he tied up his mom, Tara; Kenny was holding the ankles of his crush. He moved his hands up her legs a little bit to the point he was almost grasping her shapely, toned calves. Giving her legs a little push backward, Beth took heed and moved her feet closer to the pole. With one more slight push, her feet were together and the back of her black, 4 inch pumps were slightly touching the support beam. Taking the other piece of rope from his pocket, Kenny began to wrap the rope around her ankles and the pole. With each loop, he paid attention to make sure there was no slack. Beth, once again, played the part and moved her feet, as best as she could, giving the impression of trying to resist the ropes. She pleased not to be sacrificed. "Please. Just hold me prisoner. Don't sacrifice me." She said, trying to sound terrified.


Beth and Tara had often talked about the tie up games they were playing with their sons. Neither mother was overly concerned that they played along so willingly. Both felt that their sons were just going through a normal phase of enjoying to tie up the most available female. Tara and Beth both recalled the times they found themselves "prisoner" or "hostage" in games with their brothers or cousins when they were younger. About a week ago, they got on the topic of which boy would attempt to tie up the other mother first. Tara and Beth both thought Kenny would be the first...attempting to tie up Beth.

"Kenny seems to have a little more courage than David does right now. David is still a little shy." Beth said as she sipped on the white wine they were sharing.

"I agree. He has been more open about asking me to play games with him. I can tell he likes the challenge of seeing if I can get free. But I have to admit, the little booger is getting good at tying." Tara said, as she placed her wine glass on the table. "If I'm being totally honest, I kinda like the challenge myself. I don't know if I will go so far as to say I like being tied up. That would imply I would let anyone do this to me. I'm comfortable with Kenny and David and their little games."

"I know what you mean." Beth said. "I don't mind the stories we play out. I think the stories are so cute and the boys seem to go to so much trouble to make things so realistic. I'm amazed at their creativity. But sometimes I do wonder if our willingness to play along says something about us." Beth added, with a slight laugh and looking at Tara.

"Beth, honey. If Sigmund Freud were psychologically breaking this down, he would definitely say you and I are living out as much of a fantasy and desire as the boys are. Maybe we are...I don't know. But I do know one thing for sure."

"What's that?", a curious Beth asked.

"We need more wine." Tara said as she reached for the bottle and poured more into their respective glasses.

Amused, as she reached for her freshly filled glass, Beth took a sip and asked, "So. Do you think Kenny will attempt to tie me up next Saturday when I have him for the day?"

Pausing for a few moments, allowing the question to sink in and give it some thought, Tara replied, "If I were a betting woman, and you know I'm not, I would say there is a greater than fifty percent chance he will come up with some story for you to play along with. The real question is, are you going to play along?" Tara looked at Beth with a playfully serious look on her face. "Sooooo are you, Mrs. Bennett?" Tara again playfully asked.

Beth felt her face flush as she silently reached for her wine glass and took a bigger than normal gulp. She knew her answer well before Tara asked the question. Choosing her words carefully she replied, "Well. If he's nice about it and doesn't come across as expecting it to happen...probably...sure. You don't mind do you? I don't want to cross any boundaries without you knowing and not having your approval." Beth said, a slight bit of concern in her voice, not knowing how Tara would react.

Tara paused for a long time...close to 20 seconds before she answered. Sitting her wine glass down on the table, Tara looked up, her eyes meeting Beth's. She was still silent as she appeared to be peering into Beth's soul. Beth actually felt a little uncomfortable as Tara was looking at her. Breaking the silence and finally answering the question, Tara said..."You better work your ass off and get free. We have a reputation to uphold."

Beth broke out into a loud laugh of relief. The sound of her laughter was only overshadowed by Tara's. Picking up her wine glass and holding it out to give a toast, Beth said as she hit Tara's glass, "If it happens, I'll make you proud." Hitting their wine glasses together, both women laughed as they took a drink of wine and settled back to enjoy the rest of the evening.


Kenny took his time as he carefully wrapped the rope around Beth's ankles, securing them to the support beam. He wanted to treasure every second he had being so close to the shapely legs of Beth Bennett. There was something about the stockings that took the look of her legs to another level. With each pass of the rope, Beth playfully moved her feet to give the impression she was struggling to get free. The sound of the stocking that covered her legs rubbing together drew Kenny further into his trance. Being so close to her like this caused him to almost lose focus on the task at hand. Only when Beth said in her playful damsel voice, "Help, will somebody help me?", did he snap back to reality.

"No one will help you", he replied. With one final pass, Kenny tied the rope in a knot, finally securing Beth's ankles to the support beam. "That should hold you but I need to make sure you don't escape", Kenny said as he reached for the coiled up clothesline he had take down. It was about 15 feet in length; more than enough to finish the job.

"You’re going to use more rope?" Beth said as she watched Kenny pick up the rope and walk toward her. Moving her hands and feet, Beth tested the ropes securing her, playing the part of trying to get free. "Don't you think I'm tied up good enough?"

For moment Kenny didn't know if Beth was being serious or still playing the part. Only when she said, "My cowboy friends will make you pay", did he realize she was just playing along. Kenny uncoiled the rope and walked behind Beth and the support beam. Taking one end of the rope, he tied it around the beam level with Beth's shoulders. Next he began to slowly walk around Beth, wrapping the rope around her and the pole, further securing her.

"You fiend! You will never get away with this", Beth said angrily as Kenny continued to wrap the rope around her and the support beam.

With each pass, Kenny made his way down her body. He made sure to wrap the rope several times around her waist area. By doing this, it further pinned her hands to the pole; making it almost impossible to move her hands. With about 6 feet of rope left, Kenny knelt down to the side of Beth and took his time wrapping the rope around her thighs, calves and finally her ankles. Wrapping it several times around her ankles and the pole, he took the rope between her ankles, brought it back around and tied it off. His job finally completed, Kenny stood up and looking Beth in the eyes said, "That should hold you until the war council decides what to do with you, cowgirl."

"Just you wait. My cowboy friends will rescue me. Just you wait", was her defiant, playful reply.

Breaking character, Kenny said, with a touch of excitement in his voice, "OK, Mrs. Bennett. Enough of the cowboy and Indians acting, let's see if you can get free. Do you think you can?"

Testing the ropes, Beth knew she was in for a difficult challenge. "I have to admit, I'm tied pretty good right now but let me see what I can do. Your mother will never let me live it down if I can’t get loose." She said with a slight laugh. A laugh of nervousness and curiosity combined.

"Cool. I can't wait to see you try and get out of this one." Kenny replied. "This is one of my best jobs yet. I wanted to try this one on mom but well...I guess we'll see how good I did trying it out on you. Go ahead...try to get free if you can."

Beth put her focus on trying to get out of the dilemma at hand. She began to move her wrists around attempting to see if she could produce just a little bit of slack; but she found it very difficult to do because her hands were firmly secured to the beam by the long rope that secured her body from head to toe. She tried to move her ankles around but found no luck doing that. Just like her hands, she realized that her ankles and legs were just as firmly secured to the beam. She let out a sigh and said, "I don't know if I'm going to be able to get out of this".

Kenny watched with joy, excitement, and intrigue as the beautiful Beth Bennett struggled from behind her ropes. He loved how she looked as her body tried to find a way to loosen her restraints. Particularly, Kenny was spellbound watching Beth moved her gorgeous legs around. The sound the stockings made as each shapely leg rubbed against the other, trying to break free of the ropes that confined them, had become a sound that was music to his ears. If Beth was not so occupied, she surely would have noticed Kenny's fixated admiration of her legs.

"You sure have outdone yourself this time." Beth said as she continued to find a way to create some sort of slack in the ropes. "Your mother is going to kill me if I don't get free. I'll never hear the end of it", she said; a mixture of determination and nervousness in her voice. Determination, because she did not want to fail and nervousness because...well...she did not want to fail.

Beth continued to struggle against the ropes and Kenny continued to look on at his handy work. This kept up for close to 15 minutes. There were times that Beth thought she was making progress, only to be let down. "I can't believe how difficult you made it by tying the rope around my body. I can't move my hands that much and that is the big problem", she said at one point, about 10 minutes into her struggle.

Several minutes later, almost 20 minutes into her struggle and feeling a bit of defeat, Beth came to the stark realization that she was probably not going to get free. Kenny had gone upstairs to grab something to drink. Beth figured that she would give in and tell him that she is giving up and would declare him the winner, upon his return. Unlike before, when the boys would tie them up and go off and "hide" and watch from a distance, Kenny remained in the room with her. Beth was not bothered by this. Actually she enjoyed the playful banter between the two of them as she tried to free herself. Her biggest concern was the razzing she would receive from Tara. I'll never hear the end of it, she though to herself.

Kenny walked back in the room, soft drink in hand, as Beth said, "Looks like you got me this time. I don't think I'll be getting free anytime soon." By her tone, one could tell that Beth was disappointed that she was not able to even make some headway with the ropes.

"Wow." Kenny said. "I need to write this moment down on paper."

"Yeah. Your mother is going to have a good time needling me about not getting free." Beth said, as she again made a few moves to get free. "The rope wrapped around my body and the pole mades it difficult to move, especially the area around where my hands are. You wrapped the rope around there a bunch and I can't move my hands. You outdid yourself this time, mister."

"I tell you what, Mrs. Bennett." Kenny said as he sat his soft drink down on the washing machine. "How about if I remove the rope that's around your body and the pole? Think you might be able to get free then?"

Beth seemed intrigued by the offer. "I don't know...just maybe. If I'm able to move around a little, maybe I can."

"Cool. I'll take it off and let's see what you can do."

Kenny once again knelt down in front of Beth and he untied the knot from the long piece of rope used to secure her to the pole. Unwrapping the rope from her ankles, Kenny now began the reverse process and untied the rope. Walking around her in the opposite direction, with each passing, Kenny slowly removed the rope. Beth could feel her body come away from the pole. She was surprised at how the rope pinned her so tightly. working his way to the top of her body, Kenny undid the knot at the top of the rope and now it was completely removed. Beth was now just tied with her hands behind the pole and her ankles tied together and to the pole. Though still tied very firmly, she did feel like a load was removed from her. Being able to move her hands around gave her newfound hope of getting free.

"Now see what you can do, Mrs. Bennett," Kenny said as he coiled the rope in a loop and placed it on top of the dryer.

Without saying a word, Beth immediately resumed her struggle. Neither she or Kenny spoke as she moved her hands and ankles back and forth, trying desperately to create some slack. It was as if they both did not acknowledge the others presence in the room. Beth worked frantically to untie herself and Kenny looked on with a mix of excitement and admiration. He really admired the spunk Beth had. Just like his mom, Beth was a fighter and seemed to enjoy being tied up and the challenge of getting free just as much as Kenny enjoyed tying her up.

No more than 5 minutes had passed when Beth was able to work her ankles to the point of being able to pull her right foot from the rope...aided by the fact she kicked off her shoes and was able to move her feet around better. Wiggling her left foot a little more, she now had both feet removed from the rope. With renewed vigor, she put her attention and energy to freeing her hands.

A few minutes later, Beth was successful in moving her hands around to the point that she created just enough room to eventually pull one of her hands from the rope as well, ultimately leading to her freeing herself.

"Well heck," a befuddled Kenny said. "That was too easy."

Smiling ear to ear, Beth gleefully said, "Only because you removed the big rope." But I have to admit, I do feel somewhat redeemed." Stepping away from the pole, Beth slipped her feet back into her shoes and removed the last bit of rope that remained on her left wrist.

"You, mister", Beth said, giving Kenny a warm smile of approval, "have become pretty good at this tying business. I can only imagine what you and David have in-store for us in the future."

"Well I did promise David that if you allowed me to tie you up, he could tie my mom up. So I guess we'll find out soon enough."

"You boys actually talked about tying the other mother up?" Beth said, trying to act somewhat surprised, knowing the conversation she had previously had with Tara a week ago.

Kenny felt a little uncomfortable telling Beth about their conversation because he didn't know how she would take it. But his anxieties were put to ease when he noticed her smile and laughter as he told her about their agreement.

"Well. I guess your mother in in for a big surprise sometime soon." Beth said.

Giving her wrists a final rub, trying to give a little comfort to the area when the ropes secured her, Beth said, "What do you say, I whip up something in the kitchen and we grab a bite to eat? I don't know about you but all this has made me hungry."

"Sounds great, Mrs. Bennett" Kenny said with a smile.

"But first young man. You need to put the clothesline back up. I do have laundry to hang you know."

"Sure thing, Mrs. B", Kenny said as he grabbed what had been the long rope that secured Beth to the support beam and once again converted it back to the "boring" clothesline it was. Beth even gave him a hand tying one end of the rope off.

Placing her hand on his head and giving it a playful rub, Beth said, "The things your mom and I do for you boys."

"Yeah...you and mom really are pretty cool." Kenny replied, giving Beth a big smile.

"Go wash up and I'll get something cooking."

With the excitement of the 13 year old boy he was, Kenny ran up the stairs like he had done a thousand times before. Turning off the light switch in the laundry room and walking up the stairs, Beth shook her head and smiled to herself. Yes, she thought. The things Tara and I do for these boys. Flipping the light switch and closing the basement door, Beth could only imagine what was in store for her and Tara in the future.
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Post by milagros317 »

Great new chapter! This is a wonderful series. :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by stanfordnavy »

milagros317 wrote: 5 months ago Great new chapter! This is a wonderful series. :D
Thank you :)
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Post by GreyLord »

I second @milagros317. This is a most fun read. Kenny's excitement was palatable. While I tend to spend most of my time in the adult fiction section, good clean tugs like this are also highly enjoyable.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Dpsiic »

I absolutely love this series.
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Post by stanfordnavy »

Dpsiic wrote: 5 months ago I absolutely love this series.
Thank you very much!!
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Post by stanfordnavy »

GreyLord wrote: 5 months ago I second @milagros317. This is a most fun read. Kenny's excitement was palatable. While I tend to spend most of my time in the adult fiction section, good clean tugs like this are also highly enjoyable.
I appreciate your comment!!!!
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Post by stanfordnavy »

Trammel wrote: 5 months ago Bravo, this last chapter is grand! :lol:
Thank you!!!!
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